Thrws ws hww PAGE FOURTEEN If iflUHti ll tl lt Ill lt of The LI lino stile 1rd flutied lil ll is guli lIlilJll NH ll 118 lll lt ltlblll thilclnl lioul llt th lctllls of rotltu tid Sltllll vteying llxtt tlnze lllld lipottil lXl will lill ll rltl mnilx ll tl lllllllll TJIKJhlll Tl the bull toll the Ant intllt tumultcl gtill tlitik oe plund doll press Km up lin lll ll gtiii tx 131 in ii ob LllllFt piI lure fl lllgttl ltlr llx Lllt Uklllllk tlmze ttllt tl llll 1it SlifUNll TEAM lin lter wow Suit Against Tiny TaY Agricultural society Again Lost ii1ll lost the illelsiotl of Judge JCl lllktl that her hols mind when cmm at indy ltltll1 lllttttllle THURSDAY OCTUBhElfw 1948 time after 13 that lllr taken traffic the had Step tr during uni 31 Wul ll lLi up ll lloitir ctlon will their lJxVSlle Tim um To eulllltl lt or the psihcdlur in ennui The cm hard in County Court at Rum lll July llfld Judge Hun Itl the Mill against the Stlflil ll WHK Illt 38 as til ll the Cool UI Appeals ino tint upon it st bummed open to11tli wnl Mm pm cuirixcr tli1ll the lllith ill the lilliltd to fill con llH titl sinful She tl timl Read Examiner Classified Ads FARMERS ATTENTION OUR BULLDOZER is now EQUIPPED withGRUBBING and STUMPING BLADE for clearing brushy fence rows and new fund Stone piles buried and earth removed lo It fit it FREE ESIIMAIIIS SKILLED OPERATORS VARCOE BROTHERS 300 leyfield St Phone 4000 or 3375 Barrie Mclolity lrysons ml Monk tllZ fltlllltx limes llznrts ltiiigit Alllt Illl$ itne lllliti lliniis Jun lftlrl lrysons llob lllt liysons DISTINGUISHED CNDl VISITORSThe Farlnnd Countess of lonttbtttcn lnd llurum arc gtllllt is tllry Sltllllitl them lrinlt tmldn Air Lines North Star ill Montiixil Airport lltllll Shamron lilunl for short visit in fonnllu liirl lomnbntn ulm lllt lost lulttllltlrltlltrl of lndizi and on llllllliltllilg hero or oid ir ll tltllfl the Lniulylizln Ndllollltl llllgtilioll zit lprontp ln his return to lznlantl lT1iil Mountbatten will istililc toummnd of one or the glulbsz liltlltt lltil or but tn no lt3t lul H411 FtVlJltl liim llnirl lr llwllrlulr l1 litlil li tl in or llrlis tIIllIl his return bu llll failed to mow down the opposb on lltl null field liziil Selnoiti lltl lltll field tei tooh litils tln we picked the lollotl ill or lllose lilllltlt lo twol pli linlulsoine cplesloii I5 one iiilily winking no euwpln Ilonl Illctn two tttllclll ctclurs then gt no tyllllltl lltttndy is sturdy lLllttdrl lzn limit of roost but lmte ilI he pioidcsth ldtl cl =iloinnis with llll burgh llut we couldnt plnct linn III the Ill round bc tw dltuhnid itiltt Fllth is llullisnt ttlltlytl lil lnwl ItUH in wow lle ly flll signnls perfectly llczllitps lrom his buse nlcntr llie bioht spot liowMir tttliif lll be llllll The reflux liolztd pnlfcd bout the rrtif ill cnson Much Will no lo in Iltlvt omc hairs oil Ins Hlth participation ll ll rttlc txolv plue nnon tln llltlllllfldllt who hd Inuny hectic won throughout the chedule There was luel luiiilnlll ue lnlrler Eor lle tlllilltpmll flnlrls Motors but he got much Will hulk hotlbh one nd 00 gtItllllllttl 1th lindly cut right lllAlHl for force por loll ol tlLe schedule Lorne livle md Andy Andrunyl gained the odd ltlttS flJ il1 lw lLtmtl old Luke llillllltl squadrons of the Royal Navy Barber Shop Quorictle Society Making Plans Organization in Barrie Plenty of llznrle citizens espritinl lu those who hun mnrlled lien to close hnmony either is slnzz listeners ll be inieretctb to ltltll that chzlptei of llll So my for the lreservnlion and lIn oox izcmen of llnrlier Shop luznv tte Hinton in mrict is phoned Hl Itoi tlnl conninnniy the immedi le future This orcnnizntion of siinters and wouldbe sinners operates on on Ui ltlltlllllllll scale and is ipprozcli na if totnl of tilt chapters sent luv Itltlll Lti31titll of ootl ll pole lm czul llz out those lo cont lint llll to lin Jiillltll jut to brief Any citien of ln llve up to llltt lldllfi illlttftd lll do sumthin ilmnt ll should remotely re in touch itli llttlttltlll onnsplloig he lt tllll ol the plnns tor llm preliliinr oroxtlion nucl in or lld We lll reached in itv liono phone lll Ill llI lto czm itioir nul AlHlIINIINI WillEAT lhe evportnble surplus of Argen lnn llttl byproducts klllllllll the pleilnt lllllllill tlilt olllci THIS l300IHl Ill Ll tollltJul olive In lle lil of Lawrence llElt lln=lt lzlmz lie liltillll find bun nonmet Ami itl on the liysons lllllt bench st Ed lIlanser nnppy southpaw md ln lolnnd the ulnpbiill nrtisf IIlsusser pitched the tlrtllers to the with tlit lf io no 2th lo lliittll lt However he d2 EA which lind hen lt Ir llitlll is anything in your life youll insist that your clothes have this gentler thorough cleansing that keeps colors fresh as newthis precise shaping that holds their style to the linethat is Duality leaning Including PROTECTION FROMMOTHS With USANO INSURED MOTH PROOFING Part of our Service You receive With each garment months cer tificate RUGS CLEANED MENDINQDONE SHIRTS 24 hour Laundry Service CLEANERS Duff2471 74 gingham sr ATTENiTION FARMER up The Barrie lixznniner there in notes that leorgo llllgt always bud ttlt Tlllll the mo we lllutlllll mo 11 Ht ti lZl ol tilz 2n oi in vl mppwi llllltt Iow ll fun for live or six innlncs but couldnt produce in the iklnhouui attorney wp lbph H113 tll Tiollf worked too lurid LongGeared Iournalistic Rugby Backfield Alltlllllltl Free lres llclnldl ln lilnl weeks Spol llll intcicstmt column on the dongs ol the sport world which ippczns penrs on article on th success of George Storey sports writer of The llxmnincr currently helpingl out trilliusSilvtr llonibers lll inl ttrpledjute ltFU circles Pitlllllllflll on loote modesty nut mentioning his liltol ltlll in the column some other writer tprobnbly lien Wollsr givcs Exorci WellleseivId plug for his work with the lombers this enson to Info Sport Angles also to husk intthc reflected lory of his big brother lfttl of Toronto lAr fltllllllll fume the has slipped in not shining up on Alllztpcl backfield from coli lemporzny news lurwks of this zircu From our ownlrre lress llerzild Inc give them For those not fmnilim with the Barrie Storey George is long llciltcd cent who should cover plen 1y of uround with his lent strides lcorce also does the kicking and is Sport Ancles infers some luck line All of which hits mode us think monngelmnt of the Eombers lnt no txtrn costl our Fred Hclson and Bill Crouston Fred rezirs igoul fi although Bill is mere Former Tis lsington of lllt Orillia lucket zmd linus Ken Walls of The Barrio lixuminer lnd Reg Westblbokc of tm are others who are built along bltllllll0 lines with more or less necent on padding depending on the individual Making yards with backeld composed of the above stars would be duck soup All the coach Would have to do is got the ballto them at the line of scrimmage and IllleO tlieiest of thcrteom push the lellcarrier straight forward on his lfoce With thebull extended at tirins length this procedure would eem to guarantee yards at liiost three plays We were going tosuggcsttlmt the AllPoper backlicld Inighticx tcell at end runs We were deterred by the thoughtsof what might hap pcn if somebody hit our friend Mr llelson zimidships with hard trickch Our AllPaper stars should be 42ery good at snoring forward pass es something like the centres on American basketball teams Just park them back of the goal liric and heave the ball crossbur high It voitld be tvellfhowcver fol the0iillla coach to have auother backeld in readiness Should the pther team gain possessionof the balll Yes sir in our opinipn Storey Tissington VHclson Cranston Walls ond Westbrooke should be the lleight of something or otheras backelds go KEN SOMERS s2 Farming is not big industry in Newfoundland Most farms are Worked to supplement familys income Only 1400 farms operate 0b commercial scale WE ARE PAYING THE HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES foo bullpen CRIPPLED FARMANIMALS rhed of Mullioii only on the strength of his figures in the won and lost Column were to the Flyers what the three horsemen were to Notre Dame itaitnn schedule top besides llllllllld the loops honor of slrikcout kind lt Force flllll nnip llorilen were ctk in the It deportment pinches lun Mctnrlney relieved lilltl did well nly trouble is he liob Mnlllon and Bill lluycrnft curried H11 loud for GII and supplied tl lIlectricinns with the best mound stuff in the league ltiiyir tt lmrlcd the only win lllr celfurdwellers lilllllltl year uid lllllloll was losunz eight or nmclntters by lopsided scores lIitlier of them would have succeeded in inuan championship bud he received deserving support Mullion by the vny was second only to if only pupil are muse H195 llls=sser in the slrikeout record Vidi this brief outline we place Elslisser on the first team one Jump lirst hose is ummimously in Murray Richardsons possession the lad who curled the explosive willow for the second succcs ye campaign lrysons tnn nlso give credit to Murray for giving them their first league chmnpionship No to be deprived of my glory is the ZIClObllC Moe flutes who come up with terrific year of the plate Llll because he placed his night too on it different uncle llhcre is more truth in it than lillltillltll He placed third in tlic butting statistics and displayed londs of spirit when on the bluvlinI field To llines went thesecond loom berth It just so hzlppcncd that the thirdplace RCAI squad obtmncd on tut roster the best possible infield of the 1948 503510 Joe Bicwct referred to before us the auctioneer lit the hot cornerOrln Pmpplm full but swift shortstop and the versatile McCartney at second lhcsc boys The second temn hot corner went to playing couch Steve Hines who Is only shadow of his youthful active days but still good enoughto hold hisown in the present situation Jerry Reid the lanky Owen Sounder who showed plenty Lit short can cover lots of groundxzmd played steady bull George Miles won the keystone With his batting power Notu spectacular fielder he came up with many timely hits tospzuk Victory Thc duisyficld was toughmrea to choose from However Fred Norris despite his many ticldcrs choice calls scored more runs than any puff ticipuut played almost crrorless ball lllld could not be robbed of thclt position Clare Goring was similar case Although Goring had poor year the butting his fielding was out of this world as was Kurl Schroeder for Air Force It was tossup on who would gain the nod Jimmy Pork mode his debut to the league in midseason but showed enough tolcn to capture right field on the too nine Cec Cook was dependable performer He started at terrific clip wtth the but but 110er the latter part of the schedule tapered off to possrble new low llis ldin nevertheless was good fHAS flir flS the codching honors go Steve Hines nod Moe Strnhsmun come through in dazzling style and either one of them could fill the shoes on the first club illy tslinuiled it 500 lhousufld ton ll llxl lllllllltthout the United Slulczl and illMliI Ilend Examiner Classifieds tlrllnnized in 1930 Tu When Children Suller From Bowel complaint During hot summer monthsull of us but especially children are more susceptible to diarrhoea intestinal pilllls and summer complaint At the first symptoms mothers serve extrarich Muxwelll use DOCTOR IOWLERS Bx llouse Coffer1 has extrni TRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY lb lliis timetested remedy is fost um Idth Hm acting ind dependable for adults clmlcc LatinI coffees curel by the Society lms grown by leaps and bounds lleouiremcnts for joinitigtcord me to Stanley Frank who recently told in the Suturdny Evening losti the story of the Societys interestl inc ligiiutimzs ond growth are UHIZIIIIS or chihrcn Be sure to Lspecify tllo nameDOCTOR IOWLBRS EXTRACT 01 WILD STRAW BERRY American frilly selected from the best the world produces in l948 Asmuis llllllliElIWllEllS SAY nurse HERE AND THERE pLARRY ZEIDEL Barrie Flyer defence mantll4ti47 suffered broken toein early Detroit Red Wing work outsynt the Soo who resigned after three years on the job ABBIE KILGOURVIIS sistant manager at Gall Arena for many years becomes manager of the new Guelph Memorial Arena LAST REMAINING county teom illbaseball playoffs went out last week When ollmgwood Pn Builders lost the third game of their DEA Juvenile semifinals to Petrolia 98 at Goderich The suddendeath decrder went ll innings REGBLACKSTOCK native of Barrie is one Ergo lg cligggle of limuczition at Pickering College Newmar is at lllcyGill for the past two years COLLINGWOODS new arena will be directed by fiveman commission composd of Mayor Graydon Kohl Ald StanleyWallace Ald Ed McIntosh John Sheffer gorugeoperiitor and Robert Sutton superintenxnt of the shipyards Meanwhile the commission have placed ads in lous popers seeking amimager JACK TAYLOR and EDDIE BUSCH palr of smooth working forwards with Windsor Spitfires last year ore movmg into senior company with Moncton Hawks of the Maritimes R1101 Windsor they aided Hamilton Aerovox to on OHA Junior title DAVE CREIGHTON anestablished star With Port Arthur West End Bruins whodefeated Barrie in the Memorial Cupflnals last year signed pro contract with Boston Bruins and Will be farmed outrto Hershey Bears of the American League Port Arthur were counting heavily on the return of Creightoninthe1r defence of the cup JOHNNY BLUTELWa standout with St Michaels College Majors if bec Senior 1945 Will line up wrtlTSherbrooke St Franclsmf the Que League Last season Blutc performedfor KitchenerWaterlop Dutch men of the OHA Senior CHICK GUARDA main cog Barrie Flyers march to theMemorial Cup finals last year has re ED DANIELS new manager of Owen Sound the ollingwood EllltIplisBub ivic AuditoriumArena replacing Frank Piper Barn former Oillllan 10 CUT CARS FOR PIPE Goal Companions Old Chum has set standard for hlqh qualityl pipe tobaccos that has been Canadian smoking tradition for marathon slxty years Old Chum smokes easily evenlym you enioy all the rio mellow flavour of its nelyvbalanced lobaccos Treat yourself to Old Chum todayl UM The Tobacco of Quality cur FNE ron ROLLING YOUR own IN OCTOBER 1915 none onunsrn Itls literally true you have probably discovered in your owu locality that Dodge ownon an In most enthu siaslic salesmean turned hometo Timtnins Guarda is the propertyof Eddie Shores to theUnile rm field Indiansiandrrwas torvaccompanythe iclubw if Sflltesg However contracterms intervenedand Guarda refused makethetrip mm noch INSTITUTE HELD ATVCAMPRAWLEY Thrbugh the Community Life Training Institute the Institute of Family Relations held avcourse in Child Studyxat Camp Rawley dur ing the latter part of September The course was under the direction or Mrs Foster of the Institute of Child Study of the University of Toronto The community pro grams branch of the Department of Eduation sponsored the project with the assistance oftheCommun ity Life Training Institute Ilhe rdajor topic of the course Gemparliohship parents Miss Edna Sduires Tornto Alice Emmett Creemoreers Kathleen Jensen0rillia MrsBes sle Hicks Collingwood Mrs Iso bel Nash Mldhursts The intention of the course was to develop 1ead ers who will be willing to give the course total group and conduct study groups on the above ten top pletlon of their Own course HORSBSQFOR notonnvi The Belgian Ministry of Agricul ture has decently declared that Spggestionsi for flThese takitig the course were ers Ruby DingwallgNew Lowell Mrs Lena WebblPainswgick Mrs ics in their home centre on com lHierevltre few years 1914 bridge recoivds its origliuil 194 lfluid Driv on Custom firstvwilh the first allsteel body mode sou the lowestpriced car with this quality feature 1981 Adopts Floating Power featuring 3point rubber engine suspensionigto cut the effect of engine vibration to minimum of the echlevementshof Dodgefthroughont for blowout safety 1946 Oilite Permanent Fuel rit iterfl eliminates the annoyance of clogged gas lines 034 Passengers cradled bEKWcEn the axles Supt of me ridicus Dodge lEloadng Ride 193T Hypoid rear exlc4for quieter operation and lOnger life 889 Independent front wheel Impensionlrro absorb rozid shocks 194 Supercushion tires ned emszandzird equipment on all mod els to produce an even smoother ride for Dodge owners Add to this outstanding engineering record the style and comfort that have always beep combined in Dodge restful chairhigh seats ample head and leg roomwide doors and many other comfort features 0941Safetyk in who youll understand why Dodge ownerarsay Dodge is First with melff press reports of impending imports of 875 Canadian draugnt arses Only now bbing admired by oldie manufacturers into Belgium are without follbd were discussed HRSES eCATTLE HOGS rs fillll$ffsf2 no phone Collect for Immediate scivice fNgYOUNG LIMITED snort13617 What is discipline Thenature of control Incentives to learning Willing and unwilling inuences Authority in the home Adult con trol in routine and free situations Physical enviropment Danger Situ ations Relations Imoug children lion Supplies of draught horses from domestic breeding re suiti cient to meet Belgian Strcquir ments The Ministry no ed that such reports may have arisen from Information concerning the lmpor hugged whorls forwslaughter MExclusive to thelChryslet Corporation of Canticle Limited DANGERFIELD Morons grossed oksold anasgrvuutibyfu knowsokukoeronkstuwnrm j$lMPSONSFGARAGWMQtomi