rtewerrsw vv16$ ortvb tIi1iiI iiI ollii iruulemsi mm its The summer 0iiLr was on Friday rl txzicn they LLIi lbs of Si llnll friend tiltll and JS the cabin the early part Alter iciittivr li in ioytd to the lull tt 3w Siltilit stings Tirri to yo lUIiL home bits trttilrioti luirit ii litti stilt losx Shtlllix Iiic lt it Hit lgt Kld mini still iivr ti la rmi WWTEEAUT rru new 53 ititaii tiidi it ll llilzw uiiih illl tII itl Lil 45 Wilnl itri lilu iizil uirri Ever home can use extra blankets suit trim MM lt Maniats iii Jiimirii jowl tuiurs iiiiiiiixtl HiKSM or satin bound trid iittM iiiJIlixtiS are it till illii You an Ilsa ubhin hum your ltltl ironiyorir UNI llUtli or twin inilr WOOL and Ming hwi kriittrd 000$ BLANKETS CAR RUEES SKI Lotti SUIIIM IOTII HMJJUNU YARN saliagt iiuoi iiiiittrd goods liiis scriito iii tltth 6k denunrlnin the htSi is nuii available to risitin liniditliroiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiirigul uiiirltiprit iii alumni Uniariu Let us srlid you lull partituhrs me yumnewxxtaloeuerugivinr tuitiiiilimndmwi ruining printout made by thkikhfklll Wwi laudu NAME Hm Mal Cime ii Iii 53isnArcHLWA Virosatarreet oviuiol pgzroijaiiit4i4nos outAir Wm ans RANGES DESIGNED FOR USE WITH ssoran ACCURATE OVEN CONTROL If youve always longed to cook with gas0n gleaming modern rangewhercs your chance Now available in streamlined models are wellknown makes of gas ranges specially built for uscwith Essotnnc They Iightziutol matically No smoke no snot Gascooking is clean quick less trouble economical too Euolane ranges 9nd water treats are sold direcl by Imperial Oil limited Rings also $0M by mail appliance deals Rangs pricesdentin 3burnsr model $9800 up to $18650 tunableNE madslt Pay only 10 it small monthlyamnuntlr 35 Essota Gas Service Imperial Oil Limited 56 ChitrcltStmet Tommy Qeterig Yea Wbllld like to know more she or obligation your FltEEppnge ill gas service MY NAME elem pIInI own and the balance LIMITED gt MAPLE ota sERVIC OIL PLACE 650M ii IMPERIAL TORONTO OARLETO WA 6761 ut Essotsne Pleas send me without charge ustrated booklet which tells all about this new Anbiisss 11 PHONE NUMBER 91 50 19331113 PP 168 irFriday rSe 24 Biry TheseaiNow WOOL JERSEYS 70 CREPES RAYON PLAIDS WOOL PLAIDSs BENGALINE STRIPE SPUNS suIfIINos seams fDQESKIN snmrme 9THREADS commie express vv WRW WWN FEE BARRTE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA g3 terminates 3O0WQltEY H3105 IB lrlir Still gt LII iii Iflilltliidi lair tutti Hm tril lllltl until halo iiitl sire ta torn and tt=ltit of Haiti mi in nor in rural tail ta ltii tori iiltiilri tilialtitti iaiiirrvlctzidti it iiti iiaio Miss llil Sirviiiiai iIItitiidlti 1uIlttl lIl ltt llitIt taltctti with titanium braided halo and sliotihitnltrigth li Ihiltilt Iloyrl 11 of the iiiitlt was flotvtr itiil fitKktti in yellow srlk moire lluv ill rallied laiisniaii tas tiitit Mi Wainr iloyri intiiilll of the illitit iltiillllilllll iiIUi Mr Ilaroitt Ill Ioloiilo Itrttii ii tislirr tiltl hour distance Vllt lltiil iirlll1 Toronto and litrtlalo tiltK to lilt brides rllzrnlanls irc tItllAnl necklaces and tia viooins nthiidaiits gold llt clips Iiti tiii ttltiiltllt the happy liliilltlil iii pasth shades lliose assisting in the serving were Misses Irene Knapp and lloiirie Wilson Mrs Karl Marshall and Mrs ll Wchii Yvonne Perle Rowe BouIiryvlio was recently married to Douglas t5czir Shaiigliiiissy in Trinity Ari iiiican Church at Barrio is graiidnircc olthv late lit Itos ititi Iriuilil Rowe the original Iilying Bishop nf1irisia Arr autographed volume SWlllitIi Bishop Itowo about his exper iences iii iilt Arrtic is prixcd possession of Mrs ll Bowiic mother the bride worr kitllt gtLiilit cachW up as so raw ow tIIItIIUBUE that thl Ll and tin Stirizrntiuili rl l3lliii$ltl Mr lltvru Iias IJlti ltm tilliili tlfiiillx it liar itl Vle played in M15 Siltu lr=ii at the can in iiwunaiain lilt briltilsl tiii Ititiout intti ri llltliill1i by iwr tritiici illt Ll tl pom of nor ll rl ii gtili Iltl all Milli it Arl Vt iiiri and lill Ytii Sliiiiv iorior iIatriilloii maid of horror and Ktliilittil 1iti iilltiritti gowiitd iiikc in Ililtill iiifllll star taffeta With your dint and iiiaddrissts of iron tilIJIIliiltIilIIIIlf Iilllltii in liltl iviviliitltlS Iiiv Staphtun Ilaiwrsnllc was litst Iliiilt and tlit ushers were Ilcv tirligtr ilaiiic and ItoiitIt Iiiixlillllllill iUIllUII iir iliiltlrlli ias iiiiti in tin llttrilt lrtlllti iotii=l Iiii totiiiii urii liw til ljoroiito ItKICI rItIIICIt Ht Inlin Anglican Church Wa rring hrautitiilly ticcoialrti wrtii ilritli tI giadiolr tor the 1itiillf on Saturday Stpttiiiiicr Iti ot Marion Iaitiltc tiltii daugh ter ol li and Mrs Lorna Ar tilii Latin to John Mclict yoeiriiwd son or Mr and Mrs Alex Mtlici iii lIlIttilly litr Stiiiiiis war liit otiirizitini clergy iiiaii inrrriiaia illi latiicr iorc strwthiiiizlli toil of powder billt Sliii Jersey with matching iiataul lingerlip glows and carried hou quot ot Ialisriian roses and torn Vivian Archer who was brides Th womenS Hospital Md COL iiiiiid tor lltl sister wore street Wmds465kstSnmrdm mu Jerigtlislrrssot Victorian wiiiu crepe wrtli matching accessories annual tag day for the Royal Vic toria Hospital Convener oi the event was Mrs McCarroli The team captains were Mrs 11 Smith Mrs Duvzil Mrs Bcift wcns Mrs McKinnori and Mrs ll Gable Iwclvc ncw pro bationers helped with the tugging in tlic morning and there were 30 girls and women who tagged throughout lilt day All the money raised will be used to benefit the local hospital 0n SaturdayScpt 18 Mr and Mrs MacLaivn had the pleasure of entertaining for after noon tea at their residence on To rorito St the following Mr and Mrs Hugh Savage of the Cow ichan Leader of Duncan BC Mr and Mrs Harold Hale and Miss Gcrta Hair of tlic Oriliia Packet and Times and John MacLarcn of Ottawa Mr Savage who saw the light of day at the same place as Shakespeare is one of the lead ing weekly newspapermen in West ern Canada He is past presi dent of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and when that organization had the choice of sending delegate to an Empire lama meeting in Australia he wasthe one chosen Mr Savl age also served term in the British Columbia Legislature Mr and Mrs Savage had been touring in the USA and Eastern Canada and when they left Barrie they drove off in new automo biic thought mainly to take them to their home on the Pacific Coast Ernest aiiiehtthe short ed court shoe or csNrnif VESPRA wt article gt101 the vlayette interest were idiscuSsed Wingroves ges $9 Wayne McKnight of Angus who has not yet reached his first birthl day has grandparents to the fifth generation His greatgreatgrand father William copeland 353 Lip incott St Toronto is in his 88th year Mrs James Knight RR Angus Baxterl is daughter of Mr Copeland John McKnight RR Angus is son of Mrs James McKnight Ernest McKnight of Angusis sonot John McKnight and Wayne is the young son of LatestJlnjled Kingdom fashions in shoes show uthat the medium wooden wedge has gone for good andrhigli heels so flattering towmam Thommn Hawk ankles and porse have taken their Painswiequbmmo rand Gan place says recent UK Informal tion Bulletin Dainty scrolls orn htdhighhecl SUTHERLANDWRIGHT CookStoWn United Chorch Was the scene of quiet wedding on Saturday afternon September la several instep straps carry through thesmartness of new striped dress For sports and leisure there are the flat and ldiiitd bouquet of ten ioscs loiii bitKoo oi Allistoii was grooiiisiiiaii and Sandy McKee and Bob Archer actcd as ushers During the signing of the regis ter Miss lilva liumblc sang Ill Walk llcsrdc You with lVllSlltil Itisoii at thc organ Following the ccrcinoriy re William was held at the home of the brides parents with guests prrscnt from Coldwatcr Michigan Sarina llolton Pcnctang Mincsing Barrio Vascy and Elmvaic lior tiicii vcdding trip to Clove land Ohio the bride chose brown liltilit suit with matching hat and accessories Mr and Mrs McKee will reside in Toronto ROBERTSONMORRISON The Robertson cottage Ethcl Park Bcavcrton provided the sotl ting for lovely wedding on Mori day afternoon Sept 1948 when Ruby Miriam daughter of Mr land Mrs JasW Morrison Painswick was united in marriage to Mr Cecil Robertson son of Rev and Mrs Robcijtson 0t Bcav crton The doublerihg ceremony was performed by the grooms lather The bridegiven in marriage by her father were gown of ivory satin with fitted bodice and bout tant skirt Iacc yoke oilshoulder effect and long littcd sleeves beaded coronct held her shoulder lcngth veil of French net She carried bouquet of red roses and white heather sent from Scotland The bride was attended by Miss Eleanor Linslcy of Toronto maid of honor wearing gown of tlclphini um blue talieta with headdress of blue ostrich feathers and not Miss Jeanne Morrison sister of the bride was bridesmaid wearing gown of rose pink talfcta With lica dress of pink owers and car ryin am of pink roses and blue rs The groom was attended by his brother Mr Donald Robertson with Corsage of Talisman roses corsageof pink roses tended the reception casuals of classic fIher rseptemberrimeeting of Cen tre Vespra institutewas held at Mrs Thompsons withitweive members and two visitorsfpresnt Roll CallWhistle Singor Pay It was decidedthat each mcmber bring to the next meeting some Mrs trickling and Mrs Hickling gonducted it Whats Your Beef program Many subjects of The next meeting will be week earlier October at Mrslrorne In reeenteryesrsi Jorge numbers of Americans applied for Crowu land on Which to build cottages of their own During the past few weeks however as result of some favorable publicity in an American publication there has again been ilobd oft enquirieswlth respect to available lands lorsummer cotta news in ILAcKnEAnsyv armtturdaattsttzrarz Wearsairmen gt 7Now even pm 1948 TE im Sutherlandi Lewis URSDAY SEPTEMBER siigia was gueti lit niar izagc to Rtiljrtl Sailirrland Hill oi kri ihlf mid HIS Bradford trusted titth Linen angry in lather rhcl Lvas gunned in white IGilll taliopcd Neck and aiStiirr long pointed sleeves llt Lingerle halo oi oi iih lttr apparel Etc bride wore gold neckptcce ulth piil fatiztis utddnig girl ipotlicr Her Ilitl mm ammuui SAlAIIA TEA BAGS cutter oiliFE Are you going through thil functional niirlriie ape period Kitlllill to women Liti to yrs llocs this make you surr from hot tinhost rtlI aurora high hlllllix tinrt lIitn no try Lydia Iiiikiiams nuniiiIetoinpouial to rtIisvo such symptoms Iiiikliaiiis unipouud also has what Horrors call stonischic IulIIt rill41 tYDA PINItHAMS rl Vittoiiau rid Cookztov ii our ittessuz cc mutiny cor2 our Erie out llilliior with skirt as taught by lilr issorin ilitl erl irige ulni illr Iliiti llvlmr Lucy Kliitli raga bttli to iltl Mrs liilii Mrs sister of i=aton Bilik tit ilriiliri of Allistoii bride along vxiih tlIititSllitlidS sistri of lilt bride irid piStil of thc ltltIIlitaI in caccpi hitrYtS was in pink 11 loses in heavenly itlariirili oi the tlrrzii lliliui Herring Supt iurday September 1948 when Violet Blanche Canton only dau vghter of Mr and Mrs Fisher Gait of Hillsdaiv iiitirriagc to William Douglas of Carley son of the late Mr and Mrs William Douglas The ceremony wits performed by Rev grcri Entering on the arm of her father the bride wore gown of blush pink faille with fingerlip Ciil held by coronal of orange bios soms and she trvaiii roses liic bridesiiiriid Eu Wm 1m iyri Shackleton oi Eirrivaic wore iirl of ookstown and Donald WW Ytnuw ulna mi tilled pink roses The grooinsrnziii Albert Johnston biotiicrirnimv tl Lilldiill Wright and Jraii Stitlr ll rrooin palitril and scaliopcti Iiltltltili carrying and the blur la vurlwy hridc was flower girl rircsstti iii ilit tiilta Wth pink and Ill trimming and boriiict to it itch liig iiooriirnari was Iirn Britl ti tbst iiizitrriai IC was tlilitttl it tit honor honourt iii tilvsrriritds carrying illcigt Kael pastel cousin ml lii Nltt inaris itlllt Attciidiiu hrr liltic luid bouquet of VEGEIAILE man ookstown COMPOUND the home For cast iliardiiic suit with tlit arnmvoiics in their re Douglas iiialii tlitti iltiitil at Carley ccption was itt wedding iiiitit lllt Sutherland of Bradford acting 35 Itcv Ach liriibirt ol loI clinmumnrd the groom The wedding music was provided by MissDoris Shacklr too Following the cereriioriy it re lliriiistnunti tlurrhalesteiit itnhgtt Picturesque Residence with fourteen rooms completely modcmired Beautifully situated in the centre of eight ltltb II woodland Quiet restful rind yet very convenient on Highway ll two miles south of Barrie CURRENT LOCAL HOSPITAL RATES TELEPHONE BARR 4268 It Wlilll MAMISSFLORENCEiliREAKWElJITPaiiiswk Uiit My iiitil liiti toiito iIIIfJ the Shit ins Ilt at the organ Itltlillllil was Wiltlt riilt turn and xirs will Eiiii rli iltiti the brides mother iiiiivvd in black crepe with black accessories and coiszigc otpink Ilir grooms mother assist ti in navy tItDl with nary accts iriiltF and corsagc of red roses itii tiliiig trip to North Bay Ottawa ItltillllltliV Wiiit suit with black accessories ytliow On their return they will rtriih on farm near Ilond IIcitl rititS chose gahaidiru ilttiiitt She had cor from bride Wool and and sage roses Iltlltlll DOUGLASGAYle Decorated iii UNISHGiflmll9lh ot the brides provided pretty setting on Sat Llflio Lizilc whouagivtui jn ironic parents AMod WQMENlS SMART PUMPS $500$595$750 $895 $975 and erate Prices BROWN oxrosns $695 $150 $795 $850 $895 $1150 and up CHILDRENS SHOES BROUWERS RESEARCH HURLsiirs 4CHUMS HEALTHSHQES RAY rirrrno SHOE Foliowmgmthe cereniony the brides mother received the guests Wearing loganberry wineprepe The groom mother assisted wearing powder blue crepe with 4+ ORE Dismay preposr OFFICE MRMMWWWAs go gt Plant ST 1948 when Doris Wright daugh Fi HAD ANIIDEA fWEZDEPPo AndIikwhem Idol IFor Posts Bran FlakeshavethatIwoxrderlulavor that helps you coming back formore dPonla Brim Flakes ottpply thenatural bulk to Incl reIIove constipation elp keep you in addict of what 100 for more ailround Ir rum most other troutIii arent 12m We Product of amoral gar iiiai 10s or THENORNINO unmet