Leslie Bell Singers On New $1 lltx aztl on listil HILL Lirlllt toip ltl ll itlw amidst oktl any cotrzpalaiiit gillfll and llatttl liy thin1 wl Ill tliallrs cal dllcctor of Nlttl ll Ilitlll lIlC tlu sl filiialt lzoii iiiii ili ngtivt Vtll ttl litald brush from Illtilllt llll lazilo this ttllt making stint for tho National Flllii tinciiislnd younl gtllltttl also has Board they plan to cntcrtaiti within film Ililltllt on all fourmajor sclcctions ranging from folk soligsnicrican networks His fmc rich and simple love lyrics to limclcssg llllltllt liiclictl bf extensive coli works by tho mastcrs lcctt wit and nthcr cxpcrlcncc llailcd as the logical succcssoii llxlll illll ill 5ll to Perry Faith as Canadasnunig bur onc condtictorarrangcr Howj ird Cable has been sclcctcd to ar range the music and conduct llicv Jillpiccc orchestra This young is currently cstiliixitcd by the Dotti Ctinzidian is eliiincntly stlitcd toiinion Burcau of Statistics at 43 liis new post not olily bccausc of 933000 poundsor It pcr cent more his impressive record on anadian than was harvested lll 1947 This radio programs bill also due to is 1ltllllllllll figure as the crop his previous cxpcricncc workinl was not all harvested at the time with Dr Bcll His untraniiy skill the cstinialc was made rcviscd is in part due to his abilin lilsllllllc will be rclcascd inDeccm write scores suited to the abilities bcr HONEY ROI lhc Calitldian liorioy crop iti 1948 PROFESSIONAL macro ACCOUNTANTS CttIROPRACTORS ARMSTRONG MacLAREN CO1 GEO It ELSIE BURNSDsC CGE Program 124 Dunlop Street Fitzmaurice MacLaren CA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 17 Owen Street Barrie 21 King Street EToronto hm HARRIS SPRY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Owen St Barrie 19 Melinda St Toronto Herbert Harris CPA Frank Spry BADGLEY ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Barrie 34llTelephbne4I35 INCOME TAX SERVICE WELCH ANDERSON CO Chartered Accountants Trustees Licensed Diiiglcss Therapists Electric Radio Hydro and llcclitino Therapy 115 Dunlop Street Phone 3194 CORBETT DC CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Phone 3070 26 McDonald St Barrie BY APPOINTMENT OSTEOPATHY THE WILSONmm Consultation by Appointment Telephone 2293 EDWIN WILSON BSA D0 George Churnh 110 Associate Dear Lord Mayor Clerk Allan of Innisfil IMyslified By Letter To luv smart iltl of it Trial 1ttt fittie lliull zt Au tint Ilti assistann III Illitliltg uncle Iram Harding who sappusnl to be lri Canada ill Allan colliplctzly as Ito ltllli Finally he came to the conclusion final the uncle might Mmlti la Fort Churchill Manitoba liyl place lhc letter dated at 1th lAllstllu on Sept was illitr liaiditigel and Ircitl Hours To llotiolailll Magistlacy of In lown tlutclilll Canada USA Eklltdli Sir hcrcwrth Taki lin lilitlt of Kindly and politely nu tlttlllg the Lord Mayor til ltl rut whereabouts of lll dial ltIItlt who emigrated into yoiu approximately thirty My father tllt blulllll of Llfltlt cvrtuinly was in connection wth liilii by lathl the cnd liltit tlwtc ago of lhc lllgtl World twat when Austria lost lots otherI Hiltons we had to uio into tht illltttIUl ot the country and liltl lb we lost his addlsss and sizntlltaticously could not know out any additss Illlltltllllt we ilt out conncction with him since that itiau My uncles namc llaldingcr and he was IIHII in Ill 15 lat Netilungcliau in lalicia form lci southern province of Austria lllis piofcssion was that of lock lslmth His father was an Albumin cltizcii tIlthtl was he As We are Ell very great netd now lbccn goodnaturcd mall in should like to conic into conncc tion with liitii again lhcrcforc dear Sir once more ask you to bc good and kind cl ough and try to find out lllgt lllltS tliclt and to inforln lilt about It In ilSt howcvcr that this would iISk yotl to handovll thig lcttcr of mine to wclflirc organization of your area and ask thcni to lie goodhearted enough and hpr as We shall be grateful to you for your favorablc dcaling with lcttcr and thank you for all your elforts many many tinics lltciltl iii advancc Hoping tipon vclysoon swcr remain dcar Lord Mayor and dcar Sir Yours Ever Grateful Fritz Hardingtr The attached letter want you to kitldly forward to my uncle Uf lcr having detected his address No wonder Mr Allan was com plctely mystificdat being addrcsscd Honorable Magistracy and Dear Lord Mayor H3 dc SALVAGE COMMITTEE OF ORILLIA DISBANDS FIVE YEARS IN OPERATION After more than five successful operation the Griffin Salvage committee is being dis banded Formal notice of the dis bandment of the organization was made last week by Harry Wil liams the secretary During its years of operation the Orillia Sal vagc Committee has raised about $6000 chiefly from the collection and sale of waste paper Back in the early years of the war in April 1941 the Orillia branch of the Canadian Legion took steps to set up the first salvage organiza tion for the second world war At that time they were called years of Salvage Unlimited and they Oper Of $18 ated from at headquarters in the Not only paper butl curling rink scrap metal rags fats and other materials were collected and the organization realized net profit of over $8000 SMALL FRANK HAMMOND BA Kc DONALDAF MacLAREN rm BARR 24Duntopv Street VETERINARIAN on FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Sophia St Barrie Phone 4545 MUSIC LESSONS ALICE BOOTH RMT Teacher in Piano and Theory 40 Charlotte St Barrie Etc Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto WARD MAYOR AND COMPANY Accountants and Auditors Ward Mayor CPA 18 Toronto Street Toronto Telephone Elgin 6116 TQM+ LEGAL EHONE 2743 JESSIE BRYSON RMT TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING prepartedJor Royal Conser MDOYS DOTS Burgess CSoIicttors NEgtagg 1c onve ancersl MONEY Office 13 Owen St Barrie eiidihtitibns of ihc Vatoty of Music Toronto all Branch Office Elmvale Ontario grades including ARCT Modem BOYS KC Methods ROWE SEAGRAM GLADSTONE CURRIE Studio 27 Bradford st Orillia Packet and Times Orillia had visit from Chic Johnson of the famous comedy pair of Olsen and Johnson on Mon day night but if Mr Johnson had had his way he would nOt have stopped off in town The unsched uled visittook placebetween 730 and oclock on rabour Day even ing while the omedian and mem bers of his ramlly were flying back oiTorontO rfroma northern shin order that Mr Johnson might be at the Exhibition to stage the evening grandstand perform ance for the large Labour Day crowd was Hot Iiill trlttsstd as to how tht Itttiz Ctttln Iit and iltactrfulv will Iltr lrlltl to thy lui town to inform Inc about lhi pits tais maul forlilcrly iitll hl Fran poinch to alta colivcntion iii Bair llitl liilllics are mind to attcnd not be possiblc llIllltllt kindly AIRPLANESTOPS AI ORtLLIA HEAVYMOTOR TRAFFIC TO TORONTO MAKES CHIC JOHNSON LATEFOR CNE md 10 lllthlll slipper for iicliibcrgt know that olir uuclc constantly had turnovi ltt siLIrvrcE illlflllit in the ltltltlttlll trarisportaiimi dt Canadian lavlta Railway designed 1ozc tllttltllt tllt to thi publit zlotuxld lmf ti light above ilIC ll tt ltt Wiltiipcg lnionro horn of lum liccome aii rlltl zilpcrlntciidclit of traitspdrtalio lmonto who ll be ho fizst supcrmli ivz llowsc Mam hr the tllgtt NtlptlVlSiil of station scrv iid trail IllltS arid arc Still gt it ilit EILilnvs spl ctul Ill email magnum manta ONTARIO CANADA fs and an of iit l=ctri Uih tll of llliltl hillVll ll tea aupciuitrildcnt of transportation llonlcal for IIIIII WI lcalilcw WI incl at Mrs lliliklioldcas on lyt with iinctntitis and two hlllll prcsctit Illown presiding llu loll clll My lavoiilc radio program and why showid tllc titwstasts and Illt Allhtlllsdllu gram favorites lullgalls up 3and Mrs iiit ct and Ianlllas plzuiucll for tlic rangu llall on Uct 22 Miss Col lc tountv ltlltlltliilltll director has bvcn Illltll and ill mcnibcrs Ihl lltlllll lconomus convcncr lrs loorgc Soiilcs took tcr tlic lllltclllltl lhc motto Kindness is lilcssing pass it along was read by Mrs ll lottagc Mrs Illin lltllllllll and Mrs Knox favored lll plcasing duct Introduccd by Mrs Sonics Mrs Izlgtllrc of Mincsing gavc very instructive and intcrcsling demoli sliiition on tho value of lioncy in thc dict lloncy may be ust in baking pics cach and bread and also tisctl to swcctcn ccrcal may also be uscd in making choco latc bars and othcr candy Mrs llaguirc wont to 11 great deal of trouble to makc thc dcmonstrzition intcrcsting and licr much appreciated cht meeting will boon evening of Nov at Mrs Walkers Thc mcn arc ilivitcd There will be speaker and mcmbcrs will take lunch The hostch scrvcd the lunch efforts wcrc MAGISTRATES COURT NOTES L5 Nine Months Decisions given in thc Magis tratcs Court on Wednesday Oct For false pretences in connection with an exchange of cars on June in Vcspra Hilbert McCullough was given nine months determin ate and six months indeterminate in the Ontario Reformatory One Month On ti conviction for assaulting Deputy Sheriff Dimvoody on Aug 17 at the latters home Con Flos Roy King was given one month and fine of $50 with costs Indecent Assault Convicted of indecent assault on Sept near Wasaga Beach Melvin Broome received three umonths consecutive with 21 days already served An wadditional charge of day traffic caused lot of trouble and it just wasnt possible The taxi cut off at Barrie andlwent down No 27highway to avoid some of the worst of the traffic but it was shortlyafter 10 oclock before they reached the Exhibition When thewtaxiappeared at the gates of the Exhibition it was picked up by waiting esccirt and rushed to the grandstand where Mr Johnsonfdidaflgdthtn dashed for the stage All thistime his partner in mirth Mr Olsen was quietly tear ing his hair astheminutds ticked and no Johnson However the ililw Moulrtsll Daily Start ltl program passcil at gla has lttll licruldcd its ttllii program only world out dining thc first inailalii llii trim of gov lllltltilt lhls lllllllllllSlS is placid tllullt it Incailst many mcmbtrs of tin li alc mori Mutant tlicoiisH than lllt party lcadcis Iliy want litniialicoils liitioilallatloii and tlllllllillltlll tho monicnt the party counts to powci But this cliipliasls on the first form is qualified by All oldwcll who in picsclitinl lll program tlccltircd that it was to lu put into ctfcct as thnc and tlltlllllSUlIltlS pcrmit ll lr oltlwclL vc venture to Iltlllli has bccn around long enough to know that his party program is riot niticli more than lilin summcr wind that it is theor lical and llltilllltllltlttlll adc quatc description and that thc lcalitics of Canadian politicsi which impose lhcmsclvcs on the tl as on cvcry other organized political party iii thc country lllltll it impossiblo of fulfilment vsitliin mcastirablc time More important perhaps llll absurd first form program is the demand flit immediate call ing of larlizimcnt lo leimposc price controls and subsidies on the niiccssitics of life Otir belief is that such program would im mcdiatcly result in so great fall ing off of production that our last than niit meant three months concur rent Stole From Tuck In hearing on the same day before Magistrate Foster Harvey McCtitcheon was allOwcd suspend cd sentence on charge of theft of two radio tubes front Arthur Tuck On charge of assaulting Mr Tuck in correction with the same afIair he was fined $20 with costs of $16 The assault took place opposite the Tuck store on Baylicld St At the same time as James Rainey was passing the building he took hand in the proceedings by striking Mr Tuck and conse qtlently came in for the some ne KNOWN LONG AGO The art of using veneer dates back to the earliest days of civiliza lion CRAIG HAMILTON EMT Studio 41 Maple Ave Phone 3875 INSTRUCTION IN PIANO ORGAN VOICE THEORY Jlupllsprepaiedj for Examinations at Royal Conservatorycof Music All Grades DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate of Toronto Conserva tory of Music and London Eng College of Music Piano and Theory BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR 97 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 3175 MONEY TO LOAN COWAN COWAN Barrister5 Solicitors Conveyancers Notaries Public Etc Money WantedMoney to Loan 17 Given Street Barrie Ross Cowan Registered Patent Attorney1 152M IA Masonic TetniJleBldg Barrie OPTOMETRY Mw RODTMJEBIIIEFFSO mun RIMATHESONBA BarristersSolicit0rs Etc 01 TOMETRISTS Money to Loan 33 Dunlap St Phone 2963 Masonic Temple Building Barrie Attendncc 96 JonNLmEmr ROBERT SMITH no ISTER dercrron ETC OPTOMETRIST Barrie Out 53 Dunlop StPhone 2580 Hours 96 daily tritium SMITH Successor to NOEL STEPHENSON lino OPTOMETRIST ngfneg ogggefag Dunlopst Barrie Phone mm Boss Block Bare Phone 2719 To LOAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS VLLOYD STECKLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS 42 Clappertbn St Phone 2703 1a is lerH co Establishitslllrj or NURSES rpNErtAL nmncrous Weu Baby Clinic och Wed SOLICITOR =0 Toronto Bidl Owen 8t and 2661 Money to Loan AND EMBALMEES Motorixmhnlmbe Incarnation OPEN DAY AND NIGHT tmdmiWTx level1111heavyLabour DuyhblI noon when Mr Johnson his wife grandstand performance boarded the plane landstarted the It all started On Mondayafter daughter and granddaughter lef Toronto in cabin plane chartered from Lome Airways of Toronto They ew without incident to an unidentified lake probablyun the Muskoka area and spent couple of hours fishing Whenthetinfe came for the party to take offgpfor Toronto and the evening eXhibitlon they flight Trouble developed however lt and the planeiwaS forcedtox make landing on Sparrow Lake while thepilot wprked on bulky fuel line With time getting ngerqusly short the plane took offagain but stillthere was enginewtrouble and the machine landed for secbnd time this time on the northern end of Lake Couchiching Mr Johnson couldnt waitany lonEer With an ability common only to comediansmand magicians he man aged to acquire the services of last speeedboat which took the party from thevpltlne andrushed them to the town wharf at Orlllia Then messenger was dispatched post haste to the Valley Taxi Com pany and taxi picked up the four harried Johnsonn and started the hibition Morley Gammon was the taxi drIVer and he did his best to get Mr Johnson tothe grapdbtand fertile detach programme Howa Rush long drive to thecltyand the Ex show must go on and the packed1 grandstand crowdwere treated to number bf substitute acts lwhile Mr Johnson sped down the high way from Orillia AThis substitul tion went on for over an the comedian arrived When he did reach the stageMr Johnson made several humorous re marks about his being forced downf on theflake hundred miles avvay and requestedrthat the story be that Mr Johnson arrived late and not that the latevMrjJohnson arrived Partner Olsen said he had taken off in helicopter and had flown up the highway looking for the taxi but had been unable to spot the car With several thousand cars on the highway at the timev that is hardlysurprfsing PS No one said how the fishing And my be of help ditioner to help build up the ryitam flour untilJ View Strain Hard OnNerves Ottenhyedup nerves cutie restlessness irrita bility and even nervousness If you eelup 1191795 than Mllburna Health Am Nerve ultbcml Health and Nerve may medicine for thou who are rundown uni my Sold by leading Jewellers Everywhere puttextrom mill need general con stimulate the nervous system Improve tileappetite ud digestion mailman promote refreshing rest Get Mllliuma Health and Nam Pluto your nearest drug mm mtlttlter quok for the Bed Hart titanium regime Vthnlt II It tllt paxt six ycar has been Wlill Hm It since liltll Mr tltrstcr ZliSItCtOl of Itllltspoltulmll for the pldlllc slid Illilllt legions Since 1944 Itlllltil the company at ltlti llr Stuart who last year look ct the pusl of rtittlal lvlltgttltttlf eastern icgzori has betn Ill Itloiltrtal iltn zlkcs ovcl thc newly of rlucf of car you It tvicc Mr llilllllb for tl tlitl llilact at tlic ii iii time uuuuu Absurdity of High Sounding Program lin wants lic pznt flu ytulzs tulcs ilhllilcltll for the castcrn tcgiln has litl tn lll the llill since I912 and llr Ilowsc has bccti transportation mil1y ot illIT and tll the road since ltll7 llicir jurisdic ml uno will lul all he systcriiavilc iii the important dcpaltniclit lit heart of tho railway whichus to it mdik mN in Montreal ittuulvi Scpl lflt liit tnodan Pacifics LIIULI ltitoliiotiycs 7590 11 and ll Iilyluzj it ziptlili iltliflll cars and 2700 pzisscngcr cars ari cutlcnt of transportation lr llr department since March it the liglil condition Would be worsc than the first We llttl tiltllt producflon not less more production at cost lcvcls which the proplc can tif ford to meet IhcCCl has always wanted tlicsc overall controls but the word overall in CTI lcltnitiol ogy excluch wages Wc litivc not yet got the full ttxl of the CCF resolutions on tllc immediate prob lcni of the Iiiin cost of livmg What would be interesting would be to discover whether the CF had pliiygcd boldly at its ownl basic COlltliltllcllulltllt lcltllllltl for lowcr pricrs coupled with higher wages IIicsc can be achicvcd only with very great increase in productivity but it is diffictlll to remember when the CCF has ever been wholly frank on that subject Higher wages Yes Lower prices Yes Short cr hours Yes Ilardcr work Silence Greater output Sil ence The effect of wage increas es of prices Silence again This reduces the highsounding socialist program of the CCFto absurdity In the Soviet Union they know better The workers of that socialist paradise work harder for longer hours and at less pay The result is greater output which is what the Krem Btit our socialist lead ers have not got the nerve to present so unpalatable program to the people they want votesI va THURSDAY OCTOBER 14 1948 IF ITS SPRING BARRIE SPRING SERVICE REPAIRING REARCHING LARGEST STOCK OF GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS AND BEST EQUIPPED SPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES Gowan St Allandale FACING TRACKS PHONE 8400 um TOBACCO THIS YEAR SAYS JOHN GOEPFRICHI Mrs John Goepfrkll ilbovc admires Birongrown tobacco crop And Mr iocpfnch tobacco grower oli lilliil Dllondr Farm Itll No Ayllnct says The results of my tobacco crop grown with Blenn were most SJIISIJLIOI The tobacco was heavier and smoother My first two kilns were graded 821 and 24 intend to use Blcnn ncxl tt Mr loepfrlch ls another successful tobacco farmer who knows that the choice of tin npproprlnte plant food Is second Iii Importance only to the choice of farmland if you want romakemoneyoutof tobacco And Swifts Blenn is the tobacco plant food made in Canada to glvc best results In Canadian soil Its at scientifically prepared plant food made by Swifts to produce finer fullerbodied leaf Ask your Swifts Plant Fond Dealer about your supplyof Illenn todayand grow more protable crop In 49 PLANT FOOD DIVISION PO Box 39 New Toronto Ont having liquor not acquired by per gt Its my respdnsibility to look after the welfare of my want to get putting will accept and even Savings very dollar can into if vCAIlADA5AVNGS4lloNbs1 THE CANADIAN BANK or comm CANADA SAVINGS BONDS may bebpught at jjany branchnofthis Bank forcaShon momth Cashabl at fullvalue plus accruediltteresi of zita by this Bank at anytime gt Denominations of bonds $1ooo Individual purchases are authorized uptoSLOOO wife and children both now and in the future and full value for my money Thats why Im my cash order fOr Canada Saving Bonds leridikne modeyvto buymoreci plan or mother suitableiterms tsoSloo4sstio 7v CANADIAN BA OF COMMERCE TheBmkwillmakedeliueryojalmimiroplnb new Var as cognitiverafter full paymentor fhfig