Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Aug 1948, p. 9

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THURSDAY AUGUST 26 1948 13mm EXAMINER BARRIE orrmtro CANADA WUCW7NWW richxaInunci rank umber Grasshoppers only Threat ggGIIISnggg TORONTO GIRLS CHAMBER PB To Tobacco In Tiny Twp 0N HORSEBACK numb Announcemem Dismissed tuifyfse Igttx iicii III II II II By ll in Show Rtfoiiiicii obtained by reducing tlzc rights on Kk Ilium and iItIz minimum for Finn 12 im in KIl Mu la tutti It is amazing isliat you wait the company turn ltt Noitoik II Phillip ilai NIH by lho HydroElectric Pawn Commission of Ontario for ornploy men at the Dec Joachims Power Davelopmont on tho Ottawa River near Pembroke QUALIFICATIONS Should be physically Nave kit of carpenters tools 30 willing to work at height of 160 foot ligtlltti in triI no IIt Hint of ttltagtttgt liiidcr tic come across whiic vacationing in wiicic lllt arc optiating 22 faiiiis dagnissct itii MM KC IIIId GWIIIII tho ixIIriiiti an area winch you aic visiting for this ycixr II Hutu it 11 164 IJf in UHVUI the first timc and thc irilci is Last fall Ilic iork coiisiiuct nos ictrastti du mflnmlj All mlflI exception mg the suitn tobacco kilns and gt3tlll tivc li Ilii iill Iititzdc an Tiaw IitzIm IlJItI Last week wriilo in tho IliulIinii ptttlthiizht was titlllttl out ttic ztulss Im tt=tt Liilll IiIIijILM i25i area or wIrt touting along iiillilltl lltlllg witiiiiilcd comiilctrl MtBiailv Jti 01 A0341 Ht iitxlitiniHIth country siiicioad cnroutc to avith titw niacliintiy and Lqtilp iioiu ilio iiad lttlllI It also tlltlt to iiIIiiiiIzlip IIII beach at Cedar Point Wlitlr we nicnt lhc lariii has gttcl1 kilns tic ticiix for lUZMHlitIlileAlttit HUNm Ivt were astoundcd to conic across aand gtttlllttltlbt witch is 130 by lct Ulllpltltiltuliilttmd lUiIHCCUZT TL 51 mlii tliititicii ilaiiic to East No whcititzI of Coiiiiizcicc otlicc ininmui farm vtth zippioxunattly aciIII Inic ciihtIusI erg stun locking iliKIIklIIll Luis II III nd MIMI 0n the IIIIIIIIIII of IIImIIutI III Helm Lumhwn MUM of cxcollcnt toba II kill vitlIi traiispiaiiting Coiu titti itll Itdidttfwill Ill iI iIii joiiiiicy tilts nanilcd It myINIImmI mi WWII DENIAL AUKU 31 Iiavrng no pr ions knowtrdgc ot niciiciiig on May Bland bcttlg Ltilll skatiiIi iIlltI chic11 down lllilflVItI 3i 5pm immu Im 15 AWN WVIM WWW lObilLCOI titinc grown tll this iitIIIplitttl on June to binith statctl It lIkiHIHIMI Itun 11h iiIII ip ocrupicti tIlit trick and IIIIIIIII II IIIII IIIzIIIIbII IIHIWI ttn Itilltilnt of toaamitr iIil iIr we decidcti to stop and Lntsltgiltnjllliil lic t3ptclttl to start narvLst lIIlIILls iIui Ibeci IpIiItuj iIII II In Um IIMIII my ights IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIII DIIIIII at oniziiuinly lltllrt 13 iizitii Mitch to our atnacmcnt found 114 10 1V1 Allilth it 33 Ml did bum HM Vb lri ititl iiitniis along lllt way or in HWR Iliiitlt All ixiitilticif aic 111 MM in ritch llcscriations may lt made lIy tclcphoning 330 snItiI tii said II licld arc coiiiplctiiig the lU tutti ltl IIIiiiiic putts of incichan tAlllItl IIt IIlItlJ to dclia tlc cx iIIIzi inc Faiiiicis Day luv IlIitistt and Patricia Wiiwr iizid lgiotg tun lHIui not tnIi Ell lilili liijlt Ii tlll llaiciipoi itilttl and who wiin to play limitl ltatirltto lltz Iitiittgt Stillill tIlt tvl hos tll llils tittztstuti II II II IIIIIII my Um III IRWIIUI IIIII Ii III IIIII In IIIIIIIII IUI III List to siippoi tric tIn of RATE OF PAY$101 Der how for ve IOhour days per wult Board and accommodation available at 25 per day Apply at Proed Employment Oice or write to Box 92 Rolphlon Ontario Transportationvia CPR to Moore lake or Colonial Bus llnol lo Cotton lake that the lawn was lttlltg opcratchthat it would tzikt about six wctkS llSIMI PV in lla bati oi liltlttll IiiiiItIisz ttl Iii good stock paprr and by Budd Sump Imnmly Uf Luiig to coiitplctc thc harvest Hill 11 Wth llir With girls aic mombcrs of II II II 41 m0 WIN WHS Liowing tho crop tor GRASSIHUPIER MiZNALli llt was at his lilttlillll Im IIIHIIIIIIIH IIIIIIII mm Hub it unolc of Siiiztoc tttllll me Lake Em Tommi0 Cuniimm AS of Ownig on PW hr mm and lIlL it tas lhc Iltgtl tiiiic ip llllr it roiittsioi llllts Ltd land Budd said that llt had had Infomm mm MI MMI II holiday II MU Willi lllt lltittgt IIcrc ittitid tioiii thc hing whimV5 company purcliascd tour farms in worm or root rot but that thcy Tllt body oi an liliitltllllllttl iIiIiii up and In Kmmnng Itiilf Hid Ii lItItNUSITHIIIIIHNI II III gtIi tbllltll ll it itl tSS ho arm liitt soiizt iIiiinc tiom tic ioiiiis about taIs ot II Isa tII Itii 7777777 to II lt who visit ihc rural aitas had been motto of thc soil and it 111 PM htlk ltUidiUts Ht Um iUtt ltiX till was found it was Smut grown lust your Hutuv01 hr did Stltltllliiltltltl LNll iltlglll ltxlll Ill hIill illo fined III II IIIIIII that in the district around Delhi MW 10 kllttltltd Willi tllithttpltll itlilll itktibm 91W Chosen Or Progresswe Im NH mHHU Im HOWWCFI was decidek mum on plants along thtcc to tivc rows lucsday cvtning oi East tllt II Conservativ Con similId contain fittccn cents in and pttlllc only 0th arm this at tho citgc ot thc licld adjoining Anotliti man who was also tltl yen stiiiips or com le this tarm bcing 135 carts and hit tltidIT HW KICISShUIJIMlSI Whlth it 11 mm WIHHII III MITJ Nd ILU growing 43 acrcs of tobacco is abound ltt largo numbcrs attacked ccascd poison had litiitttlttl till Mas min tIiiIJiIitu IiIions lo llt is tl drought from Junc 13 to July located our inihg mm the Hun lllt lcats and Iclt tlicni thc itpptzlt train at lluntsvillc Brimvii lliarv Illiisztttigt fioiiiISiintoI hast loinmag of The IicatWcst Iatc II hf Imonmmt The 0mm nu Imc Uf mung hm gm pm brim mm 1IIImImIIII II IIIUP tho iiIigitssivi oiiscivativc coii gtIlllllt Co ll ltcid who rc VI arms WIIICII IIIIC IIIIIIIIIId IIIIIII IIIIII IIIIII sIIIIIIIII In mIdIII IO CIIIIIIIUI IIILI IIIIIIII IIIM IIIII IIIIIIUII IIIII IIICIIIISIIII mlm In IIIll II movung III III attained hm dIILIHIU II mp 0uls mm of 400 any giasshoppcrs liquid DDT iiiix man said lit did not le wry til iii limit ltltlUVitltlI tltlltll lilo undcrwritcr II lutlgcs for Furincrs Day of tobacco on cacti Markcling As thc iicltt and poison was uscd on III1lI IIlW ltitIU ItlllI Itt IHH Jumps 51m Rum socizitioii rights for thcsc farms was tnc ground thc poison biini simi lar to that tltl for cutuoiiii III Iffi III hIjii IUI de Siiiicoc bciiuty contcst will llltllltlt II in lillxlllit oi bran iiiolasscs and pat Is ih Idoiiol ltitld DSO lllt iilill an attempt to stop the grasshoppIis 111Bmk HUMIde GI AI HiltzI AFC Coin invading tlic ticld Smith said lic I1IMI will inicqdifm or the inandiiig tticwI RCA StmnmI bclicvcd ho had 1111 hoppcrs 1tllltl IIIIIfiftItltItuIIg plItIIinttIIilIIIIFlXII IIIIIII Iloidcn and Iiarlcs Evans comm and 30m II IIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIII 1in HI HUI1 Ammo1w CUM til ll LQ it ihdt 101015 hfl Nib dd watcr candidatc in thc last ch limlldo ho Joining tht tobacco IIIIII IIlIICtIImI Ihmlvs DIIVISUII of thrcc ot lhc iicighboring ltltlt l0 12 lollldid Cm about HIIIVIHM will and ML 1de Earl Richardson 0f Vlbtttil ltd vcck but wc will still bc ablc to and it is pimmnd to grow 30 am tuio was tisvd on the grass around and lit llttl soon illitlWIlltl VlitITiltlt 0i Uilll The national titcciiI Salt watcr alsowas uscd in Him mum in 5m Commandant at Bordon Whit II of Bradford Tho comniittcc hopcs rcady for thcin by making siirc MW in mmn ml rillia irprcscntiiig thg Young Shit Cliff IMkhim flnmsm IIIIIIIIIII III II II II II ANCIHIIIIIS In MIIIIII RI BMdI John Woodrow of Ott II REDUCED ROUND acs corc is II caught by IIIIIQIII IIIIII SIIIIIIII IIWII qumm 11 WWW AWMIP list lcirs Queen to Asss IIARIII TR Children Mmi IImImeI will be on hand for this ycars 3in dueIiO if PIXIIV licauty coiitcst btit not as contest va or our arm min on Sior 20 1100 II iiivcstiiig thc iicwaclioscn Miss dm Langton Inca would say that this Ruml SimmoI Hymn on Septmnbm irtI told thit more is no llniti of mm Jim Drinkwuur mum Ilmillly Elitmr II lltl iss it frost in this arcanuitil tuttiSq hlliditlatt and oi don Btlthti of Includes Exhibltion admission and bus transfer direct into and from the Grounds o=o=o===or ant Miss arruthcrs has conscntcd distancc from Nottawasaga Bay take part in the cmvmony of LLA BARR LEAVE IORONIO Compared ml Imps In UK Do you love me more than anything els in the wholeIwide world Why sure Darling Except of course theres honeygolden Honey Golden eh knew it blonde Im going home to mother JHey wait minute mean honeygolden maltyrich ohso wonderful Posts grapeNuts Flattest Oh thats different Sure theyre different That famous GrapeNuts avor is dif ferent from any other cereal avor in the world know knowbecause they re made from tWo grains instead of ope Sui and loaded iiilthcarbm hydrates and minerals and other food essentials You win Go ahead and have another bowlfuland think Ill join you rI crop will be about avtiagc ncithcr fancy iior low gradc Smith con tinued Thc lcavcs arc hcavicr and will weigh considcrably morc tliItnI tobacco around Langton reckon that this crop will run 1800 to 2000 pounds to kiln of 1250 sticks whctcas around Langlon tho avcragc is 1400 to 1600 pounds One thing Smith docs iiol havc to worry about is labor in getting 011 the crop ariaiigcmcnts for this already having been complctcd Smith who is growing his 17th crop in Ontario is an cxpcriciiccd primcr as is his brother liugcnc who is with him on tho farm Prior to living in Norfolk they grow to bacco in North Carolina Also with them is thcir tathcr Smith who is an experienced curcr Smith figures that he will be able tohar vest the crop with six primers One more will be brought from one of the companys farms in Nor folk and three Will be engaged from the district near the farm His wifc and sister Virginia will tie the leaf and it willIbc ncccssary to engage four lcaf handlers and boat driver Smith also gures that it will cost him considerably less to harvest his crop than pit docsIthcIgi0iveis in Norfolk At present he is planning to pay $8 for primers and tiers and $6 for leaf handlers and boat drivers SirAndrew lones Will Open International Plowing Match Oct l3 Owing to the tremendous intcrlt est and the growing list of entries for the International Plowing Match in Victoria County from Oct 12 to 15 it has been neces sary to change the site for the match states Mr Carroll of the IOntario Agricultural Department After survey of the available lands the committee selected new site four miles west of Lind say and mile off Highway No where the farmers in the local ityhave placed close to 600 acres at the disposal of the committee for plowing Headquarters for the 1948 Inter national Plowing Match wjll be on the farm of Jack Chambers where there is large field avail able for the headquarters arrange ments and also for the extensive exhibits of farm machinery and equipment which is One of the major features of this event The plowing will be done on the ad marsethataccomparct setup has been arranged for the match1h if commilfg plans are Well advanced IIand everything points to highly suc cessful event Mr Carroll also announcedthat the 1948 match will be officially opened at pmon Wednesday MARKET lroducc was quitc plcntiful at tho iiiarkct on Saturday and thc curb display was largcr than cvor Cucumbcrs vcic Iplciitiful Pola tocs dropped StitittWllillI in pricc also bcans Egg priccs vcrc un changed There was nice variety ol cut tlowcrs and homcmadc bak ing Apples were in good dcmand and sold quickly So was asked for small truck load of dry 12 inch hardwood Average prices were as follows Eggs according to size and quality tozcil 3570C Boiling fowl lb 40c Spring chickens lb 500 Vegetables Fruits Etc New potatoes Gqt 3035c 75lb bag $180 Grccn pcas dqt 60c Shcllcd qt 45c Radishcs bunch 5c Grccn Onions bunch 5c Leaf lettuce bunch Swiss Chard basket Beans qt iqt basket Welcome lhc ranks of this ycars support crs of thc Chainbcr of Commerce was incrcascd by tho memberships of Ralph Wtaymouth of Worry months Book Store Morrison and icorgc Cadogan of the Bar BccistCarrots bimch 5c 6qt basket 100 Midget thrkins 6ql $150 Cucumbers three Sizes qt 50c 75c $1 Cabbage 525c Raspberries 0x 110C Home Baking Tea Biscuits doz Buns Chelsea buns lics Date cookies doz Date Squares cach farts doz Lread Flowers Plants Cut flowers btinch Fresh lavender glass Gladioli doz Exhibition pzisscngcrs travelling on rcgu lzir buScs will transfer at Toronto Bus Ter Daylight Time initial to buscs running into the Grounds Tickets and Information at Barrie Bus Terminal 73 Collier St Phone 3162 Yes itsgcttingia royal reception everywhere this new steppedup1949MONARCH For its denifelywbigger brocder excitingly lower eIetly owinglyismooth in overv newstyle line All the old designs were scrapped when the neur1949Monarchwasibuiltto new through andtbrougbeWith beautiful new body IIwide Fendersltirts chroma wheel trim rings and white sidewall tires optional at extra cost when available Iltforodfqf mmm gentled by easyriding easy glidingspridgs With new 110 Hp Vtprcylindepengine spark ling new instrument panel builtin ventilating system rich Iupholsteries harmonizdgo tastefu xtcrior COlODW wideicapaCiious trunk Visit your Monarch Dealerlet your eyes feaSt andIlingerII let yourngers feel that Iitch ft Off 33 byd TS AndriaW Jonebil Misti ti Caiiadziile Bumh Food lt FARM HE PIINIUSAI On July 1948 agriculturalwage $540 aaay Without board accord ing to freport published by theI Bureau Agricultural ECOPOmiCS NI Now stop looking so worried Henry IlhatIdclichrybW nggjzlstgtim II Tell 23 39 13 at minute with you We $346 in 1920 and anIaIerrage oi JerseyOld Tyinc ice cream $153 during 193539 At the same date total farIIn employment amounted to 1112mil1ion persons of whom 267 million were hired workers ToIaI ponmenI waSIIIIIO thousand less thgin year agOII al Milk lrom Selectd though the number of hired Work Farm ers isIunchaiiged unions MILw Read ExpminerICIlassiIieds WW That Wonderful II II REMEAM II Ispecial Flavour An arrcumin for this week is gritsgrammars322333 ii=52 FRUIT SAFE ibiefgifliusesIOintnienl 119IDUNLOP 51 and roomy on oneIof thefstrongestrlowest wheel let yocrheartIliftItolthe thrill kinds of framewitha ride as smooth IasIsiller thattellsiyouzIfTbis is thccai forInie1 YOUR urns ours II IEoIRD AND IMONARCH DIVISION roiio MOTOR COMPANYIIOEltANADA llMltEDt IN SHAPES AND SIZES FOR BOTH GIRLS AND BOYS TTICK MOTOR WEverywhereI BARBIE

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