Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1948, p. 17

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1948 WEAR WWJARRH QECWm EXAMINER lWInnipeg Ilocitey Stars SPORTS CALENDAR tArrlve Here For Flyers IWSPAY SEWAEBESE GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS MILK FILTERS inch and 12 MILK FILTER STRAINERS MILK STIRRERS ayed Ilagan Ale Stars Ilyers Ilelea Ivy Team PARKER AWARDED Oliibmufiiitl In Ll FOR FOURTH KO 51 lc 194849 srtod to pour IJ the atr i1tli wore icorgesi tllil lilltiiul lciiiiclH unis lo iillto CainE lti t=l Elsi SOFTBALL iliiil$lAY SEPT iillliilitc gt ilnlcs tiiktall 13H FRIDAY Slill iiLA LADI ES SOFTBALL PLAYOFFS STARTED liarrie and District Ladies ttiittiall playoffs have rom iiioiicill with both Valley Taxi weigh at tlltl opaco having played their it units my games uf their respectiVe illl one scrlrs hinting eater day in the Lin offivc League lllftii Ivy tiiitl make than two good ilrt eight lti Young ill li ball for iil31l bttllifillifll lills Sttliititil in Forum tit if lnoii xi filling HIIt Hi bttdnil tlt Pork httlillz billllt Units SALE OF PLOW SHARES 25 OFF SHARES SOLES and HARDSIDES We need the space for other goods vi firil llarries most promising lca tlier bearer heavyweight Jim WV Parker rang up his fourth v1gtilil1lu straight knockout it aliwood intuit Stadium Tuesday night when him iillry Martini im in 10an lulllb lcnz in an lngaged in but pumhm uffy Lorin ii MM lffqlmdln 1i litthree semifinal round with or 0mm up in 15 IL maxim CIIlu Midland Parksidcs and hold Ulltls of the second round dillM tilfum iiihii one grime lead by virtue of Parkers original opponent Mi in triumph inwlldland The Iron iultllillxaltl1050111 220 Hum game be plyed pmuuk mum to appear and itiilti1 nil1 tiotiitis lllltti iipl uovnlsllark1uc5duy MPL ortoi was substituted itii lo tiiiizipog tniiuiiiciis one Following the rcghiar lucs wt in tiilltll iiiiilos iii tilt1r 11 lint night inning card ltirkor 13W cl Hit Winn LUlilpclcd mi 15 awarded trophy for br 3H Niirlnucus Iotiriiniiiolit iti GALVANIZED HOT WATER BOILERS CLOTHFS BASKETS large size $145 rtfitsimv tillilc PRESTO PRESSURE COOKERS $1635 $19 95 $2550 FLY SWATTERS Wire Rubbcr 10c 150 22 RIFLES MOSSBERG MARLIN VICEROY AUTO OIL Qts 30c 1020304050 SAS FRIDAY SEPT It Illiiilt it pin i8 ith Sillli finals lliil gariu MONDAY but ti iluiizo Iltli iiltll ti i1 SOCCER 1lltllSI Sliil lliiilo CARPENTERS TOOLS it Hammers SziwsPluiies Chisels Squares chcis Axes Vises Butt Gauges Line Levels Braces Auger Bits Spokcshaves 111 the other round Newniar kot Mums and opuco are battling it out for the right to FLY DED HOUSE FLY SPRAY Pints 29c Qts 49c Gals $195 tluniiiul ii lotoboi last your and ionicCourttRemr SumerSkating School iiig chosen its best ring pro port for 1918 for tho lilllil ltuitiiin ll pzi luul ti lttthlel jurios oi ill1 Nit Ilizoo povt limos at but Srconli um 11 light lititl VIII two oziitlo xllllin tliiotigh fKttlli imi rigii illicit tlllilt Iitltlil itoiiii iils til it iilo l2liligt tricilin it Bigot clip when it hit liilt but ho was tlizizgod Willi iill until Alioor Illliiitllti Il ll kyitliiiul rivpti Tho huttor unis ciolutiif uith it siilo All of iliti1 iiLII ifilitti duys Iiiiillll Iitif At illlst no piiiit tiio follow on itiiii iiiiill lust ttllt iilgtotl lloiulu could ilit to pay tri illiit to lniil llogoi Iiiilllt cutciior litltlt iltili tilt bowl titltllti in tho itiltllit ill is iliNl lino golitlo Iiiii nd voildiiiul sport Not outo throughout tho sclioiiuic or lho piayolls fill this lii intoifoio or tllll hiiid icoliligs with the liili or spoctutors In fact he thow piiilto lioiii ooioiio and iiclily llosoiroli such If trophy XII ili Illltl tl lllt ii giiilii in tin logs of Ilkliii tiitll o4 about ft New improved Ilarlier Iite CHAIR as exhibited at the Band Shell of the JNE Tor onto Now available at the BARBIE TENT AWNING CO Expert Repairs To Any Make let our Advice on Your Battery Troubles 25 Years Experience Dept Manager ALF POTTER FAST 0R SLOW RECHARGING May we suggest that you drive in every two weeks for battery checkup We shall be pleased to render this Free Service Ignition and Carburction Specialists Exide Batteries for every purpose BRENNANIS AUTO rIrchIc 33 BAYFIELD ST PHONE 2464 BARRIE ONT We are tiiillanufactur crs of the Canvas used in these chairs Phone Barrie 4314 34 Bayfield St Plumbing Hot Water Heating Free Estimates Repairs Specialty HAROLD ORST ER 107 Dunlop St BARBIE Phone 4465 BARRIE ARENA PUBLIC INVITED TO FREE EXHIBITION Sinday Evening at 815 Solos by if Margaret Whitty Patty Anne raok Sandra Hudson go elyifIacquelyn OldhamDolores Green Don Laws Don IQPIRIQBAIIH PetersEPicrretfeJaquinDonna Marchmcnt Shirley Luffman Betty Lee Dent Volunteer collection taken in aid of Barrie Memorial Hospital FundIPubiic Skatingcancelied forremainder eek it Is IIIERE ll Rosamond1593 SKILL iii7 ORVIMPRQVEQI The Barrie Board of Education is authorizedby the Ontario pepartmebt of Education to operate EvrNlNojv00ATIONAI cmsSusg of this naturea groupvof approximately ten students being the required minimum for organization of any class East thallciasses were offered in Basic English Bookkeeping and Typing Leathercraft Showcard Writing and Sewing Iln former yearsMotorVMechanloS Photographylottery WeavI log and variouscademic Sujects were included now is THE rmuiro PLaN ANY Nuw CLASSES nudist thcf your groups and make 1an vllifffrincipal Night Classes title of Wales School Vj ii Lial li2 firrul limit 1011 llllllSl Slill luiiioi ioif loiiiiiniiioiit ltl Silll Siiiicw totiiity tliiiiipioiiliii iii Illith LAWN IltllllJNti MUNIIAY SiIiT ti Mon Scotch Doublos likflic illi ilt plioi follow walk iuioiioo lloggurth voteiuli riglitligindor pitcliod tho full game for ivy iinl illowcti only oiglit hits but ho couldnt get Mogcr out hlziiiagor Will Davis pluyod first for ivy tho first tllroo innings until lloiiiiuii Jonnctt arrivoil url lliiiiiis ltlllfltttl Danny Poland in loft hold for iiuriio iii tho sixth lhoso woro tho only position chun gos of tho gumc Among ttio missing from the llairio ItJSItl was Murray Iifc iogiilur shortstop all season long iolouscd by Munugoi Roy iitlllliS for ullogcd indifloront play at Moufbrd last Saturday 11 Flyors liA Jun ior plziyotl with uon Sound Ciosccnts in his placo was Mur ray llichurdson iogiilur shortstop all soason for tho Barrio Colts of tlio iortli Simcoo Louguo lvuiISpoois suiro in tho fiold for Ivy all through the guiiio lic guthcrod iii scvcrul hard ground balls at tho short ticid and whipped tlicm to first for outs and he raced over nczir tho foul line in loft ficld twico for lovcly catches Heros how the runs were scored Elwood Jcnnctt Ivan Spccrs and Low McFadden recorded doubles for Ivy but only McFadden cvontu ally scored Herman Jcnnctt had two singles in his two appearances at the plate and Wilf Davis got one hit for one try Barrio in ficldcrs had two fast double plays t1i1 itl flu in tho louguo llt totliti most illiziolc iit liiL luko in is it IVYCylloggurth Brollcy 2b Jcnnett Spccrs ss Davis cf McFadden3b Lay cock lf Davis 1b Jcnnett 11 Broiley rf BARRIEMcArthur 3b Strach an 1b Richardson ss Mcgci Piouffc if Kcrr 2b Fcltis cf Pol and if Emms If Hagan Ivy Barrie 130 021 x8 Umpires flan McLean plate Jack Barton buscsfboth of Pal grave We 2ND ultim TIRE BIG DAYS FOR GOLFERS Approximately 30 members from the Barrie Golf Club will partici pate in the Slmcoechampionships and the Hiram Walker Trophy be ing held in Oriliia Monday Sept Midland Collingwood and Oril 11a members will also icompct ing Barrie has held the champion shipfor the past two years Art Powell captured it in 1946 and Bill Dyment walked off with honors last year At the locaLcourse today the junior championship 36hoic medal play is being held for members 20 years andvunder The main objec tive is for the Cliff Brown Ltd shield and the accompanying prize Prizes are also being donated by Roy MerricerrG Currie Frank Spry Art Smith Charlie Kearsey nd Jack Wallace loo lill fir Satuzduy night iftoinooii they iiio Illll itlili liioti llrlililti it Aftor playing and Sillitlil voio folccd to ioiioiais ill the and woury they to givo tho Iciiorais llilit until tho thud lltlltiti when Usiiuwu waitoil to 91 victory In tho ticmorlul iip IIt10fi Illt vcio oliiiiinutcd by Winnipeg loiiuiolis iii Iicctio sorics In tho final game Cuiiaidions ontorcd tho lillitl period with it 50 loud but Monarchs oziiiio hack strong and lioudlockcd tho count aiid won 11gt ill ttllilllt Monuiclfs ex mlcd loit Althur Vost End liiuiiis to tho limit bofoio bowing out of contoiitioii till loiiiicll is not liiiiiio He has ittondod Full training for tho past two years but each limo wont back to Winni pog iolliors played his first your bf jllllltH last season having roiiiaincd ill juwnilo ranks the previous year Both boys are pro ducts of tho playground league in Winnipeg and also uro linked in tho Montreal Caiiudions farm chain it iiowooiiior to Roddyforfriiiiiiiigaiid making Ii bid for onc of tho many empty bcrtlis on tho llyois arc Ab lloiiffo and Eriiio Kocfti who per foriiiod with Iorcupino Combines 1910 NOIIA oliuiiipioiis Plouffc is stocky dcfcnccmun with rise from the ground not further than that of Chick Guuidu popular llycr iltICliCtlllllll llouffc has bccii around Barrio all Slimmer us has Einio chfoand both par ticipated with local baseball clubs Keefe is aiming at spot along the wing boards The sale of subscriber souls for tho nearing OHA Junior cam paign has bccn rapid over the past two weeks There are few rc iiiuining tickets and those who have yot to obtain them are ask ed to do so immediately at Emms Electric Russell Devlin Suffers Dislocated Shoulder Falling from Hay Load Two 16yearold boys fell off load of buy on the Sunnidalc Road Tuesday morning and one suffered dislocated shoulder Russell Devlin RR Stioud Alconri Beach had shoulder dis located and he was taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital by pass ing motorist Mr Angcw of Strath dcc Transport The other youth Basil Sheridan 139 Sunnysidc Ave Toronto was not seriously hurt The boys were on atruck drivcn by Coupland RR Stroud The truck was carrying baled hay and when some of the bales shifted on the load the boys fell off Prov cons Roy Roberts inves tigated Read Examiner Classied Adlets CAR SLIP COVER For All Makes Models Dangerfield Motors Dodge DESoto Dodge Trucks 65 Collier St Phone 2487 is anew client at theEourEc and is wide open Thte wig wilL be driving alpng the fairways are Paul PalmeyJim Harris Richard Fine Hugh Currie Ted Clarke Howard Burbidge Wesley Green Jim Patton Allan CroydqnuTom McConkey Lloyd Goheen Bill Craig Steerook Gerry Patter son II Steele Roy Christie Bob Garner John Ellis and Larry Ser V31 The biggest event of the season is the club championship and this year it should be one of the most thrilling yetwto be staged Two of the foyembstwgolfers in the district Emerson Creed and Bill Dyment are scheduled to meet in 3611016 match on SundaySept12 com rriencing at 930 Creedis the de fending champion having defeated Jimmy Willis last yearHe also wast Semifinalist in th Canadian Ain ateur this season Dyment succeededin capping the title several times before the war and is back to regain those laurels Both Dyment and Creed hold the course record of 69 which should make foran interesting play BARBIE BATHING BEACH SUPERVISION CQNQLIIDES Instrbtion and the Barrie Recreation Council at theiBarrie Bathing Beach will cease on Monday Sept Labor The senior instructorRoss Day Bradley and all members of the voluntary senior and junior beach patmls areiischooi studentr and they wui resume their classes on Tuesday Examiner Classied Ads jRead supervision by fconsiti ciitcrinto the finals in two out of three session llixons iiiiiiiigod to cke out 98 vic tory ill the opening contest They are scheduled to return to shear lark tonight at 630 TANNERS ADVANCE INTO INT FINALS WITH 2510 WIN lliairio 1aiiiiiiig zidvunooil into tlo finals of tho industrial softball ltigiio iiiuisdiiy Aug 20 ill YGE diuiixonilwlicn they dcfoutcd Ull loihiils 2510 It was thc third and final guiiio of bcstoftlircc semi iiiiul scrics luiiiiiiig now iiioct 1ikiiow Dairy in bcstofthrcc cliziiiipioiisliip StllLS tiiil iJllillls was the man on tho mound who sot Undorhills down with handcuffed arms The scut Itltti hits lio ullowod were never thrcutcning to the Tanning loud hltllllwlilit the combined pitching chore for Undcrhills volunteered by Lloyd limmons and Motcalfc was being slaughtered red BiiriicTiiimiiig tliciiptiiic an 00 load at the opening buttings total of 13 players wandered to tho pluto for Tanning during their first inning Undcrhills managed comeback of three but were soon roliovcd of that glory as Tanning bounced back with four in the sec ond limins then shut out Undcrhills until tho fifth while his club were building 213 lead The tail ciidcis colintcd four times in the fifth once in the sixth and were outscored 42 in the seventh to be eliminated from the semifinals in dismal fashion Wib McArthur led the Tanning attack with his crossing the plato on four occasions Tlirccrun por foriiicrs for Tanning were Bruce Kcir Gcorgc Lchar Rusty Aikiii Curl Emms and Robinson llzirry Bell and Thuriow show cd wcll intlic losing cause UNDERHILLSTate ss Thur low Ihurlow lb Bell rf Ihuilow cf Carson 1f Barnes 3b Brown 2b Timmons Metcalfc TANNINGKcrr 1b Robinson 3b McArthur Lchar 2b Ai kin cf Emms Lchar rf Hathcrill If Kcnncdy ss The shortest tunnel in the United States is the Backbone Rock tun nci in Johnson County20 foot long YES Youre Right UPI UP UP goes the price of meat but the price of meals is the same as before 1103111011151 lNN Where food reigns su preme and the best people meet 51 Blake St Barrie Phones 3741 and 9055 inn nails rcwnqao 33 institute DREOPENING seer I948 Grads XI XIII Xlll 930 am Grades IX 7Xwcch COURSES Students are Prepared for Entrance to all Faculties bf CanadianIUnivisities and of STUDY Colleges and any School or Higher Learning 2Entranceto Normal Schools 3Entrance to any School of Nursing Complete Commercialeraining Ali General AcademiccourseCradesIX Xlll CommercialCourSeGrads XII 51 Special Commercial CourseDuration One Year Special oppoiiuniiis Open toGraduatesiofiGrads K11 or Academic Agriculture taught in Grades Ix XII Instrumental Music offered to interested students in Grades IX anti Xin prephration foradmittarrcc to the Barrie Collegiate Concert Band II Choral Music trained by M77117 is most impwortailtlhatstudents Vexpecting to attend the the Music Supervisor Well organized and supervised Athletic Program Collegiate Institute during the coming year be ready to start on the opning date Students who register late arc at disad enter vantage themselves and disrupt the progress ofrthe classes they The Principalwill be pleased to interview parents and stu dents to supply additional infplmation and disgussgcourses of study aitthe schobl The Barrie District Collegiatelnsritute Board The 111 Fly Sprayers 25c 30c 45c to $195 Drills Mitre Boxes Screwdrivers Pcnw SILEX COFFEE MAKERS $395 $495 $525 $625 $675 $095 rils and many many other items in this line SUPERHEALTH ALUMINUM WARE COFFEE MAKER SETS with STOVE $1095 $1625 When you buy Slipcrhcaltil utensils you buy life time service The years kccp comingr and going Men will arise and depart Only one thing is immortal the love that is in the heart PLASTIC BOWL COVER SETS 8150 OVEN MITTS Many colours 50c 75c DOUBLE GLASS SHELVES $200 For bathroom window or wall use Complete with CillOllle Brackets CHILDRENS FEEDING SETS $495 Plato Cereal Feeding plate Clip Glass ENGLISH DINNER WARE Orccii aiid Red Trim 45 piece sets $2195 ENGLISH SAMPLER 65 and 95 piecesets $4850 and $6595 EARTHENWARE STEINS are each 69c ENGLISH BONE CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS 95c $100 $110 $125 $150 $175 $195 to $530 grand variety to choose from ENGLISH TEA POTS plain decorated 89c 980 $125 $150 $200 $225 $2 $259 $275 $295 to $395 SAMPLER PATTERN ODD PIECES Biitter aiidcliecse Dislics8225 405250 KITCHEN KNIFE HOLDERS 506 and Red Black and Yellow Square Bread and Butter plates 450 Pin Trays Bread Trays $150 $225 JARS RED GREEN 1b size Each 596 for Coffee Sugar Florir or Cookies Connor Electric Washers HARRYAR 98 104 DUNLOP sr One of the peculiarities of the ruffled giOIise is the odd drumming FOR SOCCER TEAM Rugby consolidated their first place standing in the Barrie and District Soccer League this past week with two wins On Thurs day tliey edged battling Dalston aggregation 10 and on Monday downed shorthanded Barrie squad by tliesamc score Army wcrc scheduled to meet Barrie last Thulsday but the contest was postponed until 10 night when thc two will meet at the new Agricultural Park on Essa Road in fourpoint affair The tilt is slated to get under way at 630 ONG PHONE 2801 MES TR noises it produces in the spring time to attract attention FARMERS ATTENTION OUR BULLDOZER is now EQUIPPED with GRUBBIN and STUMPING BLADE for clearing brushy fence rows and new land Stone piles buried and earth removed FREE ESTIMATES SKILLED OPERATORS VARCOE BROTHERS 300 Bayfield St Phone 4600 or 3375 Barrie +uau nuunuuinguu+ This Year when you come to CroSsiavnds to Get your Books and Supplies we have Special FREEGift for You Smartlooking 3091 PLATE IN coroun with Spaces for your Ndme and Addresseady to Stick in To Decoraienur Withers and Punctuation or MiaRn Weeks we have been Unpacking Great Cartons ofATcxt Books and Supplies of All Kinds Everything youll NeedfforthYcars Work AIL the Regulation Public and High fSohool Text Boolfs includingfor the folllpwing NEW ENGLISH BOOKS Grade IX Plains of Abralptm Twelfth Night Classical Mythology 60 Story Grade Poems Chiefly Narrative Lorna Doone Julius Caesar Grade XI Reading For Today Bk Him can SchoolEdition Grade XII Romeoand Juliet Grassv of Parnassus Prose of Our Day Gradelilll Maria Chapdelaine Henry RV Upper School Eng init JD Full Width Pockets 17 If WillPayieubGeteurchgeLSupplies BROS Selections 1194349 crass LOOSELEAF NOTE BOOK Zippered Heavy Duty Fl exold Plastic Timetable Holder itilitililiary SPECIAL Half Price IIIIILIIIS StreamlineLSlTecial WatermanTkywritcr Rollit Ball Point Waterman Skywriter Rniliiilaii Point BallRite SheafferFinelinc Bali All in Assorted Coiors It it SCHOOL SUNbRiEs 60c 350 School Bags pocket Solid Leather Highioads Dictionary Coil Exercisonooks Scribblers r5c and 100 if Plastic Rulers Inksafe Colours Paints8colour bo ltlcolour Collegiate Box $100 Math Sets in Metal Box 75c $125 GOOD Brass Compasses 25c 35c Crayons Bcacock 80 215c Crayola 13c 2256 Sargentsxzoc androthcrs Standard 3rin3 Black Blue Trigger Balearic 2rlng inside ster $335 Zgrlng outside style so DUNLOP sr Torr oilsouanb

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