so Kilt bat and lt ll lltlst it its let liston anti llltll lliatti eotisisteil of Aiitiiews and Mix lunch oiis Funeral of Mrs llit funeral of MI took place on Thin vice in the ltiiteLI THURSDAY DECEMBER 1948 the Supper lnlt class lltll in Al to youth Iizitls tioiii llotid lft ad lro 1111 closed 1lll Lords Prayer and Next meeting at Mrs ll liatl Speticdt of Shelswells and llullalo at lliiiAi ll Jack llobtnson titers to attend l1 llllllltl the jtw CENTHAL ORO eatiings by Mrs ititllt sinpi Constable and Mrs liaytioi and and daughter Lynn of rillia are spending weeks holiday With the am Barker latters parents Mr and Mrs uoold ha Mary Barker MeArthur ins lltllt sday with ser The WMS and LA of lllllitlidfts tam1 for Church llevifliurcli will hold their It lleatti had charge of tll meeting on ltdncsday lltf at latlttsi etiite assisted litirtoti rest lltSltlt those of the atlItoinitiir cenit centlttl Willi her husband spent all will be an important part oi the seat plum Iotf$liittl her earlier life iii at on W4 41 lt Nippv IBURNy SULTANA RAISINS COFFE 3010111 MlK iiiwrs CATSUP lhe reiiiiiins were laid to ii iii ciirrsi rim LAB WHIgtIEAL juflianrl CANADIAN No tenor POTATOES bag QANADIANEARMER MAEKETJ wH0LE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT 2402 loaflocI FLooa WAX iiBBsW SPECIAL BLEND BLACK rrii FANCY PINK SALMON MAEL lEAFI KW J2lt pm at Mrs 11 hlttiiaicse1 As this is the last mettine of the 3100 year all iiietnliers the prized toanil attend as the election of otticei her husband iti tcry lhe del id around Bond program TO YOU ciirrii was 41 31 IONA STANDARD IONA STANDARD CUT 29 Custom Ground lb IKNN PAGE FAMOUS Iiit In 11 Bil 15 neuritis FLQRIDAMTRSH SEEDLESS 1s Tin 43 FLORIDA MINCEM FLOUR ROSES CHOICE iriinriiir CONCENTRATED lArmisticeiii next WAXBEllllS unarrrsewls who tin Sociil and Dance oviamintti it hi lrt In aid of the Barrie lrl tmatlituily decritatetl titixes ttlltl 1itllll by Mrs Bradley tUttltnl won by Alis AtidreVs gt Nnttil ift Dittittll MI llllllltl tl Mrs Derrouph loiotito For tin HT ill Wu llmtl limit her daughter Mrs Walter flltlnllltl lt What iziatiilinotliir missed Meet Ilulchinsun lltllll hen the llltlt opened their boxes llttlflll out antiuallaitvr all expense were paid The tll tliettstlves Ill ferv NEW LOW PRICESFURTHER SAVINGS PASSED ON Iona lleeliiyeCrmvn Zlli tin 22807 tins iiiiiiiirs 35 Mix PEEL iii11 CHOICE sari gt Jun 1220oztin527c YOUR BEST BUY ANN PAGIIE FAMWS socnzrv BREAD lltlfi F00 POTAroicaop amnion 23c IiivyiFLORllDA SWEET JUICY F176 98 TANGEHINES CALIFORNJA EMPEROR ITABLE Bag 4099 GRAPES 331 19 its CANADAS tilts voun MEAT em or THE WEEK Fresh TSliankless EitheigIEmi IWhole or HalfpSliflmlOCk Mainroan RED BESTFOR EATING mm ass33 Tendon OrispIWa 00 radii Blue innit Beet srriAiis oriioASIs Iponrmuousn tsrnriorivnztitlpj Soulass Errst Five Ribs pom Isnounbms mok stat 145 CI shed Np ND 111581 mmwn liraJ Her husband litbut 33 ker predeceased her it lictriained here Srtldl AMT wwwcs WW With her son Cecil Ih Vary declaring yeais with MD ll Gourd at to itiuddv IH1cd and lit la it his gifted we or pH II 3H my which szze relented 35ng llat on of litr faculties tit attcntt lisps riIIzaititzva Sudden llrJllt of Mr llrcuis in intruny out ll Matted Kidd and vtn tlaikt oi lunar ftfleildrilit ti $11 LIosby and tMli Gsltilil it firttld bl iorc spent Ada tMrs Harold 11gt rim III Hum ltuiilo also If ftilirl in put on by tin la lol Eii Jtlc Rita in wt CLO ES Bit le ttfltl JlttKi lit ii at Nut and 511 lotin Copeland TitWt ll it lizt ltschattts conduct illl and rlt ltt tvaflffd 21ml Sorry to tepoit that ozta craft 125 lllltfltitflt was li hash motored to loionto you have the tiaisl ttI1tri cliutch 11 Us lll Tint Mr and M93 lltlllt ilt1 ll 1111 Hll MI and iilh 53m Thug llltllllft Meeting WendyI ti 31lllltI otthe WA llt Oil 10 AllI 3Vlf tIglr till and 5115 MUHIHMIIH MM tilt ldli llllit til ults Aj family have lllllttl io ll Wm mlll latitt pliHlll Ill ts tcltlftl It Brnrnms hmmt II 11 itfltl one Iltttl put tiotce ll tin Orange llall te 11 fix 1h oiditii the iiittttl of the piano for New Bliiil it 15 Hi MW number of her flitllflr to lfltt tfl itt at it III II 111 aunt on hand Al tlltlllr 1i11 tti two Weeks IDIU Hub hdM iii Levis served it ttll to Io towards the rink and litcent lSllUl t1t1 RE its 1m ltlllttlllt The next that Altgt Witt Sutherland Alis RUSS UT WJVIIlI 311 at 1I=ll 1M 11 ii iinters litown and MM Foran he totiitmtI Ml ltlltilltfll llilllh Ail ozt All ladies ate tee to look attir it Mrs Keith Beardsalls Don Van Allii xltl Ittliel to attend this iiripoitan nuiwtzv institute held trtlitl anti lance iti 111111 on Wednes lok ltllltl tatge crowd litltl lf2l the action was ill llttlli of llllllll 1th Indie iro llioin the tilrtlltlflttl in charge llll triiiient was caused tlli whom they the pleasure of Slltll pite The sum of silt the Hospital Fund the had previously an Uljtllt of of which has been raised aided As soon as the eached it also will he llats otl to the ladies lay Vl 2007 tin 204v tins 204m tin 311 ringiiag BUMEEB Doz45 IDon 2min III3IIbsl 01 it tint lb43 11755 lb Massey Harris 17 10 39 Spareboys 16 ll 37 Barrie Tanning 15 12 37 RCAF 15 12 36 Perry Electric 14 I13 33 Barrie Examiner 14 13 33 CGE 14713le Chicks Mens Hadden 200 40 34 FORD COA mm mm BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA mm SPARES AI Aun Iowuuo moon Natla tttrle NitAttlny Haulage Orphans Post Uffttr arter Body Canada Hich lLllltIlL Harry Swen Up llariie leiit ill 21 Results Monday Nov Barrie latitiittp llartie leiit ii ltist llffltt Dimes fr McAuley Haulage iiith Body larkr laike Lakeview Dairy Orphans Canada lltetid Sveti Up High SctitesWUUD Mallion 745 Ed Lewis 7211 ten lreensidt 740 Al liiiiigle 7311 Vic lleiry 700 ll autheis 700 13151 Hugh AveragesVic LeGear 225 llob Mallioti 220 Atnby llivett Elli lid Lewis 2110 llarri Tanning took over sole possession of first place with their fltlhllll win over the lastplace llarrie leiit team After spottingl the laiiners big lead iii the first twu games Barrie letit came back strong in the third and only miss ed taking total by 20 pins titrter Body and Fender dented hiike Clarke for five points to knock them otit of it first place tie down to fourth place Al lritielc was the hit man for the arter team with 730 As Bob Mallion goes so go the GE tctiin Bob was off for her weeks so his team wtn two points opt of lle bowls it this week and they win five points to put them back in the race tied for second place Carl Smith for Post Office with 282 iii the third game was the man that stop ncd CGE ttlkllil seven points llixies came out on the long end of 552 count over McAuley Haulage to stay tied for second position They won the first game by 28 pins and lost the second by 35 The only game that Dixies lost was the one when Stew llar ris was sitting out Lakevicw Dair showed that they arent as but as their record shows as they came out with three good lantes to take seven poliits from rphans and move up from the cellar to 10th position llcrin Cautliers witli 706 and Willard Kinzie with 626 were the stars Pat Garrity was the best for the losers with 033 Orphans after whirl wmId start are going nowhere fast winning only nine points out of the last 35 With only two weeks left in the first series the chips are down on every game now with five teams still having good ehnnee to make the three playoff positions Group 16 LP Gohecns Billiards 11 40 BIall Planing Mill Morrison Motors Shell Oil Legion No 14 ll 10 21 13 31 16 24 17 23 J3 TUESDAY RESULTS Shell Oil Morrison Motors Massey Har ris Perry Electric Ball Plan ing Mill Spareboys Barrie Ex aminer Legion Barrie Tanning RCAF CGE Goheens High averages McFadden 220 Woodward 217 Perry 212 Sharpe 209 Fraser 209 High scores 700 Club George LeGear 752 Andy Frasei 741 Shirt Derby Two bowlers from group took over the leadership in the sWeepstake Andy Fraser of RCAF 345 and Angus Goheen of Goheens 340 Runnersup are George LeGear 324 Bob Gray 3l8 Cec Cook 300 GROUP Smiths Dairy Smith Furniture Canadian Legion 13XRCAF HEPC Cor Co Barrie ITIile mwgqmoiNTj wawwmmg mmgwwaHr ear Results Monday Nov 29Smiths Dairy Cor Combines Can Legion Barrie Tile Smith Furniture 13XRCAF HEPC Chicks High ScoresA Ayerst 768 Burdette 683 Don Ferguson 630 High AverageseA Dusome 208 Burdette 205 Ed Lane 201 Chick suit Eighty Gordon Brown is the Shirt Der by Two snort shirts arethe prizes for the two hi hest single gamg plus two thir handicap Used Cars 47 DODGE SED 46 MERC SED 46 PONT 6=PASI 41FORD CPD twithf radio AleutiweeAeIIPv 41 cgeiin with rate 40DODGE sED PASwitiht The latstcreationnfthe monthm 1y prlZe committee headed by radio 40 IBUICK SE1 39 PLYMI COA 39 CHEV COACH 38 DODGE OPE z37 PLYM BED 37 BUICK SED 37 DESOTO SED 35 FORD BED 46 CHEV Ton Panel Truck All cars equip ed withiheat ers and Anti recto PHONE 3535 l4 Clapperton St IIIIII Barrie Bowling Club GROUP Burnt Tanning 18 13 35 leti Electric lo El 41 UTH HIE HI Sftiit lli it 91 Latin lie final it Ia vl it tllltf vltlI li 4piii 491 st Al vtv in any tltts ere Aastil titiitm l1 lfli fee lad not ltl pize tolaiie the Home oi of incrich xxxn1 to hie Minute Murine pleasant tithe Womens lnstitiiy hr hits Sid Montyva sprnt lli lilfitifili and playing lllt tjvt left of Household ldflllgtlllrlll tlil Iizuztitzti lllrllt llfllts Mr and Mrs iiile Moore 0112 cttitill 1121 Ltflzr fw ltti ltnl utrl blankets and Hlt asked to be lfetl at the MW Tm if Hum 111 vli Niel ll Miltittti liable while two later baskets of llitx tliaitlle Ltit lLIltllE atendtmw 11 iuompaitjiie gifts xtiri thought ii liile till lth lftfflitl ll lltit pus behalf of his ivtfv thanked the lit Yie lltizy iztikt lixm iir llltl illf II it titi illtl all Iloztzel in illIlIlfllg tltke ittottp 3H Nl i1v in the loi llirxg Air loll loott iel Itlitllhll ZE lIlUtlli tl 1L it tag on the ions mtiitttiil hitit was lieeitszdt llal ilgiztat lStived llati te laiitiziisi gtllil Still llttlttl to lIt tv totituzimu llall fittll lmm mung magma ilieitly donated itml iiptom ii li 11111111 Ilil amt fainters in El 10 out Mn izl 11 on Slitppets ltt ti topic lot the tlai lloit liiiltlf ltovistoitets 13 Elli filatiiiitetiiaiit You can nitman lIiiiotei 11 it 12 llfiillvi lioitw llitrll chlaply intuitions lit 17 111i Lavi ltap iiiig itili tl1llgt lixlUlltlgt it 51 31 ltftlllltilllZt Hint pill1 up the iiit Mens high siiiele loe llllltll limit you pie in ll111tllt itiet 2911 their lltltl Jim Smith 001 dont haw their llioll lltttltlli liiigti av raiie Jim Smith 1167 Ladu mum tpc oi imp Latin5 high slittilv llatl Allen up MM mp iil 12117 llltIll thiee llael Allen tittLIhHI IIII mum III ml high average llavcl Alltlt till ughp lulu II pl ten to much lot child The er lirkt lfugll Jlttllflt closed by E11117 ll loll Stite tllt Klfltg illtl ll liltr mm If served lunch The Demo ier 111IlA WM 11 li jlj mg Will iititi 1is tlie Rdflm larksz Speaker 1i laelt filet Rgmmm Attlitli lillll Iiill ltioltti 1ttll Cum 21 vlllt smiiples to be ed 101 hint11 llosttsses Mrs We talilurll illltl Wolus 11 ll II Cardinals ill 20 Hall Hieli singles ladies llael ner 232 tiieiilaul Laurila high three llaxel llaynei ltay Lt ANTEN MILLS flO latke 720 high ltt ladies lloe 1il iiieti lltvett lJ 222 November 20 Miss Marion ox spent tee ltiays with friends in Toronto BEETON Mr and Mrs Fred Newton bm lsltttl friends in Toronto for few days NIIWIHIM 07 Mr and Mrs Walter 1111 and Wiumns is Sum frivnis children llmvkestone visited out in Washao this week Mmdtly Ihlnmgii Mrs Milton Reynolds is in Ham MI will ld Ilf mo visiting hm dmmmm here on Sunday Missl Knapp 1t MH Munm 0r Omnummo 51mm turned to Toronto wtth llt tor the weekend with her parents lull Wait ll iiiiu Mm VON Tmml indhcliilldiftlnHill ltutli Wiihiliiid guest of her parents Mr and Mrs lriendytrom Sudbnty spent Sun Londly lay with Mrs Wight lricevitle leo Succgsxfll 51 was While cutting wood in the hush ESLCIIIIIII the Tim ML Highly last Tuesday Fred Newton liad llltl misfortune to almost cut off his M1 and Mm 173 Dal 5mm mvl big toe and had to be rushed to wegkmd Brumlmm 9515 the doctor for immediate attention their son Miss Marion Peaisoti Cooksl town spent thewcckend with iVllJ and Mrs lalmer success Some of the speakers were Rev Capt Downer of Duni IliUtilt Leslie Saunders of Toronto Mls 13 IallIvllIMr Letts Six Watson itlll and Sh and lmmlAbernethy was toast master were in loronto on riuay Mrs Westwood is iti Alliston Ix Hospital where Islie underwent IhllllIff ISltlhiugrla major operation Front Ullmlepullbr 7mm ls arijjwi She is progressing Sum1V ipower plants at SWlill Rapids itllitl to so LOL Oyster bum Mmdcn ait lttll The United Church WA catered f0 TIls to turkey supper for Mount Ararat LOL and it was great SIMCIQIE TRY AN EXAMINER WANT Al Armbands For Christmas Giving We have them in varieties too numerous to mention Come in an enjoy your Christmas shopping at Twiss Everything neatly boxed up Weeli End Specials N0 shortage of shirtsihere FOrsytll and other reliable brands in smart stripes or plain shades Sizes 1412 to 19 All neatly boxed $400 and $600 brands You boxed All Wooleg 65c pair Mama in 1h IiiW citclue Itlames for the children 31 an viic ten 11 ita betterment 31 LII 11 letlllt Will be 131 Aizgius on llrc 1iI filth to Mr and Mrs Money Ztn halt towith of 14 so lie doe gl ll ll itpt of Ltii tl Sutton and Allied Sat TOP PRODUCER fed the Coop way FROM THE TIME YOUR CALEIIS TWO WEEKS OLD FEED HER THE COOP WAY YOULL SEE THE RE SULTS IN HEAVY MILK PRODUCTION FROM HEAL THY WELLDEVELOPED COW OOl Alil MEAL IOOP DRY FRESIIENING FRED IO01 LAF CLUB STARTER IOIOI CATTLE MINERAL Your Gift Problems Solvedl It is Pleasure to Shop at Twiss SHIRTS BracesGartrs Pyiamas Broadcloth or Flannelettes by Forsyth Also other these They make ideal Christmas Giftsneatly PAGE mm L01 Entertainer rmiiiu LTD The local Orange Lodge enter tattoo llzcir HVLS and families also LTB lo pottuck supper on ltmzsday tVriillig in the Township Th cwning we spent en hail McTagHau of followed by iutcltibci 29 The WA and Whirl yzlt meet on ltizcday Dec at the home if Alis Wood at pin lziigt gathering of tieigtibois and other friends me at the home Iof Mt 1111 Min llitioltl Moore im more tlllll the Stt trllllt Hour tyfillitil Ask for Information on oor DAIRY RAIION SERVICES DIAL 2429 BARRIE TIES in huge assortment of patterns stripes de signs etc all neatly box ed for gift giving andup Boys Shirts ParkaSy GolfHose Sweaters A11 neatly displayed to make your snappingspieasurf YOiiW1find just what you want for your boy at our store will like weekeni Special 50 pail frilllen Sweaters Pullover Style Ideal TorWearing under coat or Windbreaker Various colorsILIgReg WEEKEND Coats 3vsf Aseleot rarigeuplain Shad as with plaidftrimming alA So sririart checks all Warml iy lined Size 24 to 36 Reg front $8295 ianltiuv ElecliticPoiiver To conserve Electricity andibetter Iserve youlwe have installed our own power plant and supply all the electricity used in our storeand win dows severalhours each day Extra Special to Clear $595 dander GLOVES We have them in huge quantitiesn woolen leather or chaImoisetteslin ed or unlined all sizes neatly boxed $150 and up GIVE HIM GLOVES zTHIS CHRISTMAS mtovsnsoircoir alkatyls colors and designs With sleeves or Isleevless What gift Would lhe appreciategmore then Sweater GivIe sweaters this Christmas Price range $35de up unfiiim turretAttica If in doubt give him gift certificate We can Supply you with Suit Over coat Topcoat orHat certificateslrliis means he can choose his gift 1h per son after ChristmasII HARR 25 Dunlap