Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1948, p. 4

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munsoAtisoclpgli 14 1943 rm Ploying otRoxy Thursday Friday and Saturday fwrY 171 yvw ruoiiiiiii Ueliltitt ll lowassan iii Mrs The new orangecoloured boxes which have recently been adopted f0 FINEST ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY at no increase in the list price litlx Hui leill isited Al ttt Li HA illtl ii llit veet it Mrs tiiasuay Oct wit be made lult ni McKnight iiikcoiii and li Monte lsilecl le tuiltei last week loliisoi Milt John vud Mrs Fied Johnston Junior Red Cross Crippled SchoOI Mates bemth Lti tartarA up lloiii III tsp tellr iszili lsp white pepper IN shortening up milk or lII iiiilki iiitl Illlll 1lltl eup lllll oliioii ilil condensed tomato anll lb ground Li lice tsp Magic liaising loutlrr Silt together flour Ivakinr poutltgr hp Slll celery salt and pepper add IIlipiitlll shortening nii in llllltgtllll uitli loilt Add milk and stir iiiilil blended Melt remaining no tablespoons shortening In fryiiu pan and rook onions until soft Add tomato soup re maining teaspoon salt Lind Qroiintl meat brim to boil Spread baking powder niixuire on Input nitat mixture and baki at lTi lozaboul 20 minutes Iuni out upside down on large plutc Sents Our New Doing Fine Work to Help LTtllu When it comestimefoij your baby to have fruits and vegetables consider these important facts Libbys alone take an exiia precaution in preparing soups fruits and vegetbles for your babyrAfter stTaining the foods Libbys heritagemze them Libbys hOmogenization process opens up food Cells This takes part ofthe bur den of digestingtthei food from babys inexperienced little tummymakes Libbys easytadigrt It also assures xolllt baby gets full benefit of all thev nourishment in is 00 Homogenization is patented process and only LibbysBaby Foods arelromosenized Willolorlhofree hustler Healthful Feeding For Yoorlaby JIM und your name and uddron Io lllibyl Durham Oril BABYFOODSAREBOTH summit and HOMOGENIZED Eiiiriiorolil Milk Illomoganlzeil loo are432 rMan IN llwlhetma of Mi itepi ilxl 1iili pit tstoi1ot o1 zeueiu ho rtal izi tvtion Lltllllt tlli leew 51liik The lltlalltl llospitl ssoctitioiis Blue Iltilll blue tzms Ilaza tlzscasszns the film will hid litle um see tlttl of the Uiiiaim Hospital Assccia til lllt1 xveu ietiesiunents szitnn by liitl tess tt Ill Itlliliil tiltllt Ifitl rucii iiiiis itiispoita to lllltl illlltlltS anti pizieiigise glass ltl tit lltv pttieliastti iiioiule dental nbitli it expnrt tlllltil liltl tlliltlll tl the tlilt l3ll4 ing in llieie io ion on lioitl to send Vltllllltll to for ciippled ltliildieii and to assist with oecu ptioiial tiieiagn cost for others liius lunioi lied kioss continues to denlop in its members ideals et1ti tne responsibilities o1 editettsliip ttliti of anti Autumn Thankoffering Collier SI United WMS tollier St Inileti WMS held its Autumn tliaiiiveoitciiiig meeting oti Friday Oct at itiill oclock lit the Sunday School room After the ltpollt were given Mrs Jack Johnson was nominated to itpiesent the WMS on the Girls Work Board of the church Mrs iiziliaiii told of tlic Divis ional nieetiiiil at Guthrie on Oct ill Miss Sparling is to be the speaker Mrs laisoiis took ice iiitiotlucing the guest iker Miss Christine McDougall Mrs Jainxs Robertson took the dc voiioual exrcises reading Isiilm Ill and stiessing giving thanks IVIISIVICLtOl and Mrs Allen took up the offering and Miss Joan Weiiiam was the soloist Miss tlnisline licDougall most interesting resume of her it years as iiiissionaiy At first was in lioiian and later in Copper liff Sudbury and Mom treat She told of her work among the Japanese and Italians at Me Catiley amp and said thowork among the lli anadians is inter esting and most worthwhile She ing in it Mrs Iaisoiis thanked the spcak er and extended an invitation to all to astay for tea served by Mrs Stewart and her committee CRAIGHUBST LwTwf October 10 holidays at home Miss Orma Sheffield of Barrie spent the holiday at her home Clare Bell is spending two weeks at Golden Valley and Tilden Lake Stanley Sinton attended the teachers convention at UltersOn on Friday Robert Cruikshank spent the holiday weekend at his home in Toronto Mr and Mrs HarveyOades and family have moved from Oro to their new home Mr and Mrs Thos Higgins had pleasant trip toDetroit London and Toronto recently Miss Ebefhart of Toronto spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Mr and Mrs Addison Rev Wm and Mrs Newman of Streetsville spenta couple of days last week with Mr andliIrs Ern Ellsmere Mr and Mrs Roy Richardson and Ronnie of Toronto spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Currie Baldwin Mrs James Ellsmere of Tilden Lake and Miss Ruth Brock of To ronto are visitingMr and Mrs Ellsmere Mr and Mrs John Johnston and George of Apto hadThanks giving dinner with their auntMrs SarahWatkinsl MrJand Mrs Bituce Binnierand Mrs John Binnie of AntenMills spent Thankgiving with Ml and Mrs Ernest Watkins The anniversary services of Knox Church will be held Sunday Oct 17 at 11 am and 730 pm Mr McLennan of Toronto will be the preacher Mr and Mrs Wilfred Turner and Winnifred of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Clarence Guest of Dunnville visited Mr and Mrs Max Hewitt for the holiday Visitors with Mrs Snider on Fri day were Mr and Mrs Birkett Mitchell and daughter Douglas Man Mr and Mrs Levering of WevburnSask and MrsrStrong of Toronto John Hart Dies in Toronto The sympathy of the village is extended to the relatives of the late John Hart of Toronto who was buried in St Johns cemetery on Saturday ADunn Reunion the worship gave commended the WMS for partakw Bill Sheffield of Barrlc spent hisl the iiy oi loioiito billowing re DRAMA or WORKSHOP IS PLANNED group of interested gathered at the libiiiy Monday lctober to peopt Hall on attend tbt annual ineeting of the llairie Dra The regular meeting of the WI vill be at Mrs Ileii Johnsons on Oct 21 at it pm It will be in ma Club discussed and Louise tollcy discussion on ttllt and aims Several members thought that there ihad been division of opinion the purpose of the Club cott seiisus of opinion was taken as to in developing community drama llll more thought for the value that could be gaincd thiough rcad mg and presenting woiild give an plays which understanding phasis should be upon showman lship and pleasing the public gmueli discussion itwas decided worksliop be organixed so that interested could read and those study plays to enable them to fit into the characters of any play pros duccd report of the 194748 season was read by the Secretary Slit said that Drama Workshop spon sored by the Drama lub the Bar rie Recreational ouncil and the Simcoe County Recreation Commit itee was held for five nights during the first week in January 194 The IllIS These were To The Lovely Margaret andfllhe Marriage Iro directed respectively by Kennedy and IIlsie Raikes On April 30 the plays Threes Crowd directed by IIlda Cadogan aiid The Devil Among The Skins wcrc presented Assistance from illll Barrie Drama Club by way of loans of lighting and staging equip lment as well as makeup was given Vto the Summer Theatre The clos ii party of the season was held at jihc cottage of Elsie Raikes near Shanty Bay talk was given by Rhoda iYoung on hei experiences at the Banff School of Fine Arts Miss Young learned mtich attending this school for five weeks and said that cmphasis should be placed on the setting of the stage movement of characters and the composition of the stage in order to have good pro ductions report on the Summer Thea tre was then given by Elsie Raikes new venture this year the Thcaw he proved to be great suecess Nominations and elections were by ballot group of eight peo ple wereelected to act as Board from which the president vice president secretary and treasurer will be elected Ihe following were elected to be on this Board Louise Colley Elsie Raikes Elda ICadogan Kenneth Robinson Gor don Beswetherick from Barrie Lynn Coutts and Robert Boyd of Midhurst and Mr Prissick of Shanty Bay Thej meeting adjourned to the home of Mr and Mrs JA Coutts 31 Toronto Street where refresh ments were served posal Mrs ily it being thelatters wedding anniversary Womens Institute Craighurst Womens Institute wilhmeet on the evening of Oct 21 at Mrs Pedlinghams with the members of Clowes Institute as guests Motto Life is like gar den itbearslhe fruit you sow Comment by Mrs Ellsrnere Roll callAn economy rwrinklef Pro gramHome Economics Shanahan Contest Mrs Caston 1As with her sister provinces Newfoundland will beresponsible tiilitutl New Altlltl It is the slot of how gteeiice has le utilticles lo miter llaiis for the ensuing year wch leii within the group as to what was lexhetlier the group tlSgtlllitllSlCtl of iotlier people or whether the enr After first presentation of two onel tact plays wits held on February and Iloiolliy spent Thanks loionto with Mr and ltlligttei Stewart Mrs Miss Kashner and spent Thanksgiv Mr and Mrs Iilnier Dun Deniiis lite or more of the farnr eoziiiaiinity liave chart mnu in to take them to the illltll illowin Match which is ll1 llt thr Lindsay on Thurs Iiiiols to all those from willlilllllly who ivon prizes at iowiiir match last vet These ntitd llill and his lcacock and lltzutei among the Juniors iris Spencer and tuunuuiliaiii who was the viii of the silver tray ltti and Mis Aiiiistrong El er and Paul Noranda Que cilied on friends here last week on their way home after ll eiijonible motor trip to Van eotlvei here Mr Armstrong at teixletl conference of the Unith lthuilh charge oi the llistorieal Research committee and will be addressed by Flieiiil Ilt Druiy Roll call character from Simcoe County vho linis contributed to history Holiday visitors included Miss ivian Galbraith Toronto at ialbraiths Miss Eleanor Jaiiiiesoii Toronto at Gamicsons Mr and Mrs lid Villlll North Bay Mr and Mrs Ves Woneh Toronto teo McDonalds Mr and Mrs Ilttnard Jobbitt Miss Genevieve lamiesoii Toronto at Jamie VIIIS Made Iliiiigs Busy Last Wednesday was busy day here lluiidreds attended the plow in match at Jamicsons The of St Judes Church had booth on the grounds and the WI czitered for the banquet in St Judes basement in the evening 50th Anniversary Next Sunday The 50th anniversary of the open i211 of Thornton United Church will be lieldlncxt Sunday with ser vices at ll ain and 730 Dmnlllt eaker in the morning will be Rev Baker of Toronto former pastor and in the evening Rev lIiizelwood President of Tor oito Conference Special music by1 choir and Mrs Stamp of Toronto will sing Bride Elect Honored very eiijoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs James Spccrs on Friday when over sixty ladies gathered in honor of Miss Beth Henry bride of next Saturday After several musical numbers all enjoyed couple of contcsts The bride was called upon to occupy chair which was ap propriately decorated Mrs Ivan Maw and Miss Vivian Galbraith presented her with beatiful tri light lamp and Mrs Emms present cd hClAVltll fancy cups and saucers lVllSs Louise Spccrs read the card While singing For Shes Jolly Good Follow confetti was show ered on her from the ceiling dainty lunch was served and all joined in wishing Beth the best of everything Trinity Womens Association The devotional part of this months meeting was taken by Mrs Simpson and Mrs Purnell Carr and centred around Judasl theBetrayerf The church decor ating work was discussed Plan1 ning for the congregational supper on Oct 18 took considerable time Several donations for the Novemi ber bazaar were brought in and were very interesting An invita tion to attend the Presbyterial WA conference in Barrie this month was read Letters of thanks for owers from Mrs Horton and Mrs Wilfred Broley of Egbert were read The President on behalf of the members of the Association thanked Mrs Purnell Carr for her constant supply of owers for the sick and for the church The lay dies were very pleased to receiye very thoughtful and practical gift from Mrs Morrison Egbert and her daughter Mrs Gethons of this villageyMlss Jes Mrs for her own highways education and mOSthealth and welfare fa cilltiesjall of which rank high among current needs Ottawa will proyide family allowancesfiold page pensions unemployment ance pld agelpensions unemploy ment winsurante sick mariners benefits and housing assistance sqrociw Lth AQesniciirnv Mrwand Mrs Thos Dunn held family reunion on Sunday with their family all home including Mia and Mrs Frank Reid and baby from Hamilton Mr and Mrs Ivan Cairnsand family of Midhurst rs Arthur Dunn and Mr insurn WAVERLEY October ll Mr and Mrs Orton Brown spent Friday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Beard and family Toronto visited with Mrs Scarlett Miss Goldie French Regina is spending few days with her rela tives here Mr and Mrs Chas French are visiting their son and daughterin law in Brantford St Johns Guild held their meet ing at the home of Mis Luke Adamson Mr and Mrs Irwin Elliott at tended the funeral of the llttlttv uncle in Baiiic on Tuesday last The United Church WA hold sic GIICC of Port Credit was pres ent and assisted the hostesses with serving lunch The Late Mrs Ilcatli The community was shocked on Sunday Oct 194i to hear that MrsChas Heath had passed away during the night The late Mrs Heath whose maiden name was Mabel Emily Whiting was born in Bristol England on May 14 1880 and came to Canada with her par ents about 35 years ago settling in Toronto After her marriage she lived most of the time in Orillia and resided There until two years ago when after the death of her mother Mrs Whiting she moved here to takecarc of her sister Margaret Mr Heath having died in 1943 $10 is survived by her twin sister Margaret Whiting Thornton and three brothers Harry and Fred of Toronto and George of Sommer set England The funeral took place from the United Church on Tuesday afternoon with the service being conducted by Rev Doggctt Interment was made in Orillia cemetery Rev Mr Price took the service at the graveside The pallbearers were Stewart Geo McDonald Lennox Alf Spencer Halbcrt and Cunningham Among the beauti ful flowers was one from the Tor onto Tcrpijnal Warehouse Friends were present from Toronto and Keswick 415+ EARLY NATIONALIZATION Emperor Wang Mang about AD nationalized Chinese land and dis tributed it in equal shares among the peasants TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AI PHONE 2414 WHY Aiir MANY woMrN NERVOUS without redson $1 When women are disturbed by noises at night become so gety theyperspire when talking to strangers orcrytooeasilythese symptoms often herald time when they need special buildingup But actually theres little to dread or fear Or plenty of sleep fresh air wholesome food and Dr Chases Nerve Food will help to build up vitality and tone up the systemso you can keep serene through the most trying periods of lifet Yes Dr Chases Nerve Food has helped thousands of womento farm the future with condence 50 if youre feeling nervous gety or rundownif you dont rest well at night and often feel moody or irritabletake Dr Chases Nerve Food for while Keep yourself ingood conditions try this timeproven tonic which has helped so many The name Dr Chase is yourassurance Announcement their Searl SALADA TEA COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED monthly meeting at Mrs were made for the fowl supper to be held Fiiial arrangements in October The anniversary services in St Johns Anglican Church were held Walters and girls Mr on Oct 10 with Rev Stubbs and the home choir for the morn ing service and Rev Rural Dean Toronto With her Ielletier choir from Wycliffe Church taking part in the evening scrvtcc PUIIIY FOR of Coldwatcr and Weekend visitors Noreen Mrs Mrs Mr and Lansing Woods Brown at Cecil Kclls and Mrs aunt Mrs Wood Mr and Mrs McArthur Campbellford with Mr Frank Brown the llnnlsmoah ttnnhalesrmt italics Picturesque Residence with fourteen rooms completely modernized Beautifully situated in the centre of eight acres of woodland Quiet restful and yet very convenient on Highway 11 two mllcs south of Barrie CURRENT LOCAL HOSPITAL RATES TELEPHONE BARRIE 4268 OR WRITE MISS FLORENCE BREAKWELL Painswick Ont Halloween is coming round again When your doorbell rings be ready with this graind Purity Pumpkin pie made with Purity Flouf of course Heres meltinyourmoutb pastry recipe tel nd LUNG nlY mm wiglidtially Beat Swen bigndk arsenic1 um setr at fnnamonme ii MW 1311 55 lelslli sulf Remember Purity FlaIr scald milled from nest bard eatt rst for all your baking YOU NEED ONLY ONE FLOUR PIIRITII FIIIIIIR BREAKFAST run our arsqurrrrrcrioitl si birys you the famous PURITY coox BOOK With its 875 recipes developed in the Purity Flour Kitchen Send to your nearest Purity Flour MillsLoicFSt John NB Montreal ue 0mm 0nt Toronto Ont ionipez um Calgary Aim VIDCOIIVCI IVIIIIOIIIOIIOICOIOIOOIOOIIIIIC Streets2magnumm CityiProvlnce In airrBAYriELD STREET lustsquihpi spouts CARRYING and Doris Sproulc of Toronto at Isaac Tlillord Browns Mr and Mrs Morris Mc and Mrs Drcmian with relatives Miss Jennie Iortlop of and Mrs dI Munro TWeeds Sweaters woollens Yarnsi 2250 SHELF AN EDDY QUALITY PRODUCT campus nounsA930 LL4 Wt and pmvWedj 930 chm Gilli9Pm of Knitting Supplies 12 incon Sat 930

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