ELECT LES McKAY armsr PRESIDENT HARDWARE ASSN Leslie wl elected County reprch Arnzstzw Ouch llxtll litlrit tl land 1ri WWW llilvc 1r 1n flu rodi rrl lltilll l1llitlll AND AllilYllNl rrirricrrlil Iron fates Stair Railings and other kinds to your ordcr tllltl lllKSIITIIING rrtr err Portable Welding Barrie Iron Works GOWAN 51 GOVERNMENT OF CANADA BONDS 34 due November 15 1935i have been called for payment November 15 1948 These bonds should be presentedmlor re demption with all coupons of later date climbedANOlortlreninterestwill be paidnrm On theSe bonds alter this date Dir Jinn ESTABLISHED l899 vii lr lu 55 Hill rth of lnsu 111166 lt ll alst Its niruplr llmtuith the stroke of pen your larrrili your children and your home are financially prolcctcd loo hate creatcd arr irrrrncdialc estate and yoursslfmoney in reserve for your retirement llow much bill gtlll1iprcurium bring you Thats simple too lr us say you arc age 23 Your estate will he STJSILW liitilnlllllrllillf thisauraziutllv low cost plan nd lieu simple it is to budget for it lour annualprcruium is slalrrl iii round figures Auk your Iorrtiucrrlal life Representative about this llarr lorla lllE CUNllliillllll lllE lllSURANCE COMPANY HEAD jHlCE TORONTO GRANT MAYOR brag 150 Durrlop Street Barrie viva5r GENERAL if you have erliollgb of thehgbt kirl of lighting in your living room your out look on life is cheerier brighter warmer Talk over your lighting uirements with PHONE 5046 uua Purely Canadian Company ELEcIan Earliest Sett which tlrc rltlnw incurred to lot on uhuli rmll gtlli loll tlra lll hualii should rrcr llllltllllll for rrull lleruy lra unable iiibuild lllr llill can up filled the latter while mailing lh gtlllll of possessron by building rurll Thus the as rrlrlallh till the property was lioush by the lortas farrrily who erected the Mist mill at lilltillv At an early date the halfpay of ficers settled at the front used their lllilllrllty to have post of tice establirshcd iand located in their vicinity but bark it was rerroved to more central location was called ho and on its rcrrroval Letters for all residents or the itownship came to this one rrflzce land the postrrraster being also the mmiearr soorialie reached Llhe border of 0m began distribut lfllllt mail giving letters to par ties charged to deliver them to par tics in their neighborhood and who became responsible for the revenue Mthcrcby arising About 12354 other post offices were established at Jarratts Corners and Shanty Bay and couple of years after further additions were made At this timc the Orillia Road had been cut though and lohn Galbraith kept the HalfVay llouse whee Knox llcsbyterianl Church now stands RELIGIOUS SERVICES The first religious throughout the township were held by laymen known as local preach ers Thefrrst regular Methodist minister was Jonathan Scott missionary to the Indians and thc first Episcopalian clergyman the Rev Brough Presbyterian preacher who had arrived from the Old Country was sent as mis sionary to this district but held only one service in Oro never re er at Orillia and then trampcd it through the forest paths After wards Messrs Fraser and McIn tosh and another Gaelic preacher from West Gwillimbury came at stated times and held services fur the township Yhrs post lllltf services turning He had arrived by schoon building and put in the necessary Irr first occupzrd the lot but buing ru llroudi then look it and llll rsthIl lr tiuv Strlltlltl yluuuu had been rigcued with the corrdr ma BARRK EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA lers in Cm Picked Greens to Subsist 1ctlirzg and M1 Arthur Darin limuintan lrlrlholo liltlki lnterrrrcnl Io mt ller=rrt cruclciy lintcrtaincd by WMS Eli THORNTON lrlrs in lirf suit rrnfi rilwlill rrzmi Birthday This Week lllililitllgt to DALerNW lint or ulvi yn Hr liar lit 22 and Alc 11 ii he lorlk place Illvtl1 will ti Vim llhl elllovzrble affcriioon wasl nothcr slit litiltllllflll 1111 vrvck rim mppllspnuml if for treatment 13 Will Vi1 3153 MlTVWd thurch on uednesdav alterl my li1m IUHXMI fl iillil1 noon rhcrr thewuxiliarv of fuel 13 Him IIwwm Whig tllltllfllllld the Wh CchL All mollrs lililtliiltlll from tooksfoun rrrrllslrrirlirl lire iwyrrrri11 pt flu villaiie is gm pmmr fl11 mm if you sancr from the pain and rr mar to red lrily of iirl1 Mrs Domain President IlllsllV and the embarrassment that on connilaint of the people farther was first krpr by Andrew hunt lawn ulrosc lunhzrrid was buried irl lohus ccrrrchrv on lucsday Star circus aerialist Don Dorsey aged 20 arrived at Montreal ir poit recently aboard TransCan ada Air lains North Stir from Van jcouver where he has her if hospital his who Thesediyincs fuscdralsor to go 77107 Nottawasaga Knox Church was then built and the Presbytcrians at last obtained stationed minis tcr An Episcopalian church also existed at Shanty Bay before one was built at Barrie Rev Mr Ar dagh officiated in both Among the first if not the rst baptisms in the townships were those of two of the Grant children and the sac rament was administered by the Rev Jonathan Scott while he jour first marriae was thatpf John Harwood to Phoebe Lawrence IiLaccordance withan Act of the Assembly introduced by Messrs Bidwell and Perrythe people of Oro about 1835 appointed Gom rmissioners to manage their town Alfllllliltl FLIES HOME cate for about six months beforet rejoining thoucireus llehelirihis career as an aerialist at the age of fourteen it roor rorov rlle night Mr Dorsey going to his borne hopes to rccup we win $1 lhorrrfori harmful worship SvlYltt luuzd chose for her fhcmc flu lrllS iolrr for this year Thy Kingdom must come day we pray lny Kingdorri ll1l would be surprised if it came to ll must come if rhc iivcs and healing ukrng together rrncd to love lod there will but rro more problerrrs fly the new or of life crime hunger and shot irripossiblc women liavc great part to play She said she liked to think of loci izzltuMSbeingheld atrhe homem Lydia VSlic likcdhto think of vari lt men Med throughout the summer owingl Will mi lo 33foot fall in which he broke his pelvis lll two places and sus tained serious infernal injuries on opening was be larls River Mass More Value Riding Comfort affairs The Hist Of these ap pear to have been William Riclu ardsOn andJoseph Tabcrt with George Tudhope as clerk and Char artridge as assessor and col lector with constabulary powers4 The taxes in theseitimes appear ridiculously low compared with those of today though they were probably ashlgh or higher in property Now many men pay on individual property farbeyondthe township which was easily con ingrofA representative to the Dis at various points proportion to the relative values of tainedin little pass book Inls36 JosephWhite Donald Grant and Donald Cameron were appointed road commissioners The first send trictCouncil seemsto have been in 1842JamesAdair beingnthe personelectedXOn the inauguras tlon of aschool law the township was laid out into sections much as at present and school houses were built almost simultaneously Some portions of the township were newly set tled as late as 1842 at which date some of the Browns Colwells and Shaughnessys opened up the woods on the old color line alongWil berforce St The pioneers found abundant signs of Huron Indians in patches of treeswhich though sums of the whole tax roll of the ll knewnhe level of light requiredjn living room and may havesome interesting suggesgions bar er yourllightlnglneed theres sypcci lly builtifor it large showedthemselves as of growth later than others surround ing them and in many arelic of town battle eld and burial place on farms today 4In1850 the rst municipal coun all for the then united townships OfOrO and South Ofillla was elect edtas followsReeveA Mofiatt councillors Drury FlahertyLJar ratt Henry and Lister The rst cleric apd treasurer wastDuncan Clarke who held the position in mementos of which are picked up TMorIaae Performancewiihconpmy Your Own itestiwill show that Chevrolethas more riding comfort Thats because Chevrolet brings you Unitized KneeActioxb as well as Chevroletis rBigLCaz rBodyibyr Fisherdlered Only by Chevrolet in the lowpriced field Yoiynll enjOyuliyelydependabLe performance eat lower Operating costswilh Chevroletr Chevrolet valvednhead engines havedelivVV power plant built today erredmore miles for more owirers over longerperiod than any other automobile Auxiliary conducled DusrPROOE Dnnrrmoo Wad llrcc rllll eruptions and lilcruiscs cause Illlll out now about the liaritigcn ll trcatmcnt which has proved of benefit to many former snilcrcrs ln by faith she szr id vc Lantrgcn con tains antigens derived iron staphy worncn through lococcns alhns and by all When all have and aurcus the Organisms usually corr sidered res l0 silllc for est Price $600 conditions bottle Ask your linguist today About Lamigen TAKEN BY MOUTH lhNTlGEN NBURATORlESUlllfly l2 Rkhmond St TORONTO It even trunkjcompartment Theres extra insulation in doors extra insulation extra insulation at seams and joints in he roof Canada likes Chevrolet why 83 as VA THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1948 ear Trucking Service LOCAL LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING delightful to smoke NOISEPROOF Dustrnoise wind heat cold and engine gases all stay outside Chevrolets superinsulated bodies Theres thick aSphalt impregnated lining for roof dash panels side panels floor and It is not by chance that Chevrolets bodies by Fisher are so beautiful so IuXurious sosafe Behind eachbody is forty years Of motorcar coachcraft experience fOrtyyears of building master bodies for precisionmindedCanadians To matchless craftsmanship have been added the methods and the metals of modern body engineering Todayhin your CheiIrolet Body by Fisher you are protected by steel welded to steel Vyou are cushioned bymaierials thirty addiease and relaxation toilevfery driving mile And to think that such bOdyl icomertpsuch bodyluauryfsucli bodysafetylivavailable through Chevrolet at lowest cost It helped explainwliy all MORE JPEOPLE irUYcnevnorismANANY ornaneARi ELIZABETH sir llmftilwli leirlcrl if Ha 91HVH rho wilil Lu celylual ljljlii list at ltlor in 1o MW Pl3 thicken Supper for Husbands WCciirrF lrrstrlirtvx rilltlldllr Kll Hymn llilsfor livrfvrs our rne rI lldi to llltrlcil surr ottulrl Lodge VtKlllti tum lmnk Py ilr supper prwrarir or mwnilm mm llgtlC lrLi coiiirsts was pal WY lrw ifup lc outfitters The Fearmlu mm Hm ourc lk iiired What an lllr My 731W1q1n xtlitlillhl 13 ll ilv rl cffcctrvrrlv Vrirlr AA 2AA ml up pr 14 ous tlfllll of re lame wro are lltl wre in rsznerzrg xii Eta on Saturday ad gmvi hi use or what they llitl lne 315 33yearold llillsdalc man vuho for breaking and entering the pie Mn Hump limp rig nnu MW has wonderful opportunity ioers been charged with more than 20 rscs of llrtlS Dairy rrllra dd in M1 Hum ANHHH ll upon up nun ficltis but lo latf rrr ufong Hriuus mle has begun wvdncsdyy mum and mung uut coupr WWI xliss llettv Eorf lc Film 11 lu sentence of two years less day small sum of money lnrr 11 Up Nlloll was born to thc tllrllft uis Joe lairnox one there are illiiloli WEIS rruznbez 11 lp Amidm in lpltl lmox cr the United hurch of auada ulunx orr llnldfv was rei rut gt on Nxtruuur Jilrlmm 1hr ll NW til torus hora iouroczi dollari trip ifs vi the forrrirrs aunt than they lid last year we could inazrei lllr llril 13 was Ulr il Mr ljzn 131er and il Scal who dud very rutct theneldsof the present tune rrs in Yup cre flour and arrd isrfrd rowrr llrii at tiu loronto on llrursria KM Illrl lltti Ulll ittl ir1illll gi in inurkvuri lrr tale lrs Neal was torrmrlylllre crijoymcnt of the allrnoon by MT munmm Hm may 31 311 MH 1pmpuisxmzmd Wszhel Suripson youngcvr rendering beautiful solo Arterv im Hm HM mm Lump cm paw mum rl the late hcv lt Inoon tea was scrvedby members p111 pmr prm She gt111fril oy lur of the Herring Auxdraiy III ll flt Ullldalrl lrlrfr ll vv lr and lrlt Sage oi Muman WM Ni ml CUDLRND Easy to roll More Value in Braking Efciency linovvincj youhave PositiveAction Hydraulic Brakes in your Chevrolet specially designed to achieve greater brakelining contact gives gt you fine feeling OlVSAECullly when Action Hydraulic Brakes is exclusive to Chevrolet lliround Scale Mare Value in ii Unlsteel Construction gUnitized KneeAction Gliding Rideand PositiVeActlon Hydraull Brakes Such supersatetv enqineerinq isa Bigcar featurefOund onlyin Chevrolet inongi lowgpificedcars Arnooucror GENEnAr morons fy TAXI anYWhere The Sure Iespouse of PdsrtiveV Yehre extra sale in your nvvChevrcilet guardedbystlie tripleprotection Of Fisher lll Ull if 11 rrrncd he ccond Burlington which around the mum reason quarter with in hanging hack thing an down to llrcir rillia nd eniors quad 4ha1nd