HIIJIRENS Elm lri Sis5 534 PAGE frwrmrvsrx Goods SATISFACTORY or your money refunded SLIPPERS Slippers Santas ilsl ix writ Until rosy lliir Limes lawn grand asunnnenl to cheese limit ZillcriiitIriccs it l11 gt lIlII ISOIDOIR SLIIIIIRS sizes to it Sunni il laun illack trimmed with poni ir1 sins It to ill llilgtllilIlllii For the Lovely Lady in your life Plastic tauGrain II chlerGiftIriccd GIRLS HAND Black lied MISS UNIOR Dainty Lingerie io Nightgowns $298 ELASUEDE Such pretty Nightgowns withvlace Tearose trimmed with rows and rows 61 regainingSirmamsha sizes Grand for Christmasgiving ZellcrThriftIriced RAYON BRIEFS in whrtaiid prettylea Irose shade Bandleg style with double gus Small medium and set elastic at waist large sizes 8519 amus ONIfARAQ CANADA hung MW ilverctttle Blue 11 it may Iair 59c OSY FELT SLIPIERS sizcs =gt Elna padded soles and heel iarr 69c 89c Mens CamelCloth GiftValue SLIPPERS FAVORITES lltilll Slippers of luxurious Camel ili lil sturdy Made in England Itair Fawn $179 leather soles Gift Sets lllcaulitully boxch liverWelcome ZellerGiitIJriced To day SCARVES Gift the Mister will like $5 98 Till MAGNIFICENT GIFT HANDBAG and it will make her so happy to receive such 1011132thas youll find at Zellcrs Tire at lractive model above is only one of the many Hat Beauties in Zellers wonderful Collection oine in and select her favourite colour $219 to $598 FOR YOUR FAVORITE MANthis handsome White IWool appeal to your giftsense and com pliment his cxcellenttastc Made in smart fancystitch pattern 101 by 50 ins Fringed chlcrGiftIriccd $100 IliumNs 4I srar its gift thats Semi W111 right Cologne Perfume Ilund Lotion and Face lOWEleTfiiraltractive box for 690 W0lBURYS 51C GIFT SET Facial Cream Cold Cream Face Powdbr in Giftright box lilBY54IN 69c simu SET SCARIS Wool lated homespun pattern white can anv fawn with rayon fringe chicr Giftlriccd DOROTHY DAVIS PERFUME Three dainty bottles of beautifullyscent ed perfume in pretty box BAGS Brown Green 75c $i00 BE PLEASED AS IUNCIL to find wonderful Handbag under the tree from Santa See Zellers grand as sortmeiris of Plastic Bags in calfgrain and patent finish Shoulderstrap zipperedtop novelty styles featured ZellerGlftIriced 39c 790 Tan TUBULAR SCARES about 10 by 46 ins Good quality Wool white yellow Made in simulated handknitted fancy stitch pattern LIE TOUNGER SET Nail Pol lish Cuticle Remover Emery Boards Orangewood stick grand Gift for Miss Junior BRUSH COMB Jz MIRROR SET with lovely plastic or metal frames and shades of blue WILL Cotton 790 handles pretty 890 rose ivory green Boxed Set $259 Gifts for The Lady of the House BEAUTIFUL RAYON TABLECLOTIIS in lovely pattern toned colourings 52 inches square ZellerGiftPriced riWwiw $395 MENS $100 GLOVES pair Sizes Small Medium Large Choose from cosy Wool or WoolCotton in your fav orite colour to team with your Winter Topcoat Dandy for Giftgiving1 YOUTHS SKI MITTS $198 Sheepskin cotton fleece lin ed Shirred elastic wrist adjustable loop Sizes medium and large Black Brown Navy Green and Red Mens and Boys PARKA Jackets Mens Sizes $1450 Boys Sizes $850 $950 SAYilT WITH VIARKA See Zellers assortment twindsdzwater resistant fabric withsnug red quilted lining With full Dainty Lady LADIES SLIIS Dainty Slips of rayon crepe in straightcut style White Sizes 32 to 42 ZellerThriftIriced $298 Wht trmmCd RAYON PANrrEsMadc of the everpopu lar Rayon Strive for discriminating ladies Styled with cuffed leg and double gusset Elastic at waist Small medium and large sizes ZellerThriftPriced 790 Lily and soft1 REI JACKETS of soft and cosy brushed sturdy Rayon in tailrgtreclstyles Available in dainty shades of pink and pastel blue manls Elkleather moccasm slippers in white pink and and dark colours With pastel blue Pair ZellerValue striped borders and strapcuff with DRESSER SCARFS 12 3h W001 interlining inches Dainty lace effects in ecru pink maize green Rayon and Cot $149 length slide fastener elastic in sert at back handy pockets Made with detachable furtrimJ med Hood Brown Fawn navy blue turquoise ton ZllcrGlftPriced 49c am Mens Boys Wear Dept Station Wagon Coat OUILTEI BRIDGETABLE lovely rayon green COVER satin in wine Dropsides elastic atcorncis In Gift Box $198 $1195 Sizes 26 to 36 Of wind and water resistant fabric warmly lined and in terlined Brown Fawn ThumbleSs Mitts of plush cloth with brushed rayon lining on rayon cord pair ZellerValue 65c blue PILLOW While EMBROIDERED CASES 42in Cottongbeautifully embroid ered with Hemstitched borders Pair $249 size Plegse come cmd bring all your friedds to our Sday Doormat 1948 lif 1000 belopenanl You will enjoytiookingiioyourhearts content ginoufr Christmas Atmgsphexe floral patterns Ladies SWealers $949 $398 Longsleeved Classic Pull overs and CaFdigans of good quality wool in sizes 14 to 20 For Giftgiving buy them individually orteam Pull over with cardigan for handsome set Light brighti and darkf colours zellerGlftfPriccd WASIICLOTIIDOLL Set of three Washcloths of soft Cotton Terrycloth each 12 ins square Packaged to look liketa pretty doll and wrap peddn Cellophane Set 790 ours AndSAUCERS Bean1 tiful English Bone China sets in many daintyshapes With Iappealing decorations Ever rsoattractive for giftgiving ZeilerGiftPrice $129 featured DIES GIFT GLOVES Lovely WoolsI Brushed Rayonst What grand collec Ition Solidcolor and Jac ouard patterned giftright assertment that invites you attentidn rZeilerValue per pair $100 PineappleStitch Wool Mitts You will love to have these mitts when blustery virinds are bl wing for the firm gknit wi keep yourhands as cosy as can be ZellerValnc per pair $100 will THEIHOMsl IiCup Economy PcicolatOr with glass top and wood handle $159 ltittiQt Teakettlei Economy with straight spout and black wood handle $229 Egg Poacher Cup size $198 5wAy Combination Cooker Piece $179 Qt Economy Pot 2y Qt yr CUP TEAPOT Brown Earthenware ITeapots tasty teat Somewith hand nainted decorations glaze finish ZellcrGlftPric ed and 85c 1r gt Bright BE HELD ONTHE MEZZANINE AT 845 PM on BE SERVED IN THE GIRLS LOUNGE BY rim WOMENS HOSPITAL AID AfrAsrrroN show WILL narnnsnnsnrs ng1 rrtmrmirmr fot COMB TRAY2 Pcf Dresser Set Choose from an assort ment of lovely pastel colors CAROLS WILL In sum IBY our STAFF CHOIR ZellerGiftPriced vALUAIiLIi noon norms earthenware ZELLE MUSIC No MERCHANDISESOLDI so DIINLOPSTREET RS LIMITED Potato marmmrrmr Lovely Fascinotors pure woollight bright and dark colours in great variety Zel 1cr Value $100 to $169 NLif 20 DAYS $139 aid Tee 1m $129 dlfli 76 Non Sc 10111811 may and avoid hop THURSDAY chem SHOPPING HOURS Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday 900 11111 to 530 pm Wednesday 900 em to 12 noon Saturday 900 am to 855 pm Christmas Greeting Cards RANI INDIVIDUALCARD ASSORIMENT Choose dif fc ent card for each name on your Mailing List from Zeliers lovel assortment of Conventional Relation and Humourous design At for So to 100 ca BOXED SSOIITMENTSTZI ColourfulGrecii111153111515 in lovely range of designs and sentimentslComplete with enveloI At per box 490 GIFTgENCLOSURE RDS 12 attractive cards to the pkge Youll need one for we gift Only Buys for Gift 190 pkg pprng Time RIBBON goldred or green with 511 rtinsel finish Also plain red or green Various widths 10c Hank WRAPPING TISSUE in beautiful asso ent of lovely V7 gailypatterned designs Sheets each 20 by ins for 100 WHITE WRAPPING TISSUE youll want this fo the many many big gifts youll wrap 20 Sheets each 20 30 ins Ior 10c COLOURFUL TISSUE Choose from red blue green 24 Sheets each 20 byl30 ins for 15c NOVELTY ENCLOSURE CARDS NOVELTY SEALS Colour ful and Christmassy At 50 Pkgc SEALS AND TAGS 100 assorted pieces Embossed Stars at per pkge10c Visit Zellers TO Section for Thrillin gBUYS for Girls and Boys GiftBUYS For Iunior iKerchiefsgm 27 Ins Sqv Of lovely woven Wool in pastel 5149 fringed ends $198 Polka Bonnet Bootees Wool pink or pastel blue cute set for Babys Gift Giftv boxed Set $298 $198 Pure Wool Hose for menin attractivetdia mond designs Hand knit in many handsome Wool Jacket lnfants size COIOJFS An ideal gift Ribbed at neck and waist Pink pastel blue white $179 64 84 inches OVERALLS SUNR BRAND Light as onl rpure wool can be andso wonderfully warm Youll wanta pair forthose wintrynights ahead Avail SECS t9 $19 able in white withrainb0w AII Colours coloured borders 51193 274195239 ZelIerThriftlriced UBeautifullystyled Dresses and SuitDresSesI of good quanty Crepe jto enhancyoui loveliness VIfor the Holiday Whirl Colours Black Green Royal Wine Grey AquaBlue GIFT RIGHT LAMPS BED LAMPSDurable Bakelite inBrown Blue orCream with mica lighting Bed clamps reinforced with rubber $269 lZIN BOUDOIR LAMP of polished crystalglass with six prisms attached Shade Extra $298 PC noonom SET Bed Lamp and TonVanily Lainps Ivory Plastic with frosted glassshadesLovely colours Set BER 1948 snor ron CHRISTMAS orrrs AT ZELLERS SOCKS PURE WOOL BLANKETS Pair 15951119 V5 95 FIGUIINE LAMPS Glass pink blue Inan assortment of attractive figures Each $298 LAMP SHADESBeautiful Lamp Shades eternally cleaned Plastic Choose from 8inch Boudoirs to 20inch Junior types 93010 $319 in graceful Empire Shape xp it gtI It If if iiiWingthere if VI rd