PAGE 315 TOWllIIALL mirth Continued from png one meeting was to be held ed that these of contacted the arctic MILIIONIUIIAII BUILDING Explaining to Mr Thornssir on iris the councillors Lari shown an iii forest in this lgtiliLiiiii Mayor councrl would make look like rrllioi Mr Thomson there vi ic chimneys all uoir bill litti of stout iollai iiirililii that Itv lit be broken tip with horizontal lines He was strongly opposed to iiiiitzrtion stoiis During the tilt1ssitilt Ruvc George lark asked if the couiiczi decision of Deputy Iczk iliii from tli contract which indicated that tin owner ri conferring with the architect to riiakc chang had to abide the architect ton then read by hi served the right sz es Mr Thomson ciuphasircd ed in 1940 and be change now Aid was opposed to stucco Ald Griffin icniiiidcd New CLEANING SERVICE in Barrie Upholstery and licstcrficlds EXIERIIA CLEANED IN YOUR OWN IIQME Ontarios Largest 0n Lo cation Cleaners NO MUSSI SIMCOE RUG Upholstery Cleancrs IIIONE Toronto Elrtltitiit Barrie 4761 His itdil lldll thIriV tiifrut the iizriziirxrs but ldiiig sznce protruding building these vertical lures should Dr gird tectcd and the building should not that the spccificatioiis had llttli accept asked why the Ayics said be Mr Thomson that gttriil changes had been made from the originai spcci fications and hc felt the architect mwrn could have attended more council matings in order that councillors ijwould he in closer touch with the iprogixss and plans llefciraig to changes Reeve ELiarir said the architect had re icon ndcd blown tar with chip ipcd stone but the council would not lune it The Reeve was also sed to stucco and he said he flrc should have building jgtbtitl fitiisli Vi Wiqu Alli Griffin invited the architect to plcbrlll his objections the imitation stone Mr Thom gtliitl the material was absorb rlll and had not fiiill the Icsl of Viiiic It had been on the market onlya few years As an architect he could only endorse products that had been proved by time Mr Glovei of the Cut Stone toriipany said the product would shed water He also spoke of lufllcl qualities of his product and referred to Vtrchnical reports and endorsations ARCIIIIECT UNIMIRESSEI Mr Thomson shbwcd little iii crest in the remarks of Mr Glover and was unimpressed by the statements about the product illc added tiiat he had no use for la product he didnt know anything about Referring to magazine cndorsa tron of the product the architect said aquella had lauded to the skies few years ago in magazine and it was proved to be just another water proofing Why not lcavc me alone to put on stucco asked Mr Thomson Aid Ayrcs said he was not willing to leave the architect alone to put stucco on the building Your concern is votes Mr lhonLson told the councillors Mine is quality Would you be agreeable if this council decided to put on the mutation stone asked the Mayor would not was the prompt reply Ald louchcr emphasized to Mr Thomson that the council was pay ing for the work and the architect would gct his commission Mr Ihoirison declared that his reputa tion as air architect was at stake and if be permitth such coating to housed and it was not Satis factory the blame would be on his shoulders Ald MarjorieV Hamilton pointed out that The majority of council had voted in favor of the cut stone wcck ago and she felt council should go ahead Speaking again Mr Thomson said the imitation stone people lwere asking 5300071iid no specii Io rct Trust An ideal Salesladies Old established firm operating large number of retail candy and pastry stores in Toronto requires few young women and girls to train as salesladies Exocilcut opportunity for advancement Apply by letter to Woolnough 67 Walker Avenue Tor onto Personal interviews will be arranged in Barrie chooionenins Cleaners vff2885 fiINnVBESUREOPTHEVBEST INanANING AND SERVICE RegularSeIvimExceptTreucwCoats 243 days AD SERVICE OR RUSH IVDAY UPANDDELNER been similarlytycars liiiis itili ire pintA IFARMERS DAY srririigiiir it trrti from page one festivities in thil Is llillrdixlil Callithrimp Illlvltl the lilLtllUIl of Tour McCarroll with bands and clowns gtii include many env Iltltliilll the surround ii of the vehicles vill and dare are awards iii lLilll In ilt llt DtSl he Alli wishes to enter one tililt tiIlltd is asked to mail an nitin to the llarrre Chamber trrriree by lucsday Sept The key to the Town of Barrie will be presented to Warden Vaitcr Middleton of Simcoc oun tv ii oiship Mayor Grant tlVor the blockdong street carries the celebration srzrrill hours of the next of rlzitici iriio Ii HOLMES Kt Gr ittiiii widdiiiic and modern was suozr it At is ili irate sticceiuiiziz law cu thousand rural residents Morley Ht Milt runsiii ac hlio isiad llairic on Faririeis july 1pm pith it in year are expected to rc has been the rich of Illitiil ouiiii =t1iri and bring their friends with them Sept will llkfl be the biggest day ilrirrie has seen in lorig long lilllt HEALTH taoan to fir Jir hlsl lititlilltil for somi iycars lie siiccctrlcii his liililti the late it ilclnzcs as trowr Alloitrcy vhcti lllr lattir was at 1tised law in UNIT pointed judge of Smuoc icsuii in Barrio for nuizili of Vuln Ilis family has been long iritiiiilti0PERATING iicd Illl tIlltllll llt oi lluron as his giaiiritathci lllr latc llijl WV It llolincs was countyi Lmdundiom page me treasurer for some years and his HALhnnR HOUSES maternal grandfailiei the late 1h W50 Ume iichdcamii Elwood was iorni lillll it it itll Slilllhl Vcr houses within the County and iihrougri his inspections we have closcd two er rector of St Georges Anglican Church iodcrich lliara coiisultair saiiitii in fications liao liccii mentioned VVYVVVV thV Mm Vim HVVVVispittoi of the Illilllll Depart WVVVVM dVV fVV VV VhVViricnt spent the week of July 12 5bt with the cost of tfllllltlilll llltl linmg TLtmm the mtu Vde Wmn VMViCV VViVVU spcciois in llltll various districts would be nczirlv sl void This km and DL 59 Spent would be contrasted with SLTt iiwmi km of lung Vlmmg the mm mu MU V011iprevrous parttime medical officers getting the benefit of the extra ff hmmh They met 16 me 23 Sprmdp Skim doctors Also during that time they Vcoritactcd 23 of the municipal clerks thc stucco work and tXlllllllClluluking their acquaiinmilqe and how the lilltlllltltlflIlt rnrl coloinimhcimm mp ll 103de tht mg 0le lmmvd Vf LVbthdescnding of statistics for births the pcrinaiincc of such job and maths and maimlgei declared it would enhance the During mommh 88Ch0018gme intents were sent out and to date vertical lines of the building whoring Sillllrrltlllilrl discussion we hm had rcmmlhmh 11 Thomson 10ka Mm voiced about schools All Sl public and separate school inspect Im either the architch or Im orsnvermon lacted andirepl resiwei The architch showed samples of for Toronto on Guaranteed Certicates ISSUED for any amount for term of ve years and interest Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date of at holders option may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest guaranteed both as to principal investment for individuals com panies authorized by law for cemetery boards executors and other trustees THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Head Office Toronto Barrie Office 13 Dunlop Street 37 years In Business UALITYL not There are only iwo ica sons for employing an architect TOWN II of gm Either they feel he knows more TUBERCULOSI We have attempted during the about the job or they dont want to be bothered with the details mum to assess the mmdence Of It seems no bad that vouvC beenilubciculosis within the County VSVVo reasonably satisfied 10 pm Wm ifar we have arrived at no conclusron the interior Why is my judgment whatever As you know the Cage not good enough now Institute hava been carrying on tthouniv ELE IVAL mass survey in puts of ORR during the month of July Contact Thomson also spoke on the was made with DrV ROSSV Super electrical work He recalled that imwdom at GravcnimrgtV regarding his plans had been approved In Clinics andpmcedmes AS men ElfVilgglllalhfoiimVang thhen gm tinned before we have not been on came 1C mun able to arrive at any conclusmn as was dealing mm the HEPC This to how we will conduct our program man took mv plans and tracedl month how Vthem and then presented some id VIll1lgtfm nici amies thing entirely different It was we C1 mu ii icth re lldlll ost most unethical for an engineering have been C0 man to treat another professional rium man in such manan turned from the sana The architect smke of the fix venereal dsease prongam 15V turcs to be installlod in the COUHV the planningstage The muses have cil chambers and said mm would contacted three or four vcnmca be entirely unsatisfactory disease contacts and they have ap Speaking again of the exterior parently been brought undethreat surface of the building Deputy 101 This plogramV Will 100111 Reeve Hart said any imitation great deal of organization would look cheap and he could see the architects View in saying there were enough vertical in the building without adding deaths and horizontal lines clerks except six regarding for and Ald Merrick es will be most inaccurate Voting to uphold the previous motion were Ald Boyd Members absent Laurie Ald James finds municipalities without were Ald Mary Corbett Bylaws municipalities the RAILWAY FINANCE Hamilton Spectator brought undodate We VVare attempting at the presen Canada cannot afford to have her time to make assessments of the needs ofthe variousmunicipalitiesl and hope that in time some com mon program wisdntriid for sin This obviously Will take considl able time and energy to makethe surveys of all the municipalities railways bankrupt 5TiiivouldmI3k our credit structure put impossi ble strains on our whole economy Ihepublic mushmy forincreased costs it is merely puzzle of how the piLLcanVV be sugared No one needs any reminding about the overwhelming importance of rail way health to the people of this country Thelways should not be made the goats of political wrestling match Heavily badgred itaryservicesforther wholeAGoun within this County trying to come back Theyca do the impossibleRoyal Commisx sions or not the staiflof this Health Unit tidifWINfzii minim SOCCER GAMEj fjsiiniiiis AGAINST iRMI FERTILIZER Thursday Aug 19 when DehydeV CERESAN forVSeed Wheat Air Force Sports Day each half while Army ttack to th igured E0 Now IN STOCK Brown to lid SEEDSMEN SINCE 1871 117 minimum Barrie PHONE 2435 counter placing the finishing touches Rugby are not far off the pace 7th cellar BARRIE alumna engage CANADA Tao popular orchestras san care for patients who have re We have approached all municipal wardin to us return on births han marriages We met with cordial reception in every inst With the Mayor in the chair an ance but it will take some time amendment was made to rescind before we are able to get this im thIe previous motion to apply the portant operation to run smoothly imitalimsmne Siding Voting for Obviously most babies are born In the amendment were Deputy Reeve hospitals and until we can get re Hart Ald Eralrck Aid Hambly turns from large centres our figur In assessing the overall picture Reeve Clark Aid in Simcoe County One finds many Ayres Ald Pouchcr Ald Griffin variations in the municipal admin Hamiltony Aid HinCShAId lstraiion of sanitary servrces One any type of ByIaws concerning VsanV and Ald itary services Onefinds in other are quite ancient and will have to be Thisiispurely an interim report and it is hoped that asthe planning goes forwardgne will be able to go into greater detail as tnservic= by wartime pressures theyhghr es which may be expected from Camp Borden RCAF cohsolidab ed theirhold on first place in the Barrie and District Soccer League they emerged om hard fought but cleanly played tilt with the Army on the top eridbfa 20 score The game was played as part of the RCAFr obtained single scores in checking the standstill FordeHorn and Anderson were th mainstays Of the winners as in both counters Horne passed to Anderson in the opening half to put the winners inthe lead and the same twosome combined for the second only with FordeHorne RCAF areclosely followed by while Dalston and Holly Army have managed but one point to lobtain undisputed posseSsion of MINESING OUSTED DEFENCE MINISTER BY COPACO NINE AT CAMP BORDrEN IN SEMIFINALS iiriy tipshoot hurlrr and an ct mound duels ii crlllil ball Monday 23 to givi opoco 54 He Mintsing in the interme ill semifinals The game iluicsrng was the second win for Copaco and it llltlil in thc iinals against lSt icrn lioWLHl was not alone in tlLtl department Earl foxy third baseman for Packers produced three of the min hits obtained by the winners on also stoic home in the sixth riu7g on It passed ball for what poneIi to hcthc winning counter inc it the largest crowds of the reason gathered around the giiissy ls of the Mincsing diamond in tent on seeing tilt which was ugpposcd to hold much feeling litc result was an excellent liriil of ball was played featuring lllli great fielding and above all similsiliallslul prevailed The cori mn cliccis inspired the players although many may have thought iiztcreiii Mrnesing entered the game With victory having to be taken or pack their gear for afiothcr war They played their money on tlic nose of crafty Morley Schmid icn and chc amiable pitcher gave his best cupaco succeeded in capturing senii hits oil his offerings for their ave runs but at least two of the irrarkcrs were unearned lFivc llikitllllS Vwcrci registered by Schaudlcii via his slowbreaking curve ball lick llowe took over in the sctctith for Minesing after Schand lrn showed signs of weakening and allowed one hit in histhrce innings of work Two was his strikcout record Minesings only runs came on home run balls each time with man aboard Bill Adaniszolcd one into ccntic field bushes and Glen iteilby hammered drive to right ccnire territory It was Mincsiiig who opened the scoring managing two rims in the first frame Leadoil batter Ray Miles dropped high ily to left ccntre field which both Ab Bowen and George Storey chased Not scciiig cacti other they collided causing the ball to be dropped and by the time recovery was reached and thc brill thrown tolhe ineld Miles was Sitting on third Bill Adams wandered tojhc plaic tinlithicd from page one Uur program calls for 525000 frirei to provide adequate acconi llrliUll for our service families the Minister soul hope this is the beginning of lllc kind of coin Illiilill life we all want to see in our camps Ilcir ilr flaxton Toioncl Todd and the oatcs family lllvii went in the quarters together to inspch tlu apartments Lraier the new service housing plan there are three typesA and lircreVare no types at Borden There is one large block of Iltypes which were opened early this Spiirigfor ranks WOI up to captains Type are for majors and tip Type are for W02 and llici ranks All the new Type apartments at Borden are not ready as yet but they are steadily nearing completion and families will be moved in as actominodation is available Sgt oatcs was the first to move In in the block of kit All buildings are identical and has four apartments two upstairs two on the main floor There is no basement biit the furnace stokeropcrated is at the rear 05 In each apart the ground floor lilclll iheTe is living room kitchen Willi builtin cupboards shelves and sink tiled bathroom with shower two bedrooms and ample closet space The apart merits are well lighted and venti lated of sturdy block construction The new Type housing block is located just south of the CNR Earl Marshall with his big three hits won batting honors for Copa co while single safeties went to Ray Loughced Ab Bowen George Storey Don Bowen and Wes Ierry Leading the Mincsing attack was Glen Bcilby with two hits One hit each was credited to Ray Miles liarry Adams BillAdanis Charlie Miles and El Crawford Copaco 002 003 0005 Minesing 200 200 0004 foundlaiid with Canada would have with one man out and connected for his circuit clout giving Minc sing 20 lead Copaco failed to hit the sheet in the first or second but they drew to even footing in the third stanza Dangerous Earl Marshall grabbed his second consecutive hit smash ing double to begin the proced ure and Ray Loughecd dropped hunt which wasnt played With Marshall on third Larry Loughccd sent long fly to centre eld on which Marshall scored once the catch was made tallied when Ab Bowen grounded out to third base The homcstefs broke the 22 deadlock in the fourth on two hits Charlie Miles first man to the plate stroked for single and made an easy trip when Beilby obtained his roundtripper The sixth saw Copaco take the lead for the first time in the game after which the reading was sta tionary Don Bowen poled dou ble with oneaway but it appeared he wasat second to stay when Bill Hare popped out to third Wes Perry was the man of the hour with his double bringing Bowen across the plate Earl Marshall followed Vwith another twobase blow VsedriVVrVig Perry and taking third on the throw to the plate As Schandienvwas working on Ray Lougheed ground ball got away from catcher El Crawford allowing Marshall to gain credit for the win ning run The umpiring of Doug Hedger behind the plate and Ivan Gracey on the bases should recoivearound of applause They kept the game under control throughout the nine ever questioned rBLl with Removdble Sluts 1709an Heres newly designed Hoes Venetian Blind with slatsthat can beeaslly removed to cleaning Just remove the slats without dis maniling the blindser simple so easy Made with steel wood or aluminumelatofor blinds up to 67 in width MackL to Measure Free Estimate and In stallation VPrompt Delivery AE SMITH ii DIAL 44 129 Dunlop St Barrie Ray Lougheecl tinnings and not onedecision was IONA NEW PACK CUT WAX THURSDAYIAVGIET 3943 LAND ran SALE Canadian National Railways land South side of Donald Street Barrie Ontario Canadian National Railways is prepared subject to the terms herein to consider offers for the purchase 01 land at Barrie Ontario having frontage of approxi mately 330 feet on the South Side of Donald Street be tween Anne and William Streets being Lots 24 to 28 in clusive Registered Plan 27 having depth of approxim and making title ceptcd Ii BLAIKLOCK Real Estate Department August 6th 1948 Room 1460 Express Bldg 20 York Street Toronto ater 165 feet Plan showing the land to be sold may be seen in the offices of the Superintendent of the Railway at Allnndale Ontario or the undersigned where forms of offer may also be obtained Sealed offers must be distinctly marked on the outside Offer for Barrie Land addressed to the undersigned and received not later than August 3lst 1948 Each offer must be accompanied by an accepted cheque drawn on chartered bank or money order payable to the Canadian National Railways for an amount eqriainoVat least ten per cent of the offer sub mitted tlic baianccVoi the purchase price to be paid by the successful purchase in cash upon acceptance All offers submitted should allow until October list for acceptance or rejection and deposits will be returned in the cases ofoffers not accepted Tire sale will be considered only in an en bloc basis The highest or any offer will not necessarily be ac and lR stations across from Ithc on trade conditions according to llCAl School on an area which answers to Financial Post ques iri war days had no buildings and was used as training ground IIOWBUSINESS MAY BE AFFECTED BY NFLI UNION What immediate business effect may be expected when Newfound land joins Canada Prince Edward Island appears most optimistic as to the effect which union of Newl and that these curtail HIGH QUALITY LOW PRICE ANN PAGE MILK BREAD White or Browii 10c 2402 LQAig FRUITS VEGETABLES Only 0nd Price None Higher FRESH PICKED No BLUEBEREIES CALIFORNIAVVALENCIA No SWEET CORN Approximately 10 Melons TAMIWEE JABIIGTS NEW CROP No IPIITATOES FRESH arias pV mi THIS IS PEAK WEEK FOR BLUEBERRIES BUY AND PRESERVE THEM TODAY 0mm CALIFORNIASEEDLESS No 100s ERATEEEUIT SALMON FLESH SUGAR SWEEfN61 murmurs SNOW WHVITEVVLARGVE HEADS No MARSH GROWNFRESH WASHED No permutations smoked breakfast sliced lb rindless lb peomeoletl sliced lbi thepicelb6gc C0TTHGI30HS aw whole orVhalfV HV WIInnsdinersidiiissV 114 ftssh IT COHOISMMON by wepiece low prices Youll always find VetM flit 11 9rtmberll9inans Dav IONA pectin Added Magazine Now On Sale NEW PACK cHoica mugs 24 BASPBEBBIES 2935 IEATTESSERT niiiiii CLEANER it AaP SOAP r111ltl FANCY CHOICE 344 2002 mm iiiiisiNs Grade 17 ag49c AYLMER 99 bask 23c i4Fflo NEW CROP AUSTRALIAN FRESH CANDY JELLY BEANS VFINECANADIAN 0U CHEESE AYLMER Peciinjddedr sriiiiwnmr ANN PAGE Misiii roar Tin SEEDLESS Jim fats fingme PIVCKLING GV VIV uGONcElVlVlTVRATED mam Redvor Bluebrariilbet is semis2 1b linearity Menus canaiatsjnnest nudity 74 constraints smokedshanklesa 1549 15653 VIV1b62c lb 33 steaks Ib 52 29 CUSTOM GROUND WOODBURYS FACIAL 29 lb tioruiairc Severalothcr maritimch saw fewcr benefits resulting Abol ition of present Newfoundland tar iffs against Canadian goods might create wider market but some observers predicted that the Island might find it necessary to impose new taxes iii lieu of its customs revenues would spending power taxes Newfoundlandcrs in ma WM mwWrmw an 29 35