THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23 1948 MRS RAY LIVINGSTON left of Barrie was first flight winner at the match and Miss Kay Stangroom of Collingwood wearing sun visor carded the best low gross for 18 holes PARKSIDE GIRLS PASS VALLEY LEAD ENTERFINALS AGAINST NEWMARKET Midland Free Press Herald ltita Jones and Eileen Keycs liniaxmg an uphill battle which counted the fifth run saw tlieiii behind live runs in the Palksidog not one back in the lllugllmfii Mdlillld liiIRSIIOS iiistwhen Doreen Adainson carved 501 the 41 mm 10a homer over the third sack the beat Vallev Taxi of Bllilt lli ball rolling to deep left Sonic the deciding izaliie of their Barrie 510 Chung 101 pm picii rut aIIIlDlStIICiI Ladies Softball League mm one back Buym In 1i seniifinal scrles at town Park second am Sm had singled Wm Monday iiiglil v0 out larksidcsrwul now meet New parksides shnwcdrsignsOf mm market Dixons for the league title mg 10 the in of the Sec wuli present arrangements calling and mm mm scored twice on for the rst game In the southern Walk 10 MQV Mklrphy an em town toliight Second game of the Audrey ScottS mum and sin series will be in Midland pics by Ruth Rutherford and June day mgm Hansford That made it 63 for the Parksidcs supporters went wild Visuors Monday night when Ruth Ruther vaneylsmcked on another pair fords sharp single to left drove in the mum whm Longhuist home Audrey Scott With the wm popped vliexaslmguo double to mg ml AWIFC llild Singld to left and Robbin Lennox walked to centre only tow minutes earlier open Both scored on ineld to Score Mlllld Raw With the 311 lers one of which was tieldcirs Important tying run 81 winning choice that got nobody That end lark5idos remain Midlands last ed games scoring for me night 110110 01 gt9ng league 11110 although they had runners on sec hllmmtl 590115 but 11 W35 tough and and third when Muriel Rawn one for the game little Barrie crew tanned Rita Jones for the nal out 10 1030 in thcseventh Both Muriel lawn and Del Mil Meanwhile Dot Miner kp glthSSLSie 3100 5311 iwlivgmiy larksides away from the plate ug Midland school marm having til the fifth WhenDorccn Adamson slight edge More fanned mfgmlgognggg 3035316 only two batters but both her strikeouts came in thcjlast iiiniiig 53tlxigitxlljtgi when they were badly needed Parksides ollthit the visitors 11 to V0 binth wem easy oms June Adamson agaih walked and both scored when Phyllis Moody let Phyl Thompsons drive go through Valleys loOked to be well On the way to Victory when they scored fivc big runs in the first inning to right field Another single by Mlg Longtht and Lennox Morse accounted for the third run beat outbunts and bothmoved up on passed ball to score on Hazel vgiggbealtg jitatghee fgvgstlgmdes wrights single Hazel was forced Melva Murphy provided he at second but Dot Miller got life on Morscs error putting run ilidlgrgmffeauisgi 13th 1213 015 on ml and Second Mary running lonehanded catch on Marg Wood singled to right scoring both Campbell and Miller Singles by Wds in the fth June Hans same girls bid for hit in the Here is the UN BEATABLE COMBINATION for Next winter played whale of game at third perfectly each had two singles Doreen Ad amson Nora Morse Pat Beteau total Modern anthracite stoler Here is completely automatic heat the kind that is favoured today by forward looking architects and engih4 eers Modern anthracite stok ers take care of fueling tem perature control and ash re moval automatically They are immediately available take just few hours to in stall in your present heating system 2Economicalt0ker sizes of fjrggusylvaii anthracite You can soOn saficillOugliwtaT tually 32 to 52 to pay for your new equipment and then enjoy the ctmtiiiudf savings too Best of all whileexperts are predicting 33 to years shortage of oth er fuelsthisvfuel is pleptiw fill Swith NOW to automa tic anthracite heat and next winter you can set your t11ermostat WIIele you Want iill JSarjeant Coltd FUEII BUILDERS and wiiuier Since189 BARRIE 2461 Portable Welding BOTH 111110er AND ACETYLENE Ornamental Iron Gates Stair Railings and other kinds to your order GENERAL nmbxsumimo inertia Iron Works gaggwmsr PHONESOIS THE BARRIE EXAMINER RRIE ONTARIO CANADA AVE native son back in lle UHA Seidvir liAliltll Wild whit12 ttl as gtllltillgtt In loca to pl for tile KtclIelieiWalerllm Flying IllItIZIIILil Elie p15 lwo II Jack llall beet letltuliol tilitc Me Liskcald and had piilcnaseti stoic tiieie not long ago but We do altshin Ontario for 501110 lllilt who do ixl IriiUli lion Soutlieil lo lifting up to date tliost jitsiol tin Illdlti know been back tluHI into know his early that Jack jumped iloiii ie to liallilrltills HA Junior gtlfliflllil152 He playid tor Itnrlle placed Illicite itcall or lossat he the age of seasons during which time on the reserve list of Toronto Maple 11a then dropped after he got LI skull fracture playing against Ulilllil Iroiii junior wen to tIliUI with Nllltttlil Falls more Orioles of the Easter ltillt then into pro ranks At various times he was with lrotitlence ltids night hockey littil ili Ildlll Jack Dyte Buffalo llisoiis and St Louis lilyelskof the All and was up there Iii the bu time for couple of seasons on After being sent liowli bv Huffan to unit pro hockey and took the job at New Liskcziid Jack could play any llllit tvell lie was calciier for Harrie baseball and softball teams and one of the ltl raeby lialtbacks they ever turned out at HLI Well be watchinz Jack and the IIlll Dutcluilen this winter cure for Cliltzlito lilack Hawks alias Texans of the 118111 he iItITIAl ALIIIli seems to lie the order these days anions clubs of the HA Jltiiior circuit now reduced to nine with the retirement of vivid Viideys Young Rangers No word out of Oshawa Windsor St latliariiies or foe flail Slratford and Marlboros have been proudly aliiiouncilw acquisition of players from far and near As yet none of the news has caused any one connected with the defending champion Harrie Flycrs to fall liver lair Rockets will have some lit players lrynn out they say Must have most of the local pond leaguers out on the ice Guelph will have new ice palace ready aiid Manager Itoy Mason announces Sheldon Bloomer fiolll Winnipeg lllltl Iriiilealls Michaels Majors lut lllclpll with fright his latest recruits of name loii lierholtzer last year with St Mikes Hanger protege Ken Broughton star of Newniarket Jr team is with ialt lave liiikncy at Stratford caiiie otlt with aspirants but it must have been quite shock to read the news that his ace rightwinger George Armstrong had been lifted by the Leafs for Marlboro duty Kroelilcrs have acquired iicvil coach to replace lutcli one Leo Balbilii from Fort Willialii Barbiiii is the gent who coached the Columbus team same crew that sent replacements iewickil Tliilds and Johnson to Jort Arthur Bruins for the Memorial fup play lUWIISf He drew isuspcnsion frumrtlie Thunder Bay7 League for lifts IllL his team from the ice during the local playoffs after an aruuiiieilt with the officials His sentence has been suspended so he can take the Stratford offer Last years coach Dutch lliller has gone to theile mdmmr Imam winning Pacific coast League Among those Oil the Krochlcrs list as returningl are mhbnmim mm 33 mug hop two goalies Hal Hurley and Don Campbell defencemeii Joe Bcda and Billy Mitchell two good boys forwards Pierre Cadicllx Denny Flanagan Ken Candler Clare McMinn aiid Whitey Malcho That Cadieux is still young enough to play junior hockey is the NO eyebrow lifter of the season to date Evidently to recompense Stralford for taking Armstrong Marlboros have sent French Two highly rated Powassan juveniles Jimmy Jamieson and Myril Barber hove landed in Stratford as have Bob Marklc and Ray Owen Sound Greys starry brothers from Chatsworth juveniles Harold Warren from Goderich Jr semifinalists Bert Ottawa and Archie Katzman from St Catharin cs LiOlis Juvenile champions and Red Lcckic promising defenceman from North Bay Collegiate Mr Barbiiii will have his work cut out to bring them up to Junior class Its bigger jump than anyone realizes from Juvenile and Junior and Hloonier New York long list if Ililler down two forwards Jim Pernfuss and Doug McCallum from John and Chuck MacDonald AT THIS POINT it would seem that Marlboros will be the team to beat ill the Junior raccunless what they now have on paper doesnt do ally better than Stratfords talent of the past two years even more highly rated did on ice First of all the Dukes proudly announce that syivanus Apps willCOach replacing Stafford Smythe who becomes some sort Of director of Marlboro minor farms clubs Roy McMcckin moves in from Winnipeg as goalie All three of last years regular defencemen are on handagain George McLagan Hugh Bolton and Howie Lee and newcomers are Jack Ashley from Preston and Lorne Pirie who was the juvenile rave of the Porcupine area last Spring during playoff time Big name acquisition up front is Larry Regan who at the age of 18 played for Ottawa Senators Allan Cup finalists last season But probably even better at centre will be Bobby Hassard who is still of junior age another surprise as he starts his fourth sea son in Jr Then ofcourse the Dukes have nabbed Arm in some manner have managed to get good leftwinger away from Guelph Biltmorcs in the person of Glen Sonmor who scored lot asi year Sonmor is Cleveland Baron property native01 nnis Smith Palmerstbh Hansford beatout hit to short strong and of goals Hamilton Other names mentioned for Marlboros are De Edmonton Jerry Furlong De La Salle Eugene Miller Well bring on the Dukes Sylvanus Well be better able to judge them after wcsce your team atBarrie Arena in ach weeks time ford also made great slab of the third Little Squeak Longhurst HERE AND THERE FRED SPARKS Stratford boy who starred in the nets for Collingwood Shipbuilders last season OHA intermediate scores Wiildin upwith Marquette Rockets in the WisconsinMichiganr KEN GUILFOYLE ace pitcher for years with Allandale Imperials Barrie Roxy Aces and more recently the 1945 and 1946 OASA intermediate semifinalists from this town has been hurl ing in Petcrboro this season However in the Eastern Zone finals of the OASA Intermediate series recently Kens team the BACom bincs were ousted by Oshawa Pedlars two straight but by close scores Gilly pitched the first game at the Liftlock City losing 85 fanningr five allowing nine hits Barrie has One native son in Senior rugby this season TONY LEE son of Col and Mrs GarryLee Tony is It regular middle wing with sarnia in intercollegiate football since com ago at Bishops University Lennoxvil Oil Co at Sarnia last July after graduatlon the information that JOE LAFRANCE was married recently Joe try eland Barons of the AHL now training at After leading the OLA Senior race all tsrbowed out to Mimico Mounties HERBIE CARNEGIE tarred at centre for the1937 OHA Jr finals when they lts Native of Thornhill Carnegie play lately has been last season and gained allstar In Temiskaming senior baseball for Valley handling eight chances Ruth Rutherford hitter for the night with three singles June Hansford and Muriel Rawn Ontario League and Audrey Scott had one hit each Marg Longhurst led the visitors at bat with pair of safeties in cluding her double Wright Campbell WoodrPfMoody Rita lJones and Eileen Keyes each had One hit to round out the Barrie mperials of theORTUTHETstarred ing out of thearmy thrceyears le Quebec He joined the Imperial VaiieyiJTaxi 510 200 04 North Bay Nugget Offers Parksides 120 013 29 11 ing for place With Clev Brandon Manitoba season long Owen Sound Crescen three games to one first round of playoffs colored boy trying out with New Bob Crosbys Toronto Norvocs in beat GordonMeekings Barrie CO ed senior hockey around Ti in Quebec Heplayed for Sherbrooke rating in the Provincial League ftisThe pitcher for Porcupine tford Kroehlers the las York Rangers mmins for some years an Ltwohockey seasons and one playing shortstop is GEORGE RICH tar fencemanfor Strav of McIntyre Minelp star hittersan ARDSON former Penetang GLOOING BALL nuns tramping BEAGLF CLUBFIELD Thats OCT 23 Ten miles north of Barrie along highway 93will be the site of the annual eld trial staged by the Central Qntario Beagle Club onBwinS October and The first trial run by the clubgible for registration in was in 1921at active for FOR Softball is desperately the home stretch befdre the clocks turn back to standard time this coming weekend in the Barrie an District Ladies Midland QParksides dis posed of rvalley Taxi in the semi als andsnow meet Newmarket 1xOns in bestofithree series tor the championship They war st game in Midland to lLeague 011a Oad and W115 dian Kennel Club We YeaISpRe gt There will behohdmissi cently thcailnualeL5LIit hasjbeelt Eforttheperformances dormant but this year every pos sible effort is being made in milk ing the trialca majorjrevent The trials aredivided into four classes withthrce hours set asidel for each class OTISaturday morn ing commencing at9 ambitchesi standing 13 inches will Tpartakq In the afternoon at 2pm dogs standing 13 inches will be shown Sunday bitchseatiIVSrinehes will be displayed in the morning with dogs at thejame height taking over in the afternoon Each winner in the will receive sterling silver medal showing the head of Halstead Place searcher with rosettes iand ribbons being given to all place hounds An engraved cup will be awarded to the hound putting up therbest fuMHAlsoonimilah up will goto the bestatyped hound among th place hounds The entry fee is set at three dol lars with all beagles having to be purebred and gistored in or eli of 15 boutshis Ilasbby knockout will be slugging for ano herclan lvcut deciSionat thenlilig show in BarrieArmoury Friday night member of the heavyweight class Brown has not yet received word FARMERS SUPPLIES ot arropponent EVery possible ef fort is being made to and agqod match for the CampBOTdeii fighter play thb fir JParksidesb are also busy in the hunt for the Copaco Trophy They meetCopaco girls in bestof three session with the first tilt having been played Shear Park The second wills be Midland on Eriday xln themns division of the paco series Harris Motors are ens gagd in final tilssle with BCS of Camp Borden Theopening contest was played Tuesday onthc Infantry field with ganie scheduled for Queens Park The Infantry have Andy Andruriyk to handle the hurling duties the malt who was mains stay of the Motormeirrmounelsta during the senior softball pionsllip march last night at four classes the next tonight diam At the Norm Pole it windsblow outh Illil lOOIiIItll lShewchnk and Clark Play was one of tllust who took part In the senior iii niliip littllldlhttli at Toronto rickct tllib recently llivday HM Kiwi Aim etu with liillt from across aliada and the If Pain Moolliopse Iriday at Barrie Arena Indians TEIILIIEBOCltGIS is in the gt Lineiigzii li lhday night when till kin mooIv icI 131 Ailitlztixll League ivals limb holds szin ltl llllii headed by 11w izer finite Scin oiu Id key IlIIgtif dinl to ll lbcil a2 Length In litli Iii Alvin 11 mums Occult is schetialed Wylie in am Shore and Seiner7 have illoilgal Leer piii laii lJ through Invaders ole vigorous paces lwzce daily since lilltktllld Joe lliellith amt the chili oiiiidaig Next wvdmwin 5W faio Ilstilis wdl to The iiiltiZtb lie Illilll at loll with up lyjdjib and ielildls late that itllerah 1mm nanagei Mas Kultdllnld and Kiliea imp horny mi likewise hate mun itpltbtIllLIl lltili Swim LIioll lilitlit is cxpttl IlllBll SKAHIV tl Iron linth itllt lll lln lllll SNITKDAY NIGHT itiiaytrs strlzia1 tor lltlllllvilli their AHWM mu ivl of lispectzte iostei miles HVcli evening colnnielictiw at ti deftlleclzlell gtI Ill dill Future dates lil be minted is in lltltl outline it Major and Mrs lllck Moollzouse formerly olimnj Ly lgiiie liosses iiixi wukg iggno il IiiIlusirial League Traphy Won by Barrie FLYERS START FALL TRAINING NEXT again llarrie Ilyers IiilSItlIl Canadian Jltliioi Iiaiiipiolis will begin their itliliillltl schedule next Monday at liariie Arena when Hap Iiiiiins fills Hockey fever has not des cended III local sporting circles and Eniuis is determined to put Barrie in the thick Of the junior race nualn The following week another 315 bladestcrs will join the camp which is giving Iiillliih plenty of room to Search lor talent His holdoreis from last season are goalie Gil Mayer deienccineii Stan Long and Bob lliliitlcy aiid forwards Sid Mc thc Springeld Indians strOnghold Eddie Shores empire 101 opener and Ray ltobitaille of Midland camp to 13 players 31 Eric Pogue of Oshawa Suffers Broken Leg Trying for Maple Leafs Welland months he Cana Repaired All Work +Guoranieeda TIME PAYMENTS IF REQUIRED Car loaned while yours uiltler repair White Rose Serviceigation CAMP vBORDEN ROAD 831T13Banie Tanners Barrie Tanning laavc diislrial Softball League The protest lodged Dairy following the third and dc lAiiltillL the standouts in the front finals 15 line for the Indians are Doug Mc Ward lliirdy Harry Frost Allan Kilntz ciding contest of the thrown olit arid the ltllhtsTiHlnt ll 95 Tum latil onrtealL Hill Suiiiiiieiliill goes the trophy Bill looden Norm Burns Wimpy donated by Barrie Badminton Club Jones lelilliirclicson and leo vliicii disbanded two years ago io Ctirick All are expected to see ser W7 GI Badminton Club Crests weliidliliili Vllllayinedefense for the Rockets will be Al SiltWtlllllt Barrie boy WILSON BLDG DIAL 2325 Monday who with Eddie Hush formed one of the best backlilic coliibillalions Id came Willi the title aiiialgainate with hated by the Recreation Council The game Sept 13 called at the played Queens end was of five and half innings on account of dark Tanning liclda 158 lead atl score reverted completed iiess the time bill the back to the last niiig Carl Emms aiid George L3Gear shared the htlrllllg honors and Bruce Allcm Emms fanned in while Elliott suffered the defeat four issued seven free passes and six hits before giving way who pitched onehit Bruce allo to LCetll onerun ball Lakeviews banished from the final stanza Allem was called to the mound Tanning were never headed dur ing the game as they took advan tage of every break offered them Eight walks and four errors com bined with five their winning margin ahead 52 in the first and by the James Stewarts GOOD start of Lakeviews back sat with commanding 9tl Nabney Don Ashbeo George Ford and Paul Mcuer Left behind from Bruce Elliott wasl game In the roughing are ail Lawrence Waterloo Ed Downer New Toronto GaiyGor ion IOronto Ed Calhoun Weston and John Sheddcii Kirkland Lake Calhoun and Sheddcn were the brightest of the amateur stars in and The siiiootiiworking Gordon Donnell from WinnipegCanadicns will be main cog in the Flyers machine this season and Emms will crack the whip hard to discover pair of stiltable wingmates Wheth er Megcr will ilank Icnnell or add Strength toanotlicr line it is not known but the fans can rest as surcd that the man behind the scenes of the 191743 championship will present another aggressive bunch of juniors for the OHA Julie singles provided They went score Bruce Elliott sparked theDairy mens drive with homer in the and two mates aboard The losers filled the sacks in thcl fifth to threaten the Tanners lead but only Red Pederson managed to complete the trip Harry Glenn provided circuit first frame for Lakeview Wib McArthur supplied two of Fireplace Baskets and Guards the five safeties obtained by the champions with single blows con tributed by Rilsty Aikin Cros by and Roerennedy Don Russell and McLeod were majOr figures in the Lakeview at tack punching out two hits eachI Harry 1191111 Bruce Elliott and Wildman received each fourth with Some known performers who will attempt to capture berths with the terrifying crew are Gordon Megcr younger brother of Paul JohnLumley brother of Detroits liarry Ted Reid brother ofJcrry Positions are thrown wide open due to the absence of so many of last years stars arid it will beone huge headache in Iieedling the credit for on DICKSONS REPAIR SERVICE Watches Clocks Jewellery Ronsons Diamondsctc 51 DUNLOEST BARBIE WINIIIII DOUBLES DRIVING Acetpilftlt So Whytake chanc on smooth Tires A5 spacial errant 525 17 475 1519 525x13 450x2jo 525x 19 440x21q gtEric Poguc pepperpot forward with Oshawa Generals last season sustained broken leg while work ing out with Pittsburg Hornets of the American Hockey League at The injury was the result of hard check handed out by Gene Bun Martin heavyhitting de fenceman for Guelph Biltmoues last year Rogue is not expected back in the hockey circles for at least three One week prevmiad sign ed aToronto Maple Leaf contract Tind was farmed out toBob Dayid sons Pittsburg Club Davidson had counted on Pogue as part of prom ising kid line which included Ray Ceresino also of Oshawa Gen erals the past year at left wing and Rudy Migay smoothworking centreman from theMenmrmeup holders Port Arthur 7We51 End on fee Piyriies 36094665031720 assays 910 7am on above tires 600 16s Good used tires IiiNIiEiirjIEllrsl 765 Collier st Phone 24in ale not aaitilize for titMi Ilialerial but rather ale laced ltli the task oi cullllil down Ill squad to the best advantage NIAGAiir financeCompanyltd lualies in the Ililll camp are DUI110 Illll llliliiill ill tltt area in his alliaieui days Illil lied ll MIAlee and Floyd leiias Sellieii Is not yet cirlaili who will get the starting role but 1110 than likely by din itll be between Hell or lltAiee pd rlarcd champions of the Barrie lil Kym App puiij Husking 01 MilIix llt Iotllc Joliii Sheddoli lied lltlllmtd DY lllLSldtlllAllb KIWIll Kane and Harrie product Doll by I11kltl laik will handli backliiie duties DANGIIIITIIIIII Oils Will BUY 101th FOR CASH oscoumn ST BARRIE IHONE 2488 imwiAgmmmmoqmmwmmw IlII70l Fall Suggestions at Barrie Hardware swift come ELBOWS in and 75 smash in the Stoye BOCtIdS Wall Stove Guards 4O Hayfield St WeDeliver Dial 3664 oil WSPACI HEATER and ii riiThetf 5PACE WffSdliInsta thalamusr mos mimm ltI lititll HI Lall lssii out Barrie Arena aiiiiouiioes tho Elli Iv tile lurid trllllil Stllltll Ill Iwzli be public siiiilliitt on Saturday pin 00 01l410lllItV11l000D4I00lIID