Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Sep 1948, p. 2

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129 mo BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 16 194 THEBIM martinisa Esumnmu trier flEMBEB JFA 7AWiriliiblfshdlliurgday writing by 53 TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER LTD MllARE py305 PRESIDEM nansins ration 313 WALLS yc traESiozhr m3 cswiis corrctlly It Is our opinion is lll as much need to continue id ltillltlligtllip classes in the 1111 lIEu THE FUNKY WAGE Iillllt um OI3 0mm Com5 lel SpYHI the may cciectzlc In xv of whit the goal in life may be mu nlrvonc slloildl tailnlciit struck Barrie with 2111 one st Myeri now of lle llll1illl plants wch lolo to writi not lltttSblilll in ft SpellI mmwuwf graham Gum USM mm PW Ill1 hm himT md PM C01 million lrzci thrn Nikkei pointed out that tinre wcrc hm mm ix loiil 79 000 telephons when All me empmytes mm spoke lithmlth nrtml Iii cilrs ago Slitlt were reduced by Is much us Mr toll he Barrie hslih Ium llicic wcrc l4tltlllil factories were obliged to shut of plintshdyc our mam 3mm ML Smm bud chiricry because thcrc ers not tltll THE BARBIE EXAMI lacthur Smith Honored By Telephone Pioneers lIclchiephonc fliends SELIIII of IIJIIlt gm Weeklies of Canada of Circulation cuspuprs Association 1111 chairman of tlic Plotteris Council and he look pleasure in presenting Club 79 11 banquet ti lift Ilieiiibersiilp Ii that ovi ow Light lv pay tribute to gonixition 215 Iljtl iIrIdcl after by $2 00 year 53 but your So each IANALER Rotitlev who if tttiiolcti 312 sons of icsz Before oncoming Winds and snowstorms menace your tamilys health have one of our highly skilch speetullsts suggcst the best type of insulation for your home Estimates given with no obligation 11 000 tl dzt isior was lerYllcil with pltSlSllllll llfr iitrlitbciship Iiolcti lll pleasure Illi Huntley had hall ll Inchth fro go txlioio like when ed hrs appreilikc and ltl litipul Iltl is years With Snizth would lllillitll enjoy tlti St Marys Orangei rivtilciiirnt uniting It Ill 11 Ille limit he illul ltlrinlI manager nil EDITORIAL NOTES in HIS MUM mm hlsllime lu Barrie the llleriiSt bird or But as soon as the Itiiixunkrs wePd 15 ben 138 to full realization of rte ttlllnf lorII there was it voluntary ttil$f1llllll ii lint ric that permittcd all cm lllll weeks work and the Illltllltlt 1E Iiuiiiii filled This month similar sititon 11 lect Instructions have own wilvi the HydroElcctric Powcr Connnissiozi inst powcr loads must be lttlliLllllllx trictions Irebcinp put llll clicct Elz ncss and industry and ill filltt itid o1i llltlllill lighting But much illon in ioilvcs Io mum nthll it done over and ubotc thiil quiiltl regulations Each llouscholdli tlll ill his share to save power ill ordl to llti neighbor who works iii iiictury Wc can all recall the iiicoltliiiincc was caused last Sptillu when nil pot shut off for periods of fittccil iiiilzitte can make it unnecessary to low sillll ltillllpLIOlIS this Fall by mzikiiig effort to save powcr voluntarin IGdl opportunity to help the industrial Wop kcl who needs full pay clivrlopc To but groceries and fuel and liouscliold supplqu term only little over work past this question comes to oncs mind Arc tllcrc loo many frills ill oiir lilodcril system or cdu cation and not sufficient attention piid to basic subjects In referring to the qucstlon therOwen Sound Sun=TinlesJiiil arecont odi torial asserted that in spite of the increase iii expenditures for education our schools lire respects It does not seem logical that girl or boy who has completed high school or Collegiate cannot spell or write But tltis is frequently the case strange as it may be This is only too true Writing is me lbs of c0mmunlcatlon but when no one but the writer can read the writing it Is not good for anything Too often young girls and boys graduate from Collegiate and their Wllllllg1 In some cases it is an illegible scrawl and again can be read by no one but thcmsclvcs it may be as uneven and shaky as the writing of centenarlall There seems to be allack somewhere in the school system In the commercial classes special attention is given to spelling zindi penmanship classes are stressed Ill the ma triculation classes the course of study rc quires penmanship in only grade nine and the spelling classes are discontinued ill grade eight oLpublic school Since writingmnd spelling are far more important ill ourglaily life than Latin and Physics perhaps the av erage student could use three or four hours week to more advantage with penmanship andispelllng classes than with other subjects which are now part of the curriculum and which are forgotten two months after the student finishes school The average employeruwc could say all iremployersedoes not want an employee who cannot spell correctly and whose writing can not be read without difficulty Iris logical that an employer who has hired young person with Collegiate education has the rightto expect that person at least to write bun ii liicc in old iliuriialistic saying that do bills lllllll its not news but it man iloi xvcli tlmt is Iicws But weve now llllllll tltlfvllllllfl Soillll Willcs Australia 11 press 51 oi Lt lBniolitllsold girl who plil1 llll ii tciioiitotis 2lgloot OPINIONS OF OTHERS HINDI FUR TODAY lliillttitt tlll zlpoits that last your lilltli iIilcs iiid oidIIs vii ixl tIlixiIis Wtlt llltl by LlllS NKlll tliicc llIoIIsiintl Ilt thin4 to lpprccintc Ullt tltll II1lll1illlil were idd IIdi in wt bounds to our lini for its to ltttlltlllllltlllltl our lil of lrcsidcn Wilson llic Ziio history of tlic lllllllltiltlll of Io filo tlitttdsc of 11 For jii our proscrl tiny lllt that is wisdom SIIOIIJlBE IYNIFORJI BSERVANCE ltiltilllti Stiti SDELLING AND WRITING CLASSES With the opening of schools for the Full HJl nixr Siiiilliiy misses with still VllO ridcqtizitc lllt pilli of llltleHVlllClill iiiilhoritics to tho lmrtls llgiy nct iiilpurtinlly in all places upon Sunday or Il closcd liziliriicrlpcii ind puittimccloscd lilo lliiro II tiliinv oi Siziilt us local officers Iio swayed by what lllfyl cmu to lu local public opinion The attitude in soil Itllls to be that blisiiicss interests IutliCi lleii tin ll should dictiitc police attitude that if Iliimgili do not llkt the low they should be frcc to= tlboluy it lt rcsts with the province to secure uniform ob cliccklibmiid observance depending upon the at llltldt of local authorities iipoii whom pressure is ubrought to lictir by those who profit from non 4iltlllt IIRNING NEWSPAPER IltoiiI Echo Manitosz The man who picks up tbc local newspaper glances ii it stuffs rind says Nothing in it is by Iilt llc bird llc livcs in cvcry town As izo scrccns ill the editions very carefully for errors of which wc have to admit there Ito lllllllbtlullnd it he finds onemuch to lll sliislnctioir he will be careful to broadcast it as clinch as possible This is actually doing the paper ltlil good turn for consequently more people will be rcidin the Dupe more carefully even if only the plciislire of finding mistakES liltcis prefer or borrow newspaper thus saving iiivn cunts We wonder how person like thzit would Tron nowspnpcr It is odd but true that the general on of mankind cherish illusions that there is no itlhltl job than running it newspaper As It matter lot fact it Wool of the hardest Some people cling to it idoa that turning out newspaper costsnothing llliis is ill entirely wrong conception Think of all lthc labor which goes into preparing the copy meagre llltillLlll it may bc An limooperative public is one lot tiic bancs of the newspaper business If people fciime halfway and aided the local correspondents in their efforts to make the paper newsy informative lptibliciition both parties would derive much more lszitislziction out of it Once the copy has been prepared then the real Itiisk begins setting the type running the press making up the forms doing the hundred and one things around the officeuntil finally thepapei is ready and mailed to the various subscribers Getting out newspaper regardless how small Imcans Everlasting vigilance judgment discretion fond acquaintance with everybody mechanical skill in thick head muscular legs the patience of Job the Iwisdom of Solomon and the faculty of smiling when you dont feel bit like smiling Underwear for Men and BB flow of 1509 gallons daily Four Nazcgusius of his parish Midland From Broud not turnmg out first class pupils in TilnyltlYillltt of the Lords Day Ict instead of havian IIEV TENTS in nl liilted niirch Rarrm clcctci tltltddlr in tile itncltal totincil of the lniftli ltnrch of tlniidI to lw Eiwld Vancouver the bitter port of this nionthtlnd tlic flltl ltW liars In October lis lt will iccniilpliiy ltcr intlsliiinli Inii thvv xvii ItiIt Bur Ilt by lluill ulmlll the Huddle of lhtpitziimi Years Ago THE BANK ADVANCE cplIiiibir IS 11198 Bzirrlc Local Notes IItHKttll l2 find oclock on Sun ltiuv ll Radios iiicoilipntilcti by llicilt lilllIUll lll town on short visitv lltiiitll trip to Big IIZIN Point in the doctors soiling Liuclit liklll to tho brisk vind itlicv vcic iiiinblc to liiiitl ll tlic loilit lllltl Iiickcti iilioiil lwo 111103 from tinPoint tho yiiclil Iipsct placing lllt illllllltll lll iiiiinincnt pcril Ilic lll wzis lttlltlll but Dr lliiikcs and IIlIlll beingE Iblc to swim go hold of the bout iiId tlllllbttl on her side Mr Bill toii liowcvci could not swim and iftcr sinkiiiu twicc viis icscucd from finnl dislippcnrlincc by his companions grabbing him and lioid in him Ibovc llCl Iiiitil rcscucd Thc following slothills Ta12 ii llllolldllllct in Barrie Modol School Boutricc llill Ftvxmczid Maggie IKcnncdy Aplo Josephine Haycs llillsdolc Mary llzirrisoii Edgar wood llcrbcri Driiry Dalston Directors of Central Simcoc fair decided to give frce tickets to children in the district buyer for Clillintiwood moat fac tory had sdveral liiiiidrcd hogs wall bridge disaster was Pot Mur borii on Con Vspra and at tended Barrio Separate School Bomrosc recently sold business and moved toOitliwa He came to Barrio 36 years ago had it harnessmaking business 33 years was amcnlbcr of the volunteer regimen and played in its blind His two daughters Mrs Valleziil and Mrs Geo Carle and son George all born in Barrie all bc ling very giftcd in song added greatly to the enjoyment and stic 3ess of numerous entertainments Mrs Rhinehart and Miss Birdie returned from visit in Toronto Session BA called to the Bar Simcoe County Briefs Henry of Thornton appoint ed returning officer for South Simcoe to take the vote on the plebiscite on Sept 29 In IlIll Youngs field Mr Wilson of itllilllxIlll oiincil liliits vullct was Apio llIillglllGl Johnson Oiillllill on Collier lia Etiicl Applcbc Barrio Bertha Rogerson Lefroy Edna Ellcy Bur Iboys The three second prize wm rie Martha Crispin iic Aliiiiellltll 010 11 OWN Hayes Orillizi Annie Frawlcyni loriy btlblLS were entered in the The winners were under six iinonths Lloyd son of Mr and Mrs ifrtiiik llickling RR Bzirric Hel lci Elizabeth daughter of Mr aiidl brought in to Barrio market The price was cents lb live weight Among those killed at the Corn hii Robson of lri llnSt new developments Afitlxd that even if he wzie to another 20 years with the there tvotild still be coming illwlllltl by friends and 118 many Mr Smith would miss his duties but mind to have lllllc for more in behalf of Mrs Smith he iri ilppltCllelOn for the boil tt ltNtS that had been pre in bi during the afternoon lllll fill the happy occur lo zimpbcll of lllllltll lllllllll of llclzion of tho res of years iliillltlgttll of North is lllt genial master of ccicl lilll itilzsong was led by Hintrt lI Garrick who llllt to MIT llilll to succccd tllc ictiiIIiu iiiiinI tl Znon Mayor on liclliilf oi the Town of filiiilc extended at Iltilllt to llltVlsllttlS to the count tow ii Iiid stud ho was lltlpI in to be picscnt to oxicnd his coli lltilllllllth to Mr Smith The picsciittitioii of lllc presi miltlu by John who vus Mrl ltiiiiid of Toronto Siniths lcptiilniciit hczid ltllliiiliitk icprcsciititlg lilw hiiptcr of Iclephono lioilccis notul tliiit Ml Smith lizid been while the national in lrcasc during that time had been l2l The presentation of the lounge chair was made by Harry Hussoii of Ollllllt Olhcr liciid table guests included Ross Douglas ictiicd division niiinagcr Nclson McCon kcy district tiiiffic stiperintcndcnt lcoigc Ullmzin traffic stipcrintciidlt int Horne and William Lloyd plillll wire chief Barrie Sultr manager of thc liltlllOPlllMlt UllllllCS Ctlllllll$$lll spokt of the plciisiint relations bcl tween the sistcr iitilillcs lll liiiiiic ever since on igrtcincnt lizid bccii signed for the joint use of poles to iilso referred to his relations with Mr Smith when they vcrc joint managers of the Burrit Arena for some years EARL LYONS PHONE BARBIE 4892 ORILLIA 4201 or write RR Shanty Bay Among the guests present was Gcorge Bruce foriiicr Billllt manager who is now living here ictirld There were many picscnl from throughout the district from Toronto to the northern part of Ontario chcrul who were unable to be prcscnt sent congratulatory messages The committee members who made the arrangements for the gathering were Harold Kilroy till Midland iind Harry Hilsson of Orillia Girls The three first prize winners in the Baby Show held at the loorl St Barrie on llitirsday September were all contest which was held in coni Ernest Slicldoii Barrio Arthur Hztl noctioii with the third zinnuiil For lctt BtllllCI Darcy Gllll Biciit mels Day sponsored by the Barrie Chiiinbcr of Commerce lrs Day Under one year Howard son of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Wallace Frank Slack RR Shanty RR Barrie Jean Louise daught sion had refused to allow Barrio phy one of tin fotemrn who 01 MR and Mm Howard Cald well RR Shanty Bay Under two years Wayne son of Mr and Mrs MacKenzie of Alliston Barbara daughter of NILI and Mrs Mtinroe of lvy Capt Evans MD and Ntir sing Sister Lt Mary Squibb both of Camp Borden were the judges They were assisted by Miss Helen Sh nahan superintendent of the 81 VictoriaHospital Miss Helen the Childrens Aid Society Miss Margaret Stewart and the following members of the Nursing Division of the St John mbulance Society Mrs McVeigh rs Eplett and Mrs McMicking Chairman of the Baby Show was Norman Clarke igx RlectPred Inch Pres Wasaqa Beach Grenfel killed the largest procupine yet seen in that section Much damage was done around Minesing owing to bush fires started by strong west wind spreading very rapidly Priest Jos Hindle and Fuller suffered severe loss having stable or barnsburned with quantity of hay Sons of Temperance Division gformed at Minesing with Lloyd Livingston as Milton Longs house Con Tecumseth was entered by burgT lars Who stole watch ichain antll locket as well as money drawn from the bank thatday lieBarnes Cookstown sank an artesian well for Duff MPP that had deer were seen on Con Tossor ontio Rev Fr Barcelo took Victoria Harbor and Waubaushene Chamber CommerCe Fred Inch was reelected presid ent of the Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce at the annual meet ing at Georgian Manor Sept Ap proximately 150 members attended Other officers elected were vice pres Eric Leibman secy Mrs Helene Good treas Charles Proc tor directors James Kenwell Osborne ABeck Dunsmore Patterson Mrs Clarence Cauthers Norman Holden Tuck 5A Lyons and Gordon Barrett Julian Ferguson MP suggest ed thait the Ontario Government should spend half million dollars to make Wasaga Beach the best holiday resort on the continent Othervspeakers were Rev Downer MPP and George mark that consumers are protect Charnpion Babies Boys llVin Three ans My INDICATES BARBIE REBATE IS LIKELY If Ontario municipal hydro com missions wish to pass on their sur pluses to consumers in the form of rebates they must first satisfy the Ontario Hydro Commission that their equipment is tip to the CAN YOU SAVE 23gt gt4gt ed for the future and that wage schedules are adequate Robert Saunders Ontario Commission Chairman recently stated Mr Saunders was commenting on protest voiced at Owen Sound by Stewart KC of of Barrie that the Ontario Commis ng II million rouit CHILDS ruririur Deposil$39Ma year for 21 yearsQa total of $81900 Cosh Guarantee of end of 21 years in addition to dividends each five years 83550 and Midland to make rebates He said that as far as Barrie is con cerned its equipment is in good shape and in the next week or two the request to grant rebates will likely be granted considerable amount has to be spent on equipment at Midland and the local commission has been so advised Mr Saunders said Then their application for rebatesl Will be consmered He said the Midland commission was finan cially able to make the improve ments Each application the Ontario Chairman said will be consider ed onits merits told the Geor gian Bay Association that last night wheniI spoke at theOwenl Sound dinner As far as Toronto is concerned it is understood that no applica tion has been made to grant re hates However from Source other than the Ontario Commis sion it was learned that the To Options at end of 21 years your choice of ONE of follgwing EXCHANGE POLICY FOR CASH amountinglo 83550 CONTINUE POLICY ON PAIDUP BASIS no more premiums to pay plus dividends 150000 Plus receiving cash payment amounting to 23100 CONTINUE POLICY ON PAIDUPIBASIS if child still insurable 207000 No more premiums to pay Dividends every live years cl ll child should die before Age lopailedyssioooo for each year of dge maximum permitted by insurance law If childdies after Age 10 policy poys 150000 If follieiudies before child is Age 21011 premiums after death up to but not including anniversary nearest childs 219i birthday will be paid by Company This feature calls for extra premium of $183 per year if child is now under 18 months and father is Ago 24 HARVEY Branch Manager Wilson Bldg BARBIE ronto Commissioniswworking on plan Which would be tantamount to granting r9bates At the Owen Sound meeting Mr Stewart said that had the Mid Iand and Barrie Commi5sions beern ordinary business concerns the Prices Board would have gaoled every one of the commissiglejsl beggug or thepiofitsmrnade up reserves of $150000 and $240 000 respectively ohmmosauseersdeclared that SIRDNG CANADIAN 00 PANI with the Ontario Hydro preparingl and spending huge sums for more various local power it was essential that the commissions ptif class shape in orderiilo reeive in their plant and equipment in first TreaSed loads rm Penmansf71offerseveryfeatore which contributes to comfort and unusually long wear 153 soft natural absorbent Merino yams assure adequate Wrmth without bulky Weight and are of all superior quality whichgiIres outstanding service Penmansattention to detail strong buttOnholes rmly buttons are examples of the reasons Hermann 171 give you much longerwer Poor prospects for hpnters around Midland there were 104 families 579 persons at Victoria Harbor 88 families 443 catholics at Wau baushene the families numbered 100 of whom 14were1rish and 86 French Totalsfor his whole charge were 292 families 966 commyniC antsCatholics 1519 Butter ntits very plentiful some of the boys having gathered 6f bags Vanleack hardly any ducks or partridge to been seep Dal ston correspondent commented as follows PerhapsivVe have 150 manytownship fairs1f that is sol then those near thettownought to join Barrie as Vespra has done TheGT has erected very fine wire fence along Mr Camp bells farm at Colwe11 RusIIAnd Stra more EXPANDS Since the end of theuvar the United States automobile industry has built total of 34 major new manufacturing and assembly plants llOUIDrJv Piter STOVE muss for quicker nicer blacker shinel Hard On Nerves AOffeitikeyeIILUp newsstandoiueahm irh blllty and oven nervousness If youluo iron keyedup notyea then Milbuma Health and None Pills my be of help mama Bentham Nerve Pill do wall mad for those who are rundown ndsmaymia general abdom to 1121 build up the system mimicking nervounyatem It pane aid digestion and rims help promote refreshing Get Mllbnms Health and Nerve Pills III no substitutes Look for wk the is rod III domlcarmupwmiiuweiima owinamurioecommo extension

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