GE 511 MW Im BARBIE EXAMINER 8111mm Oimimo CANADA moss NOVEMBER 13 1913 mm VETERANS COULD HAVE BIG VOICE POSTWAR CANADA Ontario Federation STROUD Recreation Leaders The ElectKenRobinson 1I 11 111 111m 111 II 1111 11oi 11 tum 11 tllttl for another 11111 1i1111 in mm 1111 of Ontario Fttltfdlull of lice5 LlIlf IHI IYIEII 111111i l1111iis The annual 11111 by Lloyd Dough II IIII 111 was held in loiiiniii inst tnwk ii 11I Jullll Pearson OK 811 1511111 WU Itungia I11I11I1I1I 11I1 IiIiIiI Ijllt III1I1II 1114119 president and Harold llor killxrlsii111All1i1ai 3511 Hm NVWmlVI If treasurer 111 311 directors anttitling its 122111 111111 Summing 1111111i hurliialitlllt tili 11 liiirltilii iliiinil EvilIVE lijmi all Eligplfi VHIIII IiIIiII 31 I1 I11 123 11 lritt=1I 1111itl1ti 11IIgt1 1111 ilit 1111111 111 Llllt 1111111 11 the LiiiyrtSIF ff IlIfWm MI MN MI II MI TIMI l1l1litllllllSlltilll 1111 oi 111111 11111 11 11 IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIII IIIIQIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIII IIIIIII II III IIIIIIIIIIIIIUI St m1 IIIIV 11h snniiilgi Nov 11 Mg 1A fungiI i1ci1atioi1I Tlltll iinini f11111llt 111111 11 111111 Iduicloi tor the ouiily ot Siiit111I 1111111111 11111 tltlll ti tllltltlt 111 11 Lillltitl tXls 11ii ll rUrle4A BARth FAR litl iii11 lltl 1I11 1111 lt1 I111 111 JAMAICAS lplILIllI liiiiiiitoii WIth 11 1121 III 111 lI IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII Iv mm4 II1II iinilhllllllln 11 lllt iii111111 wisi TRY AN itxmiisiiIthtsi A1 it antmoon 11 11111111 11I IONE IllNK OB5 lltnllll tun 1i11 1i Iota1h 1105 III1I1I 111I 1111l11l 11111 as 11 lll 1l gimmi reinmun sin131 1112111 11111 aim11 1111 111 lhcii 1111 111 11111 111111111 lit 11 11111111 11 111 111izi till 1111 social vii11111 lltllltlit 11 ii the IIII III IiiI III III IIIIIIIII SIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII III AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II 1I II IIII IIIIIIIIIiiz the Hall on Nov 13 tiiillriziih 11 111 r1 With II Skating tenthn and BMW Vutllltil and 11 um Wr aii run11111 requisls 11iii 11111111 honorsKwiit to llis Jack lt31 1i 1lt liar1411 Filz kiltlllg thi 1111inz1111 11 5111 Hughes and Lloyd Biriiii Allan 111 llltt of me sir 1114 Clut 111111 I1ll 11111s 1111 Minus lltlfl the lucky lltlItl 111 111 H4111 II Imhh mi in tiiiiing lllt limelnii 11 skating 111 lllt draw for the Zltliltl 11 II II II tli In 1111 1111 ii H11111 Ixs III1 1I lI 11 I111 iiIl ilIiiI IlIIIlhIs II IIIIIIIIIIIIII 1IIIIII1III IIIi IIlItIiIIiIiIIntIIIiqu 3I1I11I1IiliII 1III HIlII III IIII III IIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII 1111 ix lllilltI1llllt1 1111 1tllll llmmmnu mm gm inHp 3111l III II 111 mini111111 liiiiii 1111111 11111 MIIIM pUIIka III IN WIN Ml Km mm WM ll1 11111 Mrs tuuiiiliiIl lll11ll0$ Ilntl 11 111 11 1111191111 Training oursi hlN RUBIN5 lliilllt lttltillltll llllllr 5W he Shlmml family Ioronlo 11 the home 1111 litll All l1iiiiin and 1111 The t1111ll1ii 111s 111111111111 loiiiiitii 1111111 111111 with nounless lItllllill lluy Leadbetttr ltobiiisou IIIII ugh 11 1gt 1111111111111111 by Fred 11 tllt llllltl iiiiinal 1111111111111Intii other recreation directors were 11 loiorilo tttltlldlll 11 recreation and 111 111111121111 by lrtl ml mmli V1 WW 111111111111 iid iliiIv 111111111 1111 our children in the hotel lobby lhty ll Whm youIiiIidlnnyrVIlililCHJ 31 I11 11II1I lIlI IlljI 111111111111 artiiiiiiiuu11111111 tor the children that night and tlltll 5721111 llousiiiiiiiii l11r11I1Ii 11 MINI III IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII or IIlklI Nip 111 IIIHIIie miI H111 11m muhg 111 L1IIIl 1111 1111 mIl vi 7vA 0111111111111 11111111 11 111111 1iiii1i 111111 11111 iiiiiiiiiigx 1111 111 1111 11 11 armlllixllll 11 Milt Siltllll Ill Hill Lillll ltrts 111 its llltllllll 1111 111 ii HT Iy II You may harm SSOI $100 $1100 11 111111 l1111 and Bill KniivI iiniil gnuriiiiipih 1131LHIIIhI1 II Ii IVIIEIIguIIII ilIlZIIlILIIII tlirifnitl WE ARE PAYING THE HIGHEST PREVAuING pRICES crop 10911111111111 yoururn 111 1111111 Tullmt 11 1111 piano 101 1111111111111 shutlt1 11111 iiil Mrs rllltl siimiioi ron DFAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS threuilhout endureH1111 ilife t1 Mulliollaiiil 11 5111111111 Lin UiIiii tinsiii 1111111111 1111111111 1111 IIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIII III MI IIIId MISII Ilt il 1I security Repaviiioiitlil1t1 13111 gtl WW1 gt1l HT Vlf iW South illllllitll IlIlll 1II111 11 Im gtlii1ll was ltl by 11 Mor bmlu daurlitir In tlu SliltllIS tlltllltlhll OIIIcttlla mouIt laIt1111lltl1II1111 III Wm III IIIINIIIIII IIIIII was III IIII II II II III IIIIIII IIIII NIIIIDI111 11111111111 mum on Niiv 11 iI 1111111ii iti 111 III Ill hulltintlli 111 11 1W lllllkid ti6 dint13 lllilmii dillH Iihl Ilmliii ml ml lml Ndmul mm mommy mm 10 many mm THo Telephone Come for Immediate Service 11 an ar soriv 11 iii11 11 151 married coiipliq 11 1111 Mumn gm 1mm VIIIHI IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIiiI1Iii iIIatiiIi s1g II II311II iiiIdIIMiIEIIIAltIIgaiIIIIIlasIIiIIIiIII tlIIttllIlIIIII III IIV IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII iI 1111 1dd ll km 91 huh 11 s1 111111 1i1 last and Wish 101 him slitstr WV Borrow or Any Good Reason II AIIII hiisiii1 111111111 oi 51111111111 11nd Mis oss it I1 IIIIIIIIII Iiilleinooii Nov 11 11111kailtlmiMk0 to $01110 hlmt III AIII BIIIIIIIIIIII BARBIE 3617 HFCIWSOW WW IAlliston Perturbed by 11 II 1111 Will11a wort11s Mix111111111112 INFINII If IIIIIlIIIIIlII date past due bills 111w nicduzil IB Im11 111 Biiii11 1i1111 111111 N1111ioei 11111 MI and Mm HI mso 111111 fIM IIIIk 1I NIIII exDem Ftlmllq MW11 01 9e on roversY Um mvmmm yum 1mm 131 ill this church on Szittiiolll llt Mr and Mrs Morley Gioso motored mm1 145 lll 11 hipIll emergency synopses and to mini1 III IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIHIIII Mum MIMI Mum Highll lnmm 5301 lltlnmnm Ito 11111 llope on Sunday and spent SIIIIIIIIIEwlh 11 iiiI III1 11 Fr lnlrlmipQ Pm for 11111 111 lllton ublislietl the 1m Dimmil Ml Mb Mwmg uh ML and Mm mldon Sunday visitors in 1111 conniiun mpt friendly seniiiw Wm mm 15 Ultllllllllttl iii con llllllllLPtUl7lllZIll WMS hildltiltiSt Inchmod MI md MIN I1 1IlI II ncction lll the above statement Ithtii monthly nicotine1 on Nov 11 Thu WMS mild their November MIVIII MI IIIIIIIII McNIIbe MIR some 1111s 1111 101111 1110rt 11 IS Mlulunqa Street on III the minister and Mr Downer 111 Ml itllllbtll 1W meetng at the home 111 Mrs ThIISI MIRI1VII011SI OMIIIII and TI 2nd Floor Phone 2394 lIIlIlIII SIHEIIlI IIIIIllIllIlIm b9 my hmmg 31W Mr 13m ljlltidlm 111 Kiln hit Slcllhcns Mm Clmksml lollfl McNabblloronto with Mr aiidI emu 0N1 IbI IL HI HI mghilm any Slltll Inttllmllitm 11nd mll hdd SLHPH adnai 139 Tpance mm Mrs Albert Slrachuii Mr and was circa 11 c1 arount own 1111 advised limiilmfiiiliilHildaWhirl Chargelllmll Wrightgave the study booklmis Dan McAithur Cilon McArl ampbcll led in pro Roan lo or by oppolnlmlnl loan mad renderl ol nearby tom After December lst 19481he vural citizens received copies In the letter statements are made is no provision in the statutes to AIIIUlstor Next meeting will be held hp thui Mr and Mrs ll McCuaig1 0m 513101119 15 t0 the one 1111 golden thding reception of held llltll NovcmbeiI muting in that the Ontario Government vill III MI de MIS TLbO M15 Reid hadI MIis Albeit IStiachIins last vtek 11 111i 111 Oppomlm Itll1U his 511 IOP 11 won gutst at the nuptials 50 With the President in chaigc Mis Illlllllltlulllsl centmtipthf Statement either in men 01 WVlily Thins MR amlycais ago Mrs Thos SavycrlGrant Ansdell gave very line 13 III tilYO any amount of momv I11I1IIirdsI be 1I 111 71 WIT1QlitAlbilgbo Ht and Roy Oughsr Ofces or WWWJUN 79 103411111111 the Church Stllttilnltlgt 1m 051 bIzidm III IIIIIIII mm IIIIr VINE Mr and Mrs Thornton Retd 01 Crown Hill iiiiitl its condition which Mr 1111 IS Anal 1C Ill 11111 Itmll1itt1iss11n spent few days with Central Church MS 111 150 immnii M13 Lmllmcl 535100 tlicii ielitives here and attended The WMS of Central Chihcn mnnmm pmH Cthttltnvrtine on Noveliibcri by Mrs Diinnaitl MlYLd last ic Reeve Cunningham was ginnlfitsliincnts Will be locatedat 53 Collier SItreet through the ress This he icclin MW 0135 Clillkl livid 011C111 bridesmaid for Mrs cho vasta or bast 011 the Beatitude ed to do and in fairness to the nd kllttlt lEIUU 1311i 1110 btllet also able to be present which was most interesting ig ratepayers of Alliston as Mayor womcll mwm Slty ml MYS Tebo 50 Years wed feel compelled to advise that the IIIIWIHQi kIIlzIwuiticglli ongratulations to Mr and Statement in the letter circulated II llltItl lcbo on their golden wedding 111111 1111 11111111121111111211111311111111111di3311333begsg 101 11 lmen IllWll lhtIUthOlltV OfIfor the lit Community 11111 The Mmfihg towalkeon tlt ogIvn connoil IIand Without know prirlc winners were MrsIIN Stodi MFI and MISI CI Wice expect to go of tho tacts lnlt lIlisIIIII1looii illIrtyIandIbU moving to their mwiy pmdhl II ProgleSSIVe Conservative SSOCICI Ion Cito Sinclaii 111 cuclne CllanltI 11111 II inml Mrs Stoddlt and 11111355 Egiingloid flheiil gluing In the federal Rldlng 0f NORTH SINICOE IHIIsIIngSI consumtmn IIIIIIC winnersI IO 1H Horn oIII Toronto Miss 11111 Miss Frieda Pil W111 be held in the Eh key Hastings and Hugh Black mick Mp undMrSI Clarke Sfrvod Fern Hampel LEIgh own ner Mrs Art Hubbcrt is shing in deliCltUY lolillhllltts and C0360 10 Lansing Michigan tllt EluvStS and TYOIYODC LXplIESSCdlAf MIadsen SChoo ZGI Mr Mrs Wilson have thanks ltl delightful exciiiiig Fem HampclI 12 Burton AvenueI II KoIingIaIisiItouIisIIIghISiIiII ilIEtLlliIlHCl 1111 IIII IIIIIIIIIII JI land Hman Leigh RR 1I OriiiiaI Dm lctt on Sunday November17 for 11 EFFIEFEACTANDMm7 UnionVillC 10mm 01k SChOOII th ton of John Mad 11 1111 IMPORTANTBUSINESS 111311IIIzyIggggyIIInggII3103 22 LIIIVCIIIIIIIDamsh Mk danCI 3101 Miss pm on Mom fy NOV November 17 or Speakers I1 1IIII II II II III II II 11 ll Shanty Bay Ilie niaiiiigeI We in Sony to retort doughK Louise Collcy recreation diiec En CARDINERIIKICII of Joan to Roy Patterson took place LatimciI is patient in oning ton Spent the weekend of Novem on Nov 17 St Th Ch wood hontal si it Vttionl onservtti Association mm bell 13 at the SChOOI Whmh 15 Wt as ve Shanty Bay FlBIImIllldI Shonl terned after the Danish folk ImI EVI AI WI OWNERI MIPIPII Ithlln Elmo ILOOk partV 50 EQIIOm mpilwrl ll LIIIC schools Sessions are being held G0 do Fmdes at 1hMllC Lea 1530 leImIzl g2thth 003w on weavingI clay modelling and sweet large 2165 llnm OHKSTON iiriifgs3nt13elilt chlheumloldr 3113 Hgoplengit folk dancing dOZ JULIAN llIlIRGSO1 MJl Hickling IBmbm Dorothy tended 1m Sinmoe 12031th Harmon Leigh returned last Fla Marsh Seedless size 96s GRAPEFRUIT for 25c doz 49c CraWtord Ray None Margaret Young PeoplesFall llally in Ctll weekend and Miss Hampcl Will re Handy and Loraine Simpson also tlal Iliulcli Bllie last Wtrtltitri turn this coming weekend Rev and Mrs Eric Richards and day Lithi DONALD lllltiWN iiics 11 MILLIE ScczTrcas Vokes Roll call response was on Birthplace Themotto Make the mt neSt eating Mi 1nd Wlf 11 thnvalc WI swag juicy Size ms gt 13 5510 WA Devotional Meeting On Thursday the Novciiiiiii CAL ORANGES dog 29c Th0 Red Emperor held 1llI Mis Gibsons on Nov9 at tthhomcI I01 Mis ILI 111111 25 Wllh filteen members prosan anleoll call his answered by MIV tWO VlSitorS Mrs McBon and Mrs Grandmothers Maiden Name and Women of the Bible most of today it will never cone MCIHIOSh 85 bask it was gathered Wmt Iigmhxoftf agamIn was commede on Mle 69c par women pay the Wurld pork During the busm Flrm De today An interesting and encour period plans were made to packi aging report on The Little Help box for overseas and Clnistmasl ms was given by Mrs Gibson Cards were disposed ULJUW food parcel was sent to aneerlv will be bought for First Aid kits family in Englandnby Mrs Wil Or thevchool Mrs Maw son on behalf of the WA chap Mrs Goodtcllow andjylis LilTNoiffcrisp HEAD LETTUCBSOS for 23 Steak or Roast PORTERHOUSEI ilNGI SIRLOIN CHOICLRMMWWWH CAL TOMATOES 1b 201 Quality Meais ter from the study book ken Maw gave report of the Bat by MIISI Eric Richards EIIIII convention MIISI AI SI MawI HIS BONELESS ROUND lbI 20 Oz son the hostess served delightful torical convener then took charge one nice Tin 31 IIIIIICIIII AIIIIIIIIII SOCIaIIhaIIIIIIIIIIII of theI meeungI SCIIQIrIiImeIIIbeIT II III II III VIII inES66KEYE Wk BRODlES en imu Ingkmee ing gavet 1e meaning 01 names res 0c Lb next meeting at Mm BIeInsIonS on several villages and towninirSim 39 gag llOnViefxiaiLiges are Vted mIEghebgigelaziiesifir rigeyfilfI Aynmmnowm HEIW 802 teinoon were Mrs Larson and Fresh mmmed 20 GILFORD pm Bum 53c 55555855er 25 ELQEUAEE 25 bb Th ooI Ofa gifis nofrfozlxcetfdalgogt Tenderized whole or ham FCY 212 l9c FcyI 19 Mr and Mrs 1211111 ofFargo value 1bI FANCYCREAM sum gigrcfehfgegresfse Meme Zglliz 20 1Mr and Mrs WmIStIewart and ltI Sweet ckle lb ROSE IMrsIWebbof Paisley VISItedIMIS 57c 3202 lda Sawyer last week 11try Mr IandI Mrs Ray Staueriof Norember 16Il Chopped CHOCOLATEVANILLABUITERS0010 PlattSVilleIwIIie guests ofI Lou IIlheImany friends of Mrs Reg3 m7 1105 Nelits10nSunday analMona 151 lgley formerlyof this commun Principles bpk II sIoriyI to report Mrs Wilford lty IwillI be glad tohearI1hathshei is 13611 WITH kiwi1N II FIIIIKEMOST FEOPLEIIyouIInd saving Neilly lll Ithe RVIHospital Barrie recovering from the serious illness 361191155 in II 2415 II 111 11111111 11111 111111 111111 IIIIIIIIMIIBIIIIIG 111111 mains 1191f PRIOR RASPBERRY JAM 32 why not isuss theprams witthouiI friendIIat The SIZPU met at Shirley Todds Mrs Thos Anderson has sold her cut EA II RICHMELLO on Nov With 14 members pres cottage at Holly Cornett That gt Canada Iii52 Hi5 training haSISPCCiallYlted him entand Frank Kell Fellowship con means another dwelling to go up vener in charge The meeting was The only heater 1511115 kind tos ow you ow oma esavmg sure an certain next year for their summer resi 191RAuaEr1Koe TEA 13 501 MISS CANADA BRAND in the Worldllts the heater He can help youselect Canada Life contract lfdslllbig Wiring ghgliiii 5333113 iiiieiilcee $111311 tlihllthilfdl 333 that Elvinlehakbe Economical 1111111in RED 21101 well wiIIIinI your means that will IIIwide you beI Observedial each member III wIIII IhevIIIaIIII op waistsI1 hundreIcIls ofthiil Tin san ousernrouhout Iomz With adequate savmghoth for the miimedme gngcgirrtch 19313 IfIJaIgaVe The Holly WA 1831de Imam Eh SOAP FLAKES Shroieekmrmamnrmm guaranteeyoua New Program The next meeting with quite few memberspres of ngIIiAIIwmtic masonsnappy SNOW CHIPSO will be at Gordon Hughes Novirilfwent Phey had as guests the WA mast1106 ee urns any always in 71 M0 Income WIhen Y0 me He be glad to with Sam Neiity in charge QtBurion Ave ChurchsAiiaiidaie kind ofcmlicokewn nets Stock if talkto yonwithout cost or obligation Gilford WMS 11 The Holly WA are holding bazaar Plenty 9f1healthful Ieat fo$lfcelII$1aSoriIiietIIf1Iit MrsI3 VlIlIIll KittIiIiIe Sugdatytgchoolpextrionth aynesiiuelh 11021 Imoney IVORY DETERGENT LEE mem ra en meeting wen an ee enume via an av 1mm 99 DaggM Mrsd FranksKet presided go the basementt hege half WARMIJIII II 111013 align 11149 20 an rs ervin awyer was in our was spen rs Dyer be mi imitations charge of the devotional musi and Mrs WLockhart pouring teal 1u13gugggg 33mg 1533 1458 Lite cal contributiOn was given by Mrs Your correspondent had letter Iltutnetlon Pkg 36 Luck West of the Gorges thelfrom Jim her son of RCAF It new Study bookwas presented by Beatton RiVer BC He has begin Mrs George Nesbitt descriptive of in hosptal at Edmonton for short the New Look in ChinaI iMrs while and is going back under ob Robtg Kell gave full reportOI the servation on his stomach head and Sectional meeting held at Newton back He thinkshe may be homein II PI Robinson ThehosteSS and com for Christmas All wish him EGGS WANTED Cameron Ellis 1111 my 111 11111111 1m Iprlcea for em Shipping UI m8 lvdtlabte at Our stores 65 31111111111131 mgguIzIIIigmggII 411111 Zach 1hour 3355 1129 ix III IIIIII II 1111111111 served tea speedy iIccovery