THURSDAY SEPTEMBER me gt ym WEDDINGS SlawPEARSON Septcziibrr took plan at the llJEiEL of Mr and intend by Re lotions in Val flis lLixiii ivarsorz Thornton unllcge United Church luzmxzo when tlim ii aiu tire Lac isiiifl SIIA WSTE It Itl Wrtltlriig pretty idinhi Lilfkl suiriii 7A as Saint dag tidL Eip riaiigiitti the bride or Jame tlilitli1zid Mrs lShaw oii 52p Mars br itlttalciie Sitkart iiriuglitti ti iiarvry oEr Btizllr bi came the biltlr Reginald fLI son of Mr Shaw and litlftllilli ll ililt late Mr Shaw iiIlMLl iit thrit lulo at ii Spy of ilii Lfiiilc New liios New ct liar IItc utriiion the Rev lortl in front of tirtniattd arch uitli iiackgrotiiidhit white giadioli The lllllit was given in riizirriage by her father and is dressed in tloorivgtli illlt satin gown and mothers wedding Talisman was Icznsori only and tun The bride look giey giibgldliu Hill with wriw at About il loirlj orth tigfit titling beautifully sinuiitlct iilit iiltllii5tft Iii mtiltii Willi large ii ullti siltbhiiiri iii lc gttilt lircir iiiihis Llc cascade of crram ittvnritii Illak slur Toroiito who won bioniiiualiar brown She was Mts liter sister llilt lllir grooms attend Blakcsley Toronto After trip to Montreal Mr and Mrs Shaw ttH iakc in Toronto suit vith iittihsuilts tlltl innitp sir out was veil rusts cousin Alliston ivno wore tloorvtcngth dress of pink moire silk wrtii iiialcliirig halo and carried flower girl was Joan Itulsuli sister iilit who wore length dress ot green nylon litiltlil and carried red rioscga Jimmy Atkinson was ring bearer The groom was assistcd by Wilbert lrarsori brother ot the bride wedding music was played by Miss llessic aidwcil Ihp lutupiloil wore Size Hot 155 carrile bi itllSIlIiiltl Lorna organ and rte oiolst lis Miss Iiivliis loiiiisoi up resuiuzic man tire iisricrs wvrc Garnet Itir Eacirern otlllaizic ration warmth Jerry Henderson boil of Toronto and William Hagan ol Ilariic Tilllltockwood llcllwood Fergus and ltlll XVIIQW iUSiS Iloor tion as livid at Robiiidalc liui where tilt bride ILCIJttl with iwr lvina Mclxtnzrc eldest daughter of mother and the grouiiis mother of Barrie 3K McKenzie ol Toronto to laillc with black icrcssoritsaiid Mrs Mrs iiinioic was Iii giill gray Atinie and the late Richard Jones crepe with black accessories lof Toronto was soieniiiirtcd in Wyr lcliifo Church llltnvalc by Rev Wednesday JONESIcKENZIE The marriage oi Catherine McI Little iMrs McKenzie and The Fraiik Evan Jones was held at the tiltltgt2 parental ironic iitl mother receiving in black crept and Wear corsagc Il Slubbs 1948 at pm The bridc was given in marriage by her eldest brother McKen lie of Barrie The bridesmaid was Joan Mrs James Wbbb sister of Ailriiidaie supported nephew Richard Jones of Toronto The bride wore suit of gray gabardiiic accessories and corsagc of single orchid arid Sweetheart roses The lbrirlcsiiinid wore dusky rose crepe with corsagc of baby pink roses lmouritcd on white ostrich plume The brides mother wore aidrcss 0141131 benttalruc iijtlthloc1ltat cessorics and corsagc of pink roses on plume Tlic grooms inotitcr worc all brown with Corsage pt roses on ap1umc Directly after the ceremony the wedding party drove back to Bar ric to the home at 46 Mary St where charming buffet luncheon was scrvcmehc bride and groom motored to Toronto and from there went by train to northern points GILMOREMITCHELL One of the seasons most charm ing wcddings was solemnized on with Ml Saturday September 11 1948 Burton Avenue United Church Bar rie when two popular young peeplc Elinor Beatrice Mitcheli daughter of Mrs Mitchell and the late Mitchell and James Andrew Gil more son of Mr Gilmore and the late Gilmore were united in marriage with Rev Carder officiating The place at pm in the chancel which was banked with palms pink gladioli The mm was given in marriage ticoatiof printed organza She worcl by hengraiidfatherHL earn Her gt dress was of slipper satih with net half hat of matChmg wiiih hunters pink corsagc brides IIub Pearson poured tea while her two grand mothers Mrs Pearson and Mrs Atkinson served the wbdding cake For the wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Guelph the bride chose brown tailored suit with white blouse and brown accessories They will reside in Ioronto Guests were present from rillia Fibs Barrie USdCai SPECIALS THIS pink mother and reception the Mrs grooms green crch liuring two greataunts Mrs lanc it brittc The IS iroru or in Li iwool with navy blue 48 Ford Opera Coupe Like new $210000 47 Chevrolet door $195000 40 Studebaker radio heater $90000 37 DeSoto with new tires $50000 37 Packard $45000 MAC MOTOR SALES Barrie Branch zii ESSA ROAD At one Crossing ceremony took too old to buy The middleaged man who asked this question feared that at his age the cost oI life insurance would be prohibitive but even were be much older Mutual Iowcost life insurance would still prove good business Unfortunately many people realize the importance of life insu rpnce only when through age brother disability they are no longer able to secure it life insurance programme should be started as early in life as possible Consult your Mutual Life Candid mantod TUAL iFE 0F ANADA sun QEHCE WAIEIILOO om Providing Iifo Insurance gorvicg since 1869 ML etc MANA EBA RALPH Representatives PHILLIPS LANG BR ARTHUR JOHNSTON Barrte Barrie 5iHYFNTHiDAr It you this notgealdyiordefeltxolii DONT WAITIPIaiitliigtima is neni9mgi it lonelier us yuwlthypiif selections fail toehley some of time l0YfIDglig Bulbsiii yovrgaideninektgsiadngrI EClAL couple war take upr 25 DARWIN mops 10 DAEFODILS HYACINTHl 19CROQUS This COLLECTION It Ontario yMaii Free to anyipolntzi OURWWW 19F VARIETIES now to Grow bulbs enclosed with on COLTT ed Postage Booklet on order aeedsmsiiiirnoe i571 Mamas4 osmo Plii 3435 it dial tiaa ril $13 Firixn iitl lliiiii lillil ld mun ta =1 rL Lit itl lazilt irfit liildltzr iitliit El Haul ilrtgti iiiicis Win iriil its was at the John SitVernon was grooms Follouliii tiit rrtiiiotiy rcccplt Mrs Mitthell wore ttal bluc bullet luncheon was served to Wm Scott Hamilton Mrs Iiobirnon Ottawa Mr and Mrs Buchanan and daughter lrcslori Mr and Mrs It Bradley and son Mr and Mrs ll Wilkinson Mr and Mrs llLnderson and family Mrs Scaiilon Mr Scanlon Miss Gs Edwards Mr and Mrs It Spicrs Mr and Mrs Brown Mr and Mrs Wm Smith Mr and Mrs Adams all of Ior oiito Leaving for their wedding trip to New York and Boston the bride werenuiiciiblials maroon hat rind accessories cream roses On their return they will take up itCSidLiiCC at 00 Icnctang St Barrie LAMBERTRAWSON very pretty garden wedding took place at Campllawlcy Port chcrn the summer home of the brides parents on Saturday after noon Scpicmbcr 11 1948 when Johann Mary Ravson daughter of Mr and Mrs Edgar Otto Daw son Barric was united in marriage Dwight Ernest Lambert The groom is son of Mr and Mrs Edward Lambert Jr Grove vCity Ohio The ceremony was per formed at thrb oclock by the brides uncle Rev Norman Raw son of Centenary United Church Hamilton assisted by Rev James Ferguson of St Andrews Church Barrie The bride given in marriage by her father looked lovely in gown land of white brocadcd taffeta ankle lcngth redingote over tiered pet and shoulderlength veil with wreath of stephanotis ller bouquet was of pink Briarcliff roses Her only ornament was abandcarved Mother of Pearl pendant Star of Bethlehem The brides attendants wereMrs Otto Rawson Jr as matron of honor and Miss Mary Dobbie St Catharines and Miss Jeanie Craw ford Madoc as bridesmaids The matron of honor wore pale yellow brocaded taffeta redingote over white organza and halfhat of matching material The bridesmaids were in lime green brbcaded taffeta rcdingote over white printed or ganza and they carried small bas kets of pansies and Sweetheart roses Some of the flowers falling in the brides path Mr Garfield DeVoss Jr of Columbus Ohio attended the groom while the ushers were Mr Otto Rawson Jr Barrie bro ther of the bride and Mr Vernon McClintock Grove City Ohio Mr Angus Ross of Barrieplayed the wedding music and Mrs Len nox of London sang fGods Gar den immediately before the play Lagobthehohengrin wedding marchand fAIl Joy Be Thine during the signing of the register vThe pines with the slightly coloured foliage of the other trees lending colour made the lawn lovely spot for thereception As sisting the bridal couple in re ceiving the guests were the brides motheriln gown of raspberry Wm with blackhat and featherto match her dress and the grooms mother in Royal blue crepe with black hat and Royal blue plume Guests were present from Toronto Oakville London Plattsville lfamilton Barrie Guelph uffalo Kenmore NY Grove City Columbus Cleveland For honeymooninlhe Lauren dad suitpa grey tapcoat black corsage for stephanotis andw te roses Sheirtwpnejwntamil hsi looms her andmother and her greatigrandmoth if rings Upon their return the bridal residence in Help Nature To Eliminate Waste combination of valuable vge table remedies blended together under rigid st dards of purity Miletam=iveriPllIs11rEifftlf valuable in the relief of constipa tion andminor disorders of the liver stomach audbowcls They 1301 the eliminator or this rigidities system of waste rich is often the cause of constipation sick and bilious spells headaches andlieortburm Once tried youll hi deli renewed feeling of we being which they helpto prodgce Miibumts mum Piiir are on sale Mall in meters his mm Ont columbus Ohio THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE TARIO CANADA mas nun5 successful Executive Meeting of The Barrie Presbyterial at Barrie Mix Chocolate Cake in 60 Seconds tn liiir uith tampbcils Fake in titlrt ad too intrk or dirt tii Iiill take light iiizrtLr dtiiLIIJS Iwriav 55 Bar Pi rgtb ici Lil COLLILR SI HaveH MOCOLAH GCIDLN SPICE ariopttri 29 iv AINS tIItVLliS IIS INSIIIIIIZ tlll ROAST gt1 xiii Etching animal plrs itnli iii of roll Stroliii Sititl tori Mrs All 311 sectional ltliicl IilltliIILlh Miss llcici Stall tune Midland itriii oi rent iiiazriaitv to 1t lioiiil li Sinclair soii of Ur riair risking gratulritioiis and sent from Illl It Sinclair and Mr about 00 gritsis on the lawn of ilttuf 134 Inn Some of those from distance wore Mr and Mrs Spcarri Kings stun iligs Flcttirti Windsor ii ii liititril Tillze arirt liltI iiiaar Ii inki zihr Hate Miss iiill Limit liil it tiillur ml alrr Iiitii riii iviaii tat Lit ruin to tli iiiriitl tltlltilliill Irtr ions lt Iiiitl iiiilili Milt Fr itiitl iliiiriir liiil itribti iild iivvlii Thursday at tla noinv of hi dtiit Mrs AllalLI limb llill lili ll wll iiitrtl ill Illt Lisl ail not so titilit ix Joy lull kxlti ciruii iit book and innit rizipl5 sibling tr CLAUDE CARRUTHERS ELECTRIC WIRING AND REPAIRS STOKER SALES and SERVICE Iiarric hills it iiilltltlfv iiiiiritrl arid iIILtIiLiil iiiiiii iiitiodtiitd Nt st til lil This was Iiiilgtliaittl by rtllltallnltiii vtfl 1it up this Eli II artist il litht Mr ilIUi of the work to tar slides 52in iii1 Mission tlx llaii litl illitiiiil Maj MOSTLY FARMERS LKtl iii lit Sinclair iii iilitliii Ir liiii Phone 3437 liirw tour Mexicans young wornm Kitiil oil the land Jul 254 Elizabeth St ERESHLY GROUND PRIDE oi riiiiirir cairn 51 this BEST COFFEE VALUE IN CANADA SPECIAL LoaLAws MARBLE lOBLAWS BREAD wmn witcrewrizir ancxm wuin JUNKEI SHERBET MIX CHOICE TOMATOES HEINZ JUNIOR IEOOOS EIENANADPF HEINZ VINEGAR it QUICK OR REGULAR COTTAGE BRAND rum on oz PIMENTO no2 La RAISING Pita La rxc LLB BAG V1 L3 PKG FL 01 JAR ADDED 24 FL 1591 91 20 FL TINS luaEnsoLL sooneranESE BRODIES xxx cans Emu nmnosEonnrass pesosrm ROLLED oars BLUE meson rm pnions nasansasvia PRIORSSIRAWBERRIJAM SPAanmMircrins IWI SHOE pens pm BANQUEIEanevrsns Barents FANCY rommo JUNE no1 suns waits uousv AYLMERJOMATO soup AVLMERDonnmsA anusrams smears clinic AcuEs Vzs CHOICE smnwssnniis 2402 LOAF CSELr 29s 51 20 52w 32 395 19c rmI 89 16c 193 28 119 232 7235 33c 29 QUALITY Pnooucr or THE LOBLAW BAKERY OZ PKGS 29c 11c 15 15c 22c 26c ORANGE PEKOE 20FL OZ TIN FL TINS OZ ADDED PECTtN LILY BRAND VA L0LAWSM JACK Jill TOMATO SAUCE WITH CHEESE BLACK DARK TAN IIT TAN AND OXBLOOD UNGRADED AS TO SIZE is oz BIL OZ LGE PKG OUAKER WHEAT runs 29c FOR iusrrur sungr PORK BEANS unis VLAINGS SAUCE 50 NABOBJRRADlATED coEEEE msoso JQIINSGNSILCJC Ifi TOILETTISSUE INTERLA MAK ES DISHES SPARKLE PEANUT BUTTER QUAKER OATS 16 OZ 20 FL OZ Tilt 20 FL OZ TINS LB CTN 10 FL TINS is 02 TINS 48 FL OZTTINC n20 rig oz TIN 20 FL OZ TIN 35 LOBLAWS FINEST ORANGE PEKOE RED LABEL TEA baooAp CAKE WHEN AVAILABLE 02 53 19c 18c lit 59 17c DEEP 20 FL OWNED OZ TIN OZ BTL 20 VILB rite gtsz BROWN 50 some mean ON EMPTY art CONCENTRATED JAV EL 32 OZ LGE oNrrrs59c siiziikiu LARGE PKG SALMON nEn SOCKEYE Emir RED SOCKIYE or war mm mun mmzsc mm 41 Enucvanncon0Ww33w evisoemersr qu Anniviuciliuinsnnrurtorrent ELBERT ELLow ELEsiirREEsr VEI gtDllvooinltcsvolooc La nous 11c cutiiiixm rsELj 24c WALNUIS PIECES irnucv OZ PACKAGE 301 21 ivon SNow mi IVORY son Pittsburg and Cambridge England LARGE lo oz CAKE tians the bride donnedi3Lcherry FRW hat shoes and accessories an on lXCELIENTFORPRESERVING LSIRLOIN STEAK elmTS CHOICEPRIME HM crivas SPRING LAMB Vivdot on HALF ear ourkno GROWNVEGETABLEs Amos mm HEARTS SPANISH wit COOK cALironNiA YALENCIA ORAN No GnAbEwAsHEn BinIi curIo 29c snEEN LEE PASCAL BUNCNES First Ribs SWEET AND MILO MENU cuE Fort romain 13 no MEI LEGS Whirlwind ironLam SWIFISTREMIUM FRANKFURT CENT CUTS AND CHOPS no 59 1347c END CUTS AND CHOPS OIS infXML OHICIIEAVAILAIDIJ 13 PORK IIOCKSiMmva 23 span RIBSSIDE LB 65 LB oNrAmo oitowN No1 ennui dim5 93 GRADE Au peruse row p49 am plexus