month thn paper giwn by Mrs If Hogan of Orillia formerly of Iinrrlc rtcrntl at Barrie mens Irrstrturc lriccllng lILstorc std tcct ill 01 ply tailhrtnv lttlirltl cr iand tll around hunting up uh urn grub crandparints dd and how ilzcy did it Alton run than thinly is so much intila adminrd llut the hcdazniion ol Wunnins Institutcs didnt in rzsuit my tlltts whcn ll chose thc night for thc Standing lotninittcis So llklx in to dclu into lllt stv moldy past but ill It to givr you omcthiiu Iliiil ha bust lit Ilr illlrliSl ini llii tnrplo of rm coc ity flora ll particular It is jun our war and oci onr litilltiivl sincc lhc iiist titwspapr lislacil in Simcw tonaiy li tilt li ti tl ilrl ping lfoz ycnrs thc rucil was felt Ill thr county for IltASllgtii bit tlvc Iiiiiuircdgulvcriiicrs had to Iw uaianrwtl licttiii ncusiaas could bc staitcdanit Ill thzs thinly populach nica this drilic rlt to izct lloccr on Mr lhos lo la ltobcrtson prmicd ill papcr ninth of Toronto wa lil Ilariic This and tin partnership and lri ilrflllt pzliiliil Fillw 111mi to in NZrll all Ill unzr ili Walls rtlixl culti lil lhc izci llii pa one of tc tinppasi and lulvl of 1Hrlllltihlitgt lastco iii 11le Mi Wnlh calivd Almir to gin an tLLtUtIIll oi ins idslap to his linker Aii lhc rliiirlgillldiliull of liic Alltlii Will lln llX iiiirtl ill liiiii Izmiuii ilrrlllll stuck corri parrv was fornicd with Mr Maclnocn as tritStitllt and manag iiru cditqi and il Kcrr Walls as iccpisdint and lilitlltgt mana cr was blacLarvn bought llw Ell 1193 tic IiLgtpnpvi liil iii tilti Vllaifdlili it its pin from tllllllir and latvr gahlinc Salc litlls and posurs our on hand prcs lhcn lhv lIitiiirr was an cruhipazfrv licks praiicti llti ll ss Iliirtrl vlrit ii coiltmi ncaspapcr vtoday it lerr iiuht columns and from ciuhlccir lo Unrulytour pains Now ll is printA wd on massivc IhiplIy picss which prints and folds an ciizht paizc scc Instrd only thrcc rrorrtlr Mr Roi crison withdrawing and Mr llavnw ciintinucd to publish this papcz which was callcd lhc Magnct In ltl Mr name to Thc Advance which natnc is quitc familiar to numbcr Iicrc This ncvsspapcr ttilllllltttl to lw publishcd until 1910 vhcn it was amalgamach with The Iixa niincr thcr ncwspapcrs publishcd in Ilarric duringr flu past ccntuiy Darius clianucd this wcrc lhc Ilcrnld ciiililishcd lilfil but lastcd only four ycars Thc Spirit of lhc Acc onscr vaiivc papcr publishcd first in 1837 but cxistcd oiin iivr years lhc lavcttc first publishcd in and lhc Saturday Morning lishcd first in 1907 For cightyfour ycais Ihc lI amincr has bccn and the surrounding country rtiic first lSSit bcinu printcd by Wm Nicholson in liitli was the author of liunicrs History of Simcoc County Ilc in turn sold it to thc prcscnt prcsidcnt and managing editor Mr Maclnircn in 1895 Thc IIxamincr was first published Barric was town of rod population Allandaic was cparnic villagc until it camc in with Barrio in 11397 In 189 thcrc wcrc thrcc news papcrs in Barric irlhc Northcrrr dvancc Thc Gazcttc and The Ex amincr Later Messrs Walls Bro thers establishcd The Saturday Morning making four papers in this Barrie of ours Ican think blame the radio for the town now has only one newspaper but it is paper we have every right to be proud of as it has bccn awarded thciirsi Mason Trophy three years in Succession as the bcst weeklv newspaper in Canada with circu lation over tWo thousand audit was also awarded the second Mason Trophy the first ycaf it was award ed Two days before the rst world war was declared on August 1914 The Examiner office was very bad ly damaged by re It was then serving Bari rc It was soldrn lililfl to Mr Andrcw lluntcr who 1119513 stitutc llllltll it and say Maybc wc havc Huntsvillc turnout oncc tion roll of papci In into this papcr crnpioywd orin for fulltimc vorkcis Today thcy nipon twczitytivc full Ililll work crs iivc parttnnc workcrs tlitccri carricr boys atrrl otci illiy coiics pondcnts ovct lhc country ncws lhc InXts paid to tho Town of Barrrc by lhc lixainincr and its cmployccs arc ovcr two thousand dollars cach ycar and combincd tlicsc cmploycos havc grvcn ap proximatcly thrcc hundrcd ycais work through this ncwspapcr to hc cilizcns of Ilarric Mrllac Larch is 1ittythrcc ycnis with ihc papcr and scvcral incn havc hccn thcrc bctwccn twcnIytivc and for ty ycais So if at times lhc Iowcrs flint llc at Thu lix amincr do not scc fit to publiin in full some activity thc Womcns In bac icpoiicdjtist ovci had our sharc of frcc advcrtisiiig It might not bc bad idca for thc llranchts in South and cntrc Sim coc to club togcthcr and buy spacc on lhc Womens page to report our activitics Think it over Free Methodists Held Convention in Orillia At thc Muskoka District convcn tion hold in thc Orillia Frct loss than thrcc thousand flvc hund Metlmdl ChmCll 1351 Week milk istcrs wcrc present from Houscys Rapids Gravcnhurst Braccbridgc Timmins Barri and llillsdalc In addition to thcsc many lay members from various parts of the district were outcr taincd in Orillia as they attended the convention Attlrx Sunday morning service an inspiring sermon on The Ulti mate Triumph of Truth was given by the Rev Daw of bridge The afternoon missionary meeting was under direction of the Muskoka District Womens Missionary Society and generous offering was contributed for mis sions The closing message on Sunday evening was on the sub ject ofiThc Christian Soldier and was given by the Rcv Dargan of Pctcrboroa veteran of World War II His sermon was enriched with illustrations from his mili tary experiences in Italy and other countries THE LATEST IN WOMENS FASHIONSti classic still and coat of GLACVIERS lI lt Mimic pl flirt sil in toil t=lirlli=ii iitin thcu in llllit tlu invw Iti Ilrtlivil MK worsch typc uabardrnc madc by blcudim nylon stnplc irbrc tll wool Addition of 2H pcr ccnt nylon staplc woolcn yarns imparts crcasc rcsistancc and grcatci strcnuth to th clinislitd fabric ll is claimcd Ap parcl shown is orrsidcd supcrroi in quality and costs lcss than gar incnts of purc worsted Nylon staplc was intioduccd in hnada for thc first tinic this ycar MB is MRS CULLEN CELEBRATE ti ancin till Alltll hat tlicn titllltl ghiczcr illi lirii raysth lt Illtll iiirliollcd or GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARYI happy cvcnt took placc on Saturday cvcningOct2whcn Mr and Mrs ullorr 71 William Sion thc occasion of thcir coldcn vcdding anniycrsary crc Iainsis of honor at thohomc of Mr and Mrs Wisdom tltl umbcrland St Of lhc 3lgucsts with lhc cxccp tion of Mrs Laura Scrvicc of Wind sor only sister of Mrs Cullen all present vcrc nephews and iiicccs of the bride and groom of fifty ars ago Out of town visitors wcrc Mr and Mrs Service and Mr and Mrs Jamicson of Windsor Mr and Mrs Richardson of Pc tcrboro Mr and Mrs Morrb son of Scaforth delightful evening was spent with contests solo by Rog Service and other music An additional pleasing feature was the presenta tion of beautiful dressing gown to the bridcand an electric heat ing pad to the groom with an ad dress by Lloyd Morrison on behalf of the group For the buffet luncheon the cen ire of attraction was threetiered CollingWood Loses Bernhardt Fine Citizen Collingwood EnterpriseBulletin After 44 years sedvice with the Bank of TorontoOscar Bern hardt well known manager of the branch here has retired Com mencing as junior clerk in his home town of Preston he served in number of Ontario branches before receiving his first manager ship at Brsulford After five years he was transferred to Stayner whencehc came to Collingwood al most 20 years ago Popular and efficient in his positionFhe found much time to devote to various organizations in the town Outstanding was his service as secretary of the Great ctidinir cakc providcd by Mrs ll Scrvicc and Mrs lamicson Much to thc rcgrrl of all thc only sistcrs ofMr ullciL Misscs 15 and Cullcn of Toronto vcrc unava to bc prcscnt Mr and Mrs ulcn wcrc mar ricd on Oct 1898 at the Ironic stcad of thc latc Mr and Mrs lmrgc Wicc tparcnts of Mrs Cul ton on Highway 11 just cast of Allimtlttlt now owned by Mr and Mrs Wicc Thc officiating ministcr was ter latc Rcv Joscph Young of Burton Avcnuc United Church of which thcy arc both activc mcmbcrs for mcrly in Sunday School choir and other dcpartmcnts They farmed successfully for some years on Con 12 Innisirl and in 1908 moved to Allandalc Mr Cullen one year later entered the employ of the then CTR and rc maincd with the company and thc CNR until his rctircmcnt in 1933 Many gifts cards and messages of congratulation were received from host of friends far and near and with thorn The Barrio Examin cr takes pleasure in joining SEED FROM ANGUS USED TO REPLANT BURNEDFORESTS The Ontario Department of Lands andForests will start rcsccdinu parts of some areas burned over by the forest fires of early 1948 dropping coated seed from aircraft Some of the difficulties of forest sccd research Were related by of ficials of the DcpartmentWc havc tried many coatings on seeds they sud We have tried various in sect and rodent repellents fertil izers and disease preventativcs but we have to test every one of them and the process is very slow Seed is extracted atiAngus in some cases by machine dcviscd but IIlIlt II litll Ma ns tnloplillit its dangcrs to icsciic lllt ltillt oz lhc llIitllttl travcllczs iorc US constantly from and hand ot man ltt aftcr ltiiltili fachl llir bllttl mountains oI kc and nof could whilltcr what Ilttllt inan but Ii did not scorn iiiliciil to drawf paralch bcwccn tlr ctaclu lis ptr oi Arising from sourcc licirmih and supplcmcntic glacnr characteristics ofstrstiih stcaith yolumc pioducc nothing of commercial 11 Inc its vastncss lcading back sixty milcs sourct appcars brings no scnsc oi sccurity but orin laiiutrf tions arc unprcdictablc and uncon trollcd Unlikc ihc ncarby towcr ANTIGEN inc mountains the bluc sky abch and thc sinistcr scvcnty iIIor Im scw lhc war trt tliitruicii ltirS till lllc iimr strut Jilll mind iiitLlli thx outi cil1 liturutnul but to El ii tl llrlll Itll thcy sun 41 Down into its ttlilll lzavi crushcil ltllllltl Illtlllltiil Ill lhc iii 11 Iic izipac tiny iii ilt wltiic iii ntlir its of it it ain hc lint ill 1311 rcally ni riiijjlii liillll Into litr tillt iMay Not Have tlritrcroc daughter or llrs rurth pts lhrric llic utulr ippcarcrl iicstvrr ol scpt II this it It iii ll in tllli 111 sloth tum iv tiljtt Iii lriliiii Hall tdinill iY intiilrtIi cannot In inv cttiln ril am all lhc arc doinit 1I1tii to llltll uork includvs multi itiilc oi lllligt and rl iiiizcliic loth Mrs tiailarihww ilt ofi thc Iiltll and icad yiur papcr Willi Iilil intwicl Im iizriv Litu TT pars li ii aien for treatment of Cuiarrh Sinus Anirum etc DROP after DROP aftcr IROICatar rhal poisons infcetj your entire systcin destroying tlrc tissues and sappirig your vi tality You can corn bat tlicse pois ans safely and effectively with LANTI GEN treatment that counteracts the effects of iObtainnblc the germs causing these at all Drug Storms diseases Price $600 Bottle ABORATORIES unuro 11 Richmond St TORONTO GMT lump Ilrjlit citI il ornn llrt2 t3 oh ill lr iirrwi rwl Iu iicc tho urit Ioll icplau ti lil has lrrvd til Ihcrc comhiins thc lls farpins ously of course to whcrc its are whole stack of meat Its ac energy years the bbard of directors of the Gn of course is some form of coatins oral and Marine Hospital faithfully which W1 give at least Partial Pm IWould your business robe wound up er Many businesses are wound up because when the owner or owners die there isnt enough readymshfor the family or partners to carry on Thiscalamityis caused by lack of adequate Business Insurance Hadthe owner or owners purchased Business Insurance the premiums could easily have been paid Without financial strain If youiowna business anddont want to see it sacriced after you are gone Why not ask us to send specially trained Confederation Life Represen tative to discuss the matter with you BEFOREYOU iNSUerrcoNsULTa Confederation Association underage Life rononro slumber of all Northern Exhibition for nearly 19 Officials and exhibitors found him ever ready to assist and his duties were gmcarried out with care and courtesy Almost since his arrival he has served on Besides the work of All Saints Church Mr Bernhardt has been director of the Board of Trade secretary of the Collingwood Curling Club member of the Collingwood Progress Club wand the Collingwood Bridge Club Henceforth he will make his home in St Catharines lAm the Telephone an thertelephone friend of rich and poor alike My body is brass and my heart gold My arms reach around the world and enfold it to my bosom Through them courses electricity mylife uidml speak Jallflanguages Mine is the voice of cammerce and romance transact business for themillions and convey the love notesbf the world announce glad tidings of weddings births graduationspromotions It is my equal duty to echo when isob vibrates into the night am the voice ofman amplified magni ed ramied Routine is not beneath my digni 11y Willorder limousine and bag of salt inthe same breath IQ will send for doctor or summon priest make hazardous work of the prowler and peaceful the word from me and the communitys firemen leap into action am the telephone companion of the many am friend to the lonely to theshutin send the traveller on his Way with the as surance that shall keep watch in his absence that Shall notify him in an emergency that shalltake to him the voices of his loved ones and his to them though sea and mountain separate them Rebresentatbrei horrid My credoyls service you have b1 35k 11 13 telcpironeL Wiittn 5y harryllhompson Tbyfnc Research Divrsron to cut the coatediseeds will be tried drying time of cones from days to hours Then the seed is sent to the Departments research station at Maple where the Various coatings are applied What is being sought toction from insects rodents and various diseases as well as facilit ating distribution from an alrcraft Seeding Twas schedrrledwtm start about Nov with more being car ried out shortly after the spring breakup next year In most areas nature will do its own reseeding job of the firc scorched country When natural seeding is obviouslylnogoing to succeedihe aerial distribution of COTTON PRODUCTION UP While Canadian cotton millsurre still experiencing difficulty in in creasing production duoto absen teeism andga high labor turnover cottonbale openings in the rst Six monthsrof 1948 totalled 193279 balestsof 500 lbs each Tslightly higher than in the same period of 1947 and theilargest gure forthc rst halfnof any year since 1944 gt New SERVICE inv Barrie Upholstery and Chesterelds EXPERTLY CLEANED IN YOIIR OWN HOME by Ontarios Largesr on ion Cleaners NO MUSS SIMCOE RUG Upholstery Cleaners 112 DUNLQPST Barrie PHONE loronto 4161 1EL0663 on L0 rrsnv McNElll Iran or ICANADIA llMllED cannulaurnnra Tomato Juice lCarbon Monoxide And thcsc maltyrich honcy golden Posts GrapeNuts Flakes spadcful of carbohydrates for And minerals for muscle and Caused iTripIe Death in Car Tbsfs KIN good nourish PAGE TRIBE mica isit some nil aniupated at Newton znlc Iii gtii lhc cu bad 11121 115 001 if Ilir road Milli and kricchng til to have Eir litmus Iil lolrcc li lbnit tic front that Mic 1i trait that thinking 1v rnlrrp ill Ill raise with package of supendelicious PosteriiipeNuis Flakes 0K pal Thats blue chip if cvcr saw oncspcaking delici growth and rich blood Using two grains instead of one in making Flakes is pair that really pays off in double brcakfast enjoyment and rosycheck nourishment Posts GrapeNuts FellahsI think Ill pop over to the groccrs right now and buy up enough PostsuGrapeNuta Flakes for full house as Its Cdtiiidas favourite tomato Juicel Who says so The thou sands of Canadian families who have made Libh sellingrrtomato juice in Canada Best because Pressed vfr65hest juice isextracted fczirded Thats why Libbys for gardenfreshgoodness healthgiving source ofyitamins Aand These vitamins are eSSentia to normal growth and health are needed daily forteeth and bones Youllhave no trouble making sure that your children get their share of thesevitanrins ifyoulserve them the delicious wayxlin Libbys Gentle Press The youngsters love it Ion Ar fr cLIi ys the fastest itsvGentle for peak of perfection avour The sweetest bittenseeds andcore arewdiss Gentle Press isunsurpassedj Libbys is sought after for its VIn1 pounce Aqualities thoits an excellent Idietary3 wanna irlCiiUl YOUR MONEY errorc if you dont qgree that Libbys Gentle press ever tasted Tomato Prbdricrswow Culchup Chili Sauce and Soupware the host youve