tics tonimzssmn euro IllrsililJlltili ll llt rn cs Inrrrinazi mic Rt litci Swish loicupinc liIiLtillll lti Ill Illc sum of SIIJ lhc ltitiltgt VI tin llll urday Oct fall lllllflii1i mix tin llall cdncstiay night of Sip fii lilt lhn llili iii lllr IIitI ol lhc iiziciiairud to din iilliniziuin liotcl ill ic 11 lzw honor shown to luntii lrl in thc in in til 0n Irrcsdu crrrrin lhc Iltzsnnu and Vomciis LIult of iiiii lrosprciivc Mcn lurz lar iii 79 ii ti tlaii ihc ittttlir llitthin iii British lhc llztlliltrl nai iiist clconcd ly lllt Ircsidciii lliss lcan ainpbcli KHIU opcncd thc lllttlill1 vth slzuit luriinss tHi iott iollowil by panics and Ni tcsls at which all runmd and not amuaintcd Saltcr oi lhc lublii 111 iiiniincd to the Mrs Irlt Altlliti titan vhcic all had plcasu of swine ihc hand hit with which Mrs lct hat iilif so inclin honored iln vtiiilt was urcaiiy anoicd all prcwni rrrrros itxrnrssros For quick comforllng help for Backncnc Rheumatic Pains Getting Up Nights stronr cloudy llllllt irritating passages Leg Pains Ang at rind loss of energy due to Kidney and Bladder troubles try Cystcx Quick complete antis Iaction or money back Dont suffer another day without asking your druggist for Cystex illlk tlv cut at iJvl laiu Canadian nianufactii is how spcrit morc than billar lllltllr zr plant cxpansgou siut wars cud on Guardnieed Trust Certicates lSSlTICl for any amount for term of Iivc ycais gndrantccd both as toprincipal and intcrcst lntcrcst clrcqucs mailed to IttItlI holdcrs on dric datc or at holders Uptioll may be allowed to accumulate of compound intcrcst An ideal invcstnicnt for individuals com panies authorich by law for cemetery boards executors and other trustees THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Heqd Ofce Toronto Barrie Office 13 Dunlap Street 37 years in Business frhe drink rhdr SATISFIESyour ihiFsi doesni iusr lease it Millions of Canadiahs agree thatvlepsiCola is downright delicious enjoy it whenever they want refreshment and pleasing satisfying vour And nowonderlPepsiColns unique fori mula brings you pleasure no other can match its treat anytinrel Yesgfor taste forrefreshment forunsurJ passed qualitprepsiColn is better drinkr And ounce forbunceit is your best buyf So whenever youre thirsty or waht to add delight to moment of relaxatiori pick the drink that gives more for your moneydrink ya Pepsi Made from only the purest of ingredi ents theres no ner momma beverage lil lo aizict iln ilcmand tor cci zin from Lil motors to tlLtTllitl Hillsdale United WA Marks Its 60th Year Historic Days Recalled ixl il Ilouarii iriil llll IrriilvtUii rlli Irr2 gt ilrlilrttl wisl and 311s IiillllL Zliizi Man lxtEcis littlllttl ruin Itiiti by Ifiiriizci llol lintxards bronchi Yascy liiitit oi iiicirilnrst and Itlllitl Mrs nitnilwrs llumblc liIllHtilt arid toldwatcr aim rl llzc IllltlrSllllLl occasion iitlrvfi by Mrs limnblo vhoi rr lllcss lhas lltlllr Lord Vci zir rori liad csrnl BARRIE WOMENS lNSlIIllll lhc Octobcr lllttllllii of thc liarl iu onicns liitIlllllt 1gt hcld at lrs ll llarrsons Bradford 51 nnmbcr ot trllia Inil Luritilcs Initittiic mcmltcrs wrrc isitors Orillia incznbcis commcntcd that it was good thing to know llaiiic incinbcrs as lhc Aria convcntiotr was hcld titl1 cai iir thc hlntcb lows llall lhcy crupirrcd it lunch could bc arramgcl for thc convcntion which is on Oct andi this year Dclcuatcs wcrc tlltiSLll to aticnti and takc notcs box for our was is to bc packcd at Mrs Il Harrisons this wcck Mrs llogan Orillia road very intcrcsting historical artrclc on the ncwspapcrs of lluriic dating iroinl the tirst ncspapc1 Aug ti 1947 to thc prcscnt Barrio Ilxamitrcr Morc Iaycttc clothes crc rclt ccivcd Quito lol of things for thc blizaar wcic displaycd and soldl aitcr tlic nicctinc lZvcryouc cn loycd tricndly chat and good lunch scrvcd by Mcsdamcs Ilairi son Adams Lynn and Bowlcs lhc meeting for Nov is to bc licld at the home of Mrs Geo Bowlcs 101 Worslcv St BIGWIN INN SOLD tiIuntsvillc Forcstcrl Iligwin Inn the big summcr rcl sort on Lake of Bays which but tow months ago was acquirch from the estate of the late Shaw by Mr Vernon Cardy head of the Cardy chain of hotcls in Ontario and Quebec has again been sold This time it goes to group of Ontario capitalists who took over the place few days ago Particulars of the sale are yet bit nebulous but it is stated that the new owners will carry on the oper ation of the property as summer resort only much on the lines oil the former owner Mr Shaw Museum Exhibits Supplied by Siiircoo County Womens Institute NO 272 Spanish Shawl Miss KarenHappuch Lukes T0 ronto daughter of the late Mr and IMrs SamuelTLukgs Bradford has donated white silk evening shawl to the museum It was brought from Spain by her maternaLgrand father Sir James Bailey sea cap talnGreat Yarmouth England for his wife Iiady Bailey KarenHapl puchBaileyl and is over the cen tury mark We appreciate this beautiful gift wlth its artistic skill on material of delicate weave edged with fine silk fringe six inches in depth Perhaps no garment is of higher antiquity than theshawl Its man ufacture has received great atten tion Shawls have peculiar fas cination to the feminine mind with their color pattern and texture SEVE LEAG BOOTS In the era vofVAHenry VIII the soles of shoes were made so wide atthe toe that the imprint looked like the mark of shovel Canadas Ouistanding lineof Milkers PORTABLE PIPELINE TRACK Ireei Demonstration On Your OwnIarm REPAIR PARrsiANIS SERVICE cnrr Frank Petersen BARBIE OR WRITE DIRECT TO THOMSONDENNIS Co ltd 394 Rldout Sr landon om IQCanndiun Distributors or hip llllil pm to winn IHE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA History Hillsdale in Mpt armiy trsary 38 lJlti the 60 of IIiIlsdalc Frill ttl Wonuns AssuclJllun was lltltl outstanding lcnlurc tins ihc reading of history of thc Assocldlloli lhis was wrrttrn In Itcv Kacll grcrr of Hillsdalc and read by Mrs Martin The history nulls as Iollo32 11 in in to trgtlllp arr xistcncc in ycar or lliiitl oil Stlkixlt In ltltli llzc rilliciis citcivil Weir tll nitc gtiir tilt in Scpt icoi barium sily toms 410 licsulcnt Mrs doisan lllt liilnir xllr othci iiiiiiislci tnc Ln in vll witcn hm to acctpt iiizisponsliiii of lead ltn sccictai Hitworth and tzcasznci Ellis IJttr lha tho Suchif icoicarr mid Ill tzu 3941 1min principallr iiLl that plaizs wci tw Iin vimt today 111 Ililhdaic lnihti Chilici iirc caalv rims lhc ladn or thc cx tILr in cc clrarsh and flu llllllltl in ll was uticr sit till it lillti in the lair lrs was icad at WA nnctini on Apr 1929 lly Illt riotrcc thc nam of Williatn ixilfldllli and ii MIir NIb in tin til vn tion wi lll bank in our church iccords of about flu 1271 but ll not mdrcaicd how avhcn thcy vczc rcccrvcd Now thc lcttci ffrom Kliiitiirsi Attcr ILlitilllt of tho ininutcs roi call and ivccnin oi oucs thc foir loili lcticr at tlic rcipnst of Mr llowarth was rcad by Mrs II If llumblc havc papci in my hands Ili tllt icad to thc hadns id from Mr lilbanlt In thc ycar liliitl aftcr thc first church had bccn built four of tlgt talkcd it ovcr and thought sonic thmg could bc donc by tho ladiw to hpr thc church so we formcr oursclvcs into Ladics Aid Sock 1V Thu church had bccn dcdicatcii without airy paint inside so ytitil may know how it lookcd we limit some parlor socials and madc sonn money to buy paintulhcn wc our sclvcs did thc painting at seats and all and when it was finished it Iookcd ipiitc nicc After fcw ycars this church got too small for thc pcoplc and ncw church cdiiicc was talked vi and thcy startcd to build and tin old one was sold to the Orangc nicn Thc ministcrs wifc then got ull the ladies togcthcr and rcoigari ixcd ihc Ladics Aid We had larger rncmbcrship thcn in thc church and more ladics joincd the Aid both married and young ladies When the subscription was raised for the church we signed 3300 on it and worked lEvery possible way we could to make the moncy and paid it After time another subscription was started and vctput $200 on it After time we paid it so where thcics will theres way As titer Lord helped us many other things were got for the church through the Aid merely mcn tion this to show you some of the work that had been done After while they bought the ground for burying ground Some of the old members are lying there now Other old members have moved away andtothcrs joined lI1l So they are not the same people now as in former days but the same in heart and doing the same work andare still progressing Since have been left alone did not feel like doing much but hm Exelusive Patented Interior Construction Principles IIIIIIEI 1203 Pat No 2255521 Nam lien and Can rat on can IIEAIEIIi The only heater ofrts kind in the worldl Its the heater that is giving remarkable results to hundreds of thou sands of users throughout the Nation Holds 100 lbs ofcoal SemiAutamatic magazine feed Burns any kind of coal coke briquets Plenty of healehfulheat Saves fuel work money Come in and see thegenuine WARMMORNING Dont be misled byimitations Cameron Ellis Gibson Cid 65 Bradford St PHONE 3355 IK bcrs ans Lulu UnitedWA Read at 60th Anniversary Sept 29 slxl to cc Ilit in lrrtcivst ii llv Aid has can very cl HUI comp tiitcr in aid ntvcr ii two llirli was ictrcshing llill ciy much for the 15 grunt ciiiitllttliy nirhts 115 hear it strrkc land 11s you and your world if Mrs Lloirzs and In it lilltl thzi ch rl Killiank who is our only rat I3mbcr mother docnnum whicn in icpori rai ltittrl trinitc ti lri dugml ill oidcr n11hit 312 in VI 11Iil cizu so ill tlra 111M fund mall and we do not sccrn to bc noun much but cvcry littlc counts md arc willing still to do what Ic havc latcly bccn con uhring Ilic picstion of spcndinrzi haif of cach oik and Hill LIlll At picsci with prcsrdcnt Mrs llowarth scinctfiry and Mrs ampbcll iicasurcr Wc would lic clad to havc othcr ladics ci lhc congregation join us in our work tou may Aid has always bccn kccnly intcr tstcd in Missionary work and at ifriscnt lhc outline found in Worn blisgionary lowcd at cvcry mccting Sincc 1911 thcy havc ovcr $137 per annum and iii the past ninctccn or twcirty ycais their IllSllillti committh has made ovcr 3600 calls or tfll Much lct us look at what is stated in the Manual of thc Church WEBST hi rlll of our husbands cartl ii hi Killiank whiny rHIQtlillLl in was $33 on this shcd ini sixiccn ycars wc havc paid outi 1H1 latsdiirtlr furmturcgtpapcr ctc $17 til 11 thnrch Itlll Shot Bilth cn Wft tar ihurch dcht $131811 Somctinics clutch and coldrn shorc El lJL no Ili Air DAWN KERR Siliirillllr brim llrs Brown that this tuttin out in thc minuti ivpt an intcrcsiing History and as and tippicciaiion tilt tfllkil Pz tonnnci cc in studcnt draw it Mm uUUnvm Ulhtlhiloi in pllMIIlLtl in tin lics Aid SuchLy was or Frpt ltiiiri sixtccn ycars mirth and has bccrr Ill Willltllit brcaii sixtccn yours hii Work principally sciilllg and crtainmcnts and also till for This ltlt 01 its itllllii spccia Ily rch for two ycais thcic in cxpcnsc of $72 for lhc tlrst inoncy pard tillllt During lady coal church church vcyzird Sit l1tli to Ann and $90 This also wcnt on making total or Canada sccks ity in Christian our ittcndancc is Church on which ycar in Missionary thc othcr half for hornc it wc have tlftccn incur Mrs Rev loncs as friendship mg Fontiiincs Jasper noticc that thc Ladics Moratth is lol raiscd on an avcragc Ilol Iywood close to 130 calls M55 orc could be said but The Wom wounds IIOW FINDS AND ALSO NEW vIIIiIIl By the timc Paramount had tiri ishcd shooting thc limpcior Walt at Jasper National Park an abid had among thrci aninlals 13ingCitisbs dog Buttons Juan Schrlitr11xi1i tho crow thi Auiiitozruni on l=rcslr rasda Octobcr lift and if at Music at loriinio Mists liclr rave marry outi31nhnt pcriozmauus sail ihc litigal 32 civatory IIaycis and To ho IONS 01 If thliiiLj Toronto diai orgaiiutatroiis but was lltl lctrlil portrayal of it la in lllll lA1IZ lllzlilx inizing iiiiicJ pl ruf1lt is lhc Itlittlillitl which Ilora llobson scsscd of grcat charm and tisai tility and tixcil dctciniinatzon to succccd on the static this talcntcii has cvcry chancc of reaching that clnsivc and Elysian lhc cncral oversight of ings of hc marisc or parsonagc to coopcraic with and hclp to furthcr thc purposc of tlic hoards of thc lhc has rcprcscntaiivcs liic iltpcllor TIILiillt untic llrc spu sorship of lhc Junior hamtni llrth TABLISNID 1599 THURSDAY OCTOBER 14 1948 mv Pension Errdowrrrcrrt Plan For lou amc llrii Continental lrfc Ilarrlms pr ixlr ll implies lt llltlib you hill luv11in nr make doirhlmrtain that it rnccts crcatcs an immediate ctatc ilni ticviii rlccrln it it autorrratrcally In our prm rdcs linancral protcctron for tlt pi ndr nts rctircmcnt it or rrrakr an iii irovidcs ou llll nrontlrly rncornc ablc liirnp sum in taslrnhnlrcur cttlcrncrrt meets our corncnirncc and gins you thc grcaicst pleasurc llris crirrnriicrrt lowcost ilalr is at its lint ulrcu btartcd lll lifcs carlicr years Ilrc carlirrl you Iartli thc inorc alliarrtagcous rt is for oll not rittvriti MONEY Lttliil School and Wod rtilr thc lti par Ill olluz iitll Humparquw sou your lorrtrrrcrrtal lJIc rcprcscritaiiu today lli ikillcd and hill ntIHsc you lllEv Ctllllllllllllt lIFE INSURANCE CUMPANY HEAD OFFICE TORONIO MM GRANT MAYOR Mg 150 Dunlop Street Barrie rrnuprI Purely Canadian Company and lllltll Ios of llllil ans Association paragraph illlt tlil bjcct ssociation of thc lrritcd hurch of hpr womcn of thc huich and common thing to lilt Womans all thc hayc furnish Association FRIENDS Inn Goldcn In ancicnt llomc mouldy brcad was uscd to hastcn thc healing of En ELECTRIC Jaspcr was rescued from fierce crow light on tho shorc of Malignc Lake by ani mal trainer Frank wounds cr0 hcalcd he bccanic buddy to Buttons and Schchcra zadc and whcu thc thrcc rcturncd Jaspcr first movie role in sprung up lhcy wcic and After his his Ear Ull ELECTRICAL WIRING SERVICE OIL BURNER SALES SERVICE PHONE 3230 BARRIE Youllttiitslrli You know it yourself how many ways rainy day can sudl denlyispoil arisunny life Thats why it is wise to save nowwith Canada Savings Bonds And if rainy day doesnt turn in your bondswill help buy you your favorite daydream holidayrrip or even start towards home Canzida Savings Bonds areoh sale now Theymziyhe boughrfor 15 cash or on instalments 9Vrtyrielveinonthsim through yourbankorinvestment dealer UldBuy yours today 00 HARD 0N lRIIlIlIiS thc licginninp of thc Jllth tcn gt tury thcrc wcrc no railroads in all landowncin ociivc thcir tilliii liv SMAIJ HOLDINGS Mim than flit pc vctit of lIitypi rm win an arrc or lcss of land alter if to 3RD SERIES