Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1948, p. 15

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THURSDAY comers axon Earl Sclbell ttoupcd tv 5p rzgtizld Indians onto the south bound tXil1k5 from Blrlllt Firmly on llll um to Illlll ioinis Tc Ihdums IISgtLtlllgtcll5 LLl shin pm nrltd 21 Sounds and began to prepon for Ilitlr pnilig contest with l1ltslungh lloinets Oct l2 fiddle Show rectcd lustribe fllltl we anxious to Rev how they up pond otter over three weeks in the northern atmosphere The squad begun strong during the exhibition llllgt by recording two wins and one In but tapered it the finale by mopping two in if row to St Louis lilyirs and berm forced to tie llll Kimsns itv llllshlors of the llinted Sttcgt Hockey League With tlus in mind Shore will cli iiivor to reculn the gziltwdize prior to the sizisons progress The lndmns me in the Eastern division of the American Hockey 141 1249 AI KINTZ MM Springfield India some Appreualton to flame RUGBY START TH BARRY EXAMINER Wm ORILLIA SRS our 3qu BC 13min at Stmtfoid AIllEllVll ndnt ISvSlzulft Oshiiu it Borne lull gt1 trtzl IiiBarrie at Osliiyu St Othello St vIltltiuL It tlmlbotos it Blrrle at St itlmrims 5lii tl ll itltlfill ll in 2263 at Ilnrrlc Marlboro Ll Mike ll Bl flu 23llarrle lit Lift Intlle lt Melon 11 All St ltlliilltin llilll Sltnlftri Vnulso lull tl vlnl 730 lZl gt lgtliv lit li p21 senior llltflt tdffft Itd Utl Ill Ll in Hznl 1mm tL they moved up llm lIll otl luck of fenlaw Lutilii llle uztlnn ltlgt 1o rungs ti ltluly lftzdeideys the luvuull lxlitl Ll meant th inference between tiltnopl to the hundreds of furth ltl td xlitii and footers fund the and it lot the handful uIiUlililll supporters Afztl the bottling dielizuds lmd lllltl the Northerner to Shin 30 olt until hull tune Ullllltll strid in aloud and illltod off the livid llll Illll margin lt sluuiy but exhausted lizlcklt mid of llill flute lhll Hutton John Ilelll lorry Inlltlswll and Don Smuqu provided the cometch Itl Zfl Uri block Sltltlllits Oct pt lllt Ill liit flout vll some oujrlt fault Schedule 194849 St or ITIilfurtI 4t ISJrlir 57 lgt Hills rims ilillilllUP lll of Illilrll llll ngl illm tl 11 THEE Ic RIIllll llltl Sv and Do and cellar Zf luim In L1tlttl Ills rll 1843+ IlA ll Tlx tom ilrll or ml rellllll mill llnfldu the Ilitlltull llocke ll in iw Ii is ll it itch lL=lt WM lll flit tnid centre lirfllitllli ltt lotill if in lil Illllllll ll it on lllhlilt of th li tts IlIJll lnd llnt eoppui mpmthlilp llitlil lll tIlll loc lllnkc McAlthu the sttond Hyer to lln up lill llulllo ltny Llulwpv thinr llHl lilllilllu gltlll lln llillttl lo ll Jll 511 size of MIDLANDPARKSIDES Tud DISTRICT SOFTBALL LADIES CHAMPIONS IIdlAIId Iarkstdrs rniergrd 45 rhdmplons of the Barrie and District Ladies Softball League Wednesday but when the dc luted Newmarkrt 96 at Nrn nurket in the third and final ganir uf 1hr 5rlt lurirl Ruin Ind ginn the tlldluidrrs elim tiS triumph In the tint contest in Newman krt but the horn fought lurk Mlll trounced lwrkstdes in the second line to the tlunge of line the games IIJII to be pldyed on rdnesdiy Jltll Swturduy after nuons Iu Hultll the funds IllIlJINI disposed of illey lint and the Iliutm lultluli pnsttoputo tylio were defend ing chtmpluns suth lNlt nous up tilliJilvll pupa izulalstz lIlNlSVIlJJL ll $90130 IOWARIH NI fltlhlllM tn Stld ll tlz llill ml rmttof it lvf llIll lllll Lee Ifiwlnlnl 11 Ill intro of Mku inf Thrill $l In 53 00 Lengue md llll it little bolstering klm itlll lltlllk illlllllnr of the defence should lllilkl it good 511 301 llh 5329011 tlw Kvllll account of themselves llcn who displztyed effectiveness The netnnndinu worries or Ill illsScion contest Red doubly assured of no ltlev hulls itsi Klml Ill him my My ml lordie Bell and Red Momt cm IMPll WSWr mumm MI llltl their battle to Springfield Mmh NH lllllfll it IIJIIlt Shallow lltl it Guelph lii ltlHl lilliilill Ctlrlph nl SI tililv Oct 57 St zitlunnn ulpil Oct ZElNlurlboros llf Iktrrie St Alltlllwls Sllnllnlll llilil it St tthtnn Wmqu Ionile St nlhnlin lpu Stizitlolll at St piirk but the flesh replacements liilllns lluss Jerome pouredupon the lltltl were too much to over tulllt The lolrollll win cues to ril on lnttlie vllltml spc ticulzir ind llo fund the pump to llt pol l1 wl 15Ill lllt dtil junior Jli om to hum li llle IIJlftv 451 of ow il So hull nnllmn till liorkvj llllll Itllltl AN UPLIFT BELT Itl 30 lllllllllll lnv of the come oes to decision mu be made is to which ll Aln HI ll WW is going to receive the reutllnr its snzmnent with neither cage punidi lIlVllIlI 1m inch ble of perfornung in the Al but it is expected that McAtee will be formed to Fort Worth ltungers sub ject to recall vns ploced on the second USHL illstlir team beaten only by Terry llnrrn is training camp Herbert Snwchuck of Omaha Knights the front lines they possess crock forwards lll Len hlittclicson Vic Auger Armand Lemieux Leo Wimpy Turik Hurry Frost Jones Bill Goodcn ond Norinie llurns The latter trio will prob ably act as their ace ittmkinr unit MVern Kaiser Poul Colllltllll and Al Kuntz have been slow in rounding into shape but will nevertheless idd strength once they hit their stride Al Kuntz former Comp lftnden officer and Barrieyesident was not used in the last couple of games here and may be traded The ex New York Ranger winger did not appear to bc giving out in prac tice and was in none too good groc cs of the lndizm mentors as they broke comp Sciberts brightest star during training sessions was flashy Doug McMurdy However McMurdy doesnt wish to play with the Indi ans and departed for home tWin nipcg previous to the final exhibi tion tilt He is anxious to obtain release undregain his amateur status The blueline brigade is the weak est point on the club ind just where llotll ore ctpl Lost yezu McAttc to Don lnrk and llnlpli lloskmn for the fourth renrcuzud Seilwrl furlned lonz llowler lnul Bednrd Floyd liirns Hill tupolo Ken llzidden llltl Don lllelnn to mutcly one wet13 before the lndiy ms In regard to the sntislnction of zmd Shore were both high in prnise with the cooperation and fucllilicr they received lllllllt the three week stny They expressed lllllll to the Norrie hmnber of om mcrce llie Harrie lisnminer and the Arena ommiesion for their help througlunit the trnininl ses sions As for the players they felt they could not have enjoyed themselves my better than they did in Barrie Every sort of entertainment in city can be found here said one departure Scibcrt snid every possible effort will be mode to return to Barrie but as yet plans for next year have not been made In regard to the support for ex hibition games Seibcrt felt the fans turned out as well as can be ex pected Thlktypc of hockey wih ncsscd in preLscuson tilts is not zil Ways the best commented Scibert and yhucannot hold it against the fans to turn outconsistently I948 Fish Resfocking Among the Biggest in the finger willbc laid it is notlHISIOly of Ontario CARS Repaired All Work Guaranteed TIME PAYMENTS 1r REQUIRED Car loaned while yours under repair White Rose Serme Station CAMP BORDEN ROAD 83lrl3 Barrie tumult ws Divisi Ontarios fish restocking program during 1948 was one of the most extensive in the provinces history accordgxig to the Fish and Wildlife Department of Lands and Forests Placed in lakes and streams were 23 0000 yeruling speckled trout most of them close to the legal seveninch limit 500000 fin gcrlings 4600 yearling Kamloops trout and 100 adults This variety imported from British Columbia some years ago is reported thriv ing in the Muskoka area around Lake Bernard and department officials believe that within few years it will form valuable addition to the provinces game fish list Alsostocked were 437500Makc trout fingerlings more than 2000 000 small mouth bass and 410000 large mouth bass program of rehabilitation of all the Ontario hatcheries is now well under way llniin llltlillkllil the steam roller Iolllt lulknm who producedl limitillg 13yird iunboek on if kick Ioi iI touchdoytn threiitcnim to build wulknwny ll1l lhe llllltlS attempted plilcement from 20 yards out butl ll was llt The ball bubbled to lurking nbofit l3 yinds behind the pool llllt and big John clutched it on the tear sped to the side lines and lied toeklers by the handful About his own 33 Stllptl he cut in and down Hymidlleld there wasnt rivzil within yardsl The lad proved he could really dongle while tottinu the mail for the Nesbitt charges Not only did he thrive on his solo rush but he also meed the ends for many sizable gains throughout the afternoon performance His power luden legs were major factor in the Barrie drive Orillin sturch filSl gentrill Syd luilfbncks eld MS with llziker sending Jim Hamilton Jim plays with confirmed success Finally flying wing Dong Harper rompcd to the Barrie 25 yard line to plllCt CI in their first scoring position of the initial quarter The next ploy was on end run and the attend went wild Orillla recov clcd but lost to valuable paces and were folgccd to try for single Jim amilton kicked over the line to Hogan but his tacklers failed to nab the whippet Bill and no score resulted OCI kept Barrio in their own end for most of the second quarter but Hogans kicking foot held the rivals Off the scoring doorstep The big break came minutes before the half ended Middlewing Val Van dc Wall failed to give ve yards to Harper when receiving kick and 15 yard penalty was marched off After the local lads had held Oril lia to athird down large Jim Wilde swung his knowledge foot into placement for three points Orillia took to the air in the third quarter and two successive pass plays followed by whale of WL and Roy Bredin through the plunge by Roy Bredin resulted in touchdown with Hamilton kick ing the convert Trailing 90 the Barrie outlook appeared rather gloomy and their supporters had little to cheer about for as yet the backeld hadnt opened up Mastermind Bill Craig thessmil ing captain of the tilcolor fran tically turned the leaves of the dusty formation book for baffling play Out came the reverse with flying wing Don Simmons mowing his route around the short side Driving his legs like pistons he carried Barrie to mideld Craig followed up withra 35 yard pass to the same Mr Simmons out in the ats and placed the locals on the Orillia ve yardline Dip sydoodle Gerry Batterson carried over from there on plunge Craig made the convert good tripping penalty to Val Van de Wall didnt aid theBarrie cause to any degree as shortly before the quarter ended Hamilton threw 100 pass to Bredin who galloped over for his second major The convert attempt failed Forced to gamble to get back in ll 391$ Craigopenedupmid K5 IllEiwllll JRAND 0133 ERIZED Listeriavvcwvw we Itsdown underneath where anycar sitwa its first sighs of wearThots where ying rocks gravel andfcorrOSive road Salts eat awdy alt undersurfaCes rust fenders through start annoying squeaks and rattles No wondericars get old ugly and hoisybefole their timel gt Dont let that happeh toVyourcarl Protect it with UN DERSEAL ProtectivxlCoatilng the new sprayed on coating that covers ultdersurfadcs with tOngh lg inch thick hide which protects against rust mufes squeaks and rattles insulates against drafts cold heat fumes dust Ask us about UNDERSEAL Protective Coating today Its glutirdnteed to protect for the life ofyour carr uniform was lominutelad with forms at ungipassesinms own area Doug Harper managed to keep his hands on one for beautiful interception placing OCI once more in scoring position Afew plays afterwards came the Laking race which threatened the Orillia margin They were now onlythree points tothe good until two consecutive sleepef passes thrown to Syd Baker slid thein Vaders to the Barrie ve where Hamilton plungedover onasec and down The convertiflledr Despite the loss Nesbitt believes his changeswill change the picture in the next encounter Ihe comest came upon themcrather suddenly and their plays lacked the polish needed to allow them to travel for many rst downs Although the stars Of the game as far as spectator interest is con cerned were in the backfield the hardest working man in Barrie ew haircuthnown astordie Knowles Not an owl$7131 sized chap be per ide wingand was constant heckler in the Orillia backeld throughout the tilt His driving tackles took lot of steam frOm Bredin and Hamiltonwhile he shone in ripping large holes in the opposing front wall NOV lhe scninper come only in the Nov 13 Wm1humlunw It Hump fomth punter when were Nov Nov Ntn Nov llitll 15 pix llll at Hurllmros 330 pm MI llltlmii it lull Mziilbolos it wlinllnd luelph in tin loll it lllllllll shnwn at Windsor Slritforil zit Barrie Marlboros at wt Wlndsor ill SI Klllh ll Millllloiml pin lli luelph of St dielpnl 350 pm nlt iilll nt rlinwzi Strutlord nl St tnthnrilns St zitluirines ll Stinttortl Birrie at inelpli lVlirlboros il lhnwn inlt ill Willtloi IllSt Miclilcls at lhrrie slmwn it illtlllll Ilarrie ll liltl lliirrie Jun Jun l0 tii lll stltlotl lll Marlboro RIM pan alivml Ililll pm il lllullitllll bl lhlmf llill ml or of Hi fil tlllliilllll it Vlllll Kl lllultl tl Ulllvl lutlph 11 Lirric llznusn of St Ll itulpll lnlloi of St Michnels Lillil pin MIA illlzunn 21 Hrlmtni lirrie il Windsor illt lpli Ilvllnlt lilltlllll ll Sliditold tlt it St Michzicls 730 pm ll ntlm inc ll nthzu the st hill Ill Lil tl iiln 21 lol twi lyric or St vlichml Nov l3Slrutford nt Mnrllunos 230 pin Ml jvllltllldl nt shnwn viSt nthnrints ill mdaoi 10 St Michaels nt lull ll Guelph it Strntford Burle at Windsor l9llImlboros it illelpll Oshowo it Barrie Winlsor all St nthuriner mGtilt zit Strntford 20Windsor ill St Michaels pm Ml Guelph nt ltlznlhoros 330 pm Mlitl Borric of Oshawa Stritford at Gulf 23Gult at St Michncls 730 pm MLG Oshnwo at Morlboros pm MLG 24Guclph at Windsor St athurines zit Barrle ZGMurlboros at Barrie Oshowa of St Czitlmrines Galt zit Guelph Windsor at Strntford 27Stratford ll Windsor Guelph at Gulf Burric at Morlhoros 230 pm MLG $t Catharincs of Oshawa 29Guelph at Stratford 30Oshowa at Will Windsor ill St Cotlmrines 1Galt of Oshawa Guclph at Barrie St Cothorines zit Windsol 3Galt of Barrie 4Stratf0rd at Morlboros 230 pm MLG Barric at Gulf Oshawa at Windsor 7Windsor ut Marlboros 830 pm MLG Nov Nov Dec Dec Dec BSt Cotharincs at Slrutford Marlboros at Windsor Barrie at Guel lOOshawa at Gt lph Marlboros at St Kills Galt at Stratford lleBarlie at St Michaels pm MLG St Kitts at Marlboros 330 pm MLG Guclph at Oshawa Stratford at Gall 14Mar1b0r05 at St Michaels 830 pm MLG Barrlc at St Catharines lSSt Cathorincs at Barrie Stlatf01d at Guelph lOshawa at Windsor Stratfordmat St Cuthurincs ndsor nl hldl lboios pm MIA Ayllllllurltb rt indsol htwt zit Ilnrrie Ht rxthnrines It luelph lmllnlt it Illirrie St Michaels ll Strntlord lnlloros of St Kills Zt Kills it Ilulboros pm MLG Stiittordit St Michaels 330 pm MLG Windsor it shnwn l5lrric lt lull 37 lslmwn nt lull lirrieil Sf uthurines St Michaels at Windsor lull of Oshawa Marlboros ll Strlltford ilkWindsor il Barrie Stintlord ill Guelph 107 Windsor all St Michaels pm MLG sltzlwn ut lIIlll4lS 330 pm MlsG Jon Ill shnwu Strntford Feb rhlillllltnllS if Gulf Feb tZllarrie of Windsor 51 zttliorines lll Strntford St Michaels of Guelph 4St Michaels of Barrie Strntford of St Czithmincs SBarric at St Michaels prn MLG MMnrlboros ll Oshawa Golt zit Windsor lWindsor at Golf Wiudsor of Oshawu Mnrlboros of Guelph lzirric at Strotford llGzilt at St Iotlmrincs Marlboros at Barrie Oshuwa of Guelph 12Guelph zit St Michaels pm MLG Ilnrrie zit Marlboros 330 pm MLG Strotford at Windsor St Cuthnrincs of Golf litWindsor at Stratford lSGnlt ll Mzulboms 830 pm MLG Guclph at St Catharines illWindsor of Guelph Stratford at Barrie St Michaels at Oshawa IllGuelph at Barrie lDSt Mikes at Marlboros 230 pm MLG Strotford ll Golt Barrie at Oshawa Jun Jun ll Ill leb roli Tuv AN EXAMiNER WANT AI PHONE 2414 Tudhope CilpRecoards HIGH MARKS MADE IN 25 YEARS OF COMPETITION RUNNING HIGH JUMPJunior Ferguson Orillia 1947 feet 11 in Intermediate Hinton Barrie 1947 feet4i4 in Senior Kettle Midland 1945 feet 38 in 100 YARD DASHJunior Ralph Midland 11 15 sec Intermediate Roach Barrie 1945 10 25 soc SeniorHerb Dyment Barrie 1932 and Kettle Midland 71947 10 15 SEC SHOT PUTJunior lb Fer guson Orillia 194737 feet in Intermediate 1b Bredin Oril lia 1947 48 feet 312 in Senior 12 1b Dobson Midland 1932 44 feet in RUNNING HOP STEP JUMP Junior Ferguson Orillia 1947 36 feet 912 in Intermediate Pret tie Orillia I943 38 feet 11 in Sen ior pKettle Midland 1946 43 feet 10 in 220 YARD DASHJunior Mor ris Orillia 1930 25 sec Intermed iate Roach Barrie 19452315secs game on the gridiron John didnt show his lack of experience when it came tootlensive strategy and while on the defensive Nesbitt has foqnddheoniddle wing of the sear LakingCraig Hagan Simmons and Patterson were the choiceof the backeld QRILLIAying wing Harper halves Hamilton Wilde Bredin quarterback Syd Baker snap Baker insides Rumball Martin middles Cooper Gill outsides Johnston Stanton alternates Boyd Chllderhose Kehoe Kltching Rol land Leatherdale Pzige BARRIEying wing Simmons quarterback Craig snap TarBush htilves Hagan Laking Patterson HEALTHY RYS REQUIRED It is impossible to have strong Yonadavyvithout strong and healthy Irailways mediate was never caught out of position portation despite their excellence within their 1imitzitions can handle even the peacetime load There isl no possibility of any foreseeableI time of doing without railwaysl sand Vaughan CMG chairs mun 21nd president of the CNR in recent address at the Canadian National Exhibition Senior RewMalkin Barrie 1939 and Reg Roach Barrie 1947 231 see RUNNING BROAD JUMPJun ior Ferguson Orillia 1917 18 feet 21 inInteimcdiate Henson Bar Iie 1927 19 feet 91 in Senior Kettle Midland 1944 21 feet JUNIOR HALF MILERalph Midland 1927 min 14sec Inter mediate Half Mile Lloyd Delaney Barrie 1933 min 12 sec Senior MileCook Collingwood 1946 mind5 sec lthe ON THE GREEN Iottenhum llrst Wnr ll foul or lo play which featured the boulunt lotlrlilicn bv the Allnndnle lnb on home greens lrdnesdziy nf lct ti Rinks llllllllll Jl pnitlclpntd through glr flllttllbl llllllllll finial llll Stnyncl llnlili and Al liliittl their ltlllllllll my ltlllll titllluln ltlltlil It ltnned out that ill pires cri plump thlckens which chino to the winners In tune for thel Thanksgivim ltlll toppnn first honors zit tourney vere lnlnnr ind Sunder ton of lottenlinm who ruched up lllltt wins for score of 51 plus seven Second with three triumphs re lim Wnrlow lllitl VernShnrpe of Allundzile with 53 points while close on their heels were lhoinpson and II Osborn of 113 me with at reading of 52 fluiiili lllltl ydom lll lnltoninulw none tll lll lllvnl you lulltll goiw not ll Humour Illnel ll lt onlioult thnldn core nootzt thonick lm Maple litsf inn ill Ii Uriel trllritd FOR MEN Wr lfro detnclizilnti pouches Hllltllll itt ll tinny 1th ltie 41 lt lions to yive comfort nnd mitle in support llx peril lttll Fitters to serve you for Surgical Sup ports WHITTY lltlilltl lilnwm lu lnirly lo llll gtiofl our nal lltltllt lllxll to tuitltzotuvil tlu lluj 171 full lint eminnz he hit folio Hwy lir itLloipltnitu llik Jlltl the di ippily llltl lzikinp down first place in tl twowin columlf was it Stnyner rink of Bcssc and Linn with smashing 56 plus five Allzlndulc iimimigl another representatich in the distribution of prizes when Alvin BOWen and Walter llnylissl after slow start scored with only single victory Consolation prizes for nonprize winners found tlirr way to Jerry Quinn and Dr Spiers of Barrie Chicago Black Hawks Hectic Truck Ride Midland To Barrie North Bay Nugch Chicago Black Hawks got taste of travel Northern Ontario style on their return from Midland late Wednesday night When their bus broke down they transferred to atruck which was best that could be command eered The driver who had just been fired by his employer had been celebroting or drowning hisl sorrows in nearby pub but the Hawks had to get to Barrie in time to catch their train so theypilcd into the dark and catcrnous con fines of the truck All that is except 73yearold Joseph Chestereld Farrell the in domitable publicity man He plead ed dtis age and was allowed to sit up front with the trucker and his chum who had also been inhaling few ales during the evening wish now Id sat in the back with the team says Joe At least wouldnt have known how clOse came to crossing thCGleat Div ide Blll Tobin and Charlie Cona chcr had driven on to Orillia where they were to meet the train No other forms of trans ROLE VAULTJunior smith Orillia 193038 feet 11 in Inter Sandell Collingufood 1948 feet in Senior Fleming Midland 1933 10 feet6 in AND BETTER POTATOES IIIIH fulll ltHHlS llulth glllll Sllltlf lllllll before plnnon potatoes for this llllllllbl Ire tnlcn from storage lll lens ten to fourteen dnvs before planting tlubcrs are gsclictcd for size type mid freedom froln discrtsc and are then lrtlllll with recoinnniulcd Mltl disinfectant to destroy discus Oarlulled on the surface ftcr this tubch are spread on the floor not more tlmn too or three deep mpoml to light This helps dry them and also starts iprouting which iids Mlllltullill in cutting lllltl lizistens comeup llflll planting lnly tubers pioilueinr sllongiyolous sprouts are used and these are not removed This aids in tlic lltvtlltlllllltllt of full maturity for sntisfnelorv cooking quality Your nearest experimental form or agricultural college is familiar with highly successful methods ofpotltto growing lheir co operation is yours for the asking So also is the specialized knowledge of our nearest brunch manager Like other munuyers of this flunk during the post 03 years he is czipuble and friendly anxious to help responsible farmers improve their land crnpsautl earnings 25F48 EBAHKFTORONW Incorlmmteil 1875 Branches BARBIEII Nettletou Mgr ALLANDALEF Stevenson Mgr mode to our gtpecitien DRUG STORE Youll nd that Penmous71 gives you unusually long service It is made front glongiwaring hturali Merino your 115m tops are rmly sewn buttonholes strongly made Its easy tpreveuts undue strain The durable wearing qualities with the moderatefprice of 71 make it top Value in underwear Another bulwarkwho stood out msrde Knowles Pearsall middles was Bruce TarBushIlis snaps Were Van Wall Brennan outsides perfect and his deadly tackling at Brett McCullough alternates Mc 13h 51 Honour HILL AUTHORIZED SEhVICE these 24277 3153315 John Brannon who played his first centre secondary was an established highlight Vande Wall wait go ihg concern but his two unnam sary penalties proved coatly Special mention should 3010 Lead Kerr Maxwell Fisher Ker by OFFICIALSEarl Johnston 0r illla referee George StoreylBar rle umplre Norm Harris Barrie head 1103111911

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