Winters Coming DIAL 3107 and have screens taken off win dows washed and storm sash and doors put on Awnings taken down REGIIAII SERVICE cleaned and Windows cleaned to order ON WINDOW CI WORKERS OVERIZII BY IIIIlIt LIJIIIIJTY IXSIRANCF MM lllll$1l IIIIIAI to join in the BOWLING ON THE GREEN re ricors Med Turns lills Horn Sound ilt15lilIll out ilis VIlil proved cupping islllirsl More fol tl Itlliitllilllil lla lilih commit LOCO FORTE Hi ales Ii llllll in we Illt TITS ltitlillltlilti 1Tlllti1igtllti older to Uiliied oper was Inn rim of hell Ill lull altd bought in Iillglitlztl iitngt ltulit ittlilt iii FARMERS AIIlitIION loltenllani liliio illllltltll tile titlell Siil ll but null an award lliltl Mrs link lIIIiiaI Ilixil ltl ln llil OUR BULLDOZER is now EQUIPPED with GRUBBING and STUMPING BLADE for clearing briishy fence rows alidnew land Stone piles buried and earth reiiioved FREE ESTIMATES SKIIII3D OPERATORS VARCOE nnorncns Phone 4000 or 3375 Barrie lullilicy liliill iiill all Ia are Helen Nicliiilson June romarty and Animal1 xiazue Morison ileleii lIVes just outside ilaiw llt til the Shanty Bay Road and Julie and darie live lllilillllty liay lilitiill illili II Itllili IIiI ill Ilit siilif illy fund as aunt BillK tintin ltairldii litllo llll Ililil 1lltll litrile Ilit lilllli silliiziwi pitW lLllii oi the Kelli peniIldl oiiiiitiij rilieaisine llll rltlll Alilt llrll allollwr and Ill Iltlt lilll alas Itll Lj lBarrie tlllllz It liiflil eir li lollil lltllll cw New front in life Hal thingy Iied Doubles iltitliltl the liar lli iI last mixed the reason tlllllilr an iediierday Sept Allaiidale lll ih on also participated main uf l7 pine veie thapiliaii 300 Hayfield St ATTENTION FARMERS WE ARE PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICVAIIJNG PRICES OR DEAD UR KlllIJID FARM ANIMALS HORSES CATTLE HOGS Telephone Collect for Immediate Service GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BAItItIII 3617 Iltll lhl mine Tlal antibiotic ilfzVStar in Boxing Show Ilere Thiswlrillay Night Ilod Kelly lad from just outl side oi Harrie lull who wishes to under the llioiiipoii efilors scheduled to ilil with llalini er another llt iv iil Illll lit llatlt to will in pal il 111112 ia lillAJlt lltll Edward lr and ti llIi All hltlilliflih Tllllttl Itll lilli lolil IiRIII MANIIIA ainp all experienced liliitItll zlllll lt in action Friday night at Bar lliilllliy lllllim lliaiieli on 1Illl from Will ldIItl iioiii III Ila tor iae but lililli it in ii held on Hl Iili tllH ld lilllll Siliiiaill lilil fl IIlI lii Harrie Ailitill Mand alert llaiiiiy Ilia when tnlnulluli fl lace starry liosilii show tililllllltlll Mill MH Wilsoii colored lill iiioiid Athletic tlllb in Toronto llariie being act iillllcd wcr lholnpson and NIH lir They were the only two llaiile rink lli dl lllit ltllil itll lHIl Il llll fort and lillH 115 ii lllldl ii ill hug Alla loll ill award Iioii Is llit lidli iliini Si lllll Ir lltltl Ill vtlil and way Noitlielll lillIIl lt olr in illonllay Among those trial tia to tillllilill onto tlll llilili boy ti oiii IIl Ill Iillliltl tlititilll foot lil IJI oi display Illday ttllltllltl card lill llllll the auspices of ill liiaiah oi the taiiadlalii llitltli It is not the iiist lme giiliiaimnle to find itself iii pioniises lo Illni llltl llri Iltl liltll ltllpil Hi my Ttlt llu ll iit Elll Illup Eillllii lIili this fight ladn lrlxaj lleil lodw livi 12 It ti llIil2 nnildln Misref Alldim Mlllriiilon zlmt lmil AltlIltltlt ll itllllill lneii atleiidini Drawn aiiainst three To liaii zltilt llll flownx ili among iial Illw Walker Ith Ihile the filial lllth for llltliA huh cote llll one win found its lolito rinks North loronto aIid Mrs lie and llllsliolme dubs they slic iii conticeedcd iii tliltlilllli Alumnaethen three tlliltS with an aimle ijltaie of fill pills one lllilll Illllo illtlil lll tliu Inning the bill continual ii System Sttliliii til Um it iinplowd ilishts llliiiiti on wt iitlMIatl bulb nil Ill illl rilllll lstanddids lhiow lllillll liopping Iill Icing litiiiolished inlll on lalteitoii tSt lllliLlltlSltl sliine nae tli 13 Is litlli iiili down Illle liiatllial will in llti ill the election of house for Mr Archer NM MM Uh The most pioiiiislili and perisibly lllslollll spectacular lililil will Involve Fred lttispound lieavyyveialil llrowii has registered orer bouts ialid has lost bilt two of them One was to Salov of Kirkland Lake and the other to Walls of llrailttord Since then both boxers litttl turn ed pro llrowns last bollt was won by knockout In the first round He will be engaged with heavy weight from either Toronto or Ham llitill Two other local leather hearers who have yet to find oppoiiclits are Tod Garrett pounder who expects to inee opponent froiii amii Borden alid Fred Conroil nifty fighter who close decision to Mikel Tm thrill llll Harrie rIA Iillllil III ulitnil Illlili loroiito Mlss Vltltilttll Illdlli at oi lippiim Nlllillll and Miss Ala llalie lo Dyer and attend Ear ide Illilltlllt ll Sleh IIillll pliinii of the day two Illlliil barrel Brown be the 1tltllltlllS In The business nillth Lighting Miss Jean lllltli aoiiu tlilt rousing ticiots from ll llllli match which lilevtVttl their hi lllil it thaw lhird at Brampton lle liiitliliuhi public The llxl tn litdllfttlgt titlitl oi the alne alid some ter lioldr sliviud be an attrac El it seats the bowlinu Start was the caplilrilii of thrd pit at the annual Rose louriia Illlllll at llialiiptoii Stlll Ilie chopping riiyii Saturday Thompson and It ialt liltll proliioler Arcliiei oine tune to build box iii In Harrie but now through some iiiteiisiyc efforts he has billlljllltil Pink Id lm lilidmi Vim Mll proniisilie school of riliizsteis Some definite iliterest of the show lll be held by lialrics Doug Pea coel who has yet to drop decision lrllltl doniiiilu the gloves slightly Mr and Mrs ittllttl hitinure ol over year ago Done has been in Zlnivale to James tilarrill soil tllllt earlier shows and displayed It 1113 Jllmlii lllilliv lltlll of talent while learning tliel art of the iialile Now Thompson is ready liel VI lltlllillttllli IGoricpy and St Pierre lAt Montreal Canadiens OIlarreilJicinnis Niiptials lilonde ied the altar and sanctuary of Si Iholiias Aquinas Itoiiiali Catholic hurch Toronto on Saturday ior the Sl Hyacinthe Qlie Sept 217 Ray laliepy hardhitting defencel Itlyers juniors last season took part in his tirst work aiiadieiis lie Impressed railbirds with liis hotly cliccks recruit from Memorial le iinalists last yzii iwho checked in today was Gil St Irvin shifted St lierre to left wing on linedl with Tod Tampeall and Rip ltio pclle lhc youngster gave good display Gariepy threw abandon arid teniber ltl ll inarr of Marion MetilUIisZIIIIIliII dropped Ztldlllt during the Olympic carries H7 pounds with him and handles it lllllltSSllyi He probably has more style than any other on the card Providing Coliroii with Montreal it CUSTOM GROUND Bilth EDITEE ANN PAGEWHITE ORBHOWN IVIIEJI READ NEw PACK TOMATO liEillZ IIEIIIIIIIP NEW PACK IONA Tamiassmndom zooiuns 26c Slbtin 59c lb 1143196 25 to DO women need to suffer soIinothcrs are often asked mother writes The company nurse recommended when feared she volilt her job because of line lost each month she loses no time and doegl not stiller pain or discomfort needlessly Paradol is the answer for women who suiler month mlicf also from head aches and neuralgic pains The name Dr Chase is your assur Iarry Parallol in your purse DRCHHSES nacho The Toronto celeiiiony formed by Rev Father alld Mr Murray was or1anil 11 ing the nuptial ma sang Mother of Mir Mir litlltVtS tllillptlliltlll Attililllitl Athlelic Nailer said to be one of the clubs top ilclitersiille will match strides with leacock and Thompson thinks this will He the top fiverounder doth will enicrmthe ropes weighingl aroundl47 pounds niin Bordens Fred Mandly who has seen plenty of action in the slugtiiiicuaiiie is slated to take Oil lllllilly Wilson of the Diamond AC Wilson is liall and experienced colored boy who has twice perform ed in the Marple Leaf Gardens on the scales This is settled licr Barrie the Another the action wrestling match is Lucky Manth of RCS of Camp Borden Thomp son stated it is hard to fiiid rival for him due to his ability bllt ex pects to connect withailad from Hamilton Help in making this show 1163 siblc is supplied Branch of Stiltiist Isl liil Aie Given in marriage by her father the bride till pouch of white slipper satin fashioned with basque bodice low canilo neckline long tight sleeves alid lace bertha bolillant UIIO through the DiamondI Mmmb liib Ioronto Is Art WW Cmm Dick Paradol or lose lflll NOW The skirt into short train placc carried cascade wore gift of the gltltilll assist ed swept lace cornlic held in fulllength of whito bill lib 51 24oz loaf Eat FRESH heavyset around rocked several for wards with his punishing checks irvin said Garicpy was tliCrtlIily dfcnccinan in camp who tossed enough body checks at incoming attackers Both Garicpy aiid St Pierre are ticketed for Dallas Texas Canai farm club in the States Hockey League but may stickwitli the National League club If they show enough in the Halgs proseason drills Tin si belter Birrie Willi Legion She ltlStS iiccklace lhree sisters of illaigarot matron of honor Jean and lieleiii three worc eil weight the Canadian Herb Dymeiit of RCAF Camp Bor den aiid boys from the army phase of protection Referecing the match es is Ken Robinson Barries Re creational Couliscllor time topnotchiigliter in England Tickets can be obtained at Jacksons Bibbys Barber Dixies Smoke Shop The first boat will get underway at 830 pm ANDY am 1111th8 291 and rhinestone each Quick bride MEATY PRUIIES LARGE CHINA PACKAGE IIIIAIIEII 0A CLARKS TOMATO Still FANCY oil JUICE LANCIA BROAD or FINE NtlleLES FANCY LIGHT MEAT ruin risil wlvfuil am lAgcladizo Ii ONE PRICE NONE HIGHER bridesmaids gowns of lime green moire taticta fashioned with basque bodicesiiid deep pcpllllns curVed over the hip bouilallt into trains They Oltwllttltili srs oi mauvc gladioli and can matching bouquets William 01 brother gltinIlSlIlIlll and one 1302 on 243 Pk 19 39 15 19 10 45 11100 cards Both about lStl pounds as semifinal and without doubt will be brilliant bout large Grill Shop and Large Pkg llnc ilieir skirts sweitl diens Ullilcd CROWN OR BEEHIVE Whit 5111111321 BLACK DIAMOND on CHEESE sauces TINT sun MAPLE LEAF Iliiirclics CANADA or DURHAM COBNSTAIICH OONCENTRATEO JAVEL Makes Quart Btl OGILVIE OATS cHOIcE UNGRADED GREEN PEAS ANN PAGE FRIIIT CAKE BEEKIBT No WHITE KIDNEY SHORTENING builtasun CLARKS PI The reception was held at OFar 10 iiimis Tins Ithe grooms rell mother of thegropin received guests wearing wine crepe gown with corsage of pink roses assisted by gown of rcll groom was Islieis ere truce Beefiner alill llllllllilg Me and home Mrs riIONEhss BARRIE Manufacturers of SHURGAIN FEEDS and MILL FEEDS Todays Price List BRAN per 100 lbs $230 SHORTS per 100 lbs $260 MIDDLINGS per 100 lbs $270 712ng 100 SHURGAINKLAYING MASH per 100 lbs $380 SHURGAIN GROWING MASH per 100 Ibs$385 SHURGAIN PIGSTARTER MASH per iooibs $390 SHURGAIN HOG GROWER MASH SHURGAIN HOG DEVELOPER MASH per 100 lbs $355 ShilrGain feeds are madefresh daily Balanced feeds for all farm animals BUYTHEBESTQFROM BARRIE FLOUR MILLS colllciuilic Thrills MOTORS TAKEOPENER FROMRCSOF1 Harris Motors twoyear champ ions of the Centre Simcoe Softball League made good start to re tain the Copaco Trophy when they trounced RCS Of 1610 atCamp Borden Tuesday Sept 21 The sec ame ofthe bestofthree final series was played last night at Queens Park The Motormen broke 77 dead lock in the sixth inning to win go ing away Jack Turnbull gained credit for the victolybutmecdeddielp from Bob MalliOn hi the eighth when the Infantry crew were threaten ing comeback with homerun and followup Single fanned four while giving tip nine hits and fourfree tickets Mallion registeredwthreejstrikeouttkallowediicapialnilgf the Champlon Harris Motors Crestg were alsoprcsented to the winners discussion onvhow to impEOye next year was held before social evening wasstaged at Barr mopry not MCOD SOFTBALL LEAGUE EETES PLAYERS The executive of the Ccntrc Simcoe Softball League feted the players of the 1948 season at the Community House Thursday Sept 16 All teams were present except RCAF who finished third in the nal standing HOIi conclusion Ofrthg CEN 2002 Tins She mother the brides grey crepe syrrtlLaCorsaueoLpinlLilnde1utc Following the reception the liappy couple left on motor trip to Kingston and points North the bride travelling in grey gabar line suit with navy accessories On their return they will reside in T0 IUIIIU KeastTerry Wedding College St United Church TO ronto was the scene of of local ilitercstfOn Saint tember 18 1948 when Velma Mae second daughter of Mrs Terry and the late William Terry of Elmvalc wag united in marriage to Dr Theodore Keast son of Mr and Mrs Walter Keast of T0 Thc bride given in mar riage byiliei brother George Terry looked charming in long white net gown with applique tight bodice and bouffant skirt She wore cofonet edged with pearls and lingertip veil and car ried bouquet Of red roses and babys breath She wore an heir loom bracelet set with pqarls Miss Marguerite Terry was her sisters bridesmaid wearing floorlength gown of pale bluedotted SwiSs muslin Over blue taffeta and car ried bouquet of pink roses with corn flowers andbabys breath and wmeaheaddressofthersame StuartMacDonald was groomsman rlhe ushers were Elwood Frost and The ceremony was performed by Dr Armstrong Fol lowing the ceremony reception was held atthe Cawthra Mansions was decoratedfwith adifi The 1311ch Triather re na frock of smoke blue dcorsage of cream ross Fqihthe honeymoon to Western On Itario thelbride wore Victorian green woofsuit with black Wattcau bonnet with glazed ostrichpltime and black accessories turn they will rside at 15 St Apt 246Toronto Torontoguests waresMr and Mrs George Terry Oshawa Mr and Mrs George Terry Barrie Mr and Mrs GeorgejGarrow and 17erry Garmw Barrie Mrs Robert Ritchie Elmvale an ry Cobourg was Pkg rt ises Box WPkg Pkgc L4 dding riser WC Teal Ples ident Bill Garner spoke briefly stating he felt the past season was the most successful in the leagues He brought to mind that the playoffs were over this year before they had begun the previous campaign trophy waspresented to Mur ray Richardson for winning the batting crown for the second suer cejssive year Holmes of Newmarket formerly of Barrie presented the cup he dona ted to the groupt0 Fred Norris Apples Ont Grown Combination Grails WEAle MPIIITOSII BED ALEXANDER OR you Iiivrn ONTARIO No1 11148 1111A Terry history 15319 lbs 49 i20lb REAI BUY Bag 129 29 07 49 391 Isle ronto 29 Tins Bqt bask double 2lb Cake and guest Harry Turnbull LAlIGE BLUE or BLUE DAMSON Bqt bask per 100Ibs $335 2lb 4lb 29 79 591 No1 ONTAREDES Imps fare mums ONTAth No1 =ciigrors pEAcHEsYELIOw FREEsToNE ELOERTAO THEIR BEST EON PRESERVING BUY THEM TODAY tvi hits and walked none vAndy Andrunyk went all the way for the losers and was tagged for 22 safeties which included triples by Fred Norris Jack Turnbull and Lorne Davies Turnbull also con tributed double Thecontest wasvfilled with elf rors which caused for many un earned runs to cross the plate The lchilly evening could probably ac count for the fumblitis Infantry got off to goodslart in the first when they raced to the front byap 21 count Harris recovered and shoVedthree runs over ingthe second but 16st their lead in the fOurth They outscored the Burden lads 43 in the fifth to draw on even footing and from then on sprinted ahead Jack Turnbull was of the avalanche in punching out four hitsori five trips to the plate Hal Litking Fred Norris and Stev Hincs registered three each Lambert Was the best to show for the losers as he pounded out BLUE NIAGARA bate bask 35 liimn ie Ar VISITED KITCIIENER Miss Louise Colley director of recreation for Simcoe County was in Kitchener last Thursday Friday and Saturday While there she con ducted course in recreation lead ership at the YMCA InKitchener Miss Colley stayed with Capt and MrsMaines Mrand Mrs Maines made their home in Barrie while Mr Maines served withthe YMCA ZatCannp Bforden durihg thrwar RE Ross Millar FREgH Larger Bunbhes Ir0IL FILTER ELEMENT ON DISPLAYIINOUR SHOW WTNOOW 3mo Which ceived satin Now AT 331 ing1vsurfacc area PROVIDES 511 sqtlare against 69 for conventional type 4REMOVESharmfui TINOmicron00003910fan high AHCONTAINS from 3to times the carp Ttypefilter of corresponding lsize readirt Aers ll 393 t9 Ontheirre College BLUE BRAND Jags TsthSPEFQASTV zZBOIIND 82 wt 931 inches IOf filteriogjsurfaoe gi the mainstay SERVICE in Barrie 1Upholsteryand Chesterfields brasives and soil 1b 169 lb 9451 ias small as cl Arthur Ter acity of waste EXPERTLY CLEANED IN YOUR jay OWN HOME by 0ntarios cation Cleaners NO MUSS SMCOEBUG 82 Upholstery Cleaners llz DUNLOP ST farrle PHONE Toronto Entities ALIOWS greater filtering speed Filtered 011 Is Important cronv INSBECTED PA homer triple ahdtwo singles Bezaire was next in line With two hits HARRIS 030 043 04216 22 RC8 of 1200 230 21010 18 rrUmpires Daddy M11esp1ate Herb Dyment basesE iows Group 35 lb 45 1b 39 I1b18v 10 TM Noun wailinriijiis To Your Engine RTSi HAPPRO yb OPE cuties 101 VEO SERVICE Tainan Mom memo Anon DkIEBS Monday Sept 58 Group Tuesday Sept 28 Group willlikely start on Monday SethZf but there is meeting of these Team Captains tonight Thurliday and final ar rangements will thermal than On Monday and Tuesday 32 teams will start action lithe 1948 49 schedule of the Battle Bowling Club Ithis is the largest Number of teams yet to belong to this league 11th on oil mocks MfPhono 2487 Choice line Mill enmg in loi