PAGE FOUIIIEPN Ilii Iitltl llllllh taken Him the li lIlilI tllrllllltilht litti Ll lt Itiiti the and ti unlit water Hamming Cattle in South Simcoe Weed Wati til Simcoe iiim Pattie Ill 1111 Dunn rt Council gtt The tl espcap Ill Soiilli Sluice on th wwii iis vejsj poisonous 1ri win Ii ilii Iiit 1x Ti poisoned stmi lleri ert County 111 day tiier iim v1 lseoil red this year iiiciuii lndiiii Ileinp andi Russian Kiiai vetd Mr Duni itl innisiil had donei CASH IOANS $50 $500 $1000 FOR EMERGENCIES When you need money borrow from HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Canadas oldest and largest consumer nance organization You may borrow $50 8100 $200 or up to $1000 on your own signa ture without endorsers or bankable security Repay monthly6 12 18 or even 21 months depending upon the repayment plan you choose Loansare made to single persons or married couples Borrow for Any Good Reason llFC customers horrow to consolilt date past due hills pay medical expenses repairs seasonal or emergency expenses and for many other purposes Phone or see us for prompt friendly service 55 Miniraga Street Ea 2nd Floor Phone 2394 ORILLIA ONIV Hour 10V or by appointmenl Inspector Reports VON RETIRING splendid job incitiniul ing IIU Lentil hill llh Cilll Hollertel Illtlltlr in Trenton Ottawa andl Ved that 1000 bushes of the common illlllllllllg lcllilllhlcnl 0f Mines and Harold Watson has beencleeted Club iioi ixc iv liilgt lei ioioiito Silk tiiiurcii Approximate te Lip pioeessloii bout mile illizl iii ii ltin Ilt llafii Illll 3i lralltiii several truc orphanages and the Huge Cavalcade Of Hollan Marsh Growers and Vehicles At Bradford kloads Hall without stop ly 12 and Engraving TEE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA quarter in length which went right through with motorcycle police from Bradford to the City courtesy Bradford Wit ness Mrs James eiiiiox of No oilh St llaiiie home again iiter very enjoyable visit among tin immi and had also spent Elli till gtill lllll leiiiziisttii is lIssa xve added that he didnt like to iloriiiito most of the time iii the too iiiieh about West ililllllilll mini 11 ppm many 01d Admin and lossomntio lltltfltlgtlllis were renewed Among Regarding those toiiiship eoiiiii the homes visited was that of Mr eitlors who said theie was iinlaiid AIIS Fletcher formerly money Itl vtedeoiiiiol lr lliiiiii of lhoriiton and Barrie he being recommended taking 10 of tlv son of the late Arthur Ficti money budgeted for siiov plowing elier who resided on Toronto St Mr Dunn told of the work done BMW by the Ontario DepLiitiiient of HONORED BY CWORKERS Highways in spraying roads ii tin While ilrs Leiinox was in Otta Colliiigwood Staynei Diintro in wii IIij lletcher was honored with area where poison ivy was paiiie gifts mid an illuminated address ularly bad lie added that till tioniy orkers of hisdciiartment railways too were showing llitlialtsllltl years in government ser interest in weed control Ivice The ttava Daily Citizen Three Fall fairs anditeiir school Ilhhlllbtfl lhl h1101 CV01 15 01 fairs in South Simcoe had been it IM5 tended bylllr Dunn and literature You have lign wonderful was distributed ggroiip of people to work with and RAIKES 31 am leaving the department with The weed inspector for Nortr leld THURS Silld F101 Simcoe Campbell Ilaikes stilliCIlCl retiring chief of air survey Resoiirees Wednesday night at itarewell gathering of friends and eoworkers of his department Ml Ball ltDOIted that 300 Mr Fletcher who was presented RCICS 9f grill hllfl 00011 Sillllltil with Gladstone bag pen and pen and this vasaOO acres more than Cu 501 and an illuminated address had ever been sinayetl lJthllCw prepared by Miss Roland Gauthier Elfshl IllWllShlllS lll 10 rlflllhiand containing the names of fel dld loadSldC Silllllllllv CllllltllIlWlilow departmentinembcrs expressI VllhllOlll 8V081 Elliot Ill lhlb CW ed these feelings after nishing 35 nection the weed inspector saic years in continuous government one weed spray salesman had re service cpmmended Spraying only One Asked about his future plans Ide of mad cmpm Mr Fletcher said that he plans Size the value of this program to do bit of gardening and Spend The 00d lmpcftm ml 3mm some time at the curling ring now Simcoe attended 21 meetings last Ht hCiq retired winter in an effort to publicize lilCl weed control program Gt thDhima Chief tODOEIH pliical engineer of thexMines and Resources department spoke of Mr Fletcher as grand chap toI barberry had been destroyed antl this should check the spread of grain rust KIWANIS CLUB PRESIDENT preIsidcnt of Collingwood Kiwanis his work well and has had career that has been marked with good Icenr mode to residents of nearby lavN srnvwn HIE PUBLIC SINCE 1878 The bestliatkground man onwiciu limos Lire 7377777771 Mn ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER Cor Dunlop and Bayfield Barrie Es iiiillrltvliiii partment speaking of Mr Fletch Other members of the Mines de Quikly helps to clearup these blemishes tel Clueer ineluded Timm leavmg 5km sot and smooth Provgn tchief of the Bureau of Mines 50 years Dr The plresentationl whiekli was held lm the ecturehal of Princess Mem LOUISE Dragoon Guards was all tended by more than 100 friends land coworkers of Mr Fletcher in the department Point thiNtiliVSIlONN New FLETCHER16 of 31 Municipalities Declares Eric SimpsOn of the county stated that 16 out ty Port McNicoll was the first to Ihad made some attempt to revalue Matchedash Nottawasga Med wmk with man who has done fonte Tossorontio Adjala Essa and should be completed next year lJiic Simpson county assessor in his report to the County Council on Wednesday morning Nov 21 on the progress made since the June session in the reassessment of 317 municipalities had either completed the new assessment or were working on it Of the 15 remaining which had not yet made start on the work it was expected that some would be working before the end of the year The reassecsment of Barrie has been one of he best jobs in the County he reported The men are still working oniit Of the villages within the coun be completed and Victoria Harbor was also nished Coldwatcr and Crcemore had not started as yet Becton and Bradford were both completed Stayner was the firstvof the larg er municipalities to be reassessed Collingwood was doing some seri ous thinking about it and begins perhaps at the first of the year Midland was intending to start im mediately Alliston was not yet completed Orillia Mr Simpson stated liasla very capable assessor but if the town expects to reach city statusit would have to in crease its asSessment staff Regard ing the situation in Penetang he remarked that the assessor there industrial properties Sunnidale township was the first to becompleted in the County Tiny was working on its ie assessment although not entirely under County supervision Tay completed the roll on the old basis in September Assessment System over twice as much in taxes as in 1940 but was allowed to receive only the same amount of rent al though the cost of living had soar ed and along with it the apparent value of the property Mr Cun ningham said he believed that the only just type of assessment should be that based on revenue like in come tax rather than on the basis of property value Mr Simpson replied that though the assessment situation might appear to be rather mud dle at the present time he thought that it would be in worse condi tion if Mr Cunninghams recom He pointed out again the unfairness of an old outdated assessment by which Reeve Benson of Pcnetang had re ferred where property valued at mendation were carried out quoting an instance to $7501rad been sold for $7500 rTecumscthsr have not rebegunetheir reasscssment Orillia Township was making adjustments in order to get underway Flos would be completed at the end of November West Gwillimbury and Innisfil were both in the process and Mr Simpson stated that more lhelp was needed from the depart ment of ifiiinictpal affairs Above all the entire cooperation ofthe County municipality by munici pality and township by township was needed Deputy Reeve James Hart of Barrie asked the assessor ho teemevaluated taking for example house that had cost $5000 situated on the outskirts of for Barrie Mr Simpsonurepliedthatr Iris Every Use URRY Enos an have Adequate Insurance 36 Bayfield St Phone3874 NORWCH UNION it is LE It to RINGS J61 NQS ondlouoummduotomm in estimating the value of prop erty there were three things to be taken into consideration namely the materials with which it had been built in this base apparently $5000 fworth secondly the con tractors prot approximately $1000 and thirdly the value of occupancy houseV could be evaluated in the rst of immediate these or the rst in conjunction withvone orboth of the other two Reeve William Cunninghamsof Alliston rosetoVsay that hecould not see how reassessment could when rent controldid not takeinto account the changed value ofVpro3 pertyr Hepbjcted to the fact that person might4have to pay MINISTER ACCEPTS CALL Rev Wayne Courtney of Cal gary formerly of Tottenham has accepted call to the Baptist seven years HOLIDAY IN CALIFORNIA Mr and Mrs Ira Palmer Beeton California where they will enjoy the balmy breezes of the Golden State for three months Trivia tnao ahlhhedrhiiich it cloudy urine frattin We 51 troublu tr em Quiet complete ten or In book no we be justied in times these Church there Last March he was marriedto young lady who had been missionary in China for will leave about December 26 for pegg teeth and keen ejesighgwhich help promote radiant buoyant health Its awise health rule to ensure that your family drink at least one glassful Iltllhil ii at of Libbys every dayServe it often asVa morning pickup axluncheouh appetizer ardinnemime cocktail Its deliciousl Appoint Dr Hepe Federation Economist vll of inwn Caigidi 1m to the Iltt tlltii an the Uni ILoI lieyl tvl Il ttlt fiii iigaiaxat lli Hopi is itt known his work considciahle eiiii off tJlS xl ZIJ tll Hi IiitvI chevvnii in the of igiitizltiiiiili economies and faiiii iizaiiageiiieiit lie is Ililtt or British olizizibin wt AS brought up on his fathers Loni and argued for lozii with fis brother theie Ile tiittiiaed limit lilt Liiiveiszty oil iiiliin with tiie degree it llaeiielvii ii gritiiltiiiil Science lti 19111 litei he IIIlllllttl inas teis deitiee and doctors degree from Lorneil University V111 agri ciiltiiial economics from nianagw nittit Iaiiii piices and statistics and land economies to hysterics neglmt these signs For llllit he lectui tl fUIIIltlIti Agi ieiiltiiral College and bmt helping 25 and mm UH Rmle better and valuable and in lSaskatehiuii where he was pio 5mm mums was ilesoi til igiieiiltiiial economies land iain niiiiiageiiient and late Illillllll that llLllIl at the univer lsity For the past ioiir years he has been eeoiioniist at the headquarters party of the lrtigressiveCoiiservalivc at Ottawa lIt owns operates farm near Ottawa THERES ROMANCE IN ow VIII SHERBB TICKET Do your nerves ever get so bad you feel youre almost being driven Too often both men and women which may indicate your system is becoming ruiidown and your natural store of nervous energy used up But You can start to correct this condition today Youll find the Iorriceleincnts of Dr Chases Ncne Food of real So try this tinicproven remedy which has helped thoumiids who were nervous edgy and rundown ACi and nounn me rnx mcvuolo QUEBEC MONTREAL $2415 7r OOKE call0 scream llr Chases Nerve lood contains Vitamin iron and otlierlueuied mineralsaiid is so bertrml that mothers often give it to highstrung growing daughters who are anaemic and nervous due to tional change yOUI ISSUIIIIICC iiioxt 2m Subjectto change AND INFORMATION AT BARRIE BUS TERMINAL 73 Collier St xiii which areiiiecessaryfor SparklingWhiter gentle TOMATO JUICE Its the drink with the gardenfreSh avour of eld ripe tomatoes plucked fresh from the vineExtra delicious because Libbys useonlynperfectsuum ripened fruit aridprocess them the someday theyre piCkedttdretin their fresh perfection ofavourdjtoprotect those Vitamins aud Goff which Libbys is Vaucxcellenf dietary source Theseare theVitamins Maury RACK VET youdont uprfc that Libbys Ctnift Press Tomato Pruductrduicei iV Catthup Chili Sauce and snugeuro phe but youve eyertostod Dr Chases NERVE FOOD ale unc Try Dr Chases Nerve Forxl in the large economy size to licl you rest better feel better loo better The name Dr Chase is 20 TRY AN EXAMINER WANTIAI Phone 3162 new Av run