Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1948, p. 5

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THURSDAY NOVEMBER II 1948 Interesting Missionary Facts on work in China EMeeting New Chambers Told at Si Stincoe meeting was held leolt Rob closed the morning service inson on Oct Mrs Seymour Kell presiding After the opunng with hymn tilcox gave gracious words South Mrs of welcome winch vrre replied to by Mrs Allan of Churchill The Beasley Cookstown Mrs Corrigan and Mrs Corrigan Jr conducted the morn ing Worship service pleased the audience with her solo My Task Mrs Johnson Iresbyterial prest brought the necessity of exceeding alloca Shc spoke of the building fund and the vast missionaries during Miss Rae Isaac in South China Mrs Elston lent before lions need for more ladies Mrs 1ducted by Mrs Luck Mrs She closed by introl who told of her on the map and The roll call of auxiliaries was answered by very encouraging re ports Nine Iresbyteiial senth then work COODCIHIIOH of them visit the literature pcrlly combined coe SecWMSV se done the dinner rucess short prayer After delightful dinner served by the Newton ladies the after noon Service was calld to order by the singing of In Christ There is no East or West The worship service was Con Kell and Mrs chcs of Gilford so ciety The roll call of Evening Auxrliaries Bands Circles and at filiath groups showed good re presentation with reports of much work done during the year Miss Rae Isaac the guest speak er began her address by saying If we depend upon God for guid the ladies formerly their own bread in tin ovens over charcoal fire She was the only Office D11 Canadian nurse in that partof futd asked for China until 1938 She stressed the 11 CIOIISI need of more missionaries there Miss Winfield RHVC 11 SkelCh me as elsewhere She showed little books to be had and glimpse into bonnet that Chinese babies wom thc treasures to he found in some whether they have any they gm SI MINI ladies ments or not also silk banner lilblC duran bearing Scripture verse in Chin esc presented to her on leaving REMARKABLE SKILL is China This she translated for the audience llaNI Ill blending Maxwell Mrs Broderick of Bond Head in her beautiful solo Others Plloust toll Iioiu Latin summed up 0m duty as WMS Alllllilll coffees are QX workers Mrs Wilfred Knceshaw of the courtesy committee thank cd all who had made the meeting ldlllul MHXMII House success Rev Burton clos Illtlltl It ens1mg ll tn cdtlic meeting with prayer in the peak of flavor and good TRY AN EXAMINER WANTAD ncss PHONE 2414 Imperial 3880 Oil Burners Limited Number With GUARANTEED OIL CONTRACTS Webster Electric Barrie PHONE 3230 Get more Enjoyment out of Life Slecp better Do you spend your nights tossing and turning in bed Do you awake mornings tired irritable and without an appetite Perhaps youll nd Milburns Health and Nerve Pills helpful to such condition They stimulate the appetite the nervous system aid digestion and thus help promote refreshing sleep Get the genuine Milburns Health and Nerve Pills today MILBUR HEALTH AND NERVE FILE SENERALELETRIC APPLIANCES Take Lookiat the New For Winter comfort ute SPACt WESELLI NSTAL SERVICE ALL or THE ABOVE Emanue and Electric l9ll1l19 SI 391193919721 Congrotulote HisWorshlp Grant Mayor of First the debentures and pay the lilltl es and possibly pay the caretakers too tlayur IIEIL llLsazd this ha it won derful asset to Barrie would be dispelled on vednesday building was like inside Aid louclicr recalled the time cm 01 imam when it was suggested the old gbuilding torn down but he had zilways stuck up for the old Town duties or Scout Shanty Hay Troop if IoyScoitS Although he had decided to re All buy of 11 years and over Will be welctanie to come and Join in the fun Womens Institute The regular meeting of the Worn IIaIl ancelle will help us She toldi about going back to China after the war and finding all the hospilt= tal instruments equipment andl pm of China showing its mumion even furniture gone II0VCVCI lentmg were the buildings were soon made inaindcr until after dinner may for OCCUPJIIJII For SIWCIS thcy used quilts made of pieces of soldicrs uniforms They madcl Barrie Continued from page one It was also einphusixed by the the tenants were the Reeve Clark added Th press has never given its break The editor has been down on this band building Mrs Hamilton felt the criticism when the citizens saw what the tire from the council Ald James chairman of the property commit tee said he thought after enter ing the new building he might like to have another year The acous tics were much better in the new council chambers it didnt worry hnn whethclor not his name had been in the newspaper but he would like to feel he had taken his part as citizen Ald Corbett wanted to particu larly congratulate the Mayor on the new building We council lors could pass it off but youVe taken the criticism He added that all the credit was due to the Mayor because he had started and carried the project through in spite of criticism Ald Griffin had just returned from British Columbia where he had visited the Town Hall of Vic toria Ile wouldnt trade the Bar rio Town Hall for the one in the capital of BC Aid VilliamlVIorrick added his words of appreciation to the Mayor and others who had started the project and supported it Improve Cream Quality To Hold Butter Market Continued from page one Ia mistake to increase the price of butter any further lie was afraid it mightrbc priced right off the market During his address Mr Morrison said the Supreme Court might hand down the decision regarding olco margarine the middle of this month lie again emphasized the necessity of producing higher quality but tcruin order to get the support of the consumer The secretaryinanager said that thc onetenth of cent per pound collected for the Ontario Cream Producers had meant $50000 in the past year The reserve fund wasI now 330000 and plans had been made to engage the services of field man Mr Morrison said there are 40 000 cream producers in this district which included Simcoe Ontario York Halton and PcclTTICtold how representatives were elected to the provincial committee and then ex plained how the marketing legis lation was put into operation The negotiating committee is composed of ve producers and five crdbmery operators They meet to discuss price differential conditions of sale and other mat ters If they fail to reach an agree ment the problem goes to arbitra tion Donald Bell president of Sim coe County Federation of Agricul ture was chairman of the meeting and Hunter Russell of Midhurst was secretary The following were elected to the Simcoe County Cream Producers committee George Lisk of Beeton Wood of Allistoanallacc Timmons of Creemore Russell of Midhurst and Herbert Langman of Hawkestone ember 17 WAvERLEY left on hunting triu few das he home visited at Bannisters spent the weekend in Trenton land with James Archer Mr andiMrs Alfred McWattcr ing few days in Tdrdnio aisters with good attendance rews Hospital couverE Viv GILFORD week with Mr and Mrs atAhmster friends in Aurora we was THE BARRIE EXAMINERLBARRIB Institute Mar piesenr and one lu KJIIUI Mellon box ocl and Homily Hall IAiJh tmtlilcettiellls ill Refresi hostess eiibtr It run LIL ficlttsol nut left the village for an extended with his 11 at Lennan retutn to tictrtgr haw left Shanty Imilx The litl Irt than ric returned acatuin trip of and Mrs visit from his anti of lenclon lalls Mr and Bits lienwand filtritiit nnine front rumor trip through aesttrn Ontario They visited the Jack tinny at liingsville and also the ll in Sam gmgrg lming rtifiwn rm POINTS cram l4Mm DANGERPIELD morons it writ BUY YOUR CAR had ler and her hits Donscy hart returned 38 Hayfield St Barrie TRY OURAPPETIZING FISH and CHIPS THEY ARE REALLY TAer or Quick Delivery Dia Mintr bird sanc Sam Terry Scout Master itktn over for the Saul Tet ry aster PRICL IN THIS IIIJIIERT ISEMENT EFFECTIVE TIIIIIIS Flll SIIT litlll ll 12 I3 LABEL The Simcoe Committee members were scheduled to meet November 10 to elect representatives to attend the provincial convention on Nov MAID 15c itng November Fred Wood and Herb Hornsby Mr and Mrs Clarence Bannister Mr and Mrs Thomas Reynolds Mr and Mrs Will Archer are spending couple of weeks in Mid and Mrs McWatters are spend SLilohns Guild helditrheir No vember meeting atMrs Ban Ronald Trew Trenton spentthe weekend with his parents and VISIT ed his brother Clarkein St And The United WA met at Mrs Roland Dvitts with good at tendance Mrs Morrison gave an interesting talk on her trip to Van November gMiss Maxine Mcprerts was home with her parents for Sunday Mr and Mrs Frank Hughesspent rate MrJLand Mrs McKenziefand Mrs Luck spent Friday with Miss Jean Robinson Toronto spent attewdays withIlIr and Mrs Lou Neilly last week Mr and Mrs LfA Neilly motor ed to Collingwood on Sunday to attend the silverwedding anniver sary of Mr and Mrs AyG Foster ro MI 411 LS AII 4553 QUAKER romgm SEA om cnossmcx IN on NORWEGIAN shamans APPROXIMATELY 30 IN EACH TlH iii bunny new SHORTENENG OIOIIZIIET ctil 39c ntnner newness itt HEINI warrants soda tau an STRANED soaps aorta 25c BRODIES xxx noon on 29c QUAKER quick oars zoo QUAKER WHEAT FLAMES are Outstanding Value COTTAGE BRAND Lemmas Banana WHITE WHOLE WHEAT 1402 CRACKED WHEAT LOAF AYLMER PORK bEANS till93 Edith 23c SAUCTCWTngCgESE ogfrlin NSC BL RIBRON 0W6 PM to SWEEI MlXE WCMAES Germ ozih T2133 WISE OAENSS ctaiiilglrrn tcatxti 53v PEREECIEWMEAAEEY it 22c IIVEIROSES FLOIIIR QJwMG Stile PINE GLOSONSERME Jiiir cilia CHINESE was nice rec nnorr tunnels Midiaid are nus amorous resonanttarry as econometrics Atria are are cnolmonaroeagw in Loauw GROCETERIAS co umm SPICE CAKE ixll1liii iat lt rLt tar 44 CAKE MIX FOR THE FAMOUS BMW TEAS It meant BLEND BEETS mam 4942 POPULAR BLEND BROWN mam A43 MAISENA Ft ErrLash CIIRRANTSrtiditdttf isc CUT MIXEEEPEEIL wzrvke We CITROEN midis tittit at le Attila 1539K GLAQE compress 3w tit 33 FEMKESEEFIGS FltF FA 2dr CHERRIES Maraschinolltiltziih 279 rl Flavors CHOCOLAIE GOIDEN SPIC ror CASE immmmmr Qij The wellknown family of Loblewl quality tea has been completely outfitted with entirely new mtdcrn label which will make their debut on the Lobluw tholve this week For ycon these fine blends have been sewed and enjoyed in many Conudicn homes Careful and frequent cup testing of blends by the chluw expert ensures that quality is moinmincd ccnslcnlly bringing the Loblow custom er full range of top value blends Hungarians mot rm mnddm LABEL JAPAN GREEN TEA La Guam sonar ce tional Value CONDENSED MACK GREFN MIXED Ex tort famciirg NEHOWIIABXE nmmmni Scrape cm are PASTE remnants wax pm 59 OCEDAR DOUBLE ACTION FURNITURE CREAM 602 HEALTH FOOD FOR DOGS on BHLLARDS 21502 ms EDDYS MAPLE LEAF Marcia sm mazes CASHMERE Tall 55 snzeiogous scounnve runs no 14 HAWES moon areas mm 59 BEAUTY SOAP GIANT CAKE Giant Package CONCENTRATED suntan momma 37c TOILET SOAP CAME Zola02cm up ron OCEANS or 5005 LARGE cue 37c IVORY SNOW LARGE PACKAGE 37 mino cm ms 25 fn ROTH the UNGRADED 20FL AS To SIZE 02 TIN 13 cur ZOFL FANCY BEANS columnMt 01 gm 16C GARDEN PATCH CHOICE mannerisms aorta WHEN AVAILABLE FANCY HIBLEIS mastectomy czar lscl POETMIOVSEma sinner rWEljtiGndsT Mommas Romy faunas 1323 ultras $158 mmuoms 53 PORK Sawmillstacit Lit43 risccAon scich SMOKED BDNELESS Harris 79 sucrb ta Whitmanits start 49 mom sure enema231 crewv

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