THUR SDA THE BARRIE DECEMBER ADA 1048 AMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CA Barrie BGuelph rarrlr Areru Wednesday Dec 11 LE Lll Mill rugs Her The Bad Earth Is Also MaddTo Yield image and McNabn Leadl Strong Rally for Ilyers ilo Overcome Guelph 32 lltir gt fence goich Itlfirlc hluilril Vase Mai tin BARR Long tt alternates gci Sclm iear rm If ltltll iielpl Barrie high is SIZE ru1pr JIJIIqZ bat trier lu 111 turpectnvi min only four uni e1 e1 potential scorn Ill timid and nally when it Lo one was gorng tr psist pas Beasley Sid Me turziirg his mind pou 1ir1ini giltlllhc hutf players Beasley ordnt lrauel pr Cir Keefe Hugs luklen Ulla41 Wood 1111 lti lolt1 ililSl iHlLUE Bruit curl LIILI rrj Lillet pen placid lira away from its tandrng willie 11143 sixth lirrrtlltllt lfnktiown tirreirl itlirl itvpl lvrci llrcliazriw ienaitziw and 111 11 trrll2lllitl this sustained 121111 the llii1nrrtc mark up 3r broke on 13 for their nrot n1 llu period on Mayer fl Wu by route torn Illllttl giilr ltllsl 111el irrrlpn surarrel thror 1111 11 intrig Illtllfi 111111 Last Eliljll SlltUNl lillrltil H111 iv McNatu bllgrt nun11 at 111 1111rl1 iroirrlltcnt iUIIA yltlklftllll iconml 1111111 1111 llrrrn to throw 111 II 11131 1li1tl=ri 1131 It tertlnl IBill Sherry coach of riw itrltzl would i111 liked tritium llp Kb tun that luck null lr naizics 1171 Bathgat and then llurnh 1M rim L1 open corners with Mayer hm on sircessnu struts Lori Sermon began wuh Wrb IcArthur IicNaomy sat 111 the box With Iarrre Mcger lit Mirlltll page done on these lllilltllvgt and the lttilt Ill53 McNapncy llrizni Martin 11111 llunrb captured lltttlll 111mg A411 Ilttll that in ll 11it1 ilil oitldi N0 RANDOM HARVEST is being galllelrd lrcrc lirturcd arc the results of no cIlOIIS that have brl Hriraiua agrirulruial production one third alxm prewar an have also aidrd that ountry wwardsa large vi half more lhau 1938 by IQSI Top Haunting barley on hhill was once the grass rug of the Banirl Highway lIirtfordshire lich London Right Linseed is reaped at Chapter Fairinkorlrutcr England on land that was Irand lrarl bcrn rendered unpro dutliw by early spring floods for nu dnerl area of llritains Midlands and rst Anglia timerd was the no hope but sulluicnt scetlwas not utailu Ic500 tom here lllslltd from the 15 and rnar1 llu rrurll was $11600000 uop from 111111 that otherwise would Iran remained idlc and unyielding ourts lKenuy lIvll1wliv Keir lliliii Alixrrtitir pal boar 1112111111 Barrie tClreVivlilH rtrri urarly 11111 enenirrs p11 iltl and 1th mores and In nothing 111111 victory Harms And tllttkt 111111121 iticrilly than any club 1111s rrcyt Penalties Mc1tlrrr how rearu 111 te111istik11 sentence The llarrre presure canre but last and McNabney again sank blue through 111t almost i1l 111 lils 111rrl llllr linez never stopped Irllitl 11nd 111J1311I to tie the count llrc strangle arrr 111 condition had itlllJrri1l to have all corners cov not caught 11p to 111111111 111 the cred but rtlialile Sid found spot thrrd period they 111111 lrrr lrild the Rivers and company lhnrd the eight ball rthl 1r mum Did you hear that the ticket Beast seas 111 i1t Friday nights Minstrels are almost sold out 111311l11 111 the armor iau penalty Idisastrous to the Barr ie cause corn The lad who lzrsi ciy 11111111tll 111 but shiftyandstarry Dani 1111 1deri rile wrnnmg etlort shorthanded killing the sentence Iaul teamed with hirNabney to round Ed Bol and beat Beasley llii irc to llogg lookcdl VOTE FOR Me Vlllir tllllttiltttl 111 11111 lsrble tor the 21 ll period who lloronto recently aboard Trans Canada Air London FLOWERS FLOWN IO IIIIVKINGIIANI PALACE super dc IilNr bouquet of 11 low 11 addressed 1111 Royal llrplrnuw llr111111or1 lrnr Instead trout tirst ileasley North An exact replica of this token of love and respect for Princess 1411 the baby Prince was on display at the Royal Winter Fair Lines Star v11 111priid mates with somv brilliant netnrrnu lirnrny roiled first 1111111111 TilrNabncy corirbination that was 11111crl 1111k 11 all the way laside his stars of Frank Ferguson with assistance tario Io1 on defence on closer11 shot main factors in the Barrit win 011 Stan Long laul Meger and Gil Mayer Long played solid game At one time 111 killed penalty practical ly singlehanded mountain though point rush Mayer didnt have the two goals that ire had to turn 111 some miraculous saves to keep hailing distance of the fasttravel Meger and McNabney Mullens and slapped it home to figured in all the Flyers scoring minute McNabnry gained while Meger 111g onslaught JUMPS Til SR MARLIES The most startling fact floating about the IIA Junror series is the step up of leorge Armstrong lili rlrclli lionr George Cadogan turned Sid McNab 111 lrgatc Hum 11 Mullerr iiitHfl 1111 With tnrlt ncy Ron Vlrl and from Rellringer skated the Barrie crev 111733 penaltim Ken Lorne was like the blueline a11dal regisier sparked many Ilyer and Don US with to the been Marlboro Seniors who has loronto Marlboro pearances unadrrrirabl performing Juniors From all the lrnrior Dukes with record of three victories in 10 starts have thrown in the toyvrl and so early in 1111 season Off to bad start due to injur ies to Larry Regan and Bob Has become deeply imbedded 111 the cellar Not like their senior brothers who al so cxperienccd slow break but then claimed winning streak of seven games the Syl Appscoachl ed crew have been receiving defeat with an unmerciful the hands of the of all Ward Your Vote and Influence Respectfully Solicited To Elect Art Harrison as ALDERMAN for WARD Day Monday Dec 13 1948 uuuurnnunnu Ward Reeiect Alderman William Merrick ACcQUNTANTANDW Viola PRESIDENT BARRIE JUNIOR CHAMBER 6E7 COMMERCE lint failed Schwartz Guelph elected to core the goals 1111c hard way with the opposition at full strength did connect it was swut rousing Despite llingley early and thin chance on beat him Schoolvr Trustee And when they moments mates within abdut 1111 home 11 111 Mayer lell COIfltI ie Stilllt took from ling Brits pass ringer said juniors have two goals and potted lennell and the opening counter later Ferguson was sent into the clear by Bathgate for an rrnniolest Mayer almost got in the way of the open side Guelph sported that 20 margun intolthe second period and the fans forthcoming Barrie as they were not checking like the Flyers ofold Losrng pair to the Flytrs ldbl drop 01 the puck it was last and apparently move for Marlboros certainly are not going ahead The listing Polls Open 10 am to pm Monday Dec 13 assist goal and two assists Chevrefils were the other Barrie lads to gain and Mcger second overtime duty and at of the 1111 four complete shifts Ullt ed score McNabney the most of the periods saw one phase on the ice for point Polling and third defeat 123 setback at lBarrio Flyels mer sensed licking stayed worast nuuu From the weekend caused the Tire big break came when Speck furious Bellringer arrded highsticking and tripping our and their vere of flashy netminderr Roy McMeekin didnt help matters either The story behind it is re vealed in The Guelph Mercury and After last Fridays in WM Guelph edng Tu Gaph Stafford Smytlre gave thll Dukes tongue lashing in the dressing room Hc apparently told iVIciVleekin his1 was the worst goaltcnding job he McMcekin who had allmved only two goals in au promptly lChas Seagrdm Plays IIn Squash Tourney At TCSrPort Hope known reads like this Triiiioi 271773 Charlie Scagriun Barrie for his outstanding abil ity on the golf course is also fair participant in srpraslr game which is unfamiliar to most sporting fairs game similar to handball and is played with rrrequet smal ler thanthat used in badmin tpn Charlie claims it is faster than any net or raequct game He was invited to compete in the Squash Tourney held annually by Selmdls being one itthree old boys chosen The twoday affair was held Saturday and Sunday at Port Hope Charlie won his rst game handily but stacked up against Bill Noyes runner up in the 194748 season Can adian Championships second game and lost out ICVIIRY CANADIAN SHOULD EXERCISE HIS FRANCHISE TO VOTE had ever seen overtimc took swing at him Little wonder McMcekin got his In his only appearance in he looked like one of the best in the league but he was get ting very little from his defence or forwards Armstrong seniors release Barrie Your Vote and Influence RESPECTFULLY SGLICITED T0 BilELECT 1115 AYBES as if any support Trinity College With advancing leaves Toronto weakcr still as George was their only potential Regan help in scoring other hand the senior Dukes have an excellent into first place this week andrArm with more teammates could be big help He is allowed to play three games scorer other than Hassard has offered little On the way chance of hopping in the Minimum strdng experienced Uptodate press equipment mod erntype faces expert craftsmen PORK AND BEANS weaves it 10 llrlglrts Choice National 0111 Have Served You For Two Years as Alderman of Ward lire lly Acetamation orrr Volt md Inlluerrre are respectfully uf outide for lttlt POLLING DAY MONDAY Illlf Ill 1845 For lransportalion Phone 23611 or 330 Am Offering My Services As Alderman for Ward You ask for Your Vote citInfluence Pugh To The You will find Cavalcade oI Caniicd Food Your Dominion Store this week Wide Selection cl New Pack tired Brandu Stock up onrall of thorn at thug Igutivc Prim RED CHERRIES CHOICE PEACHE 41f seniorsbeforeboxrinporrpof junior company Iltd Aylmer Halves Brights Fancy means Aqualitryw prinii ngat The Barrie Examiner Etrunt r011 1111111 KBusiness Man for Business pr Steak or Roast PORTERHOUSE SIRLOIN WING BGNELESS ROUND lb 69 TOMATO JUICE IEMON JUICE SPANISH orrvrs errnprcurs 69c 11111135111113 0c wSOCKEYEvSAIMO COHOE SALMO 1211111 Strum20 1i rm KETA SALMO KAM PORKLOAF LAMB srrw CORN SYRU RAISIN QURRANTS FITTED DATES MIXED PEEL ALMONDS COFFEE HEINZVINEGARS PLUM PUDDING British Visitor Sets Sail for Fresh PDIIK BUTTS Whole orhalf LAMB LEGS =7 Smoked rshanklesswn We PDIIK SHGIILDEBS Peamealed sliced in BACK BACON BOILING EGWL munw VEGETABLE iiiisiiiiliohs 2165 le 53C Plenic Sweet For Cars Phone 2200 or 9058 an Spray Jellled 1b 452 Funny VOTE Agngou LIKEHBUTVOfiWfV Bf gun candidaterror Alderman wara Ix TOUEVOTE INFLUENCE SouCiTED TO lnInIInIaIwInIn Fancy ILC Crown or Bee Hive Californln Bleached ro Australian cuum Cleaned Jolly land Snxcnln br Aylmtr Cut srierriaii Pieces Fresh Shelled Richmello Frosny Ground 491 xdoz uqunIIIlIIlln iiiiiiiiiir 60$ 25c 25 onr Nit 20mm SPAGHETTIG CHOICE PEAS FANCYPEAS BABI FOODS Heekm N0 WhltwBlue Label wrrh Chem 345 Illc lbs Gqt bask Wnupoou No 14 Blue at Gold c0011 onion nuuununupnnm Ont Apples MclNTOSll 39 EGGS WANTED We pay highest mukat prices for Shipplng tags available at Sn manager for par ttcutara Reg grading atntlon 029 ministrort commerce or arid 35000 TONS OF BATTLEW ICON the agship HMS Duke of York which to visit Norfblk Virginia vciubrrr 16th through 23rd takes up its ships of the British Home Fleet leave harbor for exercises in the Englis Chan ncl and the Atlantic bordering Britains southwest shores Besides the battleship thrcc attbps three cridsera dcstrqiycrs submarines and motor torpedo boat took part In the air were BritisbNavy and Royal Air Force ghters and bombers The exercise completed some of the ships sailed for the West Indies from which lhc accompanied by dumycr will come to the Sensible lid our area ion is important thi All Mouhnndlu It hi You Duminlnn Store is uncondilion ally guaranteed to gin 100 Inlirlurlinn Values llftoetlve Thursday Friday Saturday December ll Epitome REGULATIONS 20in Tllr 201i 26C fill I5 33 25c 13 23 iii 29 it 33 lit 39 Val 39c if 21 2123426 1533 231 at 15 it 29 iraVI 7t tilt 47c till 17 51 3113 240 31 Ilull 231112 T739113 9c 251 03113649 moo TWENTYmt va fanird was the lle wwzld to per mun serum or Interna tionai Linutcd and Maple Leaf and Toronto Sch Montreal ILLIEUFL l1 cultl i=1 cfi CfLdlillltfitl bet is evil 11itrd cti itv ll solirited for Vote inAn Electors Of chrd Your Vote and Influence Respectfully Solicited To Elect Art Boyd AS ALDERMAN FOR Ward Polling Day Mon Dec 13 1948 Juvenile Hockey Practice SAT DEC PLAYERS REPORT AT345 pm LIONS CLUB SPORTS COMMITTEE but uu nd Nationally Adic1 39