Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1948, p. 8

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PAGE lzltilll THE BARRLB EXAMINER BARRIB ONTARIO CANADA AY NOVEMBER 25 1948 WWIRE Wm Copglmnl uraIdI Carol Ann tuna Scouts of Troop mi all 1ltlldcd the Uerlutl Over Type of Subjects attended the World Scout The Wall lainii ways Controversy iii Ll Vii It Eldridge is drumming County II It do Cordial in Bdrm the tuxt hamc iii 19h have to ir Jtllzltr Mrs Rom Eliilldgc slicittiilzgilcllil1tlcl Ulllli IZClluslovak Swirls uliiitl latr ith biltiidu ltw day this icek in Toronto 11in Scout lo zccclthY Chm 10 We Flora Lino 0L ship The hurrxtndts Ital ILtIlILElIYtlilli3inllI froiIIIlIIiI VIII RUIII Mr And In IAVIIrIL IrI BlntlglIl cItIIiIiirIiIbItIIgIIigIil Kl xtit onto were ieccii guests ll lllLlltZl J1 ts llhiijlhziti nllls Saltli ilm Hill Ml may Mrs Parker Itircir broil Scout from zcclio kin one day Int ycb MI and Shut am mm III II umvusny Scholap Wig tuilcl lkkltllkil ihai ir iliss Jedi liiiscr Toronto he VI Mum vmmr mam the dipifl Amp EU fumwwr buardI II day when lltlllriillllLtS were throthrr ittltllr of NoithIllayfand community on gummy IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII in mm tuml Tu mm 32 Mdiuffil mm be Lowe and Maurice idiiziughcr md not think dill iillkliliil Kmms ilNU IIIUIrnb Cullkli ML and Mr Sputum all of Tutorith untruyflSyI liver Thirst ti ails aand Mrs has Iatt on blllltllty ljllml on Sunday Willi tllc lOHHl Mfr likwr MN Wk bikini will film 0mm TICK WWII ii iiiica III III III II III III III mm WW my mum U1 The Shuwmp of 1mm lm mu III1JN If Mrs Doriaid McKr Jlm lwbhtd that were to hch hcen put on in Youlllind quick rcliclloriiieiichinxbum dd II fuIIfIII II II lllWiO ho hum lllll 11 53W the school last Friday Llilllg hall in feeling of enema when you use Dc in my 131 llxm lmmh i8 WW1 ll mm HWY 39 to be postponed until later date Chases amiicpiic OinimcniJusuryiuodiy III IIIIIi ridircaiani has LiliI3 been Llllllciul srnito was hcld atI tni ML mm mm unkind mm whim mid lure retaild to tho dcirrantls liiI thoiric Monday airtruoon coiiiiiict 50m Tman on gum 01 mp Dr liiii1 to apprentiCe uw mm LIlumi lilw iEirxgxnihklnlInHamillASElull f0mlVijzijELETEB ME On the othir hand let Lll in ran II forgot lii iciiirilcal turning li Winn huh ml WINK II II II WIIIIIIIH III IIIII III IIILIIIIIII of the II II Ill As oi roir or surorrr that Bush Barbara Mitchlnson Irene unison twm Md HM in cw Wimp Shun iiI1IIiiIlllt MI iootbzill teams did not wrii tiny Joan Askew Beverly Anderson Jack Mitch ilady Mrs la Hannah 2nd Mrs Joe mm mum mm gum myle lmnwmnsmps this 3031 Here is the Cheer msonI and Kitty TyrerI Va Van de wall is iIIlIIlJlIL ii Fl 11 purl liiI IllllitlSlItlpIAItt ll lriiltllllll ilitlll ltitl by Vill Van l0 They In the front High scores for some Mrs 11 5101 L1 5M Is The humimntm illt llitt to right Lollle Vftlktl Bruce IZIF BtlrllC Lkilmllltl PlllllO NITjinllligii MR ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER BUILDUG llWihlll lamp Malcolrri McLuui grocerg by Lloyd Douglas in the past lltltt two ihu tutti gont on in mi ENS immlwx FUYWM II bag CalI Dumop and BayfieldI Barrie crstoiris lltlti invn vitriolinn lni potintots Draws loi owning iniW thi ll Wit1W lniivw in can assurc laIliiIII IIIlIlKEVllIiingvnglifl Hiivc 335361 iIxIIimItIiiIt IiInIi III not ltIiItlIlltll iiIll Iiwhimdc Illt iiislliriilgimiiid iiiui iiii iiicliliqiiili lllalllllllmn iixtl out tit lillllt lIlt iiiiilliy lt II WIIMIIIIII IIavIIIM IN Ni my Tidld 11 His iiiv OlnllllllATslllbLEIUTZ ItitanfrlBlumnlilwonl Kl Iv duh IFI OF 150 IOIVIH NRWICH UNON 5iI jii rieiiiii oiono IlItlilllllH ii lll It llt It lI IIl irlIiIii an do lntiii lll IImUI SIM m0 wwkcnd MII BI II II In Bunnmdis Tom mwmbh lincri equipped Mr loricr said is Mop Mm In isI air an inn spin un HI II ll iiil rr our 11mm iav With Mr and Mrs Marshall Willa Mlll KIOWUN it 91 MEfl 11 lilil illldlll nllNW ml Mr and Mrs Aldcrsoii Toronto iydI Thornton cxhibi which attractcd great deull iiIriIon nIIaI lrIIilIIIIIIIlIIIII liIsIIILAIIIII iiii itllitllllps now living tlpIIttl spent tho weekend with Mr and Miss NormO mm mm Ml of interest was the hing melon titd 30 ili it If hm hmll 100 and Imnam and Mrs Carlson acoriiipanicd bv on the front of Gordon Batcuiaiisl lllwaloth bt in flhhifuirisis Ill 1klll4 itlWillll WU Elizabeth Matthews and Mrs Miss Carlsoii have rctixincii ilflll truck which was bcinc driven for ITS GIVE US ii tr in iii iiiiiltlllli plans lleurccd button spoilt Wednesdav at thcia llllCleiUlllll trip through the Bradford Seed House SPRING RING Immm lhcmdws mm lstirtl Ulilitlllltt and foresight lloval Winter lair wiigt Tho moron which wepqwd 113 RR VTRIO cdiiczition dlltl llilirlt cannot buy RI Clinvm 11w llliN Hi illumian Ul MMH Mr and Mrs Wes ll and fiilll 13 HlN pounds was over f1vlt feet long and education IN MI mm weekend nh ML 1st Mfg Bert Mchziii Mrs mm mm out in diameter It WIN will MIN and Mrs Ivan Dull EWlSll ClClllim Ill $le WW illicl sii it as nictssai Bmtinx mnndod mp Hmwmmn no riovn it Ll ii iii lllllVISlillld hill mmgmllmmns In nmll Nle banquet at Churchill on Tuesday llithllCI for Seeds sclliiill 10 vr illli ll ll that tllltllll mg Xi WW Bradford Seed llouse daughter Slmday NOV 21 1diflr and Mrs Mervin Martin This traveller informed that the LARGEST STOCK OF the cdiication system childrcn II would emerge from the schools Lowe Novoml Mr and Mrs Jack Banting and mclon is of the gourd variety and with ltllilllCt and fortitude and Wmmg hold the SChOOI M12 and Mrs IMFHL Clllllllllllii is known as llrc Zitcca Melon It is GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS USED CARS ialfo that they would be able to willde by the PmsidcmMr5 With llllll lCiCllVl lilllllki used to make Christmas pools and AND BEST EQUIPPED SPRING SHOP IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII III prov Day Roll call was answered spoilt Saturday in rloronto to cn MIT mBmdmm Wimcsq 1911 gt1II10UTH SpECIAL SEDAN Wm wllh hmmmv tliiIIiiIziirrt Iof Itlic lliIsIt School at my the Sam Claus Palm and he II mo mm many in Winter Fair COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES COIHSDUIldLmS 10 I11195th 10 19 IIIIYMOUIH SPECIAL COAcH Frank rare introduced Georpclcrcsting 11105 M155 MCLaUlIhll $100 Gift to MS Johnston MLA win in mm introduced Miss Stephenson the The November mwmm Ur on hth llltll HON 1101M 1110 IhXi 1941 FORD DELUXE SEDAN 1935 CHEVE COACH introduced lion Dana For The DISH $011001 Nursc who 590k WMS was held zit thchomt of Mrs mm mm not hm ma lucs St III 7m SIICIikIi brieflyy EIISS IMCIIJIlUghlllItIllClI Lorne Caulhpys Xvi iZnIKmlJCIS day llolwCll5uxclined1011 that WW WV WNW COACH A930 DURANF SEDAN rs arru rers ant iio wr Am lair your 2TON STAKE2 SPEED AXLE BOOSTER WWW IM much onioyed by all The school Amour and the study chapter by BRAKFS children entertained the VISitors mm Jame donation With Sewn SmgS after Vthh the $100 was rcceivcd by the WMS Illll FARGO PANEL iwf Insmum provided ICfmShmcms Om MKS Wallace Clllllllwis 011111 Barrie former member of this BizGoslings at this Late Date vvrs in ft 13 ilatcfull November Bl Allhls late date KOOSCbC received The annual nrcctiiii CilSlI TRADE 0R TERMS Aliruin Reynolds spent few longing to Mm Deschepper made will be at Mm Bert MCQuayisI lays in Toronto her appearance with eight goslings Mrs Will Cumming spent The family is doing fine holian in lellty and Toronto WA Maiting lt The met at rs cr ar we Mr and Mrs Eldon Courtncy Refs on NOVI 17I MYSI Lockhan You get it in NquchI 1ch II and daughters spent day in Tor IZIIVII IIII Interesting reading on $121 md Mm LN CNN Ron lChiiia Lunch was sewed by can Coffee This rich mellow WITH FREE CH EST xRAYS ht on ace mt of the owm E1 nIii and Judy were in Ioronto orilllifm by MrsflMansbridge MrsIldchciuus coffee ich ynu lza one Tatum Frank and Mrs Carter in Mrs Knapp of Antcii Mills spent the uokcnd with her sisterin law Mrs Geo Muir so much more for so little Uptodate press equipment mod em type faces expert craftsmen IIIOIqullall you pay for USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD means quality printing at The TRY AN EXAMINER IWANT AD Barrie Examinen lowerlrwcl Cuffecs IwmI IS PLEASURECHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT TWIss SHIRTS Tris Pyjamas GLOVES SWEATERS BRACES You will like these They make Him 10 es ideal Christmas Gifts neatly Gwe boxed Pullovers or coats No shortage of shirts here IF0r in huge assortment of pat Broadcloth or We have them in huge quan all styles colors and designs Garters Amtband syth and other reliable terns Stripes designs gures titles in woollen leather or with SleevesI 01 sleeveleSSI For rChristmdsGivin brands in smart stripes or plain 6th an neatly boxed for gift Flannelelles chamoisettes lined or unlin What gift would he appreciate Shades Sizes 1412 t0 19 All neat giving ed all sizes neatly boxed more thaas eater We have thtem in vitrieties too 1y boxed by Forsyt Also er ran rive Sweaters is Christm numerous men 10m Come as in and enjoy your Christmas $400 and $60 100 anaup Price range 50aftd IshOpping at Twiss Everything up neatly boxed This Christmas IWI smart checks also plain shades 3123 II GOLFHOSE SWEATERS PARKASI We are Savingr Hydro Electric POWer To conserve Elegtricltyter serveyouu your ciistduiis upp =oys as ressmg Owns Whynot give lm a4 parka for Christmas our range rs now 603 everythmg wgrjtaveymstalled our own powerplcmh we Botany wool and broadcloth you could desire in aboys parka gt Cofnmm TOOK them pver smart new different Sizes huge asstortinentjoichoosefrom All neatly displayed tornake your 15 II II OIIIIIVI WI II smartly YOIlWlll likethese Shopping pleasure You wnLnd undiup these until Christmas hope yOlIl Will enloyI allIneatly boxed for Christmas 22821211812110 want fr youlboy feel We equipped serve 193 BEEdS C4 WWWW W71 7W 77777777 we Him thrcertificate we cBrineuBaggagera 5Ifiifdpbtiivtihim crgih crtidtWFC supplrvc Withlff qrtarggroMorgan thewanreasazggus Hllfqreds to choose nor50 and leathers AeropacksGladstonesBrief you arein needI cfaipalka orl Cases Club Bags etc thinking if givingone for Cliristmas you needgo no fat trier we have everything you 777W Jyaq suit Overhaul TopcoatorHut certiliCCtteIIslIhis munch can choose his gift inpersoridlter bristiriosg ii Bring your luggage would Tarn to nd in alparka bl we will be glad to show you what Pm eIms We Have to offerz 3301 lem You Willb looking for on Overcoat one ofthese dastWhY not drop in and see What we have to Offef You our is now complete Elysmins FleecesM11tonsWeccin please you we re sure Wit Just the coat you are poking or gt wr QM andvailWW 25PmlpfsoBerri

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