Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1948, p. 9

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DURING ills orrlcni visit to lamp Bor left in ctyiiian cl den on August la Canadas Minister ofaaiid next to hin National Defenceattended class where lodrl DS oilies is lloii Brooke laxtoii is lilii lcllll ol Lrlllllitiiilllflriidltl twltll officer cadets were being given dcmou inoustaclici chats With tol it Mahony stratfon of tactics on sand table in the tarnis iotdc RuNT LIFT oach Fred lllt lrrlliei of lloEiNh lift it llr liVHH NV Plait star llllllliltl of PinonWN Grille brought llll loronto litlvi tiitioiis had no rasv tliili lll tons to liaiiic for an exliilzition mug in fact but to couple of senior softball tilt auairet llolitrirois and some tlltl llilSt rim Angeloffs llllii lltrl Satuirlay iv iiii mar the finish the localr ening and won the xidiri fi icould have won the game lp to mom pp Hundmtllrc lilllll frame the liillers ic at tl lrll tflli lliit Business Mens League and iiiiii 111311 Jul liminmlnw class of ball is easily Stllltil lit their chances for four ions iii the first of the ninth First batter Johnny llewss loft They are good learn field smartt ly hit for that long ball and are well groomed in white uniforms ed high ball over second and hm Bill llaycraft muffed llewcs Feature iiliovi is his Mllilnirrii all the way to lllllll clario Henderson star defenceman for sent him home with double Boston Bruins of the NHL llend Watts lived on ooks error at ersOn is fine shortstop and takes powerful cut at fh ball The home run he clouted clear ocll the fence down by the rmourl third lllbltl ground ball Dun canwas out at first lilSilSSLl to Richardson and liysous made double play out of it when Ricliv building was about the longest ardson fired to home plate and this scribe has ever seen at McLurdy tagged out Clarke trying Queens Park The word is out to come in There were two out that Henderson who spent most of and Prysons still leading the game the summer at Vasaga leach 54 with one on the socks but liftons got two on when olemzivi walked lheu Henderson broke up the brill game with his main moth rclout good for three rims Even at that lrysons came back New CLEANING SERVICE in with promising rally in their Barrle final batting Elsassei wliiffed to Upholsten and start but Ccc Cook worked free Chestereldg ticket to first then was out catcher to second Raycraft got on EXPERILY first by Cranes error at second CLEANED but when Kashner doubled to IN YOUR centre Raycraft was out lryingl OWN HOME for home and then Kashner was by out going into think All in all ihe ninth inning was headache Ontarios Largest Un 10 in to Prysons both batting rind field cation Cleaners ing NO MUSS There was one nifty fielding SIMCOE RUG Jar Upholstery Cleaners PHONE Toronto EL0663 play by Bruce Crane Toronto sec ond sucker In the seventh he grabbed Platts high looper behind first then raced to the bag and completed an unassisted doublet play by trapping Murray Richard son on the base path Prysons cracked out two home Barrie 4761 on your Savings TWO percent interest checking privileges paid cheques returned if re quested deposits and withdrawals by mail if desired prompt service these farerine Of the sausage offered by our Savings Department THE RHNGTRUST convolution marijuanamm Barrie Office 13 Dunlop Street 37 you in Brannon 13353415300151 THEOBOE gt cm CLARINET Biriaiiihpi of THEIBOMBONE THEERENCH HORN heal of trhvcl with one or Canadas finest military gt attoryou The Royal Canadian Air Force has openingsfovjaycrsoff the above instruments firemen Hm brace comm analog CentralAlr Gourmand Ont Attention fSOSM nton ira FINANCE id riid one iiil li lfilllll and ir itri rtli tiirlilit Ill 12 ii io at elil ll i1l nomiirorr llllltl llo ft 11 Ilsiit two llllfll liiiili gtlrririllo llli liii lillt El vi Iiiililllr lXi vi ii lir ivfilltl lliytift the look oei 1lll Stiansiuan rc lic tiiltit lxu larkr llilrlll for the vis lt lLllliiti ylru lltl fried lzoiii iiitt lir lill not hair Toronto lllstll oclock tlllttl and our rilrl into the game So far as hitting tliftons got only aiitms otl ltaycraft and srer hle lrysons nick rd lairre and Duncan for 10 Leading IN by virtue of their big thud llllllllll lrysons got an other Hill in the sixth on hits by tlare Goring and Jun Mctartney lllc got another in the seventh as ook walked and came lll when lxasliiier smacked liner to right centre liftons did not score until the seventh wiin they got three runs on one llll to walks fielders choice and one error They got two men on base in the eighth but failed to score when loiing mad two tine running catches in centre llll0SWatts lf llamilton rf oleinan Ill llenderson ss leary ianc 2b loy lb llewes cf Workup rf Duncan lllYSUNSook Ill Raycraft 3b Kashiicr lt Richardson lb llatlaf luring cf McCartney ss Mciiid ser gt St ve lliiies liases liftons 0tl0 000 3047 liysons tlltl 301 1005 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS The illustration Station program of farm organization iiitinagritient and factual studies relating to practical limblems of farm produc tion under the aegis ofthe Divis ion of Illustrated Stations Domin ion Experimental Farms Service has been furtheradvanced on the 200 units located on private farms in widely separated communities in each province The work conducted on these units has been supervised and di rected from the Experimnetal Sta tions or SubStations in the various provinces at Agassiz and Creston BC Beaverlodge Lacombc and Lethbridge Alberta Indian Head Scott Melfort and Swift Current Sask Fort William Kapuskasing and the Central Farm Ottawa Ont Lennoxville Normandin Ste Anne dc la Poca tiere and Makamik PQ Freder rietonymNBKentville Nr and Charlottetown PEI 90 $100 $100 ACASH Borrow $50 $100$300 $500 $1090 at HOUSEHOLD FINANCE without en dorsers ofbankable security Up to 224 months to repay in convenient edualmontli1y instalments From Your Credit Its Wise to protectyourcreditPayv overdue bills seasonal bills medical or emergency expenses withyour lloUSEHoLo FINANCE loan If you need extra cash phone write or come in and see usfor promptcourtcous attention to your money problems rWellbe glad to help youl Tumiir wuaicrLCanadar rap myan IliumCBC Wrdimda night 55 Mfume smile9 2nd rioor Phone 2394 outrun our Hour lo or by oppofnlmonf loan made lo midom of nearby lam sanvme to warn sac tale OUSEHOIJ final Experimental JhelntemationalMOOISeerta1 to be amade for scientic wool re llll Ntlllllf HIMCUE BASIJEAE but what the iack in tiny lion ii Irl 2tlfr Far lurk ii May Herb rp of Midiaiid was clerical gcifeil of the rogue Mtdlhurl Ship riuirt of the toilrngwnodlrccinorc lawns have taken place nilrwl North Sfflurlc base ks back toilrnguoodC ever lift of About ktlllrflrlr yilx pictured ll Owen Sound Suiiliriiclt as ioap tlriltrtltill or the North Sirmw yl lliv lllm ll Ntlxtlltlz Iul turf Lltllillllltl nor the word pair1f heard Since when did Xian rlrlulllulhdilfv claim Illlv liltlll winning it on the fieldl along 1hr Georgian Ba coast Printing Lions dont boast of being rt rfilitifi iIli trinml as lrrrguc leaders lta may into The Toronto Evening irpoit or iiouutiwy were leading Ya that llit lizi iii2e sitting lll flui liaizrv lirrce irirlcs over are the far fioin vixss Siripbrriideis Iltt itdll chests fcr riltiiltlrtlxllt flarin Cull rrorir llie sciriifinal rimif in lrSllil3lll games And to top ll off the olts behind to the genial otty fiibblc Lavi jut to br iiiforincd about plawlh the North Sinrroe League and wir irr band of rallrrping tiills they lll Iiiilli cliaropioirsliip for the tire won tle round The ldlllcltlrrl August Bil when the olts lullllli llir and the supposedly but they do respond where fortunate to gel thrir airr for iciiglhy picturesqu orth Siiiicoe bibrll loop At slitl lnfimd tollingpood and or tiovksnt Midland where the llic qtirslious is who run Yrs unknown to lirblile and rlt no longer in the running for illll that Midland stated irlfair dates bifck to Friday to Midland to play what they thought was an ordinary Stliillrlryt contest Slirpburldcrs won the lultrhlml more of 110 but tr frioblc it meant little 115 he was amply fooling about until playoff and The icturn scheduled llillili virc played on lucsday in Barrie illll lllt olts Adropped 03 six inning decision It wasnt until thr ioaitli inning of the second gain that liihlilc got wind of it being playoff round And that was only tinorrgli llrulHlllllIIII informing sgmlaioi Now which one has tliA say ls it Midland Is it lr ir is it Smoky Smith and ill baiid from tijecmoretoll ood liolll all appearances Midland and lllttiiltl hold the uppii hand lcnitang reported they were not going to tollmgwood to play their supposedly first game of the sunrfinals They dont ask jui gtlil Usually president gives trillrs but llrisone receives lIlrlll licii terms are Settled Mr liibble is awaiting word by letter hour the secretary and not by team as to what is what in the North Sinitoe League If Barrie are definitely eliminated then it is poor method of wriilliIU Sfllt llrlfllll iiiEi lllltlf AND lllERl Jack llyt has resigned 115 sports rlirir for at New laskeard but remain in the 1rnnskaining town where lit has flourishing sporting goorh lolt Jack is continuing to catch in the softball league and will no doubt carry on with the lioiky team when winter oiiics ll00rt New Liskcard Recreation oiiu cil decided not to get new sports director but each club will fill its own show htiek Jeninictt former liinnims mentor will handle the hockey coaching llarvey liappl of Midhurst was with Dyte this year assisting with the sports and starred as pitcher with the New Liskeard baseball team IftktllllN he returned horn and lined up with 13X in their recent Copaco softball playoff If Cotty lrrbble had retained Cliappel to pitch here this summer the lanky southpaw would have meant playoff spot for sure and very likely the group title for Barrie in the North Sinicoc League HOCKEY lllIAl WAVES Roy Mason rnianagcr of liiclph Biltnioies has signed eight Junior players as the season approaches With new artificial ice rink ready liiltinores wont have to trek to lalt for home games this time Four of last yrars team returning are goalie Jim Beasley defencemcn llutch Martin and Ron llumb winger Lorne Ferguson Four newcomers are goalie Dan Kewley who played in Scotland last season centre llaiyeylevley from De La Salle Junior club also two boys who were in the Scottish League idefencemzm Tuck Smye member of the British Olympic team and Car Vasey forward Tlll SEATING PROBLEM vexes waterloo Arena officials even as the same thing worries Barrie Arena around playoff time Plans to radically alter the interior of Waterloo Arena to provide more seats have been abandoned Prohibitin cost is the reason The Commis sion found that it would cost more than $4000 to add 500 seats Last winter 203 seats were added bringing capacity to 2384 with 400 standing room Barrie Arena with over 200 seats added ayciir ago at cost around $1000 now has some 1450 seats with standing room for 1000 Waterloo Arena opens this month and already threc ex Sliguisumn 3i Elms liibitioii games have been bookedSept 29 Toronto Leafsvs litts burgh 7mmrvsmhxmo anlum plate KitchenerWuterloo of the OHA Senior series Oct Oct Washington Lions who trained here last year vs Chicago llawks vs KitchenerWaterloo OWEN SOUND pro hockey contingent are getting ready to move shortly to training camps even as similar groups in ice tomis like Barrie Harry Lumlcy is first to leave Owen Sound going tothe Detroit Red Wing camp at Soo Michigan Sept Norm Tustin heads for St Louis Flyeis camp at Midland Sept 12 Gordie Henry goalie checks in with Hershey Bears Sept 28 Jaydce McArthur reports to Buffalo Bisons at Montreal around the middle of the month Buck Jones will report to Tulsa Oilers of the USHL Sept 15 Among the amateurs getting tryouts with Providence Redsare Ray McCallum Roy Cook Bob Marklewand Doug Cruickshanks of the Join iorB Greys Murray Fife and Bob Gillsonof the Senior AMercurys Five of the classy Western Ontario Juvenile champion Chatsworth Durham Combines will get tryoutsAndy Grant Gord McNeill and Bill McIntosh with St Louis John and Chuck MacDonald with Strat ford Kroehlers of OHA Junior PENETANG LIONS of the North Simcoe Baseball League came up with surprise 143 win over CollingwoodCrecmore Combines in the first game of their bestofthree semifinal series The upset caused by young Bill MacDonald who hurled excellent ball Pattersons sal vaged but eight hits while the Lions batted Bob Smart Smoky Smith and newcomer by the name of Jenkins around for 10 hits MacDonald pitched for the Penetang Juvenile entry and could hardly hold his own for nine innings in thattcaguefWhen that team folded up he worked on the mound for the intermediates during the re maining portion of the schedule Producing victory over the highly rated PattersOns is really something but outpitChing Smoky Smith iscxtraordinary LTonShadjlailLUFrobefbre Coilingwm managed tworuns in the seventh In the PWSU playdowns Newmarkel Dixons were eliminated by Cobourg on Saturday Midland Parksides are still in the battle however and are engaged in bestoftliree series with Cobourg WOOL STATISTICS Foreign Car lnvusloni lat has relelcted Douglas Boyd Small Australia as Chairman of the Ex US motorists tired of payina ecutive Committetrandhas accept ed the resi nation of Dr Edgar bonuses mid haying to buy llnl Booth as Secretariat chairman It wantea accessories When they fm has also decided to create De any get craCk at new car may partmentof Statistics and Econom fmd smace the fad that abom VOfUZSA Irom70verseosv ld reccir De lllllc and vlh hiss Math rating Tli uhd Tyris Tho isitcd James weekend lll iTime to Start Check Up lMake House Weather lProof Before Winter lrc gt unbeazrik pahallll cool on Lllikri urine in Miss Mabel Ilitllifldfull Baiiic ts toatpihng clreckls is one km spending ltrl Illrs lliit Xidon Mrs triif llioztii 1rll viaaircn llariie split rdrirriij Kslll Id and Mrs rlin Caston Mr and Mr Sptlll last Monday and Tuesday with Mr and Mrs uiric Baldwin days mirth lyli andl Mr and Mzs lairn Sommraspoo room paint need he lilllylzTd Kn lVATOK Deep Freeze and baby Toronto and Mr undid up liolltl rr lllt $37500 Mrs lrahan Summers and liirjyl gt afd tiowri llill visited Mr and Mrs 1311 mm pump l0l $369 00 David SilfllllltZ at the Vitalitlryl in Hf DcIUI llz MM Amm gamut H5 xt It iimi mm IisglfllllinlflgllillltlL Wuftngr ssue er if if illh lMil motors all sizes in stark New Canadian Stomp swimo lostinastei General Bertrand air iiouiiccs that ii sprrial lttlil po agi stamp lll be issiirri on My population and rli product til irttt about ftl of her export on day cl lSHll to omnieuioiahJ the tooth anniversary of fin ctiiceniciit of IftSllllfllllt tiny illlllltlll in Canada lhe overall dimrnsions of the tairrp will be approxnnately 11 V1 or the same sii and ririirix lllLlll as the pictorial rsrue of 15ml llirrsiiiip vill bear the picture of the Canadian lailiaiirarl Bhilding 1lli the portrait of anen ViiW form during whose reign lftuilir silile Government in anzrda was achieved in the upper ltllAlliilltl corner and that of tits Aliijrty King ieoige iii the upper right hand corner The color will be blue grey The stamps will be ire sued in sheets of 30 Plans ate lin laid to have the stamp placed on sale at all the principal Canadian lost Officer on let The staiiip will also be out sale by mail order through thr lhilatclic Section Postage Stamp Division Post Office lepaifmeiit Ottawa on and aftJr Oct No first day cover service will be provided by the Post Office le partment Definite Value In Waste Potato Pulp Waste pulp and protein water from potato starch factories can be used profitably as cattle feed and fertilizer European potato starch plants dewater the waste run the recover ed pulp through roller presses and dry it to make cattle feed The re sulting feed is about six per cent protein and 40per cent starch lts feed value more than pays for they process Similarly the waste water from Europeai starch plants is carefully saved and sprayed om potato fields as if fertilizer for the next years crop Correspondents are requested to have their news in by Tuesday noon if possible tlhsmall cars an priced to 1C5 0rd cdmale pete with the vs Big Three and phases of information relating to onomical to run ill 00 be wool Grants in addition to the 90 rolling ashore each month from $600000 allocated during 1947 are Europe Despefate for dollars British and French manufacturers search in South America China are reserving up to 75 of their andthe Middle East set uplnationwide Organizatian in jthe US for quick rpair and 24 hour delivery Though newtbeing sold to onecar families the small Size of the European imports most people who can jirOUNG MEN amusing Peaches pies can afford second described by1Life Magazine Grapes mm and English Hilhgrian convertible all fruits and edupe comingdn at 350 month zigztabfes By end of 1948 will be sold by 100 deaiers at $2195 English MG seats only two Comes in yellow red green or black Cruises at 60 miles an hour Costs $2395 Italian Cistalia most expensive small car selling in CS now ACCOMMODATION FARM SERVICE FORCE CAMPS August 15th to November 15th Campers must bring blankets sheets and pillow cases For further information write Ontario Finm Scrvlce Force Richmond Street East TORONTO ONTARIO Auspices MinionProvin cial Farm Labour Committee British Austin sells for $1060 Freuch Renault for $1265 British Fm$l570 among those schedul edffor widest distribution in us Priced for delivery in NavrYork production for export and have are tourseaters wi11 probably eventually limittheir saleito Here are some of the models ras Is handmbdjo aluminum inches pjgh with 111 mph Costs $7500 4424 Hy lolc tfril hi llrUH lltSS INCLUDING BUS AND STEAMER FARE lire linkLl til the MRI lltlllgtk ruins of thallium file llu with puppy fluoridation moi will pa cryid in terms of mifrl lir has to be repaired pisi hing provides than ltlf of for to be done is done be For CCM BICYCLES Is your bicycle in good re lll School Opening We have the parts or can orerhaul your bicycle 36 Hayfield St rat tlllll lllillorlt il iirilctlgc Li to living for The iouudlurd Dial 3874 IOOMILE CRUISE OF MUSKOKA LAKES Every Sunday and Wednesday NEW lsl rr riioxr 202w THU RSDAY SEPTEMBER tllScdacS ivl Slillks from REFRIGERATORS IMMEDIATE lllrlllRY K1Llll1llt door 17 cu ft $132500 KELVINAIUR ReachIn ti door 40 cu ft $35000 ReachIn tvarm Wiring Estimates Free llllllKS It EFR IG ICRAIION ALLISTON 5530 Return Children $265 BUSES LEAVE BARBIE Sundays 720 am pp in POINTS Wednesdays 650 am Daylight Time Return Service Direct From The Dock Tickets and Information at BARBIE BUS TERMINAL PHONE 3162 GRAY COACH LINES 1948 Hlk BU KWIIEAT rural Lilil ll 33 iii the lfutltlciiOn rzr drying for this Tilt filtrate unit 111 llrc farrrieis Ii

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