Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1948, p. 15

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III ii llitlfyl DIXONS EDGE to Edith Hare who made stab and wild to first allowi us Qlhiriie 19 to second althreedngtherrseventhrW mphyiiisMcihrivithrthree his son as far as and topped the Newmarket drive fol concerned lV TAKE Ji iiii billiligla if intaiio toe tlill lltiiise lir day Septrmher of too pm Jtistiu llicl NOTICE TOCCREDITORS Notice is Iicrcliy ginn that ill 3tii7li persons having clthh against the Estate of ANDRI NSIIII late of he loun ot Harrie Railway ii tinl ti lni patticiil ttiiilitrltiiad lily Hf Styli1 ill lath lii lInif IIIQ 315tlf III lit yard only to lie Shall li ll my git not llt inpon llAllJ il ll if llzlll lElIl llHYi littiS lllilit thitasza 353 Fiillttlni for Im ltllll Xucriou SALES taluida Svii ll low IlJlWl lfi Button lltlllt Auc tion llll ot litlllliiiiil longtim leiins tili Salt ii It Spiozilc llttl Itos Saturday Sip ll Iliiolt iil Illi iiiit mirage llllltlll iii pioW pil til ll lrtiii iiti ll vtill lllllll5lilt itI Simlo oriiirsp on llll ll Sale ill ocloch Ruthit lltlltilltci rut Vciln gttlt Sn pt l3 ll Ring mile of lIlI le oi faiiii icl iiiipl tlltI hoiistlinld tlfi cl one lll lliltiin ccl itiJili Tliiirscay Sept ltl Irs llitlllili Vllllllll Lo ll liili ll trilil Livestock iiiiplciciiit equipment combine tiacloi and lillllSl hold fiiiiiituie Sale at pm liis If lhoriitoii lliltetoiie RR Alltlltiiicti iilitix THREE IN 7TH COPACQS98 Newmarkct llixons staged threerun last inning rally to take QSthClSltill from Copaco at New niarket Monday Aug 30 and at onegame lead in their litSillfllllto semifinals for ihellarric and Dis trict Ladics softball championship The second game will be played at Slicur Park tonight illiuisdayt with the third game if necessary back in Ncwinarkct on Monday Labor llayi blistering comeback which saw the llixoiis net six rims in the final two frames aided somewhat by three Copaco errors turned le fcat into victory After seesaw battle Copaco were in front 80 in the bottom half of the seventh when Newmar ket let loose Mary Osborne was the firstgirl to the plate and she promptly placed single through the infield Lois Bligiit pushed her to second with another single andthen Editiriiare bore down and fanned Edna McGrath With two on and one out Audrey McClymont drove hard grounder then in the the excitement threwl score andsecond and third sacks to be occupied Pitcher Betty Vanzant popped out after Mona Dean had stroked grounder through Langl fortying run The gamewinning run was counted on an error with McClymont crossing the plate standing up It was tough one to losefor Copaco who had obtained three runs in the seventh to obtain they lead They fought hard all the way and Edith Hare in the box was Stirling spectacular ball with the giving up of eight hitsVanzant Vfor Newmarket was nicked IforIliI safeties Dixons captured the lead in the openingdrame with three lUDSaII er Copaco had managed one In thewfourth the Packers hit their Fstndra with threeand 43 margin Dix ons outscored the V150 31 starts against Parksides this year the minor 21 front of 65 and Parksides who trimmed the Barrie tCODaCO appeared We on the way nine by large scores in all four to victory with their OUlbUTSt of league meetings must now win the next two orh ang up for the sea 10wed by NfaryOsborneandiliois Blight who secured two each Hale114m and Mickey Kashn night She not only pitched good headed thePackerSv attackgleapg game but her fifthinning triple supplied tripledouble and Single While Kasher contributedthreeliest Dbl limitedtlieiisually hand singles Dot Knapp AiinMiller and MarjThomps0n were next in jlino with twoapiece Copaco 100 301 V38 14 Newrharki 300 003 39 a5 Umpires Hedgeru Barrie Iplate Hudson Newmarket bases scours GOLDEN AGE Shows How scours HELP COMBAT DELINQUENCY vTherole of sportsin combatting juvenile delinquency is one ofIthe points covered by Sports Golden gelatest today and tomorrow olease coming to the Inlperial hemxtSundarmidnig Take the youth of NorthAmeri caotf crowded streets give them in to play and someone to show no how and theirsboundless ies are channeled towards says the film hVewsports greats in Golden Age ire Babe pox Dempsey Kaine Rbck Joe DiMaizsici Ben itli oii protest has been lodged ficld which was too hot for lifl tiIostcr to handle bringing in two fourth litbrought Stevenson across lBowencGilbertg lbFosterif pr their bVestVflelding efforts behind In the Supreme Court of Octavio mlixxla Ilse illiNlllt7lStgt lcllN lilflill KtlltiLl liztaiii llaiiilill Stilltlltilb lillllllxl It 1303 Iiiiic Iiifl Ililli Illlll DA ltiILIlil BUT COPACOS PROTEST GAME Once more RtASt of anip Ilor deii shoved their heads in trout in the liitcrmediate softball tiiials with Copaco Monday evening at Queens Park they managed to hang onto an early game lead to trim the Packers IZtl iii the third game of their bestoftivoseries The fourth contest of this session lll be played at iitciis laik on Friday evening Although the strong army outfit captured win the lackers have entered protest on the ineligi bility of McIaggart on first base RCASC stated that Mclaggart was posted to another station and he would not be available It was agreed to give them replacement and they placed Marshall on the sack for the opening two games However Mclaggart appeared on the scene for the third tilt and the McTaggart could well have been the man who sparked the RCASC victory The hefty performer smashed terrific drive to right ruiis in the first inning and in the the plate with another liner His work at first was another standout factor Barkley with three hits led the RCASC attack closely followed by Gaitens and Pearson with two hits each Ray Lougheed with three singles was best for Copaco while Elmer Gilbert with double and single and Ah Bowen with triple and single were next in line COPACOMamhall Loug heed 2b prougheed ss rf Bowen cf Storey lf Perry 55 RCASCWalling rf Humphrey Stephenson MeTaggart lb VincentSS Gaitens cf Peaison if Biehl 2b Barker 3b UmpiresArchie Marshall plate Ivan Gracey bases DOROTHY MILLER HERO As VALLEYS UPSET PARKSIDES Midland Free Press Herald Midland softball fans sat stunned silence Friday night and watched Valley Taxi of Barrie spring theVseasons biggest upset tomdate by tmining their beloved Parksides 64 in the first game of the Barrie and District Girls Soft ball beague seminals It was Valleys rst win in ve honors area Dot MiiiIeiJrihevriiorrrirciror7 was the girl of the hour Friday Vwas the decidingbloyv ofthe con hitting Parksides to six bingles all singles and fanned seven Three of herstrikeouts camezin row in the sixth rafter Midland rhad scoredtwice and appeared to have big rally underway Muriel Balin meanvvhile was a1 so pitching her heart out in losing cause She too fanned sev en and gave up but six hits but her mates did not tur in one of the slim school marm VALLEYE Keyes cf Len noxIZb Moodylb Longhurst 1b Campbell cD Miller 31 Wood rt PARKSIDESD Adamson 35 Hansford If Scott If Ruth erford lb Morse 3b 0P Btheau Simpson cf Murphy cf Thompson so Rawn Car rotl rt Valley Taxi 702130 001 Parksides 100102 04 Umpires13 Hedger and Kil tom in iNNierLuorss By RIB Ilirouxi from Red when Dirn struck and others by llli Highway traffic Friday night ltltltllllllt lti ll lllt tli sky liiiy on ail paii ed to watch the flames de totu ital lit building and con tents fire last bit of money we had iyziilaiilc nut lllltl new set of hariicss lIliiiir stated made up my man lllllll as well liic it Itttll tl cciilly titlitlitgtttl one About l0tltl busllcls of grain were in lll barn just retaiitly having been tliieslicd Neighbors came the next day andsalvagcd about 300 bushels of this from the large quantity of hay some of it baled also was lost During the fire bucket gang was posted on the house roof in case of sparks btit fortunately the wind was not directing the heat towards the house Beach Area Subscribes Benefit Fund Many offers of assistance have been made friend of Mrs Gibbons who is Dutch having come over to Canada after court ship with her soldier husband lllle he was in Holland and was married here about three years ago has offered the use of barn and home for the winter on farm near Lefroy They have not yet decided what they will do There was less than 50 cover age of insurance and it would cost over 313000 to replace everything at the present costs Mr and Mrs Gibbons desire to thank everyone for the splendid assistance given and the continu ous offers of help We live in such wonderful neighborhood were the words of both in their appreciation of generosity shown no can do with their continued assistance If anyone has 40x80 barn for sale anywhere Mr Gibbons would like to have information about it He has been offered sufficient ce ment at cost by friend in the building trade gang to help clean up and takeout manure can start any time The Alcona Beach Association was among the first to make cash donation towards assistance They subscri bed$25frOmrthehfunds of the Association and also donated all the collection received from big Sunday night party held in theirihallr Wind Damage During Storm While the lightning was playing havoc last Friday night wind in the forinof twister also crbssed Innisfil Hitting first along the north shore behind the Big Bay Point golf grounds it smashed trees and overtuiineda cottage Further south lame tree near the gate of Cotin ChasSproule was blown down across the road Chief James on the way to the bad Just rei smouldering heapl syrwd Gibbons fircwvas unable to pass The services of Mr Sproule with tractor to movertheHobstructionw ToWnship Fair The only Fall fair actually held in Innisfil will again be held this Fall when Cookstown Fair will open after having been suspended during the war years Sept 30 and Oct are the dateLThist real opportunity for the town ship to ty GoodSeason for Beaches The volume of residentsihn visitors in the beaches is the case Farmer5 Night The big night of the summer will be Farmers Night in Barrie Sept The parade will com mence from the Arena abdut pm About the beauty contest Surely there are some entries from Innisfil where beautiful girlsare The prizes are well Worth winning Stroud band will supply music for the old tyme everywhere dancing and contest for prize as treats Invitations available SCIENCE FOR QUACK Phrenology one of the quack sciences is basedon the false as sumption thattaculties are specls cally located in the brain and are evidenced on the skull IROIIXaminer Classified district this year has topped any previous year Business placesreport very 3uccessfulwseason most of the hotels and boarding places being filled almost continuously The hot Weather during the end of August kicpt thel tailendIof the season Vfrom lagging as sometimes is there andTioy free show its best to the coun CHIEF CLERK EBLAIR RETIRES CNR ALLANDALE on the board of cdtlctitioti contin llttl for It Itiligt years including three chairman llcis treas urer of the parks board and has this organization for 11 years lle is also secretary of the Railway YMCA at Allandale Mr Blair is member of Burton Avenue United Lhuich and his family reside at 58 Burton Ave There are two daughters and one son Josephine is in the townI clerks office Georgina is with the Macmillan Publishing ompany at Toronto and Arthur is in Montreal with the NR signals department During his railway service Blair served under 14 superin tendents The following seven were superintendents at Allzindale in Mr Blairs time Wecgar Way II Cavanagli Rogers ll FOX Cameron and Carr Prior to his retirement dinner and dance was field at the Ctlllh iiiuiiity llouse and was attended by of his railway associates and friends Chairman for the occasion was Ray Carr superintendent The following men spoke on behalf of theirdepartments as follows l1 McMillm pensioners II Pati tersoii train despatchers and oper ators Galloway ofNorth Bay motive power and car equipmenhV Mcllwain division engineer Boyd engineers and firemen Mitchell of Newmarkct agents Canfield of South Parry locomotive foremcn Jackson of North Bay chief clerk Les Ellis of Caprcol who succeeds Mr Blair at Allandale Mills of North Bay form erly of Barrie on behalf of those gathered presented the retiring chief clerk with purse of money iiS Ionghecd presentedMis Blair with lovely bouquet of gladioli from Hughes agent at Aurora Miss Jacqueline in charge of arrangements for the occasion and the evening was con cluded with dancing to music pro vided by the CNR orchestra OWEN soiJND WIN 189 FROM FLYERS IN is OBA PLAYOFF rt OwenSound SumTimesi Meaford Aug 30The hard hitting Owen Sound Crescents roll ou their heavy artilleryagain here onSaturdayTAafternoTirT Id crush Barrie Flyers 189 inthe third and deciding gameVof their first roundseries in the DEA Jun ior playoffs Crescents got up off thefloor to win the set after losing the opening game at home week ago Saturday Bob Capel pitched his third com plete game againstiritheiFlyers iii eight days to earn the victoryl holding the Barrie crew to II hits estruck out 13 battersde walk man in fine exhibition of hurling On the other handfthe erescents hammered istartingvlpitcher Carl tinued their onslaught against his Licensed Auctioneer EXPERIENCED For Successful sale of Household Furniture or Farm Stock and Implements PHONE srnoun 23m liis the gtltiltgtitlllttl the of at specl Illll annual Retail Merchants illny Ill lllv NE ed will hold special lllVlltlllOll 1members of the Rural Simcoe beauty day Sch will be the Mayor of SulliVan was wouldtotal about thousand mil Einms for 10 runs and213 hits in the first three inningsand con cii3iiii0iiiii lgLIivssrocK MAN THE BARRIF EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA at rank Jack ronto late WI hind III and SIKLA II lliiitlt ior lmhl lip tail Styl Ill In lliill Iiioii 111 to llailic Mr HT an to nalowrnv sia ltl1 lltit lllgt il lIIIllllleIfllIfII tiigt litrt1illuiililnIitls tr 541 30 48 1le li III IIIIVI MIN II hm IIIIIIIII III IIIDI HIMHIIHHIIIII gti ml Mtii isli litloutl soil of at II II VI liti Colin McIntosh and Xll oi 14 sill Ivtdl lit lulz ll lldlllc PAN Inwmvm hrI III III lamina III pm Imp and II MIqu hII Aug iI Iitliilrilli1 lli one bilii in Hot tintiz his ltlllt Harrie on Aug Itl Uri t5 litl ll titulll Ila tii llliil Ll llllut Iot li lli of llaziie IIIU kuyfp it liigtiitl iii Quinn liirl iltvllk lioui hoary in my IIII HILI TOW itilliil llilvll tMH UNLVA mi ll ha iv tgtlltill ilarric and Ruth um II to in italt Him Nhuncms Resiiiwldioddeni ixmimo in ltie it Hui dine VI If iliioiiii tne Illltcgt until he be his lllsl year Interment liar yr itll II ullttAMIIIIlI IIj IV IlI ltiilll llhyo in itla llis scivtce Union tcnielciy Aug itl it ran iiIofsi and ic who iittI oi rii iiI yuva SmlmlIvI mt Rm iii laiiiiilii Ital Mil int mar zctorizi llopital Harrie on VIIIlIIIii ilIitI ntl at divIt 151 it it 1048 Utlllil ubilt livl ll lf II II II III III IIKII If II IIII II III II III III IIIIIIIIIIYIctl lt lllIll ltlntl ll til lltltl It MI it IIII VIII HI II IV IIINIII lwiss and mother of Joyce It ui Iit lvillll lit lt 1m HUI minimu llillllt lliuon eme ltfillt the la lazmiis lll tsslii in tiits tiiil which was of lllliliilill IllililIi II that lgttll t1 ltl gtlrltliltlll tasI At his late llSltltlltl 58 NM l=ll IQIfv Illlllt will its ici in the air aiitl iaili St Barrie on Aug 157 11 If SUI its neck tird mound ll liatll Ttllti Manhall llavid Webb lll an ti IIIIIIIIIIIIIHI IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIHIIH iitIui liiisbIaiid ofI Rachel Illivia ii cv iii iis titit till utcr illii it iiIIiI Sum puts wciz gt Noncc to Blossom Terry tllili out out tin got track lllI IVIEIWl MINWW ltllltltll AIM liw ilaiiililfI llillll for tlIiIc ImImII illrriillilttill of it lliiililtitzi llltliill Shininui horm loliiiA ll 5llttlilltl ltdI tn on the ground of his thliiltl litlttii W111 15liYl lib CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOTES Presidents Bereavement All tliaiiilier of ommcrce incin tar jtilll iii pypicssiiig tlJepcsl iilllllI to President Ied sudden passing of his charming wife The Iioard of Directors attciidcd the funeral in group at Trinity liurcli lasti Saturday lrcd Kellylteprcscnls liainbcr The Chairman of the letail Melt iliants Committee Fred Kelly ial luncheon on Wednesday Sept at the Canadian National liiliitioii Representatives of other toniiiiiiiiilies also attended this meeting held in conjunction with Stcleo Open House The greatest steel plant in fan ada tho llamiltoii works of The Steel Company of Canada Limit open house on AIuesday Oct Representing an invvstment of mine 375000000 and occupying an area of 340 acres the plant cin ploys over 5000 workers Any Barrie Chamber of Commerce who wish to do so may obtain invitations for this special day by leaving their names atihc Chamber of Commerce of fice or by lell10l1lllg33ll5 Mayor of rillia Miss Rural Simcoe Judge Among the judges for the Miss contest to be held on Farmers Day Thurs Orillia Dr Seymour Col Garry Lee OBE the contest direc tor has also lined up Wing Com mander Hiltz ABC and C01 Todd DSQ of Camp Borden and Charles Evans of Bradford for this very pleasant task Rooms with Board Wanted The Chamber office has receiv ed several requests for single rooms with meals Mrs Smith the Chamber of Commerce stenographer is maintaining registry of accommodation avail 311103 nd JitilLbapIeased to meat from any lady inthe town who wishes t0 list vacancies 1949IIIVIIEAT Agriculture has recommended for 1949 wheat area of 715 million acres about eight per cent less than the estimated acreage of 1948 On the basis of the 193847 average yield of 15 bushels per acre the 1949crop on this reduced acreage lion bushels successor Bob Hillier When they had finished their attack they had rolled up 22 hits including six doubles triple anda home run and had earned 150f their 18 runsiwl POTATOES stock on hand ALUMINIUM ROOFING TThe United States Department led Within avery short It illiirie VIlllUWNINU of our diar Wallet Bio away Sept lieic Sat iltjp diltllxNANrlii loving of dear sun and brothel haiian Eric But tioii Sept Love and rciiic 39 GILLI At the Royal Victoria lacre is rink ticath cannot gtevei mpnaL Bump an AIM MI 134g llimclm llr to Mr and Mrs Archie Gillis Sadly IllISSotl and loviiiglyiel iiciiibticd Mother Family litip HARRIS AI me Rumlvimmm 31 1048 to Mr and Mrs Ross llar llariie son Royal Victoria tlmiVitiiiirin loving memory HMM mm of our dear father William RR trawfort who passed away Vi SIIIIII II 194+ lyhllWlb At tin Another year time hasLns on and lith longing hearts we sigh 58 cwutm logcthei we shall meet our Lord 90 llis coining druwetli nigh lomgy ionicmbercd by Clara and Alvin airns Iltil lovi ltlitSS lle tltli iii land of gloiy iihi the blue to Mr and GIUvC SI all fizs ways the Lllil of his II to Sgt ii lchtIl and Johnl imam no IlllfilrtlbtNmAt iii toiia Hospital Ba tiiiiniliewtl by 1918 ll Sgt and Family Buchanan amp Borden daughter lllfllillYICARDERAt the Iloyal Victoria and iuthvr Hospital Barrie on Aug 29 i943 Wt PitsWill to Rev and Mrs Carder 38 Burton Ave daughter ck of the tillStl iRuth Margareti We ciienciiiii At the Royal viin toria Hospital Barrie on Aug Lil gold of the gtliles liltlllOl Sgt killed in ac to IA Luaig RR BONNERWAI the Hospital Barrie on Aug 31 was and Mrs Bonner Camp Bouiezi son tliarveyl At the lrs 79 Iiffiii St son III loiunto lllQlIItY In loving memory of Kathrm mmmvm iiar son and brother lpl FARKER liarl lierry killed in action in France Aug ills IllH You left your And all you held most dear loiight and diethat we might llL ln pcacc and in our home picture Worth more than silver and gold loviiii son and brother we lost Whose memory will never grow old Sheltured by the Rock of Ages Anchored Ull lllt In the loving Rest dear ICarl for eyeimoie Hidly missed and deeply mourn cd by Sisters Mum DOUGLAS ln loving memory of tear friend He Albert Doug las who died of wounds in Italy Aug 28 1944 None knew in None named him but in praise Our hearts are the sunshine in his ways Iovinglv remembered by Clar 30b GREGORYIn loving memory of our darling left us so from accident Sept 1947 and was laid to lay Gathered by Jesus in all her child ish purity beautiful snowdrop to bloom in the gardenmf heaven Sadly missed by Mommy Dad sister Joyce and Uncle Bill KNAIIAIn my dear husband Wilson who passed away Aug 31 1945 Deurcr to me Was the husband lost and loved so well 36p 1941 36p RlTCHlEIn dear wife Norman band dalight grandchildren ild Sad1y missed by wife Islay MUNROln memory of Gertrude Munro who passed away Sept Lovinglyremembered by Husband and Daughter Ritchie away on Aug 27 1945 Past her suffering past her pain Cease to weep for tears are vainf Shewho suffered is at rest Gone to heaven with the blest Always remembered by hus SALMON RIVER The Restigouche in New Bruns wick 200 miles long is one of the most famous salmon rivers in Can to Mr and home and loved ones safety here stands beautiful 48 Stransmaii daughter WEllIlll At to 27 1048 to iital toldcu shore arms of Jesus llrotlicrs and 30le Dad COCIIRANE but to love him filled with memories ness WEBBMrs and Alvin Cairns wishes to wee Jacqueline who suddenly resulting est on her 5th birth 1le loving memory of than words can tell loving memory of and mother Mrs who passed soninlaw and 36p er t1 San Francisco Barrie rs Mr Mr Oll Mrs rauc and family their sincere thanks to the friendsI and neighbors for their ntany acts of kindness and beautiful floral tributes extended during and recent sad bereaveine of loving husbandaiidfathcr 36 Marshall convey her thanks to the friends relatives and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and beautiful butes extended during her recent sad bereavement riiii PARM surplus 2126 FERTILIZER wish alif Aug 011 Aug Mrs St the BAUIIHIYWA the Royal Victoria ilospithi Barrie on Aug 25 194 Bauldr son Royal Victoria 26 H148 to Mr and Mrs Lloyd emuchin o0 Eccles St If ml Pam daughter ileggy lIilltt FIELDr At the Royal Victorizr Hospital Barrie on Aug 29 illill and Mrs ll Field th Ilatrie son Hospital Barrie on Aug 27 litill Kerwin llilcCUAleAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 30 1943 and Mrs Barrie daughter Royal Victoria Hospital llarric on Aug 30 Illill ll laiker Mary St daughter SIRANSMAN Am the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie and 52 Elizabeth Pat asthma Stuart Coch to convey St Francis llospttall in Aug and Mrs Weber tnee Irene Storeyi son WlGGwAt tht Royal Victoriallos Aug 20 to Mr and Mrs II Wigg 209 Hayfield St daughter 1048i illl Ill Webb sincere 36p Formaldehyde CERESAN for Seed Wheat Now IN srocK Brown C0 lib VSEEDSMEN SINCE 1871 117 Dunlop St PHONE 2435 Barrie THE BOAKE BREWIS Tel Ivy7 Ring llI Formerly Boake Ordas For ReadingAnthracile Blue Stove Rdidr IIBriquetlesond Alberta Midland Ashouldbe made nowfor immediate or future delivery Deliveries later anywhere Order now to avoid disappointment IDusl for late Blight Control Cyahamid for killin IIBALER TWINE for fall balingyper paid1 color and quest 14 Ga baler wireIper bale IWASIIING MACHINES ooIoprhieoinc Washers Montgomery ward large size Orilyi slightlyused Montgomery Fully guaranteed Only 8CuFtDeep Free TIMBERIB RAFTERS Let us Show you howquic Irimplement sheds warehouses tc STEEL ROOFING Tripleroll Sheets the most econom $800 and $850 per square All roofing orders now placed with us will befil line At present we are prepared to fill orders from COOP NEWS quantity prices to DeLuXe Electric Washer Gasoline Powered $11750 FALL WHEAT atCoopwe arcprepared to completely service your needs Seed Dawsons Golden Chaff Com mercial 0r Certified Grades and Cornell Commercial grade prepared in our Licensed cleaning plant On mlxtd fer tilizer 8r fertilized concentrates order now Cresan treatment We arebuyers on milling wheat potato vines 8r Formalyn for seed Fuel Siipp1ino Thornton Ont haters on re $305 nd $12950 $17950 $19950 Ward Gasoline $17950 $30500 klyIand economically you can build AlumimumVis rapidly becoming first choice It is agood looking lifetime roof Conic in an spelt Your order can be filledfrom stock a$1l50per square Dealers can mediate delivery SIMCQE DISTRICT CoOP SERVICES BARBIE teal roofing obtainable priclas supplied fromstock aItdealer prices int floral tri to liven Illll AND titres LABEL COLUMBIA RECORDS tllBTIllue Danube Sophisticated Swing Ily Les llltiAll 75c 13213ch0 Lorraine Twelfth Street flag By Frankie uiic 750 IIIK Somebody Elses Picture in The Village Green Ily Frankie tarlc 75c ll31Run Run Run The Tourist Trade fly The liariotteers lll9 Where Ifluiningoes Fly II The Waterfall lly Iluddy lzirk 75c IH4 reette Bella Bella Marie lly Ihe llell lrio 15c ll37Truck Driver Blues Ilorsie Keep Your Tall 17 By Light rurtt Dough 75c boys 75c 1070 Its Monday Everyday Air Conditioned Jungle lly Duke Ellington 75c IIOSAIea Leaves In Marthas Eyes By lloli lvaiis 75c lllMlurklsh Delight The Trail of The Lonesome Pine By Arthur Godfrey 75c lllflIliiiiliistiiii lledelitl By Jan Garlier 75c 31142Taliliy The at Youre My Everything By Tonic llarpeij 75c Clll2Dollys Lullaby ruidy Store Blues By Tonic llarper 750 llO5Keen and Peachy Ive Got News For You By WoodTlleriiian 75c 6361Yours Jealous By Eddy lloward 750 70360 Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams Mean To Me By Eddy Howard 1108 thn Been Drinking Ebony Rhapsody By Resetta Howard 75c OMSMickey Angry By Iiny Hill 75c 10 men RED AND GREEN LABEL POPULAR ClOOdGloomy Sunday Night and Day By Billie Holiday 750 7989 Rendczvous With lceps Blues By Johnny Hodges 750 01145111 Mur Ali But Itllappens By Harry James 75c Cll20IIankerin LDont Care If It Rains All Night By Harry James 750 Cll4lA Tree in the Meadow Gulwnv Bay By Bill Johnson ClllIMississippi Mud Kiss Kiss Kissln in the Corn By Dick Jurgens ClllOBody and Soul Stompin AtTlie Savoy By Gene Krupa 75c 01054 7V Teach Me Teach Me Baby You Turned The Tables 01 Me 75c Rhythm 3150 By Gene Krupa 750 HMSHelena Polka Gypsy Polka jyjld Krolowski 75c 10 INCH COLUMBIA WESTERN 01130 My Mountain Home Sweet mg II Nobody DarlingBut Mine ByGenAsitry 750 01138Thats Right SaId Sad and Blue LfVIBy Johnny Bond IClIlozidc YourFace Yodeling Polka By Spade Cooley 156 01090 Deep DomInside loo FarIVGoneINI By Ted Dllffin 750 06351 Leather Winged Bat ton Eyed Joe Darlin Cory By Burl Ives IClOlThis is southland Deep Water By Bob Wills 06369411on Poly Miss Molly By Bob Wills II COS 75o 1750 Home Appliance Brunch communism or Jlom ggsei sneqkiewrd Ray Acqu 15 CII36 no Mint was YourTearson

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