Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1948, p. 4

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PAGE rounV Youth Service Held at St Andrews Church GHAT Womon Viewpoint on This and That oi he loyal tli1ii lialw iltgt BILDD veic the Lord My Ila aiid Lift Up iolciidgcTaylort lireside Hour ltviti iii special fealiiie was film Mountains illltl illdfil liinl lliuiic if ili iv British Jesus Ill 01th Ift filial ilit gttli llends THE IUVN Ntwcliibii ltl ofllytals and litlt ittljt fiist lady Mrs lIII iifficizii and following the ttlillitlli on siting dignitaries rc tllt itaintd Johnston Ii Mayor cireiiioii ii lat LUUH Lfilly ll iiiiist isotiiidViV en Illtit tf hymns and light liltilll iiiiug ll iiiiititt itoan Mi liiil evening by Mes Grieiilagii iourine Altbv Smith evening lis Alker and Mrs limgleV lhtI kitchen was in charge of Mrs Mc liiiiion and Mrs King assisted Alistltfmis and liaiiis and Ma Iiaietaa at ternooii Adams rldlllth In spite of nasty llllt iizilk of Us ivtaggt Iiviiililo Miss iIULtItil Ili Dayle Harin is to be ilowe Barbara ttl vsss RllliltlSMefill IVILAY lnited Church was the scene of the wedding on Satui day Noyeiiiber ti laughter James lciill1lay of Nrw Lowell It lltilltlitl Ibtll and Mrs lluiinett llurtoii 1111 and and sisters New Lowell IllIll ztllllii lladdeii and l11 Westgarth Taylor Guests were shown throuin the building by Mrs Drmiiiiiond and Bury of the Ladies Aux Moody Hl Lottie Roberts son or lli Roberts lllllltl and William Ils ll Iltiiiil gtil aficiiiooii et Square civic ta the iiooury Helms cut from llairies tlllllttl ill Collier St WMS Told DI General Council And Its Great Leaders todai Sici Wth na iii lli iiiiday School mom on Friday Not at it which The reports weie giyeii avif an llllllolllittlllelll trade of till affiliation night on Dec at Tao to which all the ladies of the WMS are invited li Ixl told little of Nlitllt1 ill the meetings of VTMUmUV mm Mr Dmmvnu mp Vlie General ouiicil in Vancouver executive Many and Branch liary Mens Sandy Wlwle lLlllli l11i Mrs lingwall was at thi llillptl organ favora bic she told of thi soleiiiiiity of the and Charles Smuumn Wm ipeiiiiii Ill the oiiiniuiiioii The second annual of llIt aziaiinii 1121 it So li $1 was Ulltl IllSllttllilfl tioiii afternoon and iron to ll fill the rllilit comments vere heard on the im proeiiieiits house year ago House liehiVi llie lllliyi public in the hit it soloist The bride marriage Keiiiirth McGillivray Iore white satin floorlength gown ried cascade of red roses of honor was Vera Webb of Barrie in pm doorlength dress carry Russell Oldeld loronto was groomsman and Jack of Toronto mothei made since open who war eldest given brother diurnal Ubaoeud MUNROTWEEDS GLENAYR DRESS LENGTHS IN FINE ENGLISH WOOL SWEATERS AND YARNS 17 Bayficld St Just South Corners Hours 930 am 530 pm Wed 930 to 1200 noon fine crowd turned out for the afternoon Sunday School rooms of lIssti Road Presbyterian Church on Friday af ternoon November ll wanunder the auspices of the live Auxiliary Vllllt icepiisideiit war general couveiier in the illness of Mrs 12 president and Mrs converters of Sinclair poured tea Mrs Hooper iMrs Herbert Young Miss Bailey Mrs Roy Grant and Mrs Albert Cheesman were in charge of the ii pi and car Maid bazaar and in the Over Ltltl wee ueleoiitid by the icccptioii coriazizttee lltll consist ilaue President of iiilii lis mum ing pink roses tl o1 igt Iditilts Drake lllciis llrancli igt itlflttllittll Bibby lt and Mrs Dalton Mis IAtllh 11112 William ushers wore navy blue suit with cor dress oi was of wine Roberts The and were brides Grtes Scruton tl0 Mrs Harold the tea Robert Monger Mrs lres lres liet Harris and the exec plied by Craig sage roses The grooms mother wool with corsage of pink roses The bride wore goingaway suit of slate blue gabardiiie with black Outoftown guest were from Toronto Richmond Hill Barrie Ottawa London and Crec more Follpwing HillI Jones Ziceli utiyc Music was Hamilton and lrutiiaii tillaiiis iii the afternoon and in the evening by Wally lerkiiis Tea wasserved by the Ladies Atixilipiy to the aiiadian Legion villi Mrs Dickey conyeners of the tea tables lion Hilliard Webb Mrs accessories various tables of fancy work knit tcd goods aprons candy and home made baking Mrs Harold Webb Sims and Mrs reception at the tll and the work of the mod lLlIHlS lilllll giiiiipses of these treat leaders ef the United tiitircll Mrs liuibir took the worship teiyie mo czilled on Mrs Arm trott to iiad tlie Scripture and cad in prayer llcr theme was leayor Iltilli so shine Mrs lcath beautifully Out in he lliiliavs and Byways if ife ls iailrulge and Miss itHltiItllUW took up the offering Mrs Lloyd icad outstanding iaragraphs Ililll two chapters of he study book on Women with Jew Look Itlllti of the daughter if Confucius scholar who was he second liiiese woman to be irdamed and Doctors Old and ev The ninetiiig closed with hymn ndilizpah Benediction iqv the drawing room to brides Win New Ewell flit couple left on Wedding trip to They will live in 710 looked after thefish poiidnand Mrs George Young presided over the Mrs White received the Those in charge of the tea tables were Miss Helen Webb Miss Gwen Johnston Mrs Robert Couch LMiss Dorothy Grant and Mrs Mary iEllen Young The Loblaw staff held party assistodiibyv Mesdames Mathesoii lnttersal and Osborne iii the aflLiJ New York ronto kitchen guests BlKMaciAUGlllON Montreal Gazette of Jean Luella ltiyounger daughter of Mr and Mrs ithe Community House on Thurs leHgferl IrkuN fll 11 owmg an OH and Mrs George Black of Toronto took place on Saturday October 16 1918 in the Church the Ascension Right Rev Ritchie Beli Modera for of the Presbvterian Church in altmllt took ova of as ms 01 Canada offiCiated Miss Winniired Drysdale played the wedding mus The marriage late Mr ings skating and their guests able evening dancing and playing Leigh About 35 employees spent an enjoy to records Crawford of thomeat de piiigpong In Montreal manager ceremonies Flora Prizes were won by Macdonald and Gordon he strains of loliciigrins wedding lilllll played by Howard Ilili iusin of the bride or Toronto he bride was charming in smart trey suit with matching hat vhite blouse and black accessories he carried nosegayof roses and ornations Her only attendant was Miss Grace Durward who was itticd 111 becoming green suit matching accessories and orsagti of yellow mum David MacLareii of St Williams was best man for his brother Only the ini nediaie friends and relatives were present Mix1 Charles Hill the brides aunt received the guests in Vic and Mrs Ritchie Bell sang pretty green crepe gown and Barker in ducky spot dance and Mr and Mrs Del Cole who out lasted all others in an elimination The door Crawford Leigh land made the during the signing of the register Chrysanthemums and palms decor ated the church The bride who was given away by her father were an afternbon dance prize went to Marion Suther arrangement for corsage of yellow anti bronze muiiis assistedby Mrs Mac Laren mother ofthe groomwho wore 21 becoming black crepe dress with accessories to match and gown of dove grey crepe fashioned Corsage 0f White mums and pink the party with the assistance of Yvonne Goodchild and Del Cole on draped lines with hat and shoes to match and carried bou quetof Better Time roses Miss Margaret MacNaughton who was inaidofhonor for her sister was in frock of Madrid wine crepe fashioned on similar lines to that worn by the bride and she wore inaching accessories and carried bouquet of Happy Day roses Rob ert Harwood of Toronto was best man for his brotherinlaw and the ushers were Capt MacNaugh ton ofVQuebec brother of the bride Ronald Currie Mrs Naughton mother of the bride was in gown of Wedgwood blue crepe embroidered with steel beads and on honequon mp to Tmmito She wore matching hat and the bride donning Victorian Wine shoulder corsage of Joanna Hm topcoat over grey suit with black There was turnout of over 300 townspeople at the dance held on VWednesday evening at the Armoury following the opening of the Town Hall building The Stroud Moun taineers provided music for both round dancing The dance was open to the public and no admission was charged square and new status for women has been in Britains universities University on Oct 21 with confer ment of an honorary degree on the Her Majesty was Doctor of Laws Queen made and became the first woman to be admitted to full II ll bolized and inaugurated the new Istatus of womeaat theuniversity Hitherto although taking degre bn admitted to membership Womeh will now be on exactly the same terms as men Thevaill be given full sharein university government Ill ter of pine gridegroom wore gown 11 remde Pm ngan of wine crepe with black accessor fies and shouldricorsage of Tai isman roses The reception was held at me bounty of $200 for each pelt Mount Stephen Club For travelling the bride Wore Nox 111948 and Feb 28 1949 suit of ruby red imported wool with 9a matching hat and cocoa squir For the second successive year 181 lCket Mr and Mrs WellingtonDd RR Barrie gave turkey dinner illBitfrie for their fellowinembers in the Central United Church choir on were Capt anTMrs Mac Thursday evening November 11 at Naughlon inllrs Hall of their home Thirtyone members Quebec le and MTS prerl Har of the choir were present along WOOCI 0f Toronto and MiSS Barba with Rev Bewell and Mrs P6 practice followed they have not LAMIWSL Black will reside Among the outorovVn guests ppard of Moncton NB The upsets which often accompany babys rst solid foods are caused by the fact that babyls immature digestive system cannot completely digest coarse bres and the cellulose walls 0f food cells Even the must citrefu doeVsVnot break them down But Libbys verizcs them so thdtfbab Bewell Choir the dinner Ramona Warcham brideelect of next monthwas the guest of honor at delightful shovVer on solemnized 0n rWednesday afteri Saturday evening Novg113 at the moon Novemberlo 1943at 3304 home of MafjorieiHarris 181James Bay Viewhome of Waverley St prettin decorated basktbf Howey 0n WOLVED Sta Port Rowan beautiful and useful gifts Was pre when Erie Francesowey only sentedlo Miss Wareham by her daughter of Mr Howey and the late friends Refreshrnents MTS Margaert Howey ofPort Row the hostess assist an and AlastairDouglas MacLaren of Port Rowan son ofMr and MrsijAlastairMacLaren of St Wile vs The Servicemns WiVeSClub liams exchanged vows before Revt began thbir third year wih suc Carter PaSIOT Of the United cessful meeting in Wednesday No ChurchatPort Rowan vember 10 at the Community House Mrs Elsie Zufelt presi entwasinchargdofgtheqneeting The club forms an auxiliary to both the air force and army and paral lelsa similar organization at the MacLARENHOWEY Simcoe Reformer VA lovely wedding of interest was inf straining Vteutedhomogcnizanon process pul eforje the process of digestion begins Vs digestive juicescani immediately act oh the liberated nourishment assembled wreserved by ed by her mother Robinson and Mrs Asr alviesult babyicanV digest Libbst Quickly and completely He gets more nourishment than from tthscme amount of food which has been strained baptist homo enized and with xggstive distua Given in marriage by her father eshk of 39 GFREET WI for the free booklet Healthful Feedan for roses The table was prettily decorated in pink and white centered with threetier wedding cake topped by miniature bride and groom under white bell flanked by white tapers in crystal holders and bouquets of Vllowcrs Numerous bouquets of autumn blooms adorn ed therooms The grooms gift to the bride Was handsome makeup kit to the best man pair of plastic hair brushes The brides gift to the groom was clock to the brides maid silver salt and pepper shak ers Later the happy couple left TECUMSETHFOX BQU TY Tecumseth Township willztaym f0 killed in that township between THURSDAY NOVEM 1948 Ceylon YWCA Secretary Visits Simcoe County SALAIIN TBA Outstanding Quality Delirious Warringo Etta Edible YJtA in Le Silkyttt LEri ittt whit Li Li LL igt Itiiili tag ilitl Ltllgtt Ltzlle tliieitui lo tziice days out LilliIllinlttt session ul the Sum ouiitv Sczyicr letlcdlltift being held in Siaym Miss Edwards who tr gt DLLII Canada for the past tom iioail is studying at the School of Social Work at the University of Toronto Three BYILISII FOTMCIS Reclaim I500 AcresV From the Ocean lililiiiilI Socle Jiltl lend tritif fertile land in ilible aspect of that It ic llit IU tellit National Council YWCA arranged for he to Canada Silk ll SIX months tllllICI ltll working day and btillleths Stuth llctll lltlli tl despite Ilttl Fifty llte intriprise of three taiiiis iiilaien llii liiiglit with lines wore sai die costume while she was lit1e In Local Churches Gideons Describe Aims and Results and drag bei or from food produc lizis been achieved bank t3 mileslI haul stand 11 Bi itaiii lttfidllllld moo This Rugs cit mo feet wide an to be closed The and is lion Vi building long on the south side of the Wash in Lincoliisliire lhis aiea contains Stratication qunhalmeut longer Picturesque Residence with fourteen rooms coiniilrtely nlodcrnlzed Beautifully situated in the centre of eight acres of woodland Quiet restful and yet very convenient on Highway 1l two miles south of Ilarrii CURRENT LOCAL HOSPITAL RATES TELEPHONE BARRIE 4268 OR WRITE MISS FLORENCE BREAKWELL Painswick Ont mm new composed of 50311101 tons of strong clay was iltll iii Barrie andVdistiict this organiza last Sunday Nov Day chit sentatiyes tion of liristiaii business and pro fessional their films and icliieeiieiits lttlktlgt all the exception market ware heard in most of the Protestant tollier St Central and Burton Ave United St Georges and lriiil ity Anglican First Baptist tillltli St Baptist St Andrews and Iissa Road Presbyterian Salvation Army Pentecostal were coiis iueii told story The itli from Ne Toronto from one churches followsii illllli iii ooksV town Newton Robinson and the in the Mincsmgi Other heard and speakers RECENT 1551 PR this simply great to relieve PERIODIC COMPLITS with uncomfortable fullness Are you troubled liy distress of female functional monthly disturluuicesi Does this make you iuerfeel Ht ncrmus restless cranky wmkrat such times Then do try Lydia Ii Iinkliams Vegeta bio Jonipounil to relieve tuicli symptoms In recent test it proved very helpful to women troubled this way You nice it to yourself to try it Iinkliumu Compound is what is known as uterine sedative It has soothing effect on one womans an organs LydiaE iiiono four churches field Envelopes were distributed for the use of any who desired to aid the cans An interesting VED and informative talk on the work of the Gidcons was heard in St Andrews huicli when the pulpit was occupied by John Reid ofli past president Dominion association of this oi gaiiizatioii figures regarding what they liach accomplished activity is the placing of Bibles in but there are For exatiiple prepared an attractiyeand durable issue of the New eluding Psalms and Proverbs for presentation to children of SClltlull age These beautiful maroon books are being distributed to chil will voluntarily accept and promise to icad them jcctive has been set in Canada of covering one complete grade each year requiring upwards of 150000j This will meaii that every boy and girl passing through the public schools of Can ada will be offered copy of the with Psalms aiid in the morning lorotito of theI who quoted numerous best known Their hotel others lthlllS Illilll they have Testament iii gt 4513 For over itl yearn thousands of girlie and women have reported benefit Just see if you too ilonlreport excellent results Writh fryOrg swim NUIIC Or you may prefer llNKllASIS TABLETS wiilrniiIdrd iron VEGETABLE COMPOUND HUUVN gun $covered YIIIA ribimport then who An ob Pinkhams WW SARA MW JUL iiJnvi MMMM mlill copies annually New Testament Proverbs Hundreds of children have writI ten letters to preciatidn and give assurance that with the receiving of tlicirbooksi they have entered upon regulari plan of Scripture reading One of the major the Gideons was in World War lIi supplied 91 million express their ap actiVitics 0fE where they Testaments to Army Force and others who served 1911 280000 Bibles were placed in institutions places in Canada 2600000 on the continent 150000 New Testaments with Psalms and Proverbs annual ly to Canadian school children Mr Reid was introduced by Dr president of the Navy Since and public FORM ALS DDING cownsis suirs pvtE LINGERIE CUSTOM MADE Atkinson Gideon Association of Barrie CNR APPOINTMENT Chestnut has been named Canadian National Railways indus trial engineer in charge of indus trial development at the New York office of the companys department of research and development HERE are puddings as satin smooth and richavored as ever tastedin marVelous variety Brownsugarymut orgeousgdeepavored Chocolate deli cate Vanilla and new delightful JellO Tapioca Puddings two avorsVanilla and Chocolate the best you terscotcli CVARAVMEI TERSCOTCH BUT Serve them plain of with cream fruitsVor nuts Or vary easily and effec tively as suggeted on the packages JelIO Pdddings are Wonderfully Vecon omicalivOrdeer aVlVl sixfrom your grocer CHOCOLATE BEAUTIFUL xeAsv TO Fix gVTHRlFLY VANILLA VANILLAQQ och VV ATE TAPIOCA TA CHoc tSUCHRICHG CREAMYSMOOTH coopiitss woonwoiiiiiiicx Your Baby Jusl send your name and address thy Graham 0M RCAF Station Camp Borden They expect membership of between 40 and 50 women this year Mem Built1n cupboards Cab lnets and Furniture Re nter PHONE 3228 2373 19VMaiy St bers of the present executive are Mrs Alma Copeland secretary Mrs Hazel Spear treasurer and Mrs Vera Eggenberger program conuenen Hondrary president is Mrs AVHiltzw1feof the com manding officer at the RCAF Sta tion Camp Borden The club in tends to hold their next meetin pairs ios surmount BOTH TRAINED aridHOMOGENIZED unpainted toolFl Barrie 13 Soldby Leading Jewellers Everywhere atomic Products of Genoralloodl SIMPLE DIRECIIONS eminence dh lathV quIO is tradaniork own Gonorul Foods

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