diss Manet Spioi litaw trio liltx HOT CHOCOLATE FUDGE SUNDAES 18c LlNtH AI BRYSONS Ice Cream Candy 12 ELIZABETH ST sssss The plasma 60 M112 from Robin AND GO Qisi si CA xqs Reigns Supreme and Best people meet at 51 Blake St Barrie Ont to WHITE CASTLEJNN HOUSE OF DIGNITY REFINEMENT Kingston Road at Danforth hlititt and iltctts Spcigt tl Vll tilt Nflti 11h It hi1 toi ti Iiltl diiz tHoi It llzt 21111tt lt liiill and 11 tuu Lift 31 111 t1i11o NS LS i1 llii 7t1l 11111 I1 ia ll1 1lci 19111 iiiii ll ltctui 1111 spent thrcc um toilvtlitioii llowc have no iiaulfl tliltil io Whilc dale Inn where Food OD FOOD Toronto Ont Specializing Sea Foods Trinity Anglican Churcthollier St UnitedChurch REV CROSS BA LTH Rector Organist Mrs Roberts SUNDAY OCTOBER 31948 Trinity 19 800 AMHOLY COMMUNION 1100 AlViHOLY COMMUNIONS rrrrrBeginners Sunday School Rev Blake Th 200 PMBIBLE CLASSES 300 ItMiPIinayiand atone diate School 700 PMEVEILING PRAYER THEREV STUBBS Th 11 AM BREAKING OF BREAD Preacher Gospel Holt 19 Parkside Drive SUNDAY OCTOBER 31943 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS PMGospe1 Meeting Wed RM Prayer Meeting Welcome seats free No Collection Barton Avenue hurch 777 SUNDATLOCTOBEE aired Rev Lewis MA BD Minister LLOYD TUFFORD Organist and Choirmaster REV ADDISON DD of Toronto SUNDAY OCTOBER 1948 11 AM1IORNING SERVICE The Church School 11 AMNursery Beginners and Primary Depts 230 P1VfJunior Intermediate and Senior Depts PMEVENING SERVICE Tlie Salvation Army 60 COLLIERSI The Home of Friendly Worship Sr Captain and Mrs SUNDAY OCTOBER 1948 11 AMHonnessMeeting 230 PM4UNDAY SCHOOL 700 PMSalvation Meeting Thurs pinHOME LM pmPRAYER MEETING welcome awaits you at the Army VFREE METHODISL 11 AgtM Communion Service LL 10 AM Jr Intermediate and Sen Itor Sunday School 11 AM Nursery Beginners and Primary School HollyServic at 200 and pm SIZBOpllSi Church ICOIlir Independent MITCth Minister SUNDAY OCTOBER 1948 ii AIvIBIBIZE EXPOSIEION HBIBLE SCHOOL Baiiy Day Open Sessionm to churchoet in tune with thalamus WW Welcome Awaits You Miss Elsie Cioughieyi ATOM spun faint choir Leader deroer 150 MSUNDAY SCHOOL ii AM and 7PM gcenirzci UnitedChurch REVJ ABEWELLJBA gt First Baptist Church CH URCll 200 BaYIield ISL Phone 4572 REV AND rims CHAsE ministers SUNDAY OCTOBER 1948 Tune inset CHML 830 am for Light and Life Gospel program SUNDAY SCHOOL PM Evangelistic Service 1730 pm VUnited Prayer Service Thur Minister MRS LENOVER TChotr Leader MrA SMITH Organist SUNDAY 11 AM on THE SPIRIT Damascus PM ICHRISESEHIENDSHII=1t CHURCH SCHOOL lipAliLe Beginners Primary PLMYoung Mens Class EOADS RR LlxgtilltlII of tlicil Uliiigti daughw gt111 llt Strdchan OCTOBER 73 1943 OBITUARY gap ten his tngagczzati is liluattth Mai of dis iigvtt tail 111 if Rent Tlitzizas Danni lisil liia Ilit wvdd tiait ltlliidc 32 in tiootr Mi tziilzictliuze he Incognito 13f llici lloluiida liziilmia to bar lialiaii son of Mi of igtli to announce tintitjlitct ltinder ding to take place in F115 Baptist thiiicl Waiiaccbuig on Satur day Oct lici and Mrs IIdwaid 11oi Vanland announce the 111 wi lilsic liairict to lticnnl Got don Lilo Moore oungci son of 11 and Mrs liiiiold Muoic llilt liaiiic lily 111111iagc to iakc place on Satinday Uct lti lthi Iii liitl oclock in the lnitcd thiiich llinicii liitziiio 40b 11 the north they visited Sister of Mr RoutS at Mathcson which 1lt lltnl Kirkland Timmins MI and Mrs Walt at tclidcd the animal convention of the Canadian chkly Newspapers Association at the General Brock lluicl Niagara Falls last vcck Mr Walls was rcclcctcd to th board of directors Mr Thomas Fraser Bowman 1llc Ncw York paid Mr and Mrs McLeod 15 Dunlop St Bar rie pleasant surprise visit two vccks ago They had not seen each other for 18 years They had been school chums in Scotland Leighton Clark HA Sc son of the late Clark and Mrs Clark 23 Charlotte St has been awarded the Bruno Mound Fellowship prize of $1000 and will take post lak and graduateroursc in Civil Engineer ing at University of Toronto MacLaren and Walls attended the annual meeting of lthe Class Weeklies of Canada iat the King Edward Hotel Totonto Friday last Mr Macme was re electcd an honorary chairman of the group which represents some 50 of the leading weekly news papers of Canada Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Walls Thercszi Street were Mr and Mrs Roy Bean and Donna of Waterloo Mr and Mrs Sutherland of New Glasgow NS Mr Bean is publisher of the Water loo Chronicle and Mr Sutherland is managing editor of the New Glasgow Evening News Recent visitors with Mrs Carter in Barrie were tier relatives Mr and Mrs Clifford Hill Mon treal Richard Hill Cube Mr and Mrs Jack Richardson Toronto Clifford Hill is manager of Person al Products Limited Montreal and his brother Richard is administra tor of the Royal Bank ovaanada in Hhvana They spent their early childhood days West of chville near Tottenham later in Owen Sound Regina and Edmonton Richpizdtsyas flying instructor in the first world war and was sent to the USA for time and later returned to Leamington Follow ing his discharge from the services he returned to banking in Edmon toh from where he had enlisted and was transferred to Cuba some 30 years ago SEED POTATOES The British Ministry of Food has announced that private exports of the 1948 seed rpotato crop maybe resumed to South Africa Rhodesia Portugal and Spain including the Balearic and Canary Islands The total quantity of each variety which may be sent will be decided43y the Ministry and growers will receive the prescribed fixed prices for ex ported seed potatoes plus payments at approved rates for additional ser VIces necessary to fufiil export regu lations St Andrews PREACHER MUSICBY SENIOR AND JUNIOR CHOIRS madman FELLOWSHIP SERVICE SPEAKEREMRBILL BLAIN MW IEENAGERSCHORHSJEIHE VOCALETIES BURTON Cellist weedinglimeaangiypepurge becctns Cgt1 fine cooklnginlc Service and Mi Janus McKtizzie and i1 40p KENNETH STROIHER cl1g USci Slzoillci 67 Peel Lzli lzlivz lith ii an ah mm field on Sept tioss taking the l2oi and Stccktcys and at Rathc Union vlcc lllLilZEllll N3 Tia palilicdicis Sitar Howard Up Sttptirm in an ii listen Stiuiizti was com in Mauls liiEJB lhl son of Slittlliii le lilitl llc 1n Huizic 21 uos in liligiltlll llt an Anglican Lie the Itlltlll Ida Crcs dad in 1932 Stiiiivint are iaughtcis liaibma Mildictt =l Nancy living in iiionto cannon Lovr Carroll Love died sud denly tl llarric on Monday Sept lllbct 20 illlti lie was Still of thc llllt Robert lziiizcs 1id Wit tnioit Ann Love and was born in lliiiiic Uil December 20 ltitlt He attended schools licituiiitl 20 lytars ago he joined the staff of Brown and Company where in be 1came liliillllLill of the groccry de partment lie was activc in the Presbyterian Church SilltlVilig are two slSIIiS Mrs Ed Zcihr of Woutlblidtlc and Mrs Hrold 11 Smith or hit1mm and rtwo brothers Marshall Love of Windsor and Dalton love of Port Huron Tho funeral service on Wednes day September 22 was conduthd by Rev James Ferguson it the Lloyd and Stcckley Funeral Chapel Friends and relatives attended from Windsor Woodbridgc and Port Huron lhc pallbearers were George Brown liairy Love Ernest Love Marshall Chiutter Ed Zcihr and Job Clunstoncinterment was in Barrie Union Cemetery Ecoitzc ERNEST GARFIELD CAMPBELL After short illness Ernest Gar field Campbell passed away at the isolation Hospital Toronto on Friday Sept 17 1948 in his 4lst year He took suddenly ill on Friday Sept 10 and was removed to the hospital on Saturday stiffer ing from poliomyelitis His condi tioti became critical on Monday morning and he was placed in an iron lung where he rcmnlned until his death Born August 21 1908 at Guthrie he was the eldest son of May Cannon and George Campbell He spent almost his entire life farming in Oro Township with the exception of three years on the boats 011 the Great Lakes and three years in mining camp at Kirk land Lake He was also an en thusiastic turkey raiser Mr Campbell was member of the Guthrie Presbyterian Church In politics he was Liberal He was well liked by all who knew him because of his cheerful dis position and goodhenrtedness al ways willing to help in times of need The funcrnimservibe was held on Saturday Sept 18 at Knox Pres byterian Cemetery Oro conducted by the Rev Mr Henderson of Hillsdale The pallbearers were Ernest Love and five cousins Wil liam Campbell Norman Camp bell Howard Campbell John Campbell and George Camp bell RelatiVes and friends attended the funeral from Toronto Queensl ville Painswicx Barrie Oriiiia and Thornton He is survived by his wife the former Ruby Irene Crawfordpand threedaughters Joyce Lillian and Donna also by his parents Mr and Mrs George Campbell Bar rier gt twodsisters Mrs Reginald Reed Grace Thornton and uth1 of Barrie three brothers An us and Gordon of Thornton and Rob ert of Guthrie The beautiful floral tributes spoke of the high esteem inwhich the deceased was held FIRST COFFEE DRINKERS The Mohammedans Were the first recorded drinkers of coffee Presbyterian any IAMES FERGUSON BA Minister Craig Hamilton Organist and Choirmaster un Exceed $10 00 Year Ending Aug 31 Samar Soup Medical pilal accounts totalling in the year ending Angus hmd and in the bank1 ttui at August 31 was 31 ltc openitmg surplus aval pxllllugc refund itsttlvill Ruff Loughced if Hull tied titer the meeting of the ttd of illitClUiS which rctcived ivpuii of TILCISUIVI Monica Gill tiaiis Were made for the Ontario 1It5llCt of oop Medical Scr to bc held in Barrie on Octo and Mr Lougliced will be Ohio that wwkciid ttlltl Tyscn welcome the delegates to Bar 11 and Simcoe County OVENDENCOIILEGE HAS REOPENED WITH 49 PUPILS tivcndcn College at Barrie was i1l1tlll for the Fall term last ihiiisday with an ciiiolmcnt 49 ttllgt Inc cntolmint was slightly 111th than in litlutll5 and 11 addition to girls from Toronto and other parts of Ontario there t1t some Irom the United States Mexico and Bermuda lltW incinber on the staff this 111 is Miss Gilbert who has come ltik 1111111 England to replace Miss latriciu Siliilidcis who ltllllllttl to tangianu Miss Gilbert taught games and iccicaiion and dancmg at girls sclitiul in the Midlands and She vcnt to sec Miss Eigood and Miss 1134111111 while they were holidaying zit MissuElgoods home in Worcest cishiic After two months in Eng land Miss ingram and Miss Elgood returned to Canada by plane Miss tiilbcrt crossed thc Atlantic on thc Aquitania The other members of Ovcndcn staff are also back Miss MacKen 21o has returned aftcr holiday in Iceland and France and MissBilt ciiilc after holiday in Walcs Other members of the teaching stall arc Mademoiselle Shopotl Miss lindcr and Miss Little both from Fredericton Miss Rallies and Mrs Davis Mrs Dnv1s is It sister Of Mr Kcrniodc who was the British Con sul at Formosa before the war His two daughters had attended Oven dcn and he and Mrs Kermode spent furlough in Barricabout three or four years ago 40 Sigma Phi Members Give Shower for Recent Bride Home of Mrs Laurie On Wednesday evening Sept 22 thirteen members of Beta Sigma Phi Chapter gathered at the Com munity House for their opening meeting Miss Maizie Barkey president presided At the close of the business ses sion the members udjoumcduto the home of their directress Mrs Laurie where shower was held in honor of one of their members Mrs Bill La Plante the former Jean Clarke Jean was presented with beautiful floor lamp by her sororitye sisters to which she fit tingly replied Delectable refresh ments were served by the hostess Sen 108 as tilLlltEull of Orillia vicc picsidvnt Simcoe Coop Medical Sciviccsl iRog Nurses Annotation fFor District Five Meet Iln Barrie on Oct The Fail mtetinghof Disziat Registered vui 5m Aznii tiarrie on Saturday Oct 1511s The alteration nmcting tiii Cul hair at 30 Aftci short b11511 sVili present the report of the dizin Nurses Associ or their nial iiiceiing held at Sitclils in July Miss Mcilc A111 1111 picsent mat Intchug point wiil he held ii Ctdilfllilllil Hoax Iltlttlilg Miss JKSSIC Wallace Chan itpoit oi tllc NA liiili tion students t=1 Dinner will bc scivcd at p311 Miss Ncltlc Nursing Fidlcr iliicctoi Metropolitan til School Windsor will be the tllililci spcakc thud her subject Will be The Dr ministration School and gross Rcservations flit should be made in good time New Sound System Dedicotcd at Roxy And GranadaTheatres lcdicalion of 14 The formal tern last week at the Roxy znyt Granada Theatres evoked much favorable comment from the wise theatregoers So perfch was the reproduction of voice and music froth the picture Easter laradc 1being shown that patrons cxprcss cd themselves us actually fooling more keenly the positive illusion of being there This stated iOny S1soihc manager was our main idea of installing 11 new and modern sound system We must be cvciwatch fat of tcchntcal advances in the cntcrtuinmcnt art as vcll as the selection of good assorted photo plays in order to offer our valued patrons the best that can be had in motion picture entertainment Rapid strides are continuously being niado in the lichd of scicncd and too Often we are content iol sit back and lot wcll ciiough alonc with the result that we all miss without knowing if greater pcr fcction comfort and resultant e11 joymcnt which rtllgjsc adyanccs tlic new Simpch Four Star SOIind Sys achicveiirourfast moving world The Motion picture has conic to depend on sound to an extra ordinary degree to intensify drain 21th and emotional effects declar ed Mr Saso liu diniio Opp Wu Gunmnteed perfect PERFECT DIAMONDS FOR MAPPINES it and insured it against loss THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 30 1918 ee REEVES JEWELLERS SIONIIICANI PERIOD IJInint the last 25 years more PRIVATE DIAMOND ROOM ost Office ALMOST EXT ERMINATED Barrie The wild elephant has been al advanccs in tho ficld of cancer lC most cxtcrminatcd from india and scorch have hccn inadc than in all prcvioiis tinic DINNER WARE ridges and plateaus Open StOck 42Pigce Sets for $2850 New Shipment of IN INDIAN TREEPATTER lsbtt 3C 4235 59 SZs 33L as master 34 Inga 413 1593 EAJLSQIJLSQEM SUNDAY OCTOBER 1948 11 AM4 RALLY DAY SERVICE find Pleasantrguiroimdings fvEERANOEABPARTT 95 Janie 314 HE MINISTER Lsany SLR3 BOXED GIFTILINES Landlordsand Home Owners MODERATELY PRICED ENGLISH CHINA GIFT SHOP Comer Bayfield and Collier Streets PHONE 2395 DICK STEELE now can be found only in higher MJMJSJL iuwuquIavwamiqwautto Manufacturers Clearanpe of Sunworthy Wallpapers Grand Opportunity to buy Discontinuedlatterns of 19471948 Wallpapers at Tremendous Savings ll Bought Directfrom themanufacturer WI Every RollSunviorth Ready to Hapg ileGOmeEaylO this Outstanding Event and mkeyour Selection froma Wide Range OfPatterns MISS JANE PERKINSPianist BEDROOM PAPERS in FioraISemIP1a1n and Dainty Bow Knot Erratum Colors of Pink Blue Mauve Yellow Grey and Sand Also nice range of Pretty BEDROOM IKITCHSNLIVINGFOOMEDININ1IROOMSEHALII PAPERS in outstanding esigns andtpretty coloringsnof GreEnSandGrey Ye i2 HEAVYEMEOSSED PAPERS at the tinestguality siiitiioie fair ng Room andiHallLReg to 60c goLmANCIz Tile Patterns suitable for Reg to0c CLEARANCE ANDCAIIL PMmlhe General School ti Fagin the Wk at Gods mum Better 82 Dunlop Sb Barrie rqi IlliiiOti unuunu Roorns especially your Livt kitchensdnGreen and Brown Reg to 40c Wa Lil undohp It CLEARANCE 110w Brown pieces up to SemiTrimmed ALso FURTHER RANGE or PAPERS for aiirUOms inrfsmd19nitta 17 if 31 $1 TI 1751 158 rm amt 77703ii5d1 RiftAnnie Valli6k Izmirml 7751 Whit tnQ