Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1948, p. 8

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To THURSDAY SEPTEMBER pie Progressive Conservative Representation at National Convention September 30 The coming Nominal Coiinion the liogiessive CUIltiZlIle er Prime hilltlsiilSWSll Party in Ottawa Sept 130 and Oct Borden and illilill lion and Will be the fourth Na Sleighen There veze also Provin tional Convention of the Party for ilJi Premierslion the purpose of ciioosiiig new Ferguson of Ontaiio lion leader From the time of Sir John Macdonald until 1927 no Natioiiak Conventions of the Party were called for this purpose he new leader was always selected by the Senators and Members of larliaJ merit representing the Party tiom amongtheir own number Thefirst National ConventionSlutluns WUmIV of the Party was held in Winnipeg blaholvncd in October 1927 and was niade bung men Cxlsmlw necessary by the resignation of 311s Right lion Arthur Pileighen in the 2J Baxter wzcl of At this convention iadio The ords of this nature cizil hookup of On the platform WereWu form Robert Arthur Howard leltditb oftNova Swim and lion New Brunsw 35 used for the first time in Canada to cover political gathering of the spealzers were broadcast by gcn ilUWllii privatelyowned gaics had an Oppiilltillii no broadcasting facilities llcniy ligtpil of Montreal one of the speakers pointed out Dhhlh 51 Hugh Guthrie Ontario Ca nan MP Quebcc Sir Henry Diaytcn Ontario lion Ben neii Alberta and Hon Dr Stanton Ontario Non atitilis were detlmed by Him Sir George Perle flu it ill Stevens Col John Corize lion Baxter Right iloii Arthur Meighen Hull Howard tbeiguson and lion Rhodes andidaies Were allowed speak for 20 inmates each lo the conviniiun iht iondehfeing Zilixi gtLL and fivc Minutes each respecaxe ly The order of theii zippzaianer before the delegates was settled by placing their nancs in hat one of the ladies on the platform then drawing them Balloting took place on the fol aftezneon after dil of inc as sessmg the Results of ihetirsi ballot veie as follows Beirut0304 iuthrie 34 Conan 310 Manion speeches preccdhlgwcur Hugh hp that this was the first politicali ScCond ballot was taken This thrie temporar lions leader of Convention in Canada at which yhhld Bennett the Partv called meeting woinen attended with full voting flhhlhh the itlillilgtlll of the vember 1920 at which National Convention Committee was estab lishcd with himself as Chairman and Arthur Merriam as Seeictziry There were 38 members of this committh On which each pro vince in Canada was represented Most of the work in organiung the convention was done by Maj General McRae The 1927 National Coiivcntion opened in Winnipegs inphi theatre Rink on Monday Oct 10 with bagpipes and drums herald ing the entry of Hon Hugh Guth hillllsl rie temporary leader of the Party Those nominated vere and Chairman of the Convention Robert Rogers Manitoba thu Conservative Party There Nominations for an auditorium that was by each Federal days Gitsts brought the rights that Canadian women owed their right to vote in elections to were 500 delegates from Quebec present at this convention the leadership took place on Tuesday evening in crowded with 1001 votingdclegates and al ternates five of each were chosen riding in those total latiendanee up to 7000 according to the estimates ofWinnipeg news lion lion IM irirs SPRING BARR SPRING SERVICE REPAIRING REARCHING LARGEST STOCK OF GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS AND BEST EQUIPPED SPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES Gowan St Allandale FACING TRACKS GIVE US RING PHONE 3400 uranium 5f00hf0 ms reedmg tail on came Feed Baylor less direct from the manufacturer refusala few days earlier to per ShutGuilt and Gain 72 Qualified iinspectors and rigid labdraiiorycdn trol ensure uniform tqpquhlity you more palatable more productive 36 aluminium arms from ine mill to Feed ShurGam iiniiiii lupus mas HXBELLUTOPIAJE uiiisniui noun run ed =todevelop this countrys natural Jliam Party with an absolute inajoiiiy over all other contestants as fol lows Bennett 780 Guthrie 330 Cahan 200 Manion 148 Rogers 37 Drayton Total 1334 1930 UNVlINilON The second convention of the Party was called at the request of Hon Bennett iional Convention tablishcd by him it chose Ot tawas olisgiini as the meeting place mid was opened by the Rt lion it ll lleiineti at it am on Tuesday July lllllil In the opening address Bennett stated that he had called National Convention because an impaired heart condition made it impossible for him to continue as leader of the Party by Na Committee es Hamnett Hill KC of tawa Chairman of the Ottawa Local ommitteef and Edouard Masson KC of Montreal were elected temporary joint chairmen Miss Donna Aitken of Winnipeg and Frederic Dorioii of Quebec joint temporary secretaries Mayor Stanley Lewis of Ottawa welcomed the convention amt pre scntcd the key to the city to the Right llon 13 Bennett who remarked jokingly that it was the only free thing he ever had from Ottawa Right Hon Arthur Meighen inadc an inspiring address on the first day of the convention re ferring to the threat of war and denouncing Prime Minister Kings mit Britain to establish schools for the llthihg 0f 10mm in this the Niltiohhl Anlhum OHOWCd byi July production of crcamcry but country lhhmla terwtlie main single typewas The Credentials Committee then LNULLUI Baxmh lllli42130000 pounds compared with reported that the convention was properly constituted and perman ent joint chairmenJohn Mae Nicol Ml and Hon Maurice Duprc were elected Mr Mac Nicol had been chiefly responsible for the organization of the con vention Joint permanent secre taries were Gordon Gray on MR and Georges Heon MP At this convention Mayor Ralph Webb of Winnipeg presented an antique French clock to Senator McRac for his services in organ izing the 1927 convention On the morning ofgihc second day of the convention 1800 dclc gates and alternates had register portrait of Right Hon Bennett was presented to him from the Party White mak ing the presentation In his address of Bennett reviewed the achicvc ments of his government He pointed out that he formed his government in 1930 when the de tlianks Mr pression had already seized upon the world yet no banks failed in Canada no insurance companies closed their offices or failed to pay Qiaims Britginiwcni off the gold standard Crop failures and low prices impoverished the West Yet the unemployed re fed and clothed and housed nd new jobs were created in ma thousands through tariff protecon which established many new ndustries while the Ottawa Trade Agree menls secured preferential mar kets for Canadian goods in Britain and British Commonwealth cdun tries His guiding principle he declar ed was to put Canada first and resources with social security for Canadians Nominations tolocmon the evening of the second day and the following candidates with their nominators and seconders addressed Ithe convention MagPherson Regina Toronto Denton Massey Toronto EarlLawson Toronto and Dr RJ Manion Fort Wil The election took piac on the lfollowing day Senator Jehn Haig Winnipeg announcing as re turning officer the results oLthe first ballot as follows Manion 726 MacPherson 475 Harris 131 Mas sey 128 Lawson 105 Total 1565 Mr Lawson dropped4qu the running andira second ballot was held its result oflthewwhich Hon Manion was declared elected as leaderhof the Partyuwith clear majority over Mall other candidates combined 1942 CONVENTION The 1942 National Convention was made necessary by several factors Kin the first place Hon Manion suffrgdl personal defeat in the 1040 general election the Party Then Senatorthe Rt HongArthur Meighen was asked to lead the Party oncemore and resigned from the Senateto do so but failed ofelection in York South He accordinglyfelt that an new leader shou1d sbe chosen In the meantime Hon Han sonhad acted as House leader from May 1940 The National Convention was called by Mr Meighen in his ca pacity as National Leader of the Partyand Winnipeg was the Com vention City It is wdrthy of nofeVthat al this meeting change in practice was adopted Up to this time the ex elusive right to summon nation a1 cpnventiim had been vested in theleader ofthelarty but at the 71 Roy Total 11304 Joseph outmay and retired from the leadership 6f rm BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE oNTAmo CANADA HON BROOKE LAXION Canadas Minister of National Dc fcnce was at Camp Borden and Mealord on August 19 Here with pair of field glasses he watches university cadet offic ers put on tank attack at the lalorcl RCAC Range Capt McIndoe is on the left and Brig WG McGilt Vice Chief of General Staff at Army HQ is on the right Lower Stocks and Output Point To Butter Shortage Theres lots of statistical support for aiiadians who believc seri 1942 Convention it was decided that the Partys National Associa tion should have this exclusive right For this reason Macdon iiell KC MP President of the Progressive Conservative Associal tion of Canada will open the 1048 Convention in Ottawa ions butter shortage is just around Al the Winnipeg Conventioni mum hold on December l0 and ll in Regina Agriculture Minister Gardiner said there cannot possibly be butter shortage in Canada on itil at least next February 1042 Mr Mcighen opened the con clliiUll with recital of th Lordslrayer and the singing of lying dhd 54 PIhUldldhoni 42il0000 pounds in July last year lt ironing 010 named iClll0lll hm outputwol Hungry dam chairman and ttinpoiaiy stticai who mmkus 202500000 and pounds in the tirst seven months of They had been chairman and sct retmy 0f the wmmpeg Cmmmuee this year compared with 205000000 pounds in the same period of 1947 making the local arrangements for Consumption per capita last the convention month was 259 pounds more than Mr Hanson temporary Conser vative House Lcadm made 13 the 247 pounds of June and the orous speech in which be blamed pounds July last year Total consumption during the first seven the Liberal administration for its months of the year was 201000000 lack of leadership He stressed pounds1500 pounds per capita the point that the government did not answer to the requirements of commle with 192 500 000 poundg the day Right Hon Arthur Meighcn int zjdfml and pm Cdplm gu Of his speech referred bitterly to the fact thatnthc Canadian Broadcast was nominated bv George An ing Corporation requed to broad drowsy memwr seconded by cast the proccdings of the conven Arthur Burrows Edmonton on on the ground that It Could The convention sat until 1143 air no political controversies Over 1pm to hear all tiic candidates the lad me Of 11 He their nominators and seconders Charged that CV SWOT made Voting took place on the after by Liberal cabinet minister over noon of the following day The the radio was loaded With contro results of the first ballot were vcrsxal political material and thatt Bracken 420 Macpherson 222 tliq radio was the monopoly of Diefenbakcr 120 Green 88 Stev partisan government in office and ens 20 Total 870 95 mighdFd to be 50 by the Another ballot was required and Prime Minister St The first report of the Creden 05518 an Green With drew from the contest As re 815 commit was Offeled sult of the second ballot HonJohn the afternoon of the first days ses Bracken was announced as havin Slon Showmg 784 delegates and 59 an absolute majority of the vote alternates so far registered The He had polled 538 Mr MacPher number of delegates was reduced son had 255 and MI Diefenbaker owing to wartime restrictions on had 79 votes The total cast was travel from five from each riding 872 Mr Macpherson secdnded by uef Th 15 the gure Mr Diefenbaker moved that the which it still stands lJpon receipt electiotn of Mr Bracken be declal Of 115 the convent was de ed unanimous and the motion was clared properly constituted and carried Milner KC Edmonton andr Ivan Sabomin KC St John On the motion of Earl Lawson Ontario seconded by Col Alan Quebec fem deed as permanent Cockcram the name of the Party jointwchairmen Joint secretaries rW was changed to that of the Pro were RE Bell Ottawa who was gressive Conservative Party responsrble for organizmg the con vention now National Director ofi the Party and Paul Lafontainel DIRECTORY Montreal At the evening sessioerf the The Barrie Eiraminer Ltd Mas cond day Mr Sabourin presidt ing thenominations forileadcr ship were receivech Hon John Bracken was nominated by Li Smith KC of Calgary seconded by Gordon Grayddn MP Bramp ton John 7G Dieienbaker KC MP Prince Albert was nominated David James Walker Toronto sec onded by Hanbidge Kerro bert Sask Howard Green MP Vancouver was nominated by Cecil Frost Lindsay Ont seconded by ColA Brooks MP Sussex NB Murdock Alexander MacPherson Regina wastnominated by Capt Norman Rawson Hamilton sec illla Vclma BeatitV 811091a nnuuuuu Corner Cupboard Beauty Box Salon onded by Joseph Hi11N0rth For talSaskh La Hon Stevens Vancouver Ogtgopathic Physician Cook iCdnstruction to row are past hundred years The Excelsior Life Dacron rumors EXTRACT Insurance Company or Will STRAWBERRY his been favourite remedy for bovvel complaints It is safe pleasant and effective Industrial Acceptance Corporation Niagara Finance00 Ltd Prescribed for Diarrhoea Intestinal Pains Sea Sickness Summer Camp laintq You will be surprised how and how much Aspden Laboratory Osborn and Garvey General Insurance Mitchell Artist Barrie Chamber of Commerce quickly it works better you feel Toms EXTRACT or WILD Dr Rerkms Dentist lIIIIIIVillHIllglzIIVHl MARKET nnhnnuunc usg1 o=====o=ox==0 BARRIEV PAGE =3 mm DANGBRPIBLD morons WILL BUY YOURCAR FOR CASH BARRIE rapid tuiiioter feaiaud the market on Saturday win2e tltc Were practscally unchanged Stulb ed peas tool it drop of time outs for sixquiin thwiii and cabbage PHONE 2488 CARPENTERS WANTED tell to ani ten cents an 11 to sili The out inch in loweis uncle minding iii ose to We punch and cut i3li Lll lie and up home baking reasoned the sana Average prices were as follows Eggs according to sue and has pinw and quality dozen ill70c by The Hyderlemic Power Commission of Ontario for employ Boiling fowl lb 40c men at the Des Joachim Power Development on the Oawu Spring chickens lb 500 River near Pembroke Vegetables Fruits Etc QUALIFICATIONS New potatoes tiiit lltllle 75 mg Sign Should be physically Hove lot of carpenters tools 80 rm he not willing to work at height of lbO feet Shelliii it ilk amphw humh RATE OF PAY$101 pcrhour for five 10hour days per week Green onions taintii Jr Board and ocommodntion available $125 per day Leaf lettuce hunch 3i Suigs ihmi 15kgt1 gh Apply at Project Employment Office or write to Beans it lite BOX 92 Rolphton0ntario tiqi basket lil0c Beets Carrots hunth ic Tmnsponqtionvia CPR to Moore lake or Colonial Bus Lines 6ut basket We to Cotton Loke Midget Gherkins tiitt WV Cucumbers three gtltgt iqt Sine 73c 51 Cabbage Sltlr Blackberries tit box 31v Home Baking Tea Biscuits dox 30cl Buns 30c Chelsea buns 20c lies 40c Date cookies don 23c Uaie Situafes each Tarts 1oz 43o Bread Lille Flhwcrs Plants Everlastiniz tlowers heir zitlc iit flowers bunch 35c up Fresh lavender glass 10c iladioli iOL 35 to title The August meeting of the Bar rie Junior Chamber of ommerce took precedent over many held previously as we were honored with the presence of Miss Lani man who represented the Royal Victoria Hospital On behalf of the Jaycees the hospital was pre sented with blood type cards which are to be used in the case of cin ergcncy transfusions John Woods KC opened the eyes of many with his timely and instructive talk on essential mat ters pertaining to our everyday re lationship With The Law By the number of questions which were thrown at Mr Woods anyone could see sore spot had been touched in caScs We hope you will be back with us again Sir Two big events in regards to Jaycces are the loss of another bachelor the name of John Mc Millan and also the news of Len Cooper moving to Brantford Lcn has been quite active in Jayccc work in Barrie and we know he will continue to do great job in Brantford Our loss is certainlyt their gain rowinis Tiiii SERVICE 11 Clapperton St Barrie Ont Phone 4335 VU Nowfoundlandsl Gander airport is about midway between New York and London In 1868 Cnaidas forest produce exports amounted to about 18mi11idn dollars annually todays annual forest produce exports ar valued at more than 600 million dollar3 Knitted Wear designed for Comfort and mapufactured with close attention to quality has gained for Penmans leadership in Canadas Textile Industry The ability to forSee and fulll the changing demands of Canadians has beenga big factoif in Penmans growth It is one of the reasonswhy you will continue totndsatisfactionin your purchases of Penmans nderwear Hosiery and Outerwear UNDERWEAR 9500 uiirwuii

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