Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1948, p. 10

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ozmoaomw wow STAYNER HOLLY Iraniru mi 111 ese 11 ltgtliili llr liaitl ll Illi UNI klixllilJIJt 111 111 vi 11 Ire 11 111111111 FIIR IllPPl MOMENTS II11 5111 11 Plus tzrtmc1 am uIietl Ask for either lt bot1 trademarks mum 11 Jams 11 11g Authorized bottlcr of CocaCola under contract with ocafola Ltd PENETANG BOTTLING CO LIMITED LASJ1L1LLJUBXLLLQ1LCIUULCILUD Sat Icnctanguishcne Phone 4411 In 186 Canadas totall 37 m1 petal production was valued at less than 10 millionfdollars Estimated value of production for 194875 over half biIIion idollars BARRIE as follows 11 31 1111 lti lo llh to the 51 all 11111 111 llIIillc 371 111 15mph 11 to iln Illi llnlne Baking cults do 1111 tool1e Alli 111 flowers Plants I1gt111e ltr1ei lttll col Itt1 punch 11l1 l1ctitll zillc 1331 1111 Itlc 11tv c1 11 111 1111 THORNTON Hcplciiiber 21 ltttll is visitinl her Iwllcnlli has 11111111011 home Ulmnump It ttlxs with her dauin ltI 11 Ioiulitti Iovsiillne Iinsliyleiiitii htlich had very sriccesstiil anniversary on Sunday More details next ttely iitiliiltltllltlloni to Ronald Black soek 111 illlllltt who wuu Um 111s1ty hitisary worth Still host gtof tileiids wiin him every success at the tlniveisity this year The lnpathy of the community is extended to Angus Campbell and His Reg Reid whose father Ern est aiiitibell of ro died in Tor onto on Friday from poliomyelitis Death of Mrs has 111111in The Village was surprised to hear of the ltillll of Mrs Chas Haugh which occurred at the home of tier sranddaughter Mrs Earl Banting last IIuirsday The funeral service today atternoon and interment 111111 place in Alliston cemetery lllttllalAR POTATO Mrs Hutchinson RRZ Shanty Bay has grown potato somewhat in the shape of prehistoric bird lhert is distinct head and body and two feet just under the skin but boiled this type turns inite lllc 11111 111 THE BARRIE Qiiesnelh 31x yet fiiiclmi spin of 1tlIIi tlltl 111 111 111 at the 5212111 tilpini 111 tktlxtlltl y1n the 111 gt ililllJL likllitlll 11 and 111 ti Button 11 cullal li1to isitidthe fozn eis 1111111 lis ll tariiahan 1I1 1111 31 Id illlllti 1111111 l111111 tutorial l111 llic I111 lltt zmthei l1gt 11111 llztillitlll 1111 Rural his ittuiiied heal Ottawa afti 1111111 rllcll Mllits 11 his home 11114111 iioiilri N11 and 11s Itlii Vinnie 1121111 1I11111 lrllitl 111 ltlllclis Ilaiiy Il111o tItil 311 and 311 Ii Iiaiiiiltlc illlttttl thx itt1i1tltl 121 111 11d Ioliil M1 tfttl il illltllt ltl lltllltlli ctl All and lis thitaiw III 1111 111 isitii 11 IIiMl1Igt tchlic filtilcoi lil lie lltltl Ill old laitiii 1111 t1 luisuay ct li aini ltr McAuIey ainij laiy IIliiual and lr and Ni Noai1toitoh Stayiici are 111111 llItfhlbv iii tltl1l this weeIL Mi and Mrs Johnston ano IIII inflict llaiiic and Mi lwen 81111111 Allandale spent th 11eekend 11111 lr and Mrs W1 gt11t1 Rowat iIis Ias dainzlitti llttll lf1111 if1l Ilalli 1lt and 1111 John lltltii Ilelialigtt itlJIIIHIl 1111111 111133 and plowlni thatch I1c flitttl of Hat on if IIos oz lhIsty Ioioiilo Mis Ias London Wiie itlis Ias Smith for Jlarsdast LLl Ew lr and 31 Furlong and son Everett of lilunale and Mis Itttll Edwards of 1sey are vis 111111 friends at 511111 Ste Marita lich this week Mr and Mrs lhos Langmuir and Miss Gladys of limiiiihsare= visiting III foriners mother Nltsl 9w 14111211111111411111 other friends IIIII ttlttllltt tho guests 111 couple oil Sunday yisiiois with Mr and1 Mrs llarry lliurlow were Mr and Mrs Ralph iiiminghaiii Mrs Cunningham of Barrie and IVll and Mis Ber Scott and children of Midland Sunday visitors with Mrs 1115 Smith tere Mr and Mrs 13111 Rnaggs Mrs Harryj Kiiaggs of llamilloii and Mr and Mrs Ios Belsey and son Bill of lslington Out Mr and Mrs Geo McGiniiisi Joe MeGiunis and Mrs lhos Mc Ginnis Mrs Fred Houlahan and Mrs John McGinuis attended the OltarrelIhchiniiis wedding inl St Thomas Aquinas Church Eg Mr and linton Ave Toronto on Saturday Sept 11 Oddlellows Visit Midland Lodge On Monday evening Messrs Beardsall Eiegehen Jos Billiei Bert Riffvtey Allan Ritchie Ken Tracey II Player Buntl and II Wade visited Midlandl IOOF Lodge on the occasion of the3 Visit of Grand Master Bro Knox of Ottawa Rebckahs Attend Party at IOOF Home Allandale Mrs Beardsall Mrs Alvin The pump is blue Archer Mrs Lorne Manning Mrs when Percy Black Mrs Bert Rowley and Miss Foster DDP members of Glen cbekah Lodge attended party the IOOF Home Allan dale on Monday evening Elmvalc PS News Two new teachers are 011 the public school staff this term Donl ald Kcmppwho taught last year bemusniusmuom 34m itiissJnllS 0m AMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA cousin1 11 Ifttlrcilso Midlallw llttl lt Williac LJ ETLtllijfwltfilllfllITCIltllTllflIfthtIiTttlZPL THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23 1948 demon COUNCIL IS CONCERNED ijtxiiStunting HENRY Electrical Contractor PHONE 3289 ADELAIDE ST BARBIE IF ITS GIVE TS SPRING RING BARRIE SPRING SERVICE REPAIRING REARCHING LARGEST STOCK Of GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS AND BEST EQUIPIED SPRING 8110 NORTH OF TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES Gowan St Allandate FACING TRACKS PHONE 3400 of 52 was iiiauc liolii 11s Correspondents are requesth to 1m my llwtn Rios Ilulnll islivlt 111 1119 1li tltw 11= lien 1111 rll1 111 Laliinlcitt 11 1Ttl 91121 111 ironic lei Imhl 11 Ir aiiange the purpose of Niall111 lttltitt lliliit Stlluti Area f1 e1 it under tia pres lou 12gtIlip lay too much 1fttiul t11111gt 1e an 11 ti I1it1i ltvlirtt 111 1Iixl SltAuil et wits itii ljrrd to pliie 111 the iite Hale 1111 Elaine 11 thyeiuiid 11111111 be 1111 Iiie31 1111Iiiv1u1gt 11i IL 3111 I1htier of Top tlt the 1iiist 11 lr and 11 Illly 11111 oyii 111 11111 Tmmhm5mm SH Ii11oii left till Mobile hymn Iitt llltNlcolI ltylc I11 eststaiu prawlpai The 111 anti toilii ochratic ML VIM HM and Cu 11pe1viui ch appointed ttl Ioticiihaiu the 1111151 to 111111 tItflIIIlllftl re 11gtl ind TIis Walter lhllltil letrmlail 111 kttlilstit um lllll in the Siam 1111 filled 1c hch mm hit had not been The lullilulllt accounts Weir Illt 1d and lltitlttl paid if Thump1111 for expenses ihlis lapcs ll Ilairy liltltltllgw lanips for cl ill 81 StewE art supply ielief $211151 II olimanhospital accounts $232111 111 of Toronto afterware of Itnuinlzs two months $611118 Aihold aIuiiii sheep two trips Jim Miller 1111c Slicep Ittllctl 1Ii5 1m with 1111 111111 Air grant of $1511 in by Tuesday it 131 91 11 11 1111 eiul IM Tillmle 1F YOU oomr WANT TO SPOIL YOUR BEAUTIFUL SHoss POLISHED wmi NUGGEI WELLREMOVE THEM AND THEN WALK rheep lit1n gig ptiipct tlll 111 down c1ns loi wllool tintltl 11 liiizeil Laiiiiel 711 lclxiiiizoii iiec lilidlltil 111 lt 11111 lis lnlinci 11 I1I11ur siid liss lt1o1 wpctit Sunday 111 1coii 11 lliLIHll EDENVALE 51 September Ll billt toneiatulalions Illlilltttll Ilaiiliiti mm Comm 1p mmm1 paid on the pie litll contest at the MM wrnhrd the up and 1111111s Ilay WW 11perisol Kits larks Netisltlli Hum Umpirmd mop and 111 and lis Ileiilcit the call of the 1ee 111lllttttt spctil Sunday with It nilgt here 0111 schools reiipeuctl last lttt 11 111 the ard and Miss Wiiuici 1111 talker Stalinr in the et 1l lhe WI held their September Itttllfltf at Mis Wilbur llouscis toIl call was answered by our 1111 lclille After inc l1ll puritifl 111 one in lllt tLLIxLlltl It Idd 7iT 77 NIH lEmilyEmmi liglllzgxlz lr and Mrs Patrick Smith 111131 11 is Then Mrs hffen Agriculture IJlllIIlykl01mm Mud mp1 linuxllmlgl lulnlhilmk 11 lr and Mrs Joseph lloftus spent ILllllxlfl mglmm Apt few days in the country With ll 11 ill 111k Iloftiis close of the mieth lIower Show mm MIR nilNam Winning VIIIlllstilngtllliltlxifllliiltlrjlllliolllctll the dunno room bouquet and 1lis lettiin liom Muskoka liffen the living room At the Mrs Martin and JudVuAnnCjf IM In mfmlmfc ill llllllllll13 llamilton and Miss Tina Coughliu seryctt are visiting Mr and Mrs 111s In 11111 in toughpn Guests at Hotel Plielpston Mr and Mrs Nicholls Windsor Mrs English Detroit and Mr Oxleyl mid son Harold of Toronto The ladies of the Credit Union have been canning tomatoes by canning machine in the village re tcently With the quantity of ripe this WUCk ltomatues on the market this year Ill MW BilV1 Tmnm this method looks like profitable lingWith 1dlmdltlisrlLLuL vestmnt tiss Mr and Mrs Albert Sauve are Read Examiner ClassiedL visiting with friends in Ottawli thisl week Mr and Mrs Barry Trombley and Allan Toronto are visiting at his home Mrs weeks Lovall Mr and Mrs Racher Whitby were Weekend visitors with Mrl and Mrs Richardson Mr and Mrs Iarkhurst are leav ing for their winter home in Niag ara Falls NY this week Mr and Mrs Holmes are re turning to their home at Niagara this week and Mrs NOTHING LIKE NUGGEI5H1NE TO KEEP YOUR FEET ON THE GROUND DID Y0ll September 20 fisqllamill and lllitll$llttl in Toronto recently Mr and Mrs Dorien Toronto 1743 yous suoss NUGGET IMORNING stomach Disorders May Cause Bad Headaches Often 11 headache is caused by an ailment of some other part of the body far removed front the pain Itmay be an upset stomach or some intestinal disorder If troubled by such headaches why not try Burdock Blood Bitterst For Burdock Blood Bitters is favourite remedy for minorlntestinnl disorders It helps to regulate the digestive organs tone up the liver and aid the natural action of tho bowels As result theremay be an improvement in the general health BurdocliBloodBittcrsis sold xii allThufciiiiiilers The Milburn 00 Limited Toronto Ont BELLECTEWART September 13 Robert Stewart is leaving for Milloy is spending two with her mother Mrs Margaret Lukes who taught in Colchesteris in room where 23 beginners have been enrolled There are 131 enrolled in the pub lic school lommy Copeland Receives Eye Injury On Friday Sept 10 group of children were when playing with air riflesTommy Copeland aged 10 son of Mr and Mrs Wat son Copeland was hit in theeye With BB shot from an air rifle He was taken to Toronto hospital Wedding Anniversary and Birthdays Celebrated On Saturday Sept 11 the home of Mr and Mrs Jas Furlong was the scene of ahappy gathering whenthey entertained in honor of the latters mother Mrs Geo Langman who was celebrating her 70th birthday It was also in honor of Wesley Langman of F105 and Thomas Langman of Timmins whose birthdays were on July the same day being the 45th wed ding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Albert Spring of Elmvale Fifteen sat down to delicious dinnr and livery happy social time was en Joyed CRAIGHURST atives gathered tocelbrate 11 WW presentavereaMrrand erSTSidxj moreihappy birthdays In the field of quality Knitted lwcar Ptiinans has kptpace with Canadas expanding population andcconomy Underwear Hosiery and Outerwear vdesignedtoumcciuthcichangigmedswoficanadiansr and fullling their demands for quality at fair price hasvaltvays been Penmans aim It is also your assuranceHiatPenmans Knitted Goods livill continue to give satisfaction uaniwiiui toutidwiin Hostility IN 743 when 11 Septembciff 90th Birthday happy event took place at the Watkins homeon Sunday when ljcl Sarah Watkins QOth birthday Those Edith and Marion and Mrs Mason VHendrie Mr and Mrs John John ston and Spa of Flosand Mr and injian OILcranky with IO childrenJuli miseuble dont line it on nervea Your kidney may be out of orderfor impuritiesand headaches backache din turbed mt frequently follow To help keepon kidneys working properlyuse Dodd Kuluy Pillsand ace foi yourqu If that allin feeling in helium replaced by denliende mdpep Get and let me Dodd Kidney today 140 Kidnovfills eyrfail the systm clogs with Torrens is going with them toI spend week there The Baptist church is havinga farewelldsocial evening Saturday Sept 18 for Mr Henderson the pastor who finishes the summer term Sunday Sept 19 Everyone welcome ma sisal mums 1111525 WARM 111351 ll Interior illgg cg Willi leaves reddcnf and fall lrejinguanine become populafagain nchfcre isfrOStinthculerningdinv Theonly hence of its kind in the world Itshe heater that isgiving remarkable results to hundreds ofthon sadeEdf asters throughout the3Nation Holds 100 lbs offcoal SemiAutomatic magazinerfeed Burns any kind of coal coke bri ueis it Nfowls thciltifnetlo oflwintcrommtsrepairs to the house and buildings rung winceged good time too for quiet planning and for talkingovcr with outlncarcstlbranch manager yOutiplans and naliial neede yflhagrllilruliw3 for the future He lcoms your call gomein and see thegenuine WARM MORNING Dont be misled by imitations $6750 Cameramillis Gibson Ltd lsBradford St RHONE 3855 It A31 Anti in All 11 31111115 BRANCH ii FISHEReruncigieli

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