THURSDAY OCTOBER 1948 THE BARRI EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA PAGE TWENTYTHREE Luna marnmw an Dick Gamble sin Player RCAF SOCCER EDSEEJFSCFEEChdielils Gordon Meyer 7313 Ilhr annual puliIlIlt iiitl srp III III Willi Generals This Year 22 sin 1232 can core as yers ea Park Ion cdmsday attuiioon The Worst is coming first for the Barrie Flycrs as they II 30 Wmmrnvmg at 130 st 32 multi their first step into ona Junior trouble this Friday munch mm Kenneth Robinson narration ght ltildilist Oshawa Generals The gens are the club who immi nuu LIigtI oumV pm Mm have always managed to be strong contender in the Junior lWgv be from 50 lo zoo competitors Snilttdiw ix is year liltl Borden by is ligll it dild At one time they rulcdsnprerne for long ilitti om Ziit ling Tin Ami iridihixrfiiiui HA JW were dethroned by St Mikes and since have been str tmon min to regain the glory they lost day Last suson they ended up in second pm 1m mar litcanst leictllsi reasons lhiston who were llttl min the standing but neiedispOsedIof byIWlndsor Spitfires who til RCA Wm WM MI 53 mm got their Wings clipped by our Flyers during plnyolt Wu Flaw illicit IiiIth gilriItt llolhitks also Ilt II IIIIIII IIIIUII IIII JIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII lliit tiilsc MumA 1nd arc baitlE inIeii it in lust moment llltll II IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII ALI III IIIIIII awn They have suffered liir loss lit no Uitt but the Allnicfi to on for this contest to gintime it II II II VV II II IIV III III TI mm VII III mt hugulwdum mildew II III III III IUIIII IIIIIII Hi LL iii Vii Im hn Pwme mm H8 LL l5 Si lunartl of Baltiznozi inrl lililllk Sand Air Ross Loch Both teams had been at stand IIIVIII PM HUMHI Hf Sum In lttiiglt Scholvs ltrto liquettc still for full Wttiis and ii is Tum III IIIIVIIII III IIIIMIWI Dwk and All VJ liiLsudz Jack lingit and of doubtful if llitll litst ifloits were in me REA DIIIII II IIIIIIIIId IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII III II II Ail mtg1 wum BrHimUW Hm mmmud Borden Will be tin llilillf iliilltii 91m WHK gt1 CL with iliuiiuzim il lit irtuaily hc 115 only on loan field which only contain on the SIM mum Tm um mphkl mumndrh licin throughout the past catn cd snizill puddle of watIcr an curd was ZHVIIVmVIVIId MV III lIVI II mm It MS 1m inirrt hm Wm was itlll physical lllgtlllltlui lltAili inii rttUllti periods as up lii glance over the ubStlll list IV iililllillt it 111W Timk Station mm im1V siftiil through at Will Ullt would think they have all kitKid finally took blurs 350 mm WWW bwg iWHIWH WW31 ii Wm buiiU Ihmbydmngun WW KHCIHL Ill pin iii rousinzi 1M Mimi pip they hm int cliti Discounting the condi um and Um Sn lwliili rim of iht field heaviness Uthc Wl MW NT ifsiiiliiliaiifudigiiiiudf llt bill and difficult footing thc Hr hull of fin Dusty Blair Dicki IMHO Um 3qu Frank Supi lied to the Sillllt half with the battled through to and incl om St Mitt oh ital it wiNTER HOURS will take place ii ltlsltl siw notion in the Junior At Vi storm was fairly evenly matched Hidhmnh lh Hi Don THU WVif Hihni mu Ml to dnnmmu lilt mm mr pntmini tois Tim Scrvicc Station and Coffee liar iill close at 100 pm fit itrtl of Garrison liadv illoznn iltl nu HT Mondy ionlmnv list your for the first half Willi DclISlcssor ISSIEMKIIM 5911 film Maili litituriiccs to loniinv Cowboy of Rugby winning the scoring at III If lIlIMil ril Andersons squad art that little four millilitF overdale and Wm llxd MHldiri of Whalcn for the Air Forcc both tal RC5 mid NHHW inond Alilltllt illl zirt rthvdulcd l0 Ntl iCilUll on tho iit iloiig ii niui iiiti iiiu Willi Doc Amos til of WJdmi 01h HUD lt iii Wlt itlii ltrtilitlkfi liiti ilKiithlRlil champion of tho anr mm 1de Mud ml adian Army and Scotty lloriic ltti the lad from DAC ho tllspliv MM it lt r3 ltilltiiil liil for tint not some great footwork at Hum Sttl1 it is follor nuiiv Hub held last owning inzin Horton nin ion iui il Officiis Moss llaiiiic Arinitiiins or minor oil Liv ant mind our stir Walls rttiriiii liiirc inin ziin than it litlsiiltss llours during the ldll ililcr stusuli ill be as follows XliihllAl 700 am to 700 pm lllih IU FRI700 am to l000 pm SAllRlY 700 LLIII to 1200 pm SlNIHY 000 run to 00 pm tron iiz ltlltlllS tould inm thAli in Ililll livns and Ted OConnor Ilialf ending at that score int dCit IIII IIII IJIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III IIIII Blair and Scott the lad from the During the second half Rugby Vtst worked on the suite linc appeared to have the ball for thc lwiivr for this one Both go their lunablc to score with their drivcs last season ilitislltillid beilmt much Hem WmO pm but we II II Md i1 UL pHr 1o lll ilii tun loin twirl WHY 111 in share of DilllllS Blair potitd Ui Umh Tm Allm Legion Show goats mm Scott found ihtti mark gEDI AVVLRlO Qijiniiv butterball control and made good II MC Major Hark llltsldtniiiillHli WWW Ill WU 50 HUMl 0f kicks and passps up 15 HH RH AShi AF Colin Fraser vicepresident lrcd games are rotor it Dr itlllilijv nus MSMCI is TchGarritt Barric Hill los The only scoring in the Second BC5F EU 11515I11v tuinnon mins C8pliiiilptrililgt half was goal by Bays on per DdIIIIKclly FUUUU Mil10 Fred Norris lailivs captain Missi The Joe lrimenucoached oi kim Ballio lid VTLW Flora lclrvior soiial committecd CAI VS llmlcal 133 Mrs ilttl Norris chairman Mrs Al 819 RCAF JUN NW Don ltrunblc Mrs Harold Smith of course the return of Gamble is their biggest asset Dick was their liatlilitl scorer last year withlll goals and 16 assists for V4 points OConnor only participated in 24 Ambition sicrcttrytreasurer festival iiilll tlnvr iic lilllliiltlll ric liver rightWinger for thc past two seasons the Examiner staff Mpg mtnbu lllluhrfull IIil totily placed pass from Wagner Iwitli two minutes to go Houston Huskies He found the dines in 194748 but managed five umva kept mess up the going rather heavy in that kind crombie Barrie Joiinnv livcm yin rotted that play ill Llil and 5W0 NSS With of pro company also missed plac fli115L UL Uuuudm Toronto 17 my Vs Rum RC5 CUIIIIIIIIIIIIII biV next wvokI Monday iicncc aluod he should cause in their attcm to even up the Mm mg mm uh Dmo Hmkb and chnvsdny tivnlngs Saturday Us CUSTOM GROUND WIN this Scum of the Pacific Coast League or Wmgi In the wrestling match luclv iv xht However Barrie holthhc bug Slmwinimn Fag Cataracts the Both teams deserve credit for Luchlmn afternoons ilsoIlrKd ml ttiIi on Oshawa For no matter how poor L5 nine otiock will be available for II Quebec Senior League turncdihll lvtormlnmion to get thVe pit1 who gained an unpopular lc ANN PAGE down place with Louisville in WW WM SI was Inc cision at the Legion show will mt hm id the lemme or how Strong lmsy new US league starting this your hLV 10 gImC co d1 tackle Tommy Brawlcy an ox Vurictius ism tins wcrc last season these two cu Anyhow he mod with Owen played wrth the uncertain weatiu RCAF wrest mm TommuI mm might want have Sound over the past Weekend and Lmsups= IONA STANDARD 733 SglIIiIC was signed He is playing on aiMRCAFBLongleytligooks savage 5W1 lin with the brilliant cxiro ason ays cm in en to make slip flagli Tommy Burlington at ccnirc Fordannc Covcidzilc BiShOP gilt 203 me glint 05th and on left wmg Allan Buck Wagnti Nubuig Jenkins IONA pedm Added and Barrie cam 11011 0C 000 torslund member of Port Arthur RUGBY RAIDERSMBcrnnrd Liv 1mm Friqu Oct 1a me Generals lt Mrs Rockhill of lxctllchv is o4 IIIIV III hllI Bllllns and opponent of Red in 15an Amine MCLeanI Murray Spending Week with Mm C00 311 be the Fiyus 110 the Memorial CUP mills 135 Hutchinson Jack Moore Leslie Stephenson Saturday evening Barrie act as Apr Rubcmgon LIWVdVLiVingstone Jack The followingsmn the 04 iwn Sound SunTimes SHOE POLISH guests in the Oshawa stronghold Scott Widtcrt Hutchinson Del at their respectich homes 01 5d Mercurys kept the SIWV lsweu Eric Fthel BOWInm we II ginr unbmmj exhibmon record intact Niagara gOt away to goo Stm SCIZTH 1e Doreen Peaisdii CBCttV glzliilll at the Arena Monday night when and led 40 by the fouitli liamc 1100 Tipping Shirley PilVCl th trimmed the Barrie Flyers Tottcnham went to work in the fifth and batted the starting Nia VOTING RE CITY STATUS QSSICIyiIIIIJIaniIKIsun 84 111 fast moving contIcst that BY gam hurler from the box nally At me next muniCipal 019cm Halet Cumming Elona Qiidsticilllt grilmgd SqlYileydhm mt firs getting nine runs with two more in Orillia public opinion will be Victoreen Draper all of Toronto 10d bind ilp pate Tottcnhani Branch won the Can later in the gamJ COUSC 01 bel tested on the desirability of the George SItubbs Hamilton Alex An no Vtxflanis 05m their adian Legion Ontario Intermediate 181 811d hotter as the game DIO town separating from the county dleiotMitchell Gilbert and Lornc TN mm hg 1h Famous softball championship by dcfcat EYCSSCd and setting up as city Boggdsallu momma 17liofikiglufiiviigiitihiymiiowii jug NiagaraontheLakQ at Tonenham reamed the nals tors iciiwmiriist brillTiiionto Minrlboro juniors Vii Oakville on Oct when Ajax defaulted the semi ton rf Barton 2b Couse if Langman and son 32 TMV Md the staying power in Harry Cousc pitched the entire final round Tottcnham players Cousc Sunncrton cf Moodey lb at is co Langmans Mi ano thc List period Monday 11th ant prime for the wriinersfanning 16 were Cranston Hanlon ss Sut Fcchely 3b Thornton of the OlIA Senior series Barn Coffee Bar Flycrs were when they first ont Mrs 893i Langmni TOYUMO at Aitlicy kept the Flych on the jump 703 inthc last 20 minutes HIadIit not Mrs wmI Andrew Ml mod My bcIcn for some good netmmding by Norman Durnin and children roiiG Mayer the Im count de onto at MV Bens MFI and MrSI JI have been much higher II II Crang Jr and Jack Drake Toronto The newcomers leftI wmgcr Al II II IIIII with Mrs Marr Misfitloco Forslund and right Winger Bruno IV White or Brown man iSr and son Duncan of Stay Favoro added plenty of punch to III Bigest Down Payment Sale in Barrie ner at Beardsalls Mr and1l13 lVlerctirys attack Each notchi Mrs Stewart Jr and children of Toronto at Stewarts Mr and Mrs Jarvis Mossop Toronto atIMiss Pearl Trains Ronald Rit chie at Mrs Thos Ritchies Mr and Mrs Donald Currie and Bob bie Toronto at Robt Ritchies Mr and Mrs Chas Burton and child Mr and Mrs Jack Dredge Ac ton Don Jones Mount Albert Misses Phyllis and Nero Jones of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with theirfmother Mrs Jones ORNAt St Andrews Hospi tal Midland on Oct 1948 to Mr and Mrs Albert Swan Elm ed goal with Favcro also pick ing up one assist The clubs were tied 22 at the end ofithe first period with the lvlcrcurys finally breaking 33 deadlock in the second to go ahead 13 when that frame ended Barrie third period but the Merks rap pcd home three more to sew up the decision The Owen Sound scoring was well distributed with Burlington Top man He tallied one goal and three assists Favero and Pat Mc onf 240 swrrrs CLEANSE HALLOWEEN Ronvy each had goal and an as sis tho trains and variants Vi Small and Forslund bagged the WViVWV oiliEIrIsIn MIiekcIEESIiZEEImi BEEHIVIE orVCRVP Ib ONE PRiCE NONE HIGHER 31 MoDEL FORD AS 32 STUDEBAKER 5y 31 SOTO DOWN McGinnis nee Mary Hoiaham To garfries Shaul Meger found 53133 rono on dau er ne wice on occas II II II II II PAYMENT 32 BUICK VVV its D965M291ee sis i2 Lenoir if Bums MI ammo potatoes II 25 31 PLYMOUTH spending coupleof months with sound rearguards In the firsti 732 CHRYSLER $10000 Yd varieiiiionr Li Knight nceoJealn Ragwailiisn 11351 TAKEN Victoria Hospital Barrie on Oct 1948 daghter BORNAt Royal Victoria Hospi ron Toronto at Canahansied one Wally early in the in Barrie to Mr and Mrs Tomi Mrs Geo Stephenson pEllOdwhlS drive iglancedin off CLARKS II WC 34 anEiIeIiIIIIISVIIIII Tom Pollocks skate and in the 190 22 Yellow final period his shotwas deflechl tniillgimlltgiiegil 150135th Spent last Ed Off Art Hayward Who was SHREDDED bttlgpGord Pennell LPkgsr frlonnt oiJ Bob Gillson Peni Florida Alenw00dand Mr and Mfg Wn Hell and McNabney were the Other or mi Size McFadden Elmvale spent yer mar smen Large weekend wriiirrieiidsrziiManche The AL $55000Down $75000 Dow Vnnd Mm Reg Murdock md gigggmgggeNglgg AYLMER WM at son Montreal and Miss Marjorie Allenwood anniversary sgligceS gt1 17 Austraan $35000 Down 46 PO PE 47 DODGE CPE 321023 $120M WES$3333 liliiiivlsi gAPlittelilgioiigtEdugdL ASSRVTED 19 seedy 315 lb 29 NeW NEWCAR CONDITION JCStilihgiidsiiiguack Rowat have if nl11nggyndlagxilioiITmBItiiigli PkgV Tdveddm thpatment Ea Central Unit Chum Rama FANCY STYLE JYC dinners resrdence at pm 2002 IEIINI II hk Mrs Graham spent wee Rev Allnu DD W111 ei Tm 25 Down is 36 PACKon Mr and Mrs Chas McFadden 1qu were in Toronto on Sunday tosee the farmers mother Mrs Brake Rening FLEETMASTER JVRADIO as HEATER stem hton and r3Miss Agnes Milne Hamilton an rs II anada sViFinest QualityVe Steaksor oasis Percy and Be Biak rinainii II DQORIS ton spent the IWebkeildQWith Vthei Mr anders Mack R0wat and Motor Overhauls the dibzyict arranged the tegcihars SEIBERLING TIRES men MAC MOTORS gt wonderland dismiss Dangerfield Motors can mus II II With her daughter in Windsor lheSEeciaI speaker at Bible Soci cuorce spent the holiday with me Misses Harold StonewanI ManIIarevisitII formersfamilyg Mr and Mrs Fred Webster and Mr and Mrs on Oct 12 The Largest UsedVCar Dealers North of Toronto ligriewk iIilhsiglgs lisn oggjnghffhg 2802 11 VV 1932CHEVEOLET Agnesand Janet Rihardsom trig Mr and Mrs Pinch Ferguson spcnt IV Frefh lb tthe lfld zDodgeVDeSotoVSales ful Sale giagrviiniildckean iISmunggrsl Service am Theisympathy orthecommunity titlediuThe Bock for the world Of Tins 47CHEVBOIETW 1933CHEVROLET TVs150000Dawn47isuickA11equippdlikenew at ase owNans pom errors 59c mmy lt 11 III 247 CHEVROLET iegiiidgeiinggiiigiifiiisldiiiiiigi longWYEzgciiesr er wr er son RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF Vi iCd her sisterMrsRLockhart for Beavertbn visitedtheIlVattteIs bro fI few days ther EI lidwards last IwIIee CheVrOIGTS 46 nlceCOndlthOn VI Manning Visited herI Complete Fagt II mm4 man at Thanksgwmg IMechanical Service VV ricerBreakfast lb Rowat who is patient in To Smoked OThoepteirllii schgililtiachers from Chrysler Engineered Puts E19311 Grad Boiling 1bi5 II Fth II p25 Essa Road at CNR Crossing Phones5151 or 4645 Mistfmttmgm F05 so Comer st Phone 2483 CoilingwoodIDistrict No and ED HAQAN Service Monaur IVI lied wererpMentIordonOct 12II