THIS EEKS ISSUE 7900 Copies IUTIOIIIED IICOHD CLASS HAIL IO DIRT OTTAWA 85th YeOrNO 39 HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARBIE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT AT 230 pm EVE SHOWS 655 IM STARTS MONDAY SEPT 27TH ANOTHER BIG SCREEN SPECTACLE 91 iiiiiiRiNRiiiiitaiimeiiicmmmem ill Paramounts 36 Years 0f HitMakin Paramount promos SING JVOATN ONTAINE 17 Eire Shows Colorby TECHNICOLORV an pm Produced by Charles Bracken Mai Wed 230 Directed by BILLY WILDER EXTRA ADDED SCREEN TREATS GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT THUR FRI SAT Matinee Sat 230 pm UniversalInternational presents INUNNALLY JOHNSON rfPRQPIICTIFINT WILLIAM 25nd Big Hit 1DAREDEVILOET CLOUDSa fALSO WARNERSNEWS CCI THE BARR BARRIE ONTARIO CANADATHURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23 l9l8 CLOCKS CHANGE TO STANDARD TIME Next Sunday September 26 clocks will be moved back our hour when Barrie and several other municipalities lyn Ontario return to standard time Daylight saving time has been in ctfcct Since the last Sunday in April when clocks were advanced one hour The official time for chang bc am 1H llEDMOND CHAIRMAN 1948 Ivor Giulia II Redmond manager for tlic lilctropolitan Life lnsurancc Com pany licrc will bi chairman of the annual campaign for thc Victorian rdci of Nurses which will Iipcii on Monday Oct ii Fislicr inanagcr of tho liuiric branch of the Royal Bank will head up tiic canvasscis for thc busiiicss scction Ward captains will lic 1iirs Donald MacLaran ZzMis ft Bihkcy lers lDlIS Lauric and Mrs Parsons SMrs liinton 6Mrs Bert Owens crs removed to more passable and easier to plow The Victorian Order of Nurses provides parttime nursing service forthose who require professionall nursing for only an hour or sol SUNDAY SEPT 26 iOpen Elmgle Eall Fair jbioughtlout largc crowd for their iiiici of quality llt gtopcinng of Elinialc Fall Fair iditzm and Insect inpnv and Mimi Iwas the nest fair in years bothloanagc giroin the standpoint of weatherd crowds illp at llllllt School and hcadcdin lll bv ing the clocks next Sunday will grounds Turiibull lioolyfiorr most artistic and rcp three years iillmvalc oirespondcncci Ii l1 winilliilt iflii pi llli iIli=ii iii on Tuesday gm iiig tlic luiu tinia ideal wcathci toi tnr fair fli lfn can exhibits it dini tion coinzuctil liiii iii lllt Stliliiil The proccsston of schoolg llmedil1nu milk It inailagziig flHl lla Joliii iambic and of lilinxalc iepicniitid liozild and Siliiiul iiimtiii VV drpailnicnt had II with HIth Sion wcrc SS 13 Hos SS HOS iittiri iii clingi iaiiiln School lis SS Fins SS 15 Tiny $515 ircto Scott and IS tvaciiiir 52V ggliVVVvlfinilllil iilv vspinsibic fur llAt osccilcnt is US gt Illlli of sclioil ii Iiiftiil Crossland Saiiiin School SS 13 how SS Allcnwood SS Tiny SS 3llil JIIVIrlcy and outstanding Fair officials and Elinvalcn Trumpet Band inadc an imposing 14 sight as thcy inurclicd to tti0 lncludcd in the proccs llltlltlr iii Vhtil llt llili Elinvalc Public SChOUllJv Wivincns itiStllttlt lilllll kiwi piipilt woro grccn and white scaifs and caps Tlic Eliiivalc rppml WV lligh School pupils lookch smartt AU mm in blue tunics rcd bcrcts and Iiilcd and many iiiw IXlltlllltiml schile UlmS vt llUlttl Allan littfltlf liadl AIIIVIIILI 01 Ill Fall IllfUIIlSl tltl cagcs of think on liunlavl isscmblcd in hunt of thc juduvs lilltlll inczils sirc seiiivtiiioih stand for tlic official opening 1th in ma imp Apt U1 51 Warden Waltcr lllllltl0fl PltSl l1liiijlgIllllighvltixnn hmpi Icnt of F105 Aslitulluml SUNNY Ihc grounds were mind to llti cxprcsscd zipprcciation to all who Stung spud5 and pitludcd contributcd In any way to hcltlilvim Wlmt hltiiVLUtiillllil md inakc tiic fair succcss and inim iiLlnl uranium Th 174pm lltCtd Ohmlt0 MP for boats wcro iliccciitrc of attraction Exist Siincoc who officially opened firt young and old tlic Fair spccial ball gainc hitwtcn Pally film dcmonstration liiflsdalc and llluivalt took piacc at tlic bail diamond and was watchcd by largo crowd of sin tutors if was kiiiily uiiiistttl and rcsiiltcd lit scorc of f3 lll favor of Ilinivalc ilic display of cut flowsrs and pottid plants was tlic bcst in ycars Iiizcs of School paradc For bcst marching Elinvali liigli School SS llos SS liny For bcst Public School wont ing niccst iiniiorins SS fl Tiny SS 13 Tiny SS Nos loi Schooli coining tlic longcst ltlistaiiccSS ll Hos iVigoi SS 12 Tiny SS 12 illt cftltlhits lillfl IHNlulltl ton lc II Iaddison was present at the council inopting Monday night to ask for Hilltbtts for houses in EV had built on Clappcrton strcct MST 01 onemilml Thin gitatist nuinbci in piotcs nuith of Wclliiigton On motion of hm SS 13 mm SS Sgt Aid Lauric and Rccvc Clark the HUSV pm th Smml Guiltrm COMIC P3550 ll Ilmliml 10 lth lilt bcstdisplay of Flags llftlllltls Clappcrton strcct numbcrcd north aiid hadgcsWzivcrlcy Union from wellington with number for IUssllut 10 F105 llxcclsim 13 every 33 ML iios For most artistic and rcprc scnlativc float any School two rooms or IlltlltV2ttll0y Elin Mrs mu SUHIN HMO met Valc 111in School Elinvalc Public was PASSED andaid Downstwork had been done on this Strcct She said she plannc to open laundry in few weeks and she would like the brush cut back from the road and thc bould makc the street scntativc float by any onc iioincd school13 Elos 15 Tiny l2 ilos Weather Much CloIder During the Past Week During the past wcck fhc wcafli or has becn lccidcly colder Last Saturday there was hcavy rain storm which did Slfll damage but in thc winter This was referred to the board of works Mrs Scliwarzc also asked for street lights and garbage collection eachyday There is moderate scale of fees for those who can pay but many calls are free of charge as service to the com munity Maternity cases are one of the principal services provided by the VON InBarrie during 1947 Miss RVthhV Russell had 168 obstetrical cases Three deliveries were at tended nd one of these was with out dgcior Some 685 visits were made to mothers and babies after returning fromV the hospital Eleven new cancer patients were added to the the year and 23 patients werevadded The number of families admitted during the year was 292 bringing the total to 525 The total number of visits made during last year was 2467 One hundred of these visits were made to patients withcan other chronic Allandale Scouts and Seni0rupils of King Edward School ANNOUNCE SALVAGE COLLECTION to take place SATURDAY AM SEPT 25 in Allandale as far as Brock St Should this initial drive meet with success there will befur ther monthly collections Llta COMMUNITY cuucERrs 611in TTT Ba rie Ea Community if AVCOnceltf lisloiTailsduringSOnmoiiomrnidrimn ihc for purchase of plow and wing Aid POUChCI SPOKC 81301 The the ground badly needed moisture traffic condition in front of Royal lcnmcmiurcs wetcf Victoria Hospital with parking on If both sides of the street Aid Mer 16 65 All rick said the police commission t7 84 45 tended to have bylaw prepared 13 7f 64 to provide for parking only on the 19 73 61 south side of the street 20 71 50 2i 57 33 Aid Griffin asked if anything 22 5a 30 had been done regarding the rail way crossmg on the town line road between Barrie and Innisfil Town Clerk Smith replied there had been no word Griffin the council voted in favor of considering the recommendation regarding thtil On motion ofAld Griffin council agreed to authorize dire archiicctt James Thomson to proceed with engaging the Colotcretc Company to put their coating on the Town Hall in pearlgrey shade council passed motion providing for the new truck at cost of $2700 These items will be fin anced on debentures Council decided to withdraw the subsidy to the night soil collector and he was authorized to collect one dollar from each customer crew are noxkfrfi foulhousesqn Barrie compared with over 200 three years ago Cofmcil authorized payment of an account of $250 to Mr Reid consulting engineer Ald Pouchcr themaskedif4heirecommendations in the report Vregarding sewers were to be followed Reeve Clark said they were the same recom mendationsmade when the seiivagc disposal system was installed and it would mean tearing the town to pieces yres was in the chair dur ing comiitt3disctission Plbscn from the meeting was Aid Hines Ald Hambly introduced motion providing to changing the fire chiefs salary om $300to$500 year Ald Ayre and others said the recommenda on had been passed by council earlier in the year but the Mayor Aid Ham bly pointed out that the bylaw had somehow gone throu at $300 On motion of Deputy Re ve Hart the council made the Chang effec tive as from lluly iecsuacii agra toell twoilots ARISE arches with vocALIsr on Campbell street at $100 eac There was some discussion regard ing the valuegf town lots and Aid Griffinsald the fair thing to do was list the town properties and let the public know what lots were for sale The offer on one of the lots was $150 Aid Griffin moved that the bal ance Of the grant to the iecreation council be paid as requestedecar ried Artender from the Globe Furni ture Cbmpany an benches for the igtitouncil Chambers in theTownallV lwas tumediiciown Thecou il will ddvertise for tenders locallyi flhere werefthree xtenders for stokers VThese were referred to James Thomson architect lletterifrom Hon Dim bar Minister of Municipal Affairs daily similar coopciation if is fclf that FRED GRANT WILL Procession Schools GIVE $685 CLOCK TOWN HALL TOWER Ilic town ouncii List Mon day night tinide to giatclulty iciipt clock to ll loiililcd liy lrrd Grant for the tower on tiic ioun flail Iiyor tirani Iior said Li citilcn had discusscil the mat in with Mr Grant and hr was plumd to rcport that man who such iii authority on llic history oi Ilirric ind con siliicil to Illlikl Ii Aliiabic con triliulAun liii clock which will in inaiic in IiigliiidV ill have dial iivi Icct iiiiliuincicr and it will opcrtitr on dry ccll lots icrii llltlt will fuiicfiuanifi oiit iiitcrilipiioii for livc years lilic cost lll bc S085 llii council agreed that suitable inscription would in placcil in tlic ioliliy oi the Iniip Hall to acknowlcilgc the gift of Mr Grant AD BARRIEW FACTORIE COOPERATING PROTECT STAFFS lllt inannizt of illi Inta1 indus that plants lltl on Monday tlll 1111 to llgttltM lllt puwci Hitthlttili in laiii and llw ii st inctlioiis of dcaling with it and piiitccting tlic payrolls of llltll staffs Vlllli ilairics daily quota is 61730 kw liouis istaiting fioin Scpt LID piactiially 70000 iiad llttIl iiscd in SIItLilt day last wch llic irrangcincnts mad with fin sovcral factories was that tliosc iiiosc pioccss lll pcrinit lll closc full day bctwccii Muir day and Viiriday and work Satur day ittlttl liliis whosc opcra lions niadc it impractical to ciosc tic wholc plant agrccd to tiansici pa of illfil load to Saturday larko larkc arc closing on lltlllrflft of this wcck and again on lucsday ncxi wcok lln Canadian itlltlnl Elcctrici ofs plant will closc on Monday and npcrafc on Saturday ilarric loni Mills agrccd to closc on IriilaysVVVandVVVopcViatyV on Sundays llittlll Iaiiniiii iiiinifcd lll loso on Thursday llic Watciworks lcparlincnf cannot close but will optraft llll gasoline pump for two hours Tilt sniallcr iinlustrics willVbc gioupcd logitlicr to holp out on lodiicsdays or will make daily rcdiiifions in their usc of powcr it lMPERIALir THURSDAY RIDAY SATURDAY FIRST BARRIE SHOWING George Pormby 1N Vote for George Willi ROBERT HARE ELIZABETH ALLAN SIIOWNG ON THE SAME PROGRI BlondieKnows Best Willi lENNY SINGLETON ARTIIIR LAKE LARRY SIMMS MARJORIE KENT DAISY STARTS MONDAY SEPT 27 Big Star Pictures Last Show Starts 850 cach night RONALD REAGAN SHIRLEY TEMPLE That Hagen Girl With RORY CALHOUN PENNY EDWARDS LOIS MAXWELL No Big Hit Feature DENNIS MORGAN VIVECA LINDEORS IN To the Victor With VICTOR FRANCEN BRUCE BENNETT DOROTHY MALONE WWWWMMW MINETS PAVILION OPIECE ORCHESTRA If lllt liomcs of Barrie will gctI hchind our factories and Show llarric can get through the Winter without the necessity of pulling switclics FOWL Ific ostrich can run milerin two minutes NOTICE Rli Daylight Saving IMPORTANT NOTICE Reserve Your TablesNo Charge 0W WW2 The Doctors offices in Barrie will be closed on Saturday afternoons throughout the year in addition to being closed Sundays Holidays and after 12 noon Wednesdays Emergencies will be taken care of at all times MJ Time Town of Barrie The Town of Barrie willrevert to Standard time on Santa TSepirZw Ti at 1201 am SMITH aw MI Annual Campaign Victorian Order of Nurses her 4th to occur PLEASE GIVE GENEBQHSLY Nirs PAVILION Tickets will be on Sale at Jack souls Grill and 0iympiaRestaurV ant on Thursday morning Sept 23N0IICE If tickets are bought inadvance at either of letter was read from the Cham ber of Commerce sayingthat they Wished to change their previous recommendation re arding indus trial sites The law 11 had agreed to Set aside certain lands in Ward for industrial sites as recom mended by the Chamber The Chamber then write suggesting this land the released from this stipulation and thatcertain land in Wind be Set aside On motion of Deputy Reeve Hart the council voted no action On the suggestion QuiiniVfinfuu for VWard On smotion 0R VVVV VV VffViV Remember Reservations are FREE if you get your ticket in Reservat one the above named places tables Btum agmeVVVVVVVVVV VV ma be reserved at no extra willie held only Vllltll 10 pm VVVVVV night or dance urge mere eavmg VVV VV name at the place where you TICKETSVVV Ikets Gentlemen $150adlesV15 iiiSTIR DELANEYBOATS WITL RUN FROM 9PMUNTII DANCE is OVER SAM STRANSliIANOwner VV Vi advisedfthat course of lectureS VV MTINVEE W133 330 PM wouldbe held Vin Barrie on NovJ EveShowsat761845pme 1948 1949 fthTeid4msiirpiltfi UIlVVVeIlllllellnlitems 0f mnilswliia the spiolmce the nun wor amousVar be presented again this til PETS BLYTHK lsoat $500 per person meneFLDRDE gt peseason 21ld Hit Will memberSpies forward their subscEletions to the VV Vi Secretary Mrs Allm Scott TRAPPEDVBYBOSTQN