PAGE EIGHT Hold Annual Convention Of Womens Institutes lCotttl bi tvlllLl has Ulr quilts li lri Iti cloil is avariatl for tl hatt IIlIt5kIIIIl cilr Squadron I1IIL tiln gc ill dgvzs ilc rlalld 11 131 lr llltll llls 3111 dollata 11s tlwi 11 forum cap llama elclr ll 11 llifwl ha Miss Ill tillr aan ti IIlUllir lrll band at 1311 131 lllil lillrratur 21 12 llMlI rilgt l1li lll til llttrll Itlllllil 411er ntcd firilgld Land clrilllnlxr litl 111 ctrhing lll b1a1Llt 1113 illllffllvll Spain by Sir llrtl ii rlr ll ittkt 12l mo ytll old lil captain ilcat Yarllzltrllt IlUlti Sim toliilinmui Eur land over Lrllltll ago tho Sr 11 1h $wlin by lil yrtc Lady 11112 1311 Villlrs ll ill tlrllilttl al tllllal grandmotlur of Mass 111 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Ell1110i 11 lWashes full size laundry in 12 to 13 the time VZRinses so thoroughly that outside drying is VVVleneces sary 3Can be easily rolled out of sight when not in useV Utilizing anew and patented principle the Monitor Aerator Washer is setting new laundry standards for speed and cleanliness It washes clothes whiter than you ever believed possible in from to minutes then one rinsing in the Aerator Washerremovesevesylast bit of suds and dirt so that outside drying is unnecessary The Monitor comes equipped with hand wringer that actual ly operates faster than power wringers and folds snugly down into the stainless steel tub when not in use Let us give you the complete facts on the Monitor Aerator Washer today For Winter comfort Th NORGE 011 SPACE IIll ATEIIV and uThe ISILENVT GLOW SPACEI flIEAIER an above Electric and spin it into lovcly yarn color is Home were Something lnade from flour learn even by our fm the wjSell Inttal of As atl she raw frail Lasttil tllil tongs 111 v1 Itrl ll up was IIllltltnlg ll is 11 011W orlattd an llil 1151 vzapurr 51111 wk lxcn tl tli and llls KiJtIglt lhrtfi Bli llritls lllllt all liar it ill ll lolll 12111 tlrazons Ml wl pill 11 =l v11 lcglrll llazia llxallanct lztitlls Marl in llItMlllikl to tllc llllltllllls ci plane lllI copy at lnV tllltllvll Elm lair Miss llttultllri lla lllltltl nllrll flatull ll tlcrt 1111g lr 1101111 lftthtlBlltS Viiport on ll llit Economics lsl lV Alix Airllrcw Llllrivg lr ltltllr gltlsll11ltltilrilioii lt Itllltallt and internal lhc collvcncr also nukes thc corrlrrrcrrr Utlt the lEll ililpoztaiit subjccts vc takc up in Illt Vl Naturally we agrcc trio of tilc ilrlportarit plcccs of Klllh donc by lalnswick twoday cooking class in Ilalrlc llrocccds to flu hospital lllfltl tirad tlld and lhorlltoll had ligt chln Saulldcls dcaoustratc from two lvlltlit rabbits how to plfll tllc wool Stlctaw ltzilllatllllalli Wit 1111 it by the use of woods Church lll had tinc display of iricirsland buys colond shirts childrens llrcsscs and play suits as wrll as limits and lining all lrladc from flour sacks Strolld had class of 13 young ritothcrs who took the cllllrsl lirakiirg clotlics for child lcn Gllford cntcrcd tho Farm Iltllllt contrast llcctori gavc linc papcr on llomc and what it moans lIvcrctt had paper on Modcrn llolncs Mrs lloycs for many ycars historical convcncr for Sinlcoc County gavc Ipapcl on housckccprng 50 ycars ago and now Personality and Dress scolncd popular as many Institutes took it arid sccnrcd plcascd with it Most branches rcportcd cooking idcas chcral arc scndlng parccls ovcrscas Roll calls were 1101 sup por dishes quilt block with pattern favorite flower and hint on grow ing how to shorten hours in thcl kltchcn say something nice about pcrsorr on lcft The rcport closcs with this nrcs sagc This ycal lnoro than over wc lrccd to slrcss thc home and do not mean furniture or fixings lncan thc inncr meaning of home to our children and all who come within the circle of it that our homes may be happy clean arid Christian In West Silncoe 13 ollt of 14 branches rcportcd good average Singhampton had paper on What Economics Roll calls hag casy method of home book binding something tirade from yard of cotton Clearview had class of eight girls who demon strated The club girl entertains and Well dressed and well groom cd Papers given included Home cleaning and pressing and Made over clothingSeven branches had demonstration on Dressmaking and Smocking Roll calls under Food and Nutrition were Your fa vorite jam or pickle recipe fruits of the harvest life compared to garden Maple Valley hada spe cial speaker from milling comp any Papers given tverc Uses of tea leaves good food good farm garden means less doctor bills vegetable vitamins Singhampton and Avening had course on frozenfoods Two branches had nurse speaker ton baking sale Many ne demon strations were given homemade starch use of honey sandwich llings canning frult and vegeta bles Roll calls How the head can lANNA LEWIS ilzli ggcllpiod 30th ANNIVERSARY Following the talk by Missl MISS AUDREY GRAY film was shown of hi Millltllllltlsltl of the Federated trtut of Ontario Thci flliixlmwlal libido the celebration 13mm mm BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WI SPEAKER tillntlnued from page one acre shown of spac inc that had lltll ccupicd the lemma during the early part of 1111 war was then captured by the Canadians ti trons rscd l1 the Dutch is folk rcliool Emphasizing the importance of thc dams ln llollalrd the speaker showed polo of one which was 20 miles across and had twolane hlghway over it in conclusion Miss Lewis stressl tl the value of international relay llolrshrps and suggested that more tlnrclnbcrs should establish lob llr friendships with WI members 111 ollict palts of thc world hcld at luclph in the summer of 1017 Continued from page onel lhc film portraycd thc growtlriwas lttltltttl to seven rnclnbcls of tho movclllcnt from tho llilt of them tillug from tho ounty Illgtl lrlcotlng at Stoncy Crcck ingtoulrcd will Whi WI organized The circulation of books in 1943 by Mrs lolrn lloodlcss lhc movei 31Vom twom up up no lncnt has silrccsprcali all acresshun gluon and 1314 it was allada and to niorc than 20 other ammo Tin mermxod oilcumin Ullllllls llllmd PHIL was made hossiblc by larger stolk of books and $3051 was spcnt ll books last ycar Last ycar tllc county librariant lougllt car and this lnadc it possi No for hcr to keep ill closer touch llll the librarics and intercstcd organizations chcral Wolncns llrstitutc and chcration of Agri culturc meetings were attended 1115 Montagu Leeds and Miss Gray atlcnllcd meeting of county librarians at London in March In June they attended motting of the Canadian Library Association at Ottawa Miss Gray also attcndcd scssions of the On tario IIducational Association and the Camp Rawlcy Confcrcircc lhis ycar thc county library pro vldcd pamphlct material to meni bcr librarics and deposit stations Through the cooperation of the On tario and Dominion Departments of Agriculture approxiinatcly 130 am vcly pleased to scc so much attcntron paid to lalllily Relations This is the first ycar to have suchll coniplctc report onvcncr for East Simeoe corn plains that lcss than half thc bran chcs rcpoltcd something new for East Simeoe Onc motto was llomcs are made to live in not look at Three brancth had exhibits ondhandicraft Thrcc branches had demonstrations on nccdlecraft and cooking Thrcc branches had short courses on homc cconomics Two branches had lccturc on prepar ation of foods for fast freezing nc branch donach voollcns to be made into blankcts Edgar had flower show which gave the child roll chance to exhibit also spon sored Girls Homemakers Club The convcncr recommended forming hospitalization lllrit within theI branch as part of home economy Centre Simeoe sent in good report but there also solne of the branches neglected togivc any ac count of their work We feel sure The county library also started clipping collection of local history material from the county news diflcrcnt pamphlets wcrc sent out there was an abundance of papers and studies of householdsignifl cance Two goodmottocs were Dont worry about the future The present is allvthou hast The future will soon be present and the pres ent will soon be past house is built of sticks and stones of sills and posts and piers but home is built of loving deeds that last thousand years house depends on the depth of the pocket book home on the depth of the heart Three pillars support the home unselshness purity and love Saurin sponsored the TB clinic in Elmvale One branch covered papers In her report Miss Gray com mentcd One of the things that has scented to be missing in the past has been sufficient opportunity for the librarians of the county to meet together and discuss problems which they have iii common There are number of questions such as library publicity where the shar ing of experience can be helpful As an experiment we are hoping to holdonc or two regional meet ings this Fall where librarians and deposit station custodians within limited area can meet together and discuss such problems and also ways in which the usefulness of the county library to them can be in creased concluding her report Miss Gray Family Relations very thoroughly IN MEMORIAM Tuesday mornings session closed impressively with the Womens In stitute memorial service To the strains of Abide With Me rep resentative of each branch with bereavement in the past year came forward and placed ared rose in basket at the front nally form ing beautiful bouquet in remem biance STRICT DISCIPLINARIANS Moslems observe month of fast ing each year during which they do not eat drink or smoke between sunrise and sunset cF TIMBER GIANT From single Douglas fir lumber can be obtained fer foursmall bun uuuuu save the heels some improvement have made in my home this year Papers and mottoes were Hats off to the past coats off to the future how to improve our home park smile and give your face holiday success is ninetenths hard work how to stretch your dollar we home Miss Norah Marshall of Barrie demonstrated homecrafts and weaving to various branghes Stay ner joined the CountyArts and Crafts and held display Sever al branches had display at Col lingwood Fair Maple Valley gave display of work by native child ren and display of household gad gets Family relations Exchange of homemade Christmas gifts discus sion on how to use 6ur spare time the advantage of spending child hood on the farm geod home is more than house pigs and cab bages reform bad boys the orna ments of heuse are the friends equencitylts notthe house that makes the home hospitality in the home dont walk this year in last years rut value of education builtin Cupboards Cali1 inets and Furniture Res pairs PHONE 732284 19 rialIsl Barrie in Pr use Mani West Simcoe report concludes 5000111101111116 1103113113111112 youowsri ro YOURSELF T0 INVESTIGATE pearls muss METHOD FOR mcnmspr 0F RUPIURE VITS BULBLESS rrs BELTLESS Exclusive Barrie Agent vimres muc scout wlwiurwwlo Maybe we dont reallze it but 30000 people enter hospital every day 49 of these unfortunate yictims of accident or sickness will remain in bed for more than six months so they would have to be millionaires practically not to suffer serious financial setback from such pro longedlayoff from work health andaccident policy gurus antees to pay all hospital and medicalbills and help with the family expenses Just fewmcents day gives you comforting protpw tion 1i For tullirrformationtlirite John Wylie Associates MOORE 131001 l24 Dunlop St Barrie gor Phone 4110410 obligatidn Unnn ITS STRAPLESSI ALLANDALE de STRANSM For For Sizes 1220 3344 18122612 alsoTenAgers 1016 For Sportswear LARGEST SELECTIONS NORTH or ToRoNroT LQJLKJNJIMIMJLMIQIIUJtwltglttMltllglllttmitlgltglLM slurs STRANSMANS THURSDAY OCTOBER 14 1948 IS TOBACCO EXPORTS Tobacco exports from the Unltcd States during the first sax months of 1945 have declined by 37 per ent compared with thehrst half of 194 The price ofcxportcd tobacco has also ilccltncd from an average of 571 cents per Pound in JanuaryJune 1947 to 506 cents per pound dulatg Illc sainc pclzod of 1918 The decline was caused mainly by reduced purchases ill tlzc United Rtngdarlr Exports to Italy Ireland and thc Netherlands were also smaller FAR HAWAII The Hawaiian Islands are more than 2000 miles from the United stale ltaiIrlrrllI 58 FORESTED Iiftyeight per cent of the land area of Canadas nine provinces is covered with forests count of REVISION TOWN OF BARBIE 1948 Tire Court of Revision for the hearing of complaints against the assessment made in 1948 on which the taxes thanked the librarians library for 1949 Will be levied Will hold 115 first sittings lllVIlIC Wards Tellers 59M lttlirdi Council Chamber Barrie at two oclock in the after School inspectors community noon on October 29 1948 The last day for receiving appeals to be held in the Court of Revision will be October 14 1048 Dated at Barrie this 7th day of October 1948 SMITH Town Clerk groups and the many individuals who have assisted the county lib rary You have all had sharc ill making books and the pleasure and enlightcmuent that hes be twcen their covers more accessible to all the people of the county Get Your sale Bill Now Save $$V Wed October 13 Thur October 11 Eli Octoberr15 Sat October 16 Buy at the One Cent Sale Prices Numerous Chri$tmas Gift Items Christmas Cards and Seals AT YOUR REXALL Dunc scones WHITTYS MONKMANS ESSA RD PHONE 2823 84 DUNLOP ST Phone 2731 ththifrrthlhtmm Witiilifllliimhr Wtlftlf COAT SHOP AT STRANSMANS RESSES SHOP AT sTRANSMANS JILUJWJIMIMMMRLQILLQJIQJLWJLWJNJ lttklllklllb MIMEMMJLQIMMJIMIMJLMMIQV Shep at Stransmatls iMillineryzvSlack RainCm MTChanclise perv4