Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1948, p. 3

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THURSDAY OCTOBER 14 1948 30 Point Platform Of Progressive Conservatives Ollnn plank lllllll pgtttl the Im illelite nation cun itlE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRILONTARIO CANADA lHvDaoiLEcralc RATES IN Banal lLESS THANHALF THOSE PREVAILING IN OTHER PARTS CANADA AND agar SCUM the get their power flout theHEPC iiuisttv flare Buy 3708 llezwlci ice iii to did not get power from Ctr 510th feat Continent fll1xLLl lubllc but the Iliullixiyall when QLIJILC Rumval Elsi our lllli 5d tlerceu ploulded power at 37EVcl Lalranlc $1504 that Oilf Tout was no other province in SASKATCHEWAT sm 17 Iinsw ltlvbu saw BRUNSWICK Iidllililirlwl lrtlIl mos iablr of statistics the not contain 43ispitlc LEI of mun iczpalltlcs thele enough plu tc Hull Ull iad ate IUvw through 2cplilcs $7 55 Saint John $3 Speaking at lialle 11 Salter illiiir lis lc 351 Outlnullig of Clrliailutiist aclt titltlcr ill Canada No infringement of piovincia MM Ill and cntcm 31 ill pinch the pull at KAKIII George lllcw next ind tor littllill lllnwtxlulu Kim Itlllll sll lltllct lllttlsh ollariwnlnl nations cloScr illtlll until ttu lruted States and Flame tllllllllttl gtilllltl support of Illllil1l lCcstcrn Union and the United Nations llandly illnincss toward lllzsssll ll Flee eiltllprlre vth restraint lltillllsl lllollopulj alal unfall cout petition llN all it llt GORGEOUS SINCE SHE FOUND OUT ABOUTW to til it True beauty comes from withim Iezlr bright eyes and sparkling gla APERIENT Co lights Opposulon to sumallsm coup led with lilzllntenancr of sound lia tullil polny lilotlgh elicoulage Illlent and development of natural resources Modification of international Ilniltlllly Fund lcgulallons to eli lllilllflc lnjllly done by fillelgll exchange control lulcs ti Lessenlng of the taxation bill dell Reduction of the cost of gov crnnicnt 10 Expanded lliteltlatiolial trade and elimination of abnormal llude baltlcls 11 Compensation for municipali ties for taxes lost as result of rown outlelslllp of plopclty l2 Illaxnlllllll lncolln stability It llll lillllltl 13 contllbutory soclul secullty lploglulll liullublc to every allu dlull lcgallllcss of occupatloll Adequate lowcost housing 17 Maxilnlzlll production to Illti the cost of living lt it Better Iaborllianzlgelllcllt relu lllllllhlllll with fair and adequate hwzlgcs standard hours holidays with pay certification alter lllil jority votes displltluconclllatloll nlucllinely equal pay for men and women doing equal work 17 defense policy ensuring the safety of the Canadian people 13 stondlllg House of Commons colnniitlee on velcrans ltlails lc lcntlon of veterans legislation and where necessary illlprovclncnt of sllcll laws 19 Equality of women with llllll Ill all government responsibilities VITNW JAMES ARNOLD of the IIvi sloll of lilltolliclotzy lllmanlon li llilllllltlll of gtllclltllll ttzlwn who has blcn nv dcd lll Agraul llllll listltllte Sclollillli spon lly the llllpcilzll Tobacco oslipaliv Limited 111 entomology Mr Arnold nativi of St Thomas illlllltl ls LIT ttils ol hue llid ltll clclull the last war lie is graduate of llll Litiivllslty lot Western Ontario will and MSc chtlccsutldvlll1lkzldttlcctl studies at the Ulllvcrsllv ill the glicld of 10ch lllxicolln llilllcr Hit flown lglltllulltcellig slllplllclil of zlllzllltlll goods through zllltldiali seaports 2i Sllplctllzlcy lll plililllciit op lposltiotl to any increase ill the use of lliillistcrlul plotlulliatlon lllli govetnmclll by ttliltltllttllllltll sol ed ill til it turn dict mill states llcre there slitHuge of lijltlioJilcctuc lie radio contl nannies as lulquJtp Illt publicly owned lill Ins clidltiul Salter sld that the reasonI that there in met if lioltage of hydro ill tlnllw was illcause thcl lstcs 11c and if Orr lillll lulls Millpulilblc fol the llc llllicl plolillccii thcle would be plenty of liydlol here because the people would lloll be able to afford to buy it Statistics pubilshld III volume picpared by the Burns and McDon nell lailglllecring onlpally of Kan szls Tlty Missouri indicate that inform llltllllt1lllltgt which get till1r powel fiolil tllc llIllt have latex that are much lower than prevailing throughout the lest of the continent tle Iillllt gives Illt rates for 231 kilowatt hours whtcllns the aver age used Ill month ill small IlUllll lli lllllllc the cost was $317 llllcll has since been rc ductlon ill rates in Barrier lll lilost other parts of Ontario the costs were alpploxillialcly the same wllll the exception of Kathy ltlvcr wllcic the rate was $14 and Sturgeon hulls where the lIllt was $1375 These colillnuliltlls Iltl liol lli imp lnccs ant 41 as power lltllllui Ill Illum will power as low as Barin 20 ollscriultioll and dlvcloplllelit of natural resources and maxillllllll industrial production mour collie from radiant inner health 50 theres nothing quite like the upcrimtmildly laxative KRUSCMEN to help correct that sullow pe less draggy look Caused by slllggislilless and common constipation Kruscbens formula is unique blend of saline minerals siniflar to those found in natural waters of famous medicinal rings Kruschcn tillers you these vantages EASY TO TAKEDissolve quickly in water or your morning coffee tea or fruit iuicc Most folks find the small morning dose is best WORKS FASTUsually within the haunt Does not spoil your day icy aimed at bringing selected illi lnlgrants to Canada 22 free market for gold 231A freight rules investigation with emphasis on dlscrituinntioll between the several geogrlipliical areas 24 Immediate lluldslllfucc way 25 Radio broadcasting regulations handled by body independent of the govermiient abolition of the cotlipletion transCanada of Mt high 21 longrange immigration po 56 30 IiSlllIlllSIlllltllI national library in IllilWil October 11 Mrs Wlli Luck hits trout nud Moira of Crown Hill were re cent visitors at 12 Hillwcils Holiday visitors were Mrs Andrews Ilelcn Mary Atilic and Iilllthl ofr Silncoc at Frasers IVIlli Ellinls Barrie with friends Margaret McLean of Crown Hill with Alberta Key Fern Hodg son of raigllllrst and Mr and Mrs leo Wilsoll of Toronto at Did wells Jean llickcy and Cecil Hayes Barrie and Marian Dicker Toronto at Dickcrs Institute Meeting The Wollicns Institute It October 11 Visitorle and hits ll lrolll blcy and Allan Mr and Mrs It Trolllbiey and Mrs Bowdcn oi Iolotiio at lrolllbiiys Mr and Mrs lromblcy llld folliily Toronto with Mrs llolilbley Alfred Moore and illclldavitll Mrs Leah Moore Quite silulllbtl Illunksgiviilg Vcckeild the their spent xlt met at Mrs Floyd illltl daughter Tor onto spelli the weekend with IlLll Sister Laura Perrier Betty Steven ncmbcrs present Plans were made to have community fowl Slipper at Clowcs Church on Nov GENTLE ACTIONltsformuln is balanced to act gently without discomfort TlME1ESTEDOver 300000000 ack ages sold throughout the Worl Start Willi Krllschen today and dis cover for yourself what it means to have that Kruschen feeling 25c and 75c at all drug Stores l$250 radio license fee 26 The Crown should be just as liable as an individual iii the courts the Arcllambault report on pcllai reform should be implemented 27 Canadian National flag 28 fixed policy limited only by the rules of sound economics giving the Maritime Provinces lmorc electric power better mar kcts for their products legislation STERING upnoL BEFORE wmiER coMts have your Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired gt Recovered Stratiord Upholstering Go For Free Pickup And Delivery Call son and II Salllidcrs Toronto at Baxters Mr and Mrs Millie Toronto at Mis Cannlllgs Miss Shirley Jones of Thornton spent the weckend with Elma Quantz and they attended the iteacllcrs convention at lThey spent Saturday llllt with friends lli Hunt Monday at home Mia and Mrs Br wning and Grace and Mr and rs Jolinstollc of Toronto spent weekend at their cottage Mrs Atkinson Toronto spent the weekend with lllOIllClu Congratulations to Mrs Mullen wliu celebrated her faith birthday Jon Monday also to Mrs Jas Gib bons who spent her 80th birthday with her daughters Mrs Baxter and Mrs Walton The sympathy of the community is extended to leycroft in the passing of his wife She was loved by all who knew her and will be greatly missed around here Fred and James pReid attended the funeral in Toronto on Saturday Oct of their uncle Joseph Reid Mrs James Reid and Mrs George Reid are on the sick list ttcrson Sunday ille and Lowe Son Phone 4365 Free Estimates What kind of tomato soup him you been buying will decline lll wonderful alumnae EVOLUTION OF THE HAT The modern but was evolved from agclosefitting cap worn by captives from Palestine and Essyria and by various deities of the heathen tribe summer llolncs here although the weather wasnt very plumum tytc Illltlters on Oct 13 With 13 Each member gave the names of tlieforliicr owners of her farm which aroused general discussion Tea hostesses were Mrs Goo Heir ley and Mrs Fraser The next meeting will be at Mrs Alf Beli liams and it is expected Mrs Jas Bell District President will be present F=f==q DALSTON October 11 Keep Oct 27 open for the Dal ston WA bazaar Mrs Bertram is visiting London and Windsor Misses Verna and Hilda Jory spent the holiday with Mrs Jory Murray Brown of OACGuclph spent the holiday at his home here Miss Williams is spending few days with Mr and Mrs Bertram Midhurst Mrs Smithof Buffalo and her grandson Joe Gonzales are visit ing Mrs Handy Sr Miss Irene Jory has returned to her home after spending the sum mer at Gravenhurst Holiday visitors with Mr and Mrs John Spence were Mr and Mrs Kay of Port Sydney and the Misses and Packert of Strat ford On Sunday evening Oct 17 Rev Mr McTaggart will show special illustrated lm of the work iii of the United Church missionaries in Africa Everyone is invited to this service oao STATION 4s 65010 group of housewives voted October 11 Sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late Mrs James McArthur We welcome Miss Marjorie Mc Lean of Crown Hill who has taken position at the Oro Telephone office Weekend visitors at their respec itive homes Miss Pat Crawford Barbara and Arnold Crawford and Flora Ross of Toronto Miss Bertha Bell and Leta Miller of Orillla Tom Bell of Palmerst at the Illel llleir flip favourite Some women who much prefer certainHeinz varieties have not mvlcwfutrcmn parison of Heinz Condensed Soups with other leading brands When group ofhousewives Iater sat down10 tastetest without knowing what soups they were being served more than 65 preferred Heinz while group of dietitians in similar lest save Heinz rst place by lellrgin of almost fom out of five Ifyou have not yet tried all the delicious soups listed below there is afteat in store for you er ltlolls vqletles BealNomile Vegetable Vggatllblc Withoul Melt ScutchBlolh Clgmflhowllbl MockTultl Oldlil Plppullot BIan ClIain Tomato Crsilln oi Mushroom 0mm 01 Aspmzui Grandpa Colgry Crenrnol Green Po Cmrn 010m VGIQIIbII Claim 01 Chicken Chicken Noodle If you have been relyillgou any other brandxof soup for themtmost in when yoliuhave made comparison with Heinz Dietitianswho are supposed to know most about theigood qualities of soup lately registered higher preference for Heinz than group of housewivesrAtastetestinyour ownhome may result iii the strike Verdict Simply heat tin of Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup and tin of any other brand Serve halfhelpings of uchThen take vote when your family has tastedthe wonderful dihoreuce Itwill be two to one for Heinz probably avour andnourisbmeni you unlikely to be surprisedaind delighted outfallinsulin from oftlfrkidne home of Mr and Mrs Ross The anniversary services of the Oro United Church will beheld next Sunday Oct 17 at 11 am and 730 pm The special speaker will be the Rev Geo Morgisonw BA of Wyevale The choir will lead the singing and at the mom ingservicewill be assisted by Mrs Aishford and Miss Cole of Toronto Special triusic by the choir will be given in the evening Every one is invitcd to attend these an niversary services OYEZ OYEZ MaxWell House Coee is roasted evenly lthrough and throughby antenatal31 fRadiailtRoastiproeesEl to capture everylatom of its extrafull body and rich satisfying avor Doansil Kidney Pills Halibut AIIIBBIIISW Rachelle may be 0111 ontly If you suffer from 86011181 of their stimulating lotion out idneys and urine passages Donnie Kidney Pills In the elimination of wastes from the body Safe dependable and quickmting Deans Kidney by both young cudold Bwkocho 00 walla mineralinf mill bled Ber ailment my IIin by this Ball 011 Kidney Pills may be helpful Pilllmbomd Canada which had mumclpulltlee$iBl slowestl Htllillltlli Lparcd With Bellies late of selected at lamituz title are Bottle of the other Athens 53 llmrst ll iivsu $901 Mad Pasadena $3 lion $310 JatkSlmVlib $71M $3 plil AlBlIRTAalgaxy $4 till leou $1444 Medlelnc Hat Vermilion $1040 ldal Mount line llltlTlSll COLUMBIA New Illllltlr gtttll cu Vllllllt$itf $7 20 flownsh Kclllwl rule ULl Sit na 89 25 Prince Glolgc 510 00 lpowil that lwp Itltxl gt UNITED STAIILS l11l1llmllllt4 iisbsuin $12 DANGERFIBLD MOTORSE win BUY YOUR CAR IOR CASE OLLIER SH BABY NEEDS 75s and Discs 15 Aromatic 016 01 19 33 Castor Oil 018 01 23 39 Bomcie Afid White Petroleum f19c Babys Own Cough Syrup Johnsons Talcum Powder Johnsons Baby Soap 20c Johnsons Baby Oil 60110 Johnsons Baby Lotion 60 Riga Improved Nipples Scibcrling Nu Formulae Nipplc Vin Plastic Film Baby Pants Evenllo Nursing Outfit 39c VASELINE ENGLISH LAVENDER PERFUME 12595 Proper Hair Grooming llElillrs silage FROSSTS NEO cllEMlcll roan That Hacking tickling Caugh 25 IN DRUGS AND DRUG SUNDRIES PARFINOL Reg 43c 37 liegf79c 09 PEROXIDE room PASTEReg 23c 18 NOXZEMA lReg 93c 69 CASHMERE BOUQUET FACE POWDER and SOAP lteg 639501 ntdrHYlAcTIC TOOTHIBRUSHES RgLZSc for 39 WILLIAMS SHAVINGCREAM gt and AQUA VELvA lleg 1207 79 WINSUM LOTION Reg 4903913t RUMHONEY angel coo LIVER on Re 59c43 Reg 98c 79 SANTAX TOILET PA ER for 29 EPSOM SALTS Reg 1501 POWDER PADS lteg 10c lor 23 BEEF WINE andlRON larva 69 Salter sou solar PALMOLIVE 12 PALMOUVE suave CREAM 37lM0re Lather 3hzlolgs 123 39 SHAVE CREAM Headquarters for Cascovo Protein Milk Lactic Acid 19 Klim Whole Milk 18c 33 28cv 55 SBSIQTS Meals for Babies 106 If 25C Aycrst IOD CodLvcr Oil 10 for 25 Williams Babys Own $07 29 Woodwards Gripe Water OCTOBER 2thl9th This week we celebrate in con junction willl druggists from Coast C0151 PharmacY Week in Canada See our interesting window displaysfillustrating the practise of pharmacy and the Dlspcnsmg Services available to your family when sickness comes to your home IAMBLYN DRUG STORES are proud to have so many highly skilled and profes Slonaily trained pharmacists who are con Stantly on tile alert to dispense your Family Physicians prescriptions and serve you with Quality Household and Sickroom supplies PILLS Are Made in England Specially to Give Relicl from BACKACHE KIDNEY TROUBLE BLADDER DISORDERS Regular Size CAPSULES 145265595Economy Package 50485 loo350 CORN SALVE Removes lCorns vaultsst Over Night AImudllr tunemu Listen in to KATE AlTKEN EachMoriiingit 915 Over QFRB DIAL 1010 For Latest Newson Social Events Household Economy and Tlmelylllm BARBIE 135 275 100 190 155 295 Lactogen 79 179 Publum 50 Dcxlrl Moltosc 70 ovolline 38c 58 98c Heinx Foods 9c for 25 for 33 Castolibfavu 33 69 Babys OwanhlctS 23 175 sac150 69 PHONE 2488 llIlSHtATlIT Mir till 40 mllrs lulu Iomtllo llIlI hile two free man on Ilrlt olllll IJIsl with lll lllllsIIl loin lull do lIlI lIlH start IIV rv1cllll ll I41I cl lll tt lilu for lwflll CORN ON III fill an coin In rallnld without cutting ll the cob II it lwide Ill lll the 1IIIIllUI lr lilil ltl IlAli INIIIII Ilow can rt job as min telldrr ll night hate nurses Lilllllig and have brought lip llllltln ll of my own Hlillll Illu lo ltrl litll children lihuw lllollllf want lllclu iicll looked after 0nl tell me to Illllil IIILI that and gut Ilotllln except my bill Contact the plum if lll school your lll11 lite initiallit of Jill lllll Your llllltll 1m you put raid ill lil llop so many Illllilllti mlml tin service lllll oll 1111 find colnor for youm HONEYMOON My son is getting married ill Nollmiter and is luring little picking place for llollrymoon Whit uuulll trip by plane to New York cost him What about hotels lictulll plane lill to Yolk is $15 33 for to llolll rules would be it 5700 itav plllthtllli ll le Yolk ill the fall is glalrlorull md exiti lug Its an ldcal place fol honeymoon Wltll Send your questions to KATE AHKEN 25 Jarvis 81 Toronto Ont PM EMIIIIEIIYGIENE POI HOUSEHOLD 113E 35 65 ms currou CREAM SHAMPOO Gives the Hair Charming Lustre 75 Everybody Benefits WHEN Everybody Gives To Size 6in wlNTou MOUNT Coloredgscix 23 Luckywnrmc veins sizes newt1 Allisrocltllr ms Bond Finish 1015 QUEENS COURT RADS BonlIFillisll ease33 KINGS COURT PADS Kidrlnll allascetic AMBASSADOR IAIE TRIES Deckle Edge 49 LUCKY ENVELOPES pkgs 11 ENVELOPES Queens Court Kings Court 43 SHEAFFER STRATO WRITER PEN 1509 Refills 000 MANSINK sxltli Joe 35 FREE STORE HouasMon Tues on Fri from 830 call DELIVERY 830 pm Wednesdoyv830 am t01230pnl Soturduy8300m closely Sunday 12 to

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