Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1948, p. 12

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not TwiLvs Auto Rolls Five Time Driver Escapes Death Accident on Highway 89 pr optn altar ad pull out Ivlr VV lountw Herbert Lyric Ham escaped death Scptcitibc iii when his tur tilicd om times going tinAI Itllrlmi bankmcni oi Shut 89 betwcccn ookrtoxin on The car was totally and the drum unis tripth the vicck win leg Lorne Aikcin of Albatun ll2tl ed along it the tinic ZIc saw ic Lille iito lcic the highway dn lug tlzc hcay ii go plunuin cud cid down tlic einbankmcni Half way down do car loot gttiick oon boulder iii citi turditll Lin our turn xr 00 iKQkNQVAiblQ five GENERALELECTRIC Preierred in most Canadian Homes Keep axibrfon handy in YOUR home at all CANADIAN GENERAL iiiciiii VV tom of the hill Mr Aikens slid down the em tnfillllillil and somehow managedV lie tau ilill1id ihc injured up im an laxisl abankment tlc hospital at later ivnzovcd to ii at Toronto out in unnugutcd by lltiliill liiNl ll ARTISTS runni paintcd with water it tizc third century LIlvliZAI1NTINGS OlIIZN Paintings and scrolls on lln walls of Cliiiicsc nouns arc tllliiitil to kttll thcin harmony with the Ecason 7733754x3 sVNWVk times C0 Make sure You Rcccch Yoch District 1944 fillies cHEQUEs To bemailed by 3TH March 1949 your name or address has Changed 77 since 1943ll Out the special Change Of Addrss Card availablewat all iPost Ofces and IncOnie Tax Ofces liviuiirheVuciiangg gr Martini card acrobr 31517 1948 iierm IlasiyearV rv Mail this Card even you Completed One Shouldot fill out Change of AddreSs Win norm TO OPEN NORTH RIVER BRIDGE XIV llii 14 lit ixiilgi illitltcll Ui lILgliVa oiinty in Ltlt lint bit ililll innit at who The flow cum inliun ititti limit It loi1gt ldaigi ls li ttllllllk and ls gtpai of di fcct was built it cost of SHOW The plininct itillh rib of this cm and tin count the balazxtc luiiics lattnn rlililiilz of tin 0a wasaga iii ILii llt litmus tnnuuittvc and chairman of tin ccitiiionns at tho liliililt In tho Ll5lill titltlltl will be told at Eh North Rina church at llltlt touiity llilitllltl ll olcnian will bu thc chairman Rev George Morrison Speaker at Humber Glen Ministerial Fellowship With lfI district ministcis in it tcndancc the litinibcr tilcn lin istcrial icllowsnip now vcntnic til confcrcncc study and rccrca tion undcr tlic auspiccs of tlic lluffciin and Perl lrcsbytcry llic Ullltttl tiuircii of anada got away to tutc start llll itlLlilllllgt on iucsday afternoon continuing through Friday of last wcck Scssions crc licld in tlic liarris Mimoriai Lodge and thc clcigyincn Liillltll in the new cabins offlic lccl Religious Edu cation ouncil ncar Bolton Staff and lccturcrs inciudcd llcvcrcnds It ll Davidson of Brampton irorgc Morrison of Wycvalcg Ross Minr of oibctton Drs rosslcy lliintci ochraiic and Brcwing all of Toronto and Mr Gordon Gray don of Brampton Rcv Ni Boyd of Bolton was llcan and Rev ii Kcnncdy alcdon East was chistrar Ioni inunitics rcprcscntcd wcrc Mono Road Brampton ihistlctown iraliamsviilc Quccnsway Toronto Camilla lloscmoni Laurel Grand Valley lioiicnod Singliainpton Quccnsvillc llillsdale and lIlinV vale Library NOOki Fl STORY HOUR Boys and Girls Thcrc oncc liv cd in Norway squire who owned large farm Hc had plenty of silver in his chests and gold in thc bank but he was very loncly for time who the origin of the fanilll the laUIldl mom 83 It50 were his wife had been dcad for longi timc But when he sought to marry the daughter of neighboring farmer he got more than he had ever dreamed of for the lass was clever and sent bay mare to the wcd dinguinr hern placc This story The Squires Bride The Three Sillics and Andy and the Lion are three Tales of Laughter which will be told at the Barrie Public Library next Saturday morning at 1015 This will be the first story hour so be sure to come and bring your friends The boys and girls library will be open from 930 on Saturday mornings for the story hour so that you will be able to borrow books at that time i= GILFORD September 20 Mr and Mrs Webster Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Grenville Hughes last week Mr and Mrs Archie Mitchell of Toronto were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Geo Nesbitt It was great pleasure and in spiration to the Gilford congrega tion to have Bob Wade of Ancas ter take the Sunday Temperance service On Sunday last Bob was born in Gilford vicinity and lived here till he was about eleven when he moved with his parents to An caster Mrs Wade accompanied her son on his visit Womens Institute The Womens Institute met at Mrs Ernest Dales on Tuesday The ladies of Gilford were delightedwto have the ladies of the Hollows WI as guestsfor the afternoon Mr Mickie from the head office of ImA perial Oil Coz gave very inter esting talk on Essotane Gas draw was made by Mrs Todd and Mr Mickle presented the win ner Mrsd8 Wright with beautiful cook book Mrs Leonard Gibbons on behalf of the Insti tutes thanked Mr Mickie formati tending and speaking to the ladies Miss Rothwell brought sincere thanks from Mrs Karraman to the Society for the lovely set of dishes given her Mr and Mrs Karraman had theiredishes allnbroken when coming from Holland Collectors were appbinted for theVSalvation Army drive Delegates to Area cOnvention in Barrie Oct da 13 are Mrs Bell and M1 GardnersAfter discussiOn ar rangements were made for the short course on Frozen Foodsin April Two parcels were reported sentto England by the committee very delicious lunch was gerved by MrsDales and her hostesses New Guinea was the VfirstSouth of THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA JAMES OWDENAND VIOLA ROWE had leading parts in inAGISTRATESW COURT NOTES Found Guilty RUDHI ii New Lowcil 531 found guilty of the unlawful lioubi ing of dog of he Lipimzizcd bc fore ilagistratc iisstcr chiiisday morning for paigiiriit The case was iuard wch Iago Coc was filled $3300 plus club of $1250 Coc Writ to thc home of Mrs Doiothyi liawn after being infoimed that her dog had Hitlltd and killcd sonic sheep in his Sltccp pasture lic shot thc dog twice and Cililttd it away In the trunk of his car against tln protests of Mrs Itawn and hcr daughter The llziwns had not bccn told that the dog had killcd any sheep You went too far Mr Coc was tOId by thc Magistrate You lizid your propcr rcincdics in the law and you Should haw resorted to them instead you took matters in to your own hands Drunk Driving Murray Lowell farincr plcadcd guilty to Mauricc New scntcnccd to nine days in jail and his car impounded for three months the final presentation of the Kcnipcnfcldt Community Play Im chm was laid Wm Mum cis at Shanty Bay Jimmy Cowdcn recently came to Canada 2from England where he had participated in professional theatrical troupes Viola Crowc of Toronto was summer rcsidcnt at Shanty Bay and shc directed the drama program during July and August Museum Exhibits Inpplled by Blmcoo County Womenl Institute No 271 MY LADYS IAN Fans cri rcry popular Some ycars ago and considcrcd an at tractivc acccssory to dross as well as comfort Two Interesting fold ing fans havc bccii donatcd to lllt muscuin by Miss Winifred McKay of Toronto formerly of laiioy Ono is hincsc with very lovcly paintings of wcil drcsscd ladics in background matcrial tlic ribbing finished in ltcoratcd black lacqucr VThc oilior is white with silver sequins and caivcd ivory Fans conic to use from the past of thc East whcrc to this day they play large part in the life of tho pcoplc lhcir history is full of human sentiment This trifling object rcvcals the custom thc dainty tastcs the artistic apprecia tion of our anccstors The use of tlic fan far from losing its prcs tigc seems likely to be perpetuat icdinto all ages Tho chain of tradition followed as far back as possible carries us back to thc is derived from legends The Chinese who claim to have in vcnted the fan also trace its ori gin into the land of legends The folding fan is supposed to be Japanese invention The fan was symbol of authority in Mexico before the Spanishrcomucstw In ancient Egypt the fan was royal emblem and where royalty was accompanied with fanbcarers In Japan the fan is considered the cm blem of life as the rays of the fan spread out from the rivet so the road of life widens into happy future With us it is the emblem of pleasure treasured as the precious souvenir of some happy day the date of which is never forgotten To give an encouragement to the fan industry Queen Victoria was pleased to offer 400 for the best fan thibitcd Charming speci mens of taste and workmanship were shown Exquisite fans of others add to the interest and beauty of museums wherever they are placed Rhubarb was used as medicine by the Chinese in 2700 BC IOWIIERS Its our business to repair tires and of black royalty and fGrand Jury Recommends Certain Improvements gCounty Home at Beeton thn the grand jury rcpoitcd to fIlr Iusticc Kcllcy in suprcinc court siitings at Barrio last wcck tlicy itUltlllttlllCd on tho county gaol the rcgistry officc lllt countyrbuildings land the county home at Bccton lrank lligginson foreman of the jury priscnicd flic report Ilcfcrriiig to the county gaol it was notcd that thc building was in good rcpair and the govcriior andi matron wcrc commcndcd Thcrc wcrc 35 inalc and four fcmalc pris onch at the iimc of inspection ihc rcgistry office was not in cliidcd in the inspection bccausc it fwas undergoing certain repairs The jurors were much impresscd with thc county home at Bccton and said that sevcral of the resid cnts cxpiessccl their satisfaction with their accommodation and treatment Much crcdit was given to the governor and matron Four suggestionswcrc made in connection with the courtly hoinc Vtimprovcd ventilation required in Ithe dormitories erection of fuel slicd better lighting in the sitting Irooms and the home committee should investigate the old clothes dryCr and the refrigeration motor thought to be possible fire hazard In connection with the court house it was noted that new fibre glass ceiling had been installed in courtroom to the acoustics The grand jury also COtISldOICdV improve the two criminal actions and brought in true bills in STlicsc are reported elsewhere in this issue The Examiner Coming Events column affords an excellent op portunity to inform the public about your dance tea sale meet inchtc Only three cents word minimum 50c tubes expertly to keep them roll ing at verylittlecpst 7V lJury can caus blowout Lei skll edLrepairmen VPLIIS Goodyear factoryapproved methods imd materials help you avoidlblowout trouble Djive in today youve was soon weaving about the road in thc main section of Wasaga on Scptcinbcr 5th Sioihcrs usc Dismissed charge of taking part in an affray against Frank Stothcrs was dismisscd today by Magistrate Gor ion Fosfcr The charge was laid aficr fight in front of lavoys ilaticc liall at Vasaga Bcach Aug ust 2f Evidcncc givcn by PVC lraiikV llurlbut was not sufficicnt proof of fighting the Magistrate said onstablc llurlbut had told of being callcd to the lance hall and sccing Stotlicrs break away frmn charge of drunk driving and us gang Unable to catch him at that time tlic Constable picked Stothcrs up inside the lance hall later on that evening Stotlicrs was badly bcatcn and blcoding about the facc Lou Vclanoff counsel for the accused askcd if the constable had sccn the fight or seen Stothcrs fighting Constable llurlbut rcplicd No in dismissing the charge Magis tiatc Fostcr urged Slothch to make fresh start and forget the past Examiner Classified Adlcts bring amazing results Ciitulation of nearly 8000 attracts wide reader ship Want ads accepted until noon Wednesday VTwo cents word minimum 35ccasl with order COMMON oi ORDINARY SORE THROAT humus KING OF Illii LINIMENT Junt heat and rub in MINARDS and note the uick relief you let grenade futdrying no Strong or unpleasant odor Get bottle today keep 5V46 ithnndy LARGE ICONOMICAL niz 65c The International Plowing Match aml Farm Machinery Display October 12 l3 l4 15 1948 liaymiir Farm Iiiiidsay Victoria County 112 miles southwest of Lindsay The WOrldS Largest PloWing Match TEE CONTINENTS GREATEST EXHIBIT OF FARM EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES British and US Plowmen Expected For full paiticulars apply to Carroll manager Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario scptcmbcr 13 Misscs Agnes and Jcnnic Ilich at John ziidson Elnivalc Browns on Sunday Gco McAllistcr visitcd is ablc in be home again after his rccciit opera tion in RV Hospital The farmers are glad to see chopping mill again in operation 13 McAllister has installed one for custom work inisccllzincous showcr was licld on Friday cvcning in tlic connniin ity hall for Miss Partridge wliosc marriagc takes place in thc ncar futurc to Lorne Handy Flic bridctobc many was the beautiful and useful rccipicnt of gifts Host wishes go with Marguerite and Lorne for and sticccss IAll BY THE LETTER their future happiness Early lcttcr carriers collected two cents for each letter dclivcrcd llinlilk first waterproof and sclfiriiiiliriq iiIisi icafrli IYSllJt PlillliTllI Sold by leading Jewellers Everywhere ROLEX IS ALWAYS AHEAD l30iigltlll6i new om cl it yputo $3511st VyOIir VwidOwkto insult Dirt guarantee theoontinuatioii mortgage payments aridrunnihglexpenses thhrOugh Imperial Life ASsuranoe especially designed for these purposes card it both Yogi nmeirddress are Still the VV saunasiii 1943 Sea island known to Europeans BOOKKEEPING gt and ACCOUNTING SERVICES for retail and wholesale buslnesses Income in forms Learn hoiv acourately your Imperial Life representative oanV poliby IV mimosa rm to your perSOIIai needs Call today gt IMPERIAL LIFE gt gt gt gt HEAD OFFICE ionoma VCANADA Weelfgreltvfgnthl BRANCH OFFICE Audits V11 Clapperton St BankVof Toronto Bulldin9larrib VV om Stat 4603 Vulcanizmg nemaam

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