Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1948, p. 22

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Pirate TWENTYTit mrn 23mm mania orrranro CANADA ind Concert Next Monday Tuesday IIMIMIu II II III IIIIII II II III e1 lt 13 FIVE POINTS CAFEth 38 Hayfield St Barrie TRY OUR APPETIZING FISH and CHIPS THEY ARE REALLY TASTY Quick Delivery Dial 4553 isel 3A VI ocg EjftfnnullimidniiuwuhcoiuiJMJEiZEnmiI ll gum it xiiiiliimiz IiirsI IIUtJIl oIi irsI liir Ni ii by Li MT Vinuh in irlllwiri ii voting ii WWI im Ml mix name itit littl titidii gt Trave ch ton tlliil ii II II II II II II riiiiiIiIIsIIiisxo lltlliNlltAL AIR oMMAND will ppm 313121 acAm 1117 SETEu 17553 iiill3l mm ill hikiill evening of ncxt wcck under auspices of 10ml UH HIIVXHHM VI rim of tint Royal Victoria Hospital The band picture no ii on when SW the uuwwmd MINESING il lltiv ill spccial ltCAl bus of its own Qtlrbcc ll liltiEl II II II II VI IVIVVH NiIlV illll irii iliiiiildiii ltd WHO Lune Olkhehul 110 ms play my Wynn II VI rugLu 1m lil the Ituidtillows llall starting at nine oclock Tuesday October 11 0101 It WU WM in iIV mini clock liitiIgtp10Ce concert band will pttsclil Mr and Mrs Wos Thompson oil 193nm in ii yjcjnjlwauljglit Mi Simmons lgt anvil iioo YIY limit lili MM PM ermm iii Slitd CtU ISlUS 1115 bumper potato crop mm Hm II ml IIi iiI inlill itlll$ are now being sold by members of the Nurses fk Remember the llobby Fair to be Trenton ilt is tlm liav tml lid 21 WMii Im Bum Bit District Mciiioiial hospital Fund 14 Smith Vlloi illid in NW Orange 11 11lliiiv he Muplmmdl 5VIV Mi My iV lion I25 coming Ito Burric by kind permission of Air VictnMarslialh 1131101 Mrs laikcl afternoon and evening QnJlie Pillkkrnniei hm 11 Liltitil llir Knuth tit ii iilumlg Agnlrmn7CDllllldruqielllll 11h Junm ldmmd oi cutral Air toiii MW Ti Kim and Wtlld of SS No it and attended thi Clmiltl liicsniini til lln turnipr JillUH rm of Mm kg rot11 umdmn Air Hm Mimi 1i teachers convention at Utterson on 109 mtI iivi hdwli Hilonhw iill ii ilt ltt nth litilllliiitili forcci was or Bomb Gmul in England Whilt will FliiiV 1l Mm Ni illi in mi ii iv ll lliitillilsltl winmi Olhcrs were in tnc ltCAF bands ll 10 1Ildtdgfldl The choirs of St Peters and bit or ltlli ltS or iinnai comm ii itt cricicrs convcn ion erson on The District tionrnor uni Il liltillilrf ii iii silonw Vi ifi lililx mrmd Um RCAF mention mo Bimme 115 mums umlmlmd FHdW at the rectory on Fridav LVtlllllg official Visit to illt Hillary tliib oi lini tilt and ililtli Ill 5iininnrr of 1940 SW11th mouth hnilmd and Dopm MV and Mlsi MTV Muyes ndlAn unioyzrbliiinw W315 5mm by iitl Band of Wrvx lliurr on lluirsoay Hot Llnn lllllliillii MW mlon kngldnd 1111 WU Wm 511015 Wu Saturday cvcnimLJVIr Ball VV WA WT TH mt twin and in September others served in the famous tinir son liiiarshall and Mrs Maycslm annualimmd some 111 Innuumuu of liiiil your rehearsals commcnc Icon Bind 0f the RCAF which Billlinkltm lagers with moving picture films rod The billitiiiltlS now almost rcach was Simiomd at PICA headquart Nanette Compused 1m of scenes around Churchill 11K cc full authorized establishment Cs Ottawa during the thl or in IiIII MY i0llgi$I CLIICIIIIW flood in Gait and other pictures ofI cl one tie man bird interest gERVICF Ti im st CAp at RCAF inimig gin anUOiug 0115 anniversary services on Suni 3L rem5 WA met on Thursday mo moss day mm wind 111 mm RCA Canada Warrant Officer Hum has at the home 0f Mlh Vim Akklm MR KLLLOLGH ILI II II WI III also recruited veIIIII IIi mde the page mot mi with twelve Indips NOSch ReportsI Offi 101 lllO St Telephone 4869 if me were Uumi mime 1mm Mrs Gw Johnsmn 0f 0003011303111Ktlink htld ce IL 5003111 iilildtl Martin mm We t9 young l0 SQTVO Monday afternoon fora tea and so aiCookstown were given by Mrs 30 my Nahum has ummmud him lm d5 intifth HM mm 1d01 Olllllol dunng the recent war cinl hour for Mrs Cillnpbili Lit Bbamisli and Mrs Sloan Mrs YTRCPS5 mm mm innit his tumuus RCAF Overseas During 1947 Comm Air com fore her departure to Toronto for Tumas mud Va mssmmv pump socration II iliindqcaricm Band in London mand Band travelled approximately lhl th months Plans 010 made 10 mum bummvl TI CI PHILLIPS Dlstncl ManugerI Dml 4407 BARR mum WINS were with warrant 25I000 miles III VEnsIern IIIIIIIdIII II WI all MiJasIIIAHgslIrI1Inansi Sowing was done on bale work Officer Hunt in the Band of No6 from as far west as Sarnii and ilmlvv mwoy an 15 The mount5 Clowd md mh lxcnncdy and Gordon Alliston was served Second Floor hI ginqsormwmd Hihfax NWu MI and Mrsi Johnston and Holiday visitors were John Sin All Melchum at Cwlacape Bremnmand Chat Winston Elmvalc were visitors at cm und Manuel Huerwn Tohl TIIIIIN IIIII III yumInumlnlunIsqom1 lottctown Prince lsdward Island Wes Johnstons on Sunday Vomo University at Sinclanasui otriii miiiiiinniiiiii iiiiiiiiiiifdiino 5059 Bzy LIbridUL The bimd ml Mrs Elmer Pm have Mr and MlSlldlll Dean andI lmvened by bus train air ofhwater WVLd IMO R0118 OlChmdS Gail of Toronto with Mr and Mrs Ear5l AIBICI 0R DAME transport and visited many Owns house recently vacated by Mrs Mc Thomas Miss Ethel lluntcr with try who is visiting her sistcrl lt ins Cities and RCAF stations when Km or parents iss Sloan and played for various civilian or uniz 31 5mm Mus b01016 161mm ltV DOG 0f Toronto at Sloans Tln OWN Whole MY MC lnbll lb Mr and Mrs Ball and Mr and Mrs Wde POPUIIR BRAVE ions in arities and military stationed SI II GIII HI hospitals besides its duties at the 123 Sunday and weekend VlsilIb Sloans M155 Juan F1 TEA Tin 33 many Stations or Cemml Ali Cofn MiSS 110 Clemtms Of 31 Cillhilloiito with her lllOllltEiLlLJ Kill ll VFSIIOKF imm RCAF Regumrly dam band mos and MIS MCICGICGH 0f T01 oi Toronto Normal School with his is flown to Goose Bay Labrador onto at Rev Clements Mr parents 20 02 inaprovide entertainment and iec and Mrs Bert Sriglcy of Barrie Tin reation badly needed at that isolat Howard Sllgiey Of P011 Stanley BARTON OR CUI ERllttSlu Jimmy chnan of Toronto Mr and ed RCAF thost Mrs Walter Cook and family at In 1947 at the end of years ex BARGAINS VDSI CROQ DESSERT FEARS CHOIICE 293513 25s 29 zsriiiz 195 29c RlVIlRBANKILC PACK PRUNE PLUMS VCHOICE WT LYNN VALLEYSTD wnx BEANS cur at WAUPOOSNo POPULAR BRANDS ti romnrors MEATY HUT DRINK one cums 3313 are 2a Reg Srigleys Mr and Mrs Gor meme CAC Band was WWW don Campbell and John of Toronto when it was engaged by the Can adian National Exhibition Toronto as the official Duty band for ex hibition During the time the band did two parades daily and also played ten concerts for the exhi bition visitors LieutenantConi mander Charles Brcndler conduct or df the famous United States Navy BandV the feature band of the 1947 CNE was very generous in his Coni mendation and encouragement for CAC Band both for their parrdc work and concert performance Squadron Leader Van Gorder Command Chaplain ilro Vat Campbells Mr and Mrs Sollitt and Donald of Pcteiboro at Youngs Mr and Mrs Sid Plowright and Joyce of Oshawa at Mrs Goo Plowrights Womens Institute On Oct the Womens Institute met at Mrs Maws with good attendance Name yOur Birth day Month was the roll call Dona tions were received for the over seas box to be sent immediately afterthc November meeting Mon iy also was handed in towards the purchase of large pail of lard to be sent to Mrs Braine England for distribution Delegates Were October number of children in the Ionimunity have contracted mea cs Mr and Mrs Graham visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Thompson Ncwmarkct Mr and Mrs Maycs Toronto Mr and Mrs HBrolcy and sons Ivy visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Maycs Mr and Mrs Coutts and fam ily visited the farmers parents Mr and Mrs Watson Bond Head on Sunday Mr and Mrs McMzrstcr and children visited on Sunday with Greatest Savings in Years BARKERS BUTTER WAFERS named for Area Convention in Bar 19 13tl913 parents Mr and Mis 802 tcstanti of Central Air Command Oct 1213 plans were made Dunn Port Credit pkg RCAFis president of the bands Sq for the Hauowegh party on Holidayvisitors in the criminolo HEINZPIIHC TOMATO management committee ct 30 and for the Health courSerdly 1C uded Sherwood Bailey To F=21 24 at cl uip 1133 24 the lgiifiscrisxlliip CofSchiggmHamuiiicfr MlS Gallaugheiigiyid babe zihd from the WI Dept on Oct 27 Mrs Lorne Gallaugher Toronto at ii BEENISTNO1VHITE Davis as convene of Social Gallaughers Miss Eldridge 24 FLOz 49c Welfare took charge The motto Toronto with her 1aientsMr andi Calml When task is once begun never MISS Ei MCMaSlGI and Marilyn KEIFCRFQHFD APPLE Octobcrdl leave it till its done was inter and little Janie Leonard Toronto and pass along thegreat Henry Bowen and his daughter Dreted by MrsDavis MrsG DuS at Jr MCMaSierS Mr and Mrs 20 Oz Lloyd ODell Wt Ed II 25 $53235 Shirts553rays deiedifiiiEgmiiiii 13215 ODells saving to er CUStOI ICIS firiiiiri iiiii NUGGETBLACK BROWN OXBLOOD Large 01 the Dorcas Depl 0f 318 WA TENNIS till he takes hi place 8m 25 revMygichipdsItiRecI9r gavle i3agisa135ligzqmgigbhggw Get vYour lVe In In On 15 W01 LTQNSSREDDED CANADIANCOLOUR it Vyy R133 iiwr Wilfred the child is taughttower during Graves Alien Am 27 m77bz lb 442 3155191 showednrllgvg Dglriixl Eggs fagggnglf gage gt Pkg 15 errRRIFFSORANGE liisdg inemorial ltd wIaiiIs mi Eggggngomdcsigsi hmaneseinIIIIg Manfrssa heater $137500 IWomgn Home Frocks Women Cotton 77 ev 0AmF0RMA ymmgfm 16 Oz 24 FL 38 higgdnwivgdlggloiing waye lEITiijg and children should be encouraged on beam $182500 House coatst Artlst SmOCks BrQSSIVereSH inuiilysi Th ir res msibility in moldin achilds healer vvii$182510 nd Girdles AUSTRALIANSULTANA or next year ony isap II Pk 013 start the work for another bat to be industrious The church has 47 Che Goa and 563 HEMLARGE VARIETY WA All 47 th arac er Vin communi gt ere Vacuum ZLb 25 lifeliirbegg pregnt very cew have place to ll and none should stilsziiioo wonderful lingerieJBargains for women did several 90 19 in the village The special speaker was Mrs Bert FRESHLY GROUND AS SOLD SPARHMNG HIIE CLOTHES Interestigg by Rector Franck who gave most interest IRRESlSTIBLE FLAVOURRICHMELLOK Large An evenin was spend in the ing lecture onSocia1 Welfare il soz ILb mo Pkg community hill on Friday Oct lustrated with pictures of the life Pkg Pkg SUNLIGHT ror the purpose of raising money and development of the child from rllllllllliARBASTSWW in 69 lea sweet gigs istiesniliieiocilisnieaiiiiiiiiuiaiiiii Ziigingmigiisiin Tomno mid 3a 7340 Chev Deluxe cea richer Sunksf 2885 33 andtliglp mniake thexbtximuiiity wiry AN EXAMiNEu WANTADiI 1190 3Vsed 0013316 Fresh hock oft 4o Pont Coa heater 950 10 45c II omfrown $35 31 whichth fi PFONETM 40 Hudicoihcateri975i Fmtrimmd sibmssc imwhrggtggndsnhgd at 39 PlySwheairssoooo AGEATTABL 55c s1 eme resen gt Ir Tightinoftheisevgning was fe paigk as Fe $80000 II lb om N0 offietlie annual bale for the mis II STAPLES ETC ALL PRICES MADEVERIY igow 509mm among 34 me miter rare bit was FOR THIS SALE Dorcas secretary Mrs Terry and 38 Plym Com heater $77500 37 Buick Sail heater $70000 37 VChev ISed heater $67500 4m QUAKEROAI 4891 nmeiiibifinieiilits ivfifiiinimilivTWi iirstTeiryoi rtturnlng iiiififiiif iiiiiiiir II III PkgII III IIVPkgI reputed IthfII theIII Life aVVIhg With 53515 er aIwa IfIm pieceIIpnced I10 wholesale VV VV If II lIb 69c II 965 IIfVor snggggmgrxnd spending well earned vacation I40 nud one hitngiisgsam II Also with fresh daily 42 3310 so in gt IllMRS Attic PM heartfggiziigagfsg5 auctions in at II IV vI available soon Members having EOUSEHOLDI Elimoms Tires $85000 II II Cleaned Pkg GATE Life smug Equipment secured be slight dencmus lune 85 =IOILET TISSUE IW1TH CHEESE week5V visit 46 Font sa heater $160000 Thanksgiving boxes are re uested 39roIra Panel beater $65000 The regular meeting of the Wom served by Mrs Mayes and Mrs qPont Seawhiaer $1600 equipment had beenprocured for ML and MrsV JohnI H0350 10f 335 migdlff xallgii FARM STOCK It gt onguesizy$t 112IIIIk II WWW 3533 rrarion hlll 2517V Ionic Large 728 0251790 3r1s InstituteWas held atVthehomeV Wes Johnston Next month the 46 Che 58411031 $155000 ChildrenIBloomers anties VV oumrr MEATS linersivrceunus contrastscities $twif stress iii223332232332521323133V$t9mdlm my instances helm 9094 Oshun spent the Thanksgiving Tin Iif the president Mrs RoyPart meeting Will be held in the Hall 46 dh $160000 LIB QUAKERQmCK COOKING II ridge on Tuesday Oct with 13 on ea er Combinations Slips BabyVesis Frida Oct 15 at Mrs Hick PerhdngI IIandIII FIILI Marsh seedless Ilmgsyt 33691 The hext meetI wwerghimra 41 ChVCVSed heater $105000 II IuY Ie more viImm MrIVand MrsISIIm

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