Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1948, p. 31

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EIGHT No minees for Mayoralty At Nomination Meetin UIIILV coaldn WAS space ll lil add they would It mt the lower building IiltII rented liiiit at 51200 was avail it out that the rat ilIIiit AS Wtlt veal oft ice 5143723 to II lti pel loll Soulllvti out that the Lad local acomiiloifa Personalize your gift with engraving During oisy hiistmas sea engraver will be engrave izlieles purchased 11 Jll store only blot REEVES JEVVELLERS Private Diamond Room Opp Post Office BARRIE Winter AUTO SERVICE ITS TIME TO CHECKUP let A11 Set For Trouble ee Driving This gtttili for fpollcc eilbcli as the In thus inni Suld he thought doing good hm pald $3 in Speaking oi the uterus of the colel said giant of $19 will made to the Leg fol ing and $15000 on the Town lll We I1tc no facts from the pi deals back an made In Conclusion 71yol 31ij called that 13 years agi 1e payers had turned down pzii to renovate the Town flail Ne the work was coiiphee you Vote for the ll ill 15year basis you no to When iatipayc askio would happen if thi ittillit 11 and slx against the deimiitizie Il 11 Mayor said the itnex ptlld oII oci years but It IIIJIIIL1 iiewspapei iepoi 11 with the debentla lelk Smith Kiliiilfi ti abotit live mills on iiis tn pay it oil in tlzzci rul lfll F11iclltlif lxl Nominated for Mayo iiial Iaelaien KL iri comuenltled Tour liy ole Smith He said he had spent yeais on the Uilllili and inf11 ii appreciated the assstance L21il by Mr Smith Having been an yeai out the council Mr 1ulaicii said hi would not he candidate for Ma 01 lie was shocked by IIIt iiiidiiigh licllalilil meetings of the council each wt and he recalled that whenNhe oi Mr Robertson had been Mayor the meetings were usually concludidi by pm Speaking of the press not rc portiiig the remarks of councillois verbatim Mr MalLatin said the idea of comiiilttee of the whole discussion was to permit calii member of colllicil complete tree dom of expression Members should be free to express their opinions freely he declared and then added flint he would not be averse to having the public attend the council meetings Referring to the Town Hall he said The building is here and the debenture system is the only way of paying for it It might have cost too much but it is good building ExMayor MacLaren said he did not think the public had been taken sufficiently into confidence Referring to the remarks of Aid Griffin stating the sewage disposal plant was not Sufficient to care for thei needs of Barrie he declared that the plant when installed 21 Supposed to take care of the riceds for population of 15000 He thought any council from now on would have to look to its expenditures The boom is over The estimates will have to be pared and the cloth cut according 1y It was suggested that the council should set definite tax rate James Blair ExMayor said he was content to let the young peo ple serve on the council He had been appointed secretary of the Town Planning Board and he would serve the town in this Mumer owners in wards and would be getting plans on town planning as soon as they could be printed GEORGE CLARK Reeve George Clark said the Osition of Mayor was almgsta Winter Have Complete Checkup and Eliminate tiie Breakdowns during the WinterDriving ENGINE STARTER ERATOR LIGHTS FUEL SYSTEM BATTERY BRAKES STEERING CLUTCH COOLING SYSTEM FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS TRANS DIFF and CRANKCASE Fear Winter Lubricants EXPERT SERVICE To ALL MAKES ltd Ilagan Service Manager flangerlield Motors Dodge Desoto Dealers 65 Collier so Tel 2487 DEPENDABLE AS EVER from Market EIIzilBETH ST 1947MERCURT COUPE 1940 FORD COACH 1939 DODGE COUPE 1938 onuv COACH 1940 FARGQEz TON PANEL EMANY OTHERS T0 CHOOSETROM OPEN EVENINGS 79 fulltime job Theres nothing Id rather do than have one year as Mayor but dont feel have time to devote to it Speaking of the Town Hall rc novations Reeve Clark said Our Mayor and 14 councillors have been damned for this buildingl He then explained We had tucked away $55000 during the war years Then we started to work on the ground floor Then we had ne tenant come along and we started work on the upper floors Mr Clark suggested that other rate payers would haVdone the same thing had they been serving on the council The Reeve commended the ser vices of Smith to the Town of Barrie He noted that during they depression other towns llad been taken over by the Municipal Board but not Barrie Any member ofthis milnicipal ity with beef shOLild get on the council declared the Reeve One man can do wonderful things but you must remember youve got to persuade the other 14 In concluding Mr Clark said It has been my privilege and pleasure to serve for 11 years regret having to retire Huntsville is tovhave new hotel Of four stOreys 209 guests pHONEI4alV ammo USED Soto IIIlElllt de by the Council will private mailers Lu repills tlc It OROK HCONSERVATIVE 1101111111110th page onev so the olserg 511111lltillll llliiii than the ltltl slllvllitll llll Lilli lclillti Ililtlli of fluid It cl iles ilsw shillkill lilt Stl lilili superficial and lack of hous tll lIlMtlllIilll among which gained suppoit on situation rea mens Ill ltllSHIl 1w and mini or iiiiidaiiientiil stl ugglc for going on between the free enterprise Communism Sociall speaker time 1917 toiiiinuiiists Iiave half of wzi minds now Ii icilogles of ieitavciacy and pink bedfellow point lletwecn Russian revolution in the present day gained control and lLtcrally enslaied liliiiltliedsol iiihoils of people pingstone oiiiiiiiiiiisls llciiiili iiiii nili II this Europe major step to this control was the promise soiiielhlng colild not given themselves to give which they National Con Gardlner said he was pleased with the new spirit within the Conservative party the adop tion of the 330 resolutions indicat and ambi lollchiii vIlIlUll 1r energy desire lion behind the party today creation field Mr Gardiner spoke at length on the vlizilcteristics and policies with respect to the four major parties His remarks now anada liileI laliorlrogiessive niuliistpzilty transplanted to Can llcre to disturb and create confusion to bring people to Coni Czechoslovakia good example of their pattern its philosophy on Socialism as enunciated by Karl Minis the theory that the State can run business better than those ipeople who have been running it all their lives Liberal NO longer liberal since infected with the idea it can regulate conditions bet Committing national suicide through interfer ence with economicsystem which it patches like an old tire Conservative The Coni ada munism CCF Bases it has become than the people It old age Collingwood to promote the party in the riding The Officers of the Association were commended by Julian Ferguson for their staunch support of the organization in the hard years The main item on the business agenda was the proposal to adopt the constitution and bylaws of the North Grey Association Thispr9 posaldbrought forth considerable discussionas theNorth Simcoe As sociation4hadltoperated to date without constitution Of any kind Charles Joyce of Creemore chair man of theResolutions Committee read the amendments to the consti tution and it was moved by Rev Downer and seconded by Ferguson that the constitution and amendments be adopted Gray don Kohl of Collingwood stated that the entire document be read in order that members be fully ac quainted with all its pigticugrs Mr Kohl made motion 05 this ef fect but did not have seconder standing vote favoredthc tionjof the constitution The election of gas follows President Dr OrokMid hurst lst Vicey Pres CharlsJOyce Creemore 2nd VicenPreSq Mrs 17 Hill Collirigwood Pres Mrs Walter Craig Barrie 4th VicePros Harry Bell Col 5th VicePres Craig Barrie 6th VicePres A1 bert Handy Phelpston 7th Vice Pres Russell Lofidry Barrie Sec retaryTread Lloyd Gilbert Stay nerTreas James Laughlin New Lowell AsstSecy Frank Hamil ton Glen Huron Auditors Herb Brokenshire Wasaga Beach and George Bryan Collingwood WELL STOCKED TRIPS Food stored on the Canadian Na new Prince George fora 10day voyage coli sists of three tons of fresh meatg ity of the ct 3th capasltyi of meets resuitefl motion was lost 71CounciBor Evans thvdQa vote 3rd Vice lieMotoris lingwood Jack tional Steamships fresh vegetables thre tons fresh fruit one and one half tons of fresh poultry one half tonof ham and baconapd one ton of bread and rolls THE BARRIE BARRIB ONTARIO CANADA Aldermanic Candidates At Nomination Meeting the young people had Ilftll in was partlclilatj interested eereatlon for the childien finial page oilci Aid Hambiy ifitll made to an the maze works and um winks 11c said he would bk It illtllilc acting with the Iioiiiiiia ticil ZIJJTILIIIZ Ullt year ago and tohi employees of the county gaol in view of ceilain pelsonal losses by increases no iieiiibeis ol the personnel this year was lcltllftl to the and more fillltllJIlLU touiicillor 1i11er requested that the Simcoe ounty ouncil go on opposing the nflCc law wheieby pcrsox The motion regarding the aplt The motion was approved pro iiiisiiig the financial assistance of the council to the reelnorc refor iSItltioll plUJLCl iii the pilichasing of $1000 farm for the purpose oi lbetteiiiig the water supply Councillor Lawrence seconded by Councillor Luckhart moved that reelimiiiendation be made regarding the passing of law whereby killer dog could be con lined case of killer dog which had been shot on its own farm iafter being traced from sheep ikilliiig was cited The dogs dcs troyer had been summed before the magistrates court and fined for taking the law into his own hands Recreation Director Leadership training has been the greatest development in the re in Simcoc County over the past three years stated Louise Collcy recreation director in her repOrt to thcCounty Coun cil at the Friday morning session Miss Colley touched on the higli lights of her past years work in speaking Wtorrtlic assembled7meiii bers During the morning session Councillor Clark of Barrie moved that the sincere thanks of the county be extended to Page Lashley IIW Whitesidc and Gray for their coopera tion Vin the activities of the county as evidenced by the success of Siincoe farmers at various fairs and events On motion of James Patton Reeve of Nottawasaga the council rescinded the resolution passed by the 1046 council that no more coun ty roads be added to the county road system fOI at least four or five years Policy Of party commends itself to free energetic Canadians mlJue to the late hour the other speakers gave short addresses Mr George Johnston MPP stated that the new Province of Ntwfound land would prove gain for the Conservative party Rev Capt Downer drew laugh ter from the audience by remark ingdharsincetheLibcIalGovern ment taxation measures would not permit saving for creased pensions were necessary to provide for it Brock of North Simcoe Conservative candi date in 1940 urged the ASsociation rallies to strengthen The council resolved that the hospitalization cost Of indigent pat ients should be taken care of by the province itself and copies of this resolution will be sent to the Minister of Health and other coun ty councils The county assessor is to go to Parry Sound for one or two days to assist with the towns assess ment problems at their request Creemore Responsibility At the afternoon session Reeve Shepherd asked the reforestation committee for its reasons for re jecting his request for financial assistance to Creemqre in its water supply problem He had request ed the purchase Of the land from which they obtained their water supply on graiiitation system out side the town reforestationypro ject had been contemplated to safeguard their Water supply Councillor Lockhart as chairman of the reforestation committe re plield that his committee con sidered the matter and visited the piece of land in qustion and thought thenproject an excellent one However they were of the opinion that it was the responsibil v61 of Creemore The Sim County Home Com mittee will consider the advisabil ity ofan addition to the present home and an estimate will be pre nted in January Th Childrns Aid Society is to give the County Council abreak down of the costs of operation of rural and urban cases for 1948 at the January session Councillor Macintosh Once more tried to pass motion whereby Juvenile andFamily Court would be established on January with the special committee whoprepare ed the report setting up some The Ofrthafiksr to the Warden for his able dignified fandiproficicnt ser vice throughout the year Itoas Wholcheartedly seconded by all the members rve car SURPRISE son you Mo THURSDAY DECEMBER 51943 Archie Duckworth cou and Mrs LLli UI he Ralpil AULiuiluti Town Counlil Folrlci tQIItI Saul 211 thanks nan spent 11 Team and attend of IOII Noriali and the Candidate Jardine Oswald Jardine spent Sunday Nov Jessie OConnor MONARCII REFRIGERATION C0 Now Offer Fuel Oil Contracts Zhv LJfi Irs Zion ltcl Spam lII VI Ate SI it in Tau lifllL Week atlail nteizst ituvi to Ate better homes about titted luter Ilitslcf SLIZLI IIIIIC McVeigh who did not qua fy as candidate iefeired to ie Ill14 Him candldillt zinaiimal statement and raid Irilwd we 31 thought some schools needed schools to teach iithietl lie said the building was not doize the right time and he Ithugiit lawsuit been averted with little dipoiiz lie cl is IIIIv tiles that would pay glued stand ard of wages inith least half of IItILIIllltt to said some of the new assessed Iiaaiisions midi those hired gtTlellll$ he lionms fine wild jlhe market could have men with each Toridlieet Burner Installation 400 Gal Storage complete $39500 than suggested the lcasslssiiient should he specli ed up Itl I1ltII WUII Iiilill WARD Gladstone iilrle Ward candidate said he thought ieouncil was LIIIlCtltd because so business ducted in committee of the whole life felt more of the business could the carried on in open council WNIIWSdRY NOWmb 24 idicating his interest in finance 31 T110 1200 11 IMHIHAK tllilm urrie said Barrie was undezgoin growing pains and this meant some Corbett Spoke Id Clarence and said candidate in Ward Remarks otllees are where in this issue much of the was speakers contained 118 DUNLOP ST TEL 2059 other else Ill WVJHI coliil John Gray candidate said he would do all he the good of lliiriie Ald William Merrick tllliIll date in Ward spoke of the build and said eeived would more than meet infi debenture issue for tiLII year lle hoped the ratepayers would viitc for the debenture issue Ihenturcs would be $7500 and tiiel IILHI would be pointing of several high school ilioard nieiiihels for 11140 was car IIIII ltIll ammonium Sirius FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS WITH FREE CHEST XRAYS Iid court higher than la iiiigisliates couit iveii though 3his case justified onlv such hear ll11111 liie li $0000 Mr l1ci rick said he was interested in the ratepayers meetings council young visiting particularly people He thought there would be better town with the coopera MAKE THE TEST THAT HAS CONVINCED THOUSANDS or ciliiAiiiAii onivrns THE WITH No other ggolinevgives amoral sniiililo No Other gasoline gives HIGHER VIIIIOCIIEESS No other gadolino dives EONGERMIIEAGE othekgasohnegivesl EASIER ACCELERATION if ntil your tank atiOn again the be For best rsltsjdont dilute Sunoco Dynafuel othergasoline Wait 11 flirtythen putin 10 gallonsvof Dynafueb olinefyyeVenusedi is riarly gt Compare its ga5 ileAi FLA iiooAxeR as suite no 969 AND rinse QUAKER Tamsreas Mase TRANSFER TIM sAv TIM wueae mi moss 500061555 elfrum IfERE THEY ARE RECOGNIZE em is

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