THIS WEEKS ISSUE 8025 copes AUYNORIZED AS SECOND CLASS IAlL 85th YeormNo 48 BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY NOVEMBER 25 i948 to our CHAIM NER Section 2Poges to Imm II IIIHHIIII II II Jas Leghton RecelvesI BLIND 80 Hs LLTIHR IFormers RECGIVG for MoneySaylngl MIAMI Nutmml Raina EFom New York Growers III II II in 509985tion Ol Barrie Hl Lmu If BUS SBCd Potatoes II mm yumII James Illeighton an crnployecIatl duh on my The North Simcoe seed potato the 83 works of me Canadmn IIIIIIIIIITI IIIIIII II Igmwem who sold sewn carloads General Electric Company recently VUIIIIIIIImd of Wed 135 week to 1m New york received an award of $3816 for IIIIIIIIIISIIIIIIIII ILII IIIIIIGmwms C0OpI Wm receive ap moneysaving suggestion which hc UII AI III BiIIIIII has III II IIIIIIIIIIIId TIIC pmximau $9000 made with regard to the polishing WI II luirttlItlit lllUli lli tulJltCtlUn to inank tlic All for lx ivtiippagc surctaiy of the IcilehctsI madI hIII SII Igemon VllliIlllS llilll iitcoiaZion which which he l0gt1INilElllISlmCOP Seed Potato Growers 5141 lllith lllxll for out fiii llir cn BLm5d mm Asmuaimn sum the seed was sold Huag0 ImIdc mg ytral llilllttlIv of thy norrs of at price of $160 bushel Toronto lirni it was calculated IKIHKMMUIL JIIIIIIS palm that iris method saved I$dl8 per lLUHdUnI Rhythm oI0MW00WWOWWWMU CICdtllqusbl Stellfwuz The Ultlii1 of tilt award of MM FOR YOUNG MEN RIBN hll 1L ma Officer of ill Order of ilil British IN STOCK Using 15 Sllggosuoyp zrt1t it kl II humm hr 5mm AL III ceived pm nt of th staring fwd IIIIIII MC IIIIIIICIIIIII iii 1I nilIlIllEhliIIMODELS PRICIuD AT $3395 to $5700 as his sham If sis si us is sleek Ready wmie You Walt from $4350 ml rr ilis itll tin II II II IIIIIIIVIIII III WI IIIHIIIVWM MI 5W HM AMI SgISOI SIOIOOI Others 3225 to $750 1d ht di II cessncli lJiili rrttillillllttlllllllalltl DRESSING GOWNS PLAID PLAIN COLORS wrrncairses Clnth re Barrie BIIUIIIIII BZIICII IILI 1948 In IIIIEIIZIIlrlIUlIIIIIAIlllilAIllltLtl CHI HHIAX EASTMAN IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III Iv ALL ALL priced ram um aiiadiziii rim tractcd an enrolment of list Barrie flilLtllltlll iiiziisl Cllllrllzillltltl AM IN 21 All villi lbl 0L LAY AWAY PLAh FOR CHRISTMAS bOS and lllS lus 12 from Cund ti II andm it tllflll lint thlltll IN II MEN AM 13015 EAR lcs ISIIfrom Utopia and Id from LIIIC iALIiAIIIIR cciitIIlIt IEVCrtlIt Spruce County 18 Gully mm Chm IIIIIIIIIIIIII III 55 DUNLOP STI II BARNEI dhlllbt cerved the CILOIllllIlO POtato CllmplOllSillp liopliy trout tratiori illllltIlliliIHtlllil lltliclolliiI up tooWwwmwwmlowwwlmmw Dick GOOdill right of the Ontario Crop Improvement As iillicd foin suIizrquriziriiis iiul wasII II IIIII II somatlom Ems mm Mm 1Iulg1mlI mm mm 1m IiIiIiIiIgtIltziiiIItIlt IiIiIiIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII II II II II it Lt 3I 15 JIIII 1IIII VII iIIIIH1II III II kn son menCh nub Minn AVAIL JL Roydl Amulnuudl muffs Jum mm mm labs tll rm ll lin lxxtltll ii Saauriwii oi North htii r7 rty tgzii Winter F1111 iii IIIIl IIiiiiiI tIliII IllItI Il III IIIIIIII III IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIII inti itin irri it tinnitus II II III II Mk III II II III StDltlllllil lllS In lll his coiii ht mum and gum HPIIIIHIIHIIIIIH 1m illiivituis xiv laiiuwt Illiilll on IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIvIII III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIMIIIIII IIIIIIIII HIIIIIIIIIIIII III II hm 1H th Hfuh lii lh Vlihlm 91 nsurance ISt on way 11 11 milAn uniHi Hlihhim PM mm Mil to bar the door ginSt mm iiII1 MLIHI in mum In lllmh UIICOUNTRY llllllLll MEL knowledge and iimimSimulrnp II II III lnanla OSS gt 11 ll Aboiit llllll parents altcndcd open llllillltl tlic ollllnt arrsocia PI II II Im ml trolling ciiilri is and icrlioni o1iron minim which has ivi house at live llzirrrc schools on till lion and scouts ictcti as ushers Will Hlgt ll Nilrll IllllIH 10 ill igiiirpyp mi in mi iguilhll Wm meim 11 yr vi wwl The senior iris icrvcd collco 11nd problems 01 yum Hum and III IIIIIII IVI II II II II H5 Hm mitt soldier was particiilarlv noticeable drill if Mills 1111 buy 111 haw mmlmmwi ODD WNW mll Cm m5 illlll 141 llll Ml iillli air annual institution gixcs to thc Hm ill 113 WW hllll Wml ml lmmb Harms ivill ll Muir oflcr to snlitlzillilll ili lzv illWlllliK 41Dlmlol St INSURANCE AGENCY D1313735 lcrint the lloyal anadiaii Armor1L him Mi cd Corps an appointiriciit which hit rm may IVVttllltlli illltllltiiill At llll lriricc of Wales School some 230 Vilmh llll UH liioiih the yoiiiiticst llicii iiiv liiii liolc iiill llllllxt it Hi niiiiiitis liori oil will llll in both liu Ulltltll Kttltl1lllr 5mm IIIHII parents an opportunity to sec sani plcs of their cliildriiis voik dis Their intclings ari lltltl oil tutl played in their classrooirzs and a1mlI IIWW md in Uh Mlunnw rim lvlvl mmii Ichancc to Visit with Mr mildly lliIltlIl ocloclr llrc parmils or the II iII il ilulr homo iIIIIIII IIIIIIIII III III III III IIIIIIIIII tmchom kiiiricruzirtcii pupils came iii lllt lilImIm HI llaiis for lriiiiis coinls lllll iiioriiiiiz loialiorit an hour 1Hmiiuriu iool illtl air cxlcns it Tl 13 11 iiiiilc iii lillllii Millicnnm leuld military headquarters Coloiicl Loci mph Ml ill tiic lllllllliil ol iriirik terms ill Approxiirizitclv lllll pzircrits visrt iiolc r1c to bccairic icsponablo for supervising mm hm UIidld lllt district gtllltt tlli Il year LlPSWk can be lovely ladyt Victoria School observed that cacti it hm hm no on domes solady lymI pircis WHL Tum mm miiilliiitiriiquidrii Zilllulii lfillllllmln the 1ltrimll Cmmdim For oicr ll warn liotli llltl are S9f11bu pctChance psdm In the scholll Tutu17L nil primary 11mm tho ihiidiien mm army nvorslns Th9 mun my Hill hlliltlitrlzs liiti tliirriivl does Chrsmas Retail Buszness Only in gt is gamencan WWW We coming one of uppiicizilloli on thci AW llillmi 1W 51 iflf 2153 ffIfldfe 11gt VKliyt Saturday Market remove the stain part of the parents rm wing mm Georges School ltll liousc lroiii lI I7 ililircuvs spoiliirr hazards and the Opportunity to git hm Child ill to oclock in thc ziltcriioon 1901 Mmmm Flm beautifully kl pt greens iollcisi 1113 rimm Malmi 135 5mi During lhe WInler months beglnmng renq gChoulq Open house along with cdiica lell 11 Slut prfmrmllo lill ilrivi VilllllllVll illdiilzi llllillllllil tliirc was caidincc Bn ll prim 0f lion week had its origin in thc 915th llmbmm much Wm NiW Ilnilis ll Nmm llflliillltllt li4illlllltlltlltll lllfltl illlm no noticeable cspritdccorps amonu 51 Umtu Stalls iii Hot and only in plurid lllllt iiincd oncs lor llllll 95 00v my Wm his staff 1115 accurate Judgment In addition 140mm filkilllllvl rrcc decorations wcrc olcrcd at the IlItW curl IWIll lJlledIC lIVlIWiLS cents dozen and birch lot can we wish to than our many friends and customers for5 modern pllVllUth ZtSSOCllllilti llll mi holders wcic llll Wicw their killtl patronage in the 133 and sincerely hope 1933wasiteawMHNQLJM ada where it has become popular institution the practice of open houseand coriv sidcrs it the high point of Educa tion Week He remarked on the of character has enabled him at all times to select officers in whom to place conlidcncc to the great +x country club Such project how II ll Wholl and LITTLE LAKE 19mm FORUM benefit of the Imj 11 101 mi calls for the expenditure iii mm mm we may have the opportunity of servmg you again 1n school itself that it utilises in the II II II Coroner Lees sewnt has been Umidmlbl0n um TI tllollllilllk 1W 411W llrlililltd children II IIYGcttiiIit bItziitIiir lIaririing and nowth throughout IIIIII IIIIIIk III IIIC Sow CIIIIIII1IIIIII 133m humpkmmd SUX it iilel the Spring lug SgfgIElCRImIVIIIFIIIIfIZTI lli1iillthailcfLiuqafeigllzgi Lwm lo llt offcicd or public llilgscnilitlsthlilIiig1m MI fI gt II Ii kpI nc 19 two and three hundred palcnisI In this and lusthookS discussions EIIJIIIITIIK I31II5lllvslinf Illot home baking with loron largc Clearing Grocery StOCk COSt Pnces over 90 indicated the greatest r110 meeting this week was at the med 4n If divihsnlninthl loaves of white bread at 2i cents lrcslily baked pics were 40 cents UI interest yet Show in um annual homeIofIDr and Mrs Flookt further 53 no in In mid md Anne lire II 0901 hOUSCI it undci the strrm mu original investmcm in some licsli Bugs ranged from ill cents 0th It was estimated that about 200 1mm hllldlit Ind 1111411 imsumcus has rammed 250v alrifor pullcts to cents dozen tor Parents were present from 730 705 tum iiced help is At zi llllill incitin ol Essa 1111740 10 Oclock on the same evening at upprrfiacliing ciisrs No longer can Township LmmcnI II thoartist22ammi Of the mw Several baskets of apples were STORES RESTAURANTS HOSPITALS King EdwardISthooIl IpIarcInItIsI ISIIIOEIIK bill for sheep kille and injured qlub extends an invitation to visi displayed With Baldme 00 HOTELS ETC Ifcgggfslzgzaireuggg inwtlhe todaws youth cds Sud more amounted to $478 ITllC loss IOEItors to use the facilities of thclfmgslljy and Damon at Ums IVIIOLESALE BUSINESS CARRIED ON AS basement Two lms were Show than eagerness and enthusiasm He fgiellepfalmgscoird tigjuigdoum Clligmgm gurzgiIgmesul 13522265 were plentiful at 30 USUAL AT THE SAME ADDRESS JCWfPCESLmIMMarimePrimemLphquLmndal Ias LI Part of our Service vinces both supplied bv the De sistnncc to help carry the loudnAdd mm ll7g mist 17 mmm Wm who Wig MGMFSITZH M1 EducatIon The OIIOIIII together the cost of an average come aISCiious prob cm or Iainr free on receipt If wmtcn MCII The vendors were busin discuss You receive wlth each garnenfoh th II one hundred acreg with land and crs raisrng sheep and the Cormcr lquest to the premlent Vosloy ml the town council proposals or arment months cer um avmg mm feel thattsomc action must be taken lDavidsoii Suite 908 330 Bay St renovating the present board of if hand was taken advantage Of bulldmgs lus flethousand dol It is possible that all dogs in the Toronto works premises on Mulcitt me Ia preparatory meeting was held to lars CHSh The mere beginning in ICE discuss the formation of Home Stock and ChineryI and it Wm ngstshgpghvyilgrhaycpgofbislcgtgg as market site It as expected raising of sheep The Council will them would be another meciiny land SChODIpIUb atwhfm wels tilocihctielicgrooglbgl 9f any dogs killing sheep the own appreciate any suggestions ollcrcd next week 151500 59559 SMggglgganoi Cmer wit Its mode mIIchingery er off sucIlIi dtIJIgs may be asked to and the 1cIriLipeizrtiiri of ILIicCiIatci gt pay ort cop payers orman oxwor erk the Board 0T Educatlon were Ples mcmlsmgly young mans 101 If the present condition contin ant and later went on to Victoria In some instances fatherzind ueSI farmers will be forced to quit TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD Il School Jim PoppletonI scout InaSIson partnership can be achieved ter of the lst Allandale Scouts such an allngement must be oxrble and IS often complicated with the youiigcrmembers of the lobliged to share thatestate with them Motion pictures as instructive family growing up However if 51 agreementhas proved workable and if thosevyounger IV $535235thiliiaieggrsfglftigwgg renC 08 the unanimous decision that the farm youth who inherited his HBII fth hldtb ea 44 815 arm 0U arid treated with water repellant finish HATS Cleaned blocked 855150 treated with water re pellant finish REES CLEANED for the ofces of Mayor Reeve and Aldermen Public Seliool Trustees and Com missioner for the Public Utilities as they were interesting followed The next meeting will be at the Ihorne of Mr and Mrs Andrew llIat Mr and his Isacarruthers HISTORICHAMES WM OEEARL MAXWELL Dontneiay Earl Maxwellvvh0 is farming Want your house is on re lI IInsure now ZSEEgagigngghtggearggaii barge ISEE marer 100IyeaIiSclld into till Exx gt 1dr 74 Eirzaberiisr sAijANT rarersaga Council ambers Municipa Ill mg ames en was tearing Iown DIAL 247k Iron PIGK 1UP an old barn on th property The hames were found wedgedI 49 Dunlop StPhonei4427 behind thevhf horse stalls No metal or aiiykind had been used in their construction They are ot730 delock Onlhe Evening ct very heavy and appear1ItoIIbave II IL VI vI FriclayiNovemberi26121948 and may we IIQIIII IISIIIII II II ANDPOLLINGiFANYWILLBEHELDON for oxen The tugs have apparent Monday December 1948 Iv Irougtily repaired With thIt rusty lA et 15 as Elicia leihitaiiilhryu it our Famous SANITONE Service top and bqttornaround the horses and the hames were probably of his workmanship or of the Littles is of who returned to Engine CLEANINGDYEINGand REPAIRING one of whom went on to Austrahu II PhoneIzss 16 II TMANEXAMINEKWANTAP All interestedvin the nominations are requeSted tobe present at the ers sharp at 30 asfthe nominations will last only one hour TgIiMaxweuthas owedItheIfIarm glagnihfssllbblSElnd Stains Opening at ten Oclock in thelFoienoon andiclosing at seven oclockjnthI Afteru II fortlrt xezfir gleliought ithfrcgin tlItItIEI Removes More Dirt and Ingrained Soils noun at the undermentioned places COMPANY VLIMITED gtsllellllaof rill wt gufh RviivesTired JadediColois WARD PoLLING PLACE WARD POLLING PLACE dillhiiigilfaiiglbg Returns the Oiisinal Shapednd Drape VILMS Freemans me ONeltm Um SIs Rm to theirtgrandfather William Mil In the Garment IllgIIVIIIIIISrafleglgn House iCCegltaailss ler Who bought the farm at some DC Wednesday Dec xygggwgitggfecogggs gigging IIIIIIIII 161I15r131raIllH II 531133 games rIrIousg gt Little who had come out from gt pws ornes use England TMWQS were in 3B0ddfellows Hall 6A40range Hall DANG CQI 101 Busmess 01 Pleasure at session of the farm in 1865 but mvc 4ACentral United Room GBOrange Hall the exact date at which th bought Reasonable Rates the farm from Khan biught Advance Poll for RailwayEmployees and Commercial Travellers Dec 10 11 it ev that IENQUIRIESINWTED anlsegliiergoirglneer will farm he leanrs from pmuntl19 pm at YMCA PHONE 2488 PHONE BSQOJIIeIStI