THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7900 Copies AUTHORIZID IICOID HE BARRIE EXAMINER oneact plays and skits The hall entitling them to the same seats for all games includ 33 85th YeareNo 36 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1948 SectIoRBPoges 13 to ID Mu IVY llBARRIE III SCHOOLS REOPEN ivy 115 night the ltlllt ethnisouth Jr IMPERIAL Preparing to Show Cattle IwTllyml2 it BLIIHK ml Illtlily and the II llllhl lric Li Ir oin ac to nous 01 us Til Nov 35 TWITTER THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY pitched for lvy lalgtl Iilghl Ixlell Mini If uni111 Timur Allistnn II NINTH3T um tvlllgI airy TIRST WITH THE BEST INBABRIE libriili3 i353 111111523fii iii 13 If ggggfmgebgg FlRST BARRIE SHOWING COOL As BREEZE AT THE ROXY ttrI2Iffiiirltrr fl sum mu wan mmma For mm THUR FRI SAT IRA 5t 5m Itsw 23 TILJZTDSJ ANPUIRLmmmor if IITMIII3f I1 AgitiifriliffiiTri 31iiii R332 CS 212523IRTlrl 211332 liilill an RY Show Sat 230 pm ITT NIlgt 33 3253th miltsjg Weather Variation ALASTAIR SIM IACK WARNER It Im Emil chill llihLzlhihyiliflUs FUN INTI MI High LowI 55am liiltri 437 feiff Ruiz And The Blood Thunder Boys IxzrllFIR lifrgrlIREI llfofiil Ilfrczllivi III AT Am 0W ha Ifislsgsajyzt 1r iiiw try IIII2 if 2nd Big Color Hit Ill EST 21 31 ar ge one 532732C 311 33ii 49 ROY ROGERS TeenAgers from Barrie KING OF THE COWBOYS There f3 mr31g353337rfr1335 23 1I 1151335121313 Smgmg at CNE TOdaY The Spams Tm EMT 33Iff13331233ffj ERLI n7 on on lurS Sept gllnin pmmmmm 1m 11 litrlnllfINAIIg htnlll HIIllIIIIl It match JANE All AND DEANNE BOB NOLAN liftBETTIE 34332131 mfii Alis litliil2Ril lri SI SUNDAY MIDNITE 12 05 gt iff l12353 HAITII3tillJKSSLLf PUth Ice Skatlng 539535431thlhmdI 22311Fillets evilit RESIST well HOhday how AMMWW AT TA 1115153333Milli TART itlli MlllANDCNARTFS memo Bane fIlllifi3 liilllJrIIIIflffifffisl MAUREEN OSUllVAN ME INT HillEARlflliii Eiflifzzl GEOSEJgfDY Rolx 52 Arena lolIllxIt MW gagglell Hogogmsgim135iE worm 93 BIN IIilrnfmden Mm NinetyI NEIGHBOR TO THE NORTH THREE NITES 1I 3EliotAliilnldclllt StillII HEREITISIFOLKS NEXT WEEK ONLY 13313JAIIEITSIIJEllnllilltiller$113Ymif3f ALTI by Commencing Sept Ulllkllztl lltyrlitlnllllak It was also expected UHHVJHTCI MUSICAL TO HIT THE SCREEN TUES THURS IllaARIJillsiItirERR REIT iifmriilf211I STARTS SUNDAY MIDNIGHT n05 Adults 35c Children 150 nms 5U1DENLY MATINEE LABOR DAY MON 230 RM You are invited to enjoy the proseason iMilsiuhtgllnllirog 50 WIN WE 230 ITIT HABITAT QANNWMW AT SHANTY BAY Hyattgifair 313351 EMMA BARRIE FLYERS FRI AND SAT IRAN 123RSILIIJIIRl ml Mmmnm of the goglallmgimimt HOpimla $3 diedl 2R3 2332133552 3313 subscriber Pol IfIREIIEIIEISIIIiliil lie 3552 MERE Fans may subscribe for IR gmnesw directodby Stonle Sharp assisted igdcrliVliCShgg Played in Barrie Arenathis season Gl Egg3 HRWRmS and James COW addition to her phrellts isuoneklilrol EMMS ELECTRIC HEAR TERRIERERINlg bim If 47 Elizabeth St Barrie Ont IRielaiggllzggiltf5mg T33 frfmhcug33egggesgglf1eF1 Commencing Thursday evening Aug 19th 1948 be tumosfa scenery lighting Hndothc SI Sinavm abrgg 1tIIveelatheQIhozugs 3of pan anddIOFpiin may 2113 will Oclock SIa Ed NINE the me 5de we tun with WATERCEITTninPIAI FLYING CLUB ALTA Su scribers ImUSt take iCke for every game 115 ers have presen program and total of 36 arrived forthe big eventf vrririrW The weather being so hoththe V1591 and were reluctanttoicome but when MISSUTIY SetOilt on whatWsTO the bus came to call for them toIher new venture and what take them back to Barrie proved to be greatJuccess orman in has een ap ing playoffs Deposit required on last two scheduled poliqnted gyiig TSSIIEALIKEEOE IV games of season this Prggrwqogwo Tight Hm ifmaserslfrp iilieeenily been in Plan We only days and at hows Orementoned partmfn ilTe vsiilfsnsinivrfnetions gggiffdzgcaffllfg mshii SOOTS held last season bY SUbSCTibOTS Will 2iRLESEIQIRZEISS 13133 3333 gigetmgmckggddg Tariff hourmtmmlm notbe retained for renewal after Sept 10 residents Bay as We as place Stinsonthat are available at permanent leSldents and several the Bame AlrporL Also but Will be placed on general sale persons from Baglie In order to take eavantsge or On The Same program Due to the unprecedented demand for these tickets EEESTZSQLHISTEW atIte ll1ng Vcomfdy Home camlling it would here to APPLY Now CASE REMANDED zoiiltizalrtTRAINERS Sflrflrrlildeirglienn IRENE $5003AIL in soon anddhisthfamilycilgy 77777 3icireifalhni eyssaxge spendmg in The we of them camp GRANADA rm Stggeigsgguhgmegamm ESL521 I133 BR TATEINTERSTATETS 135553bjshgigggtignfggsggkgf Rm TREE STTTL2 REES TEASERRISKS TIN ENTERTAINMENT THEATRE igiggfggggglrggg saggy Sgiiivllirgilgye vizm on emer piIIiIfr $23 es MORE DAYS TO DAY FRIDAY 25SLRT12LAVA Dicker of Shanty Baristhe 3irgwizrfies we EARLIERifiieeh AugUSLJl tary The Baille Fflyugg CllgrgaS halt was called fOI lunch and The direct supervision of the day PM Crown Attorney Hammond saId been Opera 10 or we food disappeared rapidly camp was under Miss Margaret Ithe charge Was being thhdrawn After lunch the leather work be Urry of Barrie who is graduate NM AT PM IbeFausePheYlneiseswerenme ATTEND DAY CAMP on ere wallets rook or the College of Educa II ta 0f mentmcatlon Wednesday August 25 was the watch straps purses etc soon took 1011 811d ho was among the top GALA HOLIDAY SHOW IT WWW WE nilARTISTSIEEIE IR3rrnerAt Starts Sat230 pmAlsoMonlueWedL onevgveeAhangrpruws$339 B23CRILiriliifaveigizis REESE SERIEEARTRR II W17 his eac Gem from each of the SIX Paygroun emf 3506 tlsmrggngsters With the title of Nacmpuerr Midnight Show Sunday 12115 ct St th Lou Velanoff of Toronto Frank Stothers hasrlbeen des cribed as one of the leaderrofr Torontos Beaner gang Matinee Monandewredr2apnn Eve Shows 653 and pm morning was devoted to swimming instead of games and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves un der the watchful eyes of Miss Fran normsentire crannies Are on or is wDONT MISS THIS BIG NIGHT =7 IT lummwm 3rd ANNUAL PM Pasha LGbourlDayilMOTldy Sept 2tsroNs0RED EYTHE BARRIE RECREATION COUNCIL NeWIAttrnotion BooQUEENSIPAKK 30PdSgtIggggglggggjm error Child PItSh SE RhoQUEENsriARKTorin COWGIENEI CostumeIParadfe ENTATOR RacesT10y91est Coaster Wagons R011 PLEASE PUT IN TABLE RESERVATIONS EARLIITSO Skates Bicycles Pet Dogs THAT YOU WILL NOT BE DISAFPOINTED ALHA 77reiu PENS OCLOCKi NoyeltyEventsrLongEstPigLallsLBeBLLSllm suown ro 52mm mer Tanre Ilunlzllcrs our Soap BOX Derby WOMEN 2PM 7PM AI PJ NllbT IN lllllNJtNfl gt 400QUEENS PARKI Senior Playground Softball playoff game rlrllnetolls In the Klds Kornivar aruolein this Issue or the Examiner ADMISSION PRICES ALL SEATS MATINEE 85 EVENING 500 Tax Incl