Henry VIII and His Wives Most Popular Characters Pageant Historical Dolls VIII and ltlgt six Wch show at the pageant of tl dolls at Trinity Parish Hall rfl Wednesday evening Nov tlrll 24 The dolls were deSign made by Mrs It Mac HR Woodbridge ylacrariane who llLlittl lilr IIISIUZ in which her tlrlll lil mi and prlnlll ttltilrl model found that litu as large man of will irrl with large proportion urordaigly hr is the largest fi lc collection lIc gtx tiir best dressed ill mi eiye doiilslooii and trrnirrmd with of giiiarrr are all matte Ml scale tot proportions in llltldtlitl III lllt ttil Part Robeson as Othello kn ur Scarlett OHara Illl Nightingale Spanish tyrant ro French Welsh Scot llrtl Japanese and other rizitori mostly in period cor tr til til no sir rzirszzrnie =lt ii figures Hares lriaess Elizabeth in her wrd iliriLt dress took the lorigesltorriakr months The usual doll re tlirlr couple of weeks using only spare tune or thlee days or of steady work The dolls rls contracted entirely If fabric and their fares and facial expresuons lltlll different one ranging from the er unpleasant to the quite clieer filt are embroidered on with their features She tries to dress the dolls quite authentically in the fabrics used in their day as well lt the costumes Each of the lltl wears different type of shoe Part of the display which setmed to be ofparticular interest to the children was the tvostorey sev rlllmllll doll house in which she transports her dolls It included fully furnished and decorated bed room nursery and bath upstairs and bedroom living room tllll ingroom and kitchen downstairs roriiplete down to the last pains Illt Vills Wives each have taking detail of meal set on the table and mouse on the kitchen floor The wall paper throughout lllt house was handpainted In her talk Mrs Macfarlane ex plained that she had started out tiira organ lnlgtrv rte tii only ulultllil of fluff itch ii tr gt9 ii mz2 5p lilli gttltll tL li rri xltll nilgiillti lltiiltittl lllti lit twill Air pat mtg Jutt iii the Trin tj tiriul tiir Fund lionr is 7115 of Itlltl rlLr mortar rir rriit ll lr Ii all iiilt Annuironts Live Longer Soy Life Insurance Men People who own annuities or life insurance make up the tilllgtfllrtl group utllttl by the life insur to the Officers ll min Irtl ILIe llllt aril llllt fr irlililiN of firtrfili Itlltt tlltllill iriLiiilul IltII out ritii to tlll ll lit at Illlllt tIltl reiciij lites llitlll ti lt ti To her an irigirrrents drills 12 ion in the rzrateriai chairs fuel Illc II If it their lllitlrit ttttl te liuui ti artuaries inuitirs can expect on the average and Men as whole ie or iii car epect to live rr on the averageyanrl rlmti is not not the guaranteed irrlt come and piarc Il fri of likely tiozi of leading long lives dirdrial annuity by are ow ried whom nit ans llll this house 10 years ago aridl lights morn murmurs tlllEIIPS VGANADA POST OIIICE tum ma an inert Emma MP Vlilhrlz Gr FOR OUR CUSTOMERS CONVENIENCE New Enlarged Premises at the same Location tltlStlllS DONT DISAPPOIIIT YOUR FRIENDS MADE THE DIFFERENCE should borrow from Niagara Finance when you partway loans are lifeInsured Lfiiingoxtm cost 25N0Tnnlratype secprlty fastened it Endoisefsikieqlfllv ledgergeared Repay mm Hons greerneiidy rem vii=i niriirrrirncrsmliienugicriminmiss more Compa Sikh inf fine to rdrng tlltt mind which iririiziiails live longer say People who briy ari be healthy irons to Irvgin llll if they they wouldnt ordinarily iii lliltrtltl Ill buying an annuity They usually have every expecta and lrealthvglhe bride is flitlaughter of Mrs Ilri rririribrr of sricli people George Durward and the late lr has been growing yearly ertd of litIT upwards of 10000 in coe and the groom Hill of Mir vercind Mrs Alastdir MacLaien of St UlWilliams and grandson of the late modest iitracts anad ltlllSlDOSl of ltlRNlZl OtT STORE sudden boost of power in Oril llia burned out number of store ream imam FINANCE Miss1 Sllc the normal II which to made no at She doll Page latts ii Violin lrW Mrs Pen from Orillia ytlc estimate WCOOORKO at the LIGHTS Livingston Port Rowan Mrs Dr Trr coe Zrop ImprOVemcntASsociation THURSDAY newness i943 THE BARRIE rammiomargo Cannon for peoplt ond from the lcf ll this lio tttctl the from tire Goverrnrrleneral loron tsslier who served overseas dorms group of insignia of tire 4999 MaelRlCllll HEARD From The Simcoe lIilorimri Ghrysanthemums terns formed the effective decorations ii lauls Presbyterian tliiirtii Simcoe Wednesday afternoon No vernbcr ill 1948 at oclock for the wedding of Miss Grace Durward and Mr Davrd Alastair Vluelaien Durward of Port Rowan ind Sim LtCol II MacLaieri who took overseas the first oririty Regi merit the 157th from Ontario in the First World Wart Rev John Wright minister of the church performed the cerirrii my in the presence of intimate friends and relatives The tradi tional wedding marches and incil dental music were played by Gibson former organist of SLj Pa The bridesbrotherJamesl Dury ird gave her in rriairiige and Mrs IDI lonsori Portl Rowan Hi You The briflc was attractive in gown of ivory satin with train The frock had yoke of net inserl tion and her only jewellery was iriccklacc of gold filigree set with ipearls She wore the veil Wolf by her mother at liernrarriage and she carried Johanna Hill and PinI ochio roses and chrysantlrcnrrims Mrs Scott Luckham Wallace burg was matron of honor and she wore red velvet and carried Talis man roses Mrs Alastair MacLar en and Miss Mary MacLaren bridesmaid and junior bridesmaidl were in blue velvet and gold cord ed silk respectively carrying Mrs Roosvclt and Rapture roses The duties of the best man were tirll lled by Mr Scott Luckham of Wallaceburg and the ushers vcrcl Mr Alastair MacLaren and Mr Delbert Moore The wedding reception was giv en by the brides mother at Nor olkrGolfnnd CorintryGlrrbfand the brides table was lovely with white roses and silver candelabra pink and white roses forming the decorations of the clubrooms Mrs Durward chose for her daughters wedding grey crepe frock with crystal trimming Mrs MacLaren sang Walk lesidc the grooms mother wore fuchsia with black sequin trimming Out oftownguests were from Toronto Barrie Alliston Port Rowan St Williams Hagersville and London For the wedding trip to theUni ted States the bride worqa wine suit with black accessories and muskrat furcoat Her monotonous as his owers LI NS IIAZICI ISABEL ISSllliRof Barrie is Sct wife of Major Usslier of Crimp lloideri and ransom gtlltltlgt they make their illll Red Cross to cceirtly Mrs is the iililtl ll II We war of Toronto and Address by Dale Miller The following is copy of an address given by Dale Miller of llillsdzile The strident of Mount St Louis School won first prize in the annual priblic speaking compe ttion sponsoredby the Simcoe ounty lrristces and Ratepayers tritialiull Why want tostay on the Farm The agricultural industry to my mind ranks with the highest call irigs for upon it depends the whole world for food Our responsibil ity teams up with that of the Uni We look to them to but nations as ted Nations keep the peace my age like to feel responsibil ity Thus one of my reasons for staying on the farm Agriculture is becoming more mechanized every day With the coming of the tractor much of the drudgery has been taken out of farm work Andwhat boy isnt thrilled when asked to use thertractor lt seemsrrto boost his ego to know that he can do the same work in the same time Dad Time and energy saved by tractor machinery makes more and more rural people feel that they have more time to play Recreation long overdue has fin ally become recognized as must on the farm schedule All these faloIrs together with the comforts of electricity are making homestead more appeal ilie old ing Do you know that the farmers of today are met with one of the greatest challenges in history the conservation of their land Agri culturists are fast realizing that unless immediate steps are taken to prevent soil erosion and drought caused by rapid disappearance of that are handed on to future gen eration brrt sand piles or beds of clay They are realizing it is high lifegiving minerals which genera tions of cropping have taken out CQIIIC one big laboratoryLexpeLi menting with waterwashed hill isides testing soils and watching for results from adding different chemicals to different soils Every farmer is being urged to apply these results to his own particular farm This task will take pioneer patience but it is our good fortune to have the equipment with which to work You must see that to rural lad spending romper days in sand pit emerging from that to become mud pie expert and ally migrating to the creek where new wonders await him this soil problem is just another promotion for him And it is but natural for were gardenia corsage Upon their return Mr and Mrs MacLar en will live at St Williams The bride was honored at many antieinuptialevents showers being given by Mrs Whitside and MrsDallimore Smith Mrs D11 Grant and Mrs Smith Mrs Walter Cronk ancl Miss Lynn Archibald and Mrs him to want to see it through One of the greatest factors influencing me towards the farm isour Boys and Girls Club These are projects org nized every Spring by the Depa tment of Ag riculture tostimulateour interest in livestock Jud cpdp management With each member purchasing quantity of certied rseedrroria pure bred calf gets practicalitrajn Biddle Port Rowan an evening party given byMr and Mrs Gor don Philip Port RoWan dinner party by Mrs Scott Luckman The Port Rowan Public School pf which Ithe bride had been astafl member and the School uxili airy also made prescp ation to thebride Annuql Cry Banquet To lbieldjon Dec rector or draw Sim ing ofgilntdiseasesrandihowito comba them and in detecting good seed and stock The fact that Ahese projects put one on his own gives one selfcondence which he would not otherwise achieve For when wobbling little call is lefton ones door step as it were after having travelled per ihaps hundred miles tmm his motherga series if emotions takes hpossession of us We are rst over vwhelmed thengtaIl the little boy passion for animals assertsitsel From then onmtbe going is veasy trade selected Wednesday Dec for theirannualbanQuct and meet ing both to be held in the orange Hall Ivy The banquet will stint M630 pm After the banquet the men will attend the annual meeting in the school while the ladies will en joy picture show put on through the courtesy otrthe SimcoeFedera lion of Agriculture Prize winners in the various competitions of the year also those who participated in the Royal Winter Fair will be introduced The ChllliWilli Junior Farmers double quartette will furnish en tertainment Fred Cook ofBrad ford will be the speaker Everyone is invited Tickets should be pro cured from director of the Asso ciation or the Department ongri culture at Alliston by Saturday Dec Ladies especially are in ed Ind dtjng aroma ml III unlblc telltin workcranky with Iniunhle dont me it on nerves Your kidneys my out of orderlo ylienlridneys III the Intern unpuntrnpnil buddies helm turbeil mt frequently follow To keep your kidne Igoddr Kidney working properlybu that IlIin feeling itnol noon replaced me Budds Kidney Pill today 149 llarrie left to rightl Lt Styffe of lor well as individuals are to be fed before we can expect them to strike peaceful note Evcn boys our forests that itwont be farmsl As result every county has be Imd see for yourself Melonfielded energy and pep Get in home on the Sunnidale Road iii lisshcr Lt ti liriliorn uoney of Toronto but one never loses sight of the fact that it is up to him whether he scores high or low on achievo riicnt day In caring for ones calf through the surrirner irronths one learns that systematic feeding brings best results Under care and training one finds out that anim als have keen sense intelli gence and respond to even slight touch You can easiiy see how these habits built up in club work are going to influence our farm management in future days And you can see how we can get rooted to the farm without scarcely real izing it Perhaps the have appealed man in me but to touch on now both old and young since time began Farni life such moving drama of expectancy and surprise For an illustration go with me to the pasture for the cows Here is Iletsv btit why that proud gleam in her eyes which dart so often to nearby thicket The air becomes tense with excitement As we close up on her she fringes towards the thicket We walk gingerly and suddenly arc startled by plain tivc bawl of newborn calf hid den from view Or maybe we are awakened by feeble little whines coming from underneath the verandaPuppies Every nerve in our botiics tingle with anticipation as we crawl on our stomachs to the darkened rear of the veranda with Lassie close to our heels beaming with mater nal pride yet little concerned Perhaps its an ambitious Biddy escaped from the range and defy ing all modern hatchery systems who startlcs us by strutting down the lane with family of chicks peeping about her On and on we could go to Show that the farm is one long panorama of activity and foregoing reasons to tire rtlliltIllt whit Im going limplascinrited excitemcnt Do you wonder boy time they began Dumng bad the ichoosingsuch an environment dont think any career offers so many bichanncls to youth as does that of farming If he has pertainibenttowrrrdsmcchzmics on Garanfeed Trust Certicates At one time keenly llrisFlril lf polatcs and puhlse aunt Hell Stoddart Duff widow of James Duff Minister of A51 culture in the Whitney proxizrcult cabinet died in Toronto on MorI day Nov 15 Mrs Dqu Was born at Bradford the daughter or the ISSUED for any amount for term of ve yeus grwuiteed both as to principd and interest Interest cheques nailed to reach holders on due date or At holder option may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest late2 Mr and Mrs John Stoddart Following her marriage she livut at the John Duff homestead Clovt rrjliill near imkslowrr She was boards netulur and 0m WW member of Deer Park United Church and the ookstown Old Boys and Girls Association SIIIV iving are daughter Mrs Fergui son lrwrn Neepawa Mair tliiee grandchildren and three gitah grandchildren JOHN BREWIS Suffering seizure on Friday Nov 26 194b in the offices of the tBC John Brcwis partner in An ideal inveeturent for individuals oom pamies nutlrorixed by law for cemetery THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION ood 0M Toronto Barrio Office 13 Dunlop Strut IT yuan In luslnon the firm of Brewis White mine ipcratt rs and financiers Iltd hortlyiafter in the Wellesley Hosf pital Toronto He was in his Htlli Regularity year Mr Brewrs had just made recording for John Iolwurth of WEB if 5m In fflj By helping to stimulate the action of the lrletrgrgy 28 DavaElirlidtifluilf bowels kidneys liver and stomach BBIS Iriunge taxi Wm sugar aids teeriagers over those unregulated He resided at Shanty Bay andi periods It aids in the elimination of inumlainsd an apartment Ht wastes and impurities lIIIIIllt body Tllt result is often srriootlier clearer skin Burdock Blood IIitterssold at all Drug Counters Ask for it today Avenue Rd Toronto His business BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS address was 40 Adelaide St Pltllllllltlll in the field of miriingl Mr Brcwis was vicepresident and managing director of Dickensonl Red Lake Mines Ltd Detta Red Lake Mines Ltd Brewis Red Lake Mines Ltd Maelie Red Lake Mines Ltd Lake Rowan Ltd commander of Red Lake Mines Ltd Hotstone fold Mines Ltd Myanque Mines Ltd Dorian Red Lake Mines Ltd Clicker Red Lake Mines Ltd director of Bear Iii ploration and Radium Ltd Jack riife Gold Mines Ltd Campbell Red Lake Mines Ltd and Ii Crang Industries Mr Brewis was born at New castleonTyne England and camt toCanada at the age of 18 For time he was on the staff of bank Later he was associated with sil ver mine at South Lorraine and became an authority on mining iii Northern Ontario He was incin ber of the Masonic Order and an Anglican He leaves his wife the former Elsie Valentine Kidgcr of Shanty Bay two daughters Mary Eliza beth and Eloise Margaret his mother at Shanty Bay and bro ther in England Perus coastal rlgion is swept by fogs and floatlltttli to November room LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CLASS 24 HOUR SERVICE bookkeeping or craft through dif ferent courses he has an opportun ity to develop his talents Through the farm forum we arc given chance to express our opinion These opinions plied by all the forumsthr ughout Canada have farrecicln effect in making the government see our point of view So If freedom of speech is boundt make better democracy In closing would like the spon sors of this program to know how appr rate being given an oppor of speaking my opinion DALE MILLER CLJ HEAVY TRAVEL With more than 1800 persons passing through Montreal recently on four CNR boat trains from Halifax theerowded concourse at Central Station was reminiscent of wartime passengectriiffilil passengers had arrived in Canada inand out of the bank whichservesyoui multi from Prrinu eves Every day hundreds ofhciifstomers may be Yetyon know nothing about their transactions aboard the VSS Aqhitanra IRON WORK For an ornamentaltron or Ornamentath us We will be glad to give syi Estimate SALESSERVICE on WISCONfSIN Air Cooled ENGINES Barrie Welding and Mackinaw lLMulcauiter St Phone 3744 Barrie PORTABLE WELDING ARC and norm mailing Fireplace Fem WEIl of anyktndcohsulf gDoddsKidnevPills JISTEEL ron sm Lathe knowmothing about You may heI depositingm borrowing The amount may be dollar oritllousands fIIiritisyour business elses fit gt 07 All banks seetoittliat yoxnrtransactionst andltliose of about 7000000 other anadianse are kept safe fromprying eyes SPONSORED far roux mt DC