AND BYWAYS in villages arid trucks are seen more and tie companys program for the rii expansion of rural telephone service iriltllllllll ox llltll iii it phone tiry of the young men in these some of them doing the same are doing now biiildiirg ti vast Ill lierr they were doing so or along the shellpitted roads If hope and much of the material they ed out by the Northern Electric Cour in 11 would noriirally lrvebe0n pitJtliitliiLL canv 211 Vitilti boards and dial equipiriczi for 11 ii iiphoin Company of Canada it It lvll is the story behind the story 11 the 111 ll lenpitoies ttractive tourpage painplriet Air lot rm 10ng to lersons Interested in the Devel tililJ it of leit phone Seivtce in Rural Areas recent lj 11lllitlll1l to llt1ltl and farm lllrlgiilllt tttitor tizd leaders in rural communities In llllllik tiIre way it describes not only what the wry 115 litt already done since the ribopening in 11 if rural development program biit also what 11 II to do during the next few years li intgram expected to cost between $371 nillton and to nnllion by 1931 or shortly thereafter Illlll 1110 additional telephones will be added 111 ll tltllilil5 rriral territory iii Ontario arid Ililet 11 iil alone sortie 860 new telephone tlttlilli 4i more than 12000 telephones were placed it 111 ion and by the end of August this year 10100 lltltt tv adled This means that 00 rural tannin 1111 of every 100 in the companys territory now have elipliiriie sortace as compared with 55 percent at the beginning of 1948 18 percent in 1917 and only illl percent in 1940 Among the most telephonetninded people in the world tanadran farmers no longer consider the telephone luxury but necessity Accordingly Bell inat ers in the smaller centres are faced with everin ht requests for more rural services with the number of deferred rural serViee applic illlnltSJulvlllliti nearly 514000 In fairness to all aiid to bring telephone service as nutcrtly as possible to those who want it the eonrpanysin some cases has increased the number of l11l4tl1ii on partylines more than it would have done in normal circumstances This however is only temporary measure for prominent among the ultrectivesyot the present plflgljtlil is the ultimate pruvdrlult of Individual and twoparty for anyone desiring either The booklet points out that where each Ourtydine SillistiliittK share of telephone time has bCeii re drrctd the value of telephone service has act ally Increased because of the additional number of ub scribers 111 hrs locality with whom he is able communicate by telephone ilier compensating factors include technical and WHATS WRONG WITH RADIO Iiadio programs are clcteriorat to improve ing instead of improving in the opinion of majority Of those an swering Financial Post question naire on thesubject Almost all stated that they listened to the radio less than in the past The had succeeded tation one wag Cree language chief criticisms Too many coml The Examiner Coming Events tdays last week with friends in nitrcials particularly of the sing column affords an excellent 19 Orillia 10 type low cultural level of portunity to inform the pllic The Gienfel Commumly Club programs too many soap operas and bloodandthunder melodram as too fcwnew jokes and too fre minimum 50c BADMINTON AND WE HAVE IT 19416 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN 1941 FORD DELan SEDAN 015 1935 CHEV MASTER colic 31941 FARGO 17 TON PANEL CHI 75 St Bell Telephone Company Booklet Tells Interesting Story of Rural Expansions quent repetition of credited the CBC wi program but even these did not agree it L1 November 29 Mr and Mrs Dobson re commermals Should be turned home from Toronto on Sat about your dance tea sale1 meet ing etc Only three cents21 word SPORTING 50005 FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR BOYS or GIRLS SKI SETS $365 up SKATING OUTFITS HOCKEY PADS SSTOCKINGS HOCKEY PANTS TENNIS RACQUETS IF IT IS gORTING GOODS 06 Bayifield St URRYS P116116 3874 1937 CHEVQ MASTER SEDAN 11931AFONTIAC COACH 41942 FORD TONSTAKE SPEED AXLE BOOSTER BRAKES 750 20 10 PLY TIRES vCASII Tania on TERMS HAROLD HILL PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTOR phone 2427 CABSiBOUGIIT AND SOLD wrwwaimm ptoetents already in operation in 11 ix ints two years for example xiilstlilltls hare had their magneto up 1111 for more modern iiistrii minimd type of ringing by which iltttfllrth ti tnt leleplst iltll It no li=tlflil iet le ringing signals of only half the per ha has already been widely iii lttvtllttti ll lIltI1 11r brought out in the booklet is the ltEi the company determined rural gtftltltrll enzents lixtensive market surveys l1t mete order to gather information on the trooper of In aid nonfarming families business esittlrlisl lllln in heir distribution within exchange construction plan was based on llilltl these lti The company 1ltl undertook another kind of sur ey ill opinion survey to find out what kind of MHltt lllltll residents prefer Questionnaires solic riing Aiililtttlllr on the quality value and adequacy of tXlSllllL telephone service were distributed to 1300 or sewn per cent of the Bell rural sub seribers sinnti survey was made ainong4750 telephone nonusers Almost 70 per cent replied to the users survey and to the nonusers 40 per cent iti1 llie Lliu llllrlll considered the value of tele phone service to be steadily increasing Criticism was invited lrom it the company hits placed in its longrangoplrns the reduction of the number of subscribers on partylitres as the biggest single improvement that can be made to existing service The llell expects to be serving seven out of every 10 rural familiesrn its territory by 1951 or as soon after that 15 is practicable it also plans within the next few years to reduce to eight or less number of subscribers on each rural line to provide individual or two partylitre service iir all cases where either is wanted and to increase greatly the number of ptiblic telephones New methods have been devised to reduce the time required for the construction of rural pole lines Through the development of new and strong er type of telephone wire it is now possible to span longer distances thus reducing the number ofpoles needed to carry wires Wire buried underground is another example of newer methods of rural tele phone construction Atnong technical innovations is the power carrier system electric power wires usedm to carry electric power and telephone conversations simultaneously This technique is still under study tnilerernriiie its possible extensions in Bell territory where one such installation is already operating successfully Like the farmer the company has been plagued in the lastfewiyears by shortages shortages of equipment skilled help and building materials for Irew premises Brit delays have not altered the essen tial character of its rural program which is to pro vide rural families with the best possible service at the lowest cost ztt rig GEENFEL To ininiirize irri suggested that all readk the urday Mrs in the Grenlel sunday Dec serve Church Gillivray McGillivray and family daughter Norine with friends in Toronto 7thcm aftera weeks visit Five New Members Received AvicembwaeviLFABunt ve new members were rec and Edwin Scott Barrie 3Marlboros McNabney Arthur Ball centre Hassard wings Murray Ashley OFFICIALS Jae Galt Snubber Scott Toronto FIRST PERIODS fminOr major Armstrong major SECOND PERIOD Marlborostegan Knowles McLagan Penalties Megcr minor and misconduct THIRD PERIOD BarriePennell Meger Gordon PenaltiesArmstrong McNabney IIogg munity dehydration plants and mushrooms 11 ones some Wm Walton Spenta few ill meet in the church Friday at 8pm Ckonsmunion service will be ob United Satur visitors with Mr and Mrs Fra klin Hickling were Mrs McGillivraye Sr and George Me New Lowell and Ken bird family of Barrie Mr and Mrs Franklin Hickling we Barrett and spent Sunday Mrs Lorne Barrett retur ing home with ne congregation present On Sunday morning at Grenfel United Church fore the spe ial ser when ved viz Misses Joyce and Joan DeEgcer BilliLDobsouarold McMaster Maple Leaf Gardens Nov 27 BARRIE FLYERSGoal Mayer defence Long Schwartz centre wings Hbgg Ashbee alternates Chevrefils Meger Pen nell Gordon KeefeVShedden Mc TORONTO MARLBOROSGoal Lockhart defence McLagan Lee Regan Grenke alternates Armstrong Mc Kennell McArthur Knowles Mc Liscombe Ashley uct Meger had played such an important part 255 Aphley McNabney 1024 McLagan FOOD CONSERVATION PLAN In the two year plan of theSov let zone of Germany great empha sis iS given to food conservation as an important part of the countrys food economy Amongthe malty objectives of the plan is thedevel opment of peoples refrigeraa tor to be low enough in price for use by all income groups Com are planned for every village not only for fodder conservation but for dehydration of fruit vegetables WEBWIE EXAMINER ONTARIO CANADA MCAGUE PRIZE WINNER WINTER FAIR Among the mayor prizes won by Sintcoe breeders at the Royal Wai ter Fair were the following liftVultlcll Ernest Miller cre ES McCaguc Alliston 1st prim atetl quite stir at the Friday af Senior Get of Sire and 1st piite OUNTY OUNCIL ACTIVITIES teinoeii session of the Count JUIHUI GM SIM bmh by Council when he moved that the VIiIkWant 15 PIIZO dry mm Cutiiiiilliixtifl finance consider the LMtld 15 PH Lily Uitm Old 2nd prize aged cow in milk 2nd and 3rd prize ionryearolds in milk lst prizethreeyearold in advisability of recommending to the January council that members or Comm be Wm 57 day and milk lst prize graded herd lsi eight cents mileage both ways prize progeny dam am Is Mr Miller Reeve of Coldwater PHZL brewers herd COD well Beeton 3rd prize aged brill said he eonsrdercd it unjust that mi m8wa should mm be 111 prize threeyearOld heifer 8111 day prize senior heifer calf 4th and dmoum ith prize junior heifer calf lth hiCh they had been mcemng prize fotiryearold in milk 6111 Im 39 140 he ll 005 0t and 7th pri2e twovearOld in milk 11Vle had 5911 50 high He 3th prize dairy herd 4th prize claimed that the councillors were graded herd 5th prize junior herd suffering loss by coming t2 th and 2nd prize breeder5 herd session which was hardly fair rst Councillor Shepherd of Crec more rose to say that he consider ed that no amount of money could repay member for his time and the responsibility that he took and the work that he did Therefore it was quite ridiculous to attempt to do so Councillor Loekhart whose name iiiltigxll0d$ khetildegozgt The curtain rises on the Legion lmvwmcnt NI Home Shwherd boxing Show tonight being held at gt Barrie Arrnotiry large crowd Coniicrllor Zrirller amended his is anticipated according 10 pm 1110110 Slightly ll this LPOI moter Archie Thompson who is read that 10 cents mllcile 0110 Wily bowing out of the sport after the would be sufficient and called up pplforrnuncc preparation for on Councillor Macintosh to second full house was started in 1015 01 10 1000112 time and advance ticket sales were Councillor Lockhart finally mov exceptionany good ed an amendment to the motion The glove parade was started by Vhtlkhy 10 limp 315Ift311edtlre starstudded card which is IO 10 COIIIIIIIIICL OII SDCCIIII salar Linnea as natural in other 105 words it cant miss Such topirotcir T110 10110 05 CIIIIICd by performers as Paul Crevicr from V010 0f 21 10 17 Montreal Fer Brown of Camp DOWN RCCVO it Of Baffle Borden Ed iRivers aird Cecil Stone f011ml 10 during the 10111110 10 of Graveirhiirst arid Johnnv Jo ltmillk that the mCmbOIS did 00 bagi of Bordenare rarely seen on illl9111llt b0 OVOH 101 the $6 the same program and in different day SllCh 10518000 borits They are usually main at ExWardens Ilarvey andtimciions themselves George Barr were present at the Every one of these lads will HHCIHOOH 5055mm enter the ropes as favorites for Tire County Clerk was authoriz may have many years of exp ed to transfer any surplus funds ioncc but it is not likely they from the appropriation of any de all come out on top imllmtm Ofylhc COlth to my 1h Brown and Rivers provide the LIiln 01 312250 VOICd 10 the V31 main fistieuff and although Rivers ions county hospitals at the morir is he Muskoka champion Brown mil 508510 is favored He possesses terrific In connection With the problem knockout punch and Rivers wml of salaries those of Misses Anniimvc to move fast mSmyaway Middleton and Dorothy Miller Of from it the county staff were increased to srmuds Doug peacock walks in 31400 DC imnum FCIIOaCtiVC to to the acid test with Crevier in the July semifinal Crevicr has had 22 FIDELITYBONDS bouts as compared with Peacocks The fidelity bond of II Fisher eight but Doug is coming fast and treasurer of the Childrens Aid should force the issue to decision Society was increased from $6000 Ted Garrett the peoples Choice to $10000 is anxious to strengthen his re The bond of Miss Velma Cole cord at the expene of Jobasi Gar booklgeeper for the CAS was re rctt has yet to stiffer defeat and duced from $6000 to $5000 and Win tonight will definitely raise Downard former stenographer in kcts the County Treasurers office was If Don Wallace can stop from be transferrcd to Miss Pauline Robin ing the aggressor and box Bill son Lozier of Camp Borden he should The fire insurance on the County come up with win He has Home at Beeton was increased to big heart hard bOdy and strong $336000 and placed at $10160 op punch but if he gets caught by the contents Tire insurance on one of LOZierS Slugging Windmill the Court House was increased to punches on walk in his wea $228000 and fixed at $25000 on the pons willibe of no avail until the contents next time The County Treasurer was given In the other preliminaries Fred permission to transfer any funds Mandlcy of Camp Borden meets from the personnel of the gaol Cecil Stone Frank Elliott of Bar when authorized to do so to the ric faces John Crowdcn of Grav Public Service Superannuation enhurst Ted Manol opposes Barney Board Wichmann of Gravenhurst Joe The extra cost of hospitalization Peters Barrie meets Charlie of indigent patients is to be Shared Coursey of Camp Borden and Jor equally by the county and the dan Abercrombie is slated to fight municipality of whiCh the patients Frogravc of Borden are residents Net proceeds go towards the Leg An amendment to the Municipal ion building fund and in an effort Act to provide that the election of to give the fight fans the best they warden of county and other can in the sport they have un appointmcnts within county juris wrapped this thrilling and colorful diction be by secret ballot was re card commended The council recommended that passage to the United Kingdom for killer dogs should be safely con holiday In presenting the scroll fined so that they could do no Mr Miller referred to ML Patter furthcr damage until final decis sons leadership in establishing the ion had been reached regarding County Health Unit their disposal Each year at the November ses The cutting of forest trees in the sion themembers of council are County of Simcoe is not to be re presented with small memento stricted the reforestation commit for their service during the year tee reported after holding the mat Last Thursday the 50 members ter over from the June Session were each presented with ash servieeiof commemoration will 11 ht It was remarked by one beheldiiLJuneofnextyearat mcinberthatthe tights would be the Old African Church in Ora handy during power blackouts Township on its 100th anniversary and by another that they would The township council is havinga provide enlightenmentJorcouncil new fence erected around the proceedings cemetery and the brush cleared 011138118X 0f the CODGIandMiuv from the front half of the lot It ing Company at Elmvale Charles will be half bevelled with town Seagram of Barrie spoke of the machinery and ready forseed Proposed bylaw under the tree ing in the sg The seats are conservation act Later in the being braced and door put on sion it was recommended this con the porchand the whole interior servation measure bepostponed cleaned DK Harvey spoke few words Uptodate press equipment mod tOthe members at the end of the closing session He remarkedthat he had been greatly amused by the salary wrangling but comr mended the lively interest of all the members in the proceedings Only four membersaof the coun cil of exWairden GeorgeBarr means lquality printing at The Barrie Examiner lBarrieGordon Pennel 915were still membersLhe remarked in if GordonrChevrefsh ajshortspeechvto Athecouncilifol pp 13 loWingthe session gone of the members requeSted him to talk on the reforestation of the countyiand its growth and originin which he Hydrated Lime AluminiimRooflng 827 Sidingi Carload of each just rel celved ASPHALTSHINGLES ROLL ROOFING TARRED FELT TARRED SHEETING INSUL BRICK SIDING ROLL BRICK SIDING Amerlcan Common Nails Any Quantity DeliveryAnywhere co421 93 Mr Barr told of the land as it had beenbefore the treeswere plant edand commended the Excellent work that had been done toxprg vent soil erosion in past yearsg Robert Craig county messenger for 25 years washonored last Fri day at session of the Simeoe County Council ExWarden George Patterson and ExWarden Ernest Miller on behalf of the councillors presented Mr Craig with handsome wrist watch for his services George Patterson Reeve Of Port McNicoll and Warden in 1938 was appointed Ambassadorvat Large for Simcoe County scroll an nouncing the appointment was pre sented by Ernest Miller Reeve of ColdWater Mr Patterson is re tiring from manicipal affairs in 1949 and has booked January the bond of$l00041nMrsFlora his reputation in the stock mar eratype faces expert craftsmen nROUND STEAK OR ROAST 50c lb THURSDAY DECEMBER 1940 GREEN FRONT STORES Hardware Chink Gifts Toys WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS FLAT SILVERWARE 1847 ROGERS COMMUNITY and KINGS PLATE MECCANO SETS for Boys $160 $1275 MECCANO ACCEssoRY SET $100 3525 The Outstanding Educational set of the day MECHANICAL TRAINSI $295 $450 $595 $650 SETS of 263442 and 62 Pcs Many Patterns including the Newest Creations ELECTRIC TRAIN Battery Operated TELEPHONES are $125 $150 grand mmg for your boy $1895 Colours Red Green and Blue DOLL BASSINETTES Pink $435 CAP GUNS SINGLE and REPEATER CHILDS ROCKING CHAIRS 5395 5495 60c 79c $100 $125 DOLLS STROLLERS Pink and Blue 5350 Caps for these guns POP GUIISSmglC Barm 450 IMAMWW 7Th GENUINE DURWOODTTIfMTWWTMTHlIIETAL DRUMSand STICKS 39c ROUND FANCY TRAYS $200 SEWING MACHINES S450 550 3223 WALL BRACKETS $135 $165 5195 STEAM ENGINES $300 to 2125 CANDLESTICKS for 5125 BINGO BEDS ASH TRAYS $100 And Hosts Kmds To for BOOK ENDS per pair $175 and Littler Girls and Boys TRINKET BOXES are sl50 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 15 LIFELIKE ICICLES box THREE PIECE DRESSER SETS RED and GREEN ROPE 15 ft 15c $475 $650 $725 $1495 TINSEL GARLANDS 15 feet 25c Mirror Comb and Brush RED CHRISTMAS WREATHS ea 25c CHRISTMAS CARDS BY THE BOX GAILY COLOURED TREE ORNAMENTS 456 509 69c 89c and $100 100 15c for25c and 20c glggsllgggllsy DOLL CARRIAGES SERVIETTES per pkg 180 20 and ROCngicocigsgsTRMLERS RAYOVAC FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES RAYOVAC GLEAMING FLASHLIGHTS IMMERSION WATER HEATER Ss75 BETTER BUILT for LONGER LIFE 1000 Watts and the Price is No Higher ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER $7950 THOUBLE LIGHTS 25 36 and 50 ft VACTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS with set of Tools $6950 JIFFY MAID KITCHEN SLICER $1295 Christmas is time when everyone likes to provide pleasant surpnses for the friends If the spirit of Christmas could run over into the rest 0f the year over the world what swell place it would be EMAIL HOCKEY STICKS 40c $100 9125 $150 $170 $200 HOCKEY PUCKS 5c 100 15c SKIS FOR ALL SIZES $350 $375 $469 $875 $950 $975 SKI HARNESS $250 $300 $400 $500 SKATING OUTFITS HOCKEY GLOVES 9425 9700 to $1100 SLEIGHS Smiso TOBOGGANS $350 9450 $575 to $850 LEATHER GLOVES and MITTS COTTON GLOVES and MITTS ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY TONIC ROYAL PURPLE HOG CONDITIONER COMIC BOOKS SLIGHTLY USED ea50 COMIC BOOKS Bundles of for 101 BQUDOIR LAMP TRILITE FLOOR LAMPS DR BELLSSTOCK REMEDIES DR BELLS POULTRY TONIC DR BELLS MEDICAL WONDER KQW KARE BAG BALM GRANGE GARGET BAG BALM DILATORS CARVING SETS Three Pieces $350 $450 $550 $650 $795 $995 to $2200 ROCKWOOL INSULATION bags 26165 BOYS Wimmfplgxgsm5 to $1450 ELECTRI STAINLESS STEEL CUTLERY SET IRONS TOASTERS KETTLES HEAT $200 $275 $325 5395 $850 and 59 ING PADS COFFEE MAKERS PERCO CONNOR ELECTRIC WASHERS LATORS EGG COOKERS BABY BOT MAXWELL ELECTRIC WASHERS TLE WARMER SETS HARRY ARMSTRONG 98104IDUNLOP ST PHONE12391 BAYVIE GROCERY lt NO PARKING AT ZCIIARLOTTE ST QUALITY MEATS LOW PRICED GROCERIES By LloyrjdMiller By Bruce McLean LIBBYS VEGETABLE SOUP 2011ch FRESH HAMS HALF OR WHOLE lb CHOICE LOINsOFFORKRINDON SHIRRIFFS TRUE ALMOND EXTRACT hot 25c CHAIEAU OR VELVEETA CHEESE 23cm ERNEST950mDESSERTPEARS IPLATEHOREHISKET QFBEEF 166 21E MacINTOSH EATING APPLES BURNS WEINERSN BEANS 2561191 SHORT RIB ROAST OFEEEF FRESH HOME MADE SAUSAGE 16 TANGERINE MARMALADE lb 330155 IUNKET QUICK FUDGE MIX 19 pm 510 36 pin have full aissortinent of Christmas AtlSppcial BETTY BEEFBOLOGNA SLIGED 11 lb 591 you are planning on turky or goose dinner for Christmaswe strongly advise placing yourorder with us Now FOR FASTEFFICIENT FREEDELIVERY SERVICE ANYWHERE IN 1311mm on pigmmmy pugs um WFRESHLY CHOPPED SUET SIDE BACON BIN ON EOBIN HOOD OATS We Candies Cakes Puddings Low Prices