mew someone lNlllS WOMENS INSIIIITIZ MESS Elgood ovenden tddresscs Candles WI ti spalch the UII ptitvx init iui for ly Ma am 1111 gtlll Mil hipin VLLZIJVM Ll iy Mus hm ill Llilzite All New unis Displaced ltluifti laggiuplht tiLLtiIIl in is tor my oi two and utilitlxflt ill it rich ml IllI ili lueinlrciq pupmp llflitvl 11 til lllt usincss tlltll Illll plat 4H RUE matte ltll 111 IIlIlHl l1l1lIlLll nl tures bullet lamti ifzil tl1l to 71 xi ti intuit co tilxll Izhwiu tp technicolor comedy Song IS Lt te dost iit Ht ik 11 111 UH firm lt Born adorns 331le Will 61 tiiiri l1 slurs coining was no mu ten 1ci tlil1 ul rqmsnte diamond pendant CZIICIIPS ply My lt Itt 2M mm mph titV1 and diamond necklace in palla tullv leceitcil M1 anon Itml ld Illrlltll 11cc down t1 tounti Km 1H up by on or II local liu tum settings dcsngncd by Kenneth MW no in In Itillllt ti 11gt ii much in illitbl ill hilt Al II will will lBIOW 0f BCVtrlY Hills it lllt pt swuil 39 1i it llili ttiltltl c11uftfil li A1 JItl Ii tupht lfit 1il Hm 11 its to mull on lt gran iu Law llltsftltklll llrltlttl Ill tilltllf ltl Jim fxsfsccxi llllVllll Ill Illi IllllHlJiv Nth tl c11l Altos ltlllgtt tulayl 11 tutu 1114 tincth II gt opt1111 l1 tom IIIltitl In in 111 ling 11 ill by Vil 01 told 11 Illllli 1n Intluitt llUfll Ilnll ill hi clutas try tram IHI 11111 lieiw Illn IH 11 111 p10 2uu1e1 ltlll 1s incloot liululic HM lllil tlttl llil llv lttll iltt of t1cxl gt art telhlannetl dy nut iilti In itllli 111 jmiil litt 11ui1=t Site uticttot of 11111 Itll ml II lltlltltll 1ec1eion lHl Suacoc utility and Me vlt 11 lllflllltlwwlttSlllt 1111 hutch gtalcswoman or tied rots swun II ii Alliston was the setting tor hung nullcs anti beaclic that dot if It til ll ncttv tltlllllltvlllllf cciezuouv on this rolling ilcasant lllliillt farm halll altcruotin came In tltl In See them all youll want your own held at Mrs uuunings on Dec it held on Itiertiay octubcr Iti 1n Icy and Atlclaidc litlllll1tl on hci commiffcc lioducctl the spitinf spualgcr Alisa Christine Itlcllougall hood ambition and hccauuc tuis China dreamed of going uworked for the WhlS of the United and of how the immigrants par Saturday Nov ll lllld when Jean it mm mm Illiabcth daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph Gordon lllltll he came the bride of John Iiutl RH only son of Mr and Tilis John The Htzular incltint of lurton lllllliL Shift Buff HH ft Awnm uiony was performed by the ilcy II Andrew against setting at mixed hall flowers Mr Angus Ross of Shanty llay was organist and Miss Ialrtcia Crawford of Uro Station sang The Lords Iraycr Ilvcntsnz 11iliry was the 11111 of Joint meeting v1l1 the liuty Auxiliary of olliei SI United hurch as ftiusts flue to the illness of flu picsiilcnf Fruit res Spcarn lllla iathur vice ml Im prcsitlcnt presided over the tech Th mm lil Hlilvl mg mlwmw Wm her father wore gown of while lltlna Lougluusf wuh Margaret Sim lll lililml Wk pulp Mun 1gp phmml 1pm caught with pearls and full skirt falling into long train caught in front with bow revealing lace tiered pctticoat IIcr ttlllllfilfltlftl silk net fulllength vcil was held llca Littlesang very lovely solo after l1cl1 IIdna in Miss McDougall fulfilled her girl lllillls SIN illlitfl lmmllltt red roses Miss IIlsic Gordon sisler of the bride was bridesmaid llcr gown was blue not over satin with mach int headdress and she carried bouquet of pink carnations and mums Harold Caldwell of Shan ty Bay was groomsman and the usiicrs were George Gordon and Riehaid Crawford reception was held afterwards Dunns Restaurant Allislon where the brides mother received siouary being sent first of all In where she had always llll after teaching for three years there in school for this mat children she was evacuated and has since IiltrchiiLSudbuiy loronto Otta wa and most of all in Montreal Miss McDougall told many inspir ing stories of her work in Montreal ticularly find new life in Canada in grey crepe dress with match ea through the missions Mary BcIl lng accessories and Corsage 01 sparkling thankcd the speaker after which pink roses She was assisted by beautiful Idainty lunch was served the grooms mother who wore grey suit with matching accessories and corsage of yellow mums For travelling the bride chose NSS IONSIRU1R Thc Canadian National Steam ships Canadian Constructor re bluc wool dress grey coat and turned to Montreal rcccntlv fr01nITlilIChlnL ilCCtSSOIiCS The BOWL her 1211 voyage to the British west wed Couple will reside in Toronto Indies carrying cargo of rum molasses sugar and other Carib PATTERSONPITT Diamond Wedding RING cmed for romance always Lovely fora Lifetime Theres awless aim Diamond Wedding RIN for YOU at whatever price the selection of exquisite Blue River Diamond and Wedding Rings at better Jewellers everywhere Guarantee Certi cate with each Blue River Dial mond Ring and free insur ance policyl Avolp osmium lineups CANADA roar OFFICE shewill dock either at Halifax or In St Themas Anglican ChulCh bean products ljiTrlTiEwtlicwwiiiteh ACahdlcltght setvicdmtddlg place Saint John NB Shanty Bay on Wednesday evening November 17 1948 at oclock when Joan Beatrice youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter Pitt of London England wasunited in marriage to William Roy Patter son son of Mrs and Mrs William Patterson of Shanty 1m Reverend Eric Richards officiated The choir of St Thomas Church sang with Angus Ross as organist The bride was given in marriage by Henson and wore gold crepe with matching mitts and feather hat She carried pink roses and white mums over good Iuck charm in the form of pressed $1000 00 88 IllINS ON YOUR 0w SIGNATURE When you need money borrow from HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Canadas oldest and largest consumer nance organization You may borrow $50 $100 $200 or up to$1000 on your own signa ture without endorsers or bankable security Repay monthly6 12 18 or even 24 months depending upon planyou choose Loans are made to single persons or married couples had sent from England Margaret HenSon of Shanty Bay was her at tendant in brown figured moire dress and brown feathered hat She carried bronze mums and talis man roses Mrs Henson was in pearl grey crepe with black ac cessories and wore corsage of red roses The grooms mother wore talus with brown accessor ies and corsage of red roses Ken Mitchell of Toronto was grooms man and John Kendall of Shanty Bay and Ivan Reevie of Barrie viiere ushers Borrow for AinyrGooiI Reason HFC customers borrow to consoli date past due billsJay medical expenses repairs seasonal or emergency expenses and formany other purposes Phone or see us for prompt friendly service beige suit with brown accessories and top coat of hunters green white mums The reception was held at the bride and grooms home in Shanty Bay Guests from distance were Mr land Mrs Palmer Hart of Sudbury Don Carr Peterboro Miss Rita Wilmett Toronto Mr and Mrs Beueiidge Toronto and Mrs Clarke Meaford The couple left on wedding trip to pointsrnorth andOttawa They will roside inShanty Bay 55 Mllsluogn Stuserial 2nd Floor Phone 2395 WORIITIIA ONT Hour lo 5or by appolnlmenf loom made Io rexidanf of nearby town SERVING THE PUBLIC SINCE1878 able to be presentisent acongratul atbry cable from England in place by coroncf stutltlctl that card horseshoe which her mother Foffravelling the bride wore with corsage of pink roses and The brides family who were not laud More that full childicn from six In attended gtllllllllflll and water safety tligt1 this past summer in tlilll dufciwnl areas part of the llllltllfl recreation pro uraiu that ha sfiuiulattil continuit 1fy effort and cooperation to an outstanding dciticc lllt twill Illlll Vfllti litk lorms on the outskirts of llitlluirst has unexpectedly deep and treach erous depths But parents had of it on hot days place class So it was natural for another switn ming rough single log living board was rigged 11p and the leafy branches of cedar and birch that ring the pool form natural dressing rooms We never learned to swim the parcnt told iIiss Lollcy We want our children to know how And its the parents Miss olley Wow bathng sun in the office wear downthefront dress on these occa MISS LOUISE TOLLEY Iv1ys try In suing hc grins IIun shes off to another swun ming area or perhaps to day camp where variety of games and clas St lllt III pltlliltSS teach the children artifth respir lllull too on our beaches all summer Irohably she will be sometime during the day to star volley ball game to tell story to stick her hands in plasticine or explain the fundamentals of design in an arts and crafts class to lead hard time keeping youngsters outta hike or make clear the mysteries of nature lore to start the singing around camp fire or expound on the ltt way of roasting potato The in the hot coals the directorate group starting summer camp ar guing the merits of painted wood or natural logs for the buildings Or her lay may take her to com munity theatre to help direct to Inevitany shell find herself on cooperative of ma BARRIE mummhmanm ONTARIO CARADA Saleswoman for Safety Red Cross Magazine Of Recreation Director lied ross Swimming and Water Safety course of instructions are great help she says Ilrotk and I11111l up11cd playitrouiul had an 11 llllillth NW Llllti ll ill Itiils tlul tilli illlll tnlal cnroluunt of 33$ lllt paf uiu Weve had no accidents Development Planned For the Heart of Industrial Britain flpnrilJt lldiLnlilt llc lcpull ir um 1E2 natural adiantart 1151 ll IhnInpiuuj llai latsozi min 1i tilil country to ttltii1itsitul aiound I51i1l tilipltlalJIl in 1c11tili 11 albumin ll tlv tilt tum1 titlsuti 1111 toi tin pivipvi ll 11111iii1l Ii tiu cuzua lltl button fltlfllllttil Illll lilt lit ll lflll nut oil to lllllt out It ale IIIHHK vll INNISIII called on Hear BARRIE on the Air From CFOR ORILLIA EVERY SUNDAY brighter lifted Natemm and vegetables nothing else Ask your druggist for NRNatures Itemedy Tablets cents Money back if you are not ONSTIPATION is often the cause If so Do this Constipation puts poisons in your system that can cant3e lot of troubles Just feel the difference overnight after you take It ALL VEGETABLE Laxative medicine does clean thorough job and leaves you feeling appierwas though weightof tiredness was 25 for 25 TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD This grand Screfefns or Sieves Should heSeedVarieties Screens or sieves for separating and cleaningseed are mainly oitwo types perforated zinc and woven ally used as they are more suited to theilargest number of different kinds of seed Perforated screen openings usually are mor accurate ly made and retain their accuracy The openings of wire screens are more subject to variations after considerablework or rough usage says Kemp Domihion Experi mental Station Saaniehton BCv When ordering new screens it is good plan to supply sketch showing the width andlength of the screen required and indicate the direction of the flow of the seed This is especially important when screens with oblong holes mere quired Dont msnmmt warranties CAUSEsnonrCinoUirs Moths have caused many elec cl trical shortcircuits Cfm wire The zinc kind are most gener insNS wh ka program write in lines or toll in role well pleased fpo ble It is they who think of generally Witty 1M0 thallllgm lcclel ating the successful end of berm She dump homo 10 II Mlle the season with picnic suppers they With Miss Collcys who contribute the luscious pies farmers and workers of thtstis ENTERTAINMENT aRRa Rio and cakes the plltmpcst chickens trict togefther with their cu rep from their tlorks and who turn up have found new friendliness have LOCAL NEWS to beam with pleasure as they broken down the barriers olf dis1 MUSIC watch their Johnny agile as an lance and loneliness iavc onu ccl in the water now live and new and inspiring Items VARIETY swim make their days richer and their Some of the parents wistfully lives happier thinking of cool plunge at the Red Cross plays Part hm end of days work persuaded Miss community effort through Miss Col QUICK REIIEF for TAB ET Culley Elide another class to her Iey and its other workers Speed ON YOUR RADIO DIAL Add Indigestion NR crowded schedule evening ing from centre to centre rolling Heartburn Gas MADE 3y 1H5 MANUFACTURERS of NM class which they could join up 200 miles 01 more ailV he gt AiwrgtWHv Red Cross Branches at Bond Head Cookstown and Stayncr join in the allover recreational pro gram with other groups assisting in transportation or chartering ULISQSJQIZILIICLLIP the children from miles around Three years ago this autumn Simcoe County dec1ded they need ml ed director to unify their com munity program They wanted study groups health services library dental clinics cooperatives supervised recreation So they ILL1 Jami chose Miss Culley who with diploma in physical education from ielli I5 McGill University and mastersl degree in sociology from the Uni 31323 =3 tl versuy of Chicago plus several years experience in adult educa lIluwn tn lion programs with theYWCAt seemed to the bill Born in Calgary but growingup 14th in Montreal Miss Collcy explained that her first interests had been in swimming and dancing later inl adult education and that this job offerch fascinating combination of all threeand great deal more Shes been busy ever since from eight in the morning until 11 or IE at night Up at seven she drives some 40 miles before nineto de liver portable iaftito an outlying beach where her assistant Miss Then back to Barrie to her office At 10 she packs her swimming bas ket first aid kit rubber beach ball hat goggles whistle She has to pause and remember JALIIQIIICI dressing rooms are avail if ablcw Wthewbeachshes all to and 1Vm if not and frequently it is not she mz Baby 1700608101 be CANAIANBABIES BORN ON NOVEMBER 14th 1948 gt VIanyi proud parentswere thrilled that the Td insure the utritot care Vforthevseluckyi dugawaited birth in their famin ocgurred on Nevemher 14th babies Heinzlwill send the birthday of an heir to the British throne their mothers giftcf HeinzBabyTFoods In almoSt thousand Canadian horries that handSOme bey Cilendllr and6 boom day wasborn young person who although icfiur BabyilsldDigt not of royal lineage will soon be ruing your rst opened 13 eyes on two inf 7hegrtsljliMajesty the habyll is title little heirs birthday Isirnply send his name fondly bestowed on every lucuddlesome infant and 1118 mothers name and address to who assumes the divine right ofdemaudmg Heinz Company of Canada Ltd Pupontl atlention for kingi Street Toronto Ontario CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC L10