Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1948, p. 4

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PAGE TWELVE Canadas Exports Near Two Billion Dollars Irrparcd by Hrrt Hill l1 Barrie lumber or tonunrrcc ltllllvtt nludas lpotts Ip lliis Your Kym wince for llir IM tv lull lt Wood 1p IuniyJIaker Iltlll Ski Club News New Trails We are Very pleased to inform the present and future club mean bers of the several new and very exciting looking trails now appear ing on the slopes of Mount Jimmy LARRY Lououccn starry fori EVER SUVDAI ward with Barrie Colts Senior entry last season left Saturday for Sanlt St Marie where he will 200 415 pm ENTERTAINMENT Without doubt We think you mun with hhmuene members of will be Well satisfied but there ws mimomarm LOGAL NEWS still is plenty to be done before 1119 1C MUSIC the frost and the snow we are all Hockey League Larry began his waning rm career with Barrie Juveniles and VARIETY Remember last season bow wow dcrful it was to be pulled up the hill instead of spending several minutes and sometimes hours tr ing to climb Barrie Colts of Junior rating before advancing to De La Salle Oaklands who swept through for championship in 194047 1450 the ere 11t llelgntt itllll itll ittwt UL oat Indta includiz zial ltttlltl illl Syria lm di autoinoinit whWAMMlt the Leeward ntzl rm It fsoui hid SUM Ur lrddc ith ltnssia Donn lixpor gt wit seven are tltl ii It In liliii Staln Some Canadian mat on vy cookin dcvne id tul salts hospital llilllIlIiJI howl izltt and whiskey Sales to other Soviet stilttte Hi mt trwen hatching and are vo1tlt approxi Itlltli Italy bought liton of Canadian mac sohettt Shipments ltlitl 13359 radios and machines llcer liquor Vtultls were valued at lill St electric Elton evport count mun be ii Zed from the books is Nevfouiziiliwl it oiw ft lll pi= ion liiiliitlill tlltl to th ha ttniadas tenth Salts an Ebrought 3r SiFi 11 million for planes imttirie in the 114 luliillttl ltntl til Elli larm liquipmcnt S30 miliam to over Sl million for auczat pm Lm Wm Slum llarrics ontribution ilt sent to Uncle Sam lua HM Thwgtwm Stttlizl loin linoz play heir part flour exports totalled Iltiii tz W5 HHS bringing in in this hun ltittttitl toparo has $211 million and rye atidxnl lur KWH HI this mum Cum shipped pork product to the licne llier Siillg niiiiou lux countries the llialzsn West iuil lanadus best candle tistevner ies and to South America ilove proves to be furoff Madaua leather from tlarlle and tiarlie was hiie bought arsenic Nickel ies sent to the Prowl Kingdom and iitllltltlllttfl to Sit million One thc Union of South Alrua and hat Iexpccted item is lmvtiieis xlitl and hinders cuI ilil itiutttlts and hay rakes were other iictiltiiiiii items much lit demand The United States was the lttgt customer of farm lllthlllll 51 tll but sales were also reported to Ete iran Sweden Ccy It lltt Australia Palestine and tho unong others Sardines liltlliit la ttsiciaus littld fish itt Samuel Rose iii haxe found ready market in fifty tliillti including the Virgin Is lmids ItXitI and New anland Sales of baby chicks to Amcricans were meticulously reported as 761 tril Franci bought threequarters of the strips Canada sold which litittl one hundred thousand tons and than Kong purchased 16 mil lion aradiaiimadc cigarettes iSmall Stuff Too The pairs of astronomical figur are refreshingly interspersed IIAIIIICIfIiIl ACCOUNTANT Telephone 4919 69 Collier Street IIAItRIli W5 learn that three Cutadian table typewriters are now in use on iierrc ft fy combs CIIIROPRACTORS ihas ACCOUNTANTS worth ARMSTRO MachAREN 10 Iitmurico llaciiarcn CA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 33 ollicr Street 21 KingStrcct 11 Toronto HARRIS SIRY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORSI Owen St Barrie 19 Melinda St Toronto GEO RELSIE BURNSDSC Licensed Drugicss Therapists Electric Radio Ilydro and Mechano Therapy 115Dunlop Street Phone 3194 CBETT DC CHIROPI ACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Phone 3070 26 McDonald St tylIve dollars co ne 521th sewing found its way to to Canary Islands lfioid Coast and in beautiful Hawaii Herbert Iiarris CPA Barrie pair of iceskates value 313 were Frank Spry BY APPOINTMENT exported to Venezuela Eightyfive Canadian pianos were BADGLEY OSTEOPATHY tXIllIiCINI4llCllil was market for ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR 24 Dunlop Street Barrier 3411Tclcphonc1735 INCOME TAX SERVICE WELCH ANDERSON CO THE WILSON BUILDING Consultation by Appointment Telephone 2293 EDWIN WILSON BSA DO George Church 10 Associate nine dollars Azores Value to Canadian Economy Chartered Accountants Trustees MUSIC LESSONS In me past ten years Canada has 11555200 Ba St moved into third position among Tg ALICEBOOTH RMT world trading nations and at least Teacher in Piano and Theory 40 Charlottgust Barrqu PHONE 2748 18 Toronto Street Torontot JESSIE BRYSON RMT Telephone Elgin 6116 TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING and THEORY Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conser wmm MAYOR AND ooMPANYL Accountants and Auditors Ward Mayor CPA grade representatives located Barristers Solicitors Notaries and commerce iifiPubIIG ConvcyaileersEtc MONEY TO LOAN AlG HAMILTON MT Office 13 OWen St Barrie Studio 41 MapieAve Phone 3875 Branch Office Elmvale Ontario INSTRUCTION IN PIANO BOYS Kc ORGAN VOICdE THEORY Pupils prepared for Examinations ROWE SEAGRA at Royal Conservatory of Music CURRIE CURRIE All Grades Bailirifivez all filth DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate of Toronto Conserva 97 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 3175 tory of Music and London Eng Studio 27 BradfOrd St products is the CaidiLIntcrna time this year when visiting busi tan government the rsecond Fai will be held in Toronto MayoSO June It 1949 Report onUSe of Land efuily silliil illcd b3 twith reorts of small sales We increase in assistance given to soils port Itll Frenchcontroiled islands of St liiuucion New Zealand OAC has been appointed as soils of our liarncss and saddles worth twcn vcre sold in Moroc niachine problems He while small quantities of woollen biniets were sold on the African iialti bought two refrigerators and some of Crnadas salt and brisk worth of glassware business was completed with the onethird of our national payroll next year re improved pasture forlpmof of our soil program as em now comes directly 01 indirectly fr0mour export trade Canadas share in the postwar trade markets are being developed by government KEITH McLEoND SON in some 33 countries under the direc LEGAL Vlory Of MUSIC TOIODtO all tion of the Foreign Trade Service grades Ineluamg ARCTo Mildew of the federal Department of Trade BOYS BOYS Methods new showroom fOr Canadian tional Trade Fair held for the first ncssmen from 73 courttriesattend ed Dedicated to the promotion 10f internatiOhEl trade by the Canad six people to put 10th loot tow rope on the pulleys and more to help move the club liuttSc to tr more practical and sortable loca tion Please contact President Jacki MacLaren iIarold Todd or Al andother kinds to your order GENERAL BLACKSMITHING ipructically worthless at the present IV The program includcd very Iconsiderable amount of work on the land during the summer lim mvnsmv DECEMBER ms ii Well this Stam VFUIH VUIIIL Ills playing won him tryouts will ON YOUR RADIO DIAL are over our tow is longer and Philadelphia Roch 0f the better and will take youto the last year and mis Fa top almost bothstop meanmgl it wont be no cssary to tr ad Examiner Classme way only halfway if desired or TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD illtlltili if ll now its up to you 1le gt 81 ofSo etc caught the for II Rusty as to PM mmbm of hattic captured this into red 0x named 15 pet at the home of Mr and Mrs mg fwmnny ma everymm um it ELltitll With his bare hands he Emerson Graham 109 Pcnctan street not be done in one Wednesday afternoon or one weekend it takins much longer But well be reat kl dertaken by Mr Romney starting for any blizzaids that are lcilttlj t3 BOTH ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE Iv 111 This was loud as blow our way if you comeou an itiilt tltltlitltllr yeillsgjgnf1 utilize help it takes more than live or Ornamental Iron Gates Stair Raillngs Barrie Iron WOrIcLs lull Itllilillnl WI ttiCdlnll Scott for wsz and means of get Th following row was p11 tirass seeds avert sown in mid ting out to Mount Jimmy Aflotl night to gimme Cum Comm Septicmlxlr with small area sown Litu be accomplished in ssion lust Thmxda by Rtyvi tlUlcrs at the same time Clov IIOUIS MN ers will be seeded over the whole fu llickling Deputy ltccve ot Vei Ipra and chairman of the special oltttttittte on soil constrvation and land usct As chairman of the special sods Barrie IZMarlboros Barrie Arena Nov 27 TORONTO MARLBOROSGoal Lockhart defence Lee McMurray field in early spring The outofpockct costs for lime fertilizer and grass seed were $l2tl with an estimated additional cost committee wish to report pro 552 my 10 ml ASSlSlmc centre Httsszlld wings Grenkc we made mum My in gum to the amount of $25 was recom Armstrong alternates illciiailtnn mended in connection with the ex Ashley Galimd MCKOHIWII and land use throughout the coun ty Arthur Knowles Regan pertinental part of this project BARR FLYERSGOM Mayer First would like to commend JOHN WOODHOW ORO defence Long Schwartz centre the work of former soils commit STATION McNabncy wings Ashbec McArl lees as initiated in IllH under tin somewhat different type of thur alternates Biiigicy chairmanship cf II It Simpson 50 15 being SUKIILII 0n the form 0f Mellmv Plnll G0le Kai Sheddcn Chevrcfils OFFICIALSBill Townes llam ilton and Jack Hogan Gait FIRST PERIOD BariieChcvrcfils Mr Woodrow Sevenacre field rolling very sandy charactcr and dry was given rather intcn sive cultivation and fertilizer and This original committee initiated much useful work and laid an ex cellent foundation for prOjccts now under way and for much broader 516 POLICYHOLDERS INTERESTS program which we hope will bLllinlL blindNil Binglcy undertaken in the near future Dolomitic limestone was applied BarrieMcAI COME FIRST The gimme Comm WWW at two tons per acre plus from McNabney AShbeLl 606 PenaltiesMcMurray Armstrong McLagan McNabncy Chevrcfils Schwartz ECOND PERIOD 200 to 400 lbs of complete fertili zer Lime costs approximately $60 was completed in 1917 and iargr scile handmade soil maps have cmiums Without been in the ollices of the agriculI Pay the Pr turailicpicsentativerfor year TIT home by WQOde Barrichchr Gordon Afhesne Premmm Payments PO now The original soil map is held Willie me C0 or felllllzelv ippm Long 105 Insurance company couldextsr at the soil inartmnt OAC and altll 590 wits Shared Mar OIOS F0 Con uentl OliC holders LI CountyE Hampson of the Am Armstrong L11 23 our county assessor was able to 0b are entitled to primary consideration in erican Potash Institute and the BarrieJAshbee McAiiiiii tain copy for his work early this abne ere yeah is hoped that the soil sur gaielcgerl IIIIIIIIIIII lllllllll 800 all matters affecting thcir int st vcv rc ort and ma will be rintcd Barrie cArtiur and allJailable forzcneral dijstribu plied by Crops bramh 0f the Sheddenl They scelvehx Pun1M CHSlderatmn tion in the near future request Omar depfllmmm Agrifuuur BalriEMCNi No wmeUCa rompilmgs for the completion of this work by The seedmg was done md MCAhurl WHSmtd for Pfompt and lbeml this council would now be in 0do September and as an experiment IXXIIlbgwsHusmrd mm settlement of claims is commouknow The formation of the new soils the We we as lhegmss mm long PcnaltiesMcLagan McMurray ledgc majort Hogg major Long THIRD PERIOD seeds were sown at that time It dcparhncnt at the OAC about two may be necessary to rcsced the years ago and which was uigcntly There is no sounder insurance protec rcqucsted in the first report of the Plow Spllngv bl 389d 10 BarricMcNabncy 08 lion than that Provided by North mg was thought worth trying Half 11 BarrieSchwartz bushel of fall rye per acre was McArthuit 656 America Companies litre Marine and sownas nurse crop and to pro 12 Marlb0105Regan 710 Casualty Insurance pohcxes work in the County ted the 50 fmm waShing It gilliilllloclllgalidegrdo 1010 iid Brydem who was in Charge should also be mentioned thatMr Mega 1320 Burma ample Joey mug of the soil testing laboratory at the WOOdrOW had pm the eld er 15 BarrieLong Chevrefils 1332 Brake class condition It should be pointed outthat as Penalties McMurray major ticldtnan for this area Mr Bry den visited the county about oncea result of these relatively few Gordon major McLagan minor and misconduct McKcnnell Long Grenke minor and misconduct Hogg majorl Shedden major Schwartz lmajor Regan majorm Ashley major Galand major Armstrong lNSUltANCll COMPANY or NORTH AMERICA COMPANIES CANADIAN HEAD OPFICEeTORONTO FIRE MARINE CASUALTY Service Offices throughout Canada month during the summer mak demoxlsuallons and to 50m tent ingnumerous calls re special scil cxlellmemsv mfpasmre lmpxrove has also assisted ment and also as arcsult of the lour soils program in addressing stimulus of the pasture and sod improvement discussaons held at many points throughout the coun ty and supported by the county crop improvement associations many of our farmers are making start at pasture and problem soil imprchment FARMERS STUDY All over the County farmers are studying the soil as never before are giving more thbught to grow ingthe crop to suit special soil conditions are using limestone under consideration whereneeded and are starting to conSiderable Work 15 bemg done build up some of our soils that are this year and more planned for out of balance This is thereal numerous mectings field days and soils courses Bruce of the farm planning problem soil areas in North Sim coc These problems are being followed up and such action tak en as thought advisable On July 29 the North Simcoe Crop Improvement Association held tour of the various projects and much interest was shown in our soils work and pastureim provement ROY HICKLING Chairman service at the OAC has also given considerable help in this more spe cialized land use service TheBen Steers farm in West Gwillimbury is the most advanced of this type of work Plans have been completed for the farms of Keith McLeod Son Oro Twp and Bert Bray Orillia Twp and other plans are INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA INDEMNITY iNSURANCECOMPANY OF NCRYH AMERICA7 THE ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA PHILADEIPHIA FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY illustration kw problem soil areas The following are some of the more important projects initiated couraged by the department Of agriculture and the county Another problem that of hard pan or impervious subsoils which is limiting factor on somethous ands of acres of good land in the county notably in F105 and Sunni dale Townships is also being given some study Enduiry is being nsdmsicthipractibilily 0f SPF cial subsoil plows or mole drainage equipment for this type of land and the council may be asked next year to assistiirrintroducingithis typeofequipmentiintgthec0unty YOur chairman SpentwdayS July 15 and 16 in companywih Bryden of the soils depar ment and the agricultural repre sentative inspecting number of HAWKESTONE sevenacre eld of semiwaste land bordering on county road No 11 at Rugby was cleared of cedar willow and alder last Fall and plowed recommendedapplimti of agricultural limestone and com mercial fertilizer being applied Some improvement to the surface drainage yvas also made Three different nrixtnrespfgra and clover seeds Were sown May 22 Growth was ekceptionaliy good and grazing to the extent of approximately 112 pasture days per acre was obtained in this the rst year The out7cfpocket cost of this project was as followSFertilizer $877 Lime $30 Seed $85Total $20279 or $2703 peracre The fertilizer was provided by host bailiffs bojnilf which many men and Women elm old OPTOMETRISIS OPAftligdance Ihonfl 2963 Wale at all drug storm everyww ROBERT ESMITH 30 CARS FRANK HAMMOND BA KO 93 Dun BARRISTER ISOLICITOR ETC MONEY LOAN Masonic Temple Bldg Barrie DONALD MacLAREN KC JOHN MATHESON BA Barristers Solicitors Etc day Now get acquainted also all OPTOMETRIST 53 Dunlop Stilene 2586 Hours 96 daily Money to Loan NOEL STEPHENSON n0 Masonic Temple Building Barrie OPTOMETRIST Phone 101m mam Dunlap Sti Barrie 4201 fsitnatsrna somcrron ETC Atiwonc DUNCAN McOUAlG Ito mucosa Barriewom FUNERAL DIRECTORS Guaranteed Egg3 Sim LLOYD STECKLEIY ccessor TIME PAYMENTS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 703 satininter Solicitor no mam musicianship Phone 2719 MONEITO LOAN= SMITH co W00sz 50 Established 1869 ANDcommon nto man Owen st ggg Placards Tummonr moms 2530 IF REQUIRED Car Icaned while yours under repair White Rose Sctvice Station URGEON 8lllrl3 Bdrrie miAN EXAMINER WANTAD PHONE 2414 JG CURRIE CURRIE College of Music Piano and COWAN COWAN Theoryn 140 Barristers Solicitorsyonveyancrs 152M311 Avenue gt Ntwriedftlid ElmLi It oneya ant oneyto oan 53CollieriStrcct OPTOMETRY Md You B055 Covyan BOBT BARRE tinge iiilitulvfiltftiliflfoiliilitmito EafcntgAttorncy BARR rundown tooling due solely to bodyalack of Iron UstrexTonic lnhletsfor pep younger Mailbag Repaired VCAMP nomad going the departmentwagriculturefor this particular project and thg cost of seedwas shared by the uDepartment Mr McLeod and the County of Sich The cost otL limestone and all work whichwus quite extensiVeiwas borne by Mr Rhovation of agoacre field adf joining Con Tay Twp was un its smiles 10N mum lm tub MINIMUM IhMmLbck smutth sleeps will Vamltub Re Often by minz tle action must distress of vizlltway themldlsemd estelmown home remedy you can use to relieve distress of childrens colds is comforting Vicks VapoRub Even while you rub it on VapoRub starts to work to distressanazttkeeps goerkinsdurlngmemght wonder mostmothersidoi ICKS this when sicltrlkcv VA 916MB Itolobm

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