Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1948, p. 11

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THURSDAY OCTOBER 1948 szr rsltip from the Ranks 31 ll tto and in ft illlltr ng toil and Untilcl Slut Il iltzc lc tor the tXpLtlSt of all if it2cl llc5 in the corialiiumty viiilt public lilpftlt is naturally be who steit the lcdlcss of in tho fruits can tic nothing over the exploitation of Thls tllssytu cilipltlit which been flclals rations by tl3ltltio sociatl tli tintit ltUltititrlllliltS um Fl Sunnis efforts have bcct tunth Jul lml llillmll 13 c1 ly lLspciHSIIdc labor men to re HMHMMVJ In the first plan it rlt dirch tllc stvps of labor into thcl lllli quarrel Willllll llzl Ill lmth that leads towaid the true Pm Lollgims and wcomily is an tzadc union goal Ihat goal IS ccon fIlLtht mctilod punt ttzltlt ungicc and ltitltistrlal hat ying lilottst nliln arbitrary ruic molsy through tilltLt baltlzlttn in Ulllltal china without ll tlzytng plus laburmanagcmcnt con way weakening llu solid Iszilttltion It the movement becomes luborflontl ilth nulcly cliicle for the power has sct tl cxa hungry and thc politically anibit Vi gt illlpollallt ltllt tlltili iv tolls it will fall foul of thc public gym in ranks of unturned llttll It itr If it forgetsltsdcmocmtlc tradition Iii Ha Vcs as warning to labor llllsxts will be saddch Wllll lcadcls mm dml M1 who ride roughshod owl union whom it cannot throw off and who tlttryxintiwtlil iIllHltlilkt ion inttribch that llit urginto tlflLv vlll pcrvcrt its trtlcpulposcs Uil Wu tel 53 termination is still strong in the all counts tliclcfoic the action of l151iitliHiiinldilldlnliliinii ill LilttllillJli rank ainl filc It Mtcot law to the St Callizlriiics local sccnis wcll 81 pp Ahmwlxl other unions tlialthlli is way taltcn mpg ML of countcrinii iiiidlliiotiatitf notc and till HINTll aux dtltc and tho litlltgtitlt ltlEliftJlll Wonk plum pwdmmm run va il mi liifllillmuum of ltSttlllgtllllllt to tilitlttl juntar Ml rumhml mg ml 15 INHVNSIRIJA IAtlx of Ilydros Iatcs dcvvlop ground About llc till mm it ll itlllvhll Hi IAvtIPIlur H313 Ill ourlint lhc Itlllilltill Itoltlllli tnmm pm 1943 ml Shunm Um incut on tlu launska Itlvcr Lit Stcuuntvlllv llllltl loilnwotk 1w in IZIIIIltltiti tlllttijlllt iv INNWUHUamwwum infiltration of labor ltttltlll imp 2901 H1115 This WW dcplctctl llclc lilc tlnlt stcll plflistocks that will ltlll tinny ltlll lil illitplilr illlIErlul gt it gum mots llltitltllll ullilli WHIS Hm KlHm Emir mummy lllt ittcl tloui lllt llczilluolrzit to llll pct itlt to go ll lltt ll if it is permitted to surfwt glll inputs of 28001 yards in llic first 1mm ll Slum Wrw ini INSURIII tr lt llUl ii use Wcw Shaw Has Been Good Copy BEETON rt By LEWIS MILLIGAN litoltllioli in which millions of HIM lcorgc ltcrnard Shaw has passcd pcopll vclo mailylvd for the sakc Mp1 Shynul Toronto his lllnd llirtlitlaytuid tho occasion of Socialism llr wan tillllt toii WA or ii Wigt wor lallitt vc should pcrhaps say sistcnt ilochvcr wllcn In coolly Im WNW lhululg tlii achlciclncnt rwasolily noticld Vulltvd MW It ll 11 lllil wa lltlllll tor the Mhtlltl and colnnicnttll upon in tho plcss lalgar Squaw lot which llt was MI and MM Hm SIHE Shaw has always liwn gum WW Ivsiinwbll llilllr dill 1hr SHINc mll Iziliilly ili inimi tor Iliil cycl sincc lltlflt up trying to thing lltliislylimicli putsch illcll ktlhtlltl vlitc novels and slcpprd tip on to he lay flat on the ground and M1 MM MmgnmHmmnl soapbox and litgun to shatter playld llad llllt his filllotl5itf tuwlph wtrc tlic guests of llr the British social oitlcr to bits stood thclr ground and wore shot and Mrs Wultcr llcll llndtrv lo rcnloiiltl to tho hearts or iilcstcd by the plilitl If lllL llr and Mrs Stallord and dcsirclof Karl Marx He has suc lcr had stood tip hl might Mth rilss spent Sunday with lllu cccllctl morc in thc shtlttlring than liuic lmn canoniml as liiultil fkwll Nlinln 1le ill the rcmoulding process for it hit Ill itllllim lltillltt Th1 51W ihml hulls lllllh is much my in qtuk huuso ing of his lifc brought violcnt dctitli 8991f Im pll ll lh lgfll R00 Trucks Built II in cnl huiiin bc AMEN Um WWII 11 1in tlian it is to icbtlild it flit vandal fl 1111 1015 11 1331 Sunday Sold and SerVIced is never builder arid the icono Highs and uttci degradation to the Tm Mung mm mm End in Canada dust ls Ilvvcr lcrcutivc artist lu WWW lltlllt 511 WWII in lllt tllll liotlSc ui Friday llth suitiin thc nosc of the Sphinx or to UH ltllSLIlt CIIIIUUC Silllv 11 the winiicls were Mrs laltloc Mrs destroy pim 01 Imu architecture will it WU if WHI The extreme senoutness of the power shortage docs not call for anv skill and Wiilri Iitlcr ivus Ciicli ruspon thc otily tools necdcdlarc ham Slbltv makes II essential that every means he used I0 mcr and stick of dynamite Better to die the hcroic death of M11 Shaw cannot Claim 10 have martyr than live and become reheve crmcol Slluahon lackedtimc in which to carry outltyrant Most of the groatnmrtyrs his original plans for rebuilding were potential dictators If Jcsus the social ordcrwhe never really had saved His life and refused to You have Sieam dnvenr sandby generang attempted the job for llCLaIly lost suffer the death of the cross He equipment of any ha is preset In full faith in Karl Marx as social zir might have lived to bc SClltllllng chitcct He joined the tFabiapsj Vllt politician or trim lcderstif ti blowfly me use whlch cud be mixed 10 009mg the were more cons rtic we rcvo ti loti ti laiv con IMORlOAD Socialists but he was always at never have been martyr nori Commissions avaablelesources Please wue Us odds With them as With everybody could hc have been tyrant Re else including himself for his fetting to his action in the Bloody PLANT FA collecl givmg full particulars writings 310 it jumble of COttIlalSunday riot lll Trafalgar Square FOR BEAUTY IN gt dictions Th only thing in which his associate Cunningham Graham Mr Shaw has been consistent islsaid He was the first man to rtin YOUR GARDEN The grovuy Of the SIIUOIIOH can not be over em rebellion but he has been very away Shaws reply was Hci 179323 9332 cautitist rebelt once llfealld hm flattered nc 1i hadi no limit1 ntmfi NEXT SPRING phasrzed Your Ctroperation in this respect Vital say in mar yrs were 00 an scnsp re atmi or in ie htcaceinz that the first duty Ofa prohet was apologized to the police whom 19 Preset hlgh level 0f Produclon ls be to preservq his own ilth and they hustled him and thus escaped 59 und englnamg Mums live as long as he could so that he arrest am thinker not mammme Drop In and 5890 Yowself WhY could bring about the reforms lighter he said When the shoot SPECIAL he new R90 l1 real which he advocated He thought ing begins shall get under thcl THIS COLLECTION Iruck news Jesus Christ made mistake allow bed and not emerge until we com lab2 inf himself to be crucified That to real constructive business may explal Why Mr Shaw has All of which is typical of Mr 25 DARWIN TQLIPS becn so meticulously careful of his Shaws cynicism toward things in i0 10 DAFFODILS health and Wlly he has Wed 50 general including his own Hollow HYACHYT mg Blt It 15 hmdly conSStWt erswhom he had roused to rcvolt CROCIP St With his admirationof the Russian and he has consequently been 30 Our selection of Variet CHAIRMAN 8818 Barr 18 hone 501 0f WWW and hVPISCSYv ies Mailed Postage Free Wr Indeed he seemed to admit as ANGUS much when One occasion he to any mm 1110th also THE HYDROELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 3L warned his audience not to be tak boomet encmsed HOW en in by clever speechifying and to Grow Bllle fessed that he could put up just Odom smgOOd platform case for the inMrglgrrlSOhLs VlSllLdmost reactionary toryisin as for Miss Jessie McAteer of Toronto Sociallsm Seedsmen Since 1871 iisiting Mr and Mrs hiexhaigs athgoeplggattion is tlhatt 119131110 st game au ey roversta IS Mr and Mrs Geo James and and being IliSh he is naturally PHONE 2435 Addran all tommunlcaltomtetttt sons are spending the weekend with agin the government But he 18 3K Pow Comma When the day comes for you Peterbore friends not from Tipperary for although he Th Hydmihmk Pom cgmwm ohmic Mrs Legge Toronto spent dares anyone to tread on the tail 62o Unlvmm Avm mmmo Ionian ezseiuP Wm You few days here this week renewing of me coat he does not carry pen en OIIO ersor WI 01d acquaintanceships The public school was closed on Friday as the teachers were at tending the teachers convention at Utterson Death of Mrls Wm Pearce you enioy freedom from worry on CANAlAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY 999 l99l8k9nd so Ii Only Look farWardaiid scylWilI teemed resident passed away at hl home here 013 Thursday iiiolhL ing Oct after afew weeks of illness Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Gordon Withers niece and nephew who have cared for her since the death of her hus band some Our years ago also to her brother Alex Withers and other friendsThe funeral was MlSWmiPatCEfzitTioldmad ES held on Saturday With interment shillelah He wields rapier and tar BARRIF EXAMINERMBARtlttt ONTARIO CANAD can be said to have lived for near ly century by his witsn in Angus Union Cemetery Good Flower Show Angus Junior and Senior Horti cultural Secieties Flower Show was heldiHtheJPublic School on Friday evening Sept 10 Although there werenot as many exhibits as in otheryears they Were ofgood quality Borne Campbell and Ross Brownlee were the judges Among those Whodonated money for pri zes werengs Harry Smith ers Lorne Plaxton Mrs ChasLinklat er Mrs RoseMrs SCar manCW Duckwori 1101 land and Harold PartridgeThe YPU of Angus UnltedChurch and Lorne Campbell donated gladioli bulbs and some very ne bird houses Following the show Duckworth president of the Senior lowcost CdnoldlonHGoiernmonl Annuity guarcinlei you qmucvhfo 53 551200 ireetffrslieL1 no mediqu mammalian legrequiredt Ypur Annuilyycdnnoi beseiiedunder Lorry low You cannotImeryour money ve If your payments follf inioorreurs Anyone fromsacredlgeligiblel SOCiety acted aschairman and Annuies Bunch tended greetings on behalf of the DEPARTMENT Agouk societies Some of the JunlOI mem bers put on varied program and contest of ower arranging by three girls and thre boys Mes dames Dean and Linklater were the judges George Woods Supervis ing Principal of the Simcoe School Area showed some very ne slides Th society are veryigrateful to all whi made donations or helped in any Way to make the show suc cess ltgt meeting of the two committees uuMPHiiEv Mitertut Minister ALMMNAMAIA Deputy Mum ax10027 Izmir1 ANNUITIES ow Qty Mall on may chuyi costlier ms recently formed to sponsor the WM movement for Community Cen newlmenloilaboul0nawu tre in Drillia was held on Sept 27 Mum and in COMPLITI INFORMATION about Candida Governman Alumni When theTmeans of raising funds was underdiscussion it was stated that new car had been offered to thejrlmimijvccsthnricewand itisexpected that thlswiil be ac gt cepted as means of raising mtmey Ho xl r3 7H mm mewvi wtcttccc Mun BAIIEiiES race it Kitthchcl vrlc week saintly of Ptll nlborne werewith Mir hf llaw il and Mr Downer at the xtccliclld lrc Womcns Institute incl at Congratulations to the Midland tlw in Richardsons Midland on Parksidc Ladies softball team who Nounslay with good attend captured the Barrie and DlEtrKt luich was scisec by lIlL championship winning the final ac game at NVWIIKCI to and ills Aberdeen Blar and wwww 31 lIzl Ilctitils irlc will llr lvfll haflce at Ilal f0R11ED LN 18 llc llonilnlcan John Downcr and tonned Ii l8 chtlblic was 31 MSEDEPENDABLE wr At therst signafrm the forestranger instinctively tactic for his terlePTdecondent his call Will go through To justify the condenceiwhicih has been builtiup the reliability of telephonererviCe the telephone companies leaVe nothing to chanceFrom long experience their engineers know that Exidebatteries are thoroughly dependtiblefKEIlP THIS FACT IN MIND WHEN SELECTING BATTERY FOR YOUR AUTOMOBILE gt Iy Ask the Exide dealer to your Community to check your battery every two weeks He will help you get the most life out of your present battery and only when anew battery is essentiahvvilljhe lemma mend the proper Exide to mirth electricalrequirc mentsefyburcai if rxm aAnrnils or CANADA thleD memo commit go latte ooppcclcue for acyclic mil litter

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