BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA MINEr05 251131571111 A1 3330 BIA uI C93111U1 IA11 Pei VVCTL n1 iffiiilfiilifts Wdd ire dance it HI mm 11 take this limit 51bit isk for n1 3x JAI gt1ililltll iint 111 dtl 51 AI MUM punt 111 Up 111 11 111 11 Hi Kids ZJszii mm M1 11 ll We MH gt am u1mii tt itl 1m suit 111 my 1411611 new Ih11hli 111 if MW STAYNER SUN 37 pair IS BOUGHT BY then ail titHI itozmnend Iullhni unfln thumb Il l1l SlllV t1 tit 11 tinil T13 lli l2 1ft Public Speaking ltqwxv 1311 Iti rirzina will lzt ii emit Ltilltllltl ind oriiiniii 13 duh Jim1 llk ll7lltl maths to 3111 11 Plllillha UM llJlillslrillL 11 II it 711 Irv IUU s1 lt IM gt SJ J1 It v1 tiiitlru 11 fl rlllh II iii if itlll IHV an into if if h1 In Doug as $1ir1 loztt l4 iii PM Hmli Lkins ii Hi 11 11 Exit at loitioi hm mimdwu Emmm inc tlilli xizl ili ill on Men who try Old Chum stay With It 111311 1111 111111 18 iv not Inn1111 i1h111l1n18mmu mu mi 111 of the 111l la znontlrs ll1cI 31 11111 mug Old Ch has chowder thaw if Kliil 13 xl Jiibkifii 118 11 SH Klkc 11 11111 ilillllmf limit 311 will 31 3L or caps or lk ii 18 lI 11 lllllc Ami ll 111 tcntitd innr zllliil lay Sim l1ii it anti Mai ULHIH llullli Lu ttril Weeks ago illlltILtl in tiin it hit on Sitztidar ow dmmchve aroma 51 the of 11 mo iti lil It gm HUNT 11 11 X11 11111 noniitinioiii was lllllltlti lllllbii mgr 11lll11111sl 111 $1111 fresh 001 10194151g avour MM lttllililllltlll utid type could 131 1111144 1I Honor I1litri hail lltl null and me1 mum 11W wwml 1111I1nm stamina llllit Ant41111 BUY Package of 01dChum10dayl an Tl intii ult Il in ilt tll Am mung Hum 11m 1111111lllflll Il llll Ill KNITTING Miiizil illl ionti Ioiiniu lzi was it son 11 lddlliunn 11 WI 1111111111W5LHI gt m1uI 111111I1lt 11 ALI LU 111111 Mb 13111 1m 1111111 Ave it 11 11 1311 lll Mr liliil 11 tiail iuiis lawn intuit ll 117 WWW bl Mrs liil Bill unire llalpli Jones 1i lt I111 111111 lll Illis iiincuurcmlui inn Ali and Mr lililil lhleli tau mill I31 1I TE rhnu INN $1 111111 1111 1111 11Ilttlts uitli the 71st 21mm cigarl iiil or tiiillia and Mr and Mrs 11 11 itll Hm vumlm Wl iris birthr 211mi lilllt the 540ml NHL HM limb Henderson loninzr limoulc Wild llfm Bl 77 The TObOCCO QUOIY Hisuoith Morris ltoss llrtvllni 11H 1111 piililisncr was born and llittl ll 1111 1111IR Kink Starucr lle 1ti1llittl llic l111gti7 111131 xAMmu 111 11111111 lomzx ht io 11gtt was 11w I1 1H Ni NJNUZ lilllriS Willi 111 lili AM IIIl IIJAL tliHthtttl is incitdoinxl ui sLVcral th 11111 111 11 tiliistttll it tioii ilitnnm 11lli production of tuttic lin one of the carltist metals liltil oi the lliblc 111 111 11 m1 Mm WIN rascr In lllllkll Wright rank i11111 New JIH 11 II 777 77v7 Vi lrankltn lll1lll inn2 tor tl illllltil llllp HHVT 1ILN II ll t1L 111 public tillllS Hf llll WW Dlmm mid151 Mll lllt having SLrwd 111 51111 1111111 AE 51111 111111ittivul Irlltll1yl Kill Ii MWH libMl ullll and town council For tln past 31mph it liliiniri iinnti it lltiCllfv Ni war ilt has been operatine tcn 11in that man who utter iii sin ill itirii 17 111 Stlllkllti llli store in lolwriuorv 111 11 11 mrmnl 35 be Al llilllllmlil LU mind a1 hagknllzilf lrllli11It WORKSFA51 1I11y 111n he lllIlillllJtlllll llisson it lauricnci ji Kl The new owner of llie Slitltlti 11 hour licnt1 t1milym1rrtw 11111111 ti Allcu Iruttcr loll IllllVM vSun arrived in Staynrr in May of nigitup Lilth cxrcllcnt JIMllrll GENTLE AcnoN lcvons Jr Murmy and 111m t11s xtwr showed that IN 1111 11H munumuv lmldly lawn KRUSCHEN lUm bilinced Ulllv it Hmii la SIHIING MW Md mmH Burr bf the business Cumin dwlelPHMUFC rcticwdncointort 11 Mm mm Sword latsv lavne leriqioz ttoiil lt Sunni lli stole aouan 1101 WWM 111 mg th my be med by 3mm tochianc ti lll lmevuiis lhllic ts llc hut previous Huntl pImy mmmm mnilmiun 1114543151 010 3000000110 IMUKIIUW g1 11 vaW II tirenticeship in tho 1llllttl ind Kruschenisalilenilofsalineiniuer 1ttlilgcssltllilIUtIglltlullllEWOrld ll lb 1tilllslllllt busllltSS Wllll 150 als similariothmcin famous tncdi Flux mm ludimyxllil WV ilimd MYillll tMauJ llccortler and later Kruschcn is tiintiliy when dopey Duflin ti loinnc Wilson ltl Stcvc twnnitusotl suite TIMI ipmgi krlsthc niorningsordont cure days niake Matwycr in latsIv Small Loisl 1llklll1il 11 W1 1m WNW 5m 1m Mm ml me our auunages 11111 iccl In 51 the daiy with tunniugliain John Bail EASY ot Ml ligt is 111111 111111 Scpttni TAKEl I53lCS qiiickly in hrustlicu and see how good it is to SPELLINGI and tl1dvlti 11 l11111 by water or your morning coec tea harethatgriiniiKruschcn Feeling PM loce Solomon Eric lity Hi ii Mira 7l ru truce as illltl ihc uni 7x iii drug stores nolds bluilt laIuit Ann llant mvmw A0110 tug Paul Daehn UNlSON SCHOOL CHORUS rl drcrct iiisi was granted in EFFECTIVE SS uokstonir SS ll Baxter SS Iiircc dimrcc actions llosa Sutton Woods SS edar lrorc HIMreprtscnicd by John ltcitl was Sun 563 26 SS ii lltllIV Hill tlltll SOLO girlshlaiylin Cocliranc ti Janet Lowrlen 10 Elaine West liincs granted divorce against Leslit Sutton and lithe Smith livcr Ger Fll information from UllXgtlLlStIllCtl by Oliver HJ Agents 1Siuitli was gained IIWIIIIIIIII Wimv II Annulpth II III I10 Audrey Wick mm Chmch WWI IV Ill NE 1v1rouxandi Tl OPPN 1w BSOLO boysSteve Karas Don Iiilgllltgg 11211 7111111 uh alllldlall 3ll0al HIlWISI pmmtm by Wilson was raft Work BOOK ENDSEd ward London 10 Steve Kurtis Bruce McCal luin Tommy Brownley BlllD HOUSEDonald Ballan 3p V6 tyne Franklin Higginson DRESSER SCARF7J0an Wilson Ltlltlllttl dio1t against Charlesi Albert Zuiclt and Mrs Vera Zuielt dispute arising out ol motor accident was settled out of court and the settlement endorsed John Connineton the 1laiiitiif was re Fresh air easily controlled 1ltI1Il Jeanette Murphy Muriel Allen piescuttd bylioulton Musht through convenient knobs 5I Helen Bailamyno Gladys pay and Albert Gilttllitop tli1iitienl1 with Mmeurs duLduct 113 and 10 117 mesm Prospective puns Theory rt 10959 10911000 I03P10l11tm$ llangPiggg23 151111 ilttt111139Il 94129 993721 CLASSES INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION alet vmes Shirley McVincl CW Wm WEED CGLLECTIAON loce lUlm Stimwylk the plummf SEASON STARTS SEPT 12 501mm Dem swam was represented by John Reid D0GDawn Butchers LornavTho defendants were Edith Maude1 Laycock Anna Banting Maur Stephens and Itlalcomson Mane Ken 05m Rom Stophms Artisticinstrumentpanel RABBIT Beuv Holland 11 Sh Heb smm Id mam hasmstrumemsclustered ned niDEFf FinxkllI MacLaren acted for the defendants directly in mm of the 111812119 cgim it Roderick McKenzie and Minute drivenIllCklighlninu ANY BET exccbt dog or rabbit7 McKenzie were the plaintiffs in minution gives 50ft ACCOUNTANTS CHIRWRACTORS at We 9110 goat arm Hunter Walter Bird Boulton Marshall aci ARMSTRONG MacLAREN CO GEO RELSIE BURNSDSC tam Catharine Hunter cat Sally10d for the plainmfs and 1191111111 Fltzmaunce MaCLmen CA Deemed Dmgless TheraplSts Swmer goat Charles Icwns Binghrm for the defendants The CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ElecmcRale Hydro and mmk ds nth Iiione over recision of an 1P Mechano Therapy Races 115 Dunlop Street Phone 3194 35YARD DASHI 111115 under Donna Lyons Ann Stoltz Eve 17 Owen Street Barrie 21 King Street Toronto offer to purchase and return of money Scttlcment was reached out HARRIS SPRY Rt CORBETT DC Br of court ACCOUNTANTS AND AmeORS CHIROPRACTOR AND 12 fcgefhigeuleey Hglen 1121O1helact10n 111111 and Wan 0W9 Stu Bame 11 DR3LESS Tmflglsf asYARD DASH boys under er Bird were the plaintiffs and 11131313idaniliiiEEtX unite ma Smith 5vDu1asC1e 21138111 P6dex1c1lt mid Minnie McKenzie Sply BYVVAPPGiNTMENT gialfi lieter Bammg jimmy mm thedeficidadns hisjlivpmgi OYARD DASH girls and possesgmn BADGLEY MEDICAL Why does Meteor ride so ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Mar end650 Mary E1535 11 Mav7Gauley and Betty Edgar veIlvetsmomh Detlbletdrop frame 24 Dunlop Street Barrie VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Donna Bammg Janet MCCdguc 11 Ava Bunting and Verna up wrthlow centreofgrnvity givesroad 34llTolephonc4l35 Barrie Branchl Well Baby Clinic 153PRICf7y812$ 29 Brick Jam and Delta 5010mm huggingstabilityMeteorsspringing INCOME TAX SERVICE 03 10 43000109kever31wed Billy Popovich Bill Edgar Bob Dick McMaster and Maiypen shock absorbers and individual front WELCH ANDERSON CO 98 al Ppllcatlon 0f nurses ser Cunningham Don 5101121 An ny Donna Elliot and Caitrol wheel suspensron complete Meteors Vices may be made direct or Hume gI sighdede 11 11 adous mnk Chartered Accountants Trustees throu ct 1e 11 2451 drew HomeChO Ellswmth Moms Etc 01 one IIIHREELEGGEDerAC 77 cu ftiof usable space Spare Brock Building 200 Bay St MUSIC LESSONS 7OYARD DASv gms 10 and 11 ran igginson an 01min tire ISaCCSSlIl318 Withour II Toronto Marie Braden Margaret Den Brownley 9v Doutsmh McMastel md removmg the luggageg ney Marylin Cochrane Mary Vaughan Mam BObbyrcunnmgr 77 Meteor is room throu WARD MAYOR AND COMPANY TEAIESSIE BRYSON RMT LOWde 10 Ga Tems Dawn ham and 81113 Edgar Billy Gm outrear seat 5yfet write CHER OF PIANO SINGING Butchers 18 and Billy Walkom 11 JCk Accountants and Auditors Ward Mayof CPA and THEDRY PLlpilIS prepared for 75YAR DAS bOYS 10 and 11 Walkom and Ralph Kerr2 George 18 Toronto Street Toronto igrlyatggns 13226 Eggfgngonsgi Jack Henderson Roger Reive ngEmSQU and 30h Allison TeleDthe Elgm6116 grades including ARCT MOdem Clarence Clark George Kemeny LEGAL Methods Vaughan Madill Jimmy Currie Studw 27 Bradford St I7100YARD DASH girls 12 and BOYS 801s fRlAMILTONTm ovenGlennawLoblawd1Margaret77 Barristers Solicitors Notaries 5mm 41 Ma 10 Ave phone 3375 Vause Phyllis Campsall 14 Joyce Public Conveyancem Etc INSTRUCTIiON IN PIANO 7Soloman May Gauley 11 Betty Edgar ll 100YARDDASIHboys 12 and overGeorge Higginson Paul Doehn 14Billy Clark Tommy growlrleg Harold Henderson no ornv JOHNSON ona pencer r7 Aociate Tomntg Consewa BOYS WHEELBARROW RACE 97 St Ph 317 tory of 34de London Eng Peter Banting and Ron Spencer un 0p arrle one College of Music Piano and Jack Henderson and Bill It MEX r27 LQAN he3 Edgar 77 152 Maple Avenue CownN COWAN Barristers Solicitors Conveyanoers OPTOMETRY lior BARNE inan MONEY TLLOAN IIHQRGAN7VOICE THEORY Office 1370WnSfJBile Pupils prepared for Examinations Branch Office Elmvale Ontario at Royal Conservatory of Music BOYS KC All Grades ROWE SEAGRAM ri Harold Henderson and Jack Gauley Kenneth White and Ellsworth Morris George Higginson and Ross Higginson GIRLS THREELEGGED RACE Broad low beautiful From road to roof Meteormea sures just 63inchesAijtistic Notaries PublicrEtsc 77f Money WantedMoney4oLoah 17 Owen Street4 Barrie Emergencies Ross Cowan human Betty Holland and Mary Denby bi car grille Its thrill to Regisfefdifiatent Attorney 11IMCIEDIIIS icy CW If IMW 77 7W 93 Dunlop St Phone2963 atHOUSEHOLDFINANCE Withoutem to rideinone see this7senI1r FRANK HAMMOND BA KC BARRISlER SOLICITOR ETC MONEY 12 LOAN Masonic Temple Bldg Barrie Attcndance 96 onnitr aismrn no OPTOMETRIST Isationalv new car at your Meteor dealers White sidewall7tires7ioptional at ICXtra cqst 24 rnbnth3tor6pay in convenientI equal monthly instalments armed an audit dorsersor baakable Seouity Up to for freotmenl of Dunlo StPhone 258 JgggigggggrggCr 7777Houis7oghiaiiy JQIIrISrGAHUNGLES ttswiseztoproteetjyeurrediepay gt7 77 Barristers Solicitors Etc ANIDI pils Overdue bills Seasonal bills medical 1g Mame 10 L035 NOEL STEPHENSON 110 oremergency expenserwtthyour an1c Temple Building Barrie IOPTOMEIDRIST OIIf you auffpr from the pain and HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 10911 Dunlap St Barrie fulfhone 4201 misery and the embarrassment that if you need extracasIh jphone JOHN REID theueizakm eruptions and blemises cause 01 come 1n and see 118 for findout now abom the Lantigen VETERTNAnIAN prompt courteous attention to your RARRISTERl somerron ETC money problem Well be gladto 424 Dunlop Street Banjie Ont TTheresowef1t6spare48nd PRODUCI or roan or ANADA DE 131an Itrealment Which has hel on 11113311 3131mm VETERINAle mid gmGEON proved 10f benem to py ifeeenomyttoom that Successor to Sophia St Barrie Phone 4545 many former sufferers 7W mm15 CWJGIM WPen18Ylinden 100111 DIIJNCAN FI MciCUAIG KC Lumen con mountainOlmmdmdn right Meteor enginlThreepoinr Mharsrillilitorftc 2m FUNERAL DIRECTORS lta1naf1gmdermd rubber eInnge moununs mMchurYUNCOLNMmor mvrsron 15 LOAD 16133 bsm from staph suM ribserbs V1b17 Form MOTOR COMPANY or CANADA LIMlTEpI lococcus albus wee HAMBHLANGEW LLLLL Danubelipng195 woonsignltxcmn 42 Clppeonst 2193 gt $33239 emu om VI otfloronto Bldg Owen st Wally con 79 by loan and Io rindMr of nearby tom snonmsoN M0 31 BRADroriDsr aideredres sible for can conditions ORSALES net 2681 Moneyto Loan AGUSMITH im Established mo as Im Pennant muman mongol BUILDING AND was 013F111 3100 whim moo um KIN uourii om my arm at in nutrient IAIOIAIOMIS uninn BABRIEI9N1 IIOIFIBS30 HE joloum n1