summon tau Publhhed Thmdny Morning by THE BARBIE EXAMINER LTD bldCLAREN rxismtsr nu musma circa WALLS VCEFRESIDEM no BuSiNES use Weeklies of Canada Lii of Circs vcc 12ltf szoctation 5200 year 53 cc vciif 50 CJCIZI ANOTHER IIIOll COMING iiiarlo have btci taitzcd by authorities in that proynmt that use power wl3 have to be curtailed the coinnig winter This un aiiubility ci power lil port oi the country PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY Mayor McCallum of Toronto is rep have ordered gangbusing against street corner organizatzons the Beanery Gang and the Itiiltllui Bots who are said to be largely responsible tor the icccnt rowdyzsm at Wasaga Beach We are going to ferret them out and gttt that the rungs are smashed he said The admission that such canes tXis and are known by those titles is sertous indict inent against the police who are responsible iorthe preservation of law and order llu time to have smashed those forgaiizxm tioInswas when they were btllig formed ln stead they seem to have been allowed to op erate at large In the city without restriint In an interview with the Globe and liII on the situation Dr Karl Bernardt psychoI lmist at the University of Ioronto said that the problem was one that could not be solv ed by the police or by psychiatrrsts Only those who plan future society can make any important step towards preventing future lieanery gangs said Dr Bernhardt There is no doubtII he said that for fire or gtlX years these kids born during the depression ruised duringlthc war were without the kind of home guidance that is necesshry at that period of their lives There may be some truth in that but we Ylr cannot put the blame for all juvenile and parental delinquency on the depression or the war There has been for the last twenty years or more growing laxity of parental control and moral guidance in the home Too many parents who were themselves well brought up have ceased to attend or take any interest in the Church which is the centre and source of moral and spiritual guidance and it is little wonder that their children have grown up without any know ledge of the higher things of life Parents who bring children into the world should be made to realize that they have undertaken great responsibility for the formation of the character of their offspring and for the future of society such ly be exiiliicc to the consumer who lll zcis iron the restrtctiois Agreements bctWtcli the governments of Quebec and Ontario had been signed in 1043 ior the hirtncrI ticltltlplilcli of Ottawa River Duplessis and Drew became respective prem 101s of there provinces and their first joint act was to repudiate these agreements They Now it would appear that no adequate sup ply ci power is foreseen nnti 1950 Since the above was written the chairman nounced that power restrictions in lheIIIpro vince of Ontario will become effective on Sept II The Gatincau Power Company of Quebec having informed the Commission that due to thcllack of rainfall it must rc tliiceits power Icoinniitnients to Ontario by 1000000 kilowatts per week OPINIONS or OTHERS lI WAY TO GET SEAT Itlcitoii Skyvciapcis ncrwusIl man izlatzcerl nervously at his rabhchl bag illtl rushed out to the sin tzoir platform The effect on tin othci tiatcllcrswas all that couli be tltstlLtl llit ilso pickctltip their Itiic and ion Shortly ii hid the liItIc man returned plcltvl out the best scat in the station and to will for lze train which was iiotdue minutes mt down for Illl lllONAIJZAIION FII BRITISH MINES tWinnipcu lrce IicssI iic of the chief hopes behind the nationalization of Ilritains coal industry ipur fiointlie fact that it would produce more coal efficiently was that it llI improve relations between mantipcnient and labor in the cool fields So far at any rate the tanctblc signs of that improvement are lacking The British miner is now the highest paid worker in British industry but the fact remains that with all the advantages socalled of public ownership and in spiteof every kind of appeal from the government there are still hundreds of Work stoppages year To judge by the number ofstrikes the bloom is coming off the magic word fnationalization DANGER WATCH our FOR CHILDREN Its backtoschool timethe most dan gerous and deadly time of the year for On tarios children In the steadily increasing traffic on streets and highways this is the period of greatest danger Last September more children were killed DOMINAIEI BY ZICALOTS IThe Financial losll One thing the Winnipeg convention made very clear The TCI is still dominated by The zealots the people with much heat and little light the people who just dont know how actually the worlds work gets done On several occasions when CCIcrs of at and Injured by mOtor caIS ontauo than least some actual knowledge of public affairs urged any Other month Always at this time Of gcziatiou and realism the inflamed and inexperienc the year the number 0f traglc Child aocldents led hothcads forced their own Ivicw on the con in traffic begins to soar But this is as need cntion 1888 as many of the accidents were needless Under the enterprise sysem Canadians have standard of living almost the highest in the world VtIECh 311131332 cllcren and lnlmed 2000 land very much higher than that which socialist gov CFS 111 3110 as year jernments have given their people anywhere Ielse The provmcml traffic Sfy carnpaigii What doesnt make sense is the CCF belief that waterpotter However shortly utter Messrs did not take up the question again iintilltlld cf the Hydrofilertric Power Commission an Years Ago TIIF BARR EXAMINER ugusl 13 1333 Barrie local Notes chit llttgtc I1 on Oct completed as esidenee zit ln lsnlo John of Where tterptcrci is abundant cannot eus entaiiyc for that llIrI noticeany Uc 200 people in llziiutlufd Stdynci Cooks otnci pl attended miuii meeting of the Association ncluucd par kiitud pipers from banquet numerous gtItlttl uncouth onc by Ach Itdland Mtltfnl of tlic Ilaiiic I0 and other sports ttfl attendance of 400 chizecicd at Warren Pipe Ittiixin LLILLI charter to lo antc in bariu lllitl with Ifllilx the lllgt his coniiniinity Esmeon Isor thieves sus Illtttttl ill chllllii 73 batteries fOI Illllisli lights and If tllI bcsl quality jckknie lro colt match at IBairic lull tluh drew big crowd wncn Kay open champion of turn and Ilrazicr of the llayview tlub dclcatcd Icicy Baircti pro champion oi tanada and Rickwood of the Summit Club Deposi tors in the defunct lloinc Bank of inadi till the Vicinity of Angus and Lanip UUItlLIll lost very heav II in the crash of the institution It was tSlllIlllltd that the Camp folk had fully 573000 on deposit thelu Simcoe ountv Briefs Urcat shortage of labor reporch It next to impossible In get any men at all stated Allan Hut chinson District Representative foI North Simcoc Slayners new public and continuation school of rooms lltllllll completion estima ted cost of 870000 Repairs of the Big Bay Point wharf re duced its length by 100 feet Frank Moberley of Ilic Federal Dept of Public Works was in charge of the work tug and steam crane were brought from Wasliagt to raise the wreck of the steamer Otonobee sunk alongside tht and llc ntn ti iiltlt uti tiI loionti cal illt Kuis used to raise the boat AI Guthrie meeting was held to or range for Jitncy service between Guthrie and Barrie mainly for theI benefit of the school students Itwo trips dainGuthric at am and school at pm After discussion contract was madewith Huxtablc Barrie Harvesting about over and threshing in pro gross Samuel Dickinson of Hamilton holidayed at Anton Mills after an absence of 25 years Flos Council authorized the instal lation of seven Hydro streetlights in Phelpston the cost to be assessed against Village Juiilllk licortlsleyf wharf but explosives had to bc in BRIEBEUF hltllal Fin Pirsyllcidld ClMIliquLi disc 1xilc lc I43 flour of the IN the Usscssorzi It brought glen Joy to Animati Kenneth Kidd iiu ms 463 It lkJIVJI nuts crowned with suvcrss suntlixiI lliuust faun 102 14 Township second our on CH to that dsep gluon as settling over the archaeologi cil group The last few bones of the Huron dead were in sight id there was no tzace of the lid keltI which Would positvc identify the 11 as the oils dcv czibed by Father Biebeuf in the Jtsmt Relations Father Brebeufs story it was Sldlrd that three copper kettles had first been placed in the pi brfore any of the bodies were thrown in lne kettle was found last summer The handle and some pieces of another Were found IIeiiiy in August but the third ket lb was nowhere in sight The itcrk Kas WIIIIII an hour of com plrfitlll Suddenly there was yell of de from the bottom of I1c pit Ilii call for Mr Kidd Sort trough under llir lust layer of bones in the centre of the pit which had been disturbed solid 00 years ago by curious pioneers and amateur archcaologists of tho day was the bottom of the missing kettl lying on plctIc of bcavcr skin It was grandstand finiin to great piece of work For them Friday the liitli brought great luck Mr and Mrs Kidd left for To roiito the followmg day Will their workers Mr Kidd had been ill all summer and worked Ulldal tlctll handicap The story given to the Free Herald came from Frank Elidley the Islington builder who makes hobby of archaeology ind was the man who oriitinally discovered the bone pit He also irianged for its purchase so that might be excavated by the loyalOntario Museum Mr Ilid Icy who summers at Blncwater leach has kept close watch on he dig Cauldron No found last year was about 24 inches in diameter ind had no handle said Mr Rid Icy It had bits of beaver skill stuck all over its bottom ln Brebeufs description it is dated that the bone pit was lined vitli beaver and other furs lesml Father also stated that the hree kettles were not in good ondition and could only be used by souls or spirits One had hole through it second had no handle and the third was of scarcely more value If the good missionary could only see them now after 300 years he would agree that they still fit his de scription even more closely The first evidence of cauldron NO was the finding this sum mer of heavy iron handle and many fragments of copper the urve and weight of which indi 310 Ercss that Iiie only one of the The disability benefits 33000588 in an MOTORISTS ON HIGHWAY 11 Iltlitfllld pr lutioi gtlltli as pdlllflg ilouoic nd hydrants oi entrance lklne Lo pushing lo Ull Ekclt liinitcu numb Karin llllrgt II EMA vaqub Analysis of tin rucals marked difference of Anzcizcan vehicle the llxlll or slitdddlly three Illtltlltitrdlllii The British tliwcizimcnt has llllllt chased Jtl million pounds or chcd dar incladiosr ccssed through Illilt trade clot ncls in the United States Utlll cry is to take place between Jul and September IIHJI and the ilial will be financed through the limo pcan llecoreiyJiogram The liiiiied Suites Department of piopoiliun IW ictilture has iltllllltl that 12 puikzd on fllil of llic in gull be pur NiHlillllt llhm 1w gttlltil4I5 and iiiv lllll IIVI luuunon Iiit honey so purchased iiiitist nice lflt II III re IIuntsvilles iolzcv iiicf lias iqlillunltlils and bovine lII lie on IIlctchcr statcd survey taken year unnlrl Lot hat shown nearly as Iiih lttltrlllrx WWIWWWWWWWuavlvswsaw INHIka IM II IIIII IIIIIIII silttl lIiiItiitilI IllIllPlllll CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT million pounds lI honeyI tltttlllkctl chccse some lwiiiestirnllv has parking notcrs bid basis ed on the main sire and the HM tors couldnt ecl lliI $6709010 Paid Beneficiaries of Policies Held in Ontario During the first months of 1040 the lll insurance companies operating Ill inid paid the iiin of Sltl7tlllllltl to the litilrlIItltlllt of deceased piilltllllltlti III the Irovince of Ontario Spadmo Avenue comer Such dcalh and uccitlcntal tIcnllll claims tI 31434071 liiizhci than Toronto Borne for the coinspondnu pci Itltl ofT TlaxzroJnaowarwomoommaralawwnutxmoxouav In the sixdnonth period of Illlll the companies paid $12 llfilll on fulfil ordinary policies I70iitli on 0374 industrial policies and 32679006 on 10015 group certifi cates in Ontario alone For the whole of anadu during the same period dcalh and accii dental death claims amounted toI $37190482 on Iolal of 3229 Will Open Branch Office in Barrie in the Near Future For the Practice of His Profession policies The companies also paid out in all of Canada during the first six months of 1948 816301500 on ina tured endowments 31863003 in iiimi nuity payments 521510302 in sur render valucs and 817524013 in dividends to policyholders Total payments for all Canada amounted to 5977473 compared with 590076845 for the correspond ing period of 1947 Hunters pamphlet on the Huron Sites of Tiny TonnsIhip states that this pit site was first found in 1869 and was again opcn ed in 1883 II was then the pro perty of John Dubeau who was reported as having found much who do last ct at llouiisonic lcfl Wtsl days daughter ton THERESAIWAISAPIACE ratepayers ated vesse the same size as rusted steel sword in the neigh DIO added Mr Ridlcy When bolhOOd 0f the Pil this appeared there was plenty of evidence that the pit had been dis turbed long time ago sponsored by the Departmeiit of Highways ithey are so differiint to eroIrybodIIvIIIoIIIsIeI aI IgFglt and now Supported by the press radlo anallltliIiInCIlg IoIIlIid OVITITIIIiHIItne entire ibndustrv better bre Bo II OII Ia card Tan ofdficml 22nd publlc aggncles 511 land serve the public better than the men who have faculrorsI and Firstbmok BroTaEtljl ear ev1 ence success in re ucmg ra 1c Spent lifetime it were tomb destrode accidents generally But Where Children arel The whole thing would be Inniiy if it weicnt so ners tax rate 53 mills In concerned teaching the rules of traffic dangerous if it wercni debauching lot of people an electric Storm at Beeton with the dont work gospel safety and glvmg parental adv1ce is not 811 iii sqsvszgcn aTIIIZOSaIanwat appeared ough All the safety measures and laws wl SPEEDING TN SMrms FALLS instantaneottslV may min kept the tire fromIspreading can devise will Inever relieve the motorist oil Smims Fans Newsemrd his responsmillty Many 0f the aCCidentS It is high time that some action was taken or involving children are no doubt the childrenssome effective measure adopted to check the speed fault legally but that does not relieve the ling by mottgisfts 0ntfkdwilh street from Crirlggrttg Elmsley an mm anger corner mOtoriSt Of moral blame The omls IS always road corner on Elmsley street before some serious ll on the motorist to look out for childrengomy if 5500000 firel loss at Pcnetang when the plants of the International Fi run11 507 Years Ago THE BARRIE ADVANCE September 1898 II Barrie Local Notes Wheat 680 bushel our $4 barrel bread 10c loaf The Palace Livery property of the late Grant bought by Gilbert Lane Henry Freeman hotel keeper at the mouth of NottawIa saga ned $40 and costs for selling liquor during prohibited hours Last trips for the seasbn by tht Enterprise Wednesday to Orillia Friday to Jacksons Pt Saturday tlt Big Bay Barrie cricket club captained by Stewart played in Cookstown and won by 190 to 51 in two innings Orillia cricketer came to Barrie and defeated Ba rice in game played it ueeis Park Magistrate Ross spent nearly day hearing case in which hired men sued employ ers re alleged inadequate wages On August 30 the second anniver sary of the ordination of Rev Fr Sweeney as curate of Barrie par 15h theI parishioners of Brentwood plesgqutjIIllh wellfilled itilrse fanItIiI an address in recogni yeIIIIISIII IS ZEICIIIIICFIISSIIIIIIIIIOIIIIISIIIEIIIIISI Itrated the palm ofPIarker Freks It accident happens It is absolutely disgraceful the the mOtorlStS personal Callliion and dIIVlnglspeeding that goes unchecked We do not sanction care can lessen the toll speed traps and we are not stating that the police While driving every motorist Should arm are aware ofthe speeding but we do say Without thesitation that this Section of the streets hasIliter himselfIwith these personal admonitions andlally become speedway We have also received cautionings many complaints from citizens residing on Iother Ill consider every Child see on the streets in town about speeding motorists The speed street as human danger signal limit in Smith Falls is THIRTY NHLES per hour maximumbut less than that when Iapproaching and 71 SChOOIIZOneS 9r remdentlal aleIasv crossing an intersection We realize that the local 111 slow down II come to the alert police force is not large enough to patrol all streets Wherever suspect children may be playing Ivn drive with extra care that bit of curb could be made on the fast driv mg on the Beckwrth street section referred to par ridersImay know the 7511193 bUtyeven WhenI the Police Station Somthing must be done to they vrolate them must wat out for them check speeding motorists within the limits of Smiths the police roster May the Town Council take some children on roller skates With ball With definite actio at arl tc ales scoot an date solve the speeding IIfIyou sunt fromvaucll condition you will 920fam annmI and Mmm Realm NmePIsmm heron Daylight TIme They ltmqlaite the appetitediienemmmmmd Emmi Wm mp Exhibition passengers travelling on regular buses will transfer at Toronto BusITer probate refreshing steep and gongany impnma rundown cqndim Imlnal tqbuses running jInIto the grounds Get the ennui Mhurna Hearth ammo Pm Loot Ifor titer TICIIOIS and Informational so node mi the Bed mm Onsalaat inde counters Terminal camel II Plur if wartime taxes Ask for it tithi way 0172 and orders trademark mean the same thing eld in which there was stable ontainingtwo ne horses one of vhich was burned to death Cow belonging to Mrs Souvie near Penetang Was killede aI Whiz GTR int cheque for $20 to pay for he cow On August 21 Mr Jarves Currie was ordained to the pastorate of East and West Oro Baptist Churches Essa Coun cil paid the Township Clerk $150 to cover his expenses to Alliston re voters lists In connection with II II thesburialof anindigent Council II II authoring the payment of $13 to Scott for coffin or to check all speedsters but it does seem to us II keep clear 0f bicydes The youthful ticularlyi when it is practically on the doorstep of 5I be panicularly ceful when see Falls Perhaps it would pay toadd Traffic Cop to re fiter occupied by Huntci II II win for $3700 Body of Robt 30 where he was Park Ranger II acrs nd Id 40 II 3440 aebughel so caiiiiisn II Orr Lake lost cow it being Woodard Nottawasaga did very monmeat off 24Iacres amounted to 1016 bush bushels minute in half an hour centrally located most of ii ii sma re se burn some brush Formswvaonwrieowin Peneicmguish ne 4t Phone 440 1ot the property at Big Bay Point Johnson of Midland was found Touse Bateman on Con Innisfil lrowned in barrel that was sunk II satisfactory threshing for Wm Tononro els and tested 62 lbs bushel It On the farm of Ramsey living the 750Iooms in each hotel Authorized Bottler of CocaCola un der contract Teapsowmg to long spellbf Manger we in ouse Im so Pdmsww which had been sold to Win Ir dead in the harbor at Vancouver hreshed llO bushels of alsike off the ground for water Small of the Blind Line Thevheat was threshcd at the rate of 414 FordHoIelsarereproofdnd about 112 miles from Cookstown haveprivaebuh andmdia with CocaCol by weather Spread to stubble ta value of anhcnpuled arrival right hand At rst he paid little attention but such pain developed II II II III medical be called III II III II II vI GMorrison whom the II II II Public school Board engaged to teach the Fifth Form in the Model Sclmol advised that he Thad just been appointed to the Toronto teaching staff and the Board had IGRTWA CQMMERCIALLCGURSEIATI ANY TIME t5ZDURINGTHBSCHOQLYEAB It PROGRESSAT YOUR OWN BATE or STUDYVUND elsiskrhn lemmaSI to getanotherman II II rs verr Iv new AUGUST 28thlo SEPTEMBERIIIMEXCEPI SUNDAY REDUCED mm myewrownsghmmmngmamg cutaneous In bed unable to sleep Do you get up mornings IIncludes Exhibition admisSion and bustransfer direct into and from theGrourids murmurs mi mthoufanappetitel LEAVE BARRIE LliAvnTonoNro amuse saintde St Phone 33w mINDIVITITITiALiNSTHIIiIT ougiw WRITE rm rxmm TIONSAS SOON ASYOU IAREIREADXFORTHEIWL BEGIN WESDAYSEPTMII 7m II II II in imam In Maw