19 Nine School Buses Will TEE BARRIE EXAMINER BARng ONTARIO CANADA OBlTUARY onlim Huh MRS lI TWISS liection 3i Ltniw ti 531s Edward plan Thrall hue ichckcd to taking Mi ti cussing on tiicli li gt HI She had Intuit to at tn tadzi on load in IA lt icon Mrs stile item dia llltuft II Lied tllli Ii is Miswaiisikennedy WinnerZI Delicious Cool Drink lSimcoe County Ladies Golf We Toke Rural Pupils to Orilliotlligh School Direttlons Matte tea exactly as usual still hot pour into glosses lled wrth cracked lce Add sugar and lemon to taste The can Second Year In Succession Der piitids VI iV tr 51W 15 hint LEI min li ll died that titltlti Jt litil 3115 line uni Tapered eliil lialtlt and if Alivll Av pull pens for 115 kt quill Pvli in uLo tlltl the coti IIIIIIII EIIIIII why Suppllcd by Slmcoo County an ll til it lllclt woman humm KIWI VI iamwwn lilt elitiiphitigthtp lttlllli thapnian award for low titt tor up grow tr All Hint 31 N91 Mn Hi mu Uii Imlmudx mlhmw Mk mm Avid rm it mm nu 11 itllo litintialtz south of saw was broille Bah counted Anne Alkllh iiit tll by her par ran out AWLz nitt or indiumA AUlll tlu award and tome were ed 5010033 vg Lei round Miss as fr liilgt lirs lllllt that nvie am rizeinber of Trinity Mr for it iiip in tilxftlliillilli The lliric lull air le liehlikizgiieui tltnrch Mi Moltaiu Tali Ntlldb Uziiiz Vlloil pm hi lleieiiiber Ill 1936 Norma gtgteltne if inid for Sou let it holes rZllJlilLllblliXlLlitllS was married to ld Sm in hill tillx1 pinb t13mg litlit=lltl lwns of Barrie There is la niclone danCner Joyce Lillian May ge ti fills lwiss Was member of ziitv thuzrh Choir for Severn ti is It oi nine roles l5 II tfflxsidhd 5in it xwmwe the iEtlli iittner ln llaig Midland Henderson awaidl MUIIILrLR INKWLU kl ZIV ul lllttti Handy initintetiiner it d15 ttgtm al Burrows of Siavnor mmb Trim ItlmIm GuildI ar of renipetlliozi aftirvtor low cross for first time holes Ihup gm ml may Mug AA Lat darling in Infirun MHHHHV KIWI mu tA laillts won Several pitrs wood lCllts award for gtallltl iwhlloivtisliip lt Vib alsousid bV hei lzs 51 itainp lioidetil got voiiipetilion filis lliiby Allen husband for fortye1 lll ears whin lShe was lso member of the illr Neil Donaldson illinr 13 mm mm Smmmuhw ll lIor raIidon Kohl award ollinuwood leoples Store awaidllll Wit ltlllll ltlk Nilllllt Survzizii Mrs lwiss in addition AI HELPFUL SERVICE ly Illvl or the future of vour estate en liltll4lil 37 years we l1tv served ill Monti Hit it we Lin mr THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Head Cim Toronto Barrie Office l3 Dunlap Street YOU WOMEN wHOsUrrEii IIOT FEASHESiig FEEL CHILL hnn Ilaiitiiiu was born at lvy the eldest dauuhtcr of family of 11 ln lliiti she was married to Charles II llantins and they lived near lvy Heres Good News Are you between the ages of it and 52 and going through that trying functional iniiltlle Age period peculiar to Voiiiirn Does make you stiller from hot thohm feel claminy so minnus irritable Then DO try inrrlizi li hi VegetableCompoundtoi ie uch symptoms its famous this Many wise niiildlwnue women It lipis nature voii know what we lake PillkhlmS itllmml iu nieanlt This great medicine also larly to help build up resistance has what1cuirscullh stomachic Iugziinsl this distress mic linkliams oiiipoiind contains My noopialeswnohabitlorniingdrugzs PINK II Lydia PIiIiikhams VEGETABLE COMPOUND Magics OrangeRaisin Biscuits up Sizu our ll felon MartelEng It leafyum liar5 111 rtuim Eula Pomor Inm orange rim lgltpn mi vs IIilms sugar in will Sift dry ingredients together Cut in shortening until well niixid Add rui sins and orange rind liLdl egg slightly in measuring cup and add milk to make cup Add to rst mixture Roll out about lginch thick cut with floured biscuit cutter Place in greasd pan anl nice li the hm v1lV only intl llt lm helpful to Iull No olliguiou fleet Or you may pref IYll lh TABLETS with added iron Iiiiiiliir inidiiii cunt songs il tilk when v11wt tiintiiii it int ind blind in iitiill td tl lliziitii ini ll them The triple it the eiH ot the il iii tit lltltil was igttllllll tot the simple ihih ioiorito tiiiides ii tillil vtth inl tun itt llltll can be not iilitlt from other llllrl ill when oi eonnlelnp llll it than Mrs Charles Banting former limih and now resid tixe iotii of her daughter ll ti lttootl ll Coulis lo ieleointeu her atom birthday oi ieVll ill Alis luHilll llam blv ot oulsiiis llill niece en tritained at supper and ill members of the family gathered later in the ttlillt1 tor celebration Dr tliirielt tarr of Coolstown and Charles Hunting of Alliston on be ial or the ltdtttltlllltlltll present Vd in hostess gown Refresh ments ilJ tlVlll buffet style troin the illllitltt room table cen lltl by birthday cake decorated Im the form of an open book Mary until tlllllt in hill to Barrie vlt Banting died in Will There were seven daughters and one son Illoivard otllislon There are 22 grandchildren and 22 greatgrand Ichildren lhree sisters and two Ilirothers are living Mrs Allan Ingram entertained Illl Toronto at tiousscau tea in honor of her daughter Margaret whose marriaue to John Gourlay Itakes place September at Oak vootl Presbyterian Church Receiv ing with Mrs llltllfltll and her daughter was Mrs Gourluy the grooms mother Assisting Were Misses Alma litbl and Joan Bebb of Barrie and Misses Joyce Smith Berta Walls Connie Hammond Ellen lladlow and Vera Swift in the toaroom were Mrs Scott Mrs Craig Mrs Mac lelin and Mrs Hammond Mrs Marshall Mrs Archer Mrs lladlow Mrs Machod Mrs Kelley Mrs Langdon pollted tca MrsV Crozir and Mrs Moseley attractively ar ranged the trousscau shower and Vlllllll gifts If The brideelect has also been entertained by Mrs Taylor at miscellaneous shower Mrs ivlosclLy and Mrs MacMillin miscellaneous shower Mrs Ar tllCI personal shower and Mrs iiadlow handkerchief shower and presentation from ncighbors of licc associates luncheon and pros entution to her ltltitil and tltitlvlilir are he tmlvt soid1rteilligts Illaisie ubiitNiihols all of llairie The funeral gtlltt was held Sat liudoy afternoon futurist 28 Follow rait lattiil ltltllt at the deli nett Funeral llotne serViee was conducted in lrinily Anglican huirh by former iectoi llev ll ll llllltll The church was al most filled as friends and relatives attended to pay their final respects ltev Mr lloivden spoke feelinuly of the fine qualities of Mrs lwiss and expressed sympathetic mes sage to those who were so unex pectcdlv bereaved Friends and relatives attended llroni llrantford Stratford Toronto Kirkland Lake and other centres Among the profusion of lovely floral tributes were those front the following loroiilo Street Neigh bors llie Barrie Chamber of Com merce Directors of the Chamber of Commerce Junior Chamber of Commerce llarric Kiwanis Club Kiwanis uxiliary lriiiitYClnircli Junior Guild Barrie Gun Club rillia Gun Club Ontario Skeet friends of the family and business firms The pallbearers were Mal comson lribble Robin son Fied Elliott ll Riddell and Geoffrey Glenn Interment was made in Barrie Union Cemetery ROBERT STUART HRANE Essa lost respected citizen and one Well known throughout the township on Aug 16 1948 when Robert Stuart Cochranc passed away at his home at Thornton if tcr lingering illness He was born at Baxter on June 15 1879 son of the late Mr and Mrs 105 tCochranc early pioneers of Essa Township In 1907 he married May McFadden Iof Baxter He farmed at Cooks town for two years and spent the remainder of his life or his farm at Thornton He was faithful member of Ivy Presbyterian Church where he was an elder for many years He served for nine years as trustee on Thorn ton school board csides his wife he leaves to mourn his loss three sons and one daughter Gordon of Ivy Mrs Ross Cliipchase Betty of Ever ett Harry and Jack at home and five grandchildrenalso one brolt flier and two sisters Coch rane of Holly Mrs Coulter tRayi Grandview Man and Mrs Corrigan Hattie of Cooks town He was predeceased by five sisters and three brothers After short funeral service at the home public service was held in Ivy Presbyterian Church on Aug 18 Mr Clih Winn student minister of Ivy Lingrega tion assisted Rev Sin7 Clair DD of Barrie who pa tri bute to the Christian life of Mr Cochrane taking for his thL the assurance froirT Psalm verse My soul wait thou onl upon God for my expectation is from Him Mrs Murray Sykes Shooting Association and ntin lot it illllll of consolation series Ztti ltI lllftILltlll tool the llam in lltl tot ftlgtl flight lllv fiitsx ilctittLLth slot lli tltoti ii for lllzl lllltl l1lltllll Mrs it lallersoti Irm liitlldilllll ililtl for MT Giana August 3t Mr and Mrs Win llailtIv of Milton spent last week with Mr and Mrs losepli Walton llr ll Lynn of Lo iiieles tahtoriita trainer school teacher reinwed old acquziiiitaiiresliips by canon on Joseph Wuhon on Mon day An Enjoyable Event in lliiirsday etlllll1 Aug 26 about eighty attended the vciner and coin roast held by the Sunday Sehool at Mr and Mrs Garnet Mclt iters The evenings enterlaiii ment was held outside on cement toiiiidation and Miss Fern llampel ol Harrie entertained everyone inl games and lolk latices and also favored with accoideon solos There was lots of fun for young and old Al the close of the ewnings eti tertaitimvtit llev llunt anti lths lerey Ford thanked Miss liainpel lor theIdelighllnl even ings entertainment vihcli was eti joed by all also to Mr and Mrs hlthlzister for the use of their home CGILFORD August Mr and Mrs Norman Plant of Hearst are visiting Mrs Plant Misses Elizabeth and Reba Roth wcll and Miss Lukcs spent Wednesday with friends in Orillia Mrs loo Montcal of Toronto visited with Miss Rothwell for the weekend Miss May Mclvor Toronto is spending her vacation with hot sister Mrs Kcll Miss Margaret Neilly is visiting friends in Bradford Penn lorl several days this week Mr and Mrs Wm Bates and their two sons front Bradford Penn called on old friends in Gil ford Sunday Mr and Mrs Robt Kell and Miss Mclvor motored to Saublc Beaclil On Sunday HclcnKcll has been spending week at the Beach and will return with her parents UTOPIA August 30 Rev Darin of Islington called on friends here last week Mr and Mrs Lornc Brunskill Cooksvillcyspent few days with heir uncle Jas Brunskill Mrs Clarence Smith entertained the WA of the Anglican Church to afternoon tea on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Dcmpster and Mr and Mrs Tom Excll spent the weekend with friends in St Cath rines Dianne and Douglas McMastcr Till lttllllttt competition Mrs lI leftcr Midland Stephenson aivard for consolation winner Mrs Farther lsinton Ii illii Faith award for consolation lltltltl wood 6iiit6ig ISPECIAL PREACHER gGENERAL COUNCIL At the daily devotional service at the General Council of the UiiiA lied Church of Canada opening in Vancouver on September the gspeeial speaker Will be Dr Howard tlhttiinan Pastor of the hureh for tbe lLllUlllti of All leoples San Francisco California Ur lliurinaii who is iieIitro is Tone ol the strong preachers of the Ullllttl States lie is raduate rol illorehouse College Atlanta itleortgia of ColgateRochester Di tvinity School Rochester and of Obcrlin College iti Ohio He was special strident in phil osoplly with Dr Rufus Jones of tldlt Ilavcrford College and has spent most of ltlS ministry in the field of higher education He is Follow ol the National Council of Religion Kin Higher Education served as iliofcssor of Philosophy at More lhouse College Georgia later he be camc Dean of Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel and Professor of Systematic Theology at Howard lUniversity Washington DC lle served as Chairman of Pit igrimzige of liriendship to students 901 India Burma and Ceylon in 1193536 under the auspices of the man Recently this distinguished prea lCllCl founded the Church for the IFellowship of All Peoples in San gbrancisco where he carries on ministry similar in principle to tliat of the Church of All Nations in Toronto Correspondents are requested to ihave their news in by Tuesday inoon if possible Til pewter lllkWtll lltLll lioztl KIDNEY over riipfiil of third has doll base eight illtlli ill diameter and vioglis upwards of lth pounds The ISlx IUttIUlaliotth on lot of lll 11411 MW ll lllll Ulllmtiim were tltltllll intended for rlitli handled pelts oi iiiiIle tlie quill kind In ancient times the professional writers or scribes etirrivd with them the iiiipleuietils of their littgtl ness and among thesi the itiltliorn Illllibl into the girdle at his llli FREE of Itnndard sin nclpo turd Tutoring 20 deliglow ways to on llhbys Mustard in your cooking Jail and your name and nddusl to llhbyt Challtam Onlmio DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK if you dont agree that llbbys Prepared Mutton it tho but you he ever Mslod American Student Christian Move format lull Willy sang The Old Rugged Cross II mf bPEECH SOUNDS SIMILAR favorite hymn of Mr Cochrane Although there are many lan Thepallbemer3 were Am New nbrOOk gauges spoken throughout the Old Norman Coxworth Geo Car The ymathy 0f the Community VI holidaying with their grand ts Mr and Mrs Coutts sze in hot oven USSR abolrLIZ minutes takes 16 world there is considerable simi the Boake Geo MC is mine ded to the Denney family in their ereavement by the lossof llarity between the fundamental Donald andIsaac Jennett loving them also to Angus MC lSthCh SOUhdS Friends attended the funeral Intoshandsisters in the loss of IA Asw To Lions HeQJLIQmmOJormia theirbrother SimeonAellowing an Alliston Barrie Cookstown and illness of severalweeks surrounding communities The many beautiful floral tributes bore town he bought farmat Crolvn testimony to the high esteem in which he was heldby all Inter ment lk place in Alllsmn unit kinson dealt in horsesie brought CemeterY several thousand anima from the IIIII West and these hesold rgugliout ass II GEORGE AYEKINSON this district 500 If George Washington Atkinson He was memberIOf the Unilei lls Wm 11 the neighbours hear that you own well knownin Barrie and through Chum falfAcroV IHlu and new mdm gas 1ange designedfor use with out the district died suddenly at Conservwwhllcallx lIFssotaneTheyll all be arounll to admire its leam his home at Crown Hill on Sunday George Atkinson married Win beauty to be amazed at its with ft August 29 1948 He had ben fried Caldwell of Vespra Townshi autonf Just It in comparatively goodhcaltn until in 1917 Surviving in addition to ym you get fullheatat IV he suffered Sudden heart attack his IwifeII are two SDnSI Gordon and once hotter cleaner arne thanIyouve evercooked Born 65 years ago enlune 4iIin vEldoIn and daughter Leona WIlbf9re Y9 get 50 muchmbre tinie to Oto Township AheV was In son of Also surviving are veIbrothers YIOHISEIwahen you cook with gas range Charles GreenWood Atkinson and John Of Kindersley SaskCharIeI Martha Tamer He attended schOOl of Campbellfvrh OntDrA DPPeriil Oilalso has availablnow for use is at Guthrhaarid High SchoolIanId of7Barrle Thomas ofShanty MIIodel fShool in Barrie before Bay and Ernest of Beadle $85k teaching for three years at Uhtho and three Sisters Miss Annie and For year he farmed in 010 and MlSS Martha in Barri and Miss then he went west where he home Mary Atkinson RegN of Toronto steadedfgoreight yIIeIarsneaIr Rose One brother Dr Atkinson town sask Returning to StmIcIoe died 01a heart attack four months CountyQMr AtinnsoIn farmed in ago WATER HEATERS OFO for three Years and then Thefuneral service on Wednes moved toIBarrie While in Barrie day afternoon Septembef was SOID RECT be operated wood yard for conducted by Rev William Pelley DESIGNED raft use WllH= II Es50tane automatic WaterheatersLOnother IcztyIIconvenienceIfor yourIliomezII causes and IMPERIALO time After2l years in the county assisted by Rev Mr McTaggart at IL MHED the Crown Hill United Church BRIGHTER breakfastsI There were friends and relatives present froth Toronto Campbelb Your family WI Welcome rbrd North Bay Orillia and Maxwall House Coffee throughout the district There was VA profusion of oral tributes from blend contains choice Lat son brotherdndatw Vemon Such glorious avor Such friends near and far The pall Ich fun bodyrThaIt5 be bearers ere three brothers Dr IcammnIIIIand gammsjmnagham TORONTO IOARQETOTI PLACE MAME American entice the hithe ceme iI mi mu Ink Because does the rest Kodak Vericlirome Filmmakes all your picturetaking siireire gives you clear sparkling snapshots every time canadian Kodak Co LimitedgToronto W5 WeiCQngda Kodak IFilm the lm in the fomilidr yellow box and Thomas and Charles At eauseA theMaxwen House kinsona nephew VHoward Atkin CD nmauavauau II Interment was made heat obtainable tug at Crown Hill l7 moms is nunsMm