SEEIme if 194849 Officers and 43 Slims Brampton he Rigidigsizz line Aclt James Inws ilzei 11 lizs ionie Til Maple eni Harrii on Satin ilay October 11 15111 lle liiviliele luated lns Illrt lillliltin laiiii my and had enioyed 1oorl health until he ii eontined to lils lied six weeks prior to his passing was he conducted net business The late Mr long and regular hours and was Born in Toronto on Ianaiy 1857 he ills son oi Ilayid Iewis and Margaret McLeod At the ae of 13 he moved with his parents to farm on on 13 ot Iespia Town and others conned to their homes ship The following year he venti to work for neighbor dring team of oxen Jilll he earned $31 year When he was 21 he bought 100aere bush aria and ltglll selling wood to the Northern Rail way Elliott of Vespia and till had tivo children the late In Lewis James Lewis was predeceased by his wife who died in 19311 liott of Toronto one daughter In Itulll he married Elizabeth iiivrvou Morin comm YOUR NAME Sim 1943 if sin this bet 315 VichfundabIESavings cheques 1913 andrli944iwill be mailed byMarch 3lst 1949 Make sure that yours arrivessafely by following these instructions If your name and address are the same as in 1943 DO NOT MAIL an addresslead your 1fiEheflllewtllireachlYbiiiliihMarch If you havechangedpyourinarhe or address since I943 go to yogrPostNOflicia obtain spatial Change of Address card fillitou and mail it AT once Even if youmailed an address card lastyeqr You should complete one this year if your name oriaddress has changed since I943 orriiiirMiNi or NIIIONAIVREVENUE Taxation Division Ottawa Minister of National Revenue Directors Of Canadian Vv IIIIfliltS IJ IllliIifIUIlS oi II 117 the Kimii ie Ni iii is in Associata met tire llti va It convention 211 ii the ylateioo hteiiieli 111 pictured llgt5 lin Sands o3iotsfoi Sun as 19mm in eii Alulsvtll News Ilt Walter gtl llay Imminent AlstllJ NS ltitl tizinfela Sun Sash filoit Ilugh Ienigvlni Ifi yrws hvv yallot Valieytield Le liogin cord int My Kati kt1 io Ioi ii Man pilltl in te and ne In io he aimed to Barrie and for ll Lewis was total abstainei and always was in gooin health and good spirits He worked whim mummy CUHM Strvottlnlll Ilarriston alt llranttoid lbntedlliureh where he was the ABM UM md uh moarton Waveiwey and the district board of trustees Mr Lewis spent SFFYUlllllyf V1 much of his time ISlllIIll the sick ll Imwn Surviv ing is one sister Mrs William III Mrs to Robertson of Barrie threei igrandchildren Trompton Lewis at lorontoi Reginald Lewisof Brant lord and Lewis Robertson of Bar rie and four great grandchildren Every training in spelling until eighth We Siii 11d ii he loi Alnei iii AdvIrate lit Mom Saiitelinrenl in Sasa llilllt St la ll gt Leadii Aldll Wynn oltin Ifnttzpiisi saw Is ll Il 11 MN 11 1in Iohn lnh iliiistbni ITeho thi Ilia as lieiitvllle rdlt III Set li1 Wolse of Ioiohio lidltli and Iis ll Robertg aid lIlllliri and Lillian Lewis of won 31 Maple Avenue llzii1ie llzanttnirl ile in lt spia Iownship Ianie Til llllllel lti ll rlyllNllK served on the eoiineil tor six lllltllil ll tits conducted II the gtll and he iLlit in IIII1lilliIIil it Maple Avenue by Tunis Hiwls inuiiitv atlairs Fortylive years El IC Le There were llow from the tnel nierehants in Ilallit business associates ollier iStreit lnieii liiirelr ianadian Fin Iinitel Research Products Friends and relathes attended rlteiboro loronto Midland Iuii he pal bear iNoriis and VflfWilson all of Billlltl John Muir of Toronto if Robertan of llamiston and ilmine Stephens of Midland Ini lernieiit was in Barrie Union Ceme lFIXI SGT BURTON HARRIS Flt Sgt Burton John Ilarrisei Home No RCAF Station Tren lion passed away on Tuesday Oct 1048 at RCAF Main Station Hos pital Ile was born in Barrie Ontario 39 years ago son of the late Wm Harris and Mrs Eliza Harris of Barrie During the last war he had served with the RCAF in many parts of Canada andfor the past 19 years he had been with the RCAF as an Air Frame Mechanic For approximately two years he had been at Trenton and previous to that he was at Mountain View and Aylmcr airports He was member of the Church of the Na itarenc at Trenton and he belonged to the Masonic Order with mem bership in the lodge at Springeld Ont Relatives surviving are his mo ther his wife Mary Agnes Cor lctt live daughters Eleanor Bur tine Elizabeth Vera and Junc Harris all living at home one bro thcr William Harris of Toronto five sisters Mrs Graham tLilzn and Mrs Ranncy Lpor othyl both of Toronto Mrs 27 Walker Margaret of Galt Mrs Baxter Olive and Mrs Coulson Mabel of Barrie The body of Flt Sgt Harris rosi ed at Trenton Funeral Home un til Tuesday afternoon when it was taken to RCAF Main Station Cha power lIe had been ill four months ekly Newspapers Association llaney Eaetti II his 953313 353m ONTARIO FAME lalbiaith Red llezi fetl to ZLtlit 11mm by News Sask IIric Dunning don Sneavllle liugiiiicIost NIL Advo lhiril row left to right Werden ete Alta Clark Iliin River Iaayens Bolton IIiiterprise If llotltl Iemislianung Speak New Liskeaid int Mac Iathlaii Virden lZinpire Advance Man Ifuudell lieiev ll laltn Liltue lran by leaderlail Que Saw CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOTES Hydro Hint for Housewives Faertl with the need for further ittYllllts in the use of electricity the town is again looking to thei ward outlining economics in the use of power for lighting and cook rug Ironing too can contribute to the saving program The housewife can save power by not ironing bedsheets sprczidS pillow cases towels etc These cant be shaken well before being hung1 out then folded and patted smooth immediatcly they come oil the line sweet and saves time as well as Last Spring it was the coopera tion of the ladies of Barrie thiit eliminated power cutoils and if that splendid cooperation will be forthcoming again the switches may not have to be pulled now Presentation to Fair Board Head At the Board of Directors Sep tember meeting Bill lVIlCOlllSOII president of the Barrie Agricultural Society was presented with sit ver engraved cigarette case In making the presentation Twiss the Chamber president ex pressed thanks to Mr Malcomson and his colleagues for the tremen dous amount of work they did to revive the Barrie Fair In accept ing the gift Mr Malcomson thank ed thc merchants and the Chamber of Commerce for their support and expressed the hope that the new Fair Grounds would prove useful for other activiticsbetwccn Fairs Town Planning Board Stressing the importance of plan ning the futurecxpansion of the town the Chamber directors arJ ranged to meet with the executive of the Town Planning Board to en sure that the closest cooperation shall exist between the two bodies Canadian Chamber Amiual Meeting The 19th annual meeting of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce will be held in Vancouver during the last week of October Griffin who will be on the West Coast on business at the time will represent the Barrie Chamber of Commerce at many of the confer ence sessions With Fall and Winter just around the corner the Chamber has re pcl where service was conducted by Flt Lt Roger Padre follow ing which the traditional Air Force respects were paid by the service personnel on the Parade Square immediately in front of the ccived numerous requests for ac commodation Enquiries for both single rooms and family living quarters have stepped up over the past few weeks and anyone with suitable space isvinvited to list it with theChambcr of Commerce at Administration Building On the completion of this service public service was held at 315 pm Wed nesday Rev Crowdcr of the Church of the Nazarene officiating The body was entrained for Barrio at6l0 pm Wednesday evenind and msIchaLthcSmithliuneral Home Barric Service was held in the Salvation Army Citadel on Fri day Octobcr at 230 pm and in terment made in Barrie Union Cemetery Pallbearers were fol low flight sergeants at Trenton RCAF Station Flt sgts ADaws Cunnian Voddcn Pye King and Thornhill The funeral was under Masonic auspices with Kerr Lodge in charge SLOPPY AND CARELss Collcgiatc students are sloppy and careless in their spelling and writing Trustee Albert Canensaid at thetirst Fall sessionrof the man agement committee of the Toronto Board of Education Dr CC Goldririg director education agreedi He suggested teachers were often to blame for setting poor example fOften teachers writing on blackboard is very difficult tolread he said child receives denite grade The training is continued in technical schoo but isdropped in collegiates the director said Mr Cane said some definite training in writing should be given to collegiate students He said the matter had come to his attention through bank manager who was employing two collegiate students forthe summer whose spelling and writingwere prior4 You cant read most bank mana gers writing any ay joked Trustee George Arnol Toronto Star Requests forAccommodation 3305 $1000 00 LESS LOANS or your 0WN SIGNATUREI When you need money borrow from HOUSEHOLD FINANCECanadas oldest and largest consumer finance organization You may borrow $50 $100 $200 orupto$1000 on your own signa ture without endorscrs orbankablc security Repay monthly 12 18 or even 24 months depending upon the repayment plan you choose Loans are made to single persons or married couples Borrow for Any Good Reason HFC customers borrow to dmsoli date past due billspaymedical expenses repairs seasonal or emergency expenses and for many other purposes Phone or see us for prompt friendly service gt 55 Mluluaga Strut lalt 2ndoor Phono2394 OIILLIA our Maura to or by appointmont Loan mail to nddtnta of nearby town mm magnetic me 1878 llgtliillltr Alta for llaik rolefl to right II Itzee lliintsville lorestei Ont land Miller Jarvis Record Ont Revelstoke Valls llaiiie Examiner nt iNOlllliR vilmiei TO air on MANIIOILIN Little tin rent Expositor llrilling expected to start next Island lerey lloliday weeli III the most intensive search ifor oil ever made on Manitoulin resident imanaztei for Ashland Oil and Re llllllll Salem III has announ Sheuniandah lhand new equipment of rhuusoijs Im mummmiont Sugheed lillsl hole will be on neoigc uctums 11131 1H pm for Iiyers iaim two miles south of the latest design Valued at $34001 will be liked Mr lloliday said Included are one drilling rig and equipment and five Equipment wells tanks three storage large was brought from Owehsboiough Kcn lucky to Rogers City Mich and This leaves the washing ficsliandl is on way from there by bollt which is expected to dock today or tomorrow VATICAN CITY The Vatican City States named Ilebruary 11 1929 The Mutual Life orr or 1H PRESIDENT VZtS ms last amt eras ii 1324 stalled Ill1klll1i inane total otl towns takeSilfil Hanover Gets Details On Parking Meters IIli li IIJ Ci Ilagt3 ill lien ii Ini Iron twin Illiui ham tptllil mi te illt the pairing iinitis and half ii=itis the II bien in epeiat total tienia igt $1513 The iyiiaei tain tiltlillii 31m per Ila all The iixik iiisil val hiwa truillr iil great iolletibn of buttons IIICHI Itiltllb iiltgt llll rings and wood which had also he collected in In Ilitlli iii an 13 tempt to buy paininu space andl no doubt some false eoiiis did the tiak In Hanover theie vie It3fl inci tzrs purlhand at test of Still each totalling $11l1tlin It cost Si toi taih meter to he lilrol llt $11311qu In the emitiavt with the ureter company the column totteets Til per cent of the Whittle until the meters are paid For the illil ll nzonths the ltletets tltlli operation the LHlii paiiys gtltillt $11JI73 and the lheiefetiz to pay lie StillIll owing on iiiliilltti inetezs Ill tak llililHXlilidlily four years Mother you know what Olll fortlng relief you got when you rub on Vieks VapoRub Nowvhen your child wakes up In the night tormented with crotipy cough of cold heres spectal way to use Vicks VapoRub Its VapoRub Steam and it brings relief almost instantly Put good sphonful of Vicks VapoRub in bowl of boiling water or vaporizer Then lct your child breathe in the sootlilngVapoRub Steam Med icated vapors penetrate deep into coldcongested upper bron chlal tubes and bring rcllcfwith every breath VApoRUB REG rnADE MARK ESTABLISH SPECIAL SALE LAMPS 23 4U 60W 331i 77 LOOK for 25C 100 WATT lie Each Dinner Parties are becoming increasingly popular Assiiraiioo Com ED 1669 because of fine coolzing nice service and pleasant surroundings ARRANGE PARTY WITH YOUR FRIENDS QUEENS HOTEL AND CALL MR WARREN HOME OFFICE WATE RLOO ONT gt To our Policyholders puny of Canada in October 191s nsurance in force lThls outstanding achievement is highly the lives of people in Canadian company opera It is notable mi long strideiforwar the founders could secure insurance COmPaYWr it means more than this The policyholde iywhich has been in the Company by rec keeping their own insur is roof of intellige Tillie COmpanys representan it is proof of the advan It isprooft thatltutual Life if 13 9qu needs of Cana in the con of the public amending lestone in the prog since those days had to sell fivehundre Government permissmn tages of mutual dians in on viral ream tobie congratul due largely to ted for Canadians at and sympathetic service by 853 71 vhasw6 has this companydim public he con it tO ance in force to operate insurance is on dland for this is ress of our Company over78 years ago when policies before they mutual life evergrowing consciousness ife insurance loiebii the endangers fidence they have shown their friends and by through the rear9 Phone 2424 aith impthis achievement