PAGEININ THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23 1948 BARBIE mum 8113mm ONTARIO CANADA illeifer CalfGeo Graham 82 Sensibirs Jas Stoddait Ladys swrl Sin1 W5 11111 Jutm RIM Iqufnb 1H0ward Ritchie Dalton JermeylerMiss Evelin Siiaclniu MID Urile ltiillltl LariV pmdm 6ng Jerme Dalton Jermey WXR ll Greer Mrs Paltcltoil1 Eeraiti Rattle Er Erinst innit Show Aubury Jermey Senior Patch on ghlllilvhlli Lluz 5314 fVv5 on 15 Heifer CalfJ Jerme cind Ison Ms lugun iDalton Jermcy Jermc1iatoid finid innit 7Mis VVhIIl Trus liioibnld RitrcciebDiltogi Jcrnilel hiibblt lilionb eciECEI klvxlfjh erni nry unior 31 Chihlluli LV ORSLS HF mm 50 and 21Yearlirri1liorarid R1 chic Geo 3631 Patterson ilrs lnrxzs lldczdulc Blood Blairv7817atlic 111rccy canoldITlmi Igldev Graham Sons Dahon Jeliiiey1llaiii wool sox Chill 4111 151 1dr mum 11m 15m 01 Bros FUhliBLaillL Bros Twwll Jslllclr 959 CIUihfim TTHioard Ritchie Awbury IMrs Jullic 31 kI up irrtrmllmtlintoprinripol Veiit7oldBeattie Bros Ken Hunt 54 lll=llc Jtrllti Awbury Jermey SenTagan Cilcsltl Mi file 11111 V1 1N bell YearlitigBraitre Bros Team lelllt McVIQ bdlldkrw Herb ior YearlingW Awbury WCiirfoid Sofa pillow M1 in 111 11I111g1Hdlt ll nutritionst lllltfrrl Clivtilr mm if Braille Bios Ken Campbell iLthllh 019 Sritflll Jeriney Dalton Jernic Jar1T Patzcison Miss M111 tltlsLitichV thmfmd kgpurdei tiertames If 11 111111 IH 11 131 If 31 111111 lerchezon or BcigliillI$10Uthlili A$ll jfmillediuey Dalton Jenniy AirMrs Fagzii Knitted $131 1111 OgIthr 1111 51uu1uw lierb Cl hunt Sons Foal Icmuyanhl Loueb J1 JCIHW J7 31111 111 rClileiittl mlf have toin1mimltlintrimt we rs dry cr liiztlllill litst Mine or itIditig77lleatticI LL flu inn Howard Ruthie ll arr 111 carrot 11 M1 Jan St 1I11111 1I1 TI 11111418 mm 185 Balm BlWv Dmm Jcrlniey Heifer two years in inilk1dart killllitktlll jittricl vMis I1 I101 1111111 1111 1r h1A 11W 11 wine WV Dalton Jcrmey Jeriney JJA Hagan Kiiiiiiio brigrhll Ja II15I 1I1 1II1I l3 W3 dmgnC5l Jcrmer Cow three IilraAEStotitiart iii in titmini 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Viv We FZVUM itll om 511115110111110i 83 Agnmumm Team Um Ropwbalmn jermm Jumm Fad Kenn 111m Aih 11111111 H1111 11111MmHQ hmm Mi Hymn hr Barrie Ofce L3 DunIop She WET Hg11 d2 1311131051 foatcsl CI Champion Brillealion JCimey1I Patterson Mrs James Stodduri 1th ill lion in liowhrd yalz it Grim Ilil 37 year In Bunlncu es ourtots 132111177 ll tspie wswvril wI AI Awbrrv Senior1M Fa ll ll hrs titfit ll lf guys Pg 33 and Culham anti Jer Chsnuon BunT 1mm 11115 11 11 Gift 110111 11 l1 rs Far tuiziuls ilzsj cs 11 01 an gt1an I7 1111 gz CNS are uh musk relicllcdl I1118151tk01urinatingBidding and Champion gullltI 3L Jeri Lngtttiiilhiigff 11 hL11111111I11I11gt 1511 MN my Jiuk1ithtllP lltllufilhltmv RLLESTu FAVTS Mk MI111 hf 1M WW of 1110 ILSeilt on ermey 111 Iml 15 AIH 1gt Jr izliiriin Clark lau Clark II $011111ifL11311skl1htm1$3111lg 110 Braille Bros 50mm Chanme Fema1Da11o113 11 H011 11115 13 11 gumde 11 RH MT WI MIMI HM 11t1ii1lk111 I111111121111111111Alibiy 11111l quaint iii 111111ntrri 11111i1 11 lxlll illrutl DY 17 11 My 52 11 1lx1li g1 12 eruptions dry up and scale off in me JtllmlIblIC HQWFd RilChltllulmlx lidllllll llb 3111 Lil ilii other at pilt mainis wm Wk 11 lshwm 01mm 111 Us very few days The same is true JUIHUI BU Cull Jtlmt Grand Champlml IemalFDalton is lite lltllilll itllmllitllllh gr Izanzpion bull female Im II ulrm 1m Smuwm 11L 0f BarbmS Ch sun Rhtum and Winfred D1 11111101 Avbury JLllllO ICSOIVeHward Ritchie jmllh AtlfhllylUll hill lltltl bitCi Millttillll Billl J1lgt1 who CTN 5km eruptions Jermev Dalton Jcrniev Sen Gladtd Herdeiillmll Jenllj iriltiiil Ma ligllll Stiiiilhurn tcnizilr77l1 13m Jermev Howard lite ie stitcung rs cirnnon 011 111 Ubtdm Mmmes memld 101 Bull itlf Dalton Junie or 1I 011 am Tambh Drug51011 31111 m1 Him5 and overnm Jenmoi JurEokgerdvnvaltan guru itlts 31111111 Ighigtts 1111141 In Produce IiklatlligtjgN ilIllmvfrv AHtlillllilaljmrs iv 11 01 11 me1 dim Mom llfilil1ldmiillolieigl tilinin gill TflvlrJCIlilCuLJ Jerindl liclii1l llfd isiitlei Mix VK MW 8w mmi le Gety of SireJ DJclllly Dalton McKinnon Mrs lurvrs 11 1ot1alss Booth lb Bircrrl11er iiEtiltllItlitililliilgiitllr Jermcy Jormey Howard1Mrs Bison Costume jewellery illV WM MU HIlbw bllkllb tl ll llwln Rncmel 1110110 or DamT wI1Mls AI MCKmmm 111m 11 Mrs Booth Mrs antlers 7iloxci lllutliuison 111117 Jermcy Nara meme Dalmndragnny 11115 11 11111 011 pump 11 maple syrup Mrs lalt ings7Mrs JV ll lloltien Wm L111 lts ll Fallis Mrs Mc Johnstonc lorlicrn Spr Mrs l1 Jtlmt Dalton Junie 1111 11s c1111 1111 L01 ml In Mm lm mum pnmmm 3111115 1x ii gtsm P011111 ll ll sst7rl Ilillltlllll1ill or 15111111011 Dummmd SM ltillll totidait is iottou lUlll ink in Bunrd Rock cockJnnms Leo Rik111v111 31155 1311n 511111111111 11 ll Mrs lllll tlaik 115 Wealth 7ieo Simpson Glover 11mme Booth A1119 An Mrs 11 110151 Fany 50x I111 I1kliltf Mrs vIrwin lark Mrs Hutchinson Mtlttlnsll lito Mrs ix lerson BR COLkeiellhillip How1R ll Greer Mrs lurvrs Mrs lmm 1315 ME MlS 19 limpixiiifi cll Albert Anderson BR millet7 Westington Stuffed toys Mrs ritltillt Mrs Jxls Stoddart lcwankecsu Mrs turnpi1 Albert Anderson Phillip Howell Elsou Decorated glasswarri ME 11 11 md mmmms Ducmmm ml 11min it Rhode Island Red cockEiroll Mrs James Stoddart llousc coat IFSL Una PDIUVVMH Inpbvni Johnston RHl henErrol JohnIMMrs Closson Ladys pyjamas Q7 3115 Irwin lurkz salad ilovcr lillltilllltill Illllllcs alloy Ranfss ston and RHI pull0tErrol Mrs James Sioddart Mrs Filllx in lUWM 91 Johnston White Leghorn cock 310550 Christmas dwonmunw 3111 1111111 Cnmwon 11 my 111nnmn 11111 11mm James Let and WL htnIHSW Mrs James Stoddart llandi FUN Ml lmhmm P11110111 valStilhsii LQQI Phillip Howcll WL cockoml c11f15111s 11111111 Macmpcius peach Mrs Booth lultill ilowr Hutchinsonl Jamcs Lee Phillip Howell WL Clippage Ladrs blouse Mrs lilLSIhW mlhmm mhl pu1101phi111p Howe Jim ICCI 0055 fun pints canned iruit7Mrs loltlen LQllltlltIltlUi fruits White Wyandotte cockcrelJamesl School lair lIiiliuH pm clicrrics and Sllztwllir Hilll5 MW 11 Lee ww pu11etJumos Lee Bam Peck of hmthUWMd Bird 111 111 111111 111111 Mrs 11 1111115011 ll1it Mrs lordon Caldwell ll lltlVTS 11 COCKJames L00 and Jean Watson Gloria Hutchinson Bamam henIamgs LOCI phimp peck 0115IIG101 MulchingL pints an other zuicty Mrs lr Baskct fut ilorcis77lrs ll llall Howell Bantam cockeiellhillip Llovd Crawford Bettv Wood glll lam Mrs luuan Mrs Walker altluclh sick room bou Howell and Bantam pullct SheafI whemI 11115 111 ginion laltlwclli canned chicken 1111 Mrs lulson Mrs Juans Phillip Howe11 and 2I Hamp 310111 1111161111150 uphomp Bobby Mrs layzan Mrs Mcl raw Stoddart Mrs Alliccdistittiznisli1 Shim henE01 Johnston Hamp Tudhom my Three Sum Um 191121Hmwborm jam Mm Jam ed person bouquetWindowLaid1 shire pulletErrol Johnston Cock silage cornlrene Sliclswell itt mllHl Gmdm MWCIL UH Hfmlm fl any other varietyErrol Johnston Anderson Terry Sinclair Stewart Viikiwmul ham SW1 SWSETMISZJE it Mis Phillip Howell hen any other Johnston Douglas Campbell Bruce Im lillk UHF lf5lV lnnllllfMh valiClYEIIOI JOhnswn Phillip Cliappell Billie Sinclair Dorotth Baking IlllllVlSlxltioi ltllllllill77tllctt HOVCllCOCk0r01 AOVvJamCS LOC Ann Campbell Martin McAllistcr 1111I 311 11 11W WWITH Jil ylflvvlll Elm J0h15t0nl PUHLt AOVE01 ThlCC 1111111201sz WOUdS Till Patterson Mrs Win Moorc buns fimmfk CMH JOhnSton James Lec Pigeons fa CamprL Chillllltn f1 gtl1lllllllill Mrs 1chquMilhllllliiiIlliitiiiiiiiiittiiiknihiliilliliisl James Lee and exmmhon pen Humhmwn Slmpsun Bort MIL WUL 3100115 illlLLl CHKCMTS rWalkcr Caldwell tzladioli Because theyre rivet lcss CIIRYCO Cycle bond brakes provide II ihiisandsofcxira mile of brake life MORE EFFECTIVE BRAKING The absence of river holes mean greater braking area more actual braking Jar4N to contact 11mm GREATER ECONOMY Drmnmiigirprarcd11yeixiriiiziim since lt The drink that SATISFIES your Ihirsl doesnt iusi tease ill Millions of Canadians agree that PepsiCola is downright delicious cnioydt Whenever they want refreshment and pleasingsatisfying James Lee Pair of ckicwns ram Swede turnips strickwK iioovii hlls McKzH marble 111011 111 1111 My Clin 11 Jean Anderson GeO erson woudI GI Hutchinson 91211qu 11 man gri rareyco cct on its no to en Your And Wonder PepsClas mque for Best cockerelJamcs Lee Toffan Campbell ll Riiett ierl ERAXE1B Lgihzltgxn surface mula brings you pleasure no other drink can Domest Swede mps lablumc Humun 0le mm musicslibs Walker Caldwell See us about your CHRYCO Cyclcbond brakes 10day itsMrs Fa an Mrs 50 Tom Eally PUUIUCISAD Moore apple pieulllrs Irwin E180210MIS Jas Stoddart Needle Bmiii Odgkmsunu HW Clark Mrs Booth Mrs ag SfbjliglqIL Iivlnfiiilt pointMrs McKinnon House ford IEUtCthOIL Plathm MWH Plmllki itMlV Win Mrs Moore Walker Caldwell dress77Mrs Jas Stoddart MrsV13 Greg813un11u1nie11111lt11110 Clark Mrs llRoisoii Mrs 1011C11m 151umsMrsl Closson Mrs Mel Crawford Buf I0 I10 FilllT 19W IllMl5 Pilllls Hall collection of zinniasaMrs fCl SClMIS McKinnon nldm Blown BOlImmv Mrs l11ti Cliilk llrl5 Mclxay Hull Mrs Home Mrs Mrs Purvis Mrs Greer Lawn Pmphet Ulllllmtll raisin piciMrs lllll Clark Mrs 111cc bask 01 ummohmcl 11 Bedspread1VIrsI MI ShelswellIiK WOUdv Hutdlmsun Val hltnilt MIS Gordon Caldwull Mona Mme H1111 Mrs tnatch its treat anytime Yes for taste for refreshment for unsur 3535335lc52fl525m passed quality PepsiCola is better drink And ounce for ounce it is your best buy Crocheted tableclothmrsl PurI son Wood Carrots W1y 311110 C1110c1101151115 LI Finis Ii om mmI comm So whenever you re thirsty or want to add Vis Miss Mary McKinley Chm ntil11psl1ess1IomlgI 111101111118 31111 13115 1111 11100110 dllgflglllllllls 1100411 1th 1111 waii Cald 95 53 vAl rs rin Tami rs ooti if PE v7 intern i1 Bunnie it llAlllil llllili in ne rin 50 01 Mr Mom fruit loafoMrs 17 II 0f It yo 151111Cooexgmg3393213 Shelswell BeetsN Wilson whining Mr Booth 10 bis 311333101111533 113111 DISTRIBUTOR CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO Perm Made from only the Pfbflngmd ruivis Mrs unicornus Worthy LvHandrr71 Permian rimsrirs77L7Boutn Mis Irwin F1 11 II Crawford Leigh Wool comforter Crawmrd Perrymant Clark sponge cakeMrs xg CHRYSLER APPROVED EERVILL ents there sno ner carbonated beverage Mrs Paterson Mrs Shelseveg 1133 itmbcllbD Colg rie er ram son Sioddart Mrs Elson Darned Gain PalIsnipSGl Hutchinson Indm has the worlds largest mlhiiiisiflfliia L11E9illf mlGATON 55 Elizabeth St Phone 2427 BARBIE stockingMrs GreerL Mr$ MOO Mm Win mailkl me it terson sun sunMrs OS Hutchinson GDSJIIJQSQD Part iiladMrs Booth Mrs Fa son Mrs James Stoddart Pillow II II casesMrs McKinnon Mrs lldge Smdelv WOIUU 54111 Mrs Mooro vegetable TI purvis Miss Ray Campbell Wortleyv 51935013 JAd0r50l saladers Fagan Mrs Cross stitChMrs Patterson Alcampben Smdur 300th Jelly itllMlS BOOth Mrs James Stoddartv Mr Brag83113 $01V385E Mrs FMcl21rIIIlIT1Iis GMllpPiitter Saarnicer arts CA 211 rltwngw derson Snider Rivett 13001113 511111b1011M1SI ILI BoomI 16111igrrigafllls 1121a GnriggllIIIIIZ Snider McLean C1 Leigh Pie Mrs Fawn Mrs McKay M61 Crawford wool floor mg PumpklnB TUdhODC JOhn confectionsMrs CI Fagan bran Mrs Mel Crawford Hooked mat Ston Moore TUdhopC mfflnSMrs MOOW Mls 11 Mrs Geo Patterson Mrs Greaves Campbell Hutchm in crarkI Mrs Boom layer 77777 son Hubbert Anderson BuuonholesMr5 13 kc Ml Booh M15 Barnes Hodgkinson Pen Moore Mrs Fallis gingerbread PeptfaCola and Pzpn are the regimredlrade marks Greer In Canada ofPepliCola Company Jundd Diluted MCKmnon Mrs Pattertom man Hubbard squashBill Moore ers LBooth supper dishMrs in life Gloria Hutchinson Shirley Grcavcs Moore Mrs Booth Mrs UI Wilson Pedimghani Fagan fruit cakeers Booth kitviiiignnDii 81591555231 If giiiliqoli iiiiciinnMchaybaniihlvniimfl 777777 Simpson EnllapplesUfWillf BootlrMrSfltwin Clark Mrs Thc deeidlngfactrWiH NatTdAthemselvesTlemadiansyni Simpson Campr Robson Robin Hood ecials 77 509 be the preparation they are purchasmg more than Winter applesD Campbell Bread Mrs Booth Mrs Dairy calfT Crawford 8111 Patterson Mrs McKay sponge actually get for their lifes Two Hundred Million Dol clair Johnston Sinclair mireMrs Booth apple plev Ansdell Stoddart Beef calf Mrs 130011 cpokiesI Mrs work What happeneiin the Jars of new life Insurance grzimgrdmn amMgllghilIle ENE 11933 b5011lsM1 if next few years will be vital year from this Company acJ vk gt Sh at Hunt 0111 splecm Th sow ac onmng on gum Bread Mrs LBooth iols Mrs Itot 1311 utuiieirIiIm fiI WWII ey aggreiaping 55733ch ship calvesBruce CrawaId Booth hm cakc Mrs Crawford DMCNiven EI Stod BOoth 1ea bizcuits MFSIHW Moore of the outstanding record dart Langham Ansdell Pure Gold specialTea biscuits Education has become so the Life th Utlmy puuehi Cartels Ken Mrs Moore If to on on an Stoddart Cri Tav Grain 1mportantthathe msurance service of wellotr ed 16 Johnson iiiihrson Wheatheymour Hutchinson Ir rovision should be made for rep Fletcher Utility cockerelJ win Clark Glover Hutchinson bar sentanves Kenny Carter Kenny laySeymour Hutchinson Glover it along other Pilkey Anderson Rice 4W Hutchinson Irwin Clark Gordon famil needs These benets can be yours Sinclair Hutchinson Law Clark Sons oatsIeai1yIsaac gr Utilit thEC FIletcElier3 Shaw Horne Sfyrliiour Hgtch 50 havmg London L1 ameron erson er nison Gordon ar ons ram G4Hutchinson Carter oats lateSeymour Hutchinson In pIrOYIdlng lnaflmal Presentte get web Johnson Wortley Current Glover Hutchinson ErnestLHorne security for their Children With You Events contestE Ratcliffe Irwin Clark peasSeymourHutg trchzilriillurII uogidmgiigiiii ciigsoglersheiiiiiariigiingiios 3115i mO contestB Burns Sheffield Cripps 7J777Lawdsley Johnson Girls nail drivingB Gray Taylon Rivett Carter Cooke Weed namingM Mauds ley caldwell Prophet Rix Lavender Vegetable dud lug CEEtEILJ Partridge order of men 4Ernest Crawford Partridge Hill William Bea on Ort Crawford Plasticme modellingLRHander GebfKirkpatrick Seymour Hutch Cuppage IR Tudhope Stringer inson EldredICIarkErnest Borne Allen Junior spellingJ Ban Smith Campbell bury Wilson Strachan eacock DBrown Senior spell ingH CromptonJ Anderson oatsSeymour Hutchinson Thos Fletcher competition sheafSey mour Hutchinson Geo Kirkpat rick ensilage cornAlbert Ander son Johnstone Mrs Wm Moore sheaf wheatThus Fletch er field crop competition oats in WedFPilkeytNTWBaldwinr Bacon Ogs Aged boarGeoMcKayiBoai SeptIMarchC Carscadden George McKay Boar afterMarch MI Carscadden Aged sowC Ca cadden Sow SeptMarch MCarscadden Geo MCKay SinclairowjafterMarc +c carscafiden Sheep Ram lambErrol Johnston Ewe QIWe like to feel that our customers Iapart fromdeposrtlng or JErrol Johisiiton Ewe1 lambfgllgll Wirhglmwing mny many ofour servicgsnsgfu Cgagffgpd Sagar1113 13335 Crawford Anne Ram Iamb AN Crawford and Isaac 11 Take bonds for instance Theres always someone onNthe sta gt ableandirepady to give you anyinformanon you may want 1531131W2 Ewseeglgiing Exiwfgild El When to Clip coupons whmh ones areduet What sues are bemg Crawford and Isaac Shaw rdeemediEven scissors dreauppliedl Ewe Lamb1W Crawford and II Isaac Shaw Long wool open Get into the habit of usmg the experience and eservicea ahfleglcglentls 395d 021011EWti gErxlel available to on at an of our branches If on want to know 7Errol John ion bE tlnarite514fexthatitre4itformgncurrencyginarrowlythe on Jnhnstunxain1a1vijghr 419113 10 II rV 7mm My Am gt 00 0f money order If Y9 want to Open mum Sights 51h ogrovszoiim miiraiEi riggi Iondon Canada send draft our staff isiready tohelp you riiiiBANK0rNovilescorn Rheumtic Patna Getting Up Nights strong Icoticiismoios SIMPIE soiir ATHROAT cloudy urlne irritating mung Leg Pains Ind lower energy due to Kidne na Bladder troubles try cvmit Quick complete anis faction or money back Dont suffer mother minim JWEPM were DISTRICTOFFICLMDUNLOP STSB vI