WWwwczgzwmwvmnmmwm Welcome Principal Bowman BCI School Board Meeting BARR 3433393139191 94mm Mutual Leader Honored dciiionstraliuin and dismncionsg 1111111111 such Sillijktlgt 215 New jllends 111 luhie Ualllly Pollux than and the Alibi Children and All Alt 11111 llldurli lZle 11112 lrlu in Tuiullltl 31 in June 1111 and kill 11 open 11 the public With Illllll5 Barrie Laurel oilurmtc Isl 114egtsful in 1111111f1ri for Doni to ill 1111 Lulllllr 1n charge 111 lute Board 111 the 1111 lilloI llllUVllltHil mull111 Aid bui lmnhvmmg mIIImI IIIIhm in the 11111 ugh 11 Be ull 145 Ronald Blackstock Eru Eiilllllll 1111111141111111 on tin IWIl 11111111111 ll11l l11L51llinerl Robert ll1Zfal1l llltI for limpingno didoch um cnt were the 11111112114111 ii staff proud of he haul iiu M11 gt1ilgtc111111l techniques in art 151 Wilson Ulili 151111 11i lulllfB11llllh felt ll the behuoi allf Churn Lu lurked to contact the Recreation Of Wllllarr 13111 lllgdLlu l1v would lure to in sonieI Honda ctr1111 Salt litu 30 iimflv 11AM li 11111111 mieguani tligt orgzintmn 111111 11111 41111 III IId IlflIII III Luck ll 3111s I111 and 1lrs 111111 lip stlggostud that when the Nd In JUN My WI IIII IllIIIIhI lIIIIIlIIIIII35IILIII Rudrh li xrhoselrxag of the band are re1luiredlnh Tlnns ft Slturdn 11111 Barrie hid ix11111ll taken lI will lkAliiAA Amt Juli illlsolllltll Twill lAi llillill lmj ll liiA Ed lmh he Ap Shots lgt 11 lliAtAHl llAr liilmlplil liU Wllltl Wm junigllmT EIfmmg If his to mm 11 it with All lt TIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII m1 1101mm up hh mt hum IIIIQ IIIIIIICId bIIxI IIIxILIIIiIriIiIIEIIIrI1IiImIIIIIgcloseups or all the clnners and BHA11 11 lLl1l tllll llvwlxllltlltli ellllAll Army eduratzuriii 1111111gtgt1gt 1h lCUIlsltlLlllll 1111 dullness ol the day AA 1A wen pldied to date Willi the that the boulu till 111t1111l11111e uninizlrid informed the board that The n1i1111 121111113 11111111 tullowing results 11X1I11111 l1gtllll 111I1 Ubidlntd lt 1A 11 in his ritiili 1111pl1te the lllklvllliilllvs of ride Lolps 111 In QMmg 11 JUNIOR bthllth AN llalris IEIIIIIIIIiIlllH IIIIHIjinIthirty charge 11 llc 1111 Connection wztri tne purchase 01 their 1111111 illll gt11111A 111 ill lldld 81 1411109 03 AHL 33 1IhIhICh in hWI huhn 331 WU imll Will mfwnr hfld MT WMUHVL LMlAlilAilil ldlAA 17 11111 AWhi mama mm Ur crinh Av hm 11 lrhmt 31 lgll Ml heatin pain 1111 other illitlrS iIIIIIlI III II II II II II Recipe For preserving Hindu iii 11 11 11 1n lI11 I1 lllp merits gtllligtvltltlclll to tlia 111w ull 31111111115111 an11u11 1111 IIIII IIICIIK IIIIIII AIIIII IIIIItIlIIIliIIII Kl Um huh rmSI mhlI $3 WI SII IIIIIII IA IIoII I111 ll nul 11111IIIlI111 11f111l11l lliuiur 1ll l1111 1111 11111 IN MI Imth hm WIIIIII lIt1lIt dozen 1hl1l11n 11111 or lllltt It 11th MIMI was cmlhsod I5ka mIIHII IUIIIhlIhm 3h EIIIIUmIIVI gtlllIlIll dogs pinch of brook arIid WA The Llliltlzli 11 I1111111m 11 I1 in lllHllS Mix the children and tie 115ml A7 the new 101 mm lmdvlhdm 11th it Hi Tim 1i il HDMON Playground 50ml docs Well toAether and put them in 33Hkgkmg IV Nv board 11 llsher azid the till 10 11111 tXlLWLN lre lulil 11111 of anadu llus The Junior tinals came to an 1111 ATh Hid my 11pm 0f 21 12W 11 Rod ll lt ll Surin Muloih Jilirli unit Ml lilils 111 1k gt11 15 AL of llvdernhad annexation is based but sooner or 111 IIIIII III IIIIIIK II II II II II hi IUI 11 II II II II AMI LNI Numb l1 11 ill litilor UV Ilh hmh hhh WI and but II IV Im IIIINIIHH Wm dro ho 1III Hi In 11 11 11 11A 5111 hmnh ammo WW lIlthJll 11111 ermine 111111 111 IIIII MI AI If IIIIIIINIIII III BIIFIIICI 1hcInI5 lfonuhg uh Alhmduh In III hm MIDI thI bum 10 on the argument that 111 111111111 AI II II IgIIIIIII IIIIII III III ltLlIIC hull lb 1111 liuiir Lil Elllri mumb al lilo emuAlong chat lu deluded lllltllllillllllll 211111 11gtli11t till 111 the third and ittltllllt of the population are llindu even deprnunu 11 AA bit 111l1r11111 gt1i1 to lllb toni 1mm and nti llI to tool ill IAI mm or whhom hmmr Ihh OWN cIIIICIIIQd III SmIIIIIS Wm Whh mu relilusl to the prove of 1111tae11111111mmm mm VIII recently 1111 111 15 01 um mI IIIIIIIIIIUI If th0 mm is Moslcrn llibI 1111 IAI II Ind IIIIpOSL In II II II 11 1I 1111 17 lII1I71I1IIt II1111I1I1I 1111 I13 1111 the money be used to 11111gt11 1111 11iA11AIIA1 11115 3AA Wl 11115111 1541111 tltllllltd as Ifztgmbl Md Av hom Palestine there 11I111 no SIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIlI1I 11I rm hm mm 511 1111llli111I11 11111I 11111111151111 II IIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR SIIIIIOII III AIIIII gIIIIIEII SIIIIkIII IIIII gI IN INDIA Ax PALESTINE good CHI The Arab 51115 ulllga IMAM III 11h Mr Mctullimllll 01 WOIWU UltlVW ilIN ll1T1l gilodllrtzon 111111111 the Quarter Vincent Saints ilter 1lk1n1 wh tlhe Letter llevicwl 01 SW 10 it lltlmanm VI hlwmlil Hmwmw 11 km roiliniittea reported that the new Huvtmi The Nil il il lllllou 1leli loizllble win in illc lirt mini erc 111m nt lllll1 is iii mo Th0 Jews haw Show mm iuihcd WW was mwmed by it 1w II IA IILII I0 IlIIIf II I1U 01 boaid 11blA and 1111111 had been 110mm Il Quunilrutzon 1111 1ltll illenlholu torred to accept Sllllllill loss UplchgNlV mamall uh1m SUlVeS brave and Skllllll lighten lonpli alldliln Ill 1807 IIII III IIIELIIIIII IllIlIlLI tildered Lllltl should lie in place liy llll Itllvtllill 1111 izill 111111 11 5h Uh hm Hhh hc hhdhp lltlllltllt Allandale Athletics Third donnuhhh hall kphnhihwd AM 11 ll Hill the end of the year Board room fillilmii DUI 1IH111 If hm mhhm and tinal game was at Shear Park r0 1A annex llgtlllltll on the uiound that Mr l111n liIliNAlliLd in mi plintlpdlh Uirltc huh hm 1111 111111 l11tu11I 111 IITYIIIII MIL IIIIII IIHIIIIHIHH It 1111111 on Monday night II IIIIII IS Ind In IIIIIC IIIIII gt nionlhl 111111 111lllt leulstla renovated owing to the removal ot NH HAHN Pill1le ltlll IIrmhIII mm Mm of lrack and lltltl Him he Mwlcm 1050qu tton of 1171 I11 opening of Stllmil lllllill to the stud MH and lurid oilirnlttre was iutiuduvkdquhuhu hmhhx hm hh in The next athletic event of inter and illlllllttl lit lllllllllill 1n llltll clearance has been secured from oriirachlloli lllclutts llilliilWhIWI hjh hhhhm hl 10110 151 10 lllt JllmOIS Will be the 3rd wwwh IIIIIIIhIIIm IIdeI IIIIIII uh rm Nahum mkI mm of nunu puppy 111mi 1111 THIISII IIIIIII IIIIIIUISI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII with annual tllotaryIsponsorefli lublle has b11111 handled lle 1111111111 Mr Luck reported that blues HHWU Cilllllll MCGIIdlWy hlull ltlvlllul standard of conllilpdli5mm01lschugs hack ltd 11 cc 1011 llltllltflI 1111 1111111 111 klldlllilA to thunliulluih gtlll1lll to I51 11111 111111gttl1 I1ppi1111Il to I1llI11miallgtI ldentml gt1ll lo pollcylloldcrsh in Staged Wm izxidmlh IV Immhm hr mm mm 98mm the lllttS 111211 the 1111 work have very heavy loads owmu to 1111111111111 the 1111111 lllHdA ll mm Hm 1mmhmn for Muhml Im Huh mouth of th whim done In the 11111111111 11 would 111A illelllruor registration from rural liomml out that Iliw lwliluvs MI IIAIImMSI 1th and the Recreimm IImIIIII 33m mlulytliingsmnsllietnkcnHItOCOHNkFEEf decided 1111pr1i1111c1t ii the districts He stated that few wreaths and crosses were made hm efforts will mmmunw eoine ofwllilhllre my11111leandreqmre IA III II VIIII my mound mum mom In mm mm 11111111 11 11111111111 1111111 l1AIl mums leom sumolI the chumps WWinmun 1111 expelltllce ll thebest 11155 sown llilel gtl1ltllillls wuleI ed 111 Reference was made to Illi Home l0 NIH IIWIH 1111 tor two years lwulh me to heliumi sludims nukmli While on the fr mm Sullmcmom Cop softball Ibusr Tht board W115 01 lllt Uplll the small luluUni 1h PUPPY LadleIS tluckIln HS County During the llrll yOlllS We have 8911 urnamln AI 1on that xniokrng should not b1 Fund IllllmIldlllill ilisolIutItlyI SIIIIIIIIIbIIII 20 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLIIIl SASEIIIAPILIEEITI I11III1 El mnl lltnll WWl 9313 qhe Pain 311va on sum mpg and 1mm VOIUIWHMW Him lMl ill 1W lics llC embroiled iiIOiluli 111 MILDRED iMdNIOCK experience lllllH gained may be helpful to you CII remuneration iatsoerer rom 1e arir 1s 1er lSOll 1111 11 11111130191 AGENTb for II IIII IQ II whim mum Fm hm week oily and have 1111 the Copac Ln MOREY IIWIIHYKIWIIWWM 313emlklhwerf No Ohhgatmm Ml lllggmson plthtlllctl 11 110W SAlLAA Wm Wt Ad tlltK their opponents ill tli1 tlnl will 1111 A1 111 uOW FOR IS LVUYIporItI regarding the lmets and 1111 11nd fol tllll lll among IIIIIIIII IIfIIIIIIIiIIIIjI IIIRVIKIIIHIII holding the bug for new IIIQII IIVIII IIIIII 5II UM Use bllltles of Mincsmc School show Ilttdl 110141115 Hid 1111 fflllillli IN IIIIIk 101m 11111A11ltI11111111111 ing that the board Will receive Comrades here is the Slllltlilon Icash settlement of 51750 plus any You have comfortable Gordon Campbell and Mr By The Men tlnals are on our door THE unk cw wide rangc of prices Purchase onel daughter Gail Mr and Mrs Harold mm clan 111 Toronto were weekend Sitl lh CS Cilml BUNCH highly technical equipment which 110m lllll0tlby Filmer 1115111115111 1111111111111115 5111111180 Hnnei OVCI Glen MANOR might be utilisz Such settlement paying business or good job and Missosgrhlry anh and Maljoriel Mawrs of Midland meeting Harris MACKENZIE 36 Bziyficlll Si Phone 3874 35 CUMUW 13 from Jim 11 1943A PVC9m TU511 1100 lltillllli Wilsiirt of Olllllil were weekend Molfls FlrSl game BO WNPW 111mm CORPORATION Reference was made the 10m butI rmmnbm mix dimmh mis Show Wm Minpmm friends llIerl2 Tuedaly IitIlit the second 5mm Hood OlcoTornl or part or Sunnldaie Townshi fortune and calamityresigctvno Ni and Mrs ll Wlloiviiglit 31 llcmlal OQELI coming in thigSEIOOIIIIIIHI one MIMI NO individual is mm of Misgli T1 Mrs Campbell The Ontario Region of the Ped It Barrlevomce DunlopI Sire Jan 1049 SunnidIIleSchool his mum and mu may be he and Mrs Dusto were 11 Chris llallon imade AllISlSIhEWL Wo 52 1JlllncsdiyScpt9 hi Id next tlirol ll sudlin illnltlt lcciHiIn Mml Fm wmneway ambitious program my mcm nduvclwwmm tithlggnemtlo Sqfoym deht 01 iheh ChivmmtJL be Mrs llockllart and Linda of Mon horsmp 591105 um year mm gm gt treal and Mrs Cilappcll of Crown pieslnt 111m The bomd all hit 10nd llll tOllthl lost 111111 1101111 students frOm lVlanil cl id 11 11in You vmiv llive CuC mic Aylisnms at MFS Harry 10 Foystons lllC lllbt plcfcrencc and 15de fun D111 lb 01 110511 0UA Rally D111 UHU Ill be held Mr Bowman llit would be p05 life Comrade what about your IhoUnm1cmhch next Sunday sible to accommodate these Stu dependents in such clesc Yes In 111311 aImI M155 Slanden Wm lentY Aft lCCCiVlnEZ particulars the Legion would hch imd ll 11ch the address II 1regarding the classes they would Poppy Fund is the source of that Mr and Mrs Carlin Foyston when Mn B0an was of the help Give this CHI11111 Consider visited relatives here Mrs Alf Mr and Mrs Wm Carr and It was announced by the chair sing it Hi 11111111 that Mrs Archer would again act as caterer for the school cafe for your home office or store ByI Miller and baby daughter Gayle 0f organizations using the gymnasium HENLEYmommNEW mull must submit 26 STRAWBERRIES I20 Oz Tin 34 sodoing you are assisting to build Tole were Sundm Visitors at I1 Itcria and that certain repairs up and strengthen the means tnAVic MihmusI Mm amm Mine on can would be attended to safeguard the future of those Inland baby remained for holiday Mr Morrison referred to the distress lhere he nine of Book of Remembrance in the We have very interesting and Masses IIIdnakPatthn Iof TelOhm main hall stating that suitable important program for the ulumaspcn as wee wr nor cousins stand had been procured It wzis Read your notice 0f mttting 810 51 PIIFSOCITImRP Illwne HOPP stated that each morning differ fully lIhlaiilnldliIl MliLIpHw22d 9111 page would be Opened in the nominating committee was sowov of Ahistgn wcrca150 Sink The Hi Costcfyvm is book Which dmbt be elected mle in Slrlwiday viitors at Downcys of interest to the students 017 ofcers for the 01151111111 lCll 8m 1C Mr loung Gardening at 98 Iop muc C911 PIANO RENTAL the last Imcctlnu 111 October IFOiI Mm Tmsdah of AummI Mt How 13 Cmbat the 110 RodgersMcCullough That the the Stud meetmg BraCObndgJiarill Mrs Lyttle of Toronto ever familys roblemI Youll fee for use of the rand iano be Sllndal SON 25 the bUS Vlllivlsited Young who celebrated his nd Quality Cleaning distinct set at $25 for all organizations lame 7c Lego Ha am 25 b1 lnllfiiayl char dm arp II ounir IIcrlioysI goo ca ram 110555131 10151131 115311 $13m Dont met the WW show Wilma Wm day feeI Carried the AlmOUFE 0n Flldy Sept 24 the use and good appearance of 51 at 10 WarnlcaJohnston That any rc domes quest for the band should be sent Williams Asst Sccyu ms to the PrinCiDal at least twoweeks Barrie Blamh NOA 1475 With fwd prices the way they every cent comits and every cent that can VAL CTIVE in advance Of 5116 be saved is mighty welcome That is Why we say heres at worth Checking for THURS FRI SAT SEPT 23 24 35 Save lollies With mm te gig VMWMQM herHie items that youuse regularlythamrepfieedar10w 0r lowefhwmfw Cot 30h ab 32 September 20 ago With careful planning and buying you can stretch your food dollar Count on better Cleaning Eliiiiegermlsswn 9711117031 Mr and Mrs Anscomb Of your Dominion Store to bring you more for your money 65 PICKLING SPICE 801 Pkg 150 cow BRAND II I1I1 WaIrnlcaJolins That this board EggngICJgggs Egg SE MHMIIR308IWv STYLETN TIAISII 32 33211 PEELI on n50 BAKING SODA Oz Pkg and ou also Womb smOngJllLsmdents September 30tored to Niagara Falls St Cath PORK BEANS 20 01 N70 m5 PLAIN onionlzin the school buses and that the der The sympathy of the commumly mines and other points last week alums LARGE SIZE 37 SALT Lb Carton 2150 cirsd bc Iadvrsedaccord1ngly Car is etitcnledthto IllIlile ISuthiIn encl P0Ks 20 Oz Tin 2270 38 Egg 310 Bag 190 umunAnn re on on 11 v1 AN tram RodgefsnMccunough That the weste erar 01 Aa Cl BEANS 15 Oz Tin 110 34 CURRANTS Lb Cello Bag 170 68 Egg Bag 48 board procure phOtograph Of The WA or St Thomas Anglicfml VAN CAMP CLkaDmlmous 69 GELATINE Oz 116 wnh Mr Heath to be hung in the board scelzrslgrclhmielSigngtiuiltllilsrt Gilli tilFagilzllol ETTICE Agyoiigiinpiim 35 HlirrEAT 19 0b Jar 27 NEWMBMAD SA CHOI 91 fvlglclthos offrmer pnnm on Tuesday last Miss Johnson TOMATOES 20 Oz in 16 36 BRAZILS Oz 05110 Bag 230 7o 1135 16 02 Pkg no pa ame 1k EWmm RodgersJohnst0n That no ac 13 an In FS mg On 110 HENLEYNEW PACKCHOICE DALNNsDESSXCATED 71 SERVIETTES 91 of 70 2256 oh be work in Athabasca illustrated by TOMATOES 28 OZI Tin 190 37I COCOANUT OZI Geno Bag no 0N Insured In the tuednentns EggIn SOP maP 0f aECLSIXtQC mem BLUEAND GOLnan PACK GLENWOOD717I iirWTJIEJKlBBIIEbOffOOO Lb 3553 MQTHIBR00F Sunnidale into this scllooslmagt Eihsnaiiememidleslii 11231153in iii FANCYTEASTT 2002 38 Battle 10 mm GREEN VALLEYSTDNEWPA0K 73 COFFEE Lb 26 510 CLEANING Wes me carArEd fgzytfg tfigsffcnecu QUALITY PEAS 20 Oz Tin 2231 39 SARDINES Tin 30 nlcmlew Part of our 391Y199 1197911931234 RENTAL merits werescrvedby um hostess AwmroosNo WOWAmi JLTEABAGSL 2793011 Pkg 34 You receive with each The afoltloinigig schftadlulef OC lfeesI CHOICEEAgfzcOZllzWfiiCOWSSMTLWEVIGTil Jar 39o 951 Iwas op or ran mrcnllLLs DOMINION girmint 216 months cer lat IgutdltorlumFand 7A I1 APPLE JUICE 20 Oz Tm 8c 41 PEANUT BUTT 16 Oz Jar 3511 Bummm 55 tea orium ee awe II If 101111111 II NEW PAC 76 DESSERTS 021911 191 cfrgeg Vsenh adnssign is 11 GRAPEIJUICE16022Bottllklzifoggg2koz Bottle 17 JUNKETALL mvounslliliiunir arge an enI no co ec ion is v0 AUSTRALIAN NEW taken fee of 12 shall be charged 12 PINEAPPLE JUICE 20 Oz Tln 19o 43 TOMATO 3ATSU1 13 Bote 240 503138 01 no when the admissrog is I25c OlIunder BRIOHTSFANCYNEW molt PREPARE 28SALTED PEANst Oz Cello 181 gt or when colleen taken fee 13 TOMATO JUICE 20 01 11 219c 44 HEINZ MUSTARD 18 01 Mil9 13 JOENSONS 0fI$i10 shallbe chargedwhenad HEINzFANCYNEW PACK PGNHWVHUHWM 1791 GLO ACOAT misswn 15 over 250 fee for any ilirTOMHIQWwETWF Frmhzscmmm we miclAbuinness1gtr=ieziassw meet II VYflmTWMCE 48 aELISRESWEm Lo 80543 gt b11ln 49o mg shall be 50 fettLlnI case OliI 15 glIIAALIQY 20 Oz Tin 22lc mmHmCEnD ADA at 81 gazggtsm In WSW AA Izecgmoldiujgggih213538 13 GINGER Aug so 02 Bottlezzsci 47 GUCUMBER 10 013181 190 3130 IT2 so nightiln rehearsals shall be $15 WWW mm 48 HI SAUCE 8V202 Bottle 29 82 CLEANSER Tin 22151 fee for matinees shall be $15 the RUBBERIZED 17 ORA191 abBGalton 360 WNGS BABB epos 777 74A Ami lgggegg giggdgn nancnypgomew WWWNW1WEETERTWMSTI+$L 30 199 33 fgguggn as our gt torium is rented the organization Its menewspmyedon coat 18 3353mmmmw 12201112910 244 1119 299 1I1340LEANSER gt 110 5500 01 858PIG AND 01 Pefsm 911th Sam must FIFO gilllat c952 Ilindegbfl Halves 20 01 Til I239 51IPLUMAJAM 24 11102 250 DRAM gs Vide andpaymriemces 0f me iurhatciii lehde f8 1me 86 DRAINCILEANER rln all men the audtor 114 me 19 31 AV ravaabl If 1ruimmw Mt tech against rustvabsrbs II MBERRAYMZL 19 Wgc ISANIIFLUSH Amay rumed lf all em month 911 bodynoisespkeeps is new VBmnATsoLm PACK PRIORFWITH PWBTRAWBWY 87 DRAIN CLEANER Tin 29 and Initiate no removed Thur5day Eggs eacAhweek and quietridiriglongerAskI 31 HEPEACHES ozTill19 53 JAM 24 Pun non Anij II Gymn1s1u1nI FeeI lorpractlce us 101 about 111 ate mum AYWFUREBIWBANGE 88 CAKE on POWD THOROUGHLY night shall be $150 per Inlght for 5d 22 BARTLETT PEARS 20 0113111291 54 QMARMALABE 24 Ft oz 316 1113 i20 fromiplle andbase one gym Whn rboth gyms are fntfatsguarlmee 6901i TASTECHOICE 511101150311113111 Memoir Jg 113 K5 rented the fee shall beam per 60 your An IuIIDESSERTI FEARS 20 OZI Tin 2ch 55 MARMALADE FI 27 IOTIIGLEANER 9o 0n mi Bos Our Dr Cleanlng night fee whm games are played mum OWE oLAssoormnrm 90 ICLEANING PADS shall be $250 pernight rector 124A PEUNE PLUMS 120 OzTin 1563 56111111111111me 24AM our 310 games for out of school dis ict ms8ANADACH010ENEV PACK 11111111111114 WHITE erwce WI dIO teams shall be $350 per nightfall IOI SHEEISI RAspBlgimms 2001 Th 370 HoNEY II II 16 Oz Jar 290 this SdielY DamnBLUE mm 24IF1 Oz Carton 490 list of their executive to the principal complete 58 No HONEY II 0111 No Washed EDY QAL PROD 27 KRAFT DINNERI 18 Oz Pkg 17 om comm 91 AI forhisIapproval 5nd all feesmust IOATELLlLONO on READY CUTCHOICE 59MAP LE SYRUP I12 F1 Bottle 480 92 CARROTS lbs 1C he paid in advance The gymAl 28 MACARONI TOMATO on vmmmnm 11 111 Oz 111ng 2251 um The beSiliipllgrollniiian calling og713r937Oilimr1 own HOUSE maSiumswillnotw be AAavailableriolw any organization outside of school 7M wmm0wm mmMWCLMKS SOUP 29 BAKING POWDER 160z Tin 110 4hlinifLaundeyService t1 f1 Anal11mm Vuuum cumm 5111111111 61 MINUTE TAPIOOA Oz mile290 91$T NewAPquoes lbi25c ggillogssgluidayig gaggfx RAISle Lb Cello Bag 29c MINIJUNIOR on 93 Ont No The caretaker DALTONSJOLLY coon shall receiv 62 INFANT FOODS $250 per night when auditOrium union rsIOz Tina21111 MI CoIokingOiiions lbsIlOc 81IPMEDDATES OZIA 290 ejNomlcll um 111111 Dominion Store ll Unconditionnlly Guaranteed leo 100Sotlsheon 98 usedand $1150 P61 night When 68 ggmosmmgn Tm 21 99 on ms grim gymnasium are used Norebates 100 IA or refunds are to be considered for rentalsV Merchand II XI Sold at Your Downriva Fmsr The Dutch seeking halfway point to ilndla colonized the Cape 01430911 Hope and praised north from there to found imeinplre Auonnsou DISTRICT MANAGER golf Illunlop and Bayeld Barrie