THIS WEEKS ISSUE 8050 Capies Auraoaizto As szconl CLASS or oiuwli Planned to Drive West With Auto from Barrie Interrupted at Sudbury lillitfilllg tul fl om On charge of pictcztcvs Motors 25 Izarii Road on Oct 26 Alex Koridrey 116 Peter St To ronto was ieiindeli for one week after healing tieloii Magistrate Gordon Foster here on Wed Nov II it under falsi On evidence of Albeit Gage of Mac Molnis and New Glenn sales man the accused had made an ex Change of his 1041 Dodge he was allowed 51110 plus repair account 5131 $1875 and Manitoba in this itUZII 15140 next 1II1 Ill 3tout garage Ford 1113 for In the meantime it was discovered that he loved gi lien of $20805 with finance company on the Dodge lie was located at Siillliuiy and broughtxhaek by llltiv Cons Pearce Kondrey intoxicated contract with Mac Motiiis and did not notice tlip iiist clause iii the stated that Dodge was free of encuiiiblance that he could pay all obligations and was given the additional week settle if he desires Itll lil claimed that he was when signed agreement which also claimed in custody to record of some nine previous eniiydetions was noted The fresh clear color brightness and trim gure attering fit of clothes newly Quality Cleaned add interest Try it youll look betterfeet better tOo Cleaning Includes USANO INSURED MOTH PROOFING Part of our Service You receive with each garment months cer tificate IAL7247ltP+ fir FOR PICK UP DRESSES SUITS COATS HATS SLIP COVERS DRAPES CURTAINS BLANKETS Mending Done suiiirs 24 Hour Laundry Service CANADIAN RISEAPCH tNSIlIUIE ANEli VIVFor Pickup 74 Elizabeth St Dial 2471 $2500 REWARD Reward of $2500 is herebyoffered by the Undersigned for Information leading to the arrest and conviction of any personbreaklng and entering thegpremises of the undersigned or in any way the undersigned Barrie Nov 1948 Barrie Country Club dssers Will Be Irosecuted TreSp 85 th YeorNo 49 HONORED IIIITIII EXTW Survey Mapping Depailiiieiil of Mines and litrooms 13 shown after receiving presentation at lisllWIII galliei mg of friends and eowoilzers held in Princess Louise Iliauioii Guards Itlllllt ii 11 lbha on Nov 10 Shown in photo left to liltlit are 1iliiiniehlcf of Bureau of Mines Mr Fletcher and If thlpiiiaii Chief lopogiiqiiilcal iIngincer of Mines Department There are 10 iiiemiiirs on IIII Staff of the Siiiicoe oulify liillhl CAS Salaries $31500 Naphtali Replies To Council Questions Fletcher retiring chief of Air lens Aid Society and thc saturlcslsizcd that the AS was spending total $31280 This we the llllil mation in report tabled at thof County Coilncil last Thursday in $00000 of the countys money this year The iiiaiiaziiii director felt the counfy council should liavc reply to motioii by Ilxtlarden oepresentativcs on the AS board Ernest Miller When the report was read 1in Citintylorklgt Simpson who could report back to the colln by Setting good ex cil When Mr Benson asked it $110 POWER WARDENS important public service to liydzo and the peope of Ontario JlII be eiiiele1 by some 00000 is in uiIUUS parts of the piov ce ill the iole of Junior IUt vlillivlm IIEU 1n making tins announcement ltolieil ll Saunders halriiiaii Oil The Ilydioll ctric lower Con 121gt1iill states that youth groups in practically eyeiy toiiiliillnitd lglltfictl their Intention of aiding in eaiiipalgii recently launched by llydro to pioiiiote voluntary conservation during lflc present temporary but seiious power short tlgl ii Organizations ClJHlltillIlIl in clude Boy Scouts libs Girl Guides lliowiiies Cadets Sea Rangers Itailgtrs Loon Guides Post illldes and Salvation Army Brownies Through the medium of special conservation literature provuild tor the purpose these Junior low er Wardens iii plisoiizil loiitacts at home at ehool and among their iieiglihorhmid playiiiales will co operate in the efforts to iiiipress on all domestic consumers the gravity of the eXIsting power shortage and the lil1l15 ways of saving electricity Already instruction letters lizivc been mailed to 21400 Boy Scouts and 1400 iirl Guide leaders to ex lplaiii the most efleetive ways to aid power conservation Pledge forms are also being distributh iand Junior Power Wardciis But ton eliiliosscd with the onimis sions coatsollarms will go to every boy and glllrrlgllillgrllltf pledges During the mining winter months as the Iieed for voluntary power conservation becomes in creasineg necessary Mr Saund lers pointed out in making the an lflllllfll should be actively iepic iiouiiceiiient ciilli Junior lowcr Sllllltl on the lioaid and ciiiphan Wardtii will have the opportunity to make an important contribution to the continued prosperity of On tario Our youthful colleagues can ac complish this job most effectively ample and by enlisting the cooperation of their parents and companions in saving II Naplitali managing iiriclor oliflflfl would be enough this yearmucliqieoded electricity everv hour the CAS was invited to the front Mr Naphtali thought it would to answer the questions of mono bers 1n reply lo question from 1Reeve Clifford Lockhart of Tunis The salaries ranged from $000 to in My Napma said Juvcmm $3800 The IIV I01 531511105 WGWand Family ourt would make the as fo110vs S31f1f1$31f1l $23m $2200 and $2000 work olrtlie CAS more effective Reeve Hugh IUIIIISIl11JI Orillia lerred to the CAS budget and It was explained that outt was paid at the rate 01 victimv iointcd to me iiieleiso from $58 for the first 7000 miles and 51Xl000 to 371000 for children in care CCIIISIIOI mileage over 7000 ilt was explained that the CAS W110 DCDUIY R00 Jam anticipated collections of $12000 of Barrie 215100 00 illllVCdifiiiiii parents and this would rc IhCSC 531M103 MR 51111950 lCDIlCUduce the county SIIEIIC to $59001 that this was done by the CASI Board Reeve Ernest Miller of Goldwat er asked what increases in salaries there had been in the past year and Mr Naplitali said the overall increases would be approximately $1000 In reply to query from Reeve Benson of Penctaiig Mr Naphtali said Quincy Nighswaiider at Orillia had replaced Miss Payne When Mr Benson asked about the work of Miss Dortha Jackson whose salary was $3100 the inan aging director explained that she spent one day week in each of the district offices and she was general supervisor of case work Mr Benson who is chairman of nance of the county council ask edMii Naphtaiiifhrrproposedr Juvenile FamilyMCourt with bud get of $7000 year would replace any of the present wor now done by the CAS Thereply was in the negative Mr Miller wanted to know if theproposed Juvenile Court might double in cbst to $14000forirs second year and Mr Naphtali re plied that it need not be expanded to that ext nt The Re vc of Goldwater Mr Miller asked why the CAS budget Wasrising so alarmingly He wish ed to know if it would keep going up Mr Naphtali saidherdid not be lieve the work would expand in definitely He said that over the rovince there was an increased awareness of what was taking place and Such services were be ing demanded When Mr Miller suggested the CAS was taking re onsibility from th parents by aking the children Mr Naphtali explained thiswas the last thing done by the CAS In reply to question byMr Miller regarding investigations Mr Naphtali said if there was no particular reason for him to make personal investigation he accept ed the report of thesocial workers work of the CAS board of direct GASjn thehands of the con ty council PROVINCIAL AUTHORITY Mr Naphtali pointed outthat the prOVineial legislation provided for the private Operation of child rens aid societis Direct control by an elected councilwasvnot pos sible under present legislation He added however that the county damaging the property of There was some discussion re garding the CAS budget and the salaries and Mr Naphtali pointed out that the salaries should be compared to flie entire CAS bud get of $112500 which would be made Lip this year approximately as follows county grant $80000 collect from other municipalities 319000 collect from parents $12 000 Province of Ontario grant $1500 ANY ABUSE Reeve Miller wanted to know if the CAS had any real assurance that the children in homes were riot being abused or mistreated Mr Naphtali said reports were ob tained but if any person knew of case where child was not be ing pippgrlytreatcd thercyshguld fReeve Miller commended the ors tvhoicarried out their duties without compensation and asked how they wouldfeat about having be direct complaint to the CAS Herbert Brokenshirc Reeve Of Wasaga Beach asked how reports were obtained on neglected child ien He spoke of one home where several children were kept in place not fit for huinanhabitatioi Mr Naplitali said rthe CAS acted only on complaints They did not go out looking for business He explained however that informa tion was Obtained from doctors and school teachers and others in some instances Bruce Eplett Reeve ofVictoria Harborwanted to know what was the greatest contributing factor to the work Ofthe CAS How could we combat it The managing director said hc felt that the lack of education of parents for parenthood was one of the greatest factors BEERRARLQR When ReeveEplctt more specific answer as to the cause MrNaphtali began few remarks on the social revolution ofthe people away from the farms to the industrial centres Mr Ep lett interjected to assert thatlie of cacti day theChairman added FOUR SIMCOII WINNERS KINGS GUINEAS cuss Kenneth MeKiIinon 18yearold Hillsburg farmer member of the Erin Calf Club Of Wellington County established record at the Royal Winter Fair by winning the Kings Guineas for the second consecutive time While current exchange rates make the prize of 50 guineas actually worth $21105 young McKinnon received $250 Presentation Of the award was made by ViscountAlexander Can adas GovernorGeneral and imme diately afterwards Col the Hon Kennedy Ontario Premier and Minister of Agriculture pre sented the proudyoung far with the Kennedy trophy The champion steer was an Aber deen Angus the same as the win ing beast with which he captured the honor at the 1947 Fair However instead of $10000 WIIICIIheCCQIVCdWIOIWIIIS prizeT winning animal year agothis years champion brought only $3 per pound Its weight was 920 pounds SHORTHORN STEER Judith Merry Oakville Ronald Crawford Glencoe George Mc Caguc Alliston Duncan Camp bell Moflat Jas Wiggins Kemptville ANGUS STEER Kenneth Mc Kinnon Hillsburg Murray Fretz Jordan Robert Walker Stayner Gilmour McGregor GlaSgow Sta tion5 Earl Windatt Beaverton HEREFORD STEER Vera Jaqucs Jarvis Kenneth Hopper Hagersville Murray Warnica Barrie Allan Houghton Beeton R0bCIL ONeil Denrld llIdlcomson Scores also At Pontoon Show Malcomson of7 Penci tang Street had some outstanding wins at the Royal Winter Fair with felt the beer parlors were one Of eight rsts eight seconds one the causes of family neglect third and two fourths on 23 entries Mr Naphtali said beer parlors in the poultry competitions Were serious factor butrhe felt they were not fundamental cause The real cause is deeper andvpepple go to beer parlors to cscape Reeve Benson inquired abOut the $20000 in family allOwance mOney that was in the custody Of the CAST Mr Naphtali explained that this money was held in trust for the children SOniE ofitwas being used but the federal authorities had said family allowances were introduced to raise the standard of living for all children He stated sOme ofgthis money was now being used on behalf of the children Concluding his remarks Mr Naphtali asked the CountyCouncil to give consideration to assuring Iepresentationon the CAS Board Reeve Eplett thanked Mr Naph tali for the manner in whichyhe lt replied to the questioning and spoke of thegood work done by the Childrens Aid Society lAfter all he Said it is costing only $1 for each resident ofSimcoe Coun ty Later in the day motion was presented and passed which will provide for members of County Council toattend theCAS board meetings on thesame basis as they attend meetings of county comIriit Hewon rst cock first andsec 0nd ban and rst and second cockerelbn five entries in the Modern BB Red Bantam class The cock was judged champion modern of the Show third with his cockerels rst and second with his hensand secondhwith his cock InBig Old English 1the judges gave him rst cock rst and sec ond pullet and seoond hen The cock was judged the champion of theentire breed Mr Malcomson now has posses sion of the William Hammill Chal lenge Cup and the Victor Barber Memorial Cup for breed champion Fair BEETON HOPEFUI OF OIL Activities in the search for oil in every day and theilittle town of Beeton 45 miles northwest Of To ijonto may not be the last to bring surprise in the oil discovery of new field Beeton World iL tees They willybe allowed the Re mutatentustlvecgntstmila age ASSISTING HEPC l1vl ill In the Modern Duckwing ng tam he won arrst aasecond and ship wins at the Royal Winter Western Ontario are increasing THE BARRIE EX IAlliIIIIlilt AND RlTlI IIIJIIBI III were tile lillt1 ptakziig contest sponsored by the Simeon to psych lgtclllllili Dale Miller of llillsdale Hi tab on Why villll to Stay on the Yaliir fluff llI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOTES lrofits in Focus Ilil esaiiiple of how piofit lig iiies can be distorted was brought ou in report of IIltIIIti Com 1I11ltill concerning the Christie Ioodvorking of Saint John INH 11 showed fngl this small Some $1000 iii 1037 to over $17000 10 years later At quick glance it could be assumed that the firm Ulthiclllllli llllIuLJlS lIiuchIIio1icI in 1017 as lid in 10217 The reader would have to give the report much closer investlga iron to learn that in 1037 the pro fit represented 23 on sales but in 1017 II was oiily 227 Prices of lumber and other conunoditics sold by the company skyrocketed dur ing the period but the figures show quite clearly that the coin llllljs profits did not derive from higher prices but came from an iii crlased volume of business 01 Harness ol Harness speaking at 210 10th annual meeting of the aiiiidian lhaiiibcl of Commerce held recently at Vancouver de clared in our free competi tive enterprise system profit is an and the lack of profit spellsin efficiency and failure With failv lire goes not onlv the loss of the money invested bill also the jobs of all employees in the business We know that without adequate profits investors will not risk their capital in any business We know that without adequate pro fits which will allow substantial portion to be rcinvcsted in the business that obsolete equipment caiiiiof be replaced and that new and modern plants cannot be ac quired Such state ofaffairs can only result in inefficiency increas ing costs loss of markets the fail ure If the business and unemploy ment Welcome to Barrie The Chamber members welcome JackA Woods new Supertest dis trict supervisor who has taken over frOm Sill Marshall as com pany representative for the Barrie area Check on Ilydro To relieve the PUC switchboard the Chamber of Commerce office iLIll be glad to answer enquiries regarding daily power cutoffs Chamber members are invited to phone 3305 after 415 pm to en quire regarding hydro interrup tiolis for the day Signs of Towns Growth There are now nearly three hun dred more property ownersT iii townthis year than last Estimates of the number of houses being built in Barrie this year run upward of 150 BCI Christmas Holidays The present Christmas examina tion schedule at the Barrie Colle giate Institute calls for eSEairiina tions to be written up to and in cluding Wednesday December 22 Chamber members were advised that students will not be available for pieChristmas employment in local stores and other places of business beforethat date TRANSFERREDr TO VBARRIEv Covert has been trans ferred from Beeton to Barrie where he will be in chargerof of ce work hours per day instead of patrolling the hightivays in ecified area which necessitated Imany and varied hours through all indication o1 efficient operation sorts of weather Mrs Covert and little daughter willjoin her hus band when living quarters can be found We areisom to liseitliesg COLLINGWOOD ARENA Collingwoods community arena is to open on Dec 16 midst Tottenham Sentinel To See iABIQTF BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY DECEMBER i938 80000 IUNIOR econd with It taik on the people of tile Alltic coiiipaliys net profits rose f1 silcliec Chairmans Greetings Ad rorrs Community Song election oi liillllllf1 I3lh Annual Evehf Simcoe Co Old Boys Held at Regina Sask The lisziiiiJui has lLllKti copy of tht liilii Annual liveill oi the Sliiiloe oliiity till Iiu and Girls Association held in the eheiier llofei ltegllia Fast oil let 10211 Here are gt 1111 features llicersrr Iloii lIes 31 Mary lloldeii lloii Vice Ilf deiils Fred Sloiey Mrs ll Weieker 1m is this ieorge Sampson Vic liisinent 11 711 McGHr rail 211 rsz Inlliuiuied dy Secy Mrs Brown 1rea Robertson llxeeutive 11 Maxwell Alex Allitlilllt Scythes Mrs Gibson It Leliiiox Dr liett II Taylor Wm iloughtou Mrs 13 Wells III Irograiii Canada i1ii oliimuiiity Song Toast to the King Cliairiiiaiit Ctlllillltlllii Song Chairmans icicieiice to than who passed to the Great Beyond since last meeting nc liilliutesv dress by Rev Outelbridge Community Song Solo by Mrs June Ferguson Chairmans wel come to distant members and fav oflieers Solo by Mrs June FerguV soii Introduction of New Oflicels by Chairman Community Song Auld Lang Syne God Save the King Dining Room cleared for those whEi could stay and visit with Old and new friends SongHLeader Roy Druiy Accompanist MIS Grace Germaine McnuColdwater Hearts of Cel cry Orillia Fresh Fruit Cocktail Supreme Alliston Individual AMINER Section 2Poges to 14 AK AMMUNITION ROM EliaNIsG can Three King Township hunters fescaped iniury on Nov 20 when their car crashed into another auto on No 11 highway two miles north cf Bradford and burst into flames While the motor of the car burned the men removed the ammunition from the back seat to prevent an explosmn Chcsley iJr Farmers Association EPublic Speaking Event fln Toronto Jon speaking and anta contests part of the annual nice ed of Agriculture iansored by thon of Oil IIIKKILIIR lake place in Toronto talent will brother Thomas John and nephew Gordon Thomas driving south when their an auto driven were car collided by William Gidley Toronto hunters groups are already mak with llcillillltl contr sl li tiulhxdttlllol ln lorums 31111055 Tiic removed their hunting equipment and am munillon flames quickly litlitl lunches chosen will then participate in ciiily contest and the winner W1 510055 competi rural thus burst into It was gutted BradfOrd Local disirict then lion tIEItl three minutes zisvell as the All iiitiiints must he farm young prepared speech Simon minutes ion general subject LIor the tin oratory select mole and amateurs minute may three contestants limit for speeches is tenflll Finalists will be iequir an iiipioziptu speech from five topics suggested effort subject 074010 malorovoxoxoxoawlmm VERCOATS F0 SIZE THESE OUNG ME MEN IN STOCK AT $2895 to $5700 SIIIS IN STOCK Ready While You Wait from $4350 SIIIISON HATS $850 $1000 others at $225 to $750 DRESSING GOWNS PLAID PLAIN COLORS ALL WOOL ALL SIZES IN STOCK priced from $1395 lSE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN FOR CHRISTMAS WILFH TODD lotmonomnoxoww LETS LOOK LiiITO THIS Is your insurance coverage adjusted to the increased value of your pro Call and See Sproatt Mrs 11 It ftlofiscl Mason Frank 01 Smith INSURANCE AGENCY MOVING NOTICE havenorscou Stanley room and repair demure to larger quarters at 118 Dunlop St formerly occupied by Ontario Hydro Electric Commission and now have every facility for repair and overhaul for all types of refrig erating equipment Monarch Rtri 113 DUNLOP ST MODELS PRICED MENS AND BOYS 55 DUNLOI ST WEAR BARR pcrty 41 Dunlop St Dial 3735 gelation Co TEL 2059 Cliickcn Pic North Adjala PotaF toes Midland Frozen Peas Beeton Butter Collingwood Cake and Craighurst Ice Cream New Lowell Rolls Barrie Coffee What is Junior Chamber of Commerce It is an organization of youligl men whose purpose isa to pro vidc leadrship trainii and other selfdevelopment activities to young men so that they may be comem0rc valuable to their eni ployces or in their chosen field of endeavor to help improve and developtlieir community and nal tion ct fellowship Canadas future depends on its leaders the Junior Chamber trains young men to be leaders Does junior groupinterferc with the senior group Jaycee age group is 1603 for ac tive members Senior group are noticeably older Junior Chamber serves by com munity improvement actiVIties the senicir chamber concentrates on current business information and service to members Junior group develops leaders while senior group are men who areleaders The junior member of today becomes the trained leader fOr senior chamber or brightiyungipl fiOT Tout out of possible 6000 points Hamish opening Pridavrvbecjemlier10 All DnIGFStftNexEGhiickoitor WilIHandlex Designingfor Funerals Weddings and Splicial Occasiolns FRESH CUT ROSSCOOK Frown sHOPl Bring the Kid SantaCIauszParade in Orillia SATURDAY DECEMBER AIZOclock COLOUR ANDEIIN service club tomorrow E49 MARKSMANSHIP SHIELD Ovas Wagg Kings Scout and CCI atlilte haSTbehEwmdEd Dominion MarksmanshipShield following his win in the district riflle competition helping his club to make new record with 5062 POTTED PLANTS ETC The Big Residents of Bradford and West Gwillimbury Township are in vited to attend an address by Dr Fred Internationally known figure in medical hospital and Red Cross circles who at present is National Commissioner of the Canadian Red Cross Sec retaryTreasurer of the Ontario Hospital Association and Acting Director of Blue Cross Plan for Hospital Care Who will Speak on Blue Cross The You KAT feoNTilRIo HOSPITAL