CLASS IAIL Lo 01 oAlA 85th YearNo 42 JAMES PEACOCK of Ivy Is the champion Tractor Roade0 driver of Simcoe County He placed well ahead of if other drivers in contest held in connection with theSouth Simcoe Plowing match at Thornton Each Junior Farmer had to drive tractor and fourwheel trailer over an obstacle course The winner is seen here with Bryce of the department of public safety of the University of Toronto Rev CD Cross Speaker Thanksgiving Service Rev Cross rector of Trin ity Anglican Church was the speaker at the animal Thanksgiv ing service sponsored by the Bar ric and District Ministerial As sociation and heldin St Andrews Presbyterian Church at Barrie last Monday morning The service was conducted by Rev James Ferguson minister of St Andrews and the music wasl provided by the St Andrews Choir under the direction of Craig Hamilton Speaking of the rainstorm which adversely affpctcd the attendance at the service Rev Mr Ferguson pointed out that it was badly need ed in the fields and he added We are very glad to see the rain Rev James Carder of Burton Ave Unitedhurch took part in the service by leading the pray ers In his message which was in the nature of meditation Rev Mr Cross spoke first of the duty of Thanksgiving He quoted from the 118th Psalm give thanks iintotthordJOI HGL is goodbc cause His mercy endureth for ever Other Psalms quoted by Mr Cross were 33rd Rejoice in the Lord ye righteous for it be cometh the just to be thankful 1031d Praise thc Lord my soul and forget not all His Benefits 100th Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise be thankful unto Him and bless His name The minister told how the Jew ish people had gathered in their synagogues for 2400 years in good times and bad to give thanks And the Church of England had likewise taken this theme and the Presbyterians Allpeople that on earth do dwell sing t6 the Lord with joyful song After referring to the duty of Thanksgiving Rev Mr Cross spoke of the challenge of Thanks giving Little children are taught to sayGod is great God is good and we thank Him for this food But the minister went on to say that there were many families who felt they could not join in thanks giving because some reVerse or sorrow had come into the home He related the story of the Welsh farmer in his native land Turn to page eight please who had had yalliad year He saw the church decorated for the harvest and early in the morning he removed all the fine wheat and good harvest and replaced it with weeds and nettles and poor wheat from his own fields Later when the service was commenced the worshippers could not pray and the singers could not sing Then the farmer with the poor harvest chIt to the front and quoted Although the fig tree shall not ASKEIIIM FOR ST JOHN AMBULANCE THIS WEEKS ISSUE 8025 Copies AUIHORIIKD AI IICOND HOME AND SCHOOL FEDERATION PLAN Annual Convention Simcoe County Womens Institutes Oct 12 and 13 CONFERENCE HERE The Ontario Federation of on Thursday Oct 28 Afternoon sessions will start will be Elbom Inspector of teacher training for the Province of Ontario will be present and all those interested are invited to at $6tl00tl0 with thich to expand its activities across Canada especial Iy along the lines of first aid home nursing and bloodgrouping pub lic appeal for financial help is to be made by the St John Ambulance from November to 20 it was an iiounced by Colonel Marshall President of the Ontario Council Toronto October BSeeking Founded more than 800 years ago the St John Ambulance is the old cst charitable organization in the world and is the officiallyrecog nized first aid instructor in the British Commonwealth of Nations But more The services of the Order of St Ontarios quota of the national objective has been set at $225000 His Honour Ray Lawson Lieuten ant Governor of Ontario has grac iously consented to act as honorary provincial campaign chairman with Colonel Strathy as Ontario blossom Yet will rejoice in campaign chairman and Henry the Lord and the God Of mVLangford as treasurer Lady Eaton salvation Paraphrasiiig these wo1dsRev Mr Cross indicated it was the same as saying though the fac tories fail and there are no crops and all my securities are lost yet will rejoice in the Lord The challenge Of Thanksgiving is the challenge of deeper faith he stated Approximately 200 teachers from Ithe inspectorates of Simcoe Centre and Simcoe South attended the 64th Teachers Convention last Fri day Oct The teaChrs went north to the Dr Greer Memorial SchoOl at Utterson for the annual convention Officers elected for 194849 were as follows Pres Drennan Camp Borden VicePres Hoo ten Elmvale SecyTreas Winston Law Barrie The retiring president Miss Rhoda Young of Barrie presided over the gathering Also present were the inspectors of the district Scott of Barrie and Lapp of Alliston Several trustees also attended the convention The opening exercises were led by Rev Craymer of Brace bridge who emphasized that teach ers played large part in relig ion by giving religions education in the schools Principal Geoding of the Dr Greer Memorial School officially JVvelcomed the delegates He point ed out that thisschool was de Anna Lewis Tells Members WIFAbout Visit to HOIIand Miss Anna PLWis superintendi ent of Womens Institutesior mthe speaker at the Tuesday afterrToon sessionrofi the 23rd annual and 12th area con vention of the Womens Institutes of Simcoe County Sessions were held at the IOOFHalI in Ba rie Thc WI superintendent announc ed that the fouryear degree course had been commenced at MacDon 81d College at Guelph fShe said an WI members would be pleased to learn tIiISnews because they had done so nnichgtowards intro 74 ducing suchstudies to the college Miss Lewislentertainedithe dele gates with travelogue on her at tendaneat the first postwar con Terence of the Associated Coun tryWoman of the World held at Amsterdam in Holland She show ed colored slides and gave run ning commentary of highlights of the trip to Holland 3Among the interesting Dhotos were those of Dutch windmills and of the canals The Dutch farmswere found to be muchsmallertban thosedn Canada and Miss Lewis described the country as lspic and span Oneoutstanding example was re lated in which the hay was stored in the attic of the Muse and the cattle stalls were in part of the house The cattle barn was so well kept that there were lace ctirtains on the windows and rug was on the oor where the cattleWalked to reach their stalls In one photo home was pic turedwith Ma picturesque border of goldenrod which is regarded than in that She added stitutes ha promote several ears Tu to pageeight please stands or reading desks was com mon in parts Of Europe in the 15th Elect Captd Drennan iPreIerrtpfnSIsi mcoe Teachers Institutes as erennial flowef in that coun THREECARCRASH Telling of visitto one of the smaller citles in Holland Miss Lewis said themunicipality pro videdapartinents here the aged couples could livgtogether rather ustrial type of homes in this ountryhyirhere the men and we en are separated that Womens In been endeavoringr to is idea in Canada Ior utoget baci Intothe line his ca went out of control On thegslipr and Air ViceMarshal Adelard Ray mond are national campaign chair men CHAINED BOOKS The custom of chaining books to and 16th centuries monstrationunit and had taken the place of nine rural schools in the township At noon the ladies of Utterson served bounteous turkey ban quet Music was provided with piano solo by Miss Milligan and vocal solo by Miss Doris Kearns with Miss Maxwell at the piano CORPORAL PUNISHMENT In the afternoon lively panel discussion was led by Capt Drennan of Camp Borden Mem bers of the panel were Mrs Cameron Taylor Charles New ton and French The decisions reached vwere as follows 1There is place for corporal punishment in the schools as last resort ZTeachers con ventions are of decided value and should be continued 3Art in the schools should be directed Miss De LaPorte and Wing Commander Kendall both of the Department of Educatibrl demon strated the group audiometer and the telebinocular Miss De La Porte said children might be back ward either on account of hear ing or vision and much too little had been done about both these factors by educationalists Bellthanked those who had taken part in the program Two TO HOSPITAL NEAR THORNTON Thornton some other vehicles Wheirtryi perfpavement and headedinto th ditch on the left side of the driver The rear end of the Phillips auto was struck bytWo southbound vehicles One was driven by Harry Reid of Barrie and the other by Leslie Smith of RR Cookstown iously injured Cons Stewart Allen Investigated INVENTED MODERN WEAPON lian lts REPTILIAN EGGS IE EXAMIN BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY OCTOBER l4 l9l8 SCOUT APPLE DAY SATURDAY OCT I6 lloy Stout Apple 111 will he Iltltl on Saturdsy Oct Moots and ubs in full uni form and equipped with lus get and polishing cloth are to Illttl It ictoris School at Kzltl morning iniltec has completed miigcincnh either and the usual supplan from their friends the Scouts are looking forward to record breaking apples this year Iliciilid annual and with registration at 115 fol convention of tlic Womcns Insti lowed by ner 51K tutes of Sinicoc ouiity opened iii OCIOCk WhICh slink the IOOF Temple Home on Tues day morning Oct attendance Hill area gr Yon niu denim tuitin point llani him if party tI It 54mm hi com All ur Iikc good just Tutti thew tlziit ll lillllrl Itluhlitltlih yoi Jlltl given 11 with large Alniost all the branch Groups from port Carlin es were represented for the regis Glcn Orchard vaenhurst tration and more Iiitlles appeared olllngwood Alliston as well during the day to iill the Beating as from nearby associations capacity of lllt litill in Barrie lltliSl Iziidine In In president limit Join all the various him work and enjoyin liii terinxt timing the Itliltifhri as sale ilk smut hart 11 Opening exercises were conduct in Ilii tend ed by the president Mrs Joseph Jardinc olliiigwood RR rites of the 1017 meeting financial statement and auditors report were presented by the Secrttarytreas urer Mrs Whitton of Elmvale illlll otlices rrgictted having III IV Iziany lIilIllliiIl to lil Ilt llIJIltIlt She motto AIR Ciiiiiis WILL PARADE riiiiiii on 15 IJIII Mixi liccaue home icliriiil to the Insti and oini and ltltllill Iltlltllll iii Ul homes IilIiIit our country haw Iltill trying to pron country we must vliIt Illlbt Iixici was autliortcd For lliiiiio Ill Iiiltlllt Im Inow lnv in An interesting talk was given by Miss Kathleen Iaggart of the Wom ens Institute Branch Department of Agriculture Toronto garl was appointed supervisor of Home Furnishings just few weeks ago and this was her first appear ance at Womens Institute gath She made fine impression illustrated She was able to lend effectiveness marks with colored slides was also set up demonstration of home articles such as rugs drapes curtains which Miss laggart ex plained informally during the lunch Use of color in home decora tion was the theme Most people are interested Taggart are no set selection John include sciVIce and training popular opinion Interior decora filSI Idv homo liming bIOOd tors will pooh pooh this idea We Elouping PUblIC dlltY teaming say that if you like accrtain color terial and child hygiene niaintain ing ambulances on highways par ticipating In cooperative maint enance of first aid posts across the country and sponsorship of the St John Cadets iviil of tin quimiioii In liaiiic ll Itle Illllltl hainbi of miiincrcc has CltLlItll iitltmi to tllllltli llie ltlt liidine aid and trying dw illlitllltlllrl Illrliv to follow the work III thi Ilt oli tllll do all can to help lich much gixipd liclpi oiliccrs grateful to them MUSEUM REIORI Meredith liiriic pic sentid the report of the WI Mus cuin at llarrie liave had about the same visitors as some mm the West others from the US and even from England lady from the textile department of flu Royal Ontario Museum also Meredith are very pleased with lIIt interest taken in the donations this year which have been maiiy Singers Miss Tag ltup on noL niatici ihould interest the Inmate III at the Arniouiy llic agi llllllllt thrm Illlltll full1 IIiiiilig plitlilit lIiday at Iitll pin 13 in Ill Ili tlri Info from intcrestd led to be on hand for the openian lri organize for duinii Illllllllntfi Ainold and iadio lll Ingram airci aft cring with Housing pictorial address WI and Iroiitlii lllli corsiinicis to conserve pomix tilt ll NW llllltil ll ivsliillllsllllltlils in the power divis lld gtl1l lllll llllllltIlilllll Ioii lhcii total consumption last DI the ItlMt lly liltilillll Itllllltl mmh wag mprnximntoly and they will receive rebates to that attendance Itl of the qiizixlron Instructional liff radar Jack model Coleman and 51 former chief direipliiiaiIrn for the who will work nieni There Ji tional and will charge clianics haige liai lie armament effort to conserve power Il Salter Illt manager said lextent 2600 domestic consumers would Illlilllitl year chaigc of IIHI hour remarked rules contrary colors Miss ItCAl look after drilll and precision Squadron officers are commanding Fl oleman idjulaiil and Vltlg and accounting officer Several former RCAI personnell have offered their services in var Ions capacities to assist those in chariw of the organization and to make the squadron interesting and educational as pos siblc Members of the civilian coniniitl airman Art Harrison Sclllltllll Dilttl visit Mrs musts 51 Iladglivy lIlII Mrs WI Iluin to page eight please and varied photo cl piipnicnt then work in something that will ec ls OMING EVENTS inboundmm activities Ilurton Ave United WA Christ Kcep Oct 27 open for fowl sup per and dance Phelpston Dance arc secretary sports Maurice Ilines instruction Cliff Arnold publicity Bill Flcin Hall 4243b homemade bake sale and tea Wednesday Nov 21 to Pavilion pm in Sunday School rooms 42p held at Ferndalc Gearin mas bazaar TI llilhllltl llill at Cookstown every Friday to Don Gilkes and his orchestra Admission 50c 37tfb School Nov auspices of Home School Club Ihanksgiving Grenfel Services ll am Morning speaker Itcv Rev 42 and llazaar to be This committee will arrange with WC Ililtz of Camp Borden for members oft will be respon rccommcndations of thci members to participate in scholar ships available through of Canada scholarships provideinstruction at civilian flying schools University Military Col lege at Kingston and Royal Roads in British Columbia night Oct Snack bar Admission 20tfb Oct Wednesday 20 Shanty Bay Hall Stroud Mountain 50c Dance at Baxter to the music of paxtons OFIF Ilunt Evening speaker Lancaster Churchill every Wednesday Friday night at the Orange Hall Music provided by the Six orchestra ments by Corinne Dancing Wednesday night Oct WWOICI timemodern Orange Hall CNR Orchestra piccs Localq670 AF of Admis sion 50c Rummage Presbyterian Oct 16 Dance CIVICII United Special will be held Church Oct 17 pin flying time ccrs the squadron and sible Friday the Air These chestra 130 Dancing from 930 38th Rummage sale Oct 23 at Odd Auspices Barrie Dancing Cadet League Allandale SimVar Ludics Lions 41431 Rummage sale St Georges Hall Allandale Saturday Oct 16 Ansf pices the Glad Club Doors open 711T42b sale of work afternoon tea Oct 22 4143pb fellows Hall Auxiliary Club of Toronto Royal Refresh 42tfb Aus Schoo Allaiidale am LOBA Bazaar homemade baking Orange Hall from to Danlng every Friday at Pine Dance Centre east of Anten Mills TedScott and Admission 50c 39t1b Bazaar and afternoon tea home make bake table Hall Collier St Wednesday Nov 36 pm Auspices Beaver Re bekah Lodge No 190 Rummage sale Burton Ave Un ited Church Nov Group One WA Doors open at am Bazaar and homemade Essa Road Presbyterian Church Nov 12 Auspices of the Evening Auxiliary Come one come all to sunni dale Hall anAOIdtimc dance with fun for all Dancing to Admission 50c 42p Annual meeting of Simcoe Counv ty Royal Black vChapter Will be held in Allandale Monday even ing Oct 18 Using County Library Increase From 90 to 170 in Past Year an at the general meeting held in Trinity Parish Hall at Barricon October Andrews Saturday sale Church Doors open am Dance New Lowell Hall Friday Oct 15 Creemorc auspices Cafe teria lunch Allandale Crest One mile Admission and I50c Under auspices New Lowell LOL Trinity Church Evening Branch of the WA are holding an after sale of work and in the Parish During the past year the num ber of schools making use of the Simcoe County Library Coopera tivc has increased from 00 to 170 The total circulation tothc end of 1948 will be up from 57000 to possi bly 90000 These statistics were giicn in the report presented by Miss Audrey Gray county librari FUNFOR YOU TALENT VSH0W OCT 141516 Fun ForYou the local talent show being sponsored by Barrie Branch 147 Canadian Legion to be presented Thursday Saturday night Oct 14 15 and 16 mBCl auditorium has variety Of scenes McKillican Wimfnperson ate Harry Von Zell the radio an nouncer who gives the continuity introduces each scene is new idea in home talent Show technique for it brings in audience participation with characters on the It is billed as the Atomic Bomb of Amateur Entertainment and promises to be just that In the Breakfast in Hollywood scene Geo Briggs as Tom Bren neman will introduce the following men representing Hollywood Glam or Girls Bill Lines as Betty Gra blc Geo Coupeland as Mae West Bill Rogers made up as Marlene Dietrich Harry Turner burlesquing as Gypsy Rose Lee and Don Tom linson masquerading as Gertie In this scene his orchestra in Oddfellows noon teaand homemade baking Hall on Wednesday Dec from to oclock Bazaar 4144b AUSPlCCS sale Of homemade baking St Georges Hall auspices IGlad Club Wednesday NOV 17 to East End Home and School As sociatiOn open house to be held at King George School Sunday Oct New residents cor tea baking 15 at pm dially invited Royal Wedding fifth Wedding Apniversary Queen of the Future films St Presbyterian Thursday Oct 21 815 10c adults 25c Tuesday Oct and Twenty and Church Children Andrews Friday and that This stage Friday afternodn three cars were involved in an accident on High way 27 halfmile south of car driven by Dr Kenneth Phillipsof Welland was travelling north and apparently pulled out of the line of traffic to pass Gravel Mr Briggsas Tom Brenneman also goes outinto the audience tries On ladies hats and awards aprize forlthe igooest one he finds He awards atwishingl ring gives corsage to the eldest lady present andvpresents agifltto the lady chosen as the good borof Barrie Another high neigh Spot of comedy is impersonation of the Barn dance program Morris Smith will havethepartpfJoe Kelly general master of ceremonies Ed Baker wil be Uncle Ezra Wilson Jebb is t6 impersonate the Duke of Pa ducah andEarl Smith wil be the gal froml Grinder Switch Minnie Pearl Variety is brought into the show by the use of quIZprogram in which Ralph Congdon will imper sonate Dr and give silver dollars to those in the audience who answer his questions co rectly and award chocolate bars to those who are not fortunate enough to give the correct answers Many others are included in the cast which makes the program real Fun For You You cantafford Mrs Kenneth Phillipssuffered concussion andlMrsW Dawn son passenger in thesanie car suffered broken nose and severe leg injury Both were tak en to 2the Royal Victoria Hospital at Bar Others were less Laser Total damage to the three autos may total nearly $1000 Prov The Owensubmachinegun was inventedby 27yearold Austra ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER of Burton Avenue and William Street7 is Burton Avenue United Church On Sunday October 17 this church Most reptiles lay eggs although will celebrate its 75th anniversary with special services in the morning andevening The minister is Revpd CarderW Blair is clerk some eggs are hatchedwithin the mother ofthe Session Henson is chairman of the Committee of Stewards to miss it Curtain at 759 pm Hydro Accounts Total $19000 Stamped Paid This week the citizens of Barrie are receiving gift which worth approxiniatcly $19000 Every person in the commun who uses electricity benefits to the extent of one months tll The regular accounts for September are being delivered tliis week litiuever no person will be obliged to pay his September account because It Is already stamped Paid liw Itl tc of one Ilit iiy Ill rhiiiiiioiii decoded tot HillIn the liiizcli of tile Ieliizti iiiiiziielizateiy The Il7 also thought ll vlllltl Itll llt 11111 lit IIHVWIP lstore would benefit to the extent It service IilI asking of more than Slll hy the rebate are 70 factories and other George Faris iToronto Conf GEORGE Farms Miss Gray said that the appoint ment of Miss Marion Stephenson as full time Office assistant had made such expansion possible Thanks were expressed to the Simcoe County Council for the an nual grant of $2000 This the county librarian explained was matched with similar grant from the Province plus $1000 because trained librarian was employed Approximately $2000 was collected from the various organizations us ing the service For example each school pays $10 year The change in the provincial rc gulations was explained The name was changed last year to County Library Cooperative and the board Turn to page eight please Wake Up Cainada Theme of Address By John Fisher John Fisher internationally faIn have been little slow in selling OIIS CBC commentator thrilled an Canada to enthusiastic Barrie Lions Club others audience last Friday as he paint ed skilful Word piture of Can adas future and create fullfledged Can adian personality Heblanied the ada and the United States fairs Mr Fisher said itinN Insulin Section lPOgS to My Iiiw free benefit to the extent of about $9 300 This vsould mean the average onin on of Sepltlitlitt account for hydroCleo itl for the rebate tiie power Il tlt to li tittlll of the lvxis hoiit Sit Of comm many were Iliiii ilililic lliliiv iiiiiiiilttoii ill aortic llSItl by liouscholders lower and many were higher Iliilllmnn ll tcxc large householders With large It ml Millet jziltttilllil of electric equipmentaise almost Still north of power monthly The commercial customers which VI ll lldlt ixltlllltizlhl Sill incluch most of the suits number itlllltl llI Hidil IIIV llli tHH ltIIl in Barrie Tlicir monthlyac coulth total approxunalely $5000 mean that This will average Ihere Turn to page five pleasel President erence YPU More than 100 delegates many from as far north as lininiins and Kapuskasing were present for the twolay sessions of the Young Peo lplcs Union of the Toronto conlt tcrcncc of the United Church held at Owen Sound George Fans of Cookstown was Jennie Holmes of Weston secretary and Mc llierson of Toronto treasurer Special speaker was the Rev McMillan of Owen Sound Communion was observed prior to the closing of the conference with itlie ltcv Morrison Sellar and Mr lMclVIillan in charge Other officers are Past president Gotdon McArthur of Stayner as secretary Garvic of Owen Sound Conven crs Leadership training Miss Mona Arinstroiig RR Zephyr Christ ian fellOWSIIip Miss Marjorie Jami eson Toronto Christian missionary Miss Lorna Kerr Stayner Christ ian culture Miss EvelynLappot Toronto Christian citizenship Ed Maynard Schoinbcrg Bill Jamicson Toronto publicity Brampton national Christian Miss Alice John memberatlarge Miss Elsa Tilson Toronto conven tion director Miss Audrey Fitchett Toronto and national memberat large Miss Margaret Smith of T0 ronto elected president Keith sistant Miss Margaret recreation Miss Marie Dilman son Toronto Boy Knocked At Elizabeth and Maple Vernon Burton Christian age 14 of 55 Donald St Barrie knocked from his corner of Elizabeth St and Maple Ave last Friday evening at 545 oclock He was taken tothe Royal Victoria Hospital and then was allowed to go home car driven byNorman Shan alian RR Shanty Bay was mak ing turn from Elizabeth St to Maple Ave when the accident oc curred Prov Cons John Grant investigated oft Bicycle was bicycle at the for treatment TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 2414 and achievements during the recgnt war make the 12 million people ever made on theiact of the earth Decrying Canadians hidebound but werseein to be scared Ofpub rcticence he called on Canada to licity and people know little about einerge from the UKUS shadow Canada Cana ourselves Canadian greatest show da is the greatest trader ation perjcapita in the worldand present vrfrustration on the one t6 first in th impOrtant field of ex 12 population ratio between Can port of life insurance selling in addition to Canada inwthe rich Canada has gmoved onto marketsef Britainand the Unit9 sophisticated stageevirrworld Af tl fStatesandeor but we hd Russia But when we see Canada and Canadians portrayed in thawingEs Mountie In Splendid red jacket gazing at majestic jackpine with pair 011 wolves yapping at his heels 2m the movies Canada is strictly tRoseMarie 3nd black fly coun try SURVE Inerly in Japansi how is it done YS LOCAL SCENE Adroitly slanting his remarks to the local scene Mr Fisherused severalonjtherspot incidEntsa framework for his initial poin First was the Mayor broadcaster stating American with the that it an community had Mayor Mayor the fact would be on the tip ofeveryonestongu Bob Hope Bing Crosby Skelton and the otherswould spread it from coast toboast but We in Canada lust aboutdt Gently miles chidiiig Lia OSullivan for his term Turn to as seven